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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dinâmica de herbicidas residuais na palha de cana-de-açúcar e correlação com a eficácia de manejo de plantas daninhas / Soil applied herbicide dynamics in sugarcane straw and correlation with weed management efficacy

Prado, Ana Beatriz Campos Almeida 24 June 2013 (has links)
Nos sistemas de colheita mecanizada de cana-de-açúcar é depositada sobre o solo camada de palha, em quantidades que variam de 5 a 20 ton ha-1, e ocasionam mudanças na flora infestante, adaptadas às essas condições. A aplicação de herbicidas residuais sobre a palha de cana-de-açúcar gera dúvidas, pois as informações sobre a maioria dos produtos recomendados são escassas, no que diz respeito à retenção/transposição dos mesmos. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a dinâmica dos herbicidas diuron, metribuzin e tebuthiuron, quando aplicados na cultura da cana-de-açúcar, sobre a palha, através de ensaios de sorção e dessorção, e também quando aplicados sobre diferentes quantidades de palha e condições de chuva simulada. A interação entre dose e quantidade de palha de cana-de-açúcar no controle da planta daninha Ipomoea grandifolia, foi estudada através de curvas de dose-resposta, utilizando seis doses (0, ¼ D, ½ D, D (dose recomendada), 2D, 4D) em quatro quantidades de palha (0, 5, 10 e 15 ton ha- 1). Para os estudos de sorção e dessorção utilizou-se produtos radiomarcados e cinco concentrações iniciais de diuron e metribuzin. A contagem da radioatividade foi obtida através espectrometria de cintilação líquida, e a quantidade da substância teste sorvida foi determinada pela diferença entre a concentração inicial e a concentração de equilíbrio. Foram realizados dois estudos independentes, em que a dessorção ocorreu 24 horas e sete dias após a sorção. No estudo de dinâmica em diferentes regimes hídricos foram testados seis níveis para o fator chuva simulada (Testemunha, 0, 5, 10, 20 e 20+20 mm), três herbicidas (diuron, metribuzin e tebuthiuron) e duas quantidades de palha (0 e 10 ton ha-1), com quatro repetições. Foram utilizadas as doses comerciais para diuron (2.000 g i.a. ha-1), metribuzin (1.920 g i.a. ha-1) e tebuthiuron (1.200 g i.a. ha-1). Nos estudos de interação entre dose e quantidade de palha verificou-se que a dose dos herbicidas necessárias para um controle eficaz de I. grandifolia varia significativamente com a quantidade de palha sobre o solo, principalmente nas quantidades de 10 a 15 ton ha-1. No processo de sorção, o herbicida diuron foi mais retido pela palha quando comparado ao metribuzin, sendo fracamente sorvidos à palha. Sete dias não foi suficiente para tornar o processo de sorção de diuron e metribuzin irreversível. No estudo de dinâmica dos herbicidas, a palha afetou de maneira significativa o controle de plantas daninhas pelos herbicidas na ausência de chuva simulada, sendo que uma chuva simulada de 20 mm foi suficiente para promover lixiviação de todos os herbicidas para o solo, e promover excelentes níveis de controle das plantas daninhas. / In the system of mechanized sugarcane harvest it is deposited on the soil surface a straw layer, which varies from 5 to 20 ton ha-1, and causes changes in weed, selecting the weeds better adapted to these conditions. The use of residual herbicides on the straw of sugarcane generates doubts, because much of the information about the recommended products are scarce, regarding to the retention/transferring. This study aimed to evaluate the dynamics of diuron, tebuthiuron and metribuzin when applied on sugarcane, and straw through sorption and desorption tests and as well as when applied to different quantities of straw and conditions of simulated rain. The interaction between herbicide dose and amount of sugarcane straw on the control of the weed Ipomoea grandifolia was performed using dose-response curves with six doses (0, ¼ D, ½ D, D (recommended dose), 2D , 4D) in four amounts of straw (0, 5, 10 and 15 ton ha-1). . For the studies of sorption and desorption it was used radiolabeled products and five initial concentrations of diuron and metribuzin. The counting of radioactivity was obtained by liquid scintillation spectrometry, and the amount of sorbed test substance was determined by the difference between the initial concentration and the equilibrium concentration. It was performed two independent studies in which the desorption occurred 24 h and seven days after the sorption. In the study of dynamic in different water regimes it was tested six levels of simulated rain factor (control, 0, 5, 10, 20 and 20 +20 mm), three herbicides (diuron, tebuthiuron and metribuzin), and two amounts of straw (0 and 10 ton ha-1), with four replications. The commercial rates were diuron (2.000 g i.a. ha-1), metribuzin (1.920 g i.a. ha-1) and tebuthiuron (1.200 g i.a. ha-1). It was evaluated the visual control of Ipomoea grandifolia and Cucumis sativus. The study of interaction between dose and amount of straw showed that the dose of herbicide required for effective control of I. grandifolia varies significantly with the amount of straw on the soil, especially in amounts between 10 and 15 ton ha-1. In the sorption process, the herbicide diuron is retained more as compared to metribuzin, and weakly sorbed to the straw. Seven days were not enough to make the process of sorption of metribuzin and diuron irreversible. In the study of herbicide dynamic, the straw significantly affected the weed control by herbicides in the absence of rain, and a rain of 20 mm was sufficient to promote all herbicides leaching into the soil, and promote excellent levels of weed control.

Performance at Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion

Bidgood, Lee, Bill and the Belles 16 September 2016 (has links)
View the Youtube video of Bill and the Belles, featuring Lee Bidgood on the viola.

Blackberry Winter

Bidgood, Lee 01 March 2017 (has links)
World premiere of string quartet by Michael Luchtan.

Detecting Rip Currents from Images

Maryan, Corey C 18 May 2018 (has links)
Rip current images are useful for assisting in climate studies but time consuming to manually annotate by hand over thousands of images. Object detection is a possible solution for automatic annotation because of its success and popularity in identifying regions of interest in images, such as human faces. Similarly to faces, rip currents have distinct features that set them apart from other areas of an image, such as more generic patterns of the surf zone. There are many distinct methods of object detection applied in face detection research. In this thesis, the best fit for a rip current object detector is found by comparing these methods. In addition, the methods are improved with Haar features exclusively created for rip current images. The compared methods include max distance from the average, support vector machines, convolutional neural networks, the Viola-Jones object detector, and a meta-learner. The presented results are compared for accuracy, false positive rate, and detection rate. Viola-Jones has the top base-line performance by achieving a detection rate of 0.88 and identifying only 15 false positives in the test image set of 53 rip currents. The described meta-learner integrates the presented Haar features, which are developed in accordance with the original Viola-Jones algorithm. Ada-Boost, a feature ranking algorithm, shows that the newly presented Haar features extract more meaningful data from rip current images than some of the current features. The meta-classifier improves upon the stand-alone Viola-Jones when applying these features by reducing its false positives by 47% while retaining a similar computational cost and detection rate.

Le Sieur de Machy and the French solo viol tradition

Ng, Shaun Kam Fook January 2009 (has links)
During the late seventeenth century in France, the viol was beginning to emerge as one of the most important musical instruments of the day. French luthiers had created the quintessential French viol, which allowed violists in France to make their mark on viol playing, both as performers and teachers. So fervent was this enterprise that players soon formed cliques, creating two opposing schools of viol playing. One of the main protagonists who is the focus of this thesis, De Machy, led one of these schools. Although we are fully aware of this historical dichotomy, it is widely assumed that De Machy's rivals were the eventual victors of this conflict, and thus have become the model for modern violists to emulate. This has, however, encouraged modern violists to completely disregard the efforts of De Machy, which, as this thesis shall demonstrate, are as important as those of his contemporaries. Chapter 1 discusses De Machy's place in modern scholarship, giving readers an overall view of the kinds of biases and prejudices that currently exist. It also serves to act as a brief collation and analysis of modern writings that discuss De Machy. Chapter 2 provides us with a historical account of the viol in France, giving special emphasis to solo viol playing. It also traces the evolution of musical style and playing technique as well as the development of the instrument within its social role. Chapter 3 discusses French ornamentation on plucked instruments, keyboard instruments and the viol, giving special emphasis to De Machy's own ideas on ornamentation. Possible explanations for the proper execution of these ornaments are also provided. Chapter 4 revaluates Rousseau and the Traité de la Viole (1687), and seeks to determine its reliability as a credible source of information. Chapter 5 describes and analyses the quarrel between De Machy and Rousseau as described by Rousseau in the Réponce de Monsieur Rousseau (1688). In addition to providing a more complete picture of the social interactions of the viol community of the late seventeenth century, this chapter seeks to better explain the issues that De Machy and Rousseau argued about. Chapter 6 examines historical and modern writings and attempts to explain one of the main issues of aforementioned quarrel, the left hand position otherwise known as the ports de main as advocated by De Machy. Appendix A reproduces the avertissement from De Machy's Pièces de Violle. The facsimile of the original publication is presented alongside the English translation. This document is central to many of the issues discussed in this thesis. Appendix B is an English translation of the Réponce de Monsieur Rousseau. One of the aims of this thesis is to re-examine the history of the viol in France, and more specifically, its use as a solo instrument. It is through De Machy's Pièces de Violle and Rousseau's Réponce that most of this information is centred.

I mötet med Bill Violas videokonstverk Five Angels for the Millennium

Wickman, Annika January 2006 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen behandlar upplevelse. Analysen av upplevelse utgår från uppsatsförfattarens möte med den amerikanske videokonstnären Bill Violas installation Five Angels for the Millennium (2001).</p><p>Forskningsansatsen är främst fenomenologisk vilket innebär att fokus ligger på att undersöka vad som är, vad det föreställer och hur den upplevande uppfattar detta.</p><p>I bakgrunden står frågan hur upplevelse, med utgångspunkt i en persons möte med ett videokonstverk, kan analyseras teoretiskt. Uppsatsförfattaren för samman ett antal teoretiker som alla skrivit om emotioner, i form av känsla eller affekt, i samband med en tolkningsakt. De forskare som det främst refereras till är Bent Fausing, Mark Hansen, Laura Marks, Janet H. Murray, Lynne Pearce och Roland Barthes. Barthes har även påverkat förhållningssättet till analysen i stort.</p><p>Den metod som används är att först skildra mötet med verket och att därefter analysera mötet utifrån fyra olika infallsvinklar. Från analysen av vad som mött den upplevande, flyttar perspektivet till att se vad som skett i den upplevande, för att därefter undersöka hur den upplevande utvecklat en relation till verket. Slutligen diskuteras verkets religiositet, bl.a. med hänvisning till Wassily Kandinskys texter om det andliga i konsten, Walter Benjamins beskrivning av upplevelse, nyare forskning om religiös upplevelse och Violas kontext och uttalade avsikt.</p><p>I texter om Viola framkommer det att de som mött hans verk delar en likartad upplevelse. Analysen är avsedd att ge en förståelse för hur Viola går till väga för att få den som möter hans verk att känna och tänka på ett visst sätt. Slutsatsen är att den upplevande, i mötet med verket, möter Violas ideologi, vilken kan sägas vila i utgångspunkten att människan måste finna en ny form av verklighet. Implicerat är att den värld hon lever i idag inte är människovänlig.</p>

Distribution and Chemical Diversity of Cyclotides from Violaceae : Impact of Structure on Cytotoxic Activity and Membrane Interactions

Burman, Robert January 2010 (has links)
During the last decade there has been increased interest in the cyclotide protein family, which consist of a circular chain of approximately 30 amino acids, including six cysteines that form three disulfide bonds, arranged in a cyclic cystine knot motif. This thesis gives new insights in cyclotide distribution and occurrence in the plant family Violaceae, structure-activity relationships for cytotoxic effects, membrane disruption and adsorption on lipid membranes, and evaluates toxicity and anti-tumor activity in vivo. A large-scale analysis was done on over 200 samples covering 17 of the 23 genera in Violaceae, and cyclotides were positively identified in almost 150 of approximately 900 known species. Conclusions are that the Violaceae is an extremely rich source of cyclotides, and that they are ubiquitous among all species in that plant family. After investigating the cyclotides' cytotoxicity it was evident that the effects were immediate and occurred at low micromolar concentrations. To understand the relationships between structure and activity, approximately 30 cyclotides and cyclotide derivates were assayed for cytotoxicity. Results showed that the overall charge is of minor influence on activity and revealed a strong correlation between an intact hydrophobic molecular surface and cytotoxic effect. The cytotoxic activity is mainly due to interactions between peptides and target membranes, illustrated by prototypic cyclotides' ability to induce liposome leakage and adsorb to lipid membranes. Cyclotides were strongly lytic against zwitterionic liposomes, less when cholesterol was included, while for anionic liposomes, activity depend on the net charge of cyclotide. A similar pattern was observed for the adsorption of the cyclotides to anionic bilayers, in which strong lytic activity was coupled with high adsorption. To further evaluate cyclotides cytotoxic effects, in vivo studies were conducted, both for acute toxicity and anti-tumor efficacy in mice. Two different methods were used: hollow fiber method and traditional xenografts, but no significant anti-tumor effects were detected. The results indicate that anti-tumor effects are minor or absent at tolerable doses and that cyclotides have a very abrupt in vivo toxicity profile, with lethality after single injection at 2.0 mg/kg.

Att stödja elevens övning : om tajmad minnestränings påverkan på inlärning och motivation i distansundervisning med yngre instrumentalister

Tosi, Monica January 2012 (has links)
En hel del av forskning inom kognitiv neurovetenskap tyder på att effektivare upplägg av repetitionstillfällen förbättrar inlärningsprocessen hos eleverna, eller rättare sagt hos människor i alla åldrar.Uppsatsen handlar om yngre instrumentalelevers inlärningsprocess i relation till hjärnans minnesfunktioner och undersökningen fokuserar fiolundervisning på nybörjarnivå. Jag har utfört ett empiriskt experiment av tajmade repetitionstillfällen via interaktiva onlinebaserade samtal med tre yngre elever.Alla de tre eleverna har under projektens gång åstadkommit förbättringar av de färdigheter som stod i fokus vid de tajmade repetitionerna. Experimentperioden har haft positiv inverkan på elevernas motivation, men deras uppnådda förbättringar bedömer jag vara av icke bestående karaktär. Däremot har projektets genomgång betydligt förbättrat elevernas föräldrastöd i hemmaövningen. / <p>Lärarexamen</p>

Resistance in compositional practice three mediatory works /

Tacke, Daniel Arthur. Tacke, Daniel Arthur. Tacke, Daniel Arthur. Tacke, Daniel Arthur. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of California, San Diego, 2008. / Accompanying disc is DVD-ROM, and contains sound files for recordings of 2nd and 3rd compositions. Title from first page of PDF file (viewed June 25, 2008). Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Reproduced from holograph.

What exit /

Bolles, Marita. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.--Music)--University of California, San Diego, 2000. / Vita. Music for clarinet (alto clarinet), 2 violins, viola, violoncello, prepared piano, percussion, and tape.

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