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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect Of Jacobian Evaluation On Direct Solutions Of The Euler Equations

Onur, Omer 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
A direct method is developed for solving the 2-D planar/axisymmetric Euler equations. The Euler equations are discretized using a finite-volume method with upwind flux splitting schemes, and the resulting nonlinear system of equations are solved using Newton&amp / #8217 / s Method. Both analytical and numerical methods are used for Jacobian calculations. Numerical method has the advantage of keeping the Jacobian consistent with the numerical flux vector without extremely complex or impractical analytical differentiations. However, numerical method may have accuracy problem and may need longer execution time. In order to improve the accuracy of numerical method detailed error analyses were performed. It was demonstrated that the finite-difference perturbation magnitude and computer precision are the most important parameters that affect the accuracy of numerical Jacobians. A relation was developed for optimum perturbation magnitude that can minimize the error in numerical Jacobians. Results show that very accurate numerical Jacobians can be calculated with optimum perturbation magnitude. The effects of the accuracy of numerical Jacobians on the convergence of flow solver are also investigated. In order to reduce the execution time for numerical Jacobian evaluation, flux vectors with perturbed flow variables are calculated for only related cells. A sparse matrix solver based on LU factorization is used for the solution, and to improve the Jacobian matrix solution some strategies are considered. Effects of different flux splitting methods, higher-order discretizations and several parameters on the performance of the solver are analyzed.

Stabilité de l'équation d'advection-diffusion et stabilité de l'équation d'advection pour la solution du problème approché, obtenue par la méthode upwind d'éléments-finis et de volumes-finis avec des éléments de Crouzeix-Raviart

Mildner, Marcus 30 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
On considère le problème d'advection-diffusion stationnaire v(∇u, ∇v)+( β*∇u, v) = (f, v) et non stationnaire d/dt (u(t), v) + v(∇u, ∇v)+( β*∇u, v) = (g(t), v), ainsi que le problème d'advection (β*∇u, v) = (f, v) sur un domaine polygonal borné du plan. Le terme de diffusion est approché par des éléments de Crouzeix Raviart et le terme de convection par une méthode upwind sur des volumes barycentriques finis avec un maillage triangulaire. Pour le problème stationnaire d'advection-diffusion, la L²-stabilité (c'est-à-dire indépendante du coefficient de diffusion v) est démontrée pour la solution du problème approché obtenue par cette méthode d'éléments finis et de volumes finis. Pour cela une condition sur la géométrie doit être satisfaite. Des exemples de maillages sont donnés. Toujours avec cette condition géométrique sur le maillage, une inégalité de stabilité (où la discrétisation en temps n'est pas couplée à une condition sur la finesse du maillage) est obtenue pour le cas non-stationnaire. La discrétisation en temps y est faite par un schéma d'Euler implicite. Une majoration de l'erreur, proportionnelle au pas en temps et à la finesse du maillage, est ensuite proposée et exprimée explicitement en fonction des données du problème. Pour le problème d'advection, une approche utilisant la théorie des graphes est utilisée pour obtenir l'existence et l'unicité de la solution, ainsi que le résultat de stabilité. Comme pour la stabilité du problème d'advection-diffusion, une condition géométrique - qui est équivalente pour les points intérieurs du maillage à celle du problème d'advection-diffusion - est nécessaire.

Multi-dimensional upwind discretization and application to compressible flows

Sermeus, Kurt 31 January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the further development and analysis of a class of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods for the numerical simulation of compressible flows on unstructured grids, known as Residual Distribution (RD).<p>The RD method constitutes a class of discretization schemes for hyperbolic systems <p>of conservation laws, which forms an attractive alternative to the more classical Finite Volume methods, particularly since it allows better representation of the flow physics by genuinely multi-dimensional upwinding and offers second-order accuracy on a compact stencil.<p><p>Despite clear advantages of RD schemes, they also have some unexpected anomalies in common with Finite Volume methods and an attempt to resolve them is presented. The most notable anomaly is the violation of the entropy condition, which as a consequence allows unphysical expansion shocks to exist in the numerical solution. In the thesis the genuinely multi-dimensional character of this anomaly is analyzed and a multi-dimensional entropy fix is presented and shown to avoid expansion shocks. Another infamous anomaly is the carbuncle phenomenon, an instability observed in many numerical solutions with strong shocks, such as the bow shock on a blunt body in hypersonic flow. The occurence of the carbuncle phenomenon with RD methods is analyzed and a novel formulation for a shock fix, based on an anisotropic diffusion term added in the shock layer, is presented and shown to cure the anomaly in 2D and 3D hypersonic flow problems.<p><p>In the present work an effort has been made also to an objective and quantitative assessment of the merits of the RD method for typical aerodynamical engineering applications, such as the transonic flow over airfoils and wings.<p>Validation examples including inviscid, laminar as well as high Reynolds number turbulent flows <p>and comparisons against results from state-of-the-art Finite Volume methods are presented.<p>It is shown that the second-order multi-dimensional upwind RD schemes have an accuracy which is at least as good as second-order FV methods using dimension-by-dimension upwinding and that their main advantage lies in providing excellent monotone shock capturing. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Robust Least Squares Kinetic Upwind Method For Inviscid Compressible Flows

Ghosh, Ashis Kumar 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Kinetic Streamlined-Upwind Petrov Galerkin Methods for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations

Dilip, Jagtap Ameya January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In the last half a century, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been established as an important complementary part and some times a significant alternative to Experimental and Theoretical Fluid Dynamics. Development of efficient computational algorithms for digital simulation of fluid flows has been an ongoing research effort in CFD. An accurate numerical simulation of compressible Euler equations, which are the gov-erning equations of high speed flows, is important in many engineering applications like designing of aerospace vehicles and their components. Due to nonlinear nature of governing equations, such flows admit solutions involving discontinuities like shock waves and contact discontinuities. Hence, it is nontrivial to capture all these essential features of the flows numerically. There are various numerical methods available in the literature, the popular ones among them being the Finite Volume Method (FVM), Finite Difference Method (FDM), Finite Element Method (FEM) and Spectral method. Kinetic theory based algorithms for solving Euler equations are quite popular in finite volume framework due to their ability to connect Boltzmann equation with Euler equations. In kinetic framework, instead of dealing directly with nonlinear partial differential equations one needs to deal with a simple linear partial differential equation. Recently, FEM has emerged as a significant alternative to FVM because it can handle complex geometries with ease and unlike in FVM, achieving higher order accuracy is easier. High speed flows governed by compressible Euler equations are hyperbolic partial differential equations which are characterized by preferred directions for information propagation. Such flows can not be solved using traditional FEM methods and hence, stabilized methods are typically introduced. Various stabilized finite element methods are available in the literature like Streamlined-Upwind Petrov Galerkin (SUPG) method, Galerkin-Least Squares (GLS) method, Taylor-Galerkin method, Characteristic Galerkin method and Discontinuous Galerkin Method. In this thesis a novel stabilized finite element method called as Kinetic Streamlined-Upwind Petrov Galerkin (KSUPG) method is formulated. Both explicit and implicit versions of KSUPG scheme are presented. Spectral stability analysis is done for explicit KSUPG scheme to obtain the stable time step. The advantage of proposed scheme is, unlike in SUPG scheme, diffusion vectors are obtained directly from weak KSUPG formulation. The expression for intrinsic time scale is directly obtained in KSUPG framework. The accuracy and robustness of the proposed scheme is demonstrated by solving various test cases for hyperbolic partial differential equations like Euler equations and inviscid Burgers equation. In the KSUPG scheme, diffusion terms involve computationally expensive error and exponential functions. To decrease the computational cost, two variants of KSUPG scheme, namely, Peculiar Velocity based KSUPG (PV-KSUPG) scheme and Circular distribution based KSUPG (C-KSUPG) scheme are formulated. The PV-KSUPG scheme is based on peculiar velocity based splitting which, upon taking moments, recovers a convection-pressure splitting type algorithm at the macroscopic level. Both explicit and implicit versions of PV-KSUPG scheme are presented. Unlike KSUPG and PV-KUPG schemes where Maxwellian distribution function is used, the C-KUSPG scheme uses a simpler circular distribution function instead of a Maxwellian distribution function. Apart from being computationally less expensive it is less diffusive than KSUPG scheme.

Desenvolvimento de estratégias de captura de descontinuidades para leis de conservação e problemas relacionados em dinâmica de fluídos / Development of strategies to capture discontinuities for conservation laws and related problems in fluid dynamics

Giseli Aparecida Braz de Lima 23 March 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da solução numérica de problemas em dinâmica dos fluidos usando dois novos esquemas upwind de alta resolução, denominados FDPUS-C1 (Five-Degree Polynomial Upwind Scheme of \' C POT. 1\' Class) e SDPUS-C1 (Six-Degree Polynomial Upwind Scheme of \'C POT.1\' Class), para a discretização de termos convectivos lineares e não-lineares. Os esquemas são baseados nos critérios de estabilidade TVD (Total Variation Diminishing) e CBC (Convection Boundedness Criterion) e são implementados, nos contextos das metodologias de diferenças finitas e volumes finitos, no ambiente de simulação Freeflow (an integrated simulation system for Free surface Flow) para escoamentos imcompressíveis 2D, 2D-1/2 e 3D, ou no código bem conhecido CLAWPACK ( Conservation LAW PACKage) para problemaw compressíveis 1D e 2D. Vários testes computacionais são feitos com o objetivo de verificar e validar os métodos numéricos contra esquemas upwind populares. Os novos esqumas são então aplicados na resolução de uma gama ampla de problemas em CFD (Computational Fluids Dynamics), tais como propagação de ondas de choque e escoamentos incompressíveis envolvendo superfícies livres móveis. Em particular, os resultados numéricos para leis de conservação hiperbólicas 2D e equações de Navier-Stokes incompressíveis 2D, 2D-1/2 e 3D demosntram que esses novos esquemas convectivos tipo upwind polinomiais funcionam muito bem / This dissertation deals with the numerical solution of fluid dynamics problems using two new high resolution upwind schemes,. namely FDPUS-C1 and SDPUS-C1, for the discretization of the linear and non-linear convection terms. The Schemes are based on TVD and DBC stability criteria and are implemented in the context of the finite difference and finite volume methodologies, either into the Freeflow code for 2D, 2D-1/2 and 3D incompressible flows or in the well-known CLAWPACK code for 1D and 2D compressible flows. Several computational tests are performed to verify and validate the numerical methods against other popularly used upwind schemes. The new schemes are then applied to solve a wide range of problems in CFD, such as shock wave propagation and incompressible fluid flows involving moving free msurfaces. In particular, the numerical results for 2D hyperbolic conservation laws and 2D, 2D-1/2 and 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes eqautions show that new polynomial upwind convection schemes perform very well

Accurate Computational Algorithms For Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

Jaisankar, S 07 1900 (has links)
The numerics of hyperbolic conservation laws, e.g., the Euler equations of gas dynamics, shallow water equations and MHD equations, is non-trivial due to the convective terms being highly non-linear and equations being coupled. Many numerical methods have been developed to solve these equations, out of which central schemes and upwind schemes (such as Flux Vector Splitting methods, Riemann solvers, Kinetic Theory based Schemes, Relaxation Schemes etc.) are well known. The majority of the above mentioned schemes give rise to very dissipative solutions. In this thesis, we propose novel low dissipative numerical algorithms for some hyperbolic conservation laws representing fluid flows. Four different and independent numerical methods which give low diffusive solutions are developed and demonstrated. The first idea is to regulate the numerical diffusion in the existing dissipative schemes so that the smearing of solution is reduced. A diffusion regulator model is developed and used along with the existing methods, resulting in crisper shock solutions at almost no added computational cost. The diffusion regulator is a function of jump in Mach number across the interface of the finite volume and the average Mach number across the surface. The introduction of the diffusion regulator makes the diffusive parent schemes to be very accurate and the steady contact discontinuities are captured exactly. The model is demonstrated in improving the diffusive Local Lax-Friedrichs (LLF) (or Rusanov) method and a Kinetic Scheme. Even when employed together with accurate methods of Roe and Osher, improvement in solutions is demonstrated for multidimensional problems. The second method, a Central Upwind-Biased Scheme (CUBS), attempts to reorganize a central scheme such that information from irrelevant directions is largely reduced and the upwind biased information is retained. The diffusion co-efficient follows a new format unlike the use of maximum characteristic speed in the Local Lax-Friedrichs method and the scheme results in improved solutions of the flow features. The grid-aligned steady contacts are captured exactly with the reorganized format of diffusion co-efficient. The stability and positivity of the scheme are discussed and the procedure is demonstrated for its ability to capture all the features of solution for different flow problems. Another method proposed in this thesis, a Central Rankine-Hugoniot Solver, attempts to integrate more physics into the discretization procedure by enforcing a simplified Rankine-Hugoniot condition which describes the jumps and hence resolves steady discontinuities very accurately. Three different variants of the scheme, termed as the Method of Optimal Viscosity for Enhanced Resolution of Shocks (MOVERS), based on a single wave (MOVERS-1), multiple waves (MOVERS-n) and limiter based diffusion (MOVERS-L) are presented. The scheme is demonstrated for scalar Burgers equation and systems of conservation laws like Euler equations, ideal Magneto-hydrodynamics equations and shallow water equations. The new scheme uniformly improves the solutions of the Local Lax-Friedrichs scheme on which it is based and captures steady discontinuities either exactly or very accurately. A Grid-Free Central Solver, which does not require a grid structure but operates on any random distribution of points, is presented. The grid-free scheme is generic in discretization of spatial derivatives with the location of the mid-point between a point and its neighbor being used to define a relevant coefficient of numerical dissipation. A new central scheme based on convective-pressure splitting to solve for mid-point flux is proposed and many test problems are solved effectively. The Rankine-Hugoniot Solver, which is developed in this thesis, is also implemented in the grid-free framework and its utility is demonstrated. The numerical methods presented are solved in a finite volume framework, except for the Grid-Free Central Solver which is a generalized finite difference method. The algorithms developed are tested on problems represented by different systems of equations and for a wide variety of flow features. The methods presented in this thesis do not need any eigen-structure and complicated flux splittings, but can still capture discontinuities very accurately (sometimes exactly, when aligned with the grid lines), yielding low dissipative solutions. The thesis ends with a highlight on the importance of developing genuinely multidimensional schemes to obtain accurate solutions for multidimensional flows. The requirement of simpler discretization framework for such schemes is emphasized in order to match the efficacy of the popular dimensional splitting schemes.

Stabilization Schemes for Convection Dominated Scalar Problems with Different Time Discretizations in Time dependent Domains

Srivastava, Shweta January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Problems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) in deformable domains, t Rd; d = 2; 3; are of fundamental importance in science and engineering. They are of particular relevance in the design of many engineering systems e.g., aircrafts and bridges as well as to the analysis of several biological phenomena e.g., blood ow in arteries. However, developing numerical scheme for such problems is still very challenging even when the deformation of the boundary of domain is prescribed a priori. Possibility of excessive mesh distortion is one of the major challenge when solving such problems with numerical methods using boundary tted meshes. The arbitrary Lagrangian- Eulerian (ALE) approach is a way to overcome this difficulty. Numerical simulations of convection-dominated problems have for long been the subject to many researchers. Galerkin formulations, which yield the best approximations for differential equations with high diffusivity, tend to induce spurious oscillations in the numerical solution of convection dominated equations. Though such spurious oscillations can be avoided by adaptive meshing, which is computationally very expensive on ne grids. Alternatively, stabilization methods can be used to suppress the spurious oscillations. In this work, the considered equation is designed within the framework of ALE formulation. In the first part, Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) finite element method with conservative ALE formulation is proposed. Further, the first order backward Euler and the second order Crank-Nicolson methods are used for the temporal discretization. It is shown that the stability of the semi-discrete (continuous in time) ALE-SUPG equation is independent of the mesh velocity, whereas the stability of the fully discrete problem is unconditionally stable for implicit Euler method and is only conditionally stable for Crank-Nicolson time discretization. Numerical results are presented to support the stability estimates and to show the influence of the SUPG stabilization parameter in a time-dependent domain. In the second part of this work, SUPG stabilization method with non-conservative ALE formulation is proposed. The implicit Euler, Crank-Nicolson and backward difference methods are used for the temporal discretization. At the discrete level in time, the ALE map influences the stability of the corresponding discrete scheme with different time discretizations, and it leads to schemes where conservative and non-conservative formulations are no longer equivalent. The stability of the fully discrete scheme, irrespective of the temporal discretization, is only conditionally stable. It is observed from numerical results that the Crank-Nicolson scheme induces high oscillations in the numerical solution compare to the implicit Euler and the backward difference time discretiza-tions. Moreover, the backward difference scheme is more sensitive to the stabilization parameter k than the other time discretizations. Further, the difference between the solutions obtained with the conservative and non-conservative ALE forms is significant when the deformation of domain is large, whereas it is negligible in domains with small deformation. Finally, the local projection stabilization (LPS) and the higher order dG time stepping scheme are studied for convection dominated problems. The analysis is based on the quadrature formula for approximating the integrals in time. We considered the exact integration in time, which is impractical to implement and the Radau quadrature in time, which can be used in practice. The stability and error estimates are shown for the mathematical basis of considered numerical scheme with both time integration methods. The numerical analysis reveals that the proposed stabilized scheme with exact integration in time is unconditionally stable, whereas Radau quadrature in time is conditionally stable with time-step restriction depending on the ALE map. The theoretical estimates are illustrated with appropriate numerical examples with distinct features. The second order dG(1) time discretization is unconditionally stable while Crank-Nicolson gives the conditional stable estimates only. The convergence order for dG(1) is two which supports the error estimate.

An artificial compressibility analogy approach for compressible ideal MHD: application to space weather simulation

Yalim, Mehmet S. 05 December 2008 (has links)
Ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations are known to have problems in satisfying the solenoidal constraint (i.e. the divergence of magnetic field should be equal to zero, $<p>ablacdotvec{B} = 0$). The simulations become unstable unless specific measures have been taken.<p><p>In this thesis, a solenoidal constraint satisfying technique that allows discrete satisfaction of the solenoidal constraint up to the machine accuracy is presented and validated with a variety of test cases. Due to its inspiration from Chorin's artificial compressibility method developed for incompressible CFD applications, the technique was named as \ / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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