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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Limited Effectiveness of Psoralen- and Ultraviolet-Inactivated Vaccinia Virus on Shiv Infection

Glenn, L. Lee 17 October 2013 (has links)
Excerpt: The title and conclusions of the study recently published by Jones et al. (1) concluded that monkeys were protected from dying from a form of simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) by an psoralen- and ultraviolet-inactivated vaccinia virus in a multi-envelope DNA-VV-protein (DVP). However, the findings in the study are more equivocal than indicated by the title because the effectiveness of the modified vaccinia virus was not decisively demonstrated.

Preparation of Divalent and Trivalent Antigens for Immunogical Studies on Degranulation of Mast Cells and Preparation of Ceragenins for Antiviral Studies Against Vaccinia Virus.

Geng, Dianliang 20 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
CHAPTER 1 Aggregation of receptors for IgE (Fc RI) causes mast cells and basophils to release preformed contents of granules, including histamine and a variety of enzymes. This process, called degranulation plays a central role in allergic reactions. Methods to study this process are to create multivalent ligands which can interact with the receptors and, in turn, lead to aggregation of the receptors. We prepared a series of fluorophore-labeled divalent and trivalent antigens to study the degranulation of mast cells. Trivalent antigens proved to be much better stimulators for degranulation of mast cells than divalent antigens. These results indicate that aggregates formed by trivalent antigens are more complicated than those of divalent antigens. CHAPTER 2 Membrane-active antibiotics include antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and a class of amphiphilic steroids termed ceragenins. Recent studies of membrane-active antibiotics show that cationic, facially amphiphilic molecules could disrupt bacterial membranes. It was found recently that some antibiotics, including AMPs and ceragenins, may share both antibacterial and antiviral activity. We prepared a series of ceragenins to optimize the antiviral activity of ceragenins against vaccinia virus (VV). The results show that ceragenins exhibit potent activity against VV, protect keratinocytes against VV-mediated cell death, and preferentially target the virus. It also shows that antibacterial and antiviral activities do not correlate with each other. Although ceragenins show good antiviral activity against VV, the mechanism for this activity still remains unclear.

Vergleich von rekombinanten Vaccinia- und DNA-Vektoren zur Tumorimmuntherapie im C57BL/6-Mausmodell

Johnen, Heiko January 2002 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Tumorimpfstoffe auf der Basis des Plasmid-Vektors pCI, modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) und MVA-infizierten dendritischen Zellen entwickelt und durch Sequenzierung, Western blotting und durchflußzytometrische Analyse überprüft. Die in vivo Wirksamkeit der Vakzinen wurde in verschiedenen Tumormodellen in C57BL/6 Mäusen verglichen. Die auf dem eukaryotischen Expressionsvektor pCI basierende DNA-Vakzinierung induzierte einen sehr wirksamen, antigenspezifischen und langfristigen Schutz vor Muzin, CEA oder beta-Galactosidase exprimierenden Tumoren. Eine MVA-Vakzinierung bietet in den in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Tumormodellen keinen signifikanten Schutz vor Muzin oder beta-Galactosidase exprimierenden Tumoren. <br /> <br /> Sowohl humane, als auch murine in vitro generierte dendritische Zellen lassen sich mit MVA &ndash; im Vergleich zu anderen viralen Vektoren &ndash; sehr gut infizieren. Die Expressionsrate der eingefügten Gene ist aber gering im Vergleich zur Expression in permissiven Wirtszellen des Virus (embryonale Hühnerfibroblasten). Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß eine MVA-Infektion dendritischer Zellen ähnliche Auswirkungen auf den Reifezustand humaner und muriner dendritischer Zellen hat, wie eine Infektion mit replikationskompetenten Vakzinia-Stämmen, und außerdem die Hochregulation von CD40 während der terminalen Reifung von murinen dendritischen Zellen inhibiert wird. Die während der langfristigen in vitro Kultur auf CEF-Zellen entstandenen Deletionen im MVA Genom führten zu einer starken Attenuierung und dem Verlust einiger Gene, die immunmodulatorische Proteine kodieren, jedoch nicht zu einer Verminderung des zytopathischen Effekts in dendritischen Zellen. <br /> <br /> Die geringe Expressionsrate und die beobachtete Inhibition der Expression kostimulatorischer Moleküle auf dendritischen Zellen kann für eine wenig effektive Induktion einer Immunantwort in MVA vakzinierten Tieren durch cross priming oder die direkte Infektion antigenpräsentierender Zellen verantwortlich sein.<br /> <br /> Durch die Modifikation einer Methode zur intrazellulären IFN-gamma Färbung konnten in vakzinierten Mäusen tumorantigenspezifische CTL sensitiv und quantitativ detektiert werden. Die so bestimmte CTL-Frequenz, nicht jedoch die humorale Antwort, korrelierte mit der in vivo Wirksamkeit der verschiedenen Vakzinen: DNA vakzinierte Tiere entwickeln starke tumorantigenspezifische CTL-Antworten, wohingegen in MVA-vakzinierten Tieren überwiegend gegen virale Epitope gerichtete CD4 und CD8-T-Zellen detektiert wurden.<br /> <br /> Die Wirksamkeit der pCI-DNA-Vakzine spricht für die Weiterentwicklung in weiteren präklinischen Mausmodellen, beispielsweise unter Verwendung von MUC1 oder HLA-A2 transgenen Mäusen. Die Methoden zur Detektion Tumorantigen-spezifischer CTL in 96-Loch-Mikrotiterplatten können dabei zur systematischen Suche nach im Menschen immundominanten T-Zell-Epitopen im Muzin-Molekül genutzt werden. <br /> <br /> Der durchgeführte Vergleich der auf den Vektoren pCI und MVA basierenden Vakzinen und die Analyse neuerer Publikationen führen zu dem Ergebniss, daß vor allem DNA-Vakzinen in Zukunft eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung von aktiven Tumorimpfstoffen spielen werden. Rekombinante MVA-Viren, eventuell in Kombination mit DNA- oder anderen Vektoren, haben sich dagegen in zahlreichen Studien als wirksame Impfstoffe zur Kontrolle von durch Pathogene hervorgerufenen Infektionserkrankungen erwiesen. / In this study, tumor vaccines based on the plasmid pCI, the attenuated vaccinia virus strain modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) and MVA-infected dendritic cells were constructed and characterized by sequencing, Western blot and flow cytometric analysis. The efficiency to induce tumor immunity in vivo was compared in several C57BL/6 mouse tumor models. Naked DNA Vaccination based on the eukaryotic expression vector pCI did induce very effective, antigen-specific and long-term protection against tumor cell lines expressing mucin, CEA or beta-Gal whereas MVA vaccination did not elicit protective immunity against Mucin or beta-Gal expressing tumors. MVA does infect human or murine in vitro generated dendritic cells very efficiently compared to other viral vectors, however expression levels of the inserted antigens in dendritic cells are significantly lower than in permissive host cells (chicken embryo fibroblasts). <br /> <br /> It could be shown that the effect of MVA infection on the maturation status of dendritic cells is similar to the effects described for dendritic cells infected with replication competent vaccinia strains. In addition it was shown that the upregulation of the important costimulatory molecule CD40 through LPS stimulation is strongly inhibited in MVA infected cells. During passage in tissue culture, MVA has accumulated a number of large deletions, including a number of immunomodulatory molecules and resulting in a strong attenuation. However the strong cytopathic effect on dendritic cells is maintained. <br /> <br /> The low level of expression and the effect on dendritic cell maturation may be responsible for the failure of MVA to induce tumor immunity through either cross presentation or direct infection of antigen presenting cells.<br /> <br /> To detect and quantify tumor-antigen-specific CTL a method based on intracellular IFN-gamma staining was modified and it could be shown that the cellular &ndash; but not the humoral &ndash; response does correlate with in vivo protection: DNA but not MVA vaccines do induce high levels of tumorantigen-specific CTL whereas MVA-vaccines do induce strong and long lasting CD4 and CD8-T-cell responses against vaccinia antigens. <br /> <br /> The excellent protection induced by pCI-DNA-vaccination in different tumor models does encourage us to further investigate the elicitation of tumor immunity in MUC1 or HLA-A2 transgenic mice. In mice transgenic for human MHC-I, the IFN-gamma staining protocol could be used to systematically screen for mucin T-cell epitopes that are relevant in humans.

Analysis of Human Appendiceal Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Samples Infected with Oncolytic Viruses

Zerhouni, Siham 11 December 2013 (has links)
Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC), the intra-abdominal dissemination of malignancy, is equated with a 5-year survival of 15%, depending on the source. Appendiceal PC is a challenge to treat as cancer cells are embedded in copious amounts of mucin and are difficult to target. Oncolytic viruses (OVs) preferentially replicate and lyse cancer cells and present a targeted, novel strategy for PC. The hypothesis of this study is that appendiceal PC will show variable susceptibility to OVs and that protein expression in these tumours will predict OV replication efficiency. Human appendiceal PC infected ex-vivo with 4 different OVs displayed variable infectivity and replication by fluorescence microscopy and plaque assay. Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed differential expression of IRF3, pERK and TK in tumour compared to normal appendix. No correlation of protein expression with viral replication was observed. Personalizing OV therapy will be critical in the optimization of future care of patients treated with this modality.

Analysis of Human Appendiceal Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Samples Infected with Oncolytic Viruses

Zerhouni, Siham 11 December 2013 (has links)
Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC), the intra-abdominal dissemination of malignancy, is equated with a 5-year survival of 15%, depending on the source. Appendiceal PC is a challenge to treat as cancer cells are embedded in copious amounts of mucin and are difficult to target. Oncolytic viruses (OVs) preferentially replicate and lyse cancer cells and present a targeted, novel strategy for PC. The hypothesis of this study is that appendiceal PC will show variable susceptibility to OVs and that protein expression in these tumours will predict OV replication efficiency. Human appendiceal PC infected ex-vivo with 4 different OVs displayed variable infectivity and replication by fluorescence microscopy and plaque assay. Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed differential expression of IRF3, pERK and TK in tumour compared to normal appendix. No correlation of protein expression with viral replication was observed. Personalizing OV therapy will be critical in the optimization of future care of patients treated with this modality.

Vliv interferon regulujícího faktoru 3 na imunitní odpověď proti viru vakcínie v atopickém organismu / Effects of the Interferon regulatory factor 3 on immune responses to vaccinia virus in the atopic organism

Pilná, Hana January 2019 (has links)
Vaccinia virus (VACV) is an enveloped DNA virus, member of the Orthopoxviridae genus. VACV genome size is about 200 kbp. This huge genome capacity allows VACV to encode a set of factors that are non-essential for virus replication and spread in vitro. While these factors are needed for interfering with host immune responses, VACV remains strongly immunogenic. Cell-mediated and humoral immune responses in atopic disorders are deregulated to a certain extent, leading to complications in case of infection or vaccination with vaccines based on replicating viruses, such as eczema vaccinatum caused by VACV. VACV effects on immune responses consist among others in the inhibition of expression of type I interferon (IFN) at various levels - for example in a specific inhibition of phosphorylation of the interferon regulatory factor-3 (IRF-3) via inhibition of the activity of TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK 1) that normally phosphorylates IRF-3. Phosphorylation allows IRF-3 to translocate into the nucleus where it initiates transcription of IFNβ followed by induction of expression of IFN and interferon stimulated genes. Expression of these genes is shut down when IRF-3 activity is inhibited. To overcome this block, a recombinant VACV expressing murine IRF-3 under VACV p7.5 promotor (WR-IRF3) was generated....

Viral Control of SR Protein Activity

Estmer Nilsson, Camilla January 2001 (has links)
<p>Viruses modulate biosynthetic machineries of the host cell for a rapid and efficient virus replication. One important way of modulating protein activity in eukaryotic cells is by reversible phosphorylation. In this thesis we have studied adenovirus and vaccinia virus, two DNA viruses with different replication stategies. Adenovirus replicates and assembles new virions in the nucleus, requiring the host cell transcription and splicing machinieries, whereas vaccinia virus replicates in the cytoplasm, only requiring the cellular translation machinery for its replication. </p><p>Adenovirus uses alternative RNA splicing to produce its proteins. We have shown that adenovirus takes over the cellular splicing machinery by modulating the activity of the essential cellular SR family of splicing factors. Vaccinia virus, that does not use RNA splicing, was shown to completely inactivate SR proteins as splicing regulatory factors. SR proteins are highly phosphorylated, a modification which is important for their activity as regulators of cellular pre-mRNA splicing. We have found that reversible phosphorylation of SR proteins is one mechanism to regulate alternative RNA splicing. We have demonstrated that adenovirus and vaccinia virus induce SR protein dephosphorylation, which inhibit their activity as splicing repressor and splicing activator proteins. We further showed that the adenovirus E4-ORF4 protein, which binds to the cellular protein phosphatase 2A, induced dephosphorylation of a specific SR protein, ASF/SF2, and that this mechanism was important for regulation of adenovirus alternative RNA splicing.</p><p>Inhibition of cellular pre-mRNA splicing results in a block in nuclear- to cytoplasmic transport of cellular mRNAs, ensuring free access of viral mRNAs to the translation machinery. We propose that SR protein dephosphorylation may be a general viral mechanism by which mammalian viruses take control over host cell gene expression.</p>

Viral Control of SR Protein Activity

Estmer Nilsson, Camilla January 2001 (has links)
Viruses modulate biosynthetic machineries of the host cell for a rapid and efficient virus replication. One important way of modulating protein activity in eukaryotic cells is by reversible phosphorylation. In this thesis we have studied adenovirus and vaccinia virus, two DNA viruses with different replication stategies. Adenovirus replicates and assembles new virions in the nucleus, requiring the host cell transcription and splicing machinieries, whereas vaccinia virus replicates in the cytoplasm, only requiring the cellular translation machinery for its replication. Adenovirus uses alternative RNA splicing to produce its proteins. We have shown that adenovirus takes over the cellular splicing machinery by modulating the activity of the essential cellular SR family of splicing factors. Vaccinia virus, that does not use RNA splicing, was shown to completely inactivate SR proteins as splicing regulatory factors. SR proteins are highly phosphorylated, a modification which is important for their activity as regulators of cellular pre-mRNA splicing. We have found that reversible phosphorylation of SR proteins is one mechanism to regulate alternative RNA splicing. We have demonstrated that adenovirus and vaccinia virus induce SR protein dephosphorylation, which inhibit their activity as splicing repressor and splicing activator proteins. We further showed that the adenovirus E4-ORF4 protein, which binds to the cellular protein phosphatase 2A, induced dephosphorylation of a specific SR protein, ASF/SF2, and that this mechanism was important for regulation of adenovirus alternative RNA splicing. Inhibition of cellular pre-mRNA splicing results in a block in nuclear- to cytoplasmic transport of cellular mRNAs, ensuring free access of viral mRNAs to the translation machinery. We propose that SR protein dephosphorylation may be a general viral mechanism by which mammalian viruses take control over host cell gene expression.

The Innate Immune Response to Vaccinia Viral Infection

Martinez, Jennifer Ashley January 2010 (has links)
<p>Vaccinia virus (VV) is the most thoroughly studied member of the Poxviridae family and the vaccine used to achieve the only successful eradication of a human disease. Over the years, it has proven itself as a useful tool for the study of antiviral immunity, vaccine development, and potentially cancer immunotherapy. VV is capable of eliciting a robust immune response; however the mechanisms by which VV accomplishes this task remain unknown. The overall goal of this thesis project is to determine how VV activates the innate immune system, and how this activation contributes to viral clearance in vivo. We determined that VV or VV-DNA activated the TLR8-MyD88 pathway in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC), resulting in the production of type I interferons (IFN). We also demonstrated that TLR8-mediated production of type I IFN by pDC was crucial to efficient VV control and clearance in vivo. Moreover, we identified the polyA- and polyT-rich sequences in VV-DNA was the possible motif recognize by TLR8. Type I IFN, known for ability to establish the "antiviral state", are also critical mediators of NK cell activation. In the setting of VV infection, we demonstrated that direct action of type I IFN on NK cells, but not accessory cells such as DC, was necessary for NK cell activation in vivo. We further demonstrated that type I IFN-dependent activation of NK cells was required for optimal VV clearance in vivo. Given the importance of NK cells in anti-VV innate immunity, we next examined what role the TLR2-MyD88 pathway, critical for activation of cDC, played in the activation of NK cells. NK cells from TLR2-/- or MyD88-/- mice displayed a reduction in activation and cytolytic function, and this defect was independent of pro-inflammatory cytokine signaling. We were able to demonstrate that direct TLR2 signaling on NK cells was required for their optimal activation and function in response to VV infection. Moreover, we were able to demonstrate that TLR2-MyD88 signaling resulted in the activation of the PI3K-ERK pathway, which was necessary for NK cell cytotoxicity. In addition, we identified the NKG2D pathway as critical for efficient NK cell activation and function in response to VV infection, independent of the TLR2 pathway. Both the NKG2D and TLR2 pathways were crucial for optimal VV clearance and control in vivo. Collectively, this project illuminates the roles and mechanisms of the innate immune system in the control of VV in vivo.</p> / Dissertation

Mechanisms of Host-Range Function of Vaccinia Virus K1L Gene: a Dissertation

Bradley, Ritu Rakshit 13 July 2005 (has links)
The KIL gene of vaccinia virus encodes for a host range protein; in the absence of which, the virus is unable to grow in certain cell lines (RK-13 and some human cell lines). KIL function can be complemented in RK-13 cells by the cowpox host range gene product CP77 despite a lack of homology between the two proteins except for ankyrin repeats. We investigated the role of ankyrin repeats ofthe K1L gene in the host-range restriction of growth in RK-13 cells. The growth of a recombinant vaccinia virus, with the K1L gene mutated in the most conserved ankyrin repeat, was severely impaired as evidenced by lack of plaque formation and reduction in viral titers. Infection of RK-I3 cells with the mutant recombinant vaccinia virus resulted in total shutdown of both cellular and viral protein synthesis early in infection, indicating that the host restriction mediated by the ankyrin repeat is due to a translational block. A comparison of the cellular localization of the K1L wild type and mutated forms showed no difference, as both localized exclusively in the cytoplasm of RK-I3 cells. We also investigated the interaction of the vaccinia virus K1L protein with cellular proteins in RK-13 cells and co-immunoprecipitated a 90 kDa protein identified as the rabbit homologue of human ACAP2, a GTPase-activating protein with ankyrin repeats. Our result suggests the importance of ankyrin repeat for host-range function of K1L in RK-13 cells and identifies ACAP2 as a cellular protein which may be interacting with K1L.

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