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Obraz pontifikátu Jana Pavla II. ve Spolkové republice Německo / The image of the pontificate of John Paul II. in Federal Republic of GermanyŠumníková, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
Kateřina Šumníková Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of International Relations, department of German and Austrian studies, field of German and Central European studies Diploma thesis: The image of the pontificate of John Paul II. in Federal Republic of Germany ABSTRACT Pope John Paul II. had indisputable importance not only for the church in Central and Eastern Europe, but also for social change in Eastern Europe. In the Federal Republic of Germany, John Paul II has become a personality who aroused not only polite interest, but also an increasing controversy over the time. The diploma thesis conducts a survey of the exact causes of the distance to his personality as well as the factors of not adoring perception in the Federal Republic of Germany. Part of the work deals with the quantitative media analysis, which provides a media image of John Paul II. in selected periodicals in connection to the announcement of Pope's canonization (July 5, 2014) and subsequent canonization (April 27, 2014).
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The Trinitarian Form of the Church: Church as Christ’s Sacrament and the Spirit’s Liturgy of CommunionZeitzmann, Robert Mark 09 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Tracce italiane nella Svezia medievale : Documenti in italiano nel Diplomatario Svedese / Italian Traces in Medieval SwedenMelldahl, Bernt January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to introduce the ten documents, written in the Italian language, registered by Riksarkivet, Stockholm. The oldest document being written in 1346 and the last one in 1520, they all belong to the European medieval period. The study provides the texts (sometimes contracted, sometimes partly translated from Latin), the cultural backgrounds to the texts and possible reasons why they are written in Italian. An additional question concerning the existence of people in Medieval Sweden who were able to read and understand Italian texts is discussed. The importance of the extension of the Italian language in the Mediterranean area as well as in the Levant is referred to as an explanation of the use of Italian in the documents. Important motives of the fact that some of the documents are being found in the Swedish archive are the activities of the Swedish Expeditions to the Vatican library as well as the life of Bridget of Sweden, who played an outstanding role in the political, cultural and political life in Europe in the fourteenth century. A short background to the studies at the Studio of Siena of a number of Swedish students is given and also to the foundation of the University of Uppsala. The study is concluded by presenting an evaluation of the ten documents.
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Svátosti v dokumentech II. vatikánského koncilu / The sacraments in the Documents of the Second Vatican CouncilHolečková, Marie January 2017 (has links)
The thesis "Sacraments in the documents of the second Vatican council" deals with selected articles of the individual constitutions, documents and decrees of the council, which concern sacraments in the theological context. The articles are selected from the constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum concilium, constitution on the Church Lumen gentium, pastoral constitution Gaudium et spes, document about the Apostolate of the Laity Apostolicam actuositatem, decree on Ecumenism Unitatis redintegratio and the decree on the life and service of priests Presbyterorum ordinis. The thesis is based on the acts of council and it maps the progress of creating the articles. A brief summary of history of the formation of individual constitutions, documents and decrees is mentioned before the analysis of the articles. The chapters are divided by the documents. At the end of the thesis is a chapter containing important themes concerning the Sacraments that came up from the mapping of the article.
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[pt] Na vida de Jesus de Nazaré se destaca a presença e ação do Espírito Santo ao longo do seu ministério messiânico para afirmar a centralidade da relação entre cristologia e pneumatologia. Jesus Cristo é o mistério mais importante de toda a realidade, revelado de modo único, original, irrepetível e insuperável no Espírito. O caminho do Espírito no evento de Cristo é o argumento principal desta tese. O horizonte teológico, assim com a realidade humana são desafios a enfrentar na atualidade. Para tal, primeiramente foi colocado em destaque a relação entre Cristo e o Espírito no NT, nos momentos principais, onde acontece a manifestação do Espírito na vida de Cristo: na encarnação, no batismo e no mistério pascal. Nestes três eventos a presença operante do Espírito revela a constituição divina e humana de Cristo e a universalidade de sua salvação. Após o testemunho bíblico e pós-bíblico destacou-se a presença do Espírito Santo na renovada atenção do Concílio Vaticano II em seus aspectos cristológicos, pneumatológicos e eclesiológicos. O concílio representou uma renovação da Igreja, entretanto com limitações e dificuldades para articular seu conteúdo. Os textos conciliares impulsionaram a produção teológica pós-conciliar valorizando a cristologia pneumatológica, destacando-se as obras de Yves Congar, Walter Kasper e Marcello Bordoni. A reflexão pós-conciliar afetou particularmente a posição teológica na América Latina, por isso foi relevante analisar a presença do Espírito na cristologia latino-americana. Por último, alguns pontos emergem na contemporaneidade, que indicam a necessidade da reflexão teológica de aprofundar a dimensão pneumática do mistério de Cristo. / [en] In life of Jesus of Nazareth stands out the presence and action of Holy Spirit over his messianic ministry to affirm the centrality of relationship between christology and pneumatology. Jesus Christ is the most important of all reality mystery, revealed in a unique way, unrepeatable and unsurpassed in the Spirit. The path of Spirit in Christ event is the main argument of this thesis. The theological horizon with the human reality are challenges to face today. For this purpose, it was first placed highlighted the relationship between Christ and the Spirit in the NT, in key moments, where is the manifestation of Spirit in the life of Christ in the incarnation, in his baptism and the paschal mystery. In all three events the active presence of Spirit reveals the divine and human constitution of Christ and the universality of salvation. After the biblical witness and post-biblical highlighted the presence of Holy Spirit in the renewed attention of Vatican II in its christological, pneumatological and ecclesiological aspects. The Council represented a renewal of Church, though with limitations and difficulties to articulate its contents. The conciliar texts boosted the post-conciliar theological production valuing the pneumatological Christology, highlighting the works of Yves Congar, Walter Kasper and Marcello Bordoni. The post-conciliar reflection particularly affected theological position in Latin America, so it was important to analyze the Spirit s presence in the Latin American christology. Finally, some points emerge in contemporary times, indicating the need for theological reflection to deepen the pneumatic dimension of Christ s mystery.
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The Vernacular as Sacred Language? A Study of the Principles of Translation of Liturgical TextsHess, Andrew J. 15 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Mary for Today: Renewing Catholic Marian Devotion After the Second Vatican Council Through St. Louis-Marie de Montfort's True Devotion to MarySeeger, Mary Olivia 26 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The Spouse of Christ in the Hereafter: A Historical Exploration of Nuptial Imagery and the Eschatology of Celibate Chastity in Religious LifeBibeau, Gabrielle K. 26 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo principal estudar a homilia como parte integrante das celebrações litúrgico-sacramentais, tendo como paradigma a celebração eucarística. Desse modo, as Sagradas Escrituras são determinantes no contexto da sagrada liturgia, pois delas são retirados os textos bíblicos para serem proclamados e comentados na homilia. Esta, por sua vez, na potência do Espírito, atualiza os prodígios operados por Deus na história da salvação tornando-os presentes no hoje da Igreja projetando-a para as realidades futuras. Ao homileta, cabe haurir da Palavra de Deus a mensagem salvífica para a pregação e interpretá-la com a finalidade de conduzir a assembleia litúrgica nos sagrados mistérios. Da mesma maneira, como foi fundamental a redescoberta da Palavra de Deus na celebração litúrgica realizada pelo Concílio Vaticano II, necessário se faz resgatar o caráter pascal da homilia. Por esse motivo, a Igreja apresenta a lectio divina como legítimo método de oração a fim de preparar e prolongar as Escrituras na existência humana. A esse respeito, a Exortação Apostólica Evangelii Gaudium tem o mérito de recuperar a homilia como um autêntico diálogo entre Deus e seu povo com palavras que iluminem e abrasem os corações. / [en] The aim of this research is to study the homily as an integral part of liturgical-sacramental celebrations, whose paradigm is the Eucharistic celebration. Thus, the Sacred Scriptures are decisive in the context of the sacred liturgy because the biblical texts are obtained from them to be proclaimed and commented on in the homily. It, in turn, renews the wonders wrought by God in the history of salvation through the power of the Spirit, making them present in the today of the Church, projecting it to future realities. It is up to the homilet to draw from the Word of God the saving message for preaching and to interpret it to lead the liturgical assembly into the sacred mysteries. In the same way, as the rediscovery of the Word of God was fundamental in the liturgical celebration held by the Second Vatican Council, the Paschal character of the homily must be recovered. For this reason, the Church presents lectio divina as a genuine method of prayer in order to prepare and extend the Scriptures in human existence. In this regard, the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium has the merit of recovering the homily as an authentic dialogue between God and his people with words that enlighten and inflame their hearts.
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[pt] A comparação da eclesiologia de Irineu de Lião com a Lumen gentium surge no contexto do movimento de retorno às fontes cristãs nos séculos XIX e XX. O Concílio Vaticano II foi influenciado por este movimento no seu processo de aggiornamento da Igreja no mundo moderno. A nova perspectiva teológica, ainda em construção, influenciou o Concílio Vaticano II e as discussões eclesiológicas, tanto no que se referia à compreensão sobre Igreja quanto à sua atuação e presença no mundo. Tudo isso ficou mais notório com a elaboração da Constituição Dogmática Lumen gentium. De modo especial, Irineu de Lião, bispo e mártir do século II, surge como uma das fontes para este retorno na Lumem gentium que atesta duas citações diretas entre as cinco referências feitas ao texto dele em todo texto conciliar. O bispo de Lião não se incumbe de escrever um tratado teológico, na Adversus haereses e na Epideixis, mas se dedica a defender a fé cristã, que estava se emancipando das comunidades judaicas e ganhando sua autonomia de doutrina, de ensinamento e de culto. Paralelamente a este processo de emancipação crescem outras doutrinas diferentes no seio do cristianismo como foi o caso das doutrinas gnósticas. Para Irineu o conhecimento da verdade é a doutrina que a Igreja recebeu e ensina. Portanto, a agregação a Cristo necessita do conhecimento claro do que é a regula fidei, que norteará a compreensão das Sagradas Escrituras, ordenará o verdadeiro culto a Deus e conduzirá o fiel a testemunhar a presença de Cristo no mundo. A teologia sobre a Igreja em Irineu de Lião não se encontra sistematizada em seus livros, mas aparece em várias partes dos seus escritos enquanto formula suas denúncias e refutações. No entanto, para o bispo de Lião, a Igreja é obra de Deus, que criou o ser humano no seu amor de Pai, e como este se perdeu, enviou o seu Filho para recapitular toda a criação e reunir um novo povo, que ouvisse a sua voz e se voltasse para ele. O ressourcement, por mais que utilizasse de novas metodologias para a construção do pensamento teológico e o ensino de teologia, muitos dos padres conciliares ainda carregavam um modelo manualístico e indireto de abordagem teológica. Portanto, ao comparar o pensamento eclesiológico de Irineu com o desenvolvido na Lumen gentium, busca-se tanto as referências que estão no texto conciliar quanto as múltiplas concepções de Igreja que surjam por uma análise comparativa, para assim perceber como o modelo eclesiológico do início do cristianismo possibilita uma compreensão maior e mais profunda de um texto contemporâneo. / [en] The comparison of the Irenaeus of Lyon s ecclesiology with the Lumen gentium arises in the context of the return to the Christian Sources in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This move had a capital influence in the Second Vatican Council concerning the process of aggiornamento of the Church in the modern world. In this regard, the fresh theological perspective, that was still growing, had an impact both in the ecclesiological discussions and the comprehension about the presence and action of the Church in the world. Furthermore, this whole set has increased in importance through the devising of the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium. Particularly, Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon and martyr of the second century, emerges as a central source for the Lumen gentium since the Constitution includes five references of his writings, two of which are direct quotes. Both in Adversus haereses and Epideixis, the bishop of Lyon doesn t aim to write a theological treatise. Instead of that, his target is to defend the Christian faith, which was emancipating from the Jewish communities and achieving autonomy in the doctrine, the teachings, and the way of cult. In parallel with this emancipation process, different doctrines gain ground within Christianity, as, for example, the gnostic ones. However, according to Irenaeus, the only knowledge of the truth comes from the doctrine which the Church holds and teaches. As a result, for someone to belong to Christ it is mandatory to clearly know the regula fidei, which instructs about the comprehension of the Holy Scriptures, organizes the real God s cult, and guides the devotee to testify Christ s presence in the world. There isn t a systematic Theology about the Church in Irenaeus of Lyon‘s works, but this matter is recorded in many of his complaints and denials. It can be noticed by the fact that, to him, the Church is God s work. As the human being got apart from the Father s love, God has sent his own Son to recapitulate the whole creation and gather a New People, that could hear his voice and turn back towards him. Despite the ressourcement has applied new methodologies to build up theological thinking and to teach Theology, many Council Fathers were still used to an indirect theological approach, based on the use of handbooks. Therefore, comparing the Irenaeus ecclesiology to the one developed in Lumen gentium is an assignment that requires research both in the references of the conciliar text and the multiple conceptions of Church collected through analysis. Thus, it is possible to develop a deeper knowledge of a contemporary text in light of an ecclesiological model from the beginning of Christianity.
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