Spelling suggestions: "subject:"theological hermeneutic""
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The speech-act theory in theological hermeneuticsCho, Pungyeon January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation offers an interdisciplinary analysis of some features of the Speech-
Act Theory in biblical hermeneutics. It highlights some of the probable aspects of the
studied analysis regarding hermeneutic issues within biblical and theological analysis.
The paper shall describe the philosophical interpretation of the examination of the
Speech-Act Theory. It will focus on the principles and standards of demarcating the
Speech-Acts and allocating the written texts theory. The paper shall also describe the
difference between ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ speech acts. The dissertation shall commence
by analysing the main concerns about the speech act theory. It will concentrate on the
works of Thiselton and Vanhoozer’s works and modifies their works with the aim of
highlighting some of the key elements of their hermeneutics. Therefore, the
dissertation shall offer the views of Thiselton and Vanhoozer and differentiate their two
different views of the Speech-Act Theory in the field of the hermeneutics in search for
a third option. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / MA / Unrestricted
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Hans-Georg Gadamer et l'herméneutique théologique : idées directrices pour la compréhension de soi de la théologieRodier, Dany January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Hans-Georg Gadamer et l'herméneutique théologique : idées directrices pour la compréhension de soi de la théologieRodier, Dany January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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The Trinitarian Form of the Church: Church as Christ’s Sacrament and the Spirit’s Liturgy of CommunionZeitzmann, Robert Mark 09 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A criação da Área de avaliação 44, em 2016, intitulada Ciências da Religião
e Teologia, representa um marco na história atual da pesquisa teológica no Brasil,
consolidando e chancelando sua entrada no ambiente acadêmico. Com o objetivo
de identificar a definição de teologia que rege a Área de Avaliação 44, esta pesquisa
dedicou-se à análise dos documentos de área em suas várias edições, seja quando a
Teologia constituía uma Subárea da Filosofia, seja com a autonomia da Área de
avaliação Ciências da Religião e Teologia. Integrando o Colégio de Humanidades,
na Área Ciências da Religião e Teologia, a Teologia assume os padrões
epistemológicos e metodológicos que a qualificam para o estudo da hermenêutica
da revelação, ocupando-se do entendimento da relação entre Deus e a criação que
se dá sempre no contexto histórico e cultural. Por consequência, o pesquisador em
teologia se revela importante ator no processo de diálogo entre o saber teológico e
a realidade local e a interdisciplinaridade se apresenta como um essencial
instrumento metodológico que estabelece relação entre as disciplinas da própria
Teologia, mas também com outras disciplinas e áreas de conhecimento. / [en] The creation of Assessment Area 44, in 2016, entitled Study of Religion and
Theology, represents a milestone in the current history of theological research in
Brazil, consolidating and sealing its entry into the academic environment. With the
aim of identifying the definition of theology that governs Assessment Area 44, this
research is dedicated to the analysis of area documents in their various editions,
whether when Theology constitutes a Sub-Area of Philosophy, or with the
autonomy of the Study of Religion and Theology Assessment Area. As part of the
College of Humanities, in the Study of Religion and Theology Area, Theology
assimilates the epistemological and methodological standards that qualify it for the
study of the hermeneutics of revelation, dealing with the understanding of the
relationship between God and creation that always occurs in the historical and
cultural context. Consequently, the researcher in theology reveals himself to be an
important actor in the process of dialogue between theological knowledge and local
reality and interdisciplinarity presents itself as an essential methodological
instrument that establishes relationships between the disciplines of Theology itself,
but also with other disciplines and areas of knowledge.
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[pt] A presente tese objetiva fazer uma leitura de interface entre a Filosofia, a Teologia,
com destaque para a Teologia Bíblica, a partir das reflexões hermenêuticas de Paul
Ricoeur, um dos filósofos mais importantes do século XX, que com simplicidade se
declarava aprendiz de teólogo e, particularmente, um ouvinte da Palavra, contida nas
Sagradas Escrituras da tradição judaico-cristã. Acentuar-se-ão as conexões entre a
hermenêutica filosófica e a hermenêutica teológica com suas especificidades, para, enfim,
atingir o coração da proposta: a Hermenêutica Bíblica de Paul Ricoeur. Será articulada a
diversidade dos discursos bíblicos nos quais se manifesta uma plurivocidade que ousa
nomear Deus, sem nunca perder de vista uma complexa polissemia e o caráter inefável,
portanto, indizível de Deus. Através de suas reflexões hermenêuticas, Ricoeur contribui
enormemente com e para a Teologia Bíblica, evitando acentuar os discursos
especulativos, dando prioridade a uma Teologia da Palavra fundamentada nas narrativas
bíblicas que preservam o nome divino no registro escrito e tornam possível a experiência
da fé mediada pelos textos bíblicos. Além disso, Ricoeur também colabora
significativamente para a tradução bíblica, ao tratar dos critérios para o traduzível e o não
traduzível literalmente. Fundamentais são as suas contribuições para a compreensão da
problemática do mal e sua relação com o pecado e a culpa. Ainda abriu diversas
perspectivas para a compreensão teológica da linguagem religiosa e para distanciar-se de
qualquer espécie de fundamentalismo cristão. Finalmente, são de suma importância seus
comentários sobre passagens bíblicas essenciais, com destaque para a criação, o pecado
original, o nome de Deus, as parábolas, a regra de ouro, dentre outras. / [en] This thesis aims to read the interface between Philosophy, Theology and the Bible
based on the hermeneutical reflections of Paul Ricoeur, one of the most important
philosophers of the 20th century, who simply declared himself an apprentice theologian
and, particularly, a listener of the Word, contained in the Holy Scriptures of the Judeo-Christian tradition. The connections between philosophical hermeneutics and theological
hermeneutics with their specificities will be emphasized, to finally reach the heart of the
proposal: Paul Ricoeur s Biblical Hermeneutics. The diversity of biblical discourses will
be articulated in which a plurivocity is manifested that dares to name God, without ever
losing sight of a complex polysemy and the ineffable, therefore, unspeakable character of
God. Through his hermeneutical reflections, Ricoeur contributes enormously to and with
Biblical Theology, avoiding accentuating speculative discourses, giving priority to a
Theology of the Word based on biblical narratives that preserve the divine name in the
written record and make possible the experience of faith mediated by biblical texts.
Furthermore, Ricoeur also contributes significantly to biblical translation, by dealing with
the criteria for what is literally translatable and what is not translatable. Fundamental are
his contributions to the understanding of the problem of evil and its relationship with sin
and guilt. It also opened up different perspectives for the theological understanding of
religious language and for distancing oneself from any kind of Christian fundamentalism.
Finally, his comments on essential biblical passages are of utmost importance, with
emphasis on creation, original sin, the name of God, parables, the golden rule, among
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Le principe ecclésiologique de l'oecuménisme chez Yves Congar : élaboration, réception et perspectives ecclésiales / The ecclesiological principle of ecumenism in the works of Yves Congar : elaboration, reception and ecclesial perspectivesBlaj, Daniel 20 December 2012 (has links)
L’affirmation de l’Église « Une » comme une réalité présente dans l’histoire fait partie de la tradition catholique. Après la naissance du mouvement œcuménique, Yves Congar (1904-1995) introduit dans la théologie catholique le principe ecclésiologique de l’œcuménisme. Il s’agit de penser la vie chrétienne des autres baptisés à partir de leurs Communions. Pour mettre en évidence ce principe herméneutique, cette thèse étudie sa portée théologique dans l’œuvre congarienne (1931 à 1954), se penche sur sa réception dans le décret sur l’œcuménisme Unitatis Redintegratio (1964), dans l’encyclique Ut Unum Sint (1995) et dans quelques documents récents, avant de proposer son inscription dans une théologie de l’ Église structurée à partir de l’institutionnalité de la grâce, située dans une perspective eschatologique. / The assertion of the Church as “One” present throughout history is part of the Roman Catholic tradition. After the appearance of the ecumenical movement, Yves Congar (1904-1995) introduces the ecclesiological principle of ecumenism in catholic theology. The idea is to think of the Christian life of the other baptized based on their Communion. To emphasize this hermeneutics’ principle, this thesis studies its theological impact on the congarian work (1931-1954) and ponders over its reception within the decree on ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio (1964), within the encyclical Ut Unum Sint (1995) as well as in recent documents. It will also lead on to suggesting its recording in one theology of the Church structured by the institutionalization of grace in an eschatological perspective.
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The triune God and the hermeneutics of community : church, gender and mission in Stanley J. Grenz with reference to Paul RicoeurAlmon, Russell Lane January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to undertake a study of the trinitarian ecclesiology of the North American evangelical theologian Stanley J. Grenz (d.2005), along with his imago Dei theology, revisioned social trinitarianism, narrative theology, incorporation of theosis, and theology of triune participation. This dissertation also utilizes the hermeneutical philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, in conjunction with Grenz’s trinitarian ecclesiology, to propose a missional and hermeneutical ecclesiology. Chapter one begins with an overview of Grenz’s theology and a discussion of the current state of Grenz scholarship. It then introduces Ricoeur’s hermeneutics of the self and theory of narrative identity. The chapter concludes with an overview of chapters two, three, and four. Chapter two traces the manner in which Grenz’s social trinitarianism and imago Dei theology yield a social imago. The first section overviews Grenz’s The Social God and the Relational Self, the social imago, the ecclesial self, his notion of ecclesial eschatological prolepsis, and his theology of triune participation. The second section responds to key criticisms of social trinitarianism, discusses Grenz and Ricoeur on the relational self, and outlines the manner in which Grenz’s theology of theosis and triune participation “in Christ” and through the Spirit yields an ecclesially oriented communal theo-anthropology. The final section takes up Grenz’s social imago and triune participation in relation to female/male mutuality in ecclesial participation and community. Chapter three discusses Grenz’s narrative theology and the development of a narrative imago. The first section overviews Grenz’s The Named God and the Question of Being and his development of the narrative of the divine name as the saga of the triune God, his further use of theosis, and the narrative imago arising within storied participation “in Christ” through the Spirit. The second section examines the continuity of Named God with Social God and argues that Grenz presents a revisioned social trinitarianism. The second section also considers Grenz and Ricoeur on the narrative self and proposes that Grenz’s ecclesial theo-anthropology now becomes a cruciform Christo-anthropology. The third section takes up the narrative imago and female/male mutuality and cruciformity as it arises from the ecclesial relation of storied and communal theotic triune participation. Chapter four treats the development of a Grenzian ecclesial imago and proposes a missional and hermeneutical ecclesiology. The first section presents Grenz’s ecclesiology as it is oriented towards mission and the connection of theosis, triune participation, and ecclesia. This section then proposes a missional grammar for the church as God’s ecclesial hermeneutics of community. The second section discusses potential charges of ecclesiological foundationalism, considers Grenz and Ricoeur on the summoned self, and extends Grenz’s theo-anthropology and Christo-anthropology into a missio-anthropology. The third section considers the mutuality and cruciformity of ecclesial “male and female” relation “in Christ” and through the Spirit, manifest in ecclesial friendship and hospitality, as the coming-to-representation and hermeneutics of community of the triune God. The conclusion offers a summary and possible avenues for further investigation.
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