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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creaci?n de un plan de negocios para la implementaci?n de un sistema de pagos electr?nicos m?viles

Z?rate Arellano, Rodrigo Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Mag?ster en Gesti?n para la Globalizaci?n / En el presente informe se describe un modelo de negocios para el desarrollo de soluciones de pago m?viles en formato prepago cerrado. La idea de negocio se basa en la alta penetraci?n de los servicios de telefon?a m?vil en el pa?s (SUBSECRETAR?A DE TELECOMUNICACIONES, 2012) y el efecto que puede causar para aumentar los ?ndices de inclusi?n financiera (MESA DE TRABAJO DE LA AGENDA DE IMPULSO COMPETITIVO, 2013). Junto a ello, y de acuerdo a datos del Banco Mundial, hay un alto inter?s entre la poblaci?n por contar con medios de pago m?vil electr?nico e integrar servicios a trav?s del celular. El entorno de mercado es propicio, dada la virtual inexistencia de proveedores de medios de pago electr?nicos alternativos a Transbank, que opera principalmente como apoyo a las instituciones bancarias; en tanto, las soluciones m?viles actuales consisten b?sicamente en servicios de M-Banking (acceso a la cuenta electr?nica a trav?s de internet m?vil). La oportunidad de negocios descrita en este informe se basa en estos antecedentes y aprovecha la ventaja tecnol?gica que pueden proveer los productos de la compa??a multinacional Watchdata. Su soluci?n SIMpass es una innovaci?n en el mundo de los dispositivos de pago m?vil, ya que permite transformar a cualquier tel?fono celular en un dispositivo de pagos m?viles, s?lo instalando la nueva tarjeta SIM. Se ha caracterizado el mercado de los medios de pago electr?nico en Chile, identificando los actores principales y las alternativas de soluci?n t?cnica, incluyendo un an?lisis de los factores pol?ticos, econ?micos, sociales, ambientales y sociales (PESTEL, por su sigla en ingl?s). El modelo de negocios entonces corresponde a el establecimiento de un sistema de pagos m?viles, utilizando la tecnolog?a desarrollada por Watchdata, que trabajar? en un modelo de dos lados, realizando asociaciones con operadores m?viles virtuales por un lado y con compa??as de retail por el otro, permitiendo la entrega de un servicio diferenciado a los clientes finales que produzca beneficios para ambas partes. El negocio recibir? entradas por la entrega y puesta en marcha del servicio a ambos clientes corporativos y adem?s a trav?s de una comisi?n por transacci?n que se cobrar? a los usuarios finales. El modelo de negocio se describe usando la metodolog?a Canvas. El resultado del plan de negocios es la definici?n de una estrategia de negocios y una estructura organizacional para la prestaci?n del servicio de pagos m?viles. Se realiza una evaluaci?n financiera considerando los costos en ingresos proyectados dados los supuestos de mercado, cuyo resultado es un VAN de US$1.700.000 al final del tercer a?o de operaci?n, con una tasa interna de retorno del proyecto de 70%. Finalmente se realiza un an?lisis de posibilidades futuras de expansi?n, dependiendo de la evoluci?n del mercado y su regulaci?n.

Views for aspectualizing component models

Hannousse, Abdelhakim, Ardourel, Gilles, Douence, Rémi January 2010 (has links)
Component based software development (CBSD) and aspectoriented software development (AOSD) are two complementary approaches. However, existing proposals for integrating aspects into component models are direct transposition of object-oriented AOSD techniques to components. In this article, we propose a new approach based on views. Our proposal introduces crosscutting components quite naturally and can be integrated into different component models.

Previsão de chuva com auxílio de radar de tempo visando a um sistema de alerta antecipado de cheias em áreas urbanas / Precipitation forecast aided by weather radar for early warning system of urban floods

Gonçalves, Micheli Fernandes 19 June 2009 (has links)
Para reduzir as perdas humanas e materiais durante as inundações, é possível realizar estudo conciso da previsão de chuva, etapa principal de um sistema de alerta antecipado de inundação. O uso de informações de radar de tempo, quando acopladas a modelos de previsão de precipitação baseados fisicamente, pode contribuir para o monitoramento e previsão de episódios de chuva intensa. Desta forma, a previsão de chuva, baseada no uso de informações de radar, juntamente com um modelo conceitual de previsão hidrometeorológica, foi descrita neste trabalho. Teve-se por objetivo aperfeiçoar as previsões de chuva de curtíssimo prazo (poucos minutos), que acopladas a um modelo chuva-vazão, podem ser usadas em sistemas de alerta antecipado. O modelo hidrometeorológico adotado, que considera uma nuvem hipotética unidimensional vertical, foi inicialmente desenvolvido por Georgakakos e Bras (1984a) e ampliado, neste trabalho. Para tal, adotou-se o uso das informações de Topo dos Ecos para determinação da altura das nuvens e considerou-se que a componente do modelo relativa à massa de água líquida no interior da nuvem corresponde à estimativa do conteúdo de água líquida integrado verticalmente (VIL) efetuada por radar. Para eventos de natureza frontal quente e convectiva, o modelo geralmente antecipou o início do processo de chuva, embora tenha conseguido simular seu comportamento e o instante em que o pico da precipitação ocorreu. Para os eventos frontais frios, o pico simulado registrou atraso. Para episódios de simulação com VIL maior que 3 Kg/\'M POT.2\', a chuva simulada acompanhou o comportamento temporal do VIL, mas com influências das variáveis meteorológicas pressão, temperatura e umidade relativa. As lâminas simuladas tornaram-se entrada para o modelo chuva-vazão do SCS, parcialmente calibrado com algoritmo genético. Para a escala de uma pequena bacia hidrográfica urbana brasileira, com estação fluviométrica experimental, preliminarmente, alguns resultados indicam vazões um pouco inferiores e com atrasos na previsão da vazão máxima. A antecedência proporcionada pelo modelo é de 15 minutos e, apesar da simplicidade, conseguiu-se prever o início do processo de precipitação que gerou inundação do córrego urbano. / To reduce human and material losses during floods it is feasible to concisely study the rainfall forecast as the main part of an early warning system. The use of weather radar information, when linked to physically-based forecast models, can contribute for monitoring and forecasting of intense rainfall episodes. Thus, the rainfall forecast, based on using of radar information along with a conceptual model of hydrometeorological forecast, was outlined in this dissertation. One goal of the study was to improve very short term rainfall forecasts, named as a \'nowcasting\' process throughout few minutes, coupled with a rainfall-runoff generation model to be used in early warning system. The hydrometeorological model, a hypothetical vertical 1-D cloud, was initially developed by Georgakakos and Bras (1984a) and further developed in this study to profit signals from radar tracking control volumes of moisture storage. Either \'Echo Top\' radar information was addressed to determinate the cloud height, and the vertically-integrated liquid (\'VIL\') water mass content inside the cloud, estimated by other radar signal, was considered into the model. On the one hand, during rainfall events of hot and convective front genesis monitored with on-field pluviometers, the model results generally anticipated the beginning of the rain process; however the model was capable of not only simulating well the behavior but also the time-step when rainfall monitored peak occurred. On the other hand, and for cold-front events, the simulating peaks depicted a time delay. For simulation episodes with VIL greater than 3 Kg/\'M POT.2\', the simulated rainfall accompanied the time behavior of VIL, but with influences from weather variables of pressure, temperature and relative humidity. These rainfall depths became inputs of a simple SCS rainfall-runoff model, partially calibrated with genetic algorithms. At the scale of a small brazilian urban river basin with experimental gauging station, some preliminary results modeled streamflows a bit lower than, and with some delay of maximum flow forecasts, observed discharges. The advanced lad time period used by model was of about 15 min and, besides its simplicity, it was quite able to anticipate the beggining of the rainfall process that generated the flood formation at the urban creek.

Previsão de chuva com auxílio de radar de tempo visando a um sistema de alerta antecipado de cheias em áreas urbanas / Precipitation forecast aided by weather radar for early warning system of urban floods

Micheli Fernandes Gonçalves 19 June 2009 (has links)
Para reduzir as perdas humanas e materiais durante as inundações, é possível realizar estudo conciso da previsão de chuva, etapa principal de um sistema de alerta antecipado de inundação. O uso de informações de radar de tempo, quando acopladas a modelos de previsão de precipitação baseados fisicamente, pode contribuir para o monitoramento e previsão de episódios de chuva intensa. Desta forma, a previsão de chuva, baseada no uso de informações de radar, juntamente com um modelo conceitual de previsão hidrometeorológica, foi descrita neste trabalho. Teve-se por objetivo aperfeiçoar as previsões de chuva de curtíssimo prazo (poucos minutos), que acopladas a um modelo chuva-vazão, podem ser usadas em sistemas de alerta antecipado. O modelo hidrometeorológico adotado, que considera uma nuvem hipotética unidimensional vertical, foi inicialmente desenvolvido por Georgakakos e Bras (1984a) e ampliado, neste trabalho. Para tal, adotou-se o uso das informações de Topo dos Ecos para determinação da altura das nuvens e considerou-se que a componente do modelo relativa à massa de água líquida no interior da nuvem corresponde à estimativa do conteúdo de água líquida integrado verticalmente (VIL) efetuada por radar. Para eventos de natureza frontal quente e convectiva, o modelo geralmente antecipou o início do processo de chuva, embora tenha conseguido simular seu comportamento e o instante em que o pico da precipitação ocorreu. Para os eventos frontais frios, o pico simulado registrou atraso. Para episódios de simulação com VIL maior que 3 Kg/\'M POT.2\', a chuva simulada acompanhou o comportamento temporal do VIL, mas com influências das variáveis meteorológicas pressão, temperatura e umidade relativa. As lâminas simuladas tornaram-se entrada para o modelo chuva-vazão do SCS, parcialmente calibrado com algoritmo genético. Para a escala de uma pequena bacia hidrográfica urbana brasileira, com estação fluviométrica experimental, preliminarmente, alguns resultados indicam vazões um pouco inferiores e com atrasos na previsão da vazão máxima. A antecedência proporcionada pelo modelo é de 15 minutos e, apesar da simplicidade, conseguiu-se prever o início do processo de precipitação que gerou inundação do córrego urbano. / To reduce human and material losses during floods it is feasible to concisely study the rainfall forecast as the main part of an early warning system. The use of weather radar information, when linked to physically-based forecast models, can contribute for monitoring and forecasting of intense rainfall episodes. Thus, the rainfall forecast, based on using of radar information along with a conceptual model of hydrometeorological forecast, was outlined in this dissertation. One goal of the study was to improve very short term rainfall forecasts, named as a \'nowcasting\' process throughout few minutes, coupled with a rainfall-runoff generation model to be used in early warning system. The hydrometeorological model, a hypothetical vertical 1-D cloud, was initially developed by Georgakakos and Bras (1984a) and further developed in this study to profit signals from radar tracking control volumes of moisture storage. Either \'Echo Top\' radar information was addressed to determinate the cloud height, and the vertically-integrated liquid (\'VIL\') water mass content inside the cloud, estimated by other radar signal, was considered into the model. On the one hand, during rainfall events of hot and convective front genesis monitored with on-field pluviometers, the model results generally anticipated the beginning of the rain process; however the model was capable of not only simulating well the behavior but also the time-step when rainfall monitored peak occurred. On the other hand, and for cold-front events, the simulating peaks depicted a time delay. For simulation episodes with VIL greater than 3 Kg/\'M POT.2\', the simulated rainfall accompanied the time behavior of VIL, but with influences from weather variables of pressure, temperature and relative humidity. These rainfall depths became inputs of a simple SCS rainfall-runoff model, partially calibrated with genetic algorithms. At the scale of a small brazilian urban river basin with experimental gauging station, some preliminary results modeled streamflows a bit lower than, and with some delay of maximum flow forecasts, observed discharges. The advanced lad time period used by model was of about 15 min and, besides its simplicity, it was quite able to anticipate the beggining of the rainfall process that generated the flood formation at the urban creek.

Retroviral modifizierte, alloantigen-spezifische und vIL-10 transgene T-Lymphozyten als therapeutischer Ansatz im akuten Abstoßungsmodell

Brandt, Christine 11 July 2003 (has links)
In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten wurden T-Lymphozyten verstärkt als Zielzellen für genetische Modifikationen eingesetzt, mit der Absicht vererbbare oder erworbene Krankheiten zu behandeln. Vor kurzem konnte unsere Arbeitsgruppe zeigen, dass alloantigen-spezifische, genmodifizierte T-Lymphozyten ein enormes Potential besitzen, als Transport- Systeme für therapeutische Gene in allogene Transplantate zu dienen. Diese T-Lymphozyten migrieren und akkumulieren spezifisch in das allogene Transplantat, in welchem es zu einer lokalen und starken T-Zell aktivierungsabhängigen Expression des Transgens kommt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Potential von viralem IL-10 als therapeutisches Transgen untersucht. Dazu wurde zunächst in der gemischten Lymphozyten-Kultur (MLR) eine Lewis T-Zelllinie spezifisch für Ratten-DA Alloantigene generiert. Während der MLR wurden die Lymphozyten retroviral transduziert, so dass sie vIL-10 stabil exprimieren. Der Zytokin-Level der TvIL-10-Lymphozyten liegt 48h nach der T-Zellaktivierung zwischen 1-2ng/m. Die vIL-10 transgenen T-Lymphozyten zeigen einen CD4+CD25+ Phänotyp und sezernieren neben vIL-10 auch Ratten IL-10 und IFN-g aber kein IL-4, ähnlich wie T-regulatorische Zellen Typ 1 (Treg1). Zunächst wurden die vIL-10 transgenen T-Lymphozyten hinsichtlich ihres Potentials untersucht, die alloantigen-spezifische Immunantwort in vitro zu modulieren. Dazu wurden 5% vIL-10 transgener T-Lymphozyten zu einer MLR hinzugegeben. Zuvor wurden die naiven Lewis T-Lymphozyten mit einem Membranfarbstoff markiert, um die Proliferation und die Zytokin-Expression dieser Zellen zu untersuchen. Im Vergleich zu Kontroll-MLRs ohne transgene oder mit EGFP-transgenen Lymphozyten konnte eine signifikante Inhibierung der Proliferation als auch der INF-g Expression von naiven T-Lymphozyten detektiert werden. Trotz dieses großen Potentials in vitro, führte der adoptive Transfer der vIL-10 transgenen Zellen allein oder in Kombination mit Cyclosporin (0,5mg/kg/Tag) nicht zu einer Verlängerung der Transplantatüberlebenszeit im allogenen Herztransplantationsmodell. Diese Daten zeigen, dass die Überexpression von vIL-10 im Transplantat eines starken Abstoßungsmodells nicht zur Verlängerung der Transplantatüberlebenszeit führt. Außerdem kann das in vitro gezeigte regulatorische Potential dieser T-Zellen nicht zwangsläufig auf ihr in vivo Potential übertragen werden. / During last two decades T lymphocytes have become key targets for genetic modification in order to treat inherited or acquired human diseases. Recently, we demonstrated the capacity of allospecific gene-engineered T lymphocytes as a transport shuttle for therapeutic transgenes into allografts. These lymphocytes migrate and accumulate specifically in allografts where alloantigen-driven T cell activation strongly enhances local expression of the gene of interest. In this study, the influence of viral IL-10 as a therapeutic transgene was addressed. Lewis T cell lines specific for DA rat alloantigens were generated in a modified mixed lymphocyte reaction protocol (MLR). During MLR, lymphocytes were genetically modified to express vIL-10 using a retroviral gene expression system. The cytokine level in the supernatant of TvIL-10-lymphocytes varied between 1-2 ng/ml 48h after T-cell activation. Like T regulatory 1 (Treg1) cells, vIL-10 transgenic T lymphocytes express the phenotype CD4+25+ and secrete, in addition to vIL-10, rat IL-10 and IFN-g but no IL-4. First we evaluated the potential of vIL-10 transgenic T cell lines to modulate alloantigen-specific immune responses in vitro. Small numbers of TvIL-10-lymphocytes were added to MLR (less than 5%). Naive cells were stained with membrane dyes to trace proliferation and to analyze cytokine expression. In comparison to control MLR with no transgenic cells or equal numbers of TEGFP-lymphocytes, the proliferation as well as the production of IFN-g of naive responder cells were significantly diminished. Despite this regulatory capacity in vitro, the vIL-10 transgenic T lymphocytes were not able, either alone or in combination with suboptimal cyclosporine (0,5mg/kg/day), to prolong the survival of DA rat cardiac allografts in LEW recipients. These data demonstrate that intragraft IL-10 overexpression is not sufficient to prolong allograft survival in a high-responder strain combination and that the regulatory capacity of T cells in vitro does not predict their in vivo efficiency.

Gentransfer in korneale Endothelzellen

Dannowski, Haike 10 November 2004 (has links)
Bei der Hornhauttransplantation (Keratoplastik) handelt es sich um die häufigste Transplantation humanen Gewebes. Das Hornhautendothel, eine empfindliche Zellschicht auf der Innenseite der Kornea, verfügt nicht über die Fähigkeit, Zellverluste durch Proliferation auszugleichen. Zwei grundsätzliche Probleme ergeben sich aus dieser Eigenschaft des kornealen Endothels für die Keratoplastik: ein Endothelzellverlust tritt zum einen während der Hornhautkonservierung vor Keratoplastik auf und führt zu einem Ausschluss vieler Transplantate, zum anderen ist er oftmals im Zuge von immunvermittelten Abstoßungsreaktionen oder in Folge chronischer Vorgänge nach Keratoplastik zu beobachten. Aus diesem Grund ist eine möglichst hohe Endothelzelldichte auf kornealen Transplantaten eine Voraussetzung für den Erfolg einer Keratoplastik. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit war deshalb die Übertragung des Gens für den aziden FGF (aFGF) in korneale Endothelzellen mit Hilfe des nicht-viralen Gentransfers. Dazu wurden verschiedene Lipid-Formulationen für den Gentransfer in humane korneale Endothelzellen in vitro optimiert. Der Einsatz von DAC-30 und Lipofectin für den aFGF-Gentransfer führte zu einer deutlichen Proliferationssteigerung (um ca. 50 %) der Zellen, womit der Einsatz dieses Wachstumsfaktors eine gute Möglichkeit darzustellen scheint, die prä-operative Ausgangssituation kornealer Transplantate zu verbessern. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasste sich mit Untersuchungen zur Immunmodulation nach Keratoplastik. Eine Hauptrolle bei der Abstoßung kornealer Transplantate spielen CD4+ T- Lymphozyten. In anderen Transplantationsmodellen konnte durch die lokale Überexpression immunmodulatorischer Zytokine die Entstehung und Aktivierung dieser Zellen gehemmt und eine verlängerte Transplantatüberlebenszeit erzielt werden. Mit Hilfe gentherapeutischer Vektoren (Adenoviren, Liposomen) wurden die immunmodulatorischen Zytokine vIL-10 und rIL-4 ex vivo in korneale Transplantate eingebracht. Nach erfolgreichen in vitro- Untersuchungen zur Genexpression wurden die transduzierten/transfizierten Hornhäute in einem starken Abstoßungsmodell der Ratte transplantiert, was jedoch zu keiner signifikanten Verlängerung der Transplantatüberlebenszeit führte. Diese Arbeit liefert Hinweise darauf, dass der lokale Gentransfer von vIL-10 in der Keratoplastik nicht für eine Immunmodulation geeignet ist, und dass sowohl die Zytokindosis, als auch der Zeitpunkt und der Ort der Vektorapplikation eine entscheidende Rolle für den Transplantationserfolg spielen. / Keratoplasty is the most common transplantation of human tissue. The corneal endothelium constitutes a damagable cell layer on the inner surface of the cornea, unable to proliferate. From this, two general problems arise for the outcome of keratoplasty: loss of corneal endothelial cells occurs on the one hand during corneal long time storage before keratoplasty and enforces the lack of donor tissue, on the other hand it is often correlated with immune mediated rejections as well as with chronic processes after keratoplasty. Therefore an endothelial cell number as high as possible on corneal grafts displays a requirement for successful keratoplasties. The first aim of this study was non-viral gene transfer of the aFGF (acidic FGF) gene in corneal endothelial cells. Different lipid formulations were optimized for gene transfer in human corneal endothelial cells in vitro. Application of DAC-30 and Lipofectin for aFGF gene transfer clearly showed a stimulating effect on cell proliferation (approximately 50 %). Thus, the use of aFGF seems to be a good possibility for improving the pre-operative situation of corneal allografts. The second part of this study deals with the immune modulation after keratoplasty. CD4+ T- lymphocytes play a key role in rejection processes after keratoplasty. Local over expression of immunomodulatory cytokines in different transplantation models could inhibit the development and activation of these cells and was able to prolong the allograft survival time. Using different gene therapeutic vectors (adenoviruses, liposomes) the immunomodulatory cytokines vIL-10 and rIL-4 were transferred ex vivo in corneal allografts. After successfully determined gene expression in vitro, the transduced/transfected corneal allografts were transplanted in a strong rejection model of the rat. However, this was not sufficient in prolonging the graft survival time significantly. This study provides indications, that local gene transfer of vIL-10 in keratoplasty is not suitable for an immune modulation, and that both cytokine dose as well as time point and site of vector application play an important role for successful transplantation.

O tema da "p?s-hist?ria" no pensamento de Vil?m Flusser

Tauchen, Jair In?cio 07 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-09-22T11:16:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 475111 - Texto Completo.pdf: 831667 bytes, checksum: 6da6b3f4fe93977bd8519cb18b7efede (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-22T11:16:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 475111 - Texto Completo.pdf: 831667 bytes, checksum: 6da6b3f4fe93977bd8519cb18b7efede (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-07 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / La post-histoire et la soci?t? post-industrielle sont des termes tr?s pr?sents chez la pens?e de Vil?m Flusser et indiquent un moment culturelle d'une civilisation. Ce changement commence d?s le moment o? l'image technique occupe le lieu de l'?criture, ce qui se passe dans la fin du XIXeme si?cle avec le surgissement de la photographie et des nouvelles formes de relations avec les images, par exemple, la virtualisation. C'est l'?re de la technoimage, un processus circulaire qui retraduit les textes en images. L'objectif de cette ?tude est soutenir conceptuellement la transition du code lin?aire du monde occidental, repr?sent? par une s?quence de points, ? une nouvelle ?re o? les images en mouvement ?tablissent un ?tre-dansle- monde post-historique. Les images techniques sont images pr?sent?es dans surfaces qui transcodifient des sc?nes, dont la fonction consiste ? ?manciper la soci?t? de la n?cessit? de penser conceptuellement. La photographie c'est le prototype de la technoimage, de la m?me fa?on que l'appareil photographique, c'est-?-dire, la bo?te noire est le paradigme de l'appareillement post-historique. Les potentialit?s cach?es dans le programme de l'appareil sont complexes et difficilement p?n?tr?es. Appareils sont bo?tes noires qui simulent la pens?e humaine, permutant des symboles contenus dans son programme. Le photographe ne domine pas le programme, il n'est que le fonctionnaire qui fait fonctionner le programme. Ainsi, l'appareil d?pend de son fonctionnaire pour photographer des images qui seront r?v?les par le programme contenu dans l'appareil photographique.L'appareil tout seul ne travaille pas, mais cherche ? modifier en quelque sort la vie des hommes. Donc, le probl?me de la post-histoire est li? ? la composition de l'image, qui actuellement est chaque fois plus virtuelle, r?sult? d'un processus scientifique de la modernit?, dans laquelle le discours lin?aire est transform? en technoimage. / A P?s-hist?ria e a sociedade p?s-industrial s?o termos recorrentes em Vil?m Flusser e indicam um momento cultural de uma civiliza??o. Essa mudan?a come?a a partir do momento em que a imagem t?cnica ocupa o lugar da escrita, algo que acontece no final do s?culo XIX com o surgimento da fotografia e de novas formas de se relacionar com as imagens, como a virtualiza??o. ? a era da tecnoimagem, um processo circular que retraduz textos em imagens. O objetivo deste estudo ? fundamentar conceitualmente a transi??o do c?digo linear do mundo ocidental, representado por uma sequ?ncia de pontos, para uma nova era em que as imagens em movimento estabelecem um estar-no-mundo p?s-hist?rico. As Imagens t?cnicas s?o imagens apresentadas em superf?cie que transcodificam cenas, sendo que sua fun??o ? emancipar a sociedade da necessidade de pensar conceitualmente. A fotografia ? concebida como o prot?tipo da tecnoimagem ? de igual modo ? concebido o aparelho fotogr?fico -, e a caixa preta ? o paradigma do aparelhamento p?s-hist?rico. As potencialidades escondidas no programa do aparelho s?o complexas e dificilmente penetradas. Aparelhos s?o caixas pretas que simulam o pensamento humano, permutando s?mbolos contidos em seu programa. O fot?grafo n?o domina o programa, ele ? apenas o funcion?rio que faz o programa funcionar. Destarte, o aparelho depende do seu funcion?rio para fotografar imagens que ser?o reveladas atrav?s do programa contido na m?quina fotogr?fica. O aparelho por si s? n?o trabalha, mas visa modificar de alguma forma a vida dos homens. Portanto, o problema da p?s-hist?ria est? ligado ? constitui??o da imagem, que nos dias atuais ? cada vez mais virtual, resultado de um processo cient?fico da modernidade, no qual o discurso linear ? transformado em tecnoimagem.

Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Cruise Control Algorithm

Kirby, Timothy Joseph January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution à la définition des caractéristiques d'un radar hydrologique urbain. Prévision de la pluie à très courte échéance

Boudevillain, Brice 21 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
L'intensité pluvieuse est une information essentielle en hydrologie, notamment pour les bassins versants situés en zone urbaine ou montagneuse. Il est donc nécessaire de disposer, sur ces bassins, d'estimations fiables des précipitations ainsi que de prévisions de la pluie à très courte échéance. Le radar météorologique constitue une solution à ces besoins. Toutefois les radars existants aujourd'hui ne sont pas totalement adaptés à toutes les applications hydrologiques en terme de souplesse d'utilisation et de résolution spatiale et temporelle. L'utilisation de radars de configuration légère en bande X, est envisagée pour les besoins de l'hydrologie urbaine. Les conditions d'utilisation de tels radars sont à définir. Ces études proposent d'évaluer l'intérêt de l'information radar volumique et Doppler pour la prévision des précipitations à très courte échéance. La première partie de la thèse s'intéresse à la mesure du VIL par radar. Elle présente également une méthode de restitution du champ de vitesse horizontale tirant parti de la mesure Doppler. La deuxième partie de la thèse concerne la formulation et l'évaluation d'une méthode de prévision de la pluie à très courte échéance reposant sur le VIL. Cette méthode est d'abord testée à l'aide de données radar simulées afin de mettre en évidence l'intérêt des données volumiques indépendamment des erreurs de mesure. Une étude de cas réel a été ensuite menée sur des événements pluvieux de la période spéciale d'observation de MAP (Mesoscale Alpine Programme).

Research, Design, and Implementation of Virtual and Experimental Environment for CAV System Design, Calibration, Validation and Verification

Goel, Shlok January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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