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Producing spatial knowledge : mapmaking in Edinburgh, c.1880-c.1920Feintuck, Anna Jane January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the social and urban history of mapmaking in Edinburgh between c.1880 and c.1920 and argues that cartography, along with the associated printing and publishing industries in the city, provides an effective lens on broader urban concerns. The predominant focus of the archival research is on the family-run firm John Bartholomew & Co., internationally-renowned map publishers during the period. The central questions of the thesis relate to print, knowledge, space and place. The work is grounded, in particular, within urban history and the geography of the book. Chapters are structured around the 'lifecycle' of a map and a re-modelled version of Robert Darnton's 'communications circuit'. Map production can profitably be contextualised within late nineteenth and early twentieth-century Edinburgh. A taxonomy of the contemporary printing and publishing industries shows - following Pierre Bourdieu's theory of the 'field of cultural production' - that it is crucial to understand the economic, industrial and intellectual setting in which cartographers operated. In this respect, mapmaking is viewed as a fundamentally social process, a theme that continues into the factory, where technological developments are considered in the context of workers' experiences. The buildings and spaces in which mapmaking occurred take on epistemological significance: they reflect how ideas about city space were made and the related importance of local knowledge. Changes in the sites and conditions of cartographic production corresponded with the increasing organisation of space shown in maps and fire insurance plans such as those produced by the firm Charles E. Goad. Once maps left the premises, a geographical approach to understanding distribution advances links between production and consumption: the local conditions of their making influenced international, national and local sales networks. Throughout, the thesis emphasises the importance of understanding maps as socially constituted objects. This also allows for new insights into the purchasing, ownership and use of maps. Tracing specific instances of use shows that meaning was not solely shaped by cartographers but also by the ongoing interactions and interventions of owners or readers. Overall, the thesis shows that mapmaking was a continually developing way of understanding the city. This was true for cartographers, city officials, or insurers, each of whose increasingly detailed conception of urban space corresponded with more accurate production practices and the greater availability of printed cartographic material. Mapmaking was also part of a broader move towards the growing documentation of urban places. The forms of cartography examined in this thesis show how codified, empirical systems of knowledge came to occupy a privileged position in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century cities. In particular, mapmaking practices in Edinburgh changed not only how the urban was depicted, but also how city spaces were conceptualised and used.
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Cidades visíveis : para uma história da cartografia como documento de identidade urbanaFialho, Daniela Marzola January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta de tese é problematizar as relações entre a história urbana e a cartografia, mais especificamente, os mapas da cidade de Porto Alegre arrolados como campo e fontes de pesquisa. O tema é a cartografia enquanto produção histórica da cidade e as ferramentas teóricas usadas envolvem “questões” da História Cultural. Centra-se numa problematização que busca “perverter” a maneira clássica de se descrever e analisar as mudanças urbanas, de modo a mostrar que cidades são aí produzidas como ideário de representação, registro de memória, inventário do imaginário, narrativa histórica da geografia e da paisagem urbana. Vistos como discursos, os mapas produzem as identidades e as mudanças do espaço urbano ao longo do tempo, dando visibilidade a significados até então invisíveis, ainda que não ocultos, possibilitando, assim, outras práticas e políticas de intervenção urbana. / The overall objective of this thesis is to problematize the relationship between urban history and cartography, in particular, maps of the city of Porto Alegre listed as sources and field of research. The theme is the cartography while historical production of the city and the theoretical tools used involve “issues” of Cultural History. It focuses on a problematization that seeks to "subvert" the classic way to describe and analyze the urban changes in order to show that cities are produced there as ideas of representation, memory register, inventory of imagery, historical narrative of geography and urban landscape. Seen as speeches, maps produce identities and urban space changes over time, giving visibility to previously invisible meanings, although not hidden, thus allowing, other practices and policies of urban intervention.
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Cidades visíveis : para uma história da cartografia como documento de identidade urbanaFialho, Daniela Marzola January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta de tese é problematizar as relações entre a história urbana e a cartografia, mais especificamente, os mapas da cidade de Porto Alegre arrolados como campo e fontes de pesquisa. O tema é a cartografia enquanto produção histórica da cidade e as ferramentas teóricas usadas envolvem “questões” da História Cultural. Centra-se numa problematização que busca “perverter” a maneira clássica de se descrever e analisar as mudanças urbanas, de modo a mostrar que cidades são aí produzidas como ideário de representação, registro de memória, inventário do imaginário, narrativa histórica da geografia e da paisagem urbana. Vistos como discursos, os mapas produzem as identidades e as mudanças do espaço urbano ao longo do tempo, dando visibilidade a significados até então invisíveis, ainda que não ocultos, possibilitando, assim, outras práticas e políticas de intervenção urbana. / The overall objective of this thesis is to problematize the relationship between urban history and cartography, in particular, maps of the city of Porto Alegre listed as sources and field of research. The theme is the cartography while historical production of the city and the theoretical tools used involve “issues” of Cultural History. It focuses on a problematization that seeks to "subvert" the classic way to describe and analyze the urban changes in order to show that cities are produced there as ideas of representation, memory register, inventory of imagery, historical narrative of geography and urban landscape. Seen as speeches, maps produce identities and urban space changes over time, giving visibility to previously invisible meanings, although not hidden, thus allowing, other practices and policies of urban intervention.
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Cidades visíveis : para uma história da cartografia como documento de identidade urbanaFialho, Daniela Marzola January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta de tese é problematizar as relações entre a história urbana e a cartografia, mais especificamente, os mapas da cidade de Porto Alegre arrolados como campo e fontes de pesquisa. O tema é a cartografia enquanto produção histórica da cidade e as ferramentas teóricas usadas envolvem “questões” da História Cultural. Centra-se numa problematização que busca “perverter” a maneira clássica de se descrever e analisar as mudanças urbanas, de modo a mostrar que cidades são aí produzidas como ideário de representação, registro de memória, inventário do imaginário, narrativa histórica da geografia e da paisagem urbana. Vistos como discursos, os mapas produzem as identidades e as mudanças do espaço urbano ao longo do tempo, dando visibilidade a significados até então invisíveis, ainda que não ocultos, possibilitando, assim, outras práticas e políticas de intervenção urbana. / The overall objective of this thesis is to problematize the relationship between urban history and cartography, in particular, maps of the city of Porto Alegre listed as sources and field of research. The theme is the cartography while historical production of the city and the theoretical tools used involve “issues” of Cultural History. It focuses on a problematization that seeks to "subvert" the classic way to describe and analyze the urban changes in order to show that cities are produced there as ideas of representation, memory register, inventory of imagery, historical narrative of geography and urban landscape. Seen as speeches, maps produce identities and urban space changes over time, giving visibility to previously invisible meanings, although not hidden, thus allowing, other practices and policies of urban intervention.
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3D urban cartography incorporating recognition and temporal integration / Cartographie urbaine 3D avec reconnaissance et intégration temporelleAijazi, Ahmad Kamal 15 December 2014 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, la cartographie urbaine 3D a suscité un intérêt croissant pour répondre à la demande d’applications d’analyse des scènes urbaines tournées vers un large public. Conjointement les techniques d’acquisition de données 3D progressaient. Les travaux concernant la modélisation et la visualisation 3D des villes se sont donc intensifiés. Des applications fournissent au plus grand nombre des visualisations efficaces de modèles urbains à grande échelle sur la base des imageries aérienne et satellitaire. Naturellement, la demande s’est portée vers des représentations avec un point de vue terrestre pour offrir une visualisation 3D plus détaillée et plus réaliste. Intégrées dans plusieurs navigateurs géographiques comme Google Street View, Microsoft Visual Earth ou Géoportail, ces modélisations sont désormais accessibles et offrent une représentation réaliste du terrain, créée à partir des numérisateurs mobiles terrestres. Dans des environnements urbains, la qualité des données obtenues à partir de ces véhicules terrestres hybrides est largement entravée par la présence d’objets temporairement statiques ou dynamiques (piétons, voitures, etc.) dans la scène. La mise à jour de la cartographie urbaine via la détection des modifications et le traitement des données bruitées dans les environnements urbains complexes, l’appariement des nuages de points au cours de passages successifs, voire la gestion des grandes variations d’aspect de la scène dues aux conditions environnementales constituent d’autres problèmes délicats associés à cette thématique. Plus récemment, les tâches de perception s’efforcent également de mener une analyse sémantique de l’environnement urbain pour renforcer les applications intégrant des cartes urbaines 3D. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un travail supportant le passage à l’échelle pour la cartographie 3D urbaine automatique incorporant la reconnaissance et l’intégration temporelle. Nous présentons en détail les pratiques actuelles du domaine ainsi que les différentes méthodes, les applications, les technologies récentes d’acquisition des données et de cartographie, ainsi que les différents problèmes et les défis qui leur sont associés. Le travail présenté se confronte à ces nombreux défis mais principalement à la classification des zones urbaines l’environnement, à la détection automatique des changements, à la mise à jour efficace de la carte et l’analyse sémantique de l’environnement urbain. Dans la méthode proposée, nous effectuons d’abord la classification de l’environnement urbain en éléments permanents et temporaires. Les objets classés comme temporaire sont ensuite retirés du nuage de points 3D laissant une zone perforée dans le nuage de points 3D. Ces zones perforées ainsi que d’autres imperfections sont ensuite analysées et progressivement éliminées par une mise à jour incrémentale exploitant le concept de multiples passages. Nous montrons que la méthode d’intégration temporelle proposée permet également d’améliorer l’analyse sémantique de l’environnement urbain, notamment les façades des bâtiments. Les résultats, évalués sur des données réelles en utilisant différentes métriques, démontrent non seulement que la cartographie 3D résultante est précise et bien mise à jour, qu’elle ne contient que les caractéristiques permanentes exactes et sans imperfections, mais aussi que la méthode est également adaptée pour opérer sur des scènes urbaines de grande taille. La méthode est adaptée pour des applications liées à la modélisation et la cartographie du paysage urbain nécessitant une mise à jour fréquente de la base de données. / Over the years, 3D urban cartography has gained widespread interest and importance in the scientific community due to an ever increasing demand for urban landscape analysis for different popular applications, coupled with advances in 3D data acquisition technology. As a result, in the last few years, work on the 3D modeling and visualization of cities has intensified. Lately, applications have been very successful in delivering effective visualizations of large scale models based on aerial and satellite imagery to a broad audience. This has created a demand for ground based models as the next logical step to offer 3D visualizations of cities. Integrated in several geographical navigators, like Google Street View, Microsoft Visual Earth or Geoportail, several such models are accessible to large public who enthusiastically view the real-like representation of the terrain, created by mobile terrestrial image acquisition techniques. However, in urban environments, the quality of data acquired by these hybrid terrestrial vehicles is widely hampered by the presence of temporary stationary and dynamic objects (pedestrians, cars, etc.) in the scene. Other associated problems include efficient update of the urban cartography, effective change detection in the urban environment and issues like processing noisy data in the cluttered urban environment, matching / registration of point clouds in successive passages, and wide variations in environmental conditions, etc. Another aspect that has attracted a lot of attention recently is the semantic analysis of the urban environment to enrich semantically 3D mapping of urban cities, necessary for various perception tasks and modern applications. In this thesis, we present a scalable framework for automatic 3D urban cartography which incorporates recognition and temporal integration. We present in details the current practices in the domain along with the different methods, applications, recent data acquisition and mapping technologies as well as the different problems and challenges associated with them. The work presented addresses many of these challenges mainly pertaining to classification of urban environment, automatic change detection, efficient updating of 3D urban cartography and semantic analysis of the urban environment. In the proposed method, we first classify the urban environment into permanent and temporary classes. The objects classified as temporary are then removed from the 3D point cloud leaving behind a perforated 3D point cloud of the urban environment. These perforations along with other imperfections are then analyzed and progressively removed by incremental updating exploiting the concept of multiple passages. We also show that the proposed method of temporal integration also helps in improved semantic analysis of the urban environment, specially building façades. The proposed methods ensure that the resulting 3D cartography contains only the exact, accurate and well updated permanent features of the urban environment. These methods are validated on real data obtained from different sources in different environments. The results not only demonstrate the efficiency, scalability and technical strength of the method but also that it is ideally suited for applications pertaining to urban landscape modeling and cartography requiring frequent database updating.
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La plaza en la ciudad histórica. Análisis tipológico de la plaza histórica en la Región de Murcia. Criterios de intervenciónRódenas Cañada, José María 05 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] El objeto de estudio de la presente tesis es la plaza urbana en el contexto de la ciudad histórica, entendida como espacio urbano históricamente configurado y aceptado socialmente como tal. El estudio se centra en la plaza como elemento estructurante de la ciudad, relacionada con su constitución, origen y principios organizadores. Se analizan las intervenciones planificadoras sobre la ciudad histórica tratando de descubrir criterios de intervención en el patrimonio urbanístico aplicables al ejercicio y la práctica profesional, en un estudio centrado en los límites administrativos de la Comunidad de Murcia. La práctica del urbanismo se considera en el marco de este estudio, como una actividad necesitada de criterios de actuación al margen de las determinaciones legales y reglamentarias de obligado cumplimiento. No se trata de expedir recetas, sino de encontrar principios y fundamentos para una práctica urbanística responsable.
Esta tesis quiere servir también para divulgar los valores del patrimonio artístico, maltratado muchas veces por actuaciones incontroladas de la administración, a quien compete poner en marcha programas de recuperación de espacios públicos como piezas significativas de la ciudad histórica, al tiempo que se potencia una "cultura espacial" que contribuya a enriquecer estéticamente nuestro entorno urbano. / [EN] The subject of this thesis is the urban square in the context of the historic city, understood as an urban space historically configured and socially accepted as such. The study focuses on the square as a structuring element of the city, related to its constitution, origin and organizing principles. The planning interventions on the historic city are analyzed trying to discover criteria of intervention in the urban heritage applicable to the exercise and professional practice, with a focus on the administrative limits of the Community of Murcia. The practice of urban planning is considered within the framework of this study as an activity in need of performance criteria outside the legal and regulatory determinations of mandatory compliance. It is not about using pre-made formulas, but about finding principles and foundations for a responsible urban practice.
This thesis also wants to serve to spread the values of artistic heritage, mistreated many times by uncontrolled actions of the government administration, which is responsible for launching recovery programs for public spaces as significant pieces of the historic city, while promoting a "spatial culture" that contributes to aesthetically enriching our urban environment. / Ródenas Cañada, JM. (1994). La plaza en la ciudad histórica. Análisis tipológico de la plaza histórica en la Región de Murcia. Criterios de intervención [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182559
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