Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vertical pumps""
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Estimation of Power Output from Static and Countermovement Vertical Jumps: Junior National Team Male GymnastsSands, William A., Stone, Michael H., McNeal, Jeni R., Jemni, Monem, Haff, G. Gregory 01 June 2006 (has links)
Abstract available in the /Estimation_of_Power_Output_from_Static_and.1896.aspx">Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
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Jämförelse av metoder för beräkning av höjd vid vertikala hoppLindblad, Paulina, Norberg, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to explore the possibility of using the accelerometer in a mobile device to measure acceleration instead of professional laboratory equipment. Five subjects performed ten vertical jumps each. The equipment used for the purpose of this project was a mobile device, force plate and a motion capture system, of which the last one mentioned was used as a reference for comparison against the others. The data from the mobile device was split into two groups of datasets, where the first one was the nominal acceleration from the raw data and the second one the acceleration when the phones orientation was taken into consideration. The height was calculated by using the double summation, take-off velocity and flight-time. All the data was compiled where the mean deviation, standard deviation, R-value and R-Squared was calculated for each method. The take-off velocity was later used as the final method to give it a fair and equal comparison. The result showed that the force plate was significantly better and more reliable than the mobile device. When comparing the different datasets from the phone, the orientation adapted data performed better than the raw data. The conclusion made from this project was that the force plate is still significantly better than the mobile device regardless of the type of data, but the orientation adapted data demonstrates a result in the right direction.
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Reliability of Accelerometer Based Performance Measurements during Countermovement Vertical Jumps and the Influence of Sampling FrequencyHaff, G. Gregory, Ruben, R., Saffel, H., McCory, J., Cormie, P., Sands, William A., Stone, Michael H. 01 July 2010 (has links)
The assessment of vertical jump performance is widely undertaken by coaches and sports scientists because of its strong relationship with sports performances including those in weightlifting, sprinting, and cycling. With the development of accelerometer based testing devices the traditional vertical jump field test may offer a more detailed evaluation of an athlete's performance capacity. However, little data are available on the reliability of this technology and the impact of sampling frequency on reliability. PURPOSE: To determine the reliability of accelerometer based performance measurements during countermovement vertical jumps and the influence of sampling frequency on reliability. METHODS: Ten college aged men (age = 23.6 ± 3.1 y; height = 180.1 ± 6.3 cm; mass = 85.0 ± 15.2kg; body fat = 14.2 ± 6.5%) performed two series of five restricted (no arm swing) zero load countermovement vertical jumps. During each jump a triaxial accelerometer that sampled at 500 Hz was used to assess acceleration, from which peak force (PF), rate of force development (RFD), peak power output (PP), peak velocity (PV), flight time (FT), and peak vertical displacement (VD) were derived and analyzed using a custom LabView Program. This program was used to re-sample the data collected at 500 Hz to 250Hz, 125 Hz and 50 Hz, which were then analyzed. The reliability of the accelerometer system was assessed with the use of intraclass correlations, while precision was determined with the use of the coefficient of variation (CV), and criterion validity was assessed via Pearsons correlation. RESULTS: At 500 Hz the accelerometer was reliable for PF (ICC = 0.94), RFD (ICC = 0.92), PP (ICC = 0.87), FT (ICC = 0.93), and VD (ICC = 0.93). Additionally, reliability was maintained at 250Hz for PF(0.95), RFD(0.92), PP(ICC = 0.86), FT(ICC = 0.93) and VD(ICC = 0.92). Good precision was determined for PF (CV = 7.3%), PV (CV = 7.6%), FT (CV = 2.3%), and VD(CV = 4.7%) at 500 Hz. Additionally precision was maintained at 250Hz for PF (CV = 6.8%), PV (CV = 7.7%), FT (CV = 2.4%), and VD(CV = 4.9%). Finally, criterion validity was high for PF(r = 0.96), RFD(r = 0.97), PP(r = 0.99), PV(r = 0.99), FT(r = 0.99) and VD(r = 0.99) when comparing the 250Hz data to the 500 Hz data. When sampling frequency was decreased below 250Hz reliability, precision and criterion validity all decreased. CONCLUSIONS: The accelerometer used in this investigation produced reliable, precise and valid for assessments of PF, PP, FT, and VD data at sampling frequencies ≥250Hz. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: For vertical jump applications it appears that accelerometers must have a minimum sampling frequency of 250Hz in order to maintain reliability, precision and validity. Therefore when assessing athlete performance, it is essential that the strength and conditioning professional consider sampling rate when utilizing this technology. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This investigation was partially supported by MyoTest Inc., which donated the accelerometer system used in this investigation.
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Skirtingo amžiaus ir lyties orientacininkų kojų raumenų galingumas ir vargstamumas atliekant vertikalius šuolius / Muscle power and fatigue resistance during vertical jumping in orienteers of different age and genderJusas, Giedrius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti įvairaus amžiaus ir lyties orientacininkų kojų tiesiamųjų raumenų galingumą ir atsparumą nuovargiui vertikalaus šuoliavimo testo metu.
Buvo ištirti 92 orientacininkai, pagal amžių (metais) ir lytį (moteriška, M; vyriška, V) suskirstyti į šešias grupes: M15–17 merginos (n = 19), M18–20 merginos (n = 9), M>21 moterys (n = 4), V15–17 jaunuoliai (n = 21), V18–20 vaikinai (n = 18), V > 21 vyrai (n = 21).
Vertikalių šuolių aukštį matavome pagal C. Bosco metodiką. Po standartinės pramankštos tiriamieji ant 60x60 cm dydžio kontaktinio kilimėlio atliko po tris vienkartinius maksimalių pastangų vertikalius šuolius su rankų mostu ir be mosto, o paskui 60 s šuoliavo maksimaliomis pastangomis, amortizuojamai pritūpdami iki 90° kampo per kelius (rankas laikydami ant juosmens).
Vienkartinio vertikalaus šuolio aukštis (taigi ir kojų tiesiamųjų raumenų galingumas) nepriklausė nuo amžiaus, tačiau visose amžiaus grupėse vyriška lytis tiriamieji pašokdavo aukščiau. Lyginant orientacininkių gebėjimą aukštai pašokti su rankų mostu ir be mosto, reikšmingus pašokimo aukščio skirtumus nustatėme 15–17 ir 18–20 metų amžiaus orientacininkių grupėse, o tarp orientacininkų šis skirtumas buvo reikšmingas visose amžiaus grupėse (p < 0,001).
Išanalizavę šuolių aukščio kaitą 1 min. šuoliavimo testo metu pastebėjome, kad statistiškai reikšmingi vargstamumo skirtumai amžiaus aspektu buvo tik tarp M15–17 ir M18–20 grupių (p < 0,05), o lyties aspektu – tarp M15–17 ir V15–17 grupių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to estimate vertical jumping performance in orienteers of various age and both sexes.
The study embraced 92 orienteers of national level. According to age (years) and gender (males, M; females, F), six groups of athletes were singled out: F15–17 (n = 19), F18–20 (n = 9), F>21 (n = 4), M15–17 (n = 21), M18–20 (n = 18), and M>21 (n = 21).
After a standard warm-up, subjects performed maximal intensity vertical jumps on the contact mat sized 60x60 cm. After orienteers made jumps with and without arm swing (3 attempts each), all-out vertical jumps for 60 sec with a shock-absorbing squat to 90° knee angle, arms akimbo, were performed. The jump height was measured according to C. Bosco et al., using a flight-phase time as a sole indicator.
There were no statistically significant differences in the height of the single vertical jump between age groups, irrespectively of the gender. However, statistically significant differences were observed in the height of the single vertical jump in all age groups in respect to gender. The comparison of vertical jumps performed by females with and without arm swing revealed statistically significant difference only between F15–17 and F18–20 groups, while the difference in jump height between two modes was statistically significant in male orienteers of all age groups (p < 0.001). F15–17 and F18–20 groups differed in respect to fatigue index during 60 sec test (p < 0.05). The different fatigue index was observed in respect... [to full text]
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Efeitos do treinamento pliométrico em variáveis fisiológicas e neuromusculares de corredores de longa distância / Effects of plyometric training on physiologic and neuromuscular variables of long distance runnersManechini, João Paulo Vieira 27 April 2017 (has links)
Com o objetivo de comparar os efeitos do treinamento de força rápida em parâmetros fisiológicos, mecânicos e neuromusculares de corredores de fundo, o presente trabalho contou com uma amostra de 18 atletas amadores do sexo masculino, praticantes de corrida de rua e com experiência em provas de longa distância (21km ou acima). A amostra foi selecionada para o grupo \"treinamento de força rápida\", (RPG - grupo experimental) ou \"exercícios educativos técnicos de corrida\" (RTG - grupo controle), que realizaram seis semanas de exercícios distintos. No intuito de avaliar o desempenho em variáveis-chave para o rendimento de fundistas, os sujeitos foram submetidos a uma série de testes em dois momentos distintos: após a semana de aprendizagem e adaptação aos exercícios (pré) e ao final das seis semanas dos protocolos propostos (pós). A bateria de testes foi composta por: testes de saltos verticais (Altura [H], Potência Pico [PP] e Potência Relativa [PR] do salto para as técnicas Squat Jump [SJ], Counter Movement Jump [CMJ] e Drop Jump 40cm [DJ40]); salto horizontal [SH] e salto sêxtuplo alternado [S6A] (distância saltada); uma repetição máxima no agachamento guiado (carga absoluta [1RM Abs.] e relativa à massa corporal [1RM Rel.]); teste de contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM - força pico [Fpico], força pico relativa à massa corporal [Fpico R.], tempo da força pico [TFPICO] e taxa de desenvolvimento de força [TDF]); teste incremental de esteira (Velocidade Pico em Esteira [VPE] e Velocidade do Limiar de Lactato [vLL]); e tempo limite em esteira na VPE (Tlim). O tratamento estatístico foi realizado por meio do Software IBM® SPSS® Statistics v. 20.0, para Windows (IBM Corporation, Chicago, USA). A ANOVA Modelo Misto foi utilizada para as comparações das variáveis de desempenho entre momentos e entre grupos, com teste post-hoc de Bonferroni quando necessário, e o teste t de Student para amostras independentes foi realizado para comparar as variáveis relativas ao treinamento entre os grupos. Todas as variáveis foram submetidas aos testes estatísticos Cohen\'s \"d\" de Magnitude de Efeito (ES) e Probabilidade Quantitativa de Chances (QC). Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes para as variáveis Altura de Salto e Potência Relativa para a técnica de salto vertical Squat Jump entre os momentos pré e pós treinamento para o grupo RPG (HSJ: F = 6,973; p = 0,018; PRSJ: F = 8,421; p = 0,01) e Altura de Salto e Potência Relativa para a técnica de salto vertical Counter Movement Jump entre os grupos RPG e RTG, após as seis semanas de exercícios (HCMJ: F = 6,163; p = 0,025; PRCMJ: F = 4,667; p = 0,046). Foi identificada diferença significativa para a variável \'tempo da Fpico\' (F = 7,731; p = 0,013) durante o teste de CIVM para o grupo RPG entre os momentos. O grupo Controle, ainda, apresentou queda na variável VPE após as seis semanas do protocolo (F = 5,493; p = 0,032), o que não foi observado no grupo Pliometria. Ademais, o grupo experimental apresentou redução nos valores de lactato sanguíneo nos minutos 1, 3 e 5 após o teste de Tlim (F = 16,858; p = 0,001; F = 8,406; p = 0,01; F = 12,092; p = 0,003, respectivamente). É possível concluir que o treinamento pliométrico foi superior ao protocolo de exercícios educativos no intuito de melhorar o desempenho da força rápida de membros inferiores, contribuindo, ainda, para a manutenção dos níveis iniciais de desempenho em corrida e a melhora da remoção do lactato sanguíneo, o que não pode ser observado no grupo RTG. / With the purpose to compare the effects of explosive-strength training in physiologic and neuromuscular variables of endurance runners, the present study accounted with 18 male amateur athletes experienced in long distance races (21km and above). The sample was divided between explosive-strength training - RPG (running plyometrics group) and technique exercises protocol - RTG (running techniques group), which performed six weeks of distinct exercise protocols. With the aim to evaluate key-variables for endurance running performance the subjects were submitted to batteries of assessments in two different moments: after the exercises adaptation week and right before the beginning of the protocols, and at the end of the exercise protocols. The assessments battery contained vertical jump tests (Jump Height [H], Peak Power [PP] and Relative Power [RP] for the techniques Squat Jump [SJ], Counter Movement Jump [CMJ] and Drop Jump 40cm [DJ40])/ horizontal long jump (SH) and sextuple jump alternating legs (S6A), one maximum repetition for squat at Smith Machine (absolute [1RM Abs.] and relative to body mass loads [1RM Rel.]), maximum voluntary isometric contraction test (MVIC - peak force [Fpico], peak force relative to body mass [Fpico R.], time to peak force [TFPICO] and rate of force development [TDF]); maximum incremental treadmill test (treadmill peak velocity [VPE] and lactate threshold velocity [vLL]), and time limit test at treadmill peak velocity (Tlim). The statistical procedures were performed at IBM® SPSS® Statistics Software v. 20.0, para Windows (IBM Corporation, Chicago, USA) The Mixed Model ANOVA was performed with dependent variables to identify time and group interactions, using the Bonferroni post-hoc test when necessary, while the training variables were analyzed by the Student\'s t test for independent samples. All data were also analyzed with Cohen\'s \"d\" Effect Size test (ES) and Probability of Quantitative Chances (QC). There were found in RPG significant differences for H and PR for Squat Jump technique between moments pre- and post-protocol (HSJ: F = 6,973; p = 0,018; PRSJ: F = 8,421; p = 0,01), and for the same variables for Counter Movement Jump technique between RPG and RTG (HCMJ: F = 6,163; p = 0,025; PRCMJ: F = 4,667; p = 0,046) after the exercise protocols. Also, significant difference was found for \'time to peak force\' variable (F = 7,731; p = 0,013) during the MVIC test for the group RPG between moments. Yet, the control group presented significant decrease of peak treadmill velocity in the moment post- compared to the pre-training (F = 5,493; p = 0,032), which was not observed in the experimental group. Still, the experimental group presented lower values for lactate concentrations 1, 3 and 5 minutes after Tlim test (F = 16,858; p = 0,001; F = 8,406; p = 0,01; F = 12,092; p = 0,003, respectively). It is possible to conclude that the plyometric training performed by the RPG was superior to the technique exercises protocol in the objective of increasing lower-limbs explosive-strength parameters, contributing to the maintenance of running performance and a better lactate clearance capacity, which did not happen in the RTG.
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Jaunųjų krepšininkų greitumo jėgos savybės kitimas fizinių krūvių ir atsigavimo po jų metu / The changes in acceleration of the strength and physical charges and becoming well again of the young basketball playersMomkauskas, Saulius 15 May 2006 (has links)
It was investigatet the indexes of physical charges and their changes among the basketball players of 15–16 years old. The survey was done in January and February, 2006 and there were 15 young basketballers. The aim of the survey was the changes of the young players in the acceleration of the physical strength and becoming well again. According to the pecularities of the phases of the young players and the importance of the physical strength there was an actual research in this problem, that is, to ascertain the changes of the indexesof the accelaration of the strength pointing at various physical charges and becoming well afterwards. The aims were to ascertain the hight of the players jump (hp90, Dj90 and Dj135), as well as their changes before the charge and after it, and becoming well afterwards, then to ascertain the tiredness of the muscles, the composition of the skeleton, the changes of the height of the jumps at the maximal intensivity, and to ascertain the pain of the muscles. During the warming – up the players did three experimental jumps in these ways: hp90, Dj90, Dj135. Later, the young basketball players had to do three control jumps. Then, there was a 1 minute charge test in maximum power series of the jumps. After that, they did three control jumps in all the described ways. Then, the young players had a rest for one hour. After that they had a warming – up and then three control jumps. A contact platform was used to ascertain the height of the jump with the... [to full text]
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Efeitos do treinamento pliométrico em variáveis fisiológicas e neuromusculares de corredores de longa distância / Effects of plyometric training on physiologic and neuromuscular variables of long distance runnersJoão Paulo Vieira Manechini 27 April 2017 (has links)
Com o objetivo de comparar os efeitos do treinamento de força rápida em parâmetros fisiológicos, mecânicos e neuromusculares de corredores de fundo, o presente trabalho contou com uma amostra de 18 atletas amadores do sexo masculino, praticantes de corrida de rua e com experiência em provas de longa distância (21km ou acima). A amostra foi selecionada para o grupo \"treinamento de força rápida\", (RPG - grupo experimental) ou \"exercícios educativos técnicos de corrida\" (RTG - grupo controle), que realizaram seis semanas de exercícios distintos. No intuito de avaliar o desempenho em variáveis-chave para o rendimento de fundistas, os sujeitos foram submetidos a uma série de testes em dois momentos distintos: após a semana de aprendizagem e adaptação aos exercícios (pré) e ao final das seis semanas dos protocolos propostos (pós). A bateria de testes foi composta por: testes de saltos verticais (Altura [H], Potência Pico [PP] e Potência Relativa [PR] do salto para as técnicas Squat Jump [SJ], Counter Movement Jump [CMJ] e Drop Jump 40cm [DJ40]); salto horizontal [SH] e salto sêxtuplo alternado [S6A] (distância saltada); uma repetição máxima no agachamento guiado (carga absoluta [1RM Abs.] e relativa à massa corporal [1RM Rel.]); teste de contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM - força pico [Fpico], força pico relativa à massa corporal [Fpico R.], tempo da força pico [TFPICO] e taxa de desenvolvimento de força [TDF]); teste incremental de esteira (Velocidade Pico em Esteira [VPE] e Velocidade do Limiar de Lactato [vLL]); e tempo limite em esteira na VPE (Tlim). O tratamento estatístico foi realizado por meio do Software IBM® SPSS® Statistics v. 20.0, para Windows (IBM Corporation, Chicago, USA). A ANOVA Modelo Misto foi utilizada para as comparações das variáveis de desempenho entre momentos e entre grupos, com teste post-hoc de Bonferroni quando necessário, e o teste t de Student para amostras independentes foi realizado para comparar as variáveis relativas ao treinamento entre os grupos. Todas as variáveis foram submetidas aos testes estatísticos Cohen\'s \"d\" de Magnitude de Efeito (ES) e Probabilidade Quantitativa de Chances (QC). Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes para as variáveis Altura de Salto e Potência Relativa para a técnica de salto vertical Squat Jump entre os momentos pré e pós treinamento para o grupo RPG (HSJ: F = 6,973; p = 0,018; PRSJ: F = 8,421; p = 0,01) e Altura de Salto e Potência Relativa para a técnica de salto vertical Counter Movement Jump entre os grupos RPG e RTG, após as seis semanas de exercícios (HCMJ: F = 6,163; p = 0,025; PRCMJ: F = 4,667; p = 0,046). Foi identificada diferença significativa para a variável \'tempo da Fpico\' (F = 7,731; p = 0,013) durante o teste de CIVM para o grupo RPG entre os momentos. O grupo Controle, ainda, apresentou queda na variável VPE após as seis semanas do protocolo (F = 5,493; p = 0,032), o que não foi observado no grupo Pliometria. Ademais, o grupo experimental apresentou redução nos valores de lactato sanguíneo nos minutos 1, 3 e 5 após o teste de Tlim (F = 16,858; p = 0,001; F = 8,406; p = 0,01; F = 12,092; p = 0,003, respectivamente). É possível concluir que o treinamento pliométrico foi superior ao protocolo de exercícios educativos no intuito de melhorar o desempenho da força rápida de membros inferiores, contribuindo, ainda, para a manutenção dos níveis iniciais de desempenho em corrida e a melhora da remoção do lactato sanguíneo, o que não pode ser observado no grupo RTG. / With the purpose to compare the effects of explosive-strength training in physiologic and neuromuscular variables of endurance runners, the present study accounted with 18 male amateur athletes experienced in long distance races (21km and above). The sample was divided between explosive-strength training - RPG (running plyometrics group) and technique exercises protocol - RTG (running techniques group), which performed six weeks of distinct exercise protocols. With the aim to evaluate key-variables for endurance running performance the subjects were submitted to batteries of assessments in two different moments: after the exercises adaptation week and right before the beginning of the protocols, and at the end of the exercise protocols. The assessments battery contained vertical jump tests (Jump Height [H], Peak Power [PP] and Relative Power [RP] for the techniques Squat Jump [SJ], Counter Movement Jump [CMJ] and Drop Jump 40cm [DJ40])/ horizontal long jump (SH) and sextuple jump alternating legs (S6A), one maximum repetition for squat at Smith Machine (absolute [1RM Abs.] and relative to body mass loads [1RM Rel.]), maximum voluntary isometric contraction test (MVIC - peak force [Fpico], peak force relative to body mass [Fpico R.], time to peak force [TFPICO] and rate of force development [TDF]); maximum incremental treadmill test (treadmill peak velocity [VPE] and lactate threshold velocity [vLL]), and time limit test at treadmill peak velocity (Tlim). The statistical procedures were performed at IBM® SPSS® Statistics Software v. 20.0, para Windows (IBM Corporation, Chicago, USA) The Mixed Model ANOVA was performed with dependent variables to identify time and group interactions, using the Bonferroni post-hoc test when necessary, while the training variables were analyzed by the Student\'s t test for independent samples. All data were also analyzed with Cohen\'s \"d\" Effect Size test (ES) and Probability of Quantitative Chances (QC). There were found in RPG significant differences for H and PR for Squat Jump technique between moments pre- and post-protocol (HSJ: F = 6,973; p = 0,018; PRSJ: F = 8,421; p = 0,01), and for the same variables for Counter Movement Jump technique between RPG and RTG (HCMJ: F = 6,163; p = 0,025; PRCMJ: F = 4,667; p = 0,046) after the exercise protocols. Also, significant difference was found for \'time to peak force\' variable (F = 7,731; p = 0,013) during the MVIC test for the group RPG between moments. Yet, the control group presented significant decrease of peak treadmill velocity in the moment post- compared to the pre-training (F = 5,493; p = 0,032), which was not observed in the experimental group. Still, the experimental group presented lower values for lactate concentrations 1, 3 and 5 minutes after Tlim test (F = 16,858; p = 0,001; F = 8,406; p = 0,01; F = 12,092; p = 0,003, respectively). It is possible to conclude that the plyometric training performed by the RPG was superior to the technique exercises protocol in the objective of increasing lower-limbs explosive-strength parameters, contributing to the maintenance of running performance and a better lactate clearance capacity, which did not happen in the RTG.
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