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What makes YOU want to purchase? : An explanatory investigation of the relationship between social media content characteristics and consumers' purchase intentionAhlman, Agnes, Jansson, Elin, Bosiacki, Natalie January 2020 (has links)
Background: Social Media Content consists of characteristics by which have been found by previous research to have an influence on consumers' purchase intention. The social media content can be created by any social media user, who are referred to as content creators, whereby the degree of impact the social media content has on consumers' purchase intention is difficult to predict. There are specifically three social media content characteristics that have been shown to be more strongly related to consumers’ purchase intention than others, which are Usefulness, Informativeness and Interactivity. Previous research suggests that further investigation regarding consumers’ purchase intention in relation to the online context is of relevance to research since social media content is an influential factor regarding consumers’ purchase intention, for an increased explanation of consumers’ purchase intention. Purpose: The purpose is to explain the relationship between social media content characteristics and consumers’ purchase intention. Methodology: This explanatory research is using the deductive approach within the quantitative study and following a cross-sectional research design in order to detect patterns from the empirical investigation. Based on a theoretical foundation of previous research, the study presents three hypotheses which by support from the empirical investigation, consisting of 239 responses to a self-completed questionnaire, were either rejected or accepted. Findings: The acceptance of one out of three hypotheses were based on the authors revealing findings about there being a significantly positive relationship between the social media content characteristic Interactivity and consumers’ Purchase Intention. The findings also provide implications that the relationship has been accepted based on a combination of certain aspects. These are that consumers have a desire to take part in online conversations, they want their voice heard by being able to express opinions and also that they will immerse themselves in a social media platform if they find the content of the platform interesting. These findings allowed for the authors to suggest a new modified research model demonstrating the relationship between the social media content characteristic Interactivity and consumers’ Purchase Intention. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, this research provides a conclusion that there is a significant positive relationship between the social media content characteristic Interactivity and consumers’ Purchase Intention
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Building Information Modeling : In the production phase of civil worksKrantz, Frida January 2012 (has links)
Building Information Modeling, abbreviated BIM, is a process of information sharing which enhances communication and which helps in visualizing complex problems in the building industry. BIM has not been used in a larger extent in the production phase of civil works. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate driving forces behind the use of BIM and the resistors against it and to investigate in what ways BIM could be used in the production phase. The theoretical framework is based on one licentiate thesis, two degree projects, three research papers and three books. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used. The interviews were made with a calculator, a supervisor and a CAD planner from Skanska, a constructor and project manager from ELU, a Project Information Officer from Tyréns and a VDC coordinator and VDC business developer from Veidekke who all have been working with BIM. This was to get a good representation from different actors and people with different professional roles. The study shows that the driving forces behind a use of BIM are that it enhances collaboration and communication between the actors, it makes it easier to visualize the project and the scope, and it provides a higher degree of accuracy of coordination’s. BIM also makes the work more effective and results in fewer errors. Above all, BIM give a possibility for a shorter production phase, shorter total project duration and a lower total cost. The study also shows that the resistors against the use of BIM are employee’s negative attitude against administrative work, that it is hard to measure profitability of using BIM, the uncertainty of who has the legal ownership of the data, and who has the responsibility of the accuracy of it. 3 That the implementation cost and the design phase are more expensive is also a resistor against a use of BIM. BIM could be used in visualization with 3D models in collision controls and co-reviews in meetings, work preparations and at site. A workplace outline could also be printed from the 3D model to be placed on the site for visualization. 4D scheduling and 4D animations could be used for visualization in meetings, work preparations and at site. The study showed that quantity takeoff and cost estimation with 5D is only reconciled in the meetings in the production phase and that the programs for it are not needed in this phase. RFID tags could be used at site for logistics and tracking materials, and field verifications could be used to verify that a work task is executed according to exact coordination’s in the 3D model. Furthermore tablet computers could be used for bringing the technique of BIM to the site which enables a better understanding of complex work tasks for the workers. A BIM coordinator who understands the process of working with BIM and who could work as a bridge between the users and the technical development team is important in a successful implementation. The study also shows that the focus of BIM should lie on how to make use of the technique. The examples of how BIM could be used in the production phase of civil works have to be useful and meet the needs and demands of the users. The processes of using 3D models, 4D scheduling, 4D animations, RFID tags, field verifications and tablet computers should therefore be studied thoroughly to find how the technique could be applicable at site, in meetings and work preparations and how it could enhance the daily activities and work tasks. If the demands are met it will be accepted by both the user and the organization. Further research should therefore lie on how 3D models, 4D scheduling, 4D animations, RFID tags, field verifications and tablet computers could be useful in the production phase. These BIM techniques should then be tested on a real project to investigate how the processes could be useful at site, in meetings and in work preparations. Further research should also be made on how countries like Norway, Finland and USA have made use of BIM in the production of civil works.
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The Decision-making Process and Bitcoin : How millennials' perception of what is trustworthy, useful, and safe is changing.Aghajanyan, Sasha January 2022 (has links)
Background: Money has changed many forms throughout human history. About anything has served as money, sea snails, salt, and stones. Money is valuable as long as we believe in its value and are willing to exchange this money for goods and services; it can therefore be viewed as a part of a social convention that changes forms as the way of communication evolves. One of the common trends that have been taking place in social patterns is the increasing gaps between different generations, a particular one being the decrease in financial literacy for every new generation since the silent generation. Moreover, lower levels of financial literacy have been identified with increased indebtedness, lower savings, and increased risk-taking. A negative trend taking place during a time when the economic environment is becoming increasingly complex. Something that has added to the complexity is Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency introduced in 2008 amid the financial crisis. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore how millennials' decision-making process to use Bitcoin occurs, how the individual perception is related to trust, usefulness, and safety, and in turn, explore what affects the perception and how this is related to the decision-making process. Method: This is a qualitative paper that has followed an interpretivism research philosophy, the approach has been inductive, and data has been collected through semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The decision-making process is influenced by perception, which heavily depends on subjective and objective knowledge. Therefore, it is not fiat currencies, Bitcoin, or other alternatives that are changing, but the perception of which options we perceive to be trustworthy, useful, and safe is changing.
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Skatt som en hållbarhetsfråga : En studie om den upplevda användbarheten av ökad transparens kring skatt i hållbarhetsrapporten / Tax as a sustainability issue : A study of the perceived usefulness of increased transparency regarding tax in the sustainability reportKarlberg, Elisa, Liedström, Molly January 2021 (has links)
Att upprätta en hållbarhetsrapport är det idag många bolag som gör, dels på grund av lagstiftning (Direktiv 2014/95/EU), dels för att det efterfrågas av bolagens intressenter (Hadjipetri Glantz, 2020). Genom hållbarhetsrapporter kan bolagen redogöra för sitt ansvar gällande miljömässiga-, sociala- och ekonomiska aspekter. Utöver de lagstadgade krav som återges i Årsredovisningslagen (1995:1554) 6 kap 12 § finns det frivilliga standarder bolagen kan implementera vid upprättning av rapporter, varav GRI tillhandahåller sådana standarder. Denna studie utgår från den nya skattestandarden, GRI 207: Tax 2019, vilken innehåller fyra upplysningar om skatt. Ökad transparens kring information om skatt kan minska risken att företagen blir misstänkliggjorda, varpå företagets och dess intressenters potentiella anseenderisk minskar.Studiens huvudsakliga syfte är att studera investerares upplevda användbarhet av ökad transparens kring skatterelaterad information i hållbarhetsrapporter som den nya standarden GRI 207: Tax 2019 innebär. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer samt dokument som datakälla vilken stärker de uttalanden som respondenterna gav vid intervjuerna. Respondenterna i denna studie utgörs utav tre av Sveriges sex AP-fonder vilka besitter den kunskap och erfarenhet som behövs för att besvara studiens frågeställning på ett tillfredsställande sätt.Studiens slutsatser tyder på att användbarheten av de fyra upplysningarna i GRI 207: Tax 2019 skiljer sig åt. Den första upplysningen, 207-1, om skattestrategi upplevs användbar om bolag är förknippade med någon form av skatterelaterad risk eftersom rapporteringen bidrar till att minska riskerna. Den andra upplysningen, 207-2, om styrning, kontroll och riskhantering är betydelsefull för AP-fonderna eftersom den dels sätter ramarna för hantering av skatt, dels kan användas som stöd i de situationer skatt har adresserats som en utmaning eller risk. Intressentdialog och land-för-land-rapportering som 207-3 och 207-4 behandlar anses som överflödiga, irrelevanta och ohanterbara varpå respondenterna inte upplever dessa användbara. Ökad transparens om skatt är enligt respondenterna positivt genom att det minskar risker samt bidrar till att bolag i mindre utsträckning agerar opassande i förhållande till skatt. Däremot påvisar studiens resultat att ökad transparens kan leda till informationsöverbelastning. / Many companies today create a sustainability report, partly because of legislation (Directive 2014/95 / EU), and partly because it is in demand by the companies' stakeholders (Hadjipetri Glantz, 2020). Through sustainability reports, companies can account for their responsibilities regarding environmental, social and economic aspects. In addition to the statutory requirements set out in the Annual Accounts Act (1995: 1554), Chapter 6, Section 12, there are voluntary standards that companies can implement when preparing reports, of which GRI provides such standards. This study is based on the new tax standard, GRI 207: Tax 2019, which contains four disclosures on tax. Increased transparency regarding information about tax can reduce the risk of companies becoming suspicious, whereupon the companies' and its stakeholders' potential reputational risk decreases.The main purpose of this thesis is to study investors' perceived usefulness of increased transparency regarding tax-related information in sustainability reports that the new standard GRI 207: Tax 2019 entails. The study is based on a qualitative method in the form of semistructured interviews and document analysis which strengthens the statements made by the respondents at the interviews. The respondents in this study consist of three of Sweden's six AP funds which possess the knowledge and experience that are required to answer the study's question in a satisfactory manner.The study's conclusions indicate that the usefulness of the four disclosures in GRI 207: Tax 2019 differs. The first disclosure, 207-1, about tax strategy is perceived as useful if the company is associated with some form of tax-related risk as the reporting helps to reduce the risks. The second disclosure, 207-2, on governance, control and risk management is important for the AP funds because it sets the framework for tax management and can be used as support in situations where tax has been addressed as a challenge or risk. Stakeholder dialogue and country-bycountry reporting included in 207-3 and 207-4 are considered redundant, irrelevant and unmanageable, whereupon the respondents do not find them useful. According to the respondents, increased transparency about tax is positive because it reduces risks and contributes to companies acting to a lesser extent in relation to tax. On the other hand, the results of the study show that increased transparency can lead to information overload.
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The personalization-privacy paradox: personalized ads on social media : Exploring invasive ads on social media, in relation to perceived usefulness, consumer privacy and trustHillqvist, Oliver, Johnsson Östergren, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Background: In the realm of online digital marketing, personalization tailored around the user’s interests are becoming the norm. It is becoming more and more challenging for marketers to get the attention of relevant consumers and get heard through all the noise. While personalized marketing or individually customized advertisements are very prevalent and a norm when browsing the web, its incredible potential as a marketing strategy has not always been obvious. The implications of the internet, coupled with countless technological advances in both hardware and software, have made personalized marketing incredibly effective, hence so prevalent that many techniques are barely noticeable anymore. However, its usefulness towards the consumer is not possible without the same consumer paying with precious personal data, vital for personalization. Personalized advertising on social media sites offers the opportunity to direct ads specifically to user’s, this form of personalized and targeted marketing has raised concerns surrounding user’s privacy. It could have some serious consequences affecting consumer’s privacy, where privacy breaches could collect information without the consumer being aware of it, by clicking on ads. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to get a deeper understanding of how personalized ads on social media are generating feelings of invasiveness to users, in relation to privacy concerns, trust, perceived usefulness and the perceived amount of personalization felt. And what factors that are determining in, if an ad is perceived as either invasive or not by the user. Method: A quantitative method is used to conduct the research, which is used to test objective theories that examines the relationship between variables. In this study a deductive approach was implemented, the hypothesis development was greatly influenced by previous findings from relevant studies and literature. The choice of research design was to use a quantitative cross-sectional research approach, after considering the factors just mentioned above. This is applied to the study by looking at primary empirical data, collected through the use of an online self-completion questionnaire. This study will be using a multivariate analysis including three variables or more, and the data will be measured through a regression analysis, Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) to measure construct validity, and Cronbach’s alpha to measure internal reliability. In the descriptive statistics dispersion and central tendency is analyzed, and the general distribution of the variables is analysed through skewness and kurtosis. contingency tables to analyse the relationship between different variables, and Pearson’s r to examine the relationship between interval and ratio variables. Conclusion: In conclusion, privacy concerns already held by the consumer, plays a huge role in determining whether personalized ads on social media, generates feelings of invasiveness upon the user or not.
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Improving Mobile Phone Banking Usefulness, Usability, Risk, Cost, and Intention to AdoptHebie, Ali Parfait 01 January 2017 (has links)
Millions of people use mobile phone banking daily, and business leaders should understand the factors influencing mobile phone banking adoption among users. Based on the theory of technology acceptance model and the innovation diffusion theory, the purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between usefulness, ease of use, risk, cost, and mobile phone banking adoption in Burkina Faso. One hundred and six mobile phone banking users living in the city of Ouagadougou completed the online survey created to measure consumers understanding of mobile phone banking. Results of the multiple linear regression analysis indicated a statistically significant relationship between the predictor variables and mobile phone banking adoption, F(5,101) = 36.07, p < .001. Three of the predictors contributed significantly to the model, with usefulness recording the highest beta value (Ã? = .692), cost the next highest beta value (Ã? = .225), and ease of use the next highest beta value (Ã? = .173). The 4th predictor, risk, did not contribute significantly to the model, recording a negative beta value (Ã? = -.058). Results may enhance local business leaders' understanding of mobile phone banking adoption, which could result in more effective business strategies to increase the affordability, availability, and quality of mobile banking services for Burkina Faso residents. Development of the mobile phone banking industry could enable business leaders to foster access to affordable financial services for individuals and contribute to the development of Burkina Faso's local economy and trade.
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Evaluation of the Perceived Usefulness and Effectiveness of Psychoeducational Testing Reports at Intermountain Intertribal SchoolFifield, Marvin Bryce 01 May 1982 (has links)
By law and according to conventional practice. individual psychoeducational testing is an essential part of the identification and placement process of handicapped students. However, evidence reported in the literature suggests that testing results, especially in the form of testing reports, are rarely fully utilized.
This study was conducted at Intermountain Intertribal School at Brigham City, Utah and demonstrated a method of collecting objective data about the use of psychoeducational testing reports as well as the opinions and suggestions of staff members who used them. More specifically, this study documented:
1. Who the primary users of testing reports were and for what purposes the reports were used.
2. The clarity, accuracy, utility and adequacy of the reports as perceived by staff members.
3. The extent to which reports provided users with unique information about the student being evaluated.
4. The specificity, reality, applicability, and usefulness of the report recommendations as perceived by staff members.
In spite of the fact that respondents generally found the reports to be free from jargon and judged the reports to be useful in preparing the student's educational program, results indicate that the testing results were used almost exclusively in the placement of the student and preparation of the student's individual education plan. Specific problems were noted in the writing and editing of the reports and recommendations for increasing the use and usefulness of testing reports are given.
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Precision Livestock Farming : A study on ease of use and usefulness / Precision Livestock Farming : En studie på användarvänlighet och användbarhetBehnam, Jalal, Boujrad, Ayoub January 2019 (has links)
Livestock farms have recently experienced a significant growth in their size and this is due to the increase in animal products. This has a technical impact on farmers' daily activities. As there are more animals, it becomes more difficult for the farmers to monitor, take care of and ensure the animals are treated in a healthy manner. The purpose of this study is to examine how farmers are affected by the use of the Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) systems and how they have come to accept the technology. The study will take up an important aspect of the impact and effect of PLF. The aim of the study is to find out how farmers are affected by PLF systems in regard to Ease of Use (EOU) and Usefulness. A total of five semi-structured interviews consisting of two researchers, one product advisor, one support worker and one farmer were conducted. An observation was also conducted along with the farmer and support worker. During the interviews, the participants answered our questions regarding PLF and its EOU and Usefulness. The data was analyzed using a thematic analysis and the results showed that PLF systems are important and useful but need further EOU development. Furthermore, the results showed that the poorly designed user interfaces impact the farmers’ attitude and intention towards using the system, which also affects their attitude towards the Usefulness of the PLF systems. The research confirms the importance of including farmers under the development phase of PLF systems. Lastly, this research might be the foundation for further research on how to improve and develop a more user-friendly PLF system.
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ChatGPT och programmering : En experimentell studie om effektivitet och upplevd användbarhet vid användandet av ChatGPT som hjälpmedel vid programmeringSundell, Klara, Öberg, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The recent widespread global use of ChatGPT has demonstrated immense applications for AI technology. With natural language as input, ChatGPT can generate and describe code in various programming languages. ChatGPT could enable the automation of repetitive tasks, thereby increasing efficiency. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the AI tool ChatGPT is a valuable resource for programmers to use in programming by examining whether the use of ChatGPT as an aid can lead to efficiency gains in programming and exploring how programmers perceive the usefulness of ChatGPT as an aid. In the study, a programmer is defined as a final-year student in the Bachelor’s Programme in Information Systems at Uppsala University. Quantitative data on time on task were collected through an experiment with code tests in the C# programming language to measure efficiency, and a survey based on SUS and ASQ was conducted in conjunction with the experiment to assess the perceived usefulness of ChatGPT. Participants were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups, where the experimental group used ChatGPT as an aid while the control group did not. The experimental group was on average 9.4 minutes faster than the control group, which was statistically significant. The perceived usefulness of ChatGPT was considered high based on SUS and ASQ, as the experimental group scored higher than the control group. The conclusion drawn is that ChatGPT is a valuable tool for programmers in programming, considering efficiency and perceived usefulness.
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A sales person’s perspective : The perceived usefulness of digital solutions in B2B- sellingEriksson, Mary-Ann, Rosqvist, Erik January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to enhance our understanding of how salespeople in B2B organizations perceive the usefulness of digital solutions in their work. The use of digital solutions continues to increase in business-to-business (B2B)-selling. Yet limited research has so far focused on how salespeople in B2B organizations perceive the usage of digital solutions. Previous studies have found that perceived usefulness is effective for understanding user attitudes and intentions, and at large their acceptance and usage of digital solutions. Concurrently, previous studies have found that organizations struggle with ensuring that digital solutions are used according to management’s intentions. Perceived usefulness therefore becomes a door into understanding salespeoples’ perceptions of digital solutions, and ultimately their usage of them. In order to achieve the purpose of this paper, a single case study is used, conducted through semi-structured interviews with a sales unit of a chemical company. Four main conclusions were made based on the findings: there is a need for the salespeople to understand why the digital solutions are relevant for their work, digital solutions can contribute to a higher workload for the salespeople, comprehensive training is important for how digital solutions gets used, and there can exist support for managing problems in the form of expert colleagues. These findings contribute to existing literature by highlighting conditions that influence salespeople’s acceptance and usage of digital solutions, and provide nuanced insights into the way salespeople end up using digital solutions in a certain way.
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