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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimating Black Bear Population Size, Growth Rate, and Minimum Viable Population Using Bait Station Surveys and Mark-Recapture Methods

O'Neill, Deborah M. 26 August 2004 (has links)
We initiated bait station surveys for black bears in southwestern Virginia in 1999. Bait station surveys are intended to be used as an index to follow bear population trend over time. We compared the bait station visitation (black bear visitation) to black bear harvest and mast surveys 1999 = 2002. The mean bait station visitation rate during 1999 - 2002 was 15.3% (SE = 2.89, n = 4). The number of bears harvested in the 3 counties that also had bait station surveys was 48 (31 males, 17 females), 59 (44 males, 15 females), 45 (32 males, 13 females), and 43 (26 males, 17 females) in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002, respectively. Harvest of males and females differed (n = 2, F = 19.44, df = 1, P = 0.0045). Bait station visitation and female harvest had a strong functional relationship with a negative slope (n = 4, r = -0.78, P = 0.22). The strongest relationship was between male harvest and total harvest (n = 4, r = 0.97, P = 0.03). Mean index to mast production for 1999 - 2002 was 2.3 (range 1.5 - 3.1), 2.7 (range 1.8 - 3.4), 2.3 (range 1.6 - 3.6), and 1.6 (range 1.2 - 2.4), respectively. The overall summary for mast production for the same years was described as fair, good, fair, and poor to fair. Mast production was significantly different between years (n = 4, F = 3.44, df = 3, P = 0.0326), and soft and hard mast production appeared to be above average in 2000. This corresponded with the lowest visitation (10.2%) of the 4 years. There was no correlation between bait station visitation and mast production (n = 4, r = 0.11, P = 0.87). Since 1998, the annual bear harvest in Virginia has exceeded 900 individuals (with the exception of 824 in 2001), and peaked in 2000 when 1,000 bears were harvested. Though harvest rates were high, a reliable population estimate did not exist for black bears in Virginia. We estimated population size, growth rate, and minimum viable population size using data collected between 1995-2000. We used Jolly-Seber, direct recovery, and minimum population size methods to estimate population size. The Jolly-Seber method estimate of adult female density was 0.23-0.64 bears/km2, and 0.01 bears/km2 for adult males. We estimated a density of 0.09-0.23 bears/km2 for all sex and age classes using direct recovery data. Using minimum population size, we found adult female density was higher than any other sex or age class (n = 6, t = 2.02, df = 40, P < 0.0001) with an average density of 0.055 adult females/km2. We used mark-recapture data collected from 148 individual bears (96 males:52 females) captured 270 times in program MARK to estimate survival using recapture, dead recovery, and Burnham's combined models. Adult females had the highest survival rate of 0.84-0.86, while yearling males had the lowest with 0.35. Using direct recovery data, adult females again had the highest survival rate with 0.93 (0.83-1.0) and 3-year old males had the lowest with 0.59 (0.35-0.83). We estimated growth rate using population estimates from Jolly-Seber, direct recoveries, and minimum population size methods. The lowest growth rate estimated was for all females (ages lumped) using minimum population size data (λ=0.82). Direct recovery data for all bears (sex and age lumped) during 1995 - 2000 showed the highest positive annual growth rate (λ = 1.24). We developed a population model using Mathcad 8 Professional to determine population growth rate, MVP, and harvest effects for an exploited black bear population in southwestern Virginia. We used data collected during the CABS study (1995 - 2000) in the model including population estimates derived from direct recovery data, age and sex specific survival rates, and cub sex ratios. When we used actual population values in the model, the bear population in southwestern Virginia did not go extinct in 100 years (l = 1.03, r = 0.03). When we reduced adult female survival from 0.94 to 0.89, the probability of extinction in 100 years was 3.0% and l = 0.99 (r = -0.01; Table 3.2). When the survival was reduced by an additional 0.01 to 0.88, the probability of extinction increased to 13.0% (l = 0.99, r = -0.01). Growth rate and extinction probabilities were very sensitive to adult female survival rates. Two-year old and 3-year old females did not impact extinction probabilities and growth rates as much as adult females. Their survival could be decreased by 44.0%, and still be less than the 5.0% extinction probability. / Master of Science

Le recrutement des Visitandines de Condrieu aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

Mongrain, Pierre-Louis 06 March 2024 (has links)
Dans le cadre du renouveau religieux du XVIIe siècle, François de Sales et Jeanne de Chantal fondent l’Ordre de la Visitation en 1610. Rapidement populaires, les Visitandines ouvrent plusieurs monastères dans les premières années de leur existence. En 1630, elles s’implantent dans la ville de Condrieu, située à la frontière des provinces du Lyonnais et du Dauphiné et faisant partie du diocèse de Vienne. L’analyse des entrées en religion permet de montrer que, jusqu’à la fermeture du couvent en 1792, les effectifs restent élevés. Après l’extension rapide des premières années, le recrutement fluctue au gré des reculs et des reprises, des chutes et des redressements. La proximité de la ville de Lyon teinte de manière importante l’origine géographique des postulantes et désavantage l’accueil des jeunes filles condriotes. L’origine socioprofessionnelle met en lumière l’appartenance des nouvelles religieuses à l’élite sociale, malgré le glissement d’un recrutement nobiliaire à un recrutement roturier. Notre recherche vise à saisir ces changements et à les remettre dans leur contexte, afin d’en comprendre les causes.

Referral in Pregnancy : A challenge for Greenlandic women

Montgomery-Andersen, Ruth January 2005 (has links)
Referral practices within healthcare systems are seen as a means of heightening the quality of perinatal care and lessening perinatal mortality and morbidity. Perinatal death or the birth of child with a handicap can be debilitating for a family. Since January 2002 a new referral system has been instituted within Greenland sending all at risk pregnancy to the referral hospital in Nuuk. The aim of the study was to describe the women’s experience of referral by drawing on their experiences and using their voices to present referral from the women’s point of view. Interviews were conducted within arrival at the referral hospital and during fieldwork over a one-year period. Interviews were conducted, recorded and transcribed. The analysis of interview data was conducted within the narrative framework, using Coping theory and resiliency tools as the theoretical base for structuring the narratives. Through their narratives the women presented their identities as mothers, community members and caretakers. Acceptance of referral was described as a tool for protecting their unborn child. With acceptance of the referral the women found an inner source of strength to deal with their own anger joy anxiety and loneliness. Their ability to accept referral was directly connected to their family and community and the support that they found therein / Siden januar 2002 har Grønland instrumenteret nye perinatale retningslinier. Disse retningslinier har til hensigt til at nedbringe mortaliteten og morbiditeten hos de nyfødte og deres mødre. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i kvindernes oplevelse af visitationen. Det belyser de udfordringer som kvinderne præsenteres for samt de redskaber kvinderne er i besiddelse af, i forsøget på at besejre disse udfordringer. Kvinderne blev interviewet ved ankomsten til modtagelsessygehuset og under feltarbejde. Interviewene blev optaget på bånd og blev transskriberet løbende. Narrrative teorier er grundlag for analysen af interviewene og coping og resiliency faktorer er de teoretiske grundprincipper for præsentation af kvindernes tanker. Igennem narrativerne fremlagde kvinderne deres oplevelse af sig selv som mødre, som medborgere og omsorgspersoner. Det at acceptere visitationen beskrives som et redskab til at beskytte deres ufødte barn. Ved at acceptere visitationen oplevede kvinderne en indre styrke, som hjalp dem til at bearbejde følelser som vrede, glæde, bekymring og ensomhed. Støtte fra deres familier og deres lokalsamfund var afgørende for deres oplevelse af tiden på modtagelsessygehuset / <p>ISBN 91-7997-126-1</p>

Drought, pollen and nectar availability, and pollination success

Waser, Nickolas M., Price, Mary V. 06 1900 (has links)
Pollination success of animal-pollinated flowers depends on rate of pollinator visits and on pollen deposition per visit, both of which should vary with the pollen and nectar "neighborhoods" of a plant, i.e., with pollen and nectar availability in nearby plants. One determinant of these neighborhoods is per-flower production of pollen and nectar, which is likely to respond to environmental influences. In this study, we explored environmental effects on pollen and nectar production and on pollination success in order to follow up a surprising result from a previous study: flowers of Ipomopsis aggregata received less pollen in years of high visitation by their hummingbird pollinators. A new analysis of the earlier data indicated that high bird visitation corresponded to drought years. We hypothesized that drought might contribute to the enigmatic prior result if it decreases both nectar and pollen production: in dry years, low nectar availability could cause hummingbirds to visit flowers at a higher rate, and low pollen availability could cause them to deposit less pollen per visit. A greenhouse experiment demonstrated that drought does reduce both pollen and nectar production by I. aggregata flowers. This result was corroborated across 6 yr of variable precipitation and soil moisture in four unmanipulated field populations. In addition, experimental removal of pollen from flowers reduced the pollen received by nearby flowers. We conclude that there is much to learn about how abiotic and biotic environmental drivers jointly affect pollen and nectar production and availability, and how this contributes to pollen and nectar neighborhoods and thus influences pollination success.

How flower visitation of remnant grassland patches is affected by commercial timber plantations and an invasive alien species (Rubus cuneifolius)

Hansen, Simone 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Our planet is in the midst of a biodiversity crisis, with factors such as land transformation, climate change, anthropomorphic disturbance and invasive species acting together to threaten biodiversity. In South Africa, with minimal natural wood resources, commercial forestry is one of the most abundant forms of landscape transformation. However, a third of the land inside many plantations has been set aside for conservation as unplanted remnant grassland patches (RGPs). These areas are subjected to an additional negative impact by invasive alien species, namely Rubus cuneifolius (American bramble), a weed that is particularly problematic in and around forestry plantations in South Africa. The grassland biome of South Africa is extremely diverse and is of vital importance for the ecosystem services it supplies. Despite this, the grassland biome is under threat as this is where much of South Africa’s forestry plantations are located. Driven by anthropomorphic disturbance, pollinators are in decline. Landscape transformation of natural areas for forestry plantations is likely to affect plant-pollinator interactions which will affect ecosystems and biodiversity. However, it is not known to what extent these ecosystems are affected. It is thought that the impact depends on the complexity of the ecosystem in question, and analyses at the network-level provide insights into the robustness of ecosystems in the face of biodiversity loss. Thus, this study evaluates the effect of natural habitat fragmentation and invasion of the alien species, R. cuneifolius, on flower visitation networks of South African grasslands. The study was conducted in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands within a commercial timber plantation and a neighbouring protected area (PA). Flower-visitor observations were carried out in uninvaded protected areas and RGPs and in protected areas and RGPs invaded by R. cuneifolius. I found that RGPs within commercial forestry plantations successfully decrease the negative effects of land transformation on the grasslands of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, and flower visitation network patterns are largely maintained in these habitat fragments. However, within RGPs, invasion by R. cuneifolius affected the composition and the interaction network structure of flower-visitor and plant communities. The fact that there are unplanted areas within commercial forestry plantations is positive for biodiversity conservation in South Africa. Research has indicated that these areas successfully aid in the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Due to the positive influence that RGPs have on conservation in fragmented and transformed landscapes, it is critical that these unplanted areas are retained. However, the effects of bramble invasion are more intense within RGPs than within protected areas, and therefore, it must be a priority to keep these areas undisturbed. R. cuneifolius has been found to have devastating effects on ecosystem function and network structure. It is also a category 1 invasive plant within South Africa, and its removal is required by law. Therefore, the removal of bramble must be a management priority. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ons planeet is in die middel van 'n biodiversiteit krisis, met faktore soos grond transformasie, klimaatsverandering, antropomorfiese versteuring en indringerspesies wat gesamentlik werk om biodiversiteit te bedreig. Suid-Afrika, besit minimale houtbronne. Daarom is kommersiële bosbou een van die mees algemene vorme van landskap transformasie. Tog is 'n derde van die land binne baie plantasies opsy gesit vir bewaring as oorblywende grasveld kolle (OGKs). Hierdie gebiede word ongelukkig blootgestel aan die bykomende negatiewe impak van die uitheemse spesies, Rubus cuneifolius (Amerikaanse steekdoring), wat veral problematies is in en rondom bosbouplantasies. Die grasveldbioom van Suid-Afrika is baie divers en is van kardinale belang vir die ekosisteem dienste wat dit lewer. Ten spyte hiervan, word die grasveldbioom bedreig waar dit op dieselfde areas as die meerderheid van Suid-Afrika se bosbouplantasies geleë is. Antropomorfiese versteuring lui daartoe dat bestuiwergetalle daal. Landskap transformasie vir bosbou plantasies raak dus plant-bestuiwer interaksies, wat ekosisteme en biodiversiteit beïnvloed. Dit is nie bekend tot watter mate hierdie ekosisteme geraak word nie. Daar word vermoed dat die impak af hang van die kompleksiteit van die ekosisteem. Ontledings van ekosisteme op netwerk vlak kan insigte bied oor die robuustheid van hierdie ekosisteme in die aangesig van biodiversiteitverlies. Dus, die studie evalueer die effek van fragmentasie van natuurlike habitatte en inval van die indringer spesie, R. cuneifolius, op blom-besoekings netwerke van Suid-Afrikaanse grasvelde. Hierdie studie is uitgevoer in die KwaZulu-Natal Midlands binne 'n kommersiële hout plantasie en 'n naburige beskermde gebied (BG). Blom-besoeker waarnemings was in BGs en OGKs sonder R. cuneifolius, en in BGs en OGKs met R. cuneifolius uitgevoer. Ek het gevind dat OGKs binne kommersiële bosbouplantasies suksesvol is om die negatiewe uitwerking van land transformasie te verminder, en blom-besoeking netwerk patrone grootliks gehandhaaf word in hierdie habitat fragmente. Egter, binne OGKs, het R. cuneifolius die samestelling en die interaksie netwerk struktuur van blom-besoekers en plant gemeenskappe negatief geraak. Die feit dat OGKs ongeplant gelaat word, is positief vir die bewaring van biodiversiteit in Suid- Afrika. Navorsing dui aan dat hierdie gebiede suksesvol is om te help met die bewaring van biodiversiteit en ekosisteemfunksionering. As gevolg van die positiewe invloed van OGKs op bewaring in gefragmenteerde en omskepte landskappe, is dit krities dat hierdie areas ongeplant bly. Egter, die gevolge van steekdoring inval is meer intens binne OGKs as binne beskermde gebiede, en daarom moet dit 'n prioriteit wees om hierdie gebiede ongestoord te hou. R. cuneifolius se verwoestende uitwerking op ekosisteem funksie en netwerk struktuur was baie duidelik. Dit is ook 'n kategorie 1 indringerplant in Suid-Afrika, en sy verwydering word deur is die wet vereis. Daarom moet die verwydering van steekdoring ‘n bestuursprioriteit wees.

Rozhodující momenty dějin luterské reformace v korespondenci Martina Luthera a Philipa Melanchthona / Decisive moments of history of lutherian reformation in correspondence of Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon

Brdlíková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This work is an introduction to the part of correspondence of Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon, which engages directly in the history of german reformation. It illustrates, how did the both reformators subjectively perceive political, social and religious events in their surroundings and how did they comment it in the letters to their friends. Apart from the correspondence I used Luthers Tabletalks as other important source. Considering the limited range, this work just specializes in the moments of reformational events, which can be found as breakthrough and extraordinarily significant. The work keeps to chronological line to be possible to capture ideal and opinional evolution of Martin Luther, because his thinking was not consistent. The used bibliography serves for interconnection of reflections of reformators to understandable complex and for specification of information, which are accessible in sources.

Gestão da visitação em Unidades de Conservação: o caso do Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão, SP / Management of visitation in protected areas: The case of the Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão, SP

Hirata, Sara Ruiz 28 June 2013 (has links)
A demanda pela visitação nos Parques brasileiros tem crescido ao longo dos últimos anos e é cada vez mais necessário que a gestão dessas áreas protegidas seja efetiva para se alcançar os propósitos de existência das mesmas. Com o objetivo de analisar a gestão da visitação dessa categoria de Unidade de Conservação no Estado de São Paulo, foi delineado um estudo de caso sobre Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão - PECJ, criado em 1941. Localizado a cerca de 180 quilômetros da capital paulista, na Serra da Mantiqueira, o município de Campos do Jordão tem no turismo sua principal atividade econômica e, ao mesmo tempo, se encontra num espaço de áreas protegidas que visam conservar a biodiversidade local. Neste contexto, a abordagem do caso escolhido apoiou-se na revisão da literatura, análise de documentos e legislação pertinentes, visita a campo, diálogo com a gestão atual e passada do Parque, com os prestadores de serviços de apoio ao visitante e uma amostra do público que visitou a área em julho de 2011. Motivada por questionamentos a respeito das modificações da gestão do PECJ desde a criação do Sistema Estadual de Florestas - SIEFLOR (SÃO PAULO, 2006) - e a percepção dos envolvidos sobre as ações voltadas ao uso público, a pesquisa alcançou resultados que evidenciaram mudanças no direcionamento da gestão do Parque e implantação de medidas para melhorar a qualidade da recepção dos frequentadores, como o novo Centro de Visitantes revitalizado em 2010. Também está em elaboração o novo Plano de Manejo - PM - que deverá ser concluído em 2013. Sobre a percepção das gestões atual e da passada, notou-se um otimismo sobre o potencial da visitação do Parque, a importância das atividades de recreação, educação e interpretação ambientais. Os representantes dos serviços de apoio à visitação avaliaram positivamente as medidas implementadas que atingiram o uso público e o seu ambiente de trabalho. Os formulários empregados com os visitantes sugerem que os indivíduos que vão ao PECJ estão satisfeitos com os atrativos e com a experiência da visita, mas reivindicam principalmente por mais infraestrutura de atendimento e monitores ambientais. Como um todo, observou-se que a efetividade de gestão da visitação do PECJ tem sido buscada e passos importantes já foram dados, restando para os próximos anos o enfrentamento de problemas como falta de recursos e processos burocráticos excessivos para que as funções do Parque sejam plenamente contempladas. / The demand for visiting the Brazilians Parks has grown over the past years and it is increasingly necessary that the management of these protected areas is effective to achieve the purpose of existence of the same. Aiming to analyze the management of visitation in that category of Conservation Unit in the State of São Paulo, a case study was outlined on the Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão - PECJ, created in 1941. Located about 180 km from the state capital, in the Serra da Mantiqueira, the municipality of Campos do Jordão has in tourism its main economic activity, and at the same time, it is an area of protected areas designed to conserve local biodiversity. In this context, the approach chosen for this case relied on the literature review, document analysis and legislation, field visit, dialogue with the management of the park, past and present, with service providers visitor support and a sample of public who visited the area in July 2011. Motivated by questions regarding the changes of PECJ management since the creation of the State Forests System - SIEFLOR (SÃO PAULO, 2006) - and the perception of stakeholders on initiatives aimed at public use, research has achieved results that show changes in direction of Park management and implementation of measures to improve the reception quality of the visitors, as the new Visitors Centre revitalized in 2010. Also under development is the new Management Plan - PM - to be completed in 2013. On the perception of the current and past administrations, we noted optimism about the potential of visiting the Park, the importance of recreational activities, environmental education and interpretation. The representatives of support services to visitors positively evaluated the measures implemented that reached the public use and their working environment. The forms employed with visitors suggest that individuals who go to PECJ are satisfied with the attractions and the experience of the visit, but they request more infrastructure services and environmental monitors. As a whole, it was observed that the effectiveness of management\'s visitation of PECJ has been looked for and important steps have already been taken, leaving in the coming years coping with problems such as lack of resources and excessive bureaucratic procedures for the functions of the Park are fully addressed.

Gestão da visitação em Unidades de Conservação: o caso do Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão, SP / Management of visitation in protected areas: The case of the Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão, SP

Sara Ruiz Hirata 28 June 2013 (has links)
A demanda pela visitação nos Parques brasileiros tem crescido ao longo dos últimos anos e é cada vez mais necessário que a gestão dessas áreas protegidas seja efetiva para se alcançar os propósitos de existência das mesmas. Com o objetivo de analisar a gestão da visitação dessa categoria de Unidade de Conservação no Estado de São Paulo, foi delineado um estudo de caso sobre Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão - PECJ, criado em 1941. Localizado a cerca de 180 quilômetros da capital paulista, na Serra da Mantiqueira, o município de Campos do Jordão tem no turismo sua principal atividade econômica e, ao mesmo tempo, se encontra num espaço de áreas protegidas que visam conservar a biodiversidade local. Neste contexto, a abordagem do caso escolhido apoiou-se na revisão da literatura, análise de documentos e legislação pertinentes, visita a campo, diálogo com a gestão atual e passada do Parque, com os prestadores de serviços de apoio ao visitante e uma amostra do público que visitou a área em julho de 2011. Motivada por questionamentos a respeito das modificações da gestão do PECJ desde a criação do Sistema Estadual de Florestas - SIEFLOR (SÃO PAULO, 2006) - e a percepção dos envolvidos sobre as ações voltadas ao uso público, a pesquisa alcançou resultados que evidenciaram mudanças no direcionamento da gestão do Parque e implantação de medidas para melhorar a qualidade da recepção dos frequentadores, como o novo Centro de Visitantes revitalizado em 2010. Também está em elaboração o novo Plano de Manejo - PM - que deverá ser concluído em 2013. Sobre a percepção das gestões atual e da passada, notou-se um otimismo sobre o potencial da visitação do Parque, a importância das atividades de recreação, educação e interpretação ambientais. Os representantes dos serviços de apoio à visitação avaliaram positivamente as medidas implementadas que atingiram o uso público e o seu ambiente de trabalho. Os formulários empregados com os visitantes sugerem que os indivíduos que vão ao PECJ estão satisfeitos com os atrativos e com a experiência da visita, mas reivindicam principalmente por mais infraestrutura de atendimento e monitores ambientais. Como um todo, observou-se que a efetividade de gestão da visitação do PECJ tem sido buscada e passos importantes já foram dados, restando para os próximos anos o enfrentamento de problemas como falta de recursos e processos burocráticos excessivos para que as funções do Parque sejam plenamente contempladas. / The demand for visiting the Brazilians Parks has grown over the past years and it is increasingly necessary that the management of these protected areas is effective to achieve the purpose of existence of the same. Aiming to analyze the management of visitation in that category of Conservation Unit in the State of São Paulo, a case study was outlined on the Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão - PECJ, created in 1941. Located about 180 km from the state capital, in the Serra da Mantiqueira, the municipality of Campos do Jordão has in tourism its main economic activity, and at the same time, it is an area of protected areas designed to conserve local biodiversity. In this context, the approach chosen for this case relied on the literature review, document analysis and legislation, field visit, dialogue with the management of the park, past and present, with service providers visitor support and a sample of public who visited the area in July 2011. Motivated by questions regarding the changes of PECJ management since the creation of the State Forests System - SIEFLOR (SÃO PAULO, 2006) - and the perception of stakeholders on initiatives aimed at public use, research has achieved results that show changes in direction of Park management and implementation of measures to improve the reception quality of the visitors, as the new Visitors Centre revitalized in 2010. Also under development is the new Management Plan - PM - to be completed in 2013. On the perception of the current and past administrations, we noted optimism about the potential of visiting the Park, the importance of recreational activities, environmental education and interpretation. The representatives of support services to visitors positively evaluated the measures implemented that reached the public use and their working environment. The forms employed with visitors suggest that individuals who go to PECJ are satisfied with the attractions and the experience of the visit, but they request more infrastructure services and environmental monitors. As a whole, it was observed that the effectiveness of management\'s visitation of PECJ has been looked for and important steps have already been taken, leaving in the coming years coping with problems such as lack of resources and excessive bureaucratic procedures for the functions of the Park are fully addressed.

Olhares inquisitoriais na Amazônia portuguesa: O Tribunal do Santo Ofício e o disciplinamento dos costumes (XVII-XIX)

Oliveira, Maria Olindína Andrade de 02 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:18:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 maria olindina.pdf: 2020288 bytes, checksum: 3720f6f7c3ee2ce2eea2597f1ae0078f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-02 / Study on the proceedings of the Court of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in the State of Maranhão e Grão-Pará from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. In this paper, we analyze the proceedings of the Inquisition in Portuguese Amazonia, focusing especially on the nature of the offenses practiced by the regional population and on the proceedings of the Court and its contribution to the regional policies of the Pombaline era, based on the study of the inquisitorial trials of Indians, negroes and mestizos, during the Visitation period of 1763 to 1773. / Estudo sobre a atuação do Tribunal do Santo Ofício da Inquisição no Estado do Maranhão e Grão-Pará desde o século XVII até o XIX. O objetivo do trabalho é de analisar a ação da Inquisição na Amazônia portuguesa, no que diz respeito à natureza dos delitos praticados pela população da região. Em especial, analisa a atuação do Tribunal e sua contribuição com a política pombalina para a região, a partir do estudo de processos inquisitoriais referentes a índios, negros e mestiços, pertencentes ao período da Visitação de 1763 a 1773.


LaPoint, Shalom Z, LaPoint, Shalom Z 01 March 2014 (has links)
ABSTRACT This project discusses the development of Keep in Touch. Keep in Touch is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which is designed to aid the visitation process. Visitation is concerned with children and their families who have been separated. Reasons for separation vary; however, many children have been separated and would benefit greatly from a local visitation program. Items such as children’s rights, California’s mandatory mediation law, and the current conditions of the family court house in San Bernardino County are all discussed and examined as supporting evidence to the problem of family visitation. The goal of Keep in Touch is to provide a comfortable environment, both physical and virtual, that encourages open communication (dialogue) between children and their families. The cultural climate of Keep in Touch is one that encourages, supports and nurtures the natural connection between children and their families.

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