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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

自尊、人際關係、復原力與大學生的憂鬱行為表現 / A study of self-esteem, interpersonal relationship, resilience and depression of university students

曾筱恬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生自尊、人際關係、復原力及憂鬱行為表現間之關係,乃以大學生558人為研究對象,經運用成人復原力量表、柯氏憂鬱量表、自尊量表及人際關係量表等研究工具,獲得所需資料,再以描述統計、t檢定、皮爾遜績差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析以及階層迴歸分析等方法,進行統計分析。主要研究結果如下: 1. 大學生之整體復原力大致良好;尤其在社會資源、家庭團結、社交能力、未來組織風格以及個人強度等方面的復原力,均有良好的表現。 2. 大學生輕度至中度憂鬱者佔全體大學生的48.10%,且2/3以上的大學生有輕度以上的憂鬱行為表現。 3. 女大學生的「家庭團結」與「社會資源」的復原力表現較男大學生佳。 4. 不同性別、年級的大學生,其自尊與整體復原力之間,均存有顯著中度正相關的關係;而其自尊與憂鬱行為表現之間,均存有顯著中度負相關的關係。 5. 女大學生及大一學生的自尊與「個人強度」復原力之間,存有顯著高度正相關的關係。 6. 不同性別、年級的大學生,其人際關係與整體復原力間,存有顯著中度正相關的關係;而其人際關係與憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著低度負相關的關係。 7. 「自尊」最能有效預測不同性別、年級之大學生的整體復原力及憂鬱行為表現。 8. 人際關係的「自我揭露度」,為預測男女大學生及大一學生復原力的第二高變項。 9. 人際關係的「和諧度」能顯著預測大三學生的復原力。 10. 人際關係的「合作度」,能預測男大學生與年級不同大學生的憂鬱行為表現。 11. 「個人強度」復原力最能預測女大學生及大一學生的憂鬱行為表現。 12. 「社會資源」復原力可預測男大學生與大一學生的憂鬱行為表現。 13. 不同性別、年級大學生的復原力,能在其自尊與憂鬱行為表現間,扮演調節的作用。 14. 不同性別、年級大學生的復原力,能在其人際關係與憂鬱行為表現間,扮演調節的作用。 本研究根據上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships between the university students’ self-esteem, interpersonal relationship, resilience and depression. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the university students in Taiwan, and the valid sample size was 558. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, multiple stepwise regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The major results of the study are as follows. 1. The university students’ resilience and its factors including social resource resilience, family solidarity resilience, social skill resilience, future organizational style resilience and personal strength resilience were all above the medium level. 2. There were 48.1 percent of university students had mild to moderate depression, and two-thirds of university students had mild depression to severe depression. 3. Female students’ family solidarity resilience and social resource resilience were higher than male students. 4. Significant moderate positive correlations were found between university students’ self-esteem and resilience no matter what gender or grade they were. And there were significant moderate negative correlations between their self-esteem and depression. 5. Significant highly positive correlations were found between both female and freshman students’ self-esteem and personal strength resilience. 6. Significant moderate positive correlations were found between university students’ interpersonal relationship and resilience no matter what gender or grade they were. And there were significant moderate negative correlations between their interpersonal relationship and depression. 7. Self-esteem was the most predictive variable of university students’ resilience and depression. 8. The self-disclosure factor of interpersonal relationship was the second predictive variable of resilience of freshman students and both male and female students. 9. The harmonious factor of interpersonal relationship was the most predictive variable of junior students’ resilience. 10. The cooperation factor of interpersonal relationship was the most predictive variable of depression of male students and both freshman and junior students. 11. The personal strength resilience was the most predictive variable of depression of both female and freshman students. 12. The social resource resilience could valid predict both male and freshman students’ depression. 13. The resilience of university students had moderate effect between their self-esteem and depression no matter what gender or grade they were. 14. The resilience of university students had moderate effect between their interpersonal relationship and depression no matter what gender or grade they were. Both academic and practical implications based on the findings and discussions had been provided for the reference of future studies.

The Relationship among Vocabulary Knowledge, Academic Achievement and the Lexical Richness in Writing in Swedish University Students of English

Lemmouh, Zakaria January 2010 (has links)
The main aims of the thesis are: to explore the development of Swedish university students’ vocabulary knowledge, size and depth and vocabulary use (i.e. lexical richness) in their written output, to examine the relationship between these, their relationship to examination grades, and to investigate how these relationships develop over time. The results showed that over one year of university studies stronger links between the two dimensions of vocabulary knowledge, size and depth are established. No relationship was found between informants’ vocabulary size and lexical richness. However, a modest relationship was found between depth and the lexical richness of student essays. Furthermore, there was a modest relationship between vocabulary knowledge and academic performance. A weaker significant, relationship was found between lexical richness of student essays and academic performance as reflected in the course grade. However, the study did not show evidence of a relationship between lexical richness and essay grade, which seems to indicate that lexical richness, is not an essential criterion in teachers’ assessment of essays. In regard to the development of the informant’s vocabulary knowledge, there was a significant growth in their productive size and depth of vocabulary knowledge after both one and two terms. The informants’ receptive size was found to only develop over two terms of study. Moreover, they produced lexically richer essays in their second term than in their first term of study. The results of the study are discussed in light of the effect of similar learning experience at university and the onset vocabulary ability of the informants. Moreover, the findings are discussed from the perspective of pedagogical implications and vocabulary assessment.

Lifestyle changes as related to the risk of coronary heart disease in Chinese students at Oregon State University

Song, Lin, 1960- 22 April 1993 (has links)
This study examined lifestyle changes as related to the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) in Chinese students at Oregon State University (OSU). The study population included male students or scholars from the People's Republic of China who were attending OSU during spring term 1992. Fifty subjects were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire included eight categories of information: (1) bodyweight and blood pressure, (2) diet, (3) alcohol consumption, (4) cigarette smoking, (5) physical activity, (6) psychological stress, (7) acculturation factors, and (8) demographic factors. Results indicated that for this group of Chinese students, bodyweight, consumption of dietary fat, dairy products, soft drinks, and psychological stress had increased significantly during their stay in the US. Meanwhile, the level of physical activity had decreased. These changes, especially if continued, may have the potential to increase their risk of developing CHD. On the other hand, there were no significant changes in blood pressure and alcohol consumption. For cigarette smokers, smoking had decreased. In their responses to the open-ended questions, the reasons given for bodyweight changes included diet, decreased physical activity, and increasing age. Diet changes were attributed to food availability, relative price, and convenience. For decreased cigarette smoking, lack of smoking environment was considered to be the most important factor. Automobile use, limited spare time, and no friend to play with were the reasons for decreased physical activity. Finally, pressure in school, financial difficulty, and worrying about future were considered to be the reasons for increased psychological stress. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the length of US stay and decreased physical activity were significant predictors for bodyweight gain. The length of US stay was also a significant predictor for changes in total dietary fat. Having financial aid from school was associated with decreased physical activity. Living as single was significantly associated with increased psychological stress. This study failed to identify any significant associations between acculturation factors and changes in the CHD risk factors. / Graduation date: 1993

The Role Of Perceived Career Barriers And Gender In Predicting Commitment To Career Choices Of University Students

Balin, Elif 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of gender and perceived career barriers in career commitment of university students. Participants were 437 (231 females, 206 males) volunteered students from the five faculties of Middle East Technical University (METU). A pilot study was carried out with 285 (122 males and 163 females) volunteered students of METU for the adaptation of Commitment to Career Choices Scale (CCCS). The results of exploratory factor analysis yielded a 28&ndash / item scale with two factors / Vocational Exploration and Commitment (VEC) and Tendency to Foreclose (TTF). As for the main purpose of the present study, CCCS was administered to the students together with the Perceived Career Barriers Qustionnaire measured by 11 barriers identified by the researcher as personality characteristics, interests, ability, gender effect, vocational knowledge, economic gain opportunity, employment opportunity, work conditions, other life choices (e.g., marriage, child, etc.), expectations of family and expectations of partner. The results of multiple regression analysis revealed that VEC scores as measured by CCCS were predicted by three independent variables of vocational knowledge, employment opportunities and personality characteristics. This result indicated that the students who had high perception of barrier on vocational knowledge, employment opportunity and personality characteristics had low commitment to their career choices. The second regression analysis revealed that TTF scores as measured by CCCS were predicted only by employment opportunities, indicating that the students who had higher perception of employment opportunity as a barrier also had lower level of tendency to foreclose and they had a tendency to evaluate different career options. Findings are discussed within the framework of career counseling research and practice.

Online Communication And Discussion Environment For The Visually Disabled Students At A Public University

Emiroglu, Bulent Gursel 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to discover the perceptions of the visually disabled students at a public university in Ankara, Turkey for attending and participating in an online communication and discussion environment on the Web to access information and establish social relationships with others. The purpose of this research is six folds: (1) to investigate the current status of the visually disabled university students at a public university in Ankara, Turkey for accessing and using computers and the Internet, (2) to learn the kind of web sites that those students prefer to visit on the Internet, (3) to discover the topics and subject they prefer to see in the Web forum that will be designed and developed for them, (4) to identify the topics and subjects in the Web forum that those visually disabled university students mostly visited for reading, replying and adding new titles under them, (5) to show the effects of the Web forum on the participants for accesing information and establishing social relationships with others, (6) to learn the views and opinions of those visually v disabled university students about that Web forum after actively participating and spending meaningful time in it. In this study, mixed research method is used. The participants of this study were the visually disabled students of a public university in Ankara, Turkey and found by the researcher with the help of an academician colleague working in the Special Education Department under the Faculty of Education in that university. In that university, there were totally 39 visually disabled students and 36 of them accepted to be enrolled in this study on a voluntary basis. Within the scope of the study, &ldquo / EnabledForum - EngelsizForum&rdquo / was designed and developed by the researcher as a communication and discussion environment for those visually disabled university students for enabling them to establish social relationships with others via submitted posts for the topics and subjects of the forum. Moreover, this forum helped those visually disabled university students for accessing up-to-date information from the Web based sources. Finally, the usage logs of the &ldquo / EnabledForum - EngelsizForum&rdquo / helped the researcher to analyse and report which topics and subjects were mostly interested by those visually disabled university students.

The Survivors: Roma University Students In Turkey

Diler, Melike 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT THE SURVIVORS: ROMA UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN TURKEY Diler, Melike M.Sc., Department of Sociology Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. AySe G&uuml / nd&uuml / z HoSg&ouml / r December 2008, 147 pages This study has two aims regarding the Roma university students in Turkey. First, it attempts to discover the characteristics of their life courses in order to identify the success factors paving the way for their participation in higher education, specifically when the low education level of the Roma people, including even their own families, is concerned. Therefore, their socio-economic environment, early childhood years and school experiences are focused and analyzed respectively to expose the actors and processes making their life stories appear as success stories. Second, it aims to expose whether there are differences between the ones involved in the Roma Rights Movement and the ones not involved in terms of their ethnic identity status. That is, most of the better-off Roma, previously, preferred hiding their ethnic identity not to be excluded from participation in social, economic and political spheres. However, the Roma university students participating in the Roma Rights Movement refuse to hide their identity as they do not want to be assimilated, but integrated into the majority society. That point has a first-rate importance, as the low educational level of the Roma people, especially that of the Roma children, are closely associated with the lack of positive role models showing them how and what education pays off. On the basis of the conclusions drawn from the data analysis collected through in-depth interviews, it is exposed that these Roma youngsters demonstrate high levels of agency for their own social inclusion through education. Although they are all supported by their families / most of their Roma school peers dropped out of either primary or high school due to poverty and discriminative attitudes of their teachers and school administrators. The stigma of inferiority attached to the Roma is so strong that the survivors, who manage to attend the high school, hide their ethnic identity from this point onwards. Therefore, the demand of the Roma university students, participating in Roma Rights Movement, for integration into the majority society appears as an exceptional case among the well-educated Roma, but making them the pioneers of a new Roma identity in Turkey: Roma intelligentsia.

University Students

Cebi, Esra 01 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of perceived social support, psychological distress, prior help-seeking experience, and gender on attitudes toward seeking psychological help of university students. In addition to the main purpose / gender, faculty, living arrangement, and year of study differences in attitudes toward seeking psychological help and students&rsquo / knowledge about the psychological counseling services of the METU Health and Guidance Center were investigated. The sample consisted of 417 (223 female, 194 male) undergraduate students of Middle East Technical University. The data was gathered using the scale of Attitudes Toward Seeking Psychological Help-Shortened (ASPH-S), the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and a demographic information form. It was found that nearly half of the participants (47%) had knowledge about the psychological counseling services of the METU Health and Guidance Center. Friends were the most frequently stated sources of help (59%) in times of need for personal problems. Females had more positive attitudes toward seeking psychological help than males. Students of the Faculty of the Arts and Sciences, and students of the Faculty of the Education were found to have more favorable attitudes than of the Faculty of Engineering students. Finally, hierarchical regression analysis showed that perceived social support, prior help-seeking experience, and gender significantly predicted attitudes toward seeking psychological help. However, psychological distress was not associated with help-seeking attitudes.

Moments of realization : the experiences, development, motivations and actions of student social justice allies

Owney, Catherine Sanders 09 February 2011 (has links)
Social justice allies make important contributions to fighting oppression in campus environments and in their communities after college. However, knowledge of how one becomes a social justice ally is limited. This qualitative, phenomenological study was designed in an effort to better understand the social justice ally development process and advances the pioneering work of Broido (1997, 2000). Examination of student’s understanding of her/his formative and college experiences helped determine how each alone and in combination with other factors or experiences, contributed to her/his ally development process. The role of student affairs professionals and programs in this process was also examined. This study was conducted at The University of Texas at Austin, which was selected because of the historical context, institutional environment and diversity-related initiatives implemented over the past 10 years. Review of the literature on ally development reveals that a majority of the existing research focuses on allies who take action against heterosexism or sexism. Through this research project I addressed this gap by including student allies who focus on other areas of privilege/oppression including classism and citizenship status. This study also expands the analysis of social justice allies by including examination of the influence of gender on the development, motivations and actions of allies. / text

Exploring variable-based and case-based approaches to study multiple health behaviours and motivations of Canadian university students

2015 August 1900 (has links)
Health behaviors tend to occur together. However, the research on what factors define and regulate their coexistence within individuals is still limited. There is also no established methodology to investigate regulation mechanisms of multiple health behaviours. The objectives of the study were to explore: 1) co-occurrence of multiple health behaviours (smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, and healthy eating) in a sample of Canadian university students; 2) the role of motivational (e.g., controlled, autonomous and intrinsic motivations), cognitive (e.g., health attitudes and health empowerment), and social contextual (e.g., family and friends) components in these regulation mechanisms; 3) the strengths and limitations of integrating variable-based and case-based methodological approaches to study the coexistence and regulation of multiple health behaviours. The research was based on the theoretical underpinnings of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and a critical realism paradigm. College students (N==238) from the University of Saskatchewan completed a survey in Study 1. Six participants, purposefully selected from the sample were interviewed in Study 2. The most frequent multiple health behaviour cluster was ‘alcohol drinking+physical activity+healthy eating’ (62%; n=143). The results of multiple regression analysis (Study 1) confirmed that intrinsic and autonomous motivations were the best predictors of the frequency of alcohol consumption, physical activity, and healthy eating. Interview analyses in Study 2 also suggested that multiple health behaviours were best self-regulated when motivations were harmonized with individuals’ cognitions and emotions, and supported by their social contexts. Such balance could be achieved by exercising more self-control, making up for one health behaviour via another, or avoiding cognitive dissonance by ‘splitting up’ a negative concept into positive and negative ones (e.g., occasional smoking to release stress versus harmful chain smoking). Both Study 1 and Study 2 results present motivation as a hierarchical structure and provide evidence that motivational regulations across multiple health behaviours are interrelated. The comparative analysis of Studies 1 and 2 demonstrates that the integration of two different methodological approaches and the consilience between their results added to the validity and generalizability of the common findings. Importantly, contradictions in findings highlighted limitations of each methodological approach and were discussed in terms of implications for their methodological refinement.

Las trayectorias de los estudiantes universitarios : un modelo integral = Les trajectoires des étudiants universitaires : un modèle intégré

González Lizárraga, Ma. Guadalupe 10 1900 (has links)
Nous avons développé un modèle qui cherche à identifier les déterminants des trajectoires scolaires des élèves universitaires en articulant deux perspectives théoriques et en utilisant une approche méthodologique mixte en deux phases : quantitative et qualitative. La première phase est basée sur le modèle de Tinto (1992) avec l'incorporation d'autres variables de Crespo et Houle (1995). Cette étape a atteint deux objectifs. Dans le premier, on a identifié les différences entre les variables exogènes (indice économique, l'éducation parentale, moyen au lycée et moyenne dans l’examen d'entrée) et trois types de trajectoires: la persévérante, de décalage et d’abandon. Cette phase était basée sur les données d'un sondage administré à 800 étudiants à l'Université de Sonora (Mexique). Les résultats montrent que ceux qui ont quitté l'institution ont obtenu des scores significativement plus bas sur les variables exogènes. Le deuxième objectif a été atteint pour les trajectoires persévérantes et de décalage, en établissant que les étudiants ont une plus grande chance d’être persévérants lorsqu’ils présentent de meilleurs scores dans deux variables exogènes (l'examen d'entrée et être de genre féminin) et quatre viable endogènes (haute intégration académique, de meilleures perspectives d'emploi, ont une bourse). Dans la deuxième phase nous avons approfondi la compréhension (Verstehen) des processus d'articulation entre l'intégration scolaire et sociale à travers de trois registres proposés par Dubet (2005): l'intégration, le projet et la vocation. Cette phase a consisté dans 30 interviews avec étudiantes appartenant aux trois types de trajectoire. À partir du travail de Bourdages (1994) et Guzman (2004), nous avons cherché le sens de l'expérience attribuée par les étudiants au processus éducatif. Les résultats révèlent cinq groupes d’étudiantes avec des expériences universitaires identifiables : ceux qui ont une intégration académique et sociale plus grande, les femmes travailleuses intégrées académiquement, ceux qui ont les plus grandes désavantages économiques et d’intégration scolaire, ceux qui ont cherché leur vocation dans un autre établissement et ceux qui n'ont pas poursuivi leurs études. L'utilisation de différents outils statistiques (analyse de corrélation, analyse de régression logistique et analyse des conglomérats) dans la première phase a permis d’identifier des variables clés dans chaque type de trajectoire, lesquelles ont été validées avec les résultats de la phase qualitative. Cette thèse, en plus de montrer l'utilité d'une approche méthodologique mixte, étend le modèle de Tinto (1987) et confirme l'importance de l'intégration scolaire pour la persévérance à l'université. / We developed a model that seeks to identify the determinants of university student academic paths articulating two theoretical perspectives trough the use of a mixed methodological approach in two phases: quantitative and qualitative. First, the quantitative model based on Tinto (1992) with the incorporation of other variables from Crespo and Houle (1995). This phase attained two purposes. In the first, were determined the differences between the exogenous variables (economic index, parents’ educational level, high school average and average of the entrance exam) and three types of trajectory: persistent, lagged and attrition. This phase was based on data from a survey applied to 800 students at the University of Sonora (Mexico). The results show that those who left the institution had scores significantly lower at the exogenous variables. The second objective was achieved from the trajectories persistent and lagged. It was found that there is a greater chance of having a persistent trajectory when students have a high academic integration, better scores on the entrance exam, more employment expectations, having obtained a scholarship and being a woman. In the second phase a deeper understanding (verstehen) of the processes of articulation between the academic and social integration was developed through three registers: integration, project and vocation, as proposed by Dubet (2005). This phase consisted in conducting of 30 interviews with students of all three types of trajectories. From the work of Bourdages (1994) and Guzman (2004), we sought the meaning of the experience given by the students to the educational process. The results reveal five groups of students with identifiable college experiences: the ones with highest academic and social integration, the female workers with academic integration, the ones most economically disadvantaged and lower academic integration, those who sought his vocation in a different institution and the ones who dropped out. The use of different statistical tools (correlation analysis, logistic regression analysis and cluster analysis) handled in the first phase identified key variables in each type of trajectory, which were validated with the results of the qualitative phase. This thesis, in addition to showing the usefulness of a mixed methodological approach, extends the Tinto’s model (1987) and confirms the importance of academic integration for persistence in university studies. / Se desarrolló un modelo que pretende identificar las determinantes de las trayectorias estudiantiles universitarias articulando dos perspectivas teóricas mediante un proceso de acercamiento metodológico mixto en dos fases: cuantitativa y cualitativa. La primera fase se fundamenta en el modelo de Tinto (1992) con la incorporación de otros conceptos a partir de Crespo y Houle (1995). Esta fase cumplió dos objetivos. En el primero, se determinaron las diferencias entre las variables exógenas (índice económico, escolaridad de los padres, promedio de preparatoria y promedio del examen de ingreso) y tres tipos de trayectoria: perseverante, rezagada y de abandono. Esta fase se basó sobre los datos provenientes de un sondeo administrado a 800 estudiantes de la Universidad de Sonora (México). Los resultados muestran que quienes abandonaron la institución presentaban puntajes significativamente más bajos respecto a las variables exógenas. El segundo objetivo se alcanzó a partir de las trayectorias perseverante y rezagada; estableciéndose una mayor probabilidad de ser perseverante si presentan mejores puntajes en dos variables exógenas (el examen de admisión y ser mujer) y cuatro variables endógenas (integración académica alta, contar con mayores expectativas de empleo, haber obtenido una beca y no tener deudas). En la segunda fase, se profundizó la comprensión (verstehen) de los procesos de articulación entre la integración académica y social a través de tres registros propuestos por Dubet (2005): integración, vocación y proyecto. Esta fase consistió en la conducción de 30 entrevistas con estudiantes de los tres tipos de trayectoria. A partir de los trabajos de Bourdages (1994) y Guzmán (2004), se buscó el sentido de la experiencia otorgada por los estudiantes a su proceso formativo. Los resultados revelan cinco grupos de estudiantes con experiencias universitarias identificables: los de mayor integración académica y social, las trabajadoras integradas académicamente, los de mayores desventajas económicas y de integración académica, los que buscaron su vocación en otra institución y los que no continuaron estudiando. La utilización de diversas herramientas estadísticas (análisis de correlación, análisis de regresión logística y análisis de conglomerados) manipuladas en la primera fase permitió identificar variables determinantes en cada tipo de trayectoria, que fueron validadas con los resultados de la fase cualitativa. Esta tesis, además de mostrar la utilidad de un acercamiento metodológico mixto, extiende el modelo de Tinto (1987) y confirma la importancia de la integración académica para la perseverancia en los estudios universitarios.

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