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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic resource balancing in virtualization clusters / Dynamic resource balancing in virtualization clusters

Grafnetter, Michael January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the problem of resource load balancing in virtualization clusters. Another aim was to implement a pilot version of resource load balancer for the VMware vSphere Standard-based virtualization cluster. The thesis also inspected available commercial and open source resource load balancers and examined their usability and effectiveness. While designing the custom solution, a modification of the greedy algorithm has been chosen to be used to determine which virtual machines should be migrated and to select their target hosts. Furthermore, experiments have been conducted to determine some parameters for the algorithm. Finally, it was experimentally verified that the implemented solution can be applied to effectively balance virtualization server workloads by live migrating virtual machines running on these hosts.

Evaluation of virtual servers for use incomputer science education : Utvardering av virtuella servrar f ör användning inom undervisning i datateknik

Jernlås, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Virtual servers are being increasingly utilized in higher education forclient computers, this thesis investigates if virtualization could also bebeneficial for servers. By providing three general models (the first beingthe current situation and the two latter leveraging virtualization) andevaluating each, a broad sense of the applicability, possibilities andremaining problems of introducing server virtualization is provided.For one specific course, TDDD27 - Advanced web programming, amore concrete analysis is done and specific recommendations are pro-vided.The conclusion is that there are still more work to be done, butboth of the proposed models are possible and suitable for some courses.Their introduction should have several positive effects, for instancefairer courses and more focus on the subject at hand.

Server pro správu klíčů v prostředí vSphere 7.0 / Key Management Server for vSphere 7.0 Environment

Dejmal, David January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to create a functional Key Management Server (KMS) with basic functionality for the vSphere 7.0 platform. It should communicate with vCenter and together provide the functionality to encrypt individual virtual machines. Commercial solutions in this area are very expensive and therefore the question arose whether the entire server can be implemented using freely available tools. Since vCenter uses the publicly available KMIP protocol to communicate with KMS, it turns out to be possible. The resulting implementation is based on the Ubuntu 20.04 operating system. The PyKMIP library for python 3.9 was used for the application logic and ETCD as storage. To connect the application and storage, a custom module was created. Bash scripts were created for whole installation and all of the necessary configuration. The overall result is fully functional and no flaws were found during testing. This work was done in cooperation with Master Internet, s.r.o.

Jämförelse av Hypervisor & Zoner : Belastningstester vid drift av webbservrar

Nyquist, Johan, Manfredsson, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Virtualisering av datorer rent generellt innebär att man delar upp hela eller delar av enmaskinkonfiguration i flera exekveringsmiljöer. Det är inte bara datorn i sig som kanvirtualiseras utan även delar av det, såsom minnen, lagring och nätverk. Virtualiseringanvänds ofta för att kunna nyttja systemets resurser mer effektivt. En hypervisorfungerar som ett lager mellan operativsystemet och den underliggande hårdvaran. Meden hypervisor har virtuella maskiner sitt egna operativsystems kärna. En annan tekniksom bortser från detta mellanlager kallas zoner. Zoner är en naturlig del avoperativsystemet och alla instanser delar på samma kärna, vilket inte ger någon extraoverhead. Problemet är att hypervisorn är en resurskrävande teknik. Genom att användazoner kan detta problem undkommas genom att ta bort hypervisorlagret och istället köramed instanser som kommunicerar direkt med operativsystemets kärna. Detta ärteoretiskt grundande och ingen tidigare forskning har utförts, därmed påkallades dennautredning. För att belysa problemet använde vi oss av Apache som webbserver.Verktyget Httperf användes för att kunna utföra belastningstester mot webbservern.Genom att göra detta kunde vi identifiera att den virtualiserade servern presterade sämreän en fysisk server (referensmaskin). Även att den nyare tekniken zoner bidrar till lägreoverhead, vilket gör att systemet presterar bättre än med den traditionella hypervisorn.För att styrka vår teori utfördes två tester. Det första testet bestod utav en virtualiseradserver, andra testet bestod av tre virtuella servrar. Anledningen var att se hur de olikateknikerna presterade vid olika scenarion. Det visade sig i båda fallen att zonerpresterade bättre och att det inte tappade lika mycket i prestanda i förhållande tillreferensmaskinerna. / Virtualization of computers in general means that the whole or parts of a machineconfiguration is split in multiple execution enviornments. It is not just the computeritself that can be virtualized, but also the resources such as memory, storage andnetworking. Virtualization is often used to utilize system resources more efficient. Ahypervisor acts as a layer between the operating system and the underlying hardware.With a hypervisor a virtual machine has its own operating system kernel. Anothertechnique that doesn't use this middle layer is called zones. Zones are a natural part ofthe operating system and all instances share the same core, this does not provide anyadditional overhead. The problem with hypervisors is that it is a rescource-demandingtechnique. The advantage with zones is that you should be able to avoid the problem byremoving the hypervisor layer and instead run instances that communicate directly tothe operating system kernel. This is just a theoretical foundation. No previous researchhas been done, which result in this investigation. To illustrate the problem we usedApache as a web server. Httperf will be used as a tool to benchmark the web server. Bydoing this we were able to identify that the virtualized server did not perform quite aswell as a physical server. Also that the new technique (zones) did contribute with loweroverhead, making the system perform better than the traditional hypervisor. In order toprove our theory two tests were performed. The first test consisted of one virtual serverand the other test consisted of three virtual servers. The reason behind this was to seehow the different techniques performed in different scenarios. In both cases we foundthat zones performed better and did not drop as much performance in relation to ourreference machines.

Vzdálené připojení na virtualizovaný operační systém / Remote connection to virtualized operating system

Veselý, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the new IT trend – virtualization. Below are described the types of virtualization, as well as different implementations of it. In the following chapters there will be described the TCP and ICMP protocols, as well as the SSH services. The last part of this work is dedicated to measurements where there will be highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of virtualization.

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