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Pětiválcový řadový vznětový motor / Five-cylinder in-line diesel engineKujawa, Pawel January 2011 (has links)
The primary objective of this thesis was to design a crankshaft according to given parameters. In this case the thesis also contains the balancing of inertia forces and its moments, modal analysis and calculation of torsion vibrations. The last chapter includes a calculation of the safety factor by using a Finite Element Method.
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Klikový mechanismus zážehového šestiválcového leteckého motoru / Cranktrain of a petrol six-cylinder aircraft engineVičík, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to propose a cranktrain of a petrol six-cylinder aircraft engine with the specified parameters. Build dynamic model involved an air reducer and carry out the life-stress analysis important key parts of the crankshaft.
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Studie rozmístění dílů SCR systému na traktoru s pevnostní analýzou vybraných komponentů / Design Study of SCR Parts Placement on Tractor with Stress-strain Analysis of Determined ComponentsPolnický, Václav January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the exhaust system able to pass emission restrictions Stage IV. How emissions are produced as well as how could be minimized is described. Analysis of components lay out necessary to AdBlue injection is mentioned. Main part of this paper handle with given design of exhaust system combining diesel particulate filter, as well as filters required to reduce nitrogen oxides. Strength analysis covering vibrations, welds, fatigue and life is concluded. Thesis is made for Zetor Tractors a.s. purposes.
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Vibrations of plates with massesSolov'ëv, Sergey I. 31 August 2006 (has links)
This paper presents the investigation of the
nonlinear eigenvalue problem describing free
vibrations of plates with elastically attached
masses. We study properties of eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions and prove the existence theorem.
Theoretical results are illustrated by numerical
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Kvantifikace biomechanických důsledků monotónní práce v sedu na axiální systém / The Quantification of Biomechanical Consequences of Monotonous Sedentary Work to the Axial SystemJanáčková, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Thesis Title: The Quantification of Biomechanical Consequences of Monotonous Sedentary Work to the Axial System Thesis Goals: The goal of the Diploma Thesis is to assess the impact of sedentary work position on the axial system and to find out what changes in biomechanical properties occur specifically in the spine after the specific monotonous eight hours lasting load. Method: Five probands were exposed to diagnostic vibrations of the TVS method (transfer vibration through the spine) before performing eight hours monotonous sedentary work and after it. The examined feature was the ability of the axial system to dampen vibrations spread throughout the spine. Dampening reactions of individual segments were compared to each other before and after the performance of work. Results: The TVS method applied at work has proven its adequacy in the provision of information on resonance frequencies and on the overall attenuation of the spine with sufficient accuracy so that the impact to the axial system after completing the work performance was clearly identifiable. When comparing the frequency dependence and overall attenuation of individual probands we have found that the overall attenuation of the spine increased in all examined individuals. Key words: work, axial system, spine, vibrations and TVS.
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Dynamics of Torsional and Axial Vibrations in Indexable DrillsParsian, Amir January 2015 (has links)
Drilling is widely used in manufacturing of products which need holes, for example for fluid channels, screws or pins. Depending on application, workpiece material, cutting parameters and economic considerations, different types of drills are employed. Indexable insert drills are types of drills which facilitate inserts to make holes. These types of drills can make high pitch noises due to vibrations. The focus of this thesis is to investigate the mechanism behind these vibrations in order to help reducing the generated noise in the future designs. Primary investigations show that the main mechanism which results the mentioned noise is regenerative chatter vibrations due to axial and torsional flexibilities. There is a gap in modeling of chatter vibrations in indexable drills where loadings and geometries are asymmetrical and due to torsional vibrations, delay terms are variable. The first step of simulating regenerative chatter vibrations in the drill is to model static cutting forces in a reliable way. In this thesis, a model is proposed which is capable of predicting static cutting forces through segmentation of cutting edges. Since, using this model, forces can be calculated separately on each insert, it is possible to consider differences of inserts in estimationof the cutting loads. The obtained loads are used in the chatter simulation.A model is proposed to simulate chatter vibrations by considering axialand angular deflections and the coupling between them. The resulted model isa system of delay differential equations with variable delays. Variations in timedelays, tool jump-outs and backward motions of inserts have been included inthe proposed time-domain simulation. A set of experiments is conducted toverify the model.
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Vibration Analysis on AC Electric Arc FurnaceBergstedt, Edwin, Földhazy, Johan, Lundstjälk, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
A computerized Fast Fourier Transform system has been used to analyse vibration measurements sampled from a 100-ton electric arc furnace. It has been the hypothesis that patterns in the vibration data would correlate to specific events in the electric arc furnace during the melting process. The theory was that the vibration patterns would be most powerful in multiples of 50 Hz, as the electric arcs operate with a frequency of 50 Hz. It was concluded that the multiples of 50 Hz were dominant. Investigation was made regarding how the amount of scrap affects the amplitude in the vibrations after a defined amount of energy input. It was confirmed that the intensity of the vibrations decreased with increasing mass and basket volume. Another discovery was the M-shaped pattern at the beginning of the melting process. This pattern was statistically analysed. It was found that 71 % of the 41 charges showed an M-shaped correlation. The appearance of this M-shape was analysed regarding power usage, and steel-type. It was concluded that the steel type affected the appearance of the M-shape. The occurrence of flat-bath was also investigated. The theory was that the vibration data would be fairly constant with the occurrence of flat-bath. It was discovered that the vibration data experienced a somewhat constant behaviour towards the end of the melting process in approximately 57 % of the 41 charges. Difficulties were encountered regarding detection of patterns, and correlating them to specific conditions, due to the many parameters that affect the vibration measurements from charge to charge. It was concluded that vibration analysis are unlikely to be used as an absolute way to foresee every event in the electric arc furnace during each charge. But can rather serve as a statistical tool, upon which decisions of how the melting process should be conducted could be based on.
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Numerical investigation of the sensitivity of forced response characteristics of bladed disks to mistuningMyhre, Mikkel January 2003 (has links)
Two state of the art finite element reduction techniquespreviously validated against the direct finite element method,one based on classical modal analysis and another based oncomponent mode synthesis, are applied for efficient mistunedfree vibration and forced response analysis of several bladeddisk geometries. The methods are first applied to two testcases in order to demonstrate the differences in computationalefficiency as well as to validate the methods againstexperimental data. As previous studies have indicated, nonoticeable differences in accuracy are detected for the currentapplications, while the method based on classical modalanalysis is significantly more efficient. Experimental data(mistuned frequencies and mode shapes) available for one of thetwo test cases are compared with numerical predictions, and agood match is obtained, which adds to the previous validationof the methods (against the direct finite element method). The influence of blade-to-blade coupling and rotation speedon the sensitivity of bladed disks to mistuning is thenstudied. A transonic fan is considered with part span shroudsand without shrouds, respectively, constituting a high and alow blade-to-blade coupling case. For both cases, computationsare performed at rest as well as at various rotation speeds.Mistuning sensitivity is modelled as the dependence ofamplitude magnification on the standard deviation of bladestiffnesses. The finite element reduction technique based onclassical modal analysis is employed for the structuralanalysis. This reduced order model is solved for sets of randomblade stiffnesses with various standard deviations, i.e. MonteCarlo simulations. In order to reduce the sample size, thestatistical data is fitted to a Weibull (type III) parametermodel. Three different parameter estimation techniques areapplied and compared. The key role of blade-to-blade coupling,as well as the ratio of mistuning to coupling, is demonstratedfor the two cases. It is observed that mistuning sensitivityvaries significantly with rotation speed for both fans due toan associated variation in blade-to-blade coupling strength.Focusing on the effect of one specific engine order on themistuned response of the first bending modes, it is observedthat the mistuning sensitivity behaviour of the fan withoutshrouds is unaffected by rotation at its resonant condition,due to insignificant changes in coupling strength at thisspeed. The fan with shrouds, on the other hand, shows asignificantly different behaviour at rest and resonant speed,due to increased coupling under rotation. Comparing the twocases at resonant rotor speeds, the fan without shrouds is lessor equally sensitive to mistuning than the fan with shrouds inthe entire range of mistuning strengths considered. This thesisscientific contribution centres on themistuning sensitivity study, where the effects of shrouds androtation speed are quantified for realistic bladed diskgeometries. However, also the validation of two finite elementreduction techniques against experimental measurementsconstitutes an important contribution. / NR 20140805
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Ground Vibrations due to Vibratory Sheet Pile DrivingLidén, Märta January 2012 (has links)
Vibratory driving is today the most common installation method of sheet piles. The knowledge of the induced ground vibrations is however still deficient. This makes predictions of the vibration magnitudes difficult to carry out with good reliability. To avoid exceeding the limit values, resulting in stops of production, or that vibratory driven sheet piles are discarded for more costly solutions, a need for increased knowledge of the vibration process is imminent. With increased knowledge, a more reliable and practical prediction model can be developed. The aim of this thesis is to analyze measured data from a field study to increase the understanding of the induced vibrations and their propagation through the soil. The field study was performed in Karlstad in May 2010, where a trial sheet piling prior to an extension of Karlstad Theatre was carried out. During the trial sheet piling, two triaxial geophones were mounted at the ground surface at two different distances from the sheet piles, to measure the vibration amplitude. The field test is associated with some limitations. Only four sheet piles were driven, with one measurement per sheet pile. Some measurements were less successful and some parameters had to be assumed. This limits the accuracy but still provides some interesting results. Another aim is to compare the measured values to existing models for predicting vibrations from piling and sheet piling operations. There are today several prediction models available, which however often provide too crude estimations or alternatively are too advanced to be incorporated in practical use. Two basic empirical prediction models are compared to the measured values in Karlstad, where the first is one of the earliest and most well known models and the other is a later development of the first model. The purpose of this comparison is to evaluate these models to contribute to the development of a new prediction model. The results show that the earlier model greatly overestimates the vibration magnitude while the later developed model provides a better estimation. A literature study is performed to gain a theoretical background to the problem of ground vibrations and how they are related to the method of vibratory driving of sheet piles. The analysis considering the field study and prediction models is mainly performed by using MATLAB to obtain different graphical presentations of the vibration signals. The conclusions that can be drawn from the results are that the focus of vibration analysis should not always be the vertical vibration components. Horizontal movements of the sheet pile might be introduced, e.g. by the configuration of the clamping device, which generates additional vibrations in horizontal directions. The soil characteristics influence the magnitude of the vibrations. As the sheet pile reaches a stiffer soil layer, the vibration magnitude increases. A realistic and reliable prediction model should take the characteristics of the soil into account.
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Traffic-induced vibrations on a two span composite railway bridge : Comparison of theory and measurementsMiguel Escudero López, José January 2011 (has links)
The economic and technologic development experienced by the society in the last decades has caused the demand of a new type of faster and more comfortable transport. This type of demand has been covered by the air transport, the road transport and the railway transport. This situation where the society demands an improvement in her quality of life is the best situation for the birth of the high speed trains. Different studies carried out in the transport field have demonstrated that for distances between four hundred and one thousand of kilometres, the high speed trains provide a lower travelling times than the rest of the transports. These types of high speed trains have increased the axle loads and the average speeds, thus generally a dynamic analysis is required by the ERRI in all the railway bridges when the train speed is higher than 200 Km/h. Besides, when the train speed is going to be higher than 200 Km/h, the vibrations induced in the bridge can reduce the service life of the vehicles and structure, and generally, this fact leads to become the dynamic effect in the principal factor to take into account in order to design the structure. Therefore, an important knowledge in railway bridges dynamic is required to not to oversize the structures with the consequent economic cost. The purpose of this thesis is to study the possibility of accurately predicting the dynamic response of an existing railway bridge, subjected to the high speed train Gröna Tåget, implementing a simplified 2D finite element model with the aid of the program Abaqus. The bridge chosen is the Lögdeälv Bridge, a two spans composite bridge, located along the Bothnia Line (the new Swedish high-speed line), between the localities of Nordmaling and Rundvik. The measured eigenfrequencies due to bending modes of vibration are used for updating the model and then, these frequencies and the accelerations measured are used to compare and validate the different 2D updated models. The parameters used to update the models are; the damping coefficient of the structure, the mass and the stiffness of the bridge, and the supports stiffness. Finally it is concluded that the best model is achieved when the rotational support stiffness is modified in the two extremes supporters of the bridge.
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