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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthese und Charakterisierung niedervalenter Actinoidphosphidtelluride und ternärer Selen-Halogenid-Komplexe des Iridiums

Stolze, Karoline 28 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Metallpniktide und -chalkogenide erfahren zunehmend mehr Aufmerksamkeit in Chemie und Festkörperphysik. Dieses Interesse liegt unter anderem in der ungewöhnlichen Strukturchemie der Verbindungen begründet. In den Pniktogen(Pn)- bzw. Chalkogen(Q)-reichen Verbindungen dieser Systeme ist besonders häufig die Bildung der jeweiligen Oligo- oder Polyanionen bzw. Moleküle zu beobachten. Einerseits können die homoatomaren Pn–Pn- bzw. Q–Q-Bindungen zur Ausbildung niederdimensionaler Strukturmotive mit anisotropen Eigenschaften, wie bspw. Supraleitung und Metall-Halbleiter-Übergänge, führen; andererseits ergeben sich aus dem sterischen Raumanspruch der Struktureinheiten in Kombination mit den hohen Koordinationszahlen schwerer Übergangs- oder Actinoidmetalle komplexe Strukturen. Die Pn- bzw. Q-Atome treten häufig gemischtvalent auf, was zusammen mit den beschriebenen Strukturmerkmalen die enorme Variabilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit dieser Stoffsysteme widerspiegelt. Im Rahmen des ersten Teils der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die potentielle Oligoanionenbildung in den bisher als quadratisch-planar beschriebenen Phosphidschichten von Actinoidphosphidtelluriden diskutiert. Über eine chemische Transportreaktion mit Iod ist es gelungen Kristalle des Uranphosphidtellurids UPTe und des verwandten, bisher unbekannten Diuranphosphidditelluridoxids U2PTe2O zu züchten und die Kristallstrukturen durch Einkristallröntgendiffraktometrie aufzuklären. Die Strukturen beider Verbindungen können durch eine Abfolge von [U2P2]- und [Te2]-Schichten, bzw. [U2P2]-, [U2O2]- und [Te2]-Schichten entlang [001] beschrieben werden. Die Phosphoratome in den [U2P2]-Abschnitten bilden eine Schicht parallel ausgerichteter P2-Anionen. Die Zusammenlagerung der Phosphoratome sowie die geordnete Ausrichtung der Hanteln bedingt eine Symmetriereduktion der ursprünglich tetragonal angenommenen Struktur mit fehlgeordneten Phosphoratomen hin zu einem Strukturmodell in der monoklinen Raumgruppe I11m. Bindungsanalysen im Realraum mit Hilfe des Elektronen-Lokalisierbarkeits-Indikator (ELI D) ergaben für UPTe in der monoklin verzerrten Struktur ein zusätzliches Doppelmaximum auf der gedachten Linie zwischen den Phosphoratomen P1 und P2, welches als homoatomare P–P-Bindungen interpretiert werden kann. Zudem konnte über eine Festkörpersynthese die ternäre Verbindung Thoriumphosphidtellurid ThPTe erhalten werden, deren Pulverröntgendaten ein zu UPTe analoges Strukturbild zeigt. Wenngleich die Fehlordnung in der Phosphorschicht von ThPTe experimentell nicht aufgelöst werden konnte, war es durch Raman-Spektroskopie möglich, die Existenz der P2 Hanteln sowohl in ThPTe als auch in UPTe zu belegen. Beide isotype Verbindungen können in ionischer Grenzschreibweise als A4+ + ½ P24– + Te2– (A = Th, U) formuliert werden. Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die vielfältige Strukturchemie neuer Selen-Halogenid-Komplexe des Iridiums insbesondere hinsichtlich ihrer Oligoselenidliganden sowie koordinativ gebundener Selenmoleküle dargelegt. Durch die Aktivierung von elementarem Iridium in Selentetrahalogenid-Schmelzen konnten erstmalig Verbindungen im System Ir–Se–Br dargestellt und die Strukturvielfalt im System Ir–Se–Cl signifikant erweitert werden. Die synthetisierten ein- bis achtkernigen Iridium(III)-Komplexe zeichnen sich durch eine bemerkenswerte Diversität ihrer Liganden aus, die von Halogenidionen, Selenmono- und Selendihalogenid-Einheiten über zyklische Selenmoleküle bis zu Oligoselenidketten reicht. Die variablen Verknüpfungsmoden dieser Liganden erweitern zusätzlich das Spektrum möglicher Komplexformen und -größen. Die kleinsten, dargestellten ternären Iridiumkomplexe a-fac-[IrBr3(SeBr2)3], m-fac-[IrBr3(SeBr2)3] und mer-[IrBr3(SeBr2)3] besitzen ausschließlich endständige Selendibromid- und Bromidliganden, die sich in ihrer Konfiguration unterscheiden. In den isotypen, zweikernigen Iridiumkomplexen [Se9(IrX3)2] (X = Cl, Br, Cl/Br) wird ein ungeladener, unter den Allotropen des Selens unbekannter Se9-Ring in Kronen-Konformation durch zwei IrX3-Moleküle stabilisiert. Der cyclo-Nonaselenligand ist der erste seiner Art, der mittels Röntgenbeugung am Einkristall charakterisiert werden konnte. Se9(IrCl1.66(1)Br1.34(1))2 repräsentiert zudem die erste quaternäre Verbindung in den Systemen M–Se–Cl–Br (M = Platinmetalle). Die ringförmigen, vier- und sechskernigen Komplexe [Ir4Se10Br16] sowie [Ir6Se8Cl30] und [Ir6Se6Cl30] zählen zu den größten Ringstrukturen unter den Chalkogen-Halogeniden der Platinmetalle. Ihre intramolekulare Verknüpfung wird unter anderem durch µ-verbrückende X–-Anionen und sehr seltene (SeX)–-Einheiten realisiert. Die verwandten [Ir6Se8Cl30]- und [Ir6Se6Cl30]-Ringe können als molekularer Ausschnitt der aus [IrCl6/2]-Oktaedern bestehenden Honigwabenstruktur von alpha-IrCl3 beschrieben werden. Die achtkernigen Iridiumkomplexe [Ir8Se28Br14] und [Ir8Se40Br10] bilden über die sechsfach-verbrückenden Se22–-Hanteln und die vierfach-verbrückenden Se42–-Ketten sehr große, ellipsoide Moleküle aus, die stark einem Ausschnitt aus der Netzwerkstruktur von Ir3Se8 ähneln. Beide Komplexe unterscheiden sich lediglich in ihren apikal koordinierenden Liganden: SeBr2-Einheiten im Fall von [Ir8Se28Br14] und ungeladene Heptaselenringe im Fall von [Ir8Se40Br10]. Die Se7-Moleküle repräsentieren ihrerseits die ersten cyclo-Heptaseleneinheiten in Boot-Konformation. An den [Ir8Se28Br14] Komplex koordinieren über Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen zusätzlich zwei Wassermoleküle. Die räumliche Anordnung der Moleküle im Festkörper von Ir8Se28Br14·2H2O stellt eine hervorragende Näherung der dichtesten Ellipsoidpackung dar.

Estudo da degradação do p-nitrofenol por ferro de valência zero: avaliação de processos redutivos e oxidativos / Study of p-nitrophenol degradation by zero-valent iron: evaluation of reductive and oxidative processes

Soeira, Luciana Serra 26 October 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se o uso do ferro de valência zero em meio redutivo e oxidativo, a fim de desenvolver um processo que promova tanto a degradação quanto a mineralização de substâncias orgânicas com centros deficientes de elétrons, como, por exemplo, espécies que contêm o grupo nitro ligado ao anel aromático. O processo de degradação empregando-se ferro metálico, em ambos os meios estudados, apresentou grande eficiência no tratamento do p-nitrofenol, utilizado como poluente modelo. Para soluções contendo concentração inicial de p-nitrofenol igual a 100 mg L-1, tanto para o meio redutivo quanto para o oxidativo, em condições ótimas, as taxas de degradação obtidas foram superiores a 98% ao final de 15 minutos de tratamento. Para o meio com atmosfera oxidante, foi possível observar a geração de H2O2 in situ (cerca de 0,030 mmol L-1, em 45 minutos), proporcionando uma reação do tipo Fenton. Dessa forma, foi possível obter uma redução do teor de carbono orgânico dissolvido de cerca de 20%, em 60 minutos de reação. A fim de elevar a taxa de mineralização do p-nitrofenol, realizou-se a integração dos processos redutivo e oxidativo. O emprego deste sistema de tratamento proporcionou um aumento de 100% na redução do teor de carbono orgânico dissolvido, para o mesmo tempo de tratamento. Assim, pode-se inferir que a associação dos processos estudados levou à formação de substâncias mais susceptíveis ao ataque de agentes oxidantes. Por fim, avaliou-se o emprego de ferro de valência zero sintetizado via redução de íons Fe2+ por boridreto de sódio. Utilizando-se o sistema de tratamento integrado, este material proporcionou uma taxa de mineralização de cerca de 50%, demonstrando-se como uma boa alternativa para a obtenção do ferro de valência zero. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que o sistema integrado apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável e eficiente, com grande potencial de aplicabilidade para o tratamento de substâncias recalcitrantes aos processos de tratamento convencionais, uma vez que apresentou bons resultados na degradação/mineralização da substância modelo. / In this work, we studied the use of zero-valent iron under reductive and oxidative medium, in order to develop a process that promotes the degradation and the mineralization of organic substances with deficient electron centers, such as nitroaromatic compounds. In both mediums, the degradation process promoted by the metallic iron showed good efficiency to degrade p-itrophenol, used as pollutant model. For solutions of p-nitrophenol with initial concentration of 100 mg L-1, degradation percentages were above 98% after 15 minutes of the treatment in reductive and oxidative mediums (optimal conditions). Under oxidant atmosphere, the in situ generation of H2O2 (about 0,030 mmol L-1, in 45 minutes) leaded to a Fenton-like reaction. So, it provided a reduction of total organic carbon levels up to 20% in 60 minutes. In order to raise the mineralization of p-nitrophenol, the reductive and oxidative processes were integrated. The used of this treatment system provided an increase of 100% in the reduction of the dissolved organic carbon, for the same treatment time. Thus, we can in infer that the association of the two processes led to the formation of more susceptible substances to the attack of oxidant agents. Finally, it was evaluated the use zero-valent iron synthesized through reduction of Fe2+ ions by NaBH4. The obtained material provided about 50% of p-nitrophenol mineralization, showing to be a good source of zero-valent iron. So, it can be concluded that the use of the integrated system is a viable and efficient alternative, with a great potential of applicability for the treatment of recalcitrants substances to the conventional treatment processes, because it presented good results in the degradation/mineralization of studied pollutant model.

Revisão sistemática de estudos de avaliação econômica da vacinação universal em adultos acima de 60 anos de idade com a vacina pneumocócica polissacarídea 23-valente / Systematic review of economic evaluations of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) in individuals 60 years of age or older

Nishikawa, Alvaro Mitsunori 19 October 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Infecções causadas por Streptococcus pneumoniae são uma das maiores causas de morbidade e mortalidade no mundo, particularmente em países em desenvolvimento, gerando um impacto clínico e econômico significante. Crianças com menos de dois anos de idade, adultos com mais de 60 anos e pessoas com condições crônicas são as populações mais afetadas. Devido ao aumento da resistência a antibióticos e do impacto crescente das consequências da doença, vem sendo discutida a prevenção primária por meio das vacinas antipneumocócicas como uma das estratégias de saúde pública mais eficaz na redução da carga da doença. OBJETIVO: Revisar sistematicamente e avaliar a qualidade do relato dos estudos de avaliação econômica da vacina pneumocócica polissacarídea 23-valente em idosos, com o intuito de comparar as diferentes estratégias metodológicas adotadas pelos estudos publicados e discutir os parâmetros e premissas que possam ter influenciado os resultados dos modelos econômicos. MÉTODOS: Pesquisou-se nas bases de dados eletrônicas Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (via PubMed), Excerpta Medica database, Cochrane reviews, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Database, Web of Science, Scopus Citation Index e Literatura LatinoAmericana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde por avaliações econômicas completas da vacina pneumocócica polissacarídea 23-valente, publicadas até março de 2016. Dois revisores independentes selecionaram artigos relevantes de acordo com critérios de inclusão e exclusão e extraíram seus dados. As principais características dos estudos e métodos (dados clínicos e econômicos, custo e relação de custo-efetividade incremental) foram extraídas e comparadas. Custos foram atualizados para dólar internacional de 2016. RESULTADOS: Vinte e sete avaliações econômicas publicadas entre 1980 e 2016 foram incluídas na revisão sistemática, grande parte publicada nos Estados Unidos e na Europa. Apenas três estudos foram conduzidos na América Latina (dois no Brasil, um na Colômbia). Soma-se a esse cenário de comparação entre a vacinação e a não vacinação com a vacina pneumocócica polissacarídea 23-valente, três estudos que também cotejaram a vacina pneumocócica polissacarídea 23valente com a conjugada 13-valente. Todos os estudos utilizaram modelos estáticos. A maioria considerou horizonte temporal para toda a vida (44,4%) ou de cinco a seis anos de horizonte (33,3%). Apenas três estudos consideraram a proteção indireta causada pela imunização da vacina pneumocócica conjugada 13-valente em crianças no modelo. Apesar da diversidade de síndromes clínicas incluídas, das diferentes definições de cada síndrome clínica, da variação nas estimativas de eficácia e de coberturas vacinais e dos custos hospitalares e ambulatoriais das doenças pneumocócicas, a maioria dos estudos incluídos apresentou relações de custo-efetividade incremental favoráveis (menos de US$ 50.000,00 por ano de vida ganho ou por ano de vida ajustado pela qualidade, Quality Adjusted Life Year) e algumas vezes econômicas. Nos estudos, a relação de custo-efetividade incremental variou de costsaving a US$ 84.636,00 por ano de vida ajustado pela qualidade (Quality Adjusted Life Year). As estimativas de impacto da doença, a eficácia/efetividade da vacina pneumocócica polissacarídea 23valente e os efeitos da proteção indireta pela imunização em crianças foram os parâmetros que mais influenciaram os resultados do modelo. Em relação à qualidade do relato dos estudos, as principais limitações foram: descrição clara e completa do resumo, declaração do financiamento do estudo e declaração dos conflitos de interesse. CONCLUSÃO: Esta revisão sistemática revelou que os resultados de custo-efetividade foram variados, de cost-saving a não custo-efetivo. Estudos de custo-efetividade bem estruturados da vacina pneumocócica polissacarídea 23-valente que representam a epidemiologia atual e reduzem a incerteza de parâmetros chave, como a eficácia/efetividade da vacina, são extremamente importantes para auxiliar no processo de decisão / INTRODUCTION: Infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, particularly in developing countries, generating a significant clinical and economic impact. Children under 2 years old, adults ³60 years old and populations with cronic conditions are the most affected populations. Due to the increase in antibiotic resistance and the increase of the disease\'s consequences, primary prevention of the disease is being discussed with antipneumococcal vaccination as one of the most effective public health strategies in reducing the burden of the disease. OBJECTIVE: To systematically review and evaluate the quality of the reported economic evaluation studies of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in the elderly immunization with the aim to compare the different methodological strategies adopted by the published studies and discuss the parameters and premises that may have influenced the results of economic models. METHODS: It was searched in the electronic databases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed), Excerpta Medica database, Cochrane reviews, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Database, Web of Science, Scopus Citation Index and Latin-American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature for full economic evaluations of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine published up to March 2016. Two independent reviewers screened articles according to inclusion and exclusion criterias and extracted the data. Main studies characteristics and methods (clinical and economic data, cost and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio) were extracted and compared. Costs were updated to 2016 International Dollar. RESULTS: Twenty seven evaluations published between 1980 and 2016 were included in the systematic review, most of them being published in the United States and Europe. Only three studies were conducted in Latin America (two in Brazil, one in Colombia). In addition to the scenario comparing 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine vaccination to non-vaccination, three studies also compared 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine to 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. All studies used static models. The majority considered a lifetime time horizon (44.4%) or from 5 to 6 years of time horizon (33.3%). Only three studies considered the indirect protection from 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine immunization in children in the model. Despite the diversity of clinical syndromes included, from the different definitions of each clinical syndrome, the variation in vaccine efficacy and inpatient and outpatient costs for the pneumococcal disease, most of the included studies showed and favorable incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (less than US$ 50,000.00 per year of life or Quality Adjusted Life Year) and sometimes cost-saving. In the evaluations, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio ranged from cost-saving to US$ 84,636.00/Quality Adjusted Life Year. The estimates of disease burden, the efficacy/effectiveness of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, and the effects of herd protection from childhood immunization had most influence on the results. Regarding the study quality, the main limitations were: clear and complete summary description, statement of the study founding source and declaration of conflicts of interest. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review revealed that the cost-effectiveness results have conflicting results, from cost-saving to not cost-effective at all. Welldesigned cost-effectiveness studies of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine that represent the current epidemiological scenario and reduce uncertainty related to efficacy/effectiveness are extremely relevant to informing the decision-making process

Dioxygen reactivity of new models of copper oxygenases : electrochemical and spectroscopic studies / Réactivité vis-à-vis de l’oxygène des nouveaux modèles dinucléaires au cuivre : études électrochimiques et spectroscopiques

Gennarini, Federica 29 November 2017 (has links)
La molécule de méthane possède la liaison C-H la plus forte parmi les hydrocarbures (BDE = 104 kcal mol-1) : son oxydation en conditions douces représente un challenge d'importance. La Méthane Monoxygénase particulaire (pMMO) est une enzyme à cuivre qui catalyse l'oxydation du méthane (CH4) en méthanol (CH3OH). Le site actif de l'enzyme est composé d'atomes de cuivre séparés par 2.6 Å. Des recherches récentes suggèrent qu'un cluster Cu2 III,II/O2 à valence mixte soit un intermédiaire-clé du cycle catalytique. L'objectif de ce travail vise à la synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux complexes dinucléaires à valence mixte de type bis(µ-oxo)Cu2 III,II ou (µ-OH, µ-O)Cu2 III,II. Deux familles de motifs coordinants ont été mises en oeuvre, polypyridyle ou polyamide ; les deux sites sont assemblés par des ponts courts et rigides, phenoxo, naphthyridine ou alkoxo. De nouveaux complexes ont été caractérisés par électrochimie, spectroscopies UV-visible et RPE, et par des calculs théoriques. Un dispositif original de cryo-spectroélectrochimie UV-vis-NIR a été développé en parallèle de cette étude : il permet l'identification spectroscopique d'intermédiaires transitoires, réputés très instables à température ambiante. De nouveaux composés à valence mixte, Cu2 III,II(μ-OH, μ-O) et Cu2 III,IIbis(μ-OH) ont été identifiés. Ces résultats élargissent le champ des données de cette famille d'intermédiaires instables limitée jusqu'ici à un seul exemple. / Methane has the strongest C-H bond of any hydrocarbon (BDE = 104 kcal mol-1); its oxidation under mild conditions remains a great challenge. The particulate Methane Monooxygenase (pMMO) is a copper enzyme that oxides methane (CH4) to methanol (CH3OH). In the active site of the enzyme, two copper ions are located at a short distance (2.6 Å). Recent researches have suggested a mixed-valent Cu2III,II/O2 cluster as a key intermediate in the catalytic cycle. The main objective of this work was the synthesis and characterization of new mixed-valent CuIIICuII bis(μ-oxo) and (μ-OH, μ-O) dinuclear complexes. For this purpose we designed promising symmetrical and unsymmetrical complexes based on specific and distinct scaffolds for each side of the structure. Two families of coordination pattern have been used, polypyridyle or polyamide; the two sites are shortly and rigidly bridged by phenoxo, alkoxo or naphthyridine linkers. New complexes have been characterized by electrochemistry, UV-vis and EPR spectroscopies, and by theoretical calculations. A new cryo-UV-Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemical set up, developed in parallel during this work, has allowed the spectroscopic identification of these transient intermediate species, known to be unstable at room temperature. New mixed-valence Cu2 III,II(μ-OH, μ-O) and Cu2 III,IIbis(μ-OH) complexes have been characterized. These results expand the recent knowledge on the only mixed valent CuIII(μ-OH)CuII species described so far.

S?ntese e caracteriza??o do comp?sito ferro zero-valente nanoparticulado/carv?o ativado granulado (nFZV-CAG) e sua aplica??o para remo??o do f?rmaco nimesulida pelos processos adsor??o/redu??o e ozoniza??o catal?tica heterog?nea

Oliveira, Fernanda Gandra de 13 September 2016 (has links)
"Resumo/Abstract", "palavras-chave/keywords" nos cap?tulos trabalho. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-03-27T20:52:05Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) fernanda_gandra_oliveira.pdf: 3187185 bytes, checksum: 690bd6e7967bbab89412d221de93c88a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-04-24T14:26:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) fernanda_gandra_oliveira.pdf: 3187185 bytes, checksum: 690bd6e7967bbab89412d221de93c88a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-24T14:26:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) fernanda_gandra_oliveira.pdf: 3187185 bytes, checksum: 690bd6e7967bbab89412d221de93c88a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) / O comp?sito nFZV-CAG foi empregado para a ozoniza??o catal?tica heterog?nea da NMS em meio aquoso. O oz?nio foi gerado por uma central geradora de oz?nio IPABRAS, alimentada com ar. Foram avaliados diferentes processos catal?ticos como O3, CAG, O3-CAG, O3-nFZV- CAG, e a varia??o da concentra??o das nFZV para remo??o da NMS. Os resultados mostraram que a combina??o do O3-nFZV-CAG foi muito eficiente levando ? mineraliza??o de aproximadamente 70% da NMS em 120 min de rea??o. Tal efici?ncia pode estar atribu?da ao processo de eletr?lise, em que o Fe0 origina Fe2+ levando ? produ??o do radical hidroxila que ? altamente oxidante, levando a destrui??o do contaminante. As rea??es seguiram a cin?tica pseudo-primeira ordem para remo??o do f?rmaco. Ap?s realizada a coleta as amostras foram submetidas a an?lise qu?mica, empregando-se as t?cnicas de espectrofotometria de UV-Vis, cromatografia l?quida de alta efici?ncia (CLAE) e a determina??o da demanda qu?mica de oxig?nio (DQO) tamb?m foi realizada. / As nanopart?culas de FZV imobilizadas sobre a superf?cie do carv?o ativado (nFZV-CAG) foram sintetizadas e caracterizadas para remo??o do f?rmaco Nimesulida (NMS) em sistemas aquosos. Os estudos foram realizados em bateladas com agita??o de 250 rpm durante 120 minutos, onde foram avaliadas a efici?ncia, concentra??o (20, 25 e 30% do comp?sito) e diferentes dosagens (0,1 a 10g) de nFZV-CAG. Os resultados mostraram que a dosagem de 10 g de 20%nFZV-CAG removeu cerca de 80% da NMS 50 mg L-1 em apenas 30 minutos de rea??o, e atingindo 100% em 120 minutos. Foi observada ainda uma remo??o de 80% da DQO ao final da rea??o. As velocidades de rea??o aumentaram na medida em que foram aumentadas as dosagens do comp?sito, o que seria esperado. Por?m, com o aumento da concentra??o (%) de nFZV n?o houve aumento na velocidade das rea??es. As rea??es seguiram uma cin?tica de pseudo-primeira ordem em rela??o ? remo??o da NMS. Ap?s realizada a coleta, as amostras foram submetidas a an?lise qu?mica, empregando-se as t?cnicas de espectrofotometria de UV- VIS, cromatografia l?quida de alta efici?ncia (CLAE) e a determina??o da demanda qu?mica de oxig?nio (DQO) tamb?m foi realizada. Para caracteriza??o do comp?sito foram empregadas as t?cnicas Microscopia Eletr?nica de Varredura acoplada ? Espectrometria de Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X (MEV-EDS), que mostraram claramente a presen?a da nanopart?culas sobre a superf?cie do carv?o, e analise de superf?cie do nFZV-CAG e do CAG tamb?m foram realizadas. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Qu?mica, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016. / The FZV nanoparticles immobilized onto the surface of the activated charcoal (nFZV-CAG) were synthesized and characterized for the removal of the pharmaceutical Nimesulide (NMS) in aqueous systems. The studies were performed in batch mode with stirring speeds of 250 rpm during 120 minutes, so that it was possible to evaluate efficiency, concentration (20, 25 and 30% of the composite) and different dosages (0,1 to 10g) of nFZV-CAG. The results showed that the dosage of 10g of 20%nFZV-CAG removed approximately 80% of NMS 50 mg L-1 in just 30 minutes of reaction, and reaching 100% in 120 minutes. It was still observed a removal of 80% of the COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) at the end of the reaction. The reaction rates increased with the dosage of the composite, which was expected. Though, increasing the concentration (%) of nFZV did not result in higher reaction rates. The reactions followed a pseudo-first order kinetics for the removal of NMS. After the samples were collected, they were submitted to chemical analysis, employing the techniques of UV-VIS spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). In order to characterize the composite, the following techniques were used: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive x-Ray spectroscopy (EDS), which showed clearly the presence of nanoparticles onto the charcoal surface. Analysis of the surface of nFZV-CAG were also performed. / The composite nFZV-CAG was used for the catalytic ozonation of NMS in aqueous media. The ozone was generated by an ozone generator IPABRAS, fuelled with air. Different catalytic processes were evaluated such as O3, CAG, O3-CAG, O3-nFZV-CAG, and the variation of the nFZV concentration for the removal of NMS. The results showed that the combination of O3- nFZV-CAG was very efficient, leading to the mineralization of approximately 70% of NMS in 120 minutes of reaction. Such efficiency can be attributed to the electrolysis process, in which the Fe0 generates Fe2+ which generates hydroxyl radicals that are highly oxidant, leading to the destruction of the contaminant. The reactions followed the pseudo-first order kinetics for the removal of the pharmaceutical. After the samples were collected, they were submitted to chemical analysis such as, UV-VIS spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD).

Estudo da degradação do p-nitrofenol por ferro de valência zero: avaliação de processos redutivos e oxidativos / Study of p-nitrophenol degradation by zero-valent iron: evaluation of reductive and oxidative processes

Luciana Serra Soeira 26 October 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se o uso do ferro de valência zero em meio redutivo e oxidativo, a fim de desenvolver um processo que promova tanto a degradação quanto a mineralização de substâncias orgânicas com centros deficientes de elétrons, como, por exemplo, espécies que contêm o grupo nitro ligado ao anel aromático. O processo de degradação empregando-se ferro metálico, em ambos os meios estudados, apresentou grande eficiência no tratamento do p-nitrofenol, utilizado como poluente modelo. Para soluções contendo concentração inicial de p-nitrofenol igual a 100 mg L-1, tanto para o meio redutivo quanto para o oxidativo, em condições ótimas, as taxas de degradação obtidas foram superiores a 98% ao final de 15 minutos de tratamento. Para o meio com atmosfera oxidante, foi possível observar a geração de H2O2 in situ (cerca de 0,030 mmol L-1, em 45 minutos), proporcionando uma reação do tipo Fenton. Dessa forma, foi possível obter uma redução do teor de carbono orgânico dissolvido de cerca de 20%, em 60 minutos de reação. A fim de elevar a taxa de mineralização do p-nitrofenol, realizou-se a integração dos processos redutivo e oxidativo. O emprego deste sistema de tratamento proporcionou um aumento de 100% na redução do teor de carbono orgânico dissolvido, para o mesmo tempo de tratamento. Assim, pode-se inferir que a associação dos processos estudados levou à formação de substâncias mais susceptíveis ao ataque de agentes oxidantes. Por fim, avaliou-se o emprego de ferro de valência zero sintetizado via redução de íons Fe2+ por boridreto de sódio. Utilizando-se o sistema de tratamento integrado, este material proporcionou uma taxa de mineralização de cerca de 50%, demonstrando-se como uma boa alternativa para a obtenção do ferro de valência zero. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que o sistema integrado apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável e eficiente, com grande potencial de aplicabilidade para o tratamento de substâncias recalcitrantes aos processos de tratamento convencionais, uma vez que apresentou bons resultados na degradação/mineralização da substância modelo. / In this work, we studied the use of zero-valent iron under reductive and oxidative medium, in order to develop a process that promotes the degradation and the mineralization of organic substances with deficient electron centers, such as nitroaromatic compounds. In both mediums, the degradation process promoted by the metallic iron showed good efficiency to degrade p-itrophenol, used as pollutant model. For solutions of p-nitrophenol with initial concentration of 100 mg L-1, degradation percentages were above 98% after 15 minutes of the treatment in reductive and oxidative mediums (optimal conditions). Under oxidant atmosphere, the in situ generation of H2O2 (about 0,030 mmol L-1, in 45 minutes) leaded to a Fenton-like reaction. So, it provided a reduction of total organic carbon levels up to 20% in 60 minutes. In order to raise the mineralization of p-nitrophenol, the reductive and oxidative processes were integrated. The used of this treatment system provided an increase of 100% in the reduction of the dissolved organic carbon, for the same treatment time. Thus, we can in infer that the association of the two processes led to the formation of more susceptible substances to the attack of oxidant agents. Finally, it was evaluated the use zero-valent iron synthesized through reduction of Fe2+ ions by NaBH4. The obtained material provided about 50% of p-nitrophenol mineralization, showing to be a good source of zero-valent iron. So, it can be concluded that the use of the integrated system is a viable and efficient alternative, with a great potential of applicability for the treatment of recalcitrants substances to the conventional treatment processes, because it presented good results in the degradation/mineralization of studied pollutant model.

Mechanistic Investigations of Metal-Metal Cooperativity in Dinickel Complexes and Iron/Cobalt Prussian Blue Analogues

Stevens, Hendrik 13 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Synthese und Charakterisierung niedervalenter Actinoidphosphidtelluride und ternärer Selen-Halogenid-Komplexe des Iridiums

Stolze, Karoline 07 April 2016 (has links)
Metallpniktide und -chalkogenide erfahren zunehmend mehr Aufmerksamkeit in Chemie und Festkörperphysik. Dieses Interesse liegt unter anderem in der ungewöhnlichen Strukturchemie der Verbindungen begründet. In den Pniktogen(Pn)- bzw. Chalkogen(Q)-reichen Verbindungen dieser Systeme ist besonders häufig die Bildung der jeweiligen Oligo- oder Polyanionen bzw. Moleküle zu beobachten. Einerseits können die homoatomaren Pn–Pn- bzw. Q–Q-Bindungen zur Ausbildung niederdimensionaler Strukturmotive mit anisotropen Eigenschaften, wie bspw. Supraleitung und Metall-Halbleiter-Übergänge, führen; andererseits ergeben sich aus dem sterischen Raumanspruch der Struktureinheiten in Kombination mit den hohen Koordinationszahlen schwerer Übergangs- oder Actinoidmetalle komplexe Strukturen. Die Pn- bzw. Q-Atome treten häufig gemischtvalent auf, was zusammen mit den beschriebenen Strukturmerkmalen die enorme Variabilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit dieser Stoffsysteme widerspiegelt. Im Rahmen des ersten Teils der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die potentielle Oligoanionenbildung in den bisher als quadratisch-planar beschriebenen Phosphidschichten von Actinoidphosphidtelluriden diskutiert. Über eine chemische Transportreaktion mit Iod ist es gelungen Kristalle des Uranphosphidtellurids UPTe und des verwandten, bisher unbekannten Diuranphosphidditelluridoxids U2PTe2O zu züchten und die Kristallstrukturen durch Einkristallröntgendiffraktometrie aufzuklären. Die Strukturen beider Verbindungen können durch eine Abfolge von [U2P2]- und [Te2]-Schichten, bzw. [U2P2]-, [U2O2]- und [Te2]-Schichten entlang [001] beschrieben werden. Die Phosphoratome in den [U2P2]-Abschnitten bilden eine Schicht parallel ausgerichteter P2-Anionen. Die Zusammenlagerung der Phosphoratome sowie die geordnete Ausrichtung der Hanteln bedingt eine Symmetriereduktion der ursprünglich tetragonal angenommenen Struktur mit fehlgeordneten Phosphoratomen hin zu einem Strukturmodell in der monoklinen Raumgruppe I11m. Bindungsanalysen im Realraum mit Hilfe des Elektronen-Lokalisierbarkeits-Indikator (ELI D) ergaben für UPTe in der monoklin verzerrten Struktur ein zusätzliches Doppelmaximum auf der gedachten Linie zwischen den Phosphoratomen P1 und P2, welches als homoatomare P–P-Bindungen interpretiert werden kann. Zudem konnte über eine Festkörpersynthese die ternäre Verbindung Thoriumphosphidtellurid ThPTe erhalten werden, deren Pulverröntgendaten ein zu UPTe analoges Strukturbild zeigt. Wenngleich die Fehlordnung in der Phosphorschicht von ThPTe experimentell nicht aufgelöst werden konnte, war es durch Raman-Spektroskopie möglich, die Existenz der P2 Hanteln sowohl in ThPTe als auch in UPTe zu belegen. Beide isotype Verbindungen können in ionischer Grenzschreibweise als A4+ + ½ P24– + Te2– (A = Th, U) formuliert werden. Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die vielfältige Strukturchemie neuer Selen-Halogenid-Komplexe des Iridiums insbesondere hinsichtlich ihrer Oligoselenidliganden sowie koordinativ gebundener Selenmoleküle dargelegt. Durch die Aktivierung von elementarem Iridium in Selentetrahalogenid-Schmelzen konnten erstmalig Verbindungen im System Ir–Se–Br dargestellt und die Strukturvielfalt im System Ir–Se–Cl signifikant erweitert werden. Die synthetisierten ein- bis achtkernigen Iridium(III)-Komplexe zeichnen sich durch eine bemerkenswerte Diversität ihrer Liganden aus, die von Halogenidionen, Selenmono- und Selendihalogenid-Einheiten über zyklische Selenmoleküle bis zu Oligoselenidketten reicht. Die variablen Verknüpfungsmoden dieser Liganden erweitern zusätzlich das Spektrum möglicher Komplexformen und -größen. Die kleinsten, dargestellten ternären Iridiumkomplexe a-fac-[IrBr3(SeBr2)3], m-fac-[IrBr3(SeBr2)3] und mer-[IrBr3(SeBr2)3] besitzen ausschließlich endständige Selendibromid- und Bromidliganden, die sich in ihrer Konfiguration unterscheiden. In den isotypen, zweikernigen Iridiumkomplexen [Se9(IrX3)2] (X = Cl, Br, Cl/Br) wird ein ungeladener, unter den Allotropen des Selens unbekannter Se9-Ring in Kronen-Konformation durch zwei IrX3-Moleküle stabilisiert. Der cyclo-Nonaselenligand ist der erste seiner Art, der mittels Röntgenbeugung am Einkristall charakterisiert werden konnte. Se9(IrCl1.66(1)Br1.34(1))2 repräsentiert zudem die erste quaternäre Verbindung in den Systemen M–Se–Cl–Br (M = Platinmetalle). Die ringförmigen, vier- und sechskernigen Komplexe [Ir4Se10Br16] sowie [Ir6Se8Cl30] und [Ir6Se6Cl30] zählen zu den größten Ringstrukturen unter den Chalkogen-Halogeniden der Platinmetalle. Ihre intramolekulare Verknüpfung wird unter anderem durch µ-verbrückende X–-Anionen und sehr seltene (SeX)–-Einheiten realisiert. Die verwandten [Ir6Se8Cl30]- und [Ir6Se6Cl30]-Ringe können als molekularer Ausschnitt der aus [IrCl6/2]-Oktaedern bestehenden Honigwabenstruktur von alpha-IrCl3 beschrieben werden. Die achtkernigen Iridiumkomplexe [Ir8Se28Br14] und [Ir8Se40Br10] bilden über die sechsfach-verbrückenden Se22–-Hanteln und die vierfach-verbrückenden Se42–-Ketten sehr große, ellipsoide Moleküle aus, die stark einem Ausschnitt aus der Netzwerkstruktur von Ir3Se8 ähneln. Beide Komplexe unterscheiden sich lediglich in ihren apikal koordinierenden Liganden: SeBr2-Einheiten im Fall von [Ir8Se28Br14] und ungeladene Heptaselenringe im Fall von [Ir8Se40Br10]. Die Se7-Moleküle repräsentieren ihrerseits die ersten cyclo-Heptaseleneinheiten in Boot-Konformation. An den [Ir8Se28Br14] Komplex koordinieren über Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen zusätzlich zwei Wassermoleküle. Die räumliche Anordnung der Moleküle im Festkörper von Ir8Se28Br14·2H2O stellt eine hervorragende Näherung der dichtesten Ellipsoidpackung dar.

Degradation of Halogenated Hydrocarbons by Zero-Valent Magnesium andCopper/Magnesium Bimetallic Reductant, & Characterization of Poly- andPerfluoroalkyl Substances in Treated Wastewater Reclaimed for Direct Potable Reuse

Wang, Bo 11 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Fastläggning av arsenik i en anoxisk akvifär med nollvärt järn i nanostorlek : Uppföljning av ett pilotskaleförsök / Remediation of arsenic in an anoxic aquifer using zero valent iron nanoparticles : follow-up of a pilot study

Niclas, Holmgren January 2023 (has links)
Förorenad mark är ett problem som kan hota ekologiska värden samt skada människors hälsa. Det finns flera åtgärder för föroreningar både ex-situ och in-situ. På senare tid har användningen av nollvärt järn som in-situ åtgärd studerats, men har inte använts tidigare i Sverige. Denna studie innefattar ett pilotförök i fält där en in-situ injektering av nollvärt järn i nanostorlek (nZVI) i Hjältevad, Eksjö kommun. Där bedrev dåvarande Televerket en impregneringsanläggning för telefonstolpar där de använde koppar, krom och arsenik (CCA) som efter ett läckage i en lagringstank förorenade grundvattnet på platsen.  Innan denna studie visade skak och kolonnförsök att tillsats av nZVI till jordprover från Hjältevad minskade koncentrationen av både total arsenik och arsenit med över 90 %. Syftet med pilotförsöket var att undersöka hur långt nZVI skulle spridas i akvifären och om arsenikhalten och grundvattenkemin påverkades på samma sätt av nZVI injekteringen som i labbförsöken.  Dynamiska grundvattenprovtagningar utfördes innan behandlingen för att kunna karakterisera grundvattnet i försöksytan. I ett inledande försök uppskattades spridningen av en 5 g/L nZVI slurry med tillsatt 0,75 g/L polyakrylsyra som injekterades med direct push teknologi. Spridningen av en nZVI injektering undersöktes genom mätning av elektrisk konduktivitet samt genom att observera färgen på grundvattnet. En spridning av nZVI mellan 0,6 och 1,5 m observerades och influensradien ökade med djupet i försöksytan samt visar på större vertikal utbredning vid grundare djup. Preferentiellt flöde kunde ses och överlappande injekteringspunkter behövs för en heltäckande utbredning. Pilotförsöket omfattade fem injekteringspunkter som borrades med 2 m avstånd vid källtermen. Sex nya grundvattenrör installerades uppströms och nedströms injektionspunkterna. Vattenprover togs under 4 månader där grundvattenkemiska parametrar som pH, EH, total As, trevärd As, och Fe koncentrationer mättes. Arsenikhalten låg runt 1700 µg/L innan behandlingen och har inte minskat 4 månader efter injektering av nZVI. I grundvattenrören närmast injekteringspunkterna fanns en tendens till ökad totalhalt och andel arsenit. Möjliga orsaker diskuteras och en hypotes är att lägre temperatur i akvifären jämfört med labbförsök förklarar lägre reaktivitet för nZVI. / Soil contamination poses ecological risks and enhances risks for human exposure to chemical in many areas of the world. Various ex-situ and in-situ soil remediation strategies have therefore been developed. The in-situ use of zero-valent iron sorbents is a relatively new strategy that has not yet been used in the field in Sweden. The current study involves a pilot study of an in-situ inejction of nano-scale zerovalent iron (nZVI) in a contaminated site in Hjältevad, Eksjö municipality. The former Swedish State-owned telephone compmnay operated a plant where telegraph poles were impregnated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) that leaked into the groundwater following a tank rupture.   Batch and column tests done prior to the current study in the lab showed that addition of nZVI to sediment sampled from the aquifer reduced the dissolved concentrations of total arsenic as well as arsenite with more than 90 %. The aim of this pilot test was therefore firstly to investigate to investigate whether the same reduction could be obtained in the field.  Dynamic groundwater sampling was carried out before the pilot test to characterize hydrology and chemistry of the aquifer. A 5 g/L nZVI slurry was injected using direct push technology initially in one injection well to investigate spread of nZVI by measuring electrical conductivity and observing the color of the groundwater. The measured electrical conductivity and color observation showed a spread of nZVI between 0.6 and 1.5 m. The radius of influence increased with depth in the test zone and shows greater vertical spread at shallower depths. Preferential flow could be seen and overlapping injection points are thus needed for a complete coverage of the source zone. Five injection well were then drilled into the source zone at a distance of 2 m. New groundwater wells were installed downstream from the source zone where samples were taken over a period of 4 months in which chemical parameters such as pH, EH, total As, trivalent As, and Fe concentrations were measured. Arsenic concentrations were 1700 µg/L before the treatment and this concentration as well as other measured groundwater paramters did not decrease significantly during the 4 months monitoring period. In the groundwater wells closest to the injection points, the concentration of total and trivalent arsenic increased significantly. Possibly reasons are discussed and it is hypothesized that the lower aquifer temperature in the field comapred to the lab experiments may explain the lower nZVI reactivity.

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