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Techniques and tools for the verification of concurrent systemsPalikareva, Hristina January 2012 (has links)
Model checking is an automatic formal verification technique for establishing correctness of systems. It has been widely used in industry for analysing and verifying complex safety-critical systems in application domains such as avionics, medicine and computer security, where manual testing is infeasible and even minor errors could have dire consequences. In our increasingly parallelised world, concurrency has become pivotal and seamlessly woven within programming paradigms, however, extremely challenging when it comes to modelling and establishing correctness of intended behaviour. Tools for model checking concurrent systems face severe limitations due to scalability problems arising from the need to examine all possible interleavings (schedules) of executions of parallel components. Moreover, concurrency poses additional challenges to model checking, giving rise to phenomena such as nondeterminism, deadlock, livelock, etc. In this thesis we focus on adapting and developing novel model-checking techniques for concurrent systems in the setting of the process algebra CSP and its primary model checker FDR. CSP allows for a compact modelling and precise analysis of event-based concurrency, grounded on synchronous message passing as a fundamental mechanism of inter-component communication. In particular, we investigate techniques based on symbolic model checking, static analysis and abstraction, all of them exploiting the compositionality inherent in CSP and targeting to increase the scale of systems that can be tractably analysed. Firstly, we investigate symbolic model-checking techniques based on Boolean satisfiability (SAT), which we adapt for the traces model of CSP. We tailor bounded model checking (BMC), that can be used for bug detection, and temporal k-induction, which aims at establishing inductiveness of properties and is capable of both bug finding and establishing the correctness of systems. Secondly, we propose a static analysis framework for establishing livelock freedom of CSP processes, with lessons for other concurrent formalisms. As opposed to traditional exhaustive state-space exploration, our framework employs a system of rules on the syntax of a process to calculate a sound approximation of its fair/co-fair sets of events. The rules either safely classify a process as livelock-free or report inconclusiveness, thereby trading accuracy for speed. Finally, we develop a series of abstraction/refinement schemes for the traces, stable-failures and failures-divergences models of CSP and embed them into a fully automated and compositional CEGAR framework. For each of those techniques we present an implementation and an experimental evaluation on a set of CSP benchmarks.
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Verificação formal de sistemas modelados em estados finitos. / Formal verification of systems modeled as finite state machines.Ferreira, Nelson França Guimarães 09 March 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho reflete os esforcos realizados no estudo das principais técnicas automaticas de verificacao de sistemas que podem ser modelados em Maquinas de Estados Finitas, em particular as que normalmente se enquadram dentro da denominacao de model checking (verificacao de modelos). De modo a permitir ao leitor uma compreensao das vantagens e desvantagens de cada tecnica, os fundamentos teoricos de cada uma delas sao apresentados e ilustrados atraves de exemplos. Alem de uma apresentacao da teoria associada a cada tecnica, esta dissertação ainda apresenta dois estudos de caso de interesse bastante pratico: a verificacao de propriedades de um sistema de manufatura originalmente modelado atraves de uma rede de Petri e a verificacao de propriedades do intertravamento de uma seção metroviaria. Os dois estudos de caso utilizam tecnicas denominadas simbolicas. No primeiro estudo de caso, propoe-se que as invariantes obtidas da equação de estado sejam acrescentadas ao modelo a ser verificado, o que permite a obtenção de ganhos de desempenho na verificacao. O segundo estudo de caso e resolvido a partir da utilizacao de um procedimento proposto nesta dissertacao. Este procedimento permite a verificacao de algumas propriedades de seguranca sem que a verificacao se inviabilize devido a explosao no numero de estados. A utilizacao deste procedimento permite a verificacao de propriedades de uma secao de intertravamento com cerca de 2000 variaveis digitais em questao de poucos segundos.A principal conclusao a que este trabalho chega e consequencia dos resultados positivos observados nos estudos de caso: o model checking simbólico parece possuir um amplo campo de aplicacoes ainda por ser mais bem explorado / This work is the result of the efforts oriented to the study of the main automatic verification techniques for systems that can be modeled as Finite State Machines, in particular of those techniques which are generally called as model checking. In order to make the reader able to understand the pros and cons of each technique, the theory associated to each one is presented, as well as some examples. This work also presents two case studies of practical interest, both of each were solved with techniques which are called symbolic. The first one is the verification of some properties of a manufacturing system originally modeled by a Petri net. In order to improve the verification performance, it is proposed that the model to be verified be enlarged with the inclusion of the invariants calculated with the help of the state equation. The second case study is the verification of some safety properties of an interlocking system of a subway section. The verification is carried out with the help of a procedure which is proposed in this work. The aim of such a procedure is to bypass the state explosion problem, in order to make the verification feasible. It was possible to verify an interlocking system with about 2000 digital variables in a matter of few seconds. The main conclusion of the work comes from the positive results reached by both case studies: it seems to be a large number of applications yet to be explored in which symbolic model checking may be considered.
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A Modular Model Checking Algorithm for Cyclic Feature CompositionsWang, Xiaoning 11 January 2005 (has links)
Feature-oriented software architecture is a way of organizing code around the features that the program provides instead of the program's objects and components. In the development of a feature-oriented software system, the developers, supplied with a set of features, select and organize features to construct the desired system. This approach, by better aligning the implementation of a system with the external view of users, is believed to have many potential benefits such as feature reuse and easy maintenance. However, there are challenges in the formal verification of feature-oriented systems: first, the product may grow very large and complicated. As a result, it's intractable to apply the traditional formal verification techniques such as model checking on such systems directly; second, since the number of feature-oriented products the developers can build is exponential in the number of features available, there may be redundant verification work if doing verification on each product. For example, developers may have shared specifications on different products built from the same set of features and hence doing verification on these features many times is really unnecessary. All these drive the need for modular verifications for feature-oriented architectures. Assume-guarantee reasoning as a modular verification technique is believed to be an effective solution. In this thesis, I compare two verification methods of this category on feature-oriented systems and analyze the results. Based on their pros and cons, I propose a new modular model checking method to accomplish verification for sequential feature compositions with cyclic connections between the features. This method first builds an abstract finite state machine, which summarizes the information related to checking the property/specification from the concrete feature design, and then applies a revised CTL model checker to decide whether the system design can preserve the property or not. Proofs of the soundness of my method are also given in this thesis.
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Modular Detection of Feature Interactions Through Theorem Proving: A Case StudyRoberts, Brian Glenn 21 August 2003 (has links)
"Feature-oriented programming is a way of designing a program around the features it performs, rather than the objects or files it manipulates. This should lead to an extensible and flexible "product-line" architecture that allows custom systems to be assembled with particular features included or excluded as needed. Composing these features together modularly, while leading to flexibility in the feature-set of the finished product, can also lead to unexpected interactions that occur between features. Robert Hall presented a manual methodology for locating these interactions and has used it to search for feature interactions in email. Li et al. performed automatic verification of Hall's system using model-checking verifications tools. Model-checking verification is state-based, and is not well-suited for verifying recursive data structures, an area where theorem-proving verification tools excel. In this thesis, we propose a methodology for using formal theorem-proving tools for modularly verifying feature-oriented systems. The methodology presented captures the essential steps for using modular techniques for modeling and verifying a system. This enables verification of individual modules, without examining the source code of the other modules in the system. We have used Hall's email system as a test case for validating the methodology."
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Verificação formal de sistemas modelados em estados finitos. / Formal verification of systems modeled as finite state machines.Nelson França Guimarães Ferreira 09 March 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho reflete os esforcos realizados no estudo das principais técnicas automaticas de verificacao de sistemas que podem ser modelados em Maquinas de Estados Finitas, em particular as que normalmente se enquadram dentro da denominacao de model checking (verificacao de modelos). De modo a permitir ao leitor uma compreensao das vantagens e desvantagens de cada tecnica, os fundamentos teoricos de cada uma delas sao apresentados e ilustrados atraves de exemplos. Alem de uma apresentacao da teoria associada a cada tecnica, esta dissertação ainda apresenta dois estudos de caso de interesse bastante pratico: a verificacao de propriedades de um sistema de manufatura originalmente modelado atraves de uma rede de Petri e a verificacao de propriedades do intertravamento de uma seção metroviaria. Os dois estudos de caso utilizam tecnicas denominadas simbolicas. No primeiro estudo de caso, propoe-se que as invariantes obtidas da equação de estado sejam acrescentadas ao modelo a ser verificado, o que permite a obtenção de ganhos de desempenho na verificacao. O segundo estudo de caso e resolvido a partir da utilizacao de um procedimento proposto nesta dissertacao. Este procedimento permite a verificacao de algumas propriedades de seguranca sem que a verificacao se inviabilize devido a explosao no numero de estados. A utilizacao deste procedimento permite a verificacao de propriedades de uma secao de intertravamento com cerca de 2000 variaveis digitais em questao de poucos segundos.A principal conclusao a que este trabalho chega e consequencia dos resultados positivos observados nos estudos de caso: o model checking simbólico parece possuir um amplo campo de aplicacoes ainda por ser mais bem explorado / This work is the result of the efforts oriented to the study of the main automatic verification techniques for systems that can be modeled as Finite State Machines, in particular of those techniques which are generally called as model checking. In order to make the reader able to understand the pros and cons of each technique, the theory associated to each one is presented, as well as some examples. This work also presents two case studies of practical interest, both of each were solved with techniques which are called symbolic. The first one is the verification of some properties of a manufacturing system originally modeled by a Petri net. In order to improve the verification performance, it is proposed that the model to be verified be enlarged with the inclusion of the invariants calculated with the help of the state equation. The second case study is the verification of some safety properties of an interlocking system of a subway section. The verification is carried out with the help of a procedure which is proposed in this work. The aim of such a procedure is to bypass the state explosion problem, in order to make the verification feasible. It was possible to verify an interlocking system with about 2000 digital variables in a matter of few seconds. The main conclusion of the work comes from the positive results reached by both case studies: it seems to be a large number of applications yet to be explored in which symbolic model checking may be considered.
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Assistance à l'Abstraction de Composants Virtuels pour la Vérification Rapide de Systèmes NumériquesMuhammad, W. 19 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
De nos jours la conception des IP (IP: Intellectual Property) peut bénéficier de nouvelles techniques de vérification symbolique: abstraction de donnée et analyse statique formelle. Nous pensons qu'il est nécessaire de séparer clairement le Contrôle des Données avant toute vérification automatique. Nous avons proposé une définition du contrôle qui repose sur l'idée intuitive qu'il a un impact sur le séquencement de données. Autour de cette idée, le travail a consisté à s'appuyer sur la sémantique des opérateurs booléens et proposer une extension qui exprime cette notion deséquencement. Ceci nous a mené à la conclusion que la séparation parfaite du contrôle et des données est illusoire car les calculs dépendent trop de la représentation syntaxique. Pour atteindre notre objectif, nous nous sommes alors basés sur la connaissance fournie par le concepteur: séparation a priori des entrées contrôle et des entrées données. De cela, nous avons proposé un algorithme de slicing pour partitionner le modèle. Une abstraction fut alors obtenue dans le cas où le contrôle est bien indépendant des données. Pour accélérer les simulations, nous avons remplacé le traitement de données, défini au niveau bit par un modèle d'exécution fonctionnel, tout en gardant inchangé la partie contrôle. Ce modèle intègre des aspects temporels qui permet de se greffer sur des outils de model checking. Nous introduisons la notion de significativité support des données intentionnelles dans les modèles IP. La significativité est utilisée pour représenter des dépendances de données booléennes en vue de vérifier formellement et statiquement les lots de données. Nous proposons plusieurs approximations qui mettent en oeuvre cette nouvelle notion.
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Design of heterogeneous coherence hierarchies using manager-client pairingBeu, Jesse Garrett 09 April 2013 (has links)
Over the past ten years, the architecture community has witnessed the end of single-threaded performance scaling and a subsequent shift in focus toward multicore and manycore processing. While this is an exciting time for architects, with many new opportunities and design spaces to explore, this brings with it some new challenges. One area that is especially impacted is the memory subsystem. Specifically, the design, verification, and evaluation of cache coherence protocols becomes very challenging as cores become more numerous and more diverse.
This dissertation examines these issues and presents Manager-Client Pairing as a solution to the challenges facing next-generation coherence protocol design. By defining a standardized coherence communication interface and permissions checking algorithm, Manager-Client Pairing enables coherence hierarchies to be constructed and evaluated quickly without the high design-cost previously associated with hierarchical composition. Further, Manager-Client Pairing also allows for verification composition, even in the presence of protocol heterogeneity. As a result, this rapid development of diverse protocols is ensured to be bug-free, enabling architects to focus on performance optimization, rather than debugging and correctness concerns, while comparing diverse coherence configurations for use in future heterogeneous systems.
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Three essays on the interface of computer science, economics and information systemsHidvégi, Zoltán Tibor, 1970- 28 August 2008 (has links)
This thesis looks at three aspects related to the design of E-commerce systems, online auctions and distributed grid computing systems. We show how formal verification techniques from computer science can be applied to ensure correctness of system design and implementation at the code level. Through e-ticket sales example, we demonstrate that model checking can locate subtle but critical flaws that traditional control and auditing methods (e.g., penetration testing, analytical procedure) most likely miss. Auditors should understand formal verification methods, enforce engineering to use them to create designs with less of a chance of failure, and even practice formal verification themselves in order to offer credible control and assistance for critical e-systems. Next, we study why many online auctions offer fixed buy prices to understand why sellers and auctioneers voluntarily limit the surplus they can get from an auction. We show when either the seller of the dibbers are risk-averse, a properly chosen fixed permanent buy-price can increase the social surplus and does not decrease the expected utility of the sellers and bidders, and we characterize the unique equilibrium strategies of uniformly risk-averse buyers in a buy-price auction. In the final chapter we look at the design of a distributed grid-computing system. We show how code-instrumentation can be used to generate a witness of program execution, and show how this witness can be used to audit the work of self-interested grid agents. Using a trusted intermediary between grid providers and customers, the audit allows payment to be contingent on the successful audit results, and it creates a verified reputation history of grid providers. We show that enabling the free trade of reputations provides economic incentives to agents to perform the computations assigned, and it induces increasing effort levels as the agents' reputation increases. We show that in such a reputation market only high-type agents would have incentive to purchase a high reputation, and only low-type agents would use low reputations, thus a market works as a natural signaling mechanism about the agents' type. / text
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Objective-driven discriminative training and adaptation based on an MCE criterion for speech recognition and detectionShin, Sung-Hwan 13 January 2014 (has links)
Acoustic modeling in state-of-the-art speech recognition systems is commonly based on discriminative criteria. Different from the paradigm of the conventional distribution estimation such as maximum a posteriori (MAP) and maximum likelihood (ML), the most popular discriminative criteria such as MCE and MPE aim at direct minimization of the empirical error rate. As recent ASR applications become diverse, it has been increasingly recognized that realistic applications often require a model that can be optimized for a task-specific goal or a particular scenario beyond the general purposes of the current discriminative criteria. These specific requirements cannot be directly handled by the current discriminative criteria since the objective of the criteria is to minimize the overall empirical error rate.
In this thesis, we propose novel objective-driven discriminative training and adaptation frameworks, which are generalized from the minimum classification error (MCE) criterion, for various tasks and scenarios of speech recognition and detection. The proposed frameworks are constructed to formulate new discriminative criteria which satisfy various requirements of the recent ASR applications. In this thesis, each objective required by an application or a developer is directly embedded into the learning criterion. Then, the objective-driven discriminative criterion is used to optimize an acoustic model in order to achieve the required objective.
Three task-specific requirements that the recent ASR applications often require in practice are mainly taken into account in developing the objective-driven discriminative criteria. First, an issue of individual error minimization of speech recognition is addressed and we propose a direct minimization algorithm for each error type of speech recognition. Second, a rapid adaptation scenario is embedded into formulating discriminative linear transforms under the MCE criterion. A regularized MCE criterion is proposed to efficiently improve the generalization capability of the MCE estimate in a rapid adaptation scenario. Finally, the particular operating scenario that requires a system model optimized at a given specific operating point is discussed over the conventional receiver operating characteristic (ROC) optimization. A constrained discriminative training algorithm which can directly optimize a system model for any particular operating need is proposed. For each of the developed algorithms, we provide an analytical solution and an appropriate optimization procedure.
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Reducing communication in distributed model checkingFourie, Jean Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Msc (Mathematical Sciences. Computer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Model checkers are programs that automatically verify, without human assistance, that certain
user-specified properties hold in concurrent software systems. Since these programs often have
expensive time and memory requirements, an active area of research is the development of distributed
model checkers that run on clusters. Of particular interest is how the communication
between the machines can be reduced to speed up their running time.
In this thesis the design decisions involved in an on-the-fly distributed model checker are identified
and discussed. Furthermore, the implementation of such a program is described. The
central idea behind the algorithm is the generation and distribution of data throughout the
nodes of the cluster.
We introduce several techniques to reduce the communication among the nodes, and study
their effectiveness by means of a set of models. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Modeltoetsers is programme wat outomaties bevestig, sonder enige hulp van die gebruiker,
dat gelopende sagteware aan sekere gespesifiseerde eienskappe voldoen. Die feit dat hierdie
programme dikwels lang looptye en groot geheues benodig, het daartoe aanleiding gegee dat
modeltoetsers wat verspreid oor ’n groep rekenaars hardloop, aktief nagevors word. Dit is
veral belangrik om vas te stel hoe die kommunikasie tussen rekenaars verminder kan word om
sodoende die looptyd te verkort.
Hierdie tesis identifiseer en bespreek die ontwerpsbesluite betrokke in die ontwikkeling van
’n verspreide modeltoetser. Verder word die implementasie van so ’n program beskryf. Die
kernidee is die generasie en verspreiding van data na al die rekenaars in die groep wat aan die
probleem werk.
Ons stel verskeie tegnieke voor om die kommunikasie tussen die rekenaar te verminder en
bestudeer die effektiwiteit van hierdie tegnieke aan die hand van ’n lys modelle.
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