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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Exploratory Study of Children's Ideas About Death, with a View Toward Developing an Explanatory Model

Hargrove, Eddie L. 05 1900 (has links)
Much research relating to children and death has focused on the age-graded developmental model originally proposed by Nagy in the late 1940s. Children are alleged to pass from an infantile to a mature view, seeing death first as separation, then as the result of intervention by a supernatural being, and finally as an irreversible biological process. Accepted theory for thirty years, scholars have since noted difficulty in duplicating Nagy's findings and have come to question the universal application of the developmental model. Bluebond-Langner proposes an alternative model in which all views of death are present in all stages of development. She maintains that the particular orientation a child displays is a result of personal and social experiences.

Hur speciallärare kan främja ordförrådsutvecklingen hos elever i årskurs F–6

Elvhage, Mia, Björkström, Mia January 2023 (has links)
Enligt the simple view of reading består läsning av avkodning och språkförståelse och ordförrådet är en betydelsefull komponent i språkförståelsen. Ordförrådsundervisning är inte prioriterad i skolan trots att den har stor betydelse för elevers språk- och läsförståelse, vilket gjorde ämnet angeläget att undersöka. Syftet är att undersöka hur speciallärare kan arbeta med ordförrådsutveckling på organisations-, grupp- och individnivå för att främja elevers språk- och läsutveckling. Ytterligare ett syfte är att ta del av logopeders kunskaper gällande ordförrådsutveckling och utröna om deras kompetens kan vara värdefull i speciallärarens arbete. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sammanlagt intervjuades 12 respondenter, varav 9 speciallärare och 3 logopeder. Resultatet visar att det finns en stor medvetenhet hos speciallärare runt ordförrådets betydelse för språk- och läsutveckling och att denna kunskap också förmedlas till lärarna. Studien belyses utifrån ett relationellt perspektiv då stor vikt läggs vid undervisning på gruppnivå. Även insatser på organisations- och individnivå presenteras och betydelsen av att ha en röd tråd och samsyn belyses. Av resultatet framgår att det finns utvecklingsmöjligheter i det språkutvecklande arbetet om tid och fortbildningsmöjligheter ges. Specialläraren får en betydelsefull roll genom att leda det kollegiala lärandet kring ordförrådsutveckling, men även i att ge enskilt stöd, då insatser på individnivå ibland är befogat. Det finns vinster i ett samarbete med logopeder då de bland annat kan bidra med kunskap kring hur en språkligt tillgänglig miljö kan utformas.

Contemporary representation and imaginings of family, partnering and love among Black South Africans in Date My Family

Sithole, Candy January 2019 (has links)
A thesis report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Media Studies to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, 2019 / This study examines contemporary representation and imaginings of the black South African family structure in a popular reality television programme, Date My Family. Further categorised in the sub-genre of reality dating television, the programme is also a significant study of the ways in which reality television values intersect with discourses about family, romantic partnering and romantic love. These are the three main themes that have been identified in Date My Family, and are all fundamental and significant social practices that will be explored in a critical discussion of dynamics in black South African families. This study aims to outline the ways in which Date My Family displays contemporary understandings of black identity in relation to the family structure, as well as how the programme either imagines or renegotiates traditional conceptions of family, romantic partnering and romantic love. The study’s examination of its three main themes is informed by literature that serves an introductory and contextual function. Subsequently, I apply theories of identity, race and representation. Using discourse analysis to focus on the visual and verbal discourses, I show that the programme displays significant cultural relevance and a representation of the social circumstances in which it is produced. Date My Family portrays instances in which Western/ European traditions and conceptions of family, romantic partnering and romantic love have been continued in the African context, how some of these traditions and conceptions co-exist with those of Africa, and how these traditions and conceptions have been renegotiated. The structure of the black South African family seems to remain in its traditional form – the extended unit - and notions of female-headed households and an absence of fathers in the family remain topics of representation in the current, local context. / NG (2020)

RADNICE - VĚC VEŘEJNÁ, Správní centrum městské části Brno-sever / CITY HALL - RES PUBLICA, The administrative center of the district of Brno-sever

Lukášová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
At a very attractive place of city district Černá pole which is situated close to the city centre. There are old barracks. The aim was to create a new city quarter, from this area with all the facilities ,which are necesaryly. The purpose of my master theses was to create a design of a city hall, which would be situated. The most attractive place, which have interesting and memorable position on the top of the hill. Here is a possibility to create a new centre, of city district which is a very inconsistent today. This place is also well reachable by public transport. The building is created by glass parterre and desk covered by metal mesh. The metal mesh is making a shading as well.

Architecture, Home & Daylight, -The openings affection on the quality of a space

Vennström, Fredrika January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the opening in the envelope of a typical Swedish commercial residential project could be treated differently from today. Instead of using the openings only to create a unique facade or to reach a certain daylight factor I try to find out how the openings could be treated in a manner affecting the perception of the interior space. Conscious use of qualities related to the opening, such as daylight and view has been used as a design tool. This project is not to be seen as a traditional design project but as an investigation about daylight and openings in commercial residential architecture in Sweden today. Also the project is looking into the industry’s relation to the subject of daylight.

View Planning for Objects Modeling using UAVs / Vyplanering för objektmodellering med UAVer

Welle, Michael C. January 2017 (has links)
View planning is an important part of achieving full robotic autonomy. The ability to incorporate the view of a robot as well as the ability of evaluating and choosing the best view are highly desired abilities for a wide variety of robotics applications. In this work we present a new iterative optimization scheme and evaluational method in order to choose the Next Best View in the framework of object modeling. As unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) become more and more common we take advantage of the additional degrees of freedom a UAV offers. We show, in simulation, that the proposed method is able to pick out views that are highly relevant in order to model the observed object in question. It is shown that with iterative optimization the resulting view is improved. Additional experiments where the method is deployed onto a real UAV show the real-world applicability of the method. / Planering av hur vyer för bildinhämtning skall väljas är en viktig del för att uppnå full robotautonomi. Att kunna infoga information från olika vyer samt att välja den bästa vyn är viktigt för många olika robottillämpningar. I det här arbetet presenterar vi en ny iterativ optimeringsbaserad metod för att välja bästa nästa vy inom ramen för objektmodellering. I takt med att flygande robotar, s.k. UAVer, blir allt vanligare kan vi utnyttja de ytterligare frihetsgraderna som ett UAV-system ger. Vi visar i simulering att den föreslagna metoden kan välja ut vyer som är relevanta för att modellera ett visst objekt och att vyerna förbättras genom vår iterativa optimering. Experiment på en verklig UAV visar att metoden är tillämpbar i praktiken.

Study Of Human Activity In Video Data With An Emphasis On View-invariance

Ashraf, Nazim 01 January 2012 (has links)
The perception and understanding of human motion and action is an important area of research in computer vision that plays a crucial role in various applications such as surveillance, HCI, ergonomics, etc. In this thesis, we focus on the recognition of actions in the case of varying viewpoints and different and unknown camera intrinsic parameters. The challenges to be addressed include perspective distortions, differences in viewpoints, anthropometric variations, and the large degrees of freedom of articulated bodies. In addition, we are interested in methods that require little or no training. The current solutions to action recognition usually assume that there is a huge dataset of actions available so that a classifier can be trained. However, this means that in order to define a new action, the user has to record a number of videos from different viewpoints with varying camera intrinsic parameters and then retrain the classifier, which is not very practical from a development point of view. We propose algorithms that overcome these challenges and require just a few instances of the action from any viewpoint with any intrinsic camera parameters. Our first algorithm is based on the rank constraint on the family of planar homographies associated with triplets of body points. We represent action as a sequence of poses, and decompose the pose into triplets. Therefore, the pose transition is broken down into a set of movement of body point planes. In this way, we transform the non-rigid motion of the body points into a rigid motion of body point iii planes. We use the fact that the family of homographies associated with two identical poses would have rank 4 to gauge similarity of the pose between two subjects, observed by different perspective cameras and from different viewpoints. This method requires only one instance of the action. We then show that it is possible to extend the concept of triplets to line segments. In particular, we establish that if we look at the movement of line segments instead of triplets, we have more redundancy in data thus leading to better results. We demonstrate this concept on “fundamental ratios.” We decompose a human body pose into line segments instead of triplets and look at set of movement of line segments. This method needs only three instances of the action. If a larger dataset is available, we can also apply weighting on line segments for better accuracy. The last method is based on the concept of “Projective Depth”. Given a plane, we can find the relative depth of a point relative to the given plane. We propose three different ways of using “projective depth:” (i) Triplets - the three points of a triplet along with the epipole defines the plane and the movement of points relative to these body planes can be used to recognize actions; (ii) Ground plane - if we are able to extract the ground plane, we can find the “projective depth” of the body points with respect to it. Therefore, the problem of action recognition would translate to curve matching; and (iii) Mirror person - We can use the mirror view of the person to extract mirror symmetric planes. This method also needs only one instance of the action. Extensive experiments are reported on testing view invariance, robustness to noisy localization and occlusions of body points, and action recognition. The experimental results are very promising and demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed invariants. iv

An Overview of Point of View in the Novels of William Golding

Arthur, Arthur L. January 1965 (has links)
No description available.

Module 02: Orthographic Drawing and Isometric View

Craig, Leendert 01 January 2022 (has links)

Paul's View on God, Israel and the Gentiles in Romans 9-11: An Intertextual Thematic Analysis of Romans 9-11

Xue, Xiaxia E. 28 July 2014 (has links)
<p> Romans 9-11 has been investigated through varied methods during the past two decades. One of the most prominent approaches is an intertextual reading of Rom 9-11. However, most discussions of intertextual studies do not adequately treat the discourse in Rom 9-11 by closely investigating Paul's discourse patterns and that of his Jewish contemporaries regarding God, Israel, and the Gentiles due to lack of an appropriate intertextual methodological control. Therefore, this study adapts Lemke's linguistic intertextual thematic theory as a methodological control to analyze Paul's intertextual discourse patterns in Rom 9-11. Paul's unique way of using Scripture as one part of his discourse pattern will be investigated as well. Through the intertextual thematic study of Paul's discourse in Rom 9-11, we demonstrate the divergence of Paul's viewpoints on some typical Jewish issues, which suggests that the discontinuities between Paul and his Jewish contemporaries are obvious and-sometimes-radical.</p> <p> We conclude the findings of our investigation of Rom 9-11 as follows: First, we have adjusted Lemke's intertextual thematic analysis, as an indispensable tool, to analyze Paul's viewpoints of the relationships of God, Israel and the Gentiles in Rom 9-11 within the backdrop of Second Temple Literature. Second, Paul re-contextualizes the Jewish discourse patterns regarding the topics of intercession, Israel, God's promise, God's people, righteousness and law. It can be seen that Paul's discourse patterns share some continuity with his Jewish contemporaries, but the core of his value regarding how to include the Gentiles as God's people stands in a discontinuous relationship with contemporary Judaism(s). Third, this study has demonstrated that although Paul uses Jewish styles of scriptural hermeneutics, and though his discourse patterns resemble some Jewish literature in important aspects, Paul's viewpoint on the relationship of God, Israel and the Gentiles in Rom 9-11 is dissociated from his Jewish contemporaries in key ways. In other words, the core value of early Christian discourse has been embedded in Rom 9- 11. Paul's viewpoint on the relationship of God, Israel and the Gentiles takes a divergent stance away from his Jewish contemporaries since Gentile inclusion is rooted in the Gospel of Christ. Finally, Rom 9-11 not only provides Paul's self-presentation as a Mosaic prophet figure, but also its overall discourse patterns appears as a prophetic discourse: In each section (Rom 9:1-29; 9:30-10:4; 11:1-36) Paul designates his identity or his concerns of lsrael (Rom 9:1-3, 10:1; 11:1-2) before he enters into the argumentation, which demonstrates the relation between Paul's self-understanding and his message in these three chapters; also, the overall discourse pattern in Rom 9-11 resembles a prophetic discourse pattern, which expresses the idea that Paul's self-understanding as a prophetic figure serves to confirm that his word comes from divine authority.</p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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