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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D komercinis vizualizavimas internete / 3D komercion vizualization in internet

Aksionova, Arina 14 June 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojamas erdvinių objektų kūrimo ir vizualizacijos metodai, bei priemonės naudojamos Internetine. Sparčiai vystantis informacinėms technologijoms ir didėjant plačiajuosčio Interneto prieinamumui plačiam vartotojų sluoksniui, tampa vis labiau įmanomi išraiškingesni ir interaktyvesni virtualūs turinio pateikimo metodai. Tačiau svarbiausia, jog šie metodai efektingiau ir realistiškiau perduotų norimą informaciją. O pirmasis žingsnis realybės link – perėjimas nuo šiuo metu labiausiai paplitusio dvimačio informacijos pateikimo būdo į trimatį – erdvinį informacijos pateikimą. Pagrindiniai tyrimo aspektai – trimačių objektų atvaizdavimas, vaizdavimo priemonių valdymas bei panaudojimo galimybės plačiam vartotojų srautui. Darbo objektas – reprezentacinis web-projektas, kuriame naudojami valdomi trimačiai objektai. Šis projektas skirtas sukurti Akrobatikos Sporto mokyklos internetinė svetainę. Joje panaudota manim suprogramuota vidinio valdymo sistema dinaminiam tekstinės informacijos redagavimui, tekstinių dokumentų ir nuotraukų įkrovimui. Svetainėje pateikiamas trimatis sporto mokyklos salės modelis su integruotu virtualiu pasivaikščiojimu po sporto salė. Virtualios kelionės metu galima apžiūrėti akrobatikos sporto salės elementus bei specializuotą sporto įrangą. / In this document I examine the spatial objects and development of visualization techniques and tools used in today’s web. The rapid development of information technologies and the increasing availability of broadband Internet lead to a wide usage of virtual content presentation methods. But more importantly, that these methods are realistic and more effectively translates the desired information. The first step toward reality - the transition from the current two-dimensional information to three-dimensional information. Key aspects of the study: three-dimensional object imaging, imaging operation, and uses of wide user traffic. My project is a web site with three-dimensional objects, the concept of project – user friendly acrobatic school website. It uses dynamic system of internal management information, text editing, text documents and photo galleries. Inside you can find a three-room school built for a virtual tour, to walk in the gym. Virtual trip takes you to see the elements of acrobatics sports hall and other sports facilities.

Ultragarsinės vizualizacijos sistemos modelis ir jo greitaveikos optimizavimas / Model of Supersound Visualization System and its Rate Optimization

Kultašev, Dmitrij 11 August 2008 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – optimizuoti KTU Ultragarso Instituto sukurta ultragarsinės vizualizacijos sistemos modelį. Tam tikslui pasiekti, buvo išanalizuota ultragarsinių vizualizacijos sistemų bei ultragarsinių signalų sklidimo bendri principai bei buvo atlikta modelio naudojamų resursų analizė, kuri parodė, kad buvo neracionaliai išnaudojama operatyvioji atmintis, ko pasiekoje buvo naudojama virtualioji atmintis vietoje operatyviosios. Padarytos programos modelio modifikacijos ne tik pagreitino programos veikimo laiką, bet ir praplėtė skaičiavimo tikslumą iki teorinės begalybės. Skaidymo žingsnio ir modeliavimo tikslumo analizė parodė grafinę priklausomybę, kurios pagalba galima nesunkiai numatyti skaičiavimo laiką norimam tikslumui gauti. / The purpose of that work is to optimize KTU Ultrasonic Institute made supersonic visualization system. On that purpose the main principles of ultrasonic visualization systems and ultrasonic signals propagation were analyzed and the research of the used resources was made. This researched show that the program was using the memory irrationally, that caused usage of the virtual memory instead of Random Access Memory (RAM) which is much slower. Program modification caused increase of the program performance and extended the accuracy of the calculation to the theorycal infinity. The sampling point’s and modeling accuracy’s analysis showed graphical dependence how would it change with the bigger sampling point.

Towards Simulation and Emulation of Large-Scale Computer Networks

Van Vorst, Nathanael M 30 March 2012 (has links)
Developing analytical models that can accurately describe behaviors of Internet-scale networks is difficult. This is due, in part, to the heterogeneous structure, immense size and rapidly changing properties of today's networks. The lack of analytical models makes large-scale network simulation an indispensable tool for studying immense networks. However, large-scale network simulation has not been commonly used to study networks of Internet-scale. This can be attributed to three factors: 1) current large-scale network simulators are geared towards simulation research and not network research, 2) the memory required to execute an Internet-scale model is exorbitant, and 3) large-scale network models are difficult to validate. This dissertation tackles each of these problems. First, this work presents a method for automatically enabling real-time interaction, monitoring, and control of large-scale network models. Network researchers need tools that allow them to focus on creating realistic models and conducting experiments. However, this should not increase the complexity of developing a large-scale network simulator. This work presents a systematic approach to separating the concerns of running large-scale network models on parallel computers and the user facing concerns of configuring and interacting with large-scale network models. Second, this work deals with reducing memory consumption of network models. As network models become larger, so does the amount of memory needed to simulate them. This work presents a comprehensive approach to exploiting structural duplications in network models to dramatically reduce the memory required to execute large-scale network experiments. Lastly, this work addresses the issue of validating large-scale simulations by integrating real protocols and applications into the simulation. With an emulation extension, a network simulator operating in real-time can run together with real-world distributed applications and services. As such, real-time network simulation not only alleviates the burden of developing separate models for applications in simulation, but as real systems are included in the network model, it also increases the confidence level of network simulation. This work presents a scalable and flexible framework to integrate real-world applications with real-time simulation.

3D model kostela Panny Marie Sněžné ve Velkých Karlovicích / 3D model of Church of the Virgin Mary of the Snow in Velké Karlovice

Slováček, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the creation process of the 3D model of Panna Marie Sněžná church in Velké Karlovice, which is based on geodetic measuring. The introduction part deals with the historical context, localization and general description of the object. Furthermore, there is the introduction of methods of a 3D model production. The majority of the work contains description of method utilized for 3D model creation and that was used by us. This model was created in AutoCAD 2018 program.

Daugiamačių duomenų vizualizavimo rezultatų priklausomybė nuo duomenų aibių normavimo būdų / Dependence of the multidimensional data visualization results on data set normalization

Švaibovič, Natalja 12 July 2010 (has links)
Šiame magistro diplominiame darbe nagrinėjamas dirbtinių neuroninių tinklų taikymas daugiamačiams duomenims vizualizuoti. Darbe apžvelgtos kelios duomenų vizualizavimo strategijos, išnagrinėti keli duomenų normavimo būdai. Detaliai ištirtas SAMANN algoritmas, skirtas daugiamatės erdvės duomenims vizualizuoti į mažesnio matavimo erdvę. Su C++ programavimo kalba sukurtos keturių normavimo būdų ir SAMANN neuroninio tinklo realizavimo programos. Atlikti tokie eksperimentai: keturių duomenų aibių vektorių normavimas 4-iais būdais, daugiamačių duomenų vizualizavimas plokštumoje, SAMANN neuroninio tinklo paklaidos skaičiavimas ir rezultatų atvaizdavimas plokštumoje. Eksperimentai atlikti su realiomis ir dirbtine duomenų aibėmis. Nustatyta daugiamačių duomenų vizualizavimo tikslumo (projekcijos paklaidos) priklausomybė nuo iteracijų skaičiaus ir mokymo greičio parametro reikšmės, o taip pat nuo pradinės duomenų aibės normavimo būdų. / The application of artificial neural networks for multidimensional data visualization is investigated in this master‘s thesis. Several strategies for data visualization and some data normalization methods are reviewed. A realization of SAMANN algorithm for multidimensional data visualization is investigated in detail. Programs for data normalization methods and SAMANN neural network realization have been developed using C++ programming language. Some experiments have been performed and presented in this theses: four methods for normalization of multidimensional data sets, multidimensional data visualization using SAMANN neural network, calculation of the projection (SAMANN) error. Three real and one artificial data sets have been used in the experiments. Dependences of the multidimensional data sets projection error on the iteration number and normalization methods have been investigated and presented in this theses too. Summarized experimental results and conclusions are presented.

Rūšiavimo algoritmų vizualizavimas ir sudėtingumo analizė / Visualization and Complexity Analysis of Sorting Algorithms

Saročka, Gediminas 02 July 2012 (has links)
Rūšiavimo algoritmų sudėtingumo analizių galima atrasti be problemų, todėl pagrindinė šio darbo idėja buvo sukurti rūšiavimo algoritmų vizualizavimą. Šiame darbe buvo sukurtas trijų paprastųjų rūšiavimo algoritmų (įterpimo, burbulo ir išrinkimo), bei dviejų greitųjų rūšiavimo algoritmų (Šelo ir sąlajos) vizualizavimas. Darbe taip pat galima skaičiuoti rūšiavimo algoritmų rūšiuojamą laiką. / There is a lot of complexity analysis of sorting algorithms can be found without problems, so the main idea of this work was to create a visualization of sorting algorithms. This work was created three simple sorting algorithms (insertion sort, bubble sort and selection sort), and two high-speed sorting algorithms (Shell sort and merge sort) visualization. This program is capable of calculating sorting time of sorting algorithm for further sorting algorithm complexity analysis.

Vizualizace technických a business metadat / Visualization of technical and business metadata

Beránek, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
This master's degree thesis focuses on the issues of visualization formerly preprocessed business and technical metadata in a business environment. Within the process of elabora-tion and usage of the collected data in the company, it is necessary to present the data to the users in a comfortable, comprehensible and clear way. The first goal of this thesis is to describe and to specify the term of metadata in the field of theory and on the level of busi-ness, their main structure, their occurrence in a non-visual manner and related places where we can find metadata in the heterogeneous business environment. This part also includes a short introduction to the usage of metadata that is related and originates from business in-telligence and a description of Company encyclopedia that can syndicate these resources for further utilization. When defined, the sources, destinations and purpose of technical and business metadata can be used in the second part of the thesis -- this part is aimed at model-ing the use cases for the visual component that can be applied to business and technical metadata. Use cases will be focused on the roles of the users that will use this component and to discover the primary demands and requirements of these users and the functionality that will be indispensable. After the use cases are defined we can process to the next stage of visual component development -- the data must be visualized itself and we have to find proper means to achieve this with user experience being the main focus. Then we have to encapsulate the visualization with a graphical user interface that will meet the requirements and demands of the users' roles specified by the use cases section by prototyping. Lastly, the results of the previous chapters are used to prototype the visual component suitable for a web environment which is based on principles of reusability, data-driven approach, and uses modern web technologies such as framework and library D3.js, HTML5, CSS3, and SVG.

Bezpečnost modelu manipulátoru / Safety of manipulator model

Peňáz, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the functional safety of machinery, in our case with the model of the 3D manipulator. The main contribution of this work is the detailed conduct a risk assessment in accordance with the valid legislation and the detailed design of safety components to meet the safety requirements. Protective measures are carried out by three steps. The work includes a description of the implemented measures, mainly change of the design and creation a SafetyTask for the PLC. Also the visualization for a touch panel was created. At the end of the work we had to verify and evaluate implemented safety measures.

Inteligentní dvou-ramenný žonglovací stroj / Intelligent double arm juggling machine

Mertlík, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and implementation of device called Intelligent two-arm juggling machine. The role of the demonstration project is to control rotational movement of the arm so that the concept of the machine there to swap the ball to the opposite side shoulder. The project is divided into two theses, which this proposal addresses the above mentioned tasks, the machine and place the second level ofcooperative governance through visualization.

Řízení modelu dávkování lepidla / Control system for glue dispensing application model

Šimurda, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis addresses the problematics of automated mini-doses application of the adhesive. In thesis are summarized the parameters and types of adhesives with regard to the suitability and the basic theory of bonding. At the same time are summarized the available technologies and methods of bonding. Part of the work is the analysis of requirements for automatic microdosing, in terms of management, delivery system, manipulator, mechanics, functional safety. It also includes the selection of suitable components. The thesis contains the development and description of the control software, visualization, data acquisition, management of robotic manipulator, functional safety logics and dispenser management. The outcome of the thesis is a functional device according to the proposed 3D model made of borrowed components on which algorithms are tested and functionality was verified. In the conclusions are described the complementary features ensuring the possibility of setting the device up in the industry.

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