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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recidivism Prevention Through Prosocial Support: A Systematic Review of Empirical Research

McDaniel, Kimber 01 May 2014 (has links)
Of the 700 offenders that are released from prison each year, seven in ten will be rearrested. There are a number of barriers face by released offenders that inhibit their successful reentry. These barriers include: mental health illness, limited work experience, lower education, substance abuse, lack of transportation, homelessness and poverty strain of family ties and/or close relationships. This paper explores the impact of social support on recidivism rates through a systematic review of the literature surrounding prosocial support. The implications for social work practice and research are also discussed.

”Hallå här, titta lite nyktert på det här” : En kvalitativ studie om normer och föreställningar kopplat till mammor och pappor inom det familjerättsliga området. / ”Hey there, take a sober look at this” : A qualitative study on norms and beliefs connected to mothers and fathers in the family law area.

Eriksson, Isabella, Westerlund, Marie January 2023 (has links)
This study aimed to examine how gender and gender norms influence custody, residence, and visitation evaluations from a social constructivist perspective. Five qualitative interviews were conducted with social workers within the family law field. The data underwent qualitative content analysis, guided by theoretical frameworks such as Hirdman's gender theory, attachment theory, and Giddens' structuration theory. The results indicated that the majority of the respondents did not experience any difference in which parent files a lawsuit, but variations were observed in the claims submitted by mothers and fathers. Traditional norms associated with mothers and fathers were found to persist, leading to differential assessments of custody, residence, and visitation. Family court officers noted that these differences often revolve around attachment. The findings suggest the prevalence of traditional gender norms within the family court system, albeit with increasing challenges and questioning. This study contributes to understanding how these norms persist and evolve, emphasizing the need for ongoing critical examination of gender-related factors in custody and visitation decisions. / Denna studie syftade till att, med en socialkonstruktivistisk utgångspunkt, undersöka upplevelsen hos socionomer inom det familjerättsliga området av hur normer om genus påverkar vårdnad-, boende-, och umgängesutredningar. För att få svar på studiens syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes fem kvalitativa intervjuer med yrkesverksamma socionomer inom det familjerättsliga området. Den insamlade empiriska datan genomgick en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, där tolkningen baserades på Hirdmans genusteori, anknytningsteorin och Giddens struktureringsteori. Tidigare forskning inom ämnet beaktades också i analysen. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av respondenterna inte upplever någon skillnad i vem av föräldrarna som går in med en stämning. Däremot observerades skillnader i vilka yrkanden som lämnades in av mammor och pappor. Respondenterna upplevde även att traditionella normer och föreställningar kopplade till mammor och pappor lever kvar och att det görs skillnad mellan mammor och pappor vid bedömningar av vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Respondenternas upplevelse var att de skillnader som görs ofta är kopplat till anknytning. Sammanfattningsvis tyder resultaten på att traditionella normer rörande genus fortsätter att vara framträdande inom det familjerättsliga området. Dock utmanas och ifrågasätts dessa normer alltmer. Studien bidrar till en djupare förståelse av hur dessa normer överlever och förändras inom familjerätten, och betonar behovet av kontinuerlig kritisk granskning och omvärdering av könsrelaterade faktorer vid beslut om vårdnad och umgänge.

"Det är aldrig till barns bästa att vara rädd" : En kvalitativ studie om familjerättens förhållningssätt till barnets bästa i umgängesutredningar där det återfinns våld / “It is Never in a Child's Best Interest to be Afraid” : A Qualitative Study on Family Laws Approach to the Best Interests of the Child in Visitation Investigations with Domestic Violence

Lindberg, Tova, Smith, Hanna Jade January 2023 (has links)
The study’s purpose was to investigate how Family Law appraises the Children´s Rights Conventions principle "the best interests of the child" when assessing visitation in cases with domestic violence, moreover, how the approaches can impact the children. Four family law caseworkers were interviewed through a combined interview and vignette study. The empiricism was analysed with a thematic analysis. Results indicated that the interviewees take the child's best interests into account by acknowledging their opinions. The results showed an inherent problem with a family-oriented stance in investigations. The child's relationship with parents is highly valued, which can be against the child's best interests. Ultimately, violence was seen as a serious risk factor in visitation proceedings, this contributes to negative consequences on the child. Despite that the Convention now is law, the results showed contradictions regarding what the best interest of the child is, therefore continued research is needed on the issue. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka familjerättens förhållningssätt till Barnkonventionens grundprincip om barnets bästa vid bedömningar av umgänge i ärenden där det förekommer våld i hemmet, samt vad förhållningssätten kan innebära för barnet. Fyra familjerättssekreterare intervjuades genom en kombinerad intervju- och vinjettstudie. Empirin analyserades med en tematisk analys. Studiens bärande resultat visade på att familjerättssekreterarna beaktar barnets bästa genom att låta barnet få komma till tals. Resultatet fann även ett inneboende problem med ett familjeorienterat synsätt i umgängesutredningar. Det framkom att barnets relation till båda föräldrarna värnas högt vilket kan strida mot barnets bästa. Slutligen fann studien att våld utgör en allvarlig riskfaktor i umgängesutredningar och bidrar till negativa konsekvenser för barnet. Trots att Barnkonventionen är lag påvisade resultatet motstridigheter om vad barnets bästa innebär, och därför behövs fortsatt forskning i frågan.

Hearing a Child's Voice in Divorce: A Judge's Experience

Dunbar, Whitney L. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Tingsrätten brister i tvister : En studie om umgängesrätt för våldsutsatta barn / Shortcomings in disputes within the district court : A study about visitation rights for children subjected to violence

Holmberg, Meja, Lindblom, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
This qualitative document study aimed to examine how the district court has judged the visitation rights for children subjected to violence at home; in accordance with the Children and Parents Code chapter 6, section 2a and 2b. Therefore a qualitative content analysis was used to analyse cases of visitation in 14 district court sentences. The sociology of childhood constituted the study's theoretical perspective. The research identified weaknesses in how the district court interpreted and applied the principles of the child's best interest and participation. The need for close and quality contact seemed apparent to the district court, while the need of protection was assessed with more flexibility and contextuality. The result also found that the violence was occasionally disregarded and the consideration of children's opinions varied. Additionally, the child's participation was limited to consultation alone. These shortcomings could lead to children being forced to undergo visitations with a violent parent. / Den här kvalitativa dokumentstudien syftade till att undersöka hur tingsrätten, utifrån föräldrabalken 6 kap. 2a och 2b §§, bedömde umgängesrätten för barn som hade utsatts för våld i hemmet. För att besvara syftet genomfördes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 14 tingsrättsdomar i mål om umgänge. Barndomssociologin utgjorde studiens teoretiska perspektiv. Resultatet identifierade brister i hur tingsrätten tolkat och tillämpat principerna om barnets bästa och barnets rätt till delaktighet. Det framstod som att tingsrätten betraktade behovet av en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna som självklart, medan behovet av skydd bedömdes mer flexibelt och kontextuellt. Resultatet belyste också att tingsrätten ibland bortsåg från våldet och att barnets åsikter beaktades i varierande omfattning. Barnets delaktighet begränsades dessutom till enbart konsultation. En konsekvens av dessa brister var att barn riskerade att tvingas till umgänge med en våldsam förälder.

Områdespolisers uppfattningar om införandet av visitationszoner : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Local police officers' perceptions of the establishment of visitation zones : A qualitative interview study

Goodfellow Brown, Eloise, Larsson, Annelie, Larsson Flygare, Rebecca January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka områdespoliser i Malmös uppfattningar om införandet av visitationszoner, särskilt vad gäller deras tro på zonernas effektivitet samt inverkan de kan ha på polisens förtroendeskapande arbete. Skälet till att Sverige infört visitationszoner är för att det anses fungera väl i Danmark, men trots detta har införandet av visitationszoner mött omfattande kritik i svensk media. Tidigare forskning inom fältet påvisar att visitationszoner som bäst har en liten effekt på brottslighet, men större konsekvenser på relationen mellan polisen och befolkningen. Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ ansats bestående av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer, där urvalet består av områdespoliser som arbetar i Malmö. Studiens resultat utmynnade i fyra olika teman, och till varje tema finns 2–3 tillhörande subteman. Studiens resultat är att politiska beslut fattas utan att man lyssnar på polisens faktiska behov och att bristande information skapar svårigheter för polisen att utföra sitt arbete på bästa sätt. Områdespoliserna har dessutom en låg tro på att visitationszoner kommer att bli ett effektivt brottsförebyggande och brottsbekämpande verktyg. Detta då de redan har möjlighet att visitera kriminella individer av intresse utifrån annan lagstiftning och att visitera alla individer i en visitationszon är för ineffektivt. Dessutom menar områdespoliserna även att förtroendet för polisen kommer att ta skada, i synnerhet om många oskyldiga personer drabbas av insatsen. Denna studie bidrar till att belysa områdespolisers uppfattningar av visitationszoner, hur politiska beslut påverkar och implementeras av poliser samt de hinder som Polismyndigheten möter. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions local police officers in Malmö have toward the establishment of visitation zones, particularly in regard to the measure’s efficiency and potential effect on the police’s trust-building efforts. The decision to establish visitation zones in Sweden rests on the basis that it has worked well in Denmark but has nonetheless been highly criticized in the media. Previous research has found that visitation zones have a marginal effect on crime, and at the same time pose a risk of negatively affecting the relationship between citizens and the police. The study takes a qualitative approach through the use of five semi structured interviews, and the sample consists of local police working in Malmö. The study resulted in four themes, and each theme had 2-3 sub themes. The study’s main findings are that political decisions are made without listening to the needs of the police, and that insufficient information creates difficulties for the police to do their work in the best possible way. The local police had low confidence that visitation zones will be an effective tool for crime prevention and crime-fighting, as they already have the possibility to search individuals of interest under other legislation, and because they believe that stopping and searching everyone within a visitation zone will be inefficient. Moreover, the local police believed that visitation zones will be detrimental to the trust in the police, especially if many innocent people are affected. This study helps to shed light on local police officers' perceptions of the establishment of visitation zones, and has contributed to a deeper understanding of how political decisions impact and are implemented by the police, and the obstacles faced by the Police Authority.

Efeitos do pisoteio humano experimental sobre a vegetação em fragmentos de Floresta Pluvial Tropical Atlântica, São Paulo, Brasil / Experimental human trampling effect on the vegetation in fragments of the Atlantic Rain Forest, São Paulo, Brazil

Siles, Maria Francisca Roncero 13 February 2009 (has links)
O crescente fluxo de visitantes em áreas naturais, com a conseqüente pressão sobre os recursos naturais, provocou o aumento da preocupação com os impactos negativos gerados. A Ecologia de Recreação estuda os impactos das atividades recreativas nos ambientes visitados, ocupando-se de fornecer resultados que sejam úteis ao manejo desses impactos. Os efeitos do pisoteio humano sobre a vegetação têm despertado particular interesse em diversos ecossistemas do mundo, com publicações concentradas basicamente nas regiões temperadas. No presente trabalho foi realizado um estudo experimental de pisoteio para avaliar a resposta da vegetação em áreas de Floresta Pluvial Tropical Atlântica em três Unidades de Conservação no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O desenho experimental foi em blocos randômicos, tendo sido aplicados quatro níveis de intensidade de pisoteio, em uma única estação, com medidas feitas imediatamente antes do impacto e repetidas em vários períodos, de modo a acompanhar a recuperação da vegetação. As variáveis analisadas foram: a cobertura vegetal total, a riqueza de tipos vegetais morfo-funcionais, a cobertura de cada tipo e a quantidade de solo exposto. No geral, confirmando estudos anteriores em outras regiões, os resultados mostraram relações não-lineares entre o nível de impacto e o efeito nas variáveis medidas na vegetação. As três áreas estudadas tiveram respostas diferentes, duas mostraram-se pouco resistentes e resilientes e outra apresentou resistência moderada e recuperação após um ano. Esses resultados podem subsidiar futuras estratégias de manejo em ambientes semelhantes. / The growing flow of visitors at natural areas, with the consequent pressure over natural resources caused an increase on concerns about the produced negative impacts. Recreation Ecology studies the impacts of recreational activities at visited environments, aiming to provide results which are useful for the management of these impacts. The effects of human trampling on vegetation have raised particular interest in several ecosystems in the world, with publications basically centered in temperate regions. An experimental trampling study was carried out in the present work to evaluate the response of vegetation in areas of Atlantic Tropical Rain Forest, at three protected areas in São Paulo State, Brazil. A randomized block design was done, on which four trampling intensity levels have been applied during an only Season with measurements taken immediately before the impact and repeated at various periods, to follow vegetation recovery. The variables analyzed were: herbaceous plant total cover, richness of plant morpho-functional types, coverage of each type and the amount of bare ground. In general, confirming previous studies in other regions, the results showed non-linear relationships between impact level and effect on measured variables on vegetation. The three studied areas had different responses, two were little resistant and resilient and the other showed moderate resistance and recovery after a year. These results can be used to subsidize future management strategies in similar areas.

Catechesi e alfabetizzazione a Brescia in età moderna / Catechesis and Literacy in Brescia in the Modern Age

GAMBA, GIOVANNA 27 March 2007 (has links)
Da tempo la storiografia insiste sull'importanza della catechesi come fattore di alfabetizzazione in età moderna: le scuole della dottrina cristiana, fondate e vivificate dopo il concilio di Trento, furono infatti per moltissimi bambini un'occasione privilegiata, spesso l'unica, per lambire i confini del mondo delle lettere. Anche se la società era ancora pervasa dall'oralità, i benefici del saper leggere divennero sempre più evidenti e incrementarono un bisogno di istruzione dal basso che nacque in modo sommesso, ma non tardò a crescere. Si trattava di una domanda composita e frammentata, spesso incerta, sicuramente mobile, che attinse a un'offerta altrettanto variegata. Nacquero, così, le prime scuole dei rudimenti, di norma affidate agli ecclesiastici, i quali insegnavano gratis et amore Dei, anche se la vera svolta si compì quando la sensibilità comune maturò al punto da formalizzare l'insegnamento, trovando i mezzi per stipendiare i maestri e istituire scuole stabili, pubbliche e gratuite. La ricerca analizza le scuole di dottrina e quelle dell'alfabeto nella diocesi di Brescia, spaziando tra due cesure particolarmente significative: dalla frattura religiosa dell'Europa con il conseguente concilio di Trento a ricucire le lacerazioni e promuovere un nuovo cristianesimo allo spartiacque degli sconvolgimenti rivoluzionari di fine Settecento, che determinarono il crollo delle secolari strutture dell'ancien régime. / The importance of catechism as a factor that helped literacy in the modern age has been underlined by historiography for a long time: the schools of Christian doctrine, founded and revitalized after the Council of Trent, represented actually a privileged occasion, often the only one, for many children to approach the world of letters. Although society was still pervaded with orality, the advantages of literacy became more and more evident and fuelled a need of education from the lower classes that started quietly but that soon increased. It was a composite and fragmentary demand, often uncertain, definitely mobile that met a similarly varied offer. This was how the first schools of rudiments originated. They were usually entrusted to clergymen who taught gratis et amore Dei, although the real turning point came about when the common sensibility reached such a level that teaching was formalized: means were found to pay the teachers and to establish permanent, public and free schools. This research work analyses the schools of doctrine and the schools of rudiments in the diocese of Brescia, covering the time span between two especially incisive milestones: from one side the religious split in Europe, with the subsequent Council of Trent trying to heal the wounds and promote a new Christianity; to the other side the revolutionary upheavals at the end of the eighteenth century, that caused the age-long structures of the ancien régime to break down.

Life history and environmental influences on avian incubation and parental care in songbirds

Austin-Bythell, Suzanne H. 13 March 2015 (has links)
Patterns of nest attendance behavior by breeding birds represent a parent-offspring trade-off in which adults balance self-maintenance with parental care decisions. Incubation, in particular, is of interest because adults must provide an environment suitable for embryonic development through nest-building and contact-incubation. We evaluated how adult incubation constancy and nest visitation rates varied with life and natural history traits of temperate and tropical bird species. We found that constancy did not differ by latitude or with nest survival rate. A strong negative correlation between incubation constancy and egg mass relative to adult body mass was present. Birds with low constancy tended to have larger relative egg masses and higher basal metabolic rate. Because adult incubation constancy is relatively plastic (i.e., varies with ambient temperature), birds with larger relative eggs may respond to lower cooling rates rather than direct selection for higher or lower constancy. We then assessed if rates of nest visitation (trips to nests by adults during incubation and nestling phases) followed the predictions of the Skutch hypothesis. Skutch suggested that birds nesting in environments with high levels of nest predation would reduce numbers of trips to their nests so as to minimize the risk of visual detection by nest predators. We found support for the basic pattern predicted by Skutch. We also extended his hypothesis to predict other behavior associated with nesting, such as responses of parents to intruders at the nest. Despite apparently early departure from the nest site, adults with higher visitation rates remained conspicuous around the nest site. Thus, while the flight initiation distance from the human observer was earlier than expected, conspicuousness of behavior was associated with nest visitation rate. Finally, we assessed how an environmental variable, photoperiod, might influence rate of embryonic development in a wild songbird, Sylvia atricapilla. We exposed eggs throughout the incubation period to daily photoperiods consisting of 4 hours of light and 20 hours of dark (4L), 12 hours light and 12 hours dark (12L), 20 hours light and 4 hours dark (20L) and a skeleton photoperiod with two 1-hour pulses of light that framed a 20-hour day. We found that the skeleton treatment group differed significantly from our 4L and 12L, but not the 20L treatment groups. The skeleton photoperiod accelerated embryonic development. We suggest that photoperiod may influence incubation period in wild birds and could account for some portion of the widely observed latitudinal variation in incubation period of songbirds. We encourage others to assess how photoperiod interacts with parental attendance patterns to affect embryonic development. / Graduation date: 2013 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from March 13, 2013 - March 13, 2015

Historie farnosti Vlachovo Březí v 17.-19. století / The history of the Vlachovo Březí parish in 17.-19th century

HLAVOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation introduces the run of the Vlachovo Březí parish, which was participated not only by the parson and his parishioners, but also with other religious and secular authorities. It is based on accessible sources. The attention is devoted not only to each parson, but also their responsibility, from the care for his parishioners to the securing of the material state of church and parsonage. Introductory section summarizes the literature and sources on the topic. After this section are chapters devoted to the ecclesiastical administration after the Battle of White Mountain to the 19th century, the reorganization of the ecclesiastical administration after the Battle of White Mountain and spiritual development in the Prácheň region. The core of this thesis consists of five chapters, in which is the evolution of the parish by the first half of the 17th century to the second half of the 19th century given. First, the parish is described on its size and number of souls living in it. Next chapter is dedicated to the establishment and history of the parish, local priests and visitations. The following chapter is about duties of the priest and parishioners participate in the spiritual life of the parish, which are divided into daily duties (divine service), almost daily (Christian practice), sporadic (sacrament of Confirmation and procession) and ending with scholastic questions. The last two chapters deal with the management and administration of parish property, sacral objects in the parish and its equipment. The overall summary is given at the end.

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