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Usage of Business Intelligence : Testing the Technology Acceptance Model on a BI SystemPettersson, Dennis, Arvidsson, Pär January 2012 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) has become an essential part of the modern enterprise, and what used to be thought of as a luxury is now a matter of survival. Recent economic developments have forced companies to rethink their IT investment strategy. BI investments are now targeting the majority of people in the organisation instead of a select few. Thus, it is important to understand why users of a BI system choose to accept and use the system. Previous research has established the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as one of the most powerful and parsimonious models explaining user acceptance and usage behaviour of information technologies. This quantitative study replicates the original TAM study with the purpose to increase the understanding of BI usage, and investigates the behaviour of the users of the BI system QlikView in the case company GE Healthcare. The results showed a lower explanatory power for the model when compared to previous research. This indicates that how useful a user perceives a BI system to be does not affect the amount of usage to the same extent as predicted by TAM. Possible causes for this are discussed, with an emphasis on the influence of what tasks a user is confronted with and the measurement of system use.
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A Study on X, Y Generation Consumers¡¦ Selection and Purchase of New Generation Game ConsolesKao, Chi-hao 27 June 2011 (has links)
The video game consoles was accompanied with players for decades, from the video game consoles of the first generation that have simple screen and hardware, to the video game consoles of the seventh generation that have exquisite screen, online functions, and excellent hardware, players have deep impressions on these video game consoles of every generation. In the market of new generation video game consoles, Wii was favored with consumers after Nintendo began to sale it, because we could use the motion controller to control the games. However, the gap of the quantities of new generation video game consoles was narrowed by the SONY and Microsoft after they started to offer motion controllers, the Playstation Move for PS3 and Kinect for XBOX 360. Therefore, understandingthe factors that affect the intention of X and Y generation consumers, the main consuming group of video game consoles, to purchase new generation video game consoles is the important thing for corporations.
We add perceived playfulness and portraits of the new generation into Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and modify TAM to discuss the factors to affect the intention of X and Y generation consumers to purchase new generation video consoles. The total research effective tests are 202 copies.
The conclusions of this study are presented as follows:
1. X generation consumers pay more attention to perceive usefulness, and Y generation consumers pay more attention to perceived playfulness.
2. Variables that affect X and Y generation consumers most are perceived usefulness, perceived playfulness, portraits of video game consoles and intention of use.
3. TAM is confirmed that it¡¦s suitable for the study on video game consoles.
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Intention Analysis on Use of Electronic Books Based on the Technology Acceptance Model-A Case Study of NSYSU StudentsLin, Hsin-ping 21 July 2011 (has links)
Because of technology and the Internet, books have greatly transformed into e-books. In accord with the trend toward digital content, libraries start to purchase e-books for extending the volumes, and expect to give readers more reading choices.
Whether e-books can be accepted or not relies on cognition of the readers. The purpose of this research is to understand the intentions of using e-books among college students.
Due to their technological characteristics, this research utilizes the Diffusion of Innovation and Technology Acceptance Model to construct the framework of the research. Based on the related bibliography, this research uses questionnaires to collect data for descriptive statistics, test and verify the research hypotheses, and explain the intentions of using e-books.
According to the research results, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use can affect intentions, and between the two independent variables, perceived usefulness has a greater effect. Therefore, libraries can enhance the intentions of using e-books by perceived usefulness. For example, providing the e-books which college students need; on the other hand, teachers can request students for using e-books, and form the habit of using e-books.
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A Study on the Brand Identity and Customer Loyalty- iPhone as an ExampleChu, Ting-Wei 06 October 2011 (has links)
In the recent years, the mobile phone from analog era to the 2G era and more to 3G, mobile phones is not only a single kind of communication products, but also it became an integral part in daily life. Advances in hardware and the popularity of telecommunications providers to provide 3G network service, makes smart phones became convenience and functional. It brings consumers a new experience. In June 2007, Apple led the launch of the iPhone. Its intuitive touch interface, multi-application software, and humanness designs, coupled with value-added services to mobile carrier model, and combined Internet community effect, creates a leading mobile company. Consumers still demand for the smart phones, and drive to the multi-function in the compound-oriented. Thus, a powerful portable devices become a must need. However, in varied mobile phone manufacturers, the most representative product is iPhone. In order to understand the niche market, we have to study the customer loyalty. And, we create literature related subject and conceptual framework for the iPhone users.
In the study, the main structures are how customer satisfaction, brand identity and customer lock-in affect the customer loyalty. And, we will discover the co-related factors of the main frame. However, the point of view for the iPhone user will be also considered if the customer satisfaction (affection) will influence in customer loyalty. The affection factors will be considered as perceived usefulness, ease of use, compatibility and enjoyment. Last, w will reveal the analysis result and implication management.
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Mobile Computing and Project Communication : - mixing oil and water?Löfgren, Alexander January 2006 (has links)
<p>The use of mobile and wireless Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in geographically distributed project organizations appears to be an appropriate application of new technical capabilities in an existing business environment. But to successfully introduce and adopt a suitable mobile ICT-based project communication platform in an existing operational setting involves a complex framework of socio-technical issues that have to be considered.</p><p>This Licentiate thesis presents the results of an ongoing doctoral research project. The study explores the implementation process of mobile computing tools at Sweden’s largest construction company, with the aim of improving information management and project communication of production site operations in construction projects. The research project highlights the interdependencies between the creation of usefulness and its resulting benefits. It emphasizes user-oriented implementation as the enabling process for realizing technology fit and user acceptance of the mobile computing tools, as well as achieving long-term benefit and business value of the ICT investment.</p><p>The studied case specifically addresses the neglected mobile and flexible information needs and communication demands of management staff at construction sites. The fundamental issue is to identify what the usefulness perspective of mobile computing for construction operations consists of relating to both technology and the different groups of people who are supposed to use it. Generic access, mobility of project data and individual adaptation of information and communication resources are technological aspects that are emphasized and discussed in the context of creating usefulness and benefit of mobile computing in construction projects. The often present political dimension of ICT implementation within an organization is also highlighted. The socio-technical introduction and adoption process of mobile computing involves balancing various perspectives and agendas inherent on different organizational levels in order to achieve an acceptable outcome for all the actors involved.</p><p>Topics for further research are discussed and refined relating to the ongoing case study and the conceptual framework presented.</p>
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Factors affecting consumers purchase intentions for digital news : A quantitative study of ResuméPettersson, Christoffer, Söderström, Björn January 2015 (has links)
Companies providing digital news are today struggling with low purchase intentions among their consumers. Over the years, the Internet has become a vital part of how people consume news, and the growth in online consumption has led to a decline in printed circulation. Newspapers all around the world are earning only the minor share of their total revenue from digital operations. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, trust, reputation, word-of-mouth, and willingness to customize on consumer´s purchase intentions for digital news. This study aims to answer to the following research question: What kind of effects do perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, trust, reputation, word-of-mouth, and willingness to customize have on consumers purchase intentions for digital news? In order to answer our research question, we have conducted a quantitative survey that was directed towards the subscribers of Resumé, the leading Scandinavian business magazine in the area of marketing and advertising. Currently, Resumé is struggling with earning money from their digital content and their practical problem provided us with a great opportunity to contribute to the field of research about digital purchase intentions. Purchase intentions are an indicator of a consumer´s approach towards a purchase and prior studies demonstrates that perceived ease-of-use and perceived usefulness, which constitute the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989), are cornerstones in order to predict online consumer behavior. In our study, we also consider willingness-to-customize, which has been found to be an important decision-making factor regarding digital purchase intentions. People’s perceptions of the trust and reputation of a company are also proven to be relevant factors when predicting online consumer behavior, which in turn can be influenced by the word-of-mouth from other consumers, friends and family. Based on our literature review, we can conclude that there is a research gap related to the examination of the effects of these specific factors on consumer´s purchase intentions for digital news. The findings of our regression analyses, based on 234 responses we received through the survey, demonstrate that perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, and word-of-mouth have positive significant effects on consumer´s purchase intentions for digital news. Based on these results, we have developed a revised conceptual model that includes the three factors that were proven to affect digital purchase intentions. Our study makes a theoretical contribution to the research field about digital purchase intentions and online consumer behavior. The study also provides managerial implications concerning how companies can enhance the digital purchase intentions among their consumers. We suggest the practical recommendations directed towards managers in the digital news business in general, and for the managers of Resumé in particularly.
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Ethics in Accounting: Sustainability as a Predictor of Financial Statement UsefulnessShipley, Kyle L. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This paper examines the impact of ethics on financial statement usefulness in 120 publicly traded companies. Because ethics are difficult, if not impossible, to quantify, Corporate Social Responsibility ratings are used as a proxy. The potential implications of this study are vast, though the main idea is that investors would be able to make better financial decisions should the hypothesis come to fruition. Contrarily, investors will also be able to avoid potentially bad investments if they can ascertain certain companies that lack ethical values. In this paper, I will discuss several facets of corporate ethics such as creative accounting in addition to delving deeper into what it means for firms to be sustainable. Using data from the Roberts Environmental Center at Claremont McKenna College in conjunction with financial data from Wharton Research Data Services and panel data techniques, I find that only within the food and beverages industry is there a correlation between ethics and financial statement usefulness. This finding lends distinct support for the hypothesis and also begs the question of how corporate ethics vary between industries.
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Social Usefulness Among Older Adults: Measure Development and Preliminary ValidationGillespie, Alayna 13 September 2011 (has links)
For older adults, engaging in prosocial behaviours such as volunteering, caregiving, and informal helping, may contribute to self-perceptions of social usefulness. Limitations of past research on social usefulness include lack of a clear operationalization of the construct and lack of a psychometrically sound measure. To address these issues, study one was conducted to explore the construct of social usefulness through qualitative, semi-structured interviews with 20 older adults, with varying degrees of prosocial engagement. A thematic analysis illustrated various themes that were associated with perceptions of social usefulness that includes: (a) values and beliefs about social usefulness, (b) the personal need and motivation to be socially useful, (c) the amount of perceived personal social usefulness, (d) the perceived quality of personal social usefulness, and (e) the personal outcomes of social usefulness. These themes were used in study 2 as basis for item development for a scale of social usefulness.
In study 2, social usefulness items were developed from the data extracts (i.e., quotes) and themes from study one. The items were administered to 408 older adults, along with preliminary validation measures. Exploratory factor analysis resulted in a three-factor solution that includes: (a) personal motivation to be socially useful, (b) psychological rewards of social usefulness, and (c) perceived network reliance on special social usefulness. The Older Adult Social Usefulness Scale demonstrated good construct validity, test-retest reliability, and internal consistency. The scale offers an empirically developed measure of social usefulness. The conceptual, theoretical, and practical implications of these findings, along with limitations and future research directions, are discussed.
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Technology acceptance of IKEA mobile applicationVrablova, Adriana, Kalinic, Stjepan January 2015 (has links)
In the past few years, rapid development of mobile technologies has been changing the way people approach purchasing. Using Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1986), the authors believe that IKEA’s furniture mobile application creates a certain value to its users. The study aims at examining the importance of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and compatibility dimensions of IKEA’s app and their impact on consumers’ behavioral intentions to see whether or not they lead to actual purchase. The thesis findings reveal that IKEA mobile application is not widely used. The results should have been applicable for similar companies as IKEA especially those which promote in-store app usage. However, it is not possible since the thesis contradicts the assumption of broad usage of such mobile application. The analysis of the surveys releaved gender having a role in IKEA mobile app perception as well as occupation. The analysis is also contributing by a realization that mobile technologies lead to faster decision-making, more information availability, and therefore, can create better marketing communication strategies.
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Criticising Humanities Today : - Framing Debates on the Value of Humanities in EU Higher Education Policy with a Special Focus on the Bologna Process -Marin, Lavinia January 2014 (has links)
The main research question that this paper aims to answer is: ‘In what does today’s attack on humanities consist and how can humanities be defended?’ In order to answer this research question, one needs first to describe how the humanities have argued for their usefulness before the Bologna Process; second, provide reasons for the claim that the Bologna Process would be a new type of attack; and third, analyse the new defences for the humanities, so as to discuss whether these are suitable. There are several arguments why employability should not be the main interpretation for ‘usefulness’ in education. Some authors argue that the focus on employability is a good excuse for European governments to give up on regulating the labour market, and instead transfer the responsibility on the citizens’ shoulders. If being employed is construed as having employable skills, then the state can only invest in training those skills and, after the education is over, if there are still unemployed people, it means it is their fault they were unemployable. A current debate concerns whether the labour market is too regulated or unregulated; this debate should benefit from taking into account the construction of ‘employability’ through the educational policies in the BP. Others have argued that by constructing the set of employable skills as a response to the demands of today’s labour market, this leaves the future employees incapable of meeting the changed demands in tomorrow’s labour market. Some argue that the labour market’s demands cannot be predicted in principle, and therefore people should construct their life around life-long learning, discarding old skills and gaining new ones as they age. However, this model is oblivious to the fact that a future of the labour market may be dominated by automation, as argued by Luciano Floridi. Employment in sectors of the economy that we today think of as important may not be where the jobs will be created tomorrow. What will it mean in the future for people to have a fulfilling and purposeful life when employment will be reduced to just a few hours a week? We need to remain open to the possibility that the good life of the future will not be the (self-)employed life, the active and mobile model proposed now by the EU. People will need to be active in other fields, not strictly related to bread-winning. Other capacities will need to be used in order to make use of one’s time, and these capacities are now dropped from education in order to construct the employable European citizen. The Bologna ideal of education is more perishable than what first meets the eye. It is connected with a certain view of what it means to be employable, of what the future labour market’s needs will be, and its time dimension is quite narrow. In order to face the challenges of the future labour markets, as BP had claimed it prepares its students to do, one needs a wider understanding of what it means to have a good life. One way of defending the humanities is to claim that it is equivalent to defending a plurality of educational purposes, the right to build one’s life based on an education that is not submitted to the political goals of the day, ultimately the right to have a dissenting voice and a different perspective on life. The main finding of this study was to show that, before deciding what type of education society needs, we need to understand who we are educating through our universities. Taking a stance on “who should we educate?” is prior to being able to judge educational policies. This decision requires a previous justification that requires arguments taken from the field of social justice: Who needs to be educated and who has the right to be educated? Furthermore, we have seen that all answers we have examined to the question underlying educational policies, i.e. ‘who is being educated?’, were linked at some level with the citizenship issue. By defining who is a full citizen, an answer to the question who had the right to a humanistic education was implicitly answered. Nussbaum’s project to universalise the definition of democratic citizenship would ensure a basis for providing humanistic education for all. Such a line of arguing would provide humanities to the well-regarded status they had starting from the Renaissance times, but this time not as a device for exclusion, but inclusion for all. We have tried to show that, by defending the humanities, one defends the idea of a plurality of educational purposes, the right to build one’s life based on an education that is not submitted to the political goals of the day, ultimately the right to have a dissenting voice and a different perspective on life. By defending humanities, one defends the true ‘usefulness’ of education, namely its potential for constructing democratic citizenship for all.
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