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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Profesní vidění učitelů ve výtvarné výchově / Professional vision of Teachers in Art Education

Ochová, Daniela January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis will deal with the professional vision of teachers as one of the actual concepts of didactics, given to art education. It is based on the knowledge that professional's thinking does not take place only in terms but also through images. It will deal with vocational vision in connection with professional knowledge and action in close relation to the teaching reflection. In the research part the student will participate in the analysis of concrete art lesson recorded by video study method. She will study and compare the comments of student teachers at the observational concepts and sub-processes. In the practical part student will create and carry out own art project that will respond to selected categories of the observed video study. She will apply it to the skills of primary school pupils. She will reflects in detail implemented project in relation to the analyzed concepts. Keywords reflection, art education, didactics of art education, discourse, teacher, student, teacher learning, Professional development, professional vision, teacher knowledge, video cases, analysis, concept

Development Of A Video-enhanced Online Pre-service Teacher Training System: A Case Study

Bayram, Levent 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Video has been used in educational settings for several years by means of videotapes. However, the use of digital video is not very common in schools and training institutions. Moreover, the literature reports not much about using online video in teacher training purposes. This current study presents an online video-based pre-service teacher training environment, offering online video cases for teacher training purposes. The first purpose is to develop an online video-based training system for teacher training. The online teacher training system includes online video cases on various topics in teacher training. The second aim of this study is to understand what student teachers think about the video cases in the online training environment. The first phase of the study was implemented as a pilot study, and the main study included two cycles of action research. The subjects of the study were students of the Faculty of Education at Middle East Technical University who were enrolled to the CEIT321 - Foundations of Distance Education course. The evaluation of video based training questionnaire was administered to the participants and individual interviews were conducted with a selected group of students according to questionnaire scores. The results of the questionnaire proposed that the students had positive attitudes for the online video cases included in the study. In the interviews, the participants indicated their comments and proposed some improvements regarding the technical aspects and the content of video cases. Participants&#039 / reflections about the video cases and course web server logs also provided parallel findings supporting the interviews and the questionnaire.

Preparing Pre-service Teachers For Reform-minded Teaching Through Online Video Case Discussions: Change In Noticing

Osmanoglu, Aslihan 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to investigate the changes on what the prospective elementary mathematics teachers noticed as they watched video cases and discussed online. More specially, I wanted to answer the question &ldquo / To what extent the elementary prospective mathematics teachers&rsquo / noticing with respect to reform-minded teaching changes during their video case-based teacher education, in terms of teacher and student roles?&rdquo / With this question in mind, I asked senior prospective mathematics teachers at METU to watch six video cases depicting real elementary mathematics classrooms, and then discuss these cases in an online forum. The research was conducted during the 2008-2009 fall semester. Participants were asked to write reflection papers after watching a video each week. The online discussions took place in Metu Online-Net ClassR online forum, and each discussion was about a long week. The research study was qualitative in nature. Specifically, it was a case study research. Prospective teachers&rsquo / reflection papers on the videos, the online discussions, and interviews with the selected 15 focus participants at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the study were the data sources. The data were analyzed through the qualitative data analysis techniques. The findings suggested that prospective teachers&rsquo / noticing skills with respect to the teacher and student roles in reform-minded teaching and learning were developed throughout the online video-case based discussions.

Development And Implementation Of An Online Video Enhanced Case-based Learning Environment For Teacher Education

Saltan, Fatih 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to design and develop a suitable and authentic online case-based learning environment for the classroom management course and to investigate the preservice teachers&rsquo / learning experience in this environment specifically in terms of problems solving skills, motivation, study habits and self-confidence. Having this purpose in mind, action research method in the form of qualitative research methodology was conducted. The main characteristic of the action research is its active and practical nature. Action research has a spiral structure and continues through action cycles. In present study, three action cycles were conducted in a spiral process. The participants of the study were 32 Elementary Science Education students (7 males and 25 females) who were third-year and enrolled classroom management course. Before the implementation, the researcher analyzed current case-based learning environments and methods in teacher education and developed the first version of the VOCABLE. During the implementation the researcher, as the assistant instructor of the course, led VOCABLE practices and made necessary revisions on VOCABLE. Through action cycles data were collected by group interviews, personal interviews, video records of the implementations, expectation and evaluation questionnaires, VOCABLE logs and, electronic posts. The data were analyzed by using descriptive and content v analysis techniques. Results showed that VOCABLE solved the preservice teachers practice problem in classroom management course. Specifically, VOCABLE contributed preservice teachers&rsquo / problem solving abilities, motivation and self-confidence. Also it helped them to be used to teaching profession. On the other hand VOCABLE did not affect their study habits.

Effets d’un dispositif de formation exploitant des vidéos d’exemples de pratiques sur le développement d’une compétence professionnelle chez des enseignants du primaire

Meyer, Florian 05 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche avait pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet du dispositif de formation « Zoom sur l’expertise pédagogique », ou, plus précisément, d’évaluer l’effet d’un parcours de formation créé grâce à ce dispositif et intégrant des exemples de pratiques sur vidéo sur les apprentissages et les intentions de changement de pratique d’un groupe d’enseignants du primaire relativement à la compétence professionnelle « Piloter des situations d’enseignement-apprentissage ». La réforme des programmes scolaires, qui s’installe progressivement depuis 2001, modifie considérablement les orientations en matière d’apprentissage et d’enseignement. Sa réussite repose notamment sur l’appropriation de nouvelles compétences professionnelles souvent difficiles à développer pour le personnel enseignant. À ces besoins de formation, les modalités de formation continue proposées ne semblaient répondre que partiellement. Le dispositif a été développé dans le but de soutenir le personnel enseignant dans l’appropriation de ce renouveau pédagogique et propose de nouvelles stratégies de formation basées principalement sur l’observation et l’analyse d’exemples de pratiques sur vidéo et enrichis de divers outils stimulant la réflexion sur la pratique. Sa conception s’inscrit dans un contexte d’émergence d’initiatives similaires. Néanmoins, beaucoup de questions restaient en suspens quant aux effets réels de ces dispositifs sur le développement professionnel des enseignants. Afin de réaliser une évaluation de ce dispositif, nous avons créé un parcours de formation que six enseignants ont réalisé. Ces personnes ont ensuite participé à deux entrevues semi-dirigées et ont partagé les notes prises durant la formation. Un cadre théorique a été développé, permettant de dégager trois questions de recherche : « Quels ont été les effets du dispositif de formation sur les savoirs relatifs aux composantes de la compétence ciblée ? » ; « Quels ont été les effets du dispositif de formation sur les intentions de changement de pratique des enseignants ? » ; « Comment améliorer le dispositif pour mieux soutenir le développement professionnel des enseignants ? ». Ce cadre a par la suite guidé l’analyse et l’interprétation des données recueillies. Une quantité substantielle d’informations a été obtenue permettant de mieux comprendre et documenter le rôle d’un tel dispositif de formation en ligne et des vidéos qui le composent. Nous avons pu confirmer leur effet positif sur le développement professionnel. Nous retenons notamment que les enseignants sont en mesure de mieux définir les composantes de la compétence ciblée par la formation, ils ont confirmé leur sentiment d’avoir appris, ils ont tous exprimé l'intention d’apporter des changements dans leur pratique. Tous ont grandement apprécié le parcours et ses vidéos, notamment la possibilité qu’elles leur offraient de s’identifier à des pairs et d’envisager des pistes de mise en application plus concrètes de leurs nouvelles connaissances. Par ailleurs, les commentaires et les suggestions des participants ont permis de dégager des pistes d’amélioration telles que la diminution de la quantité de vidéos, du nombre d’éléments de compétence présentés, ou l’augmentation de compléments pédagogiques accompagnant les vidéos. Ces pistes devraient toutefois être précisées et étudiées ce qui génère de nouvelles questions de recherches. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a web-based professional teacher development application called “Zooming in on Teaching Expertise”. More precisely, our aim was to evaluate the effect of a training course entailing examples of practice on video and created within the application. In particular, the study focused on participating elementary school teachers’ learning and their intentions to modify their practice with respect to the professional competency: “To pilot teaching/learning situations”. The education reform that has been progressively introduced since 2001 has been changing the direction of teacher training considerably. Its success relies particularly on the acquisition of new professional competencies that are often difficult to develop for in-service teachers. However, the training methods in place at the start of the reform did not seem to be meeting this need as well as expected. The web-based application used in this research project was developed to support teachers embrace this pedagogical renewal by proposing new training strategies based primarily on the observation and analysis of filmed practices, along with a variety of tools aimed at stimulating reflection on the teaching practice itself. The application emerged along others with a similar nature. Yet, still today, little is known about their effectiveness on the professional development of teachers. To examine these questions, we developed a training course that was then undertaken by six teachers. These teachers also participated in two semi-structured interviews and shared notes taken during training. Grounded in an evaluation based theoretical framework, the following three research questions emerged and were pursued: First, in what ways did the model have an effect on the development of the teacher competency it was intended for? Second, what was its effect on teachers’ intentions to change their practice? And third, in what ways could the professional teacher development application be improved in better supporting teachers’ professional development? This framework was later used to guide the analysis and interpretation of the data collected. A substantial amount of data was collected, enabling us to document and increase our understanding of the role of this web-based video mediated application. This allowed us to confirm the positive effect of online video based professional teacher development applications. In particular, we observed that the teachers were able to define the components of the targeted competency more clearly. The participants confirmed having learned from the video examples and training and expressed the intention to bring change in their own practice. All teachers greatly appreciated the training course and its videos, particularly the opportunity to observe peers who struggled like them, and to explore ways of putting the knowledge into practice in their own classrooms. In addition, the participants’ comments and suggestions helped identify areas for improvement of the application, such as reducing the number of videos and competency elements presented, or increasing the complementary educational content accompanying the videos. These suggestions for improvement should however still be further explored and discussed, and may lead to new research questions and further follow-up studies.

Effets d’un dispositif de formation exploitant des vidéos d’exemples de pratiques sur le développement d’une compétence professionnelle chez des enseignants du primaire

Meyer, Florian 05 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche avait pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet du dispositif de formation « Zoom sur l’expertise pédagogique », ou, plus précisément, d’évaluer l’effet d’un parcours de formation créé grâce à ce dispositif et intégrant des exemples de pratiques sur vidéo sur les apprentissages et les intentions de changement de pratique d’un groupe d’enseignants du primaire relativement à la compétence professionnelle « Piloter des situations d’enseignement-apprentissage ». La réforme des programmes scolaires, qui s’installe progressivement depuis 2001, modifie considérablement les orientations en matière d’apprentissage et d’enseignement. Sa réussite repose notamment sur l’appropriation de nouvelles compétences professionnelles souvent difficiles à développer pour le personnel enseignant. À ces besoins de formation, les modalités de formation continue proposées ne semblaient répondre que partiellement. Le dispositif a été développé dans le but de soutenir le personnel enseignant dans l’appropriation de ce renouveau pédagogique et propose de nouvelles stratégies de formation basées principalement sur l’observation et l’analyse d’exemples de pratiques sur vidéo et enrichis de divers outils stimulant la réflexion sur la pratique. Sa conception s’inscrit dans un contexte d’émergence d’initiatives similaires. Néanmoins, beaucoup de questions restaient en suspens quant aux effets réels de ces dispositifs sur le développement professionnel des enseignants. Afin de réaliser une évaluation de ce dispositif, nous avons créé un parcours de formation que six enseignants ont réalisé. Ces personnes ont ensuite participé à deux entrevues semi-dirigées et ont partagé les notes prises durant la formation. Un cadre théorique a été développé, permettant de dégager trois questions de recherche : « Quels ont été les effets du dispositif de formation sur les savoirs relatifs aux composantes de la compétence ciblée ? » ; « Quels ont été les effets du dispositif de formation sur les intentions de changement de pratique des enseignants ? » ; « Comment améliorer le dispositif pour mieux soutenir le développement professionnel des enseignants ? ». Ce cadre a par la suite guidé l’analyse et l’interprétation des données recueillies. Une quantité substantielle d’informations a été obtenue permettant de mieux comprendre et documenter le rôle d’un tel dispositif de formation en ligne et des vidéos qui le composent. Nous avons pu confirmer leur effet positif sur le développement professionnel. Nous retenons notamment que les enseignants sont en mesure de mieux définir les composantes de la compétence ciblée par la formation, ils ont confirmé leur sentiment d’avoir appris, ils ont tous exprimé l'intention d’apporter des changements dans leur pratique. Tous ont grandement apprécié le parcours et ses vidéos, notamment la possibilité qu’elles leur offraient de s’identifier à des pairs et d’envisager des pistes de mise en application plus concrètes de leurs nouvelles connaissances. Par ailleurs, les commentaires et les suggestions des participants ont permis de dégager des pistes d’amélioration telles que la diminution de la quantité de vidéos, du nombre d’éléments de compétence présentés, ou l’augmentation de compléments pédagogiques accompagnant les vidéos. Ces pistes devraient toutefois être précisées et étudiées ce qui génère de nouvelles questions de recherches. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a web-based professional teacher development application called “Zooming in on Teaching Expertise”. More precisely, our aim was to evaluate the effect of a training course entailing examples of practice on video and created within the application. In particular, the study focused on participating elementary school teachers’ learning and their intentions to modify their practice with respect to the professional competency: “To pilot teaching/learning situations”. The education reform that has been progressively introduced since 2001 has been changing the direction of teacher training considerably. Its success relies particularly on the acquisition of new professional competencies that are often difficult to develop for in-service teachers. However, the training methods in place at the start of the reform did not seem to be meeting this need as well as expected. The web-based application used in this research project was developed to support teachers embrace this pedagogical renewal by proposing new training strategies based primarily on the observation and analysis of filmed practices, along with a variety of tools aimed at stimulating reflection on the teaching practice itself. The application emerged along others with a similar nature. Yet, still today, little is known about their effectiveness on the professional development of teachers. To examine these questions, we developed a training course that was then undertaken by six teachers. These teachers also participated in two semi-structured interviews and shared notes taken during training. Grounded in an evaluation based theoretical framework, the following three research questions emerged and were pursued: First, in what ways did the model have an effect on the development of the teacher competency it was intended for? Second, what was its effect on teachers’ intentions to change their practice? And third, in what ways could the professional teacher development application be improved in better supporting teachers’ professional development? This framework was later used to guide the analysis and interpretation of the data collected. A substantial amount of data was collected, enabling us to document and increase our understanding of the role of this web-based video mediated application. This allowed us to confirm the positive effect of online video based professional teacher development applications. In particular, we observed that the teachers were able to define the components of the targeted competency more clearly. The participants confirmed having learned from the video examples and training and expressed the intention to bring change in their own practice. All teachers greatly appreciated the training course and its videos, particularly the opportunity to observe peers who struggled like them, and to explore ways of putting the knowledge into practice in their own classrooms. In addition, the participants’ comments and suggestions helped identify areas for improvement of the application, such as reducing the number of videos and competency elements presented, or increasing the complementary educational content accompanying the videos. These suggestions for improvement should however still be further explored and discussed, and may lead to new research questions and further follow-up studies.

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