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Flit, fylleri och förbundsstatspotential : En undersökning av den nyzeeländska Sverigebilden i samband med skandinaviska emigranters ankomst till Wellington år 1871Ekholm, Kristofer January 2013 (has links)
This Bachelor’s thesis elucidates the subject of Swedish migration to New Zealand in 1871. Drawing on the work of Anthony Grigg, who has assessed the public opinions regarding the arrival of Scandinavians in 1871-1876, this study aims to highlight the image of Sweden and Swedes conveyed in New Zealand at this time. Through a hermeneutic engagement with newspapers of the day, it is concluded that Swedes in general were being portrayed as industrious, thrifty and well suited for the forestry labour expected of them. It is also shown, however, that Swedes and Sweden to a limited extent were being associated with notorious drinking habits and inferior intellectual abilities. Furthermore, the study highlights what appears to have been a medial difficulty to differentiate between Swedes and Norwegians.
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Från Östernärke till Amerika : Utvandring från Asker, Lännäs och Stora Mellösa: en jämförande analys under 1856-1870, 1881-1895, 1901-1915Warnander, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
From the mid 19th century to the early 20th century about 1.2 million Swedes left Sweden for a new life in America. Three parishes in Örebro län is at the centre of the research of this essay. The time span of this essay ranges from 1856-1915, divided into three periods; 1856-1870, 1881-1895 and 1901-1915. The main objective has been to compare the three parishes with each other, with Örebro län and with Sweden. What I have wanted to examine has been the following: How many people from each parish emigrated during each period? How many were men, women and children up to the age of 15? In the analysis part of the essay the results were compared parish with parish, and with Örebro län and Sweden. The analysis showed that the emigration of three parishes is commensurate with the Swedish emigration history. The years the emigration reached its peak during each time period, does coinsist well with Sweden in general. For example, during the first period, 1856-1870, the emigration reached its peak in 1869, one of the worst years during the famine years. The Swedish emigration has transformed from family emigration to people emigrating on their own, which in my research is verified by the decreasing number of emigrating children.
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Från Östernärke till Amerika : Utvandring från Asker, Lännäs och Stora Mellösa : en jämförande analys under 1856-1870, 1881-1895, 1901-1915 / From Östernärke to America : Emigration from Asker, Lännäs and Stora Mellösa : a comparative analysis during 1856-1870, 1881-1895 and 1901-1915Warnander, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
From the mid 19th century to the early 20th century about 1.2 million Swedes left Sweden for a new life in America. Three parishes in Örebro län is at the centre of the research of this essay. The time span of this essay ranges from 1856-1915, divided into three periods; 1856-1870, 1881-1895 and 1901-1915. The main objective has been to compare the three parishes with each other, with Örebro län and with Sweden. What I have wanted to examine has been the following: How many people from each parish emigrated during each period? How many were men, women and children up to the age of 15? In the analysis part of the essay the results were compared parish with parish, and with Örebro län and Sweden. The analysis showed that the emigration of three parishes is commensurate with the Swedish emigration history. The years that the emigration reached its peak during each time period, does coinsist well with Sweden in general. For example, during the first period, 1856-1870, the emigration reached its peak in 1869, one of the worst years during the famine years. The Swedish emigration has transformed from family emigration to people emigrating on their own, which in my research is verified by the decreasing number of emigrating children.
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”Det var en tyst kamp” : En ekokritisk analys om utvandring och föränderliga system i Vilhelm Mobergs Utvandrarna / ”It was a silent struggle” : An ecocritical analyse about emigration and dynamic systems in Vilhelm Moberg’s The Emigrants (Utvandrarna, 1949)Nilsson, Lina January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to do an ecocritical reading of Vilhelm Moberg’s The Emi-grants from 1949. By asking and answering the three following questions; How does a system present itself, What are the different reasons for emigration; Why does differentsystem fit some well and some not. By using two articles from Green Planets - Ecology and Science Fiction to illus-trate two different views; Different parts value in an ekosystem and The Ship as an ecosystem. I have also created, based on the literary text four different terms concern-ing the dynamic system; Stable, Static, Unstable and Collapsing systems. I have found that all system goes through changes, some drastic, that changes the way the parts of the systems fit with in it. The reason for leaving the system in Småland varies a lot, not only nature, and the drive to feed, is responsible for emigration, also persecutions of religious views and class conflict are apparent. The emigrants also end up in a system that does not fit them very well, the ship Charlotta, in which they must struggle to sur-vive. The conclusion that I arrived at is that change will keep happening and that it is natural for a system to change.
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"Emigrationen tilltar på ett i sanning oroväckande sätt" : en undersökning av pressens rapportering om utvandringen från Sverige till Nordamerika i Smålandsposten och Blekinge Läns Tidning år 1887Lindberg, Anna, Inge, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Hur rapporterades det om utvandringen från Sverige till Nordamerika i svensk press under år 1887? Den här uppsatsen handlar om en undersökning som avser att besvara denna fråga genom att analysera artiklar ur den konservativa dagstidningen Smålandsposten och den liberala dagstidningen Blekinge Läns Tidning från 1887, ett av de år då flest svenskar utvandrade till Nordamerika. Studiens syfte är att genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys och en kvalitativ textanalys svara på hur objektiviteten i utvandrarartiklarna såg ut, i vilka sammanhang och med vilken frekvens som tidningarna rapporterade om emigrationen, hur utvandrarna skildrades i artiklarna, vilka källor som journalisterna använde till sina utvandrarartiklar samt hur skribenterna använde namnsignering i artiklarna. Den kvantitativa studien består av totalt 306 analyserade tidningsnummer, i vilka 122 artiklar berör Amerikaemigrationen. Dessa 122 utvandrarartiklar har analyserats kvalitativt utifrån undersökningens frågeställningar. Analyserna har baserats på tidigare forskning om utvandringen från Sverige till Nordamerika samt tidigare forskning om journalistik, främst svensk presshistoria. Undersökningen visar bland annat att den vanligast förekommande rapporteringen om emigrationen i Blekinge Läns Tidning var korta texter som beskrev emigranternas avresor från Göteborg till Amerika medan texter om emigrantöden och ovanliga händelser var den vanligast förekommande rapporteringen i Smålandsposten. Den största delen av de emigrantartiklar som de båda tidningarna publicerade under år 1887 var neutralt vinklade. Smålandsposten var dock mer kritisk till emigrationen än Blekinge Läns Tidning, vilket syns i det faktum att Smålandsposten publicerade betydligt fler negativt vinklade emigrantartiklar än Blekinge Läns Tidning, ofta skrivna med en avskräckande ton och med formuleringar som: ”Emigrationen tilltar på ett i sanning oroväckande sätt” (Smålandsposten, 1887-02-26), varifrån uppsatsen har fått sin titel. Undersökningen visar också att de båda tidningarnas sätt att skildra utvandrarna på påminde om varandra, bortsett från att det skrevs mer om utvandrarnas motiv till att emigrera i Blekinge Läns Tidning än i Smålandsposten.
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Svensk Hembygd eller Hemsk Svenskbygd : En studie av stereotyper bland svenskar som emigrerade till Amerika / Swedish Homeland or American Homestead : A study of stereotypes among Swedes who emigrated to AmericaKarlsson, Jannike January 2013 (has links)
The survey aims to investigate and analyze how the image of Sweden and "Swedish character” is produced in the correspondence between Swedish immigrants and family at home, compared to how the image of America and the U.S. is produced. The starting point is the concept of identity, which is shaped by the social group a person belongs, which can lead to stereotypes are formed. How does the Emigrant describe his new life in letters home to Sweden? What comparisons are made? What memories are passed from the time at home? How does the picture changes over time? How does the stereotypes change over time? The material used are remnants and secondary sources in the form of correspondence between emigrants and their relatives back home. This has been analyzed and compared based on the concept of identity, ethnicity and stereotyping theory. The survey results show that the emigrants in one way ore another are unhappy in their new country. However, by using strategies in the form of various stereotypes they successfully sustain their visions and defend their choices.
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Det förlofvade landet : En brevanalys av Amerikabrev 1850-1870 / The Promised Land : A Letter Analysis of America Letters 1850-1870Tyni, Jan-Erik January 2014 (has links)
The Promised land – A letter analysis of America letters from 1850-1870 This essay is about the Swedish emigration to America. This essay will focus on the period 1840-1870, where the main focus will be the american civil war, and what the immigrants wrote back to their relatives in Sweden. This study will also focus on the integration of Swedish immigrants. My main question are what did the swedes write back to Sweden during the war? And how did it differ from the period before and after the war? But also can a war assimilate a immigrant faster than it would be done without the war? The conclusion that has been made is that the war did help the swedish immigrants to integrate much faster than usually. Also the study shows that the language before the war was of that character that they where missing home whereas it shows that after the war it had completley turned around, instead of wanting to go back to Sweden, they wanted their relatives to come over to America.
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Från Piteå till Nordamerika : En undersökning om emigrationen från Piteå stadsförsamling och Piteå landsförsamling till Nordamerika 1867-1877, 1885-1895, 1900-1910Siikavuopio, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Från land till land : svenska kvinnors erfarenheter av att transmigrera mellan Sverige och USAKusmin, Elin January 2007 (has links)
<p>I debatter om invandring fokuseras ofta på problemrelaterade områden som flyktingskap och konflikter mellan etniska grupper. Ett mindre uppmärksammat område inom både mediedebatt och forskning är migration mellan västerländska länder. Denna uppsats utforskar svenska kvinnors erfarenheter av att vara invandrare i USA. Den undersöker också vilka utmaningar och problem som svenska invandrare kan stöta på om de återvänder till Sverige efter många år utomlands. Teman som platsanknytning, etnisk och kulturell gruppgemenskap, främlingskap, tradition och symbolism diskuteras i uppsatsen. De kulturella skillnaderna i synen på jämställdhet mellan de båda länderna diskuteras också. Resultaten baseras på intervjuer med elva kvinnor som alla har erfarenheter av att migrera till USA.</p> / <p>In discussions about immigration the debate usually concentrates on problem related areas like refugees and conflicts between ethnic groups with large cultural differences. A neglected area in the media debate as well as the academic field is the migration between Western countries. This thesis explores the experiences of Swedish women as immigrants in the USA. It also examines which problems and difficulties Swedish immigrants may experience when returning to their home country after several years abroad. Themes like place attachment, ethnic and cultural belonging, alienation, tradition and symbolism are discussed in the thesis. The issue of different cultural views on gender is also discussed in the analysis. The results are based on interviews with eleven women with experiences of migrating to the USA.</p>
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The role of ethnicity in care of elderly Finnish immigrants /Heikkilä, Kristiina, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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