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Investigation of the Effects of Heater Characteristics on CHF and Post-CHF Performance of a Long Vertical Annulus in High Pressure WaterLeung, Arthur January 1982 (has links)
<p> CHF and Post-CHF tests were performed in water at 9.7 MPa using two vertical test assemblies having identical, internally heated annular flow channels, one heated directly, the other indirectly. Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of these methods of heating on CHF and Post-CHF heat transfer. </p> <p> For the range of the test conditions investigated, the results show that the direct and indirect heaters have similar CHF performance. At heat fluxes above CHF and mass fluxes of 2.0 and 3.5 Mg.s^-1 .m^-2 , the indicated maximum wall temperatures of the heaters were similar, but at the highest mass flux for the tests, 5.0 Mg.s^-1 .m^-2 , the indirect heater had lower indicated maximum wall temperatures than the direct heater for a given heat flux above CHF. </p> <p> A multi-fluid model, of the type used previously in the prediction of CHF, was derived and tested against the experimental data. The model, which considers droplet entrainment, deposition and evaporation in the annular flow regime, assumes dryout to occur when the liquid film flow on the inner rod approaches zero. The CHF predictions were in fairly good agreement with the experimental results. In general, the model under-predicted CHF at low inlet subcoolings and over-predicted CHF at high inlet subcooling. The error trend is consistent with that of the CHF prediction models of other researchers. </p> <p> In addition to the CHF prediction model, a Post-CHF model to predict the vapour temperatures, and hence, the heated wall temperature is also presented in the report. The theory is based on a physical model of heat transfer in the liquid deficient regime. In the model, heat in the dry region is assumed to transfer from the heated wall to superheat the steam and some of this heat, in turn, is used to evaporate the droplets which are entrained in the vapour core. Droplet entrainment and deposition at the shroud (outer tube) film-vapour interface are modelled. Heat transfer enhancement due to increased turbulence downstream of the rod centering spacers is incorporated through an empirical correlation. The predicted results were compared to the direct heater experiments. In general, the predicted wall temperatures were in agreement with those in the experiments. </p> / Thesis / Master of Engineering (MEngr)
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Incoming Radiation and Vertical Temperature Profiles in a Polluted Urban AtmosphereNoad, Donald Victor 04 1900 (has links)
<p> Simultaneous measurements of incoming short and longwave radiation were made at a rooftop site in the industrial heart of Hamilton, Ontario, and at a control station several miles to the south of the city at Mt. Hope airport. Direct comparison of these measurements was facilitated by selecting clear sky days from the winter solstice to the end of April.</p> <p> Results indicate that the decrease in solar radiation intensity due to atmospheric pollution is balanced by a comparable increase in the flux of incoming longwave radiation from the sky. Receipts of total incoming radiation are therefore the same at both sites.</p> <p> Vertical air temperature profiles over the industrial site and the control site were measured using a specially designed aircraft-mounted sensor. Profiles were determined on the same days that radiation measurements were made.</p> <p> While the temperature profiles at the control site occasionally exhibited a slight subsidence inversion, the industrial profiles consistently showed a marked inversion whose magnitude diminished with increasing solar altitude and increased again toward sunset. This behaviour is attributed to the enhanced shortwave absorptivity and longwave emissivity properties of the polluted atmosphere.</p> <p> The height of the inversion increased during the morning hours and fell again during the afternoon in response to atmospheric convection caused by surface and atmospheric heating during the day. The top of the inversion, however, always coincided exactly with the top of the visible pollution dome.</p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Factors Affecting the Horizontal Distribution of Vertical Worm Tubes in the Thorold SandstoneYeo, Colin James 04 1900 (has links)
<p> 101 samples of Thorold sandstone were collected from 12 geographically distinct regions along the Niagara Escarpment. The average number of vertical worm tubes in each region was determined as was clay content, organic matter, burrow diameter, interburrow distance, mean grain size, sorting, quartz proportion, distance from shore, porosity, and the sandstone/shale ratio. Stepwise linear regression and principal component analysis were used to investigate relationships between the variables. The number of worm tubes can be predicted by clay content, organic matter, distance from the shore, and porosity, a model which explains 62% of the observed variation. All 11 variables accounted for 99. 9% of the variation. Distance from shore can be predicted by organic matter, burrow diameter, mean grain size, and the sandstone/shale ratio, a model which explains 94% of the variation. All 11 variables
accounted for 99.9% of the variation. Organisms living in the Thorold evidently reacted to environmental parameters in a similar fashion to modern tidal flat organisms.</p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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Essays on Corporate TransformationFernandez-Vidal, Jorge 15 July 2022 (has links)
La transformación corporativa es un imperativo en el mundo empresarial. Los mercados adquieren cada vez un mayor dinamismo, las nuevas tecnologías disrumpen industrias sin compasión, y los clientes cada vez son más exigentes. Como resultado, empresas de todo el mundo se ven obligadas a transformarse y a buscar nuevas formas de seguir siendo relevantes, mejorar la rentabilidad y desempeño de sus organizaciones y lograr una trayectoria de crecimiento sostenible. Las transformaciones corporativas son, o deberían ser, holísticas e implican naturalmente cambios en el modelo de liderazgo y en los empleados, en las estructuras organizativas, en los procesos internos, en los modelos de negocio y en la estrategia corporativa y de negocio (Laczkowski et al., 2021). Aunque las empresas siempre han tenido que adaptarse a los nuevos entornos empresariales, a las cambiantes dinámicas de mercado y a las demandas de los clientes, el actual periodo de crisis y agitación social y económica resultante de la pandemia del coronavirus y de la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania está creando una sensación de urgencia sin precedentes en muchas empresas. En consecuencia, es innegable que, en el clima de incertidumbre actual, las empresas se encuentran con la necesidad urgente de transformarse (Cordon, 2022; Terino et al., 2022). Hay quién afirma que el término transformación sea “quizás el término más usado en el mundo de los negocios" (Bucy, Hall & Yakola, 2016). Puede ser que no le falte razón, ya que las transformaciones impregnan todos los aspectos empresariales. Las transformaciones son amplias y muy complejas, aunque, a riesgo de simplificar, podemos genéricamente dividirlas en tres grandes tipologías. Algunas transformaciones son organizativas, cuando las empresas redefinen sus estructuras corporativas y las diferentes funciones y responsabilidades organizativas. Algunas transformaciones son estratégicas, cuando las empresas cambian o adaptan sus modelos de negocio, sus estrategias de llegada al mercado o la escala o el alcance de sus actividades. Algunas son transformaciones digitales (TD), cuando las organizaciones utilizan las tecnologías digitales para reinventar cualquier aspecto de su negocio. Y, francamente, muchas transformaciones son simplemente todo lo anterior, y pueden denominarse básicamente transformaciones corporativas. Numerosos estudios académicos se han centrado en aspectos muy concretos de las transformaciones. En el ámbito organizativo, los investigadores han examinado cómo se reorganizan las empresas para llevar a cabo las transformaciones (Balakrishnan & Das, 2020), cómo emplean métodos de trabajo "ágiles" (Rigby, Sutherland & Takeuchi, 2016; Gobillot, 2016), cómo gestionan el aprendizaje para transformarse con éxito (Schuchmann & Seufert, 2015), cómo rediseñan el trabajo (Richter et al., 2018), cómo exploran colaboraciones con actores internos y externos (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004; Weiblen & Chesbrough, 2015; Furr, O'Keeffe & Dyer, 2016) y, en términos muy generales, cómo se adaptan al cambio (Christensen & Overdorf, 2000; Birkinshaw, Zimmerman & Raisch, 2016). En el frente estratégico, ciertos académicos han estudiado el tema de la transformación y el crecimiento a través de la diversificación (Rumelt, 1982; Thompson, 1984; Hoskisson & Hitt, 1990; Goold & Luchs, 1993), las alianzas corporativas (Eisenhardt & Schoonhoven, 1996; Zollo, Reuer & Singh, 2002; Van den Steen, 2014), las fusiones y adquisiciones (Christensen et al, 2011; Cuatrecasas, 2019), la redefinición de su cartera de negocios (Pidun et al., 2011; Untiedt, Nippa & Pidun, 2013) o la integración vertical (Harrigan, 1983; Stuckey & White, 1993; Rothaermel, Hitt & Jobe, 2006). Otros han estudiado los cambios de modelo de negocio a través de la innovación continua (Steiber & Alänge, 2013), la innovación disruptiva (Christensen & Raynor, 2003), la innovación abierta (Chesbrough, 2003; Gassmann, 2006; Pohlisch, 2020; Papa et al, 2020), la innovación sostenible (Skarzynski & Gibson, 2008), o la disociación estratégica (Teixeira, 2019). Por último, en el ámbito digital, diversos académicos han explorado numerosos aspectos de las TDs. Schwarzmüller et al. (2018) analizaron cómo las TDs han conducido a la redefinición de múltiples funciones y responsabilidades corporativas; y Horlacher y Hess (2016) y Kunisch at al. (2020) estudiaron la aparición de nuevas figuras, como la del Chief Digital Officer. Sousa y Rocha (2019) exploraron las capacidades y habilidades requeridas en los procesos de TD. Fenech et al. (2019) estudiaron cómo las TDs han supuesto importantes cambios en las prácticas de gestión del talento. D'Ippolito et al. (2019) y Rachinger et al. (2019) examinaron la intersección entre las TDs y la innovación de modelos de negocio. Y Wrede et al. (2020) y Porfírio et al. (2021) investigaron el papel de los altos ejecutivos en las TDs. Esta tesis no pretende encasillarse en un área específica de estudio y más bien explora el concepto de las transformaciones corporativas de una forma amplia. Existen múltiples razones para ello, siendo quizás la principal que simpatizo con quienes argumentan que las verdaderas transformaciones son holísticas y deben, por definición, involucrar e incidir sobre todos los ángulos de la empresa si aspiran a tener éxito. A pesar de la ingente literatura que se centra en las transformaciones empresariales, hay muchos aspectos que quedan por estudiar. Esta tesis explora cuatro aspectos interrelacionados de las transformaciones corporativas que han sido poco estudiados por los académicos, por diversas razones -desde la impopularidad de ciertas herramientas, el estudio limitado de las estrategias de transformación en ciertos sectores o geografías, o la contemporaneidad de ciertos eventos. Aunque unidos por un tema común, estos artículos contribuyen por separado a cuatro corrientes de investigación independientes pero interconectadas. Desde un punto de vista práctico, esta tesis pretende contribuir a responder a cuatro preguntas críticas en cualquier proceso de transformación empresarial, a saber: ¿Cuál es la combinación adecuada de mercados y negocios en los que la empresa debe estar presente? (Capítulo 5) ¿Cuál es el posicionamiento adecuado en la cadena de valor de la empresa en un contexto de mercado cambiante? (Capítulo 6) ¿Qué herramientas estratégicas puede aprovechar la empresa para transformar su negocio? (Capítulo 7) ¿Cómo puede la empresa gestionar eficazmente un proceso de transformación? (Capítulo 8). Por supuesto, estas preguntas son tan amplias que esta tesis nunca podría aspirar a responderlas de forma categórica. De hecho, este trabajo de investigación pretende realizar una contribución original, desde una perspectiva o ángulo novedoso, que pueda hacer avanzar nuestra comprensión colectiva de las prácticas estratégicas y de gestión adecuadas que deben aplicarse en los procesos de transformación, y servir de apoyo y referencia para futuras investigaciones.
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APhenomenological Study of the Three Dimensions—Verticality, Horizontality, and Depth—and their Role in Orientation:Joyce, Sharon Lynn January 2020 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Richard Kearney / All our movements presuppose our being oriented. But what does it mean for the embodied subject to be oriented in space? How is the egocentric space of the lived body connected to the larger domain of objective space? While Husserl explored how the egocentric subject comes to situate itself within intersubjectively constituted objective space, Merleau-Ponty’s further inquiry into pre-objective spatiality suggests that the embodied subject is always already oriented beyond itself, via its connections to the three dimensions of the physical world. His work on the subjective experience of depth and verticality laid the groundwork for a phenomenology of the three dimensions, which I undertake here.
For each of the three dimensions—verticality, horizontality and depth—I explore the interconnections among a) the sensed dimensions of bodily space b) the dimensions of intersubjective space and c) the geometric, abstract axes of objective space. Each of the dimensions in lived space is qualitatively distinct, both as sensed in the body and perceived externally, and they differ accordingly as bearers of meaning. My primary aim is to elucidate the specific character of the dimensions in all their expressive, existential, and cultural significance; this is done first at the level of subjective, bodily spatiality and then again at the broader cultural and historical level. To this end, I look to philosophy as well as to visual art, architecture, the history of religion and myth, psychology, cognitive linguistics and neuroscience.
Investigating the axes of the body in relation to the dimensions of the world means asking about orientation itself, for it lies at their nexus. I examine the role of spatial orientation in self-understanding, self-identity and memory as well as in shaping relations with the Other. Ultimately, the prevailing cultural (western) ideas of modern space and subjectivity, rooted in the cogito, prove to be in tension with a phenomenology of space and the three dimensions. The primacy of egocentricity deserves to be questioned in light of various alternate modes of spatial experience (attuned, shared) and alternate modes of orientation (allocentric, absolute). I conclude that orientation is better described as symbiotic and reciprocal, with the lived body always in relation to the world beyond itself. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2020. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Philosophy.
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Liquid Holdup in Vertical Air/Water Multiphase Flow with SurfactantAkor, Innocent Collins January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Vertical transmission of Mycoplasma haemolamae in alpacas (Vicugna pacos)Pentecost, Rebecca Lynne 22 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Factors Affecting the Horizontal Distribution of Vertical Worm Tubes in the Thorold SandstoneYeo , Colin 04 1900 (has links)
No abstract provided. / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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Biomechanical Modelling of the Foot to Improve Segment Power Estimates in the Vertical JumpCarmichael, Wendy 09 1900 (has links)
<p> The present study develops a foot model to improve segment power estimates in the vertical jump. Modifications to the traditional foot model included the addition of a forefoot segment to allow for power flow across the metatarsal-phalangeal joint, and a re-definition of the ankle joint position to decrease foot segment length variability. The foot model was evaluated by comparison of the total segment power (TSP) with the rate of change of energy (RCE) of the foot segment. Pearson's correlation coefficients and percent root mean square (% RMS) error were used to compare curves. </p> <p> Power flow analysis was performed on a counter-movement jump (CMJ) and a squat jump (SQJ) for each of 8 male and 8 female subjects. Both a 4-Link and a 5-Link, sagittal plane, link-segment model were used to calculate the joint and muscle powers. </p> <p> The combination of both modifications to the traditional foot model (i.e. 5-Link(ankle) model), resulted in dramatic improvements for the match between the TSP and RCE. When comparing the traditional model with the 5-Link(ankle) model for the CMJ, correlation coefficients improved from -0.46 to 0.92 for the male group and from -0.50 to 0.77 for the female group. The %RMS error decreased from 380.5% to 35.4% for the male group and from 466.9% to 71.6% for the female group. SQJ improvements were similar. </p> <p> Ankle joint position re-definition succeeded in compensating for foot segment length changes in most cases, and indicates that a single point can be located to act as a hinge joint between the foot and leg segments throughout the vertical jump motion. Improvements associated with the addition of a forefoot segment to the traditional linksegment model indicate that substantial power flow occurs through the metatarsal-phalangeal joint during vertical jump motions. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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