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Analýza stáda a vlivů působících na reprodukční užitkovost prasnicMUŽÍKOVÁ, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The aim was selected in a commercial breeding (AGRO Vodňany a.s.) to analyze and evaluate herd reproductive performance of sows used for the production of piglets (final hybrids). The analysis was focused on the age structure of the sow, when the first and second litter was 28.8% on the 3rd to 5th litter 23.5% and the sixth and other litters of sows 47.7%.The annual renewal of the herd was culled 22.9% and 25.5% included sows for breeding.This breeding is used natural reproduction, where for the purposes of reproduction bred four boars lines of 48 (White paternity x Pietrain).The average gestation length breeding was 115.2 of days. In 2016, it was born an average of 13.8 piglet per litter, of which 11.5 piglet of live and been preserved was 10.2 piglet per litter.The length of the farrowing interval was 171,1 days and the onset of estrus after weaning piglets was an average of 4.9 days.Weaning is in monitored husbandry carried out between 28 to 31 day age of piglets.Part of this work was to evaluate zoohygiene also at stud and compared with the results of performance farms in the Czech Republic and recommendations for improving the results of husbandry evaluated. When comparing the results of selected indicators identified in Agro Vodňany a.s. with selected data published by the Czech Statistical Office for the South Bohemian Region and the Czech Republic in 2016, it was found that the number of piglets born per sow in the Czech Republic was 30.1 piglets. Piglets was born25.1 in South Bohemia and 24.3piglets was born per sow in Vodňany. The death of piglets from the number of births in the Czech Republic was 10.6% in the South Region accounted for 15.6% and in Vodňany it was 11.9%.The number of surviving piglets per sow in the Czech Republic was 26.9 piglets in South Bohemia have been preserved 21.3 piglet per sow and Vodnany during the reporting period have been preserved 21.4 piglets per sow.
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Mediální výchova jako prostředek rozvoje kritického hodnocení mediálních sdělení u žáků druhého stupně základních škol / Media education as a mean of development of lower secondary school student's critical assessmentCaltová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the influence of media education of the ability of students of the second grade of elementary schools to interpret media communication. The reader will be provided an insight into the issue of media and their influence on a person with a main focus on the students of the second grade of elementary school. The second part of this thesis present the concept of media education, it offers a proposal for a block of media education with assessment of the impal of teaching on the respektive competencies of the students. The effectiveness of the teaching will be assessed through research surveys designed as a qualitative comparison of students' testimonies after completing a media education course, using the group interview Focus group. The questions are focused on the critical analysis of media communication, whereas students' answers are compared with a control group that was not equally educated. KEYWORDS advertisement, influence, focus group, media, mass media, media education, second grade of elementary school
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Prosociální chování dětí staršího školního věku a jeho příčiny / Prosocial behavior of pupils in a seccond grade of grammar school and its causesHLAVÁČKOVÁ, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Research studies conducted in field of prosocial behaviour testify to the existence of situational and dispositional motifs of this kind of acting. Aim of this thesis is firstly to map occurence of three of these motifs, specifically: oportunity to gain recognition, reciprocity expectation and social responsibility. Secondly it is uncovering possible dependence of these motifs on age or level of prosociality of pupils in a seccond grade of grammar school. The research part of this project has a center of gravity in a quantitative approach. In this framework is being found truthfulness of hypoteses, whether each motive has with age decreasing or increasing tendency and what is actually the frequency of their occurence. In combination with the nomination method of prosocial behaviour in classroom is also being uncovered possible dependency of level of prosociality on individual factors. The theoretical framework that precedes the research section of this thesis, discusses the evolution of prosocial behaviour and contemporary social perspective on this behaviour. This historical excursion is supplemented by the definition of terms used, the reflection of the role of social and biological factors and formulation of influence of school and family evironment in shaping child's prosocial orientation.
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Vliv managementu u krmné a potravinářské pšenice na biodiverzitu epigeických brouků / The effect of management by wheat for animal feeding and human food purposes on biodiversity of epigeic beetlesRYKLÍK, Stanislav January 2014 (has links)
Communities of epigeic beetles were studied in 2 wheat fields (food wheat and feed wheat) in the southern part of the Czech Republic. Climatic and soil conditions on both fields were similar. There were differences between fields regarding field management of wheat: amount of artificial fertilizer, amount of pesticide, preceding crop, surrounding landscape. The higher amount of artificial fertilizer (+ 50 kg/ha of nitrate and + 50kg/ha DAM) and the Karben flo stefes fungicide was applied in food wheat. An intensive conventional system of cultivation is used in surrounding landscape. Epigeic beetles were caught by pitfall traps, 24 species, 6 families and 245 individuals were determined. The family Carabidae was dominant on both fields. Higher species diversity was observed in feed wheat, but this difference was imperceptible. Species were divided according to their ecological preference and human impact on communities was assessed. The field of feed wheat was less anthropogenic influenced but the difference was also imperceptible.
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Volby ředitelů veřejnoprávních médií pohledem vybraných deníků a zpravodajských serverů / Elections of directors of public service media from perspectiveof selected newspapers and news websitesZemanová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The Masterˈs thesis deals with an answer of public service media and a way of their representation in selected newspapers and news websites. Due to the importance of public service media as a guarantee of the balanced and neutral news and because of their specifics to commercial media, this thesis focuses on the way the other media write about them, on the example of the last elections of directors of public service media. The first part explains the specifics of public service media, their progression, the actual position and problems. Further it concerns concrete, czech public service media and there searched phenomenon, i. e. the election of director of public service media too. The second part is my own research. I researched the way of representation of the election of director of Czech Radio in the year 2016 and the elections of directors of Czech Television and Czech News Agency in the year 2017 in the journals Hospodářské noviny, Mladá fronta DNES and Právo and on the news websites IHNED.cz, iDNES.cz and Novinky.cz. The method of research was qualitative content analysis due to keep an open access to the found informations. I didnˈt want to limit the possible survey by previously defined categories, but I let them resulted from the analysis. The process of election was described very factual...
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Vliv komunikačních kanálů na rozhodování prvovoličů na příkladu voleb do Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu České republiky 2017 / The influence of communication channels on decision making of first-time voters shown on the elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2017Karasová, Kamila January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis named The influence of communication channels on decision making of first-time voters shown on the elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2017 focuses on the influence and use of the consumption of communication channels on the decision making of first-time voters. This thesis also portrays the phenomenon of contemporary opinion leaders, such as YouTubers, bloggers, and other Internet celebrities. The theoretical section of the thesis describes the organization of elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, defines the first-time voter in terms of psychological and sociological, discusses the impact of socialization within family, school, and media, presents the concept of political efficacy, and describes the electoral participation of adolescents. In addition, this thesis focuses on current trends in the consumption of communication channels by young people and opinion leaders. This section draws upon particular international studies and other relevant literature. The analytical section presents the methodology of the research, defines the research sample and its selection, and describes the results of the research. The established hypotheses are based on the results of international studies and for...
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Vliv farmaceutických společností na rozhodování lékaře při poskytování zdravotní péče / Influence of pharmaceutical companies on physician decision making on providing health careCHOCHOLATÁ, Zdeňka January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with a current issue of the relationship between pharmaceutical manufacturers and physicians. Its objective it to find out the influence pharmaceutical companies exercise on a physician decision making on providing health care, what influences physicians´ medication selection and whether there are differences in individual physicians´ specializations. Based on the findings of the research the thesis aims at creating suggestions of changes in legislation concerning the relationship between a physician and a pharmaceutical company and the establishment of new rules. The introductory theoretical part describes the role of a physician and pharmaceutical companies in the current health care system. In the practical part the method of qualitative research, characteristics of the research database and results of standardized interviews using direct quotations are presented. Discussion is focused on comparing the research results with the views of media articles and the own opinion of the thesis writer. In the conclusive part of the thesis existing rules are described and the writer recommends some measures which may lead to changes in public attitudes. Another issue, which goes beyond this thesis and could become a topic for further research, is also outlined. Based on the collected data, in the closing part of the work a hypothesis for a potential quantitative research is stated. The contribution of the thesis is based on the possibility of clarifying complicated relations between physicians and pharmaceutical manufacturers both for professional and general public.
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Utváření hodnotové orientace v pubertě a užívání internetu / The Valuable Orientation of PubescentsKOHOUT, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation deals with formalization a value orientation in pubescence in a relationship with internet use. The general angle of the dissertation is theoretic, the most methods that are used are descriptive methods and partly relational methods. The general structure of the dissertation is divided to four basic chapters. First chapter defines terms of attitudes and values from the philosophic, psychologic, sociologic and pedagogic perspective. The second chapter deals with a pubescence phase, its difficulties from the viewpoint of formalization of a value orientation. The third chapter is focused on internet and there are generally mentioned eventual effects resulting from its use. The fourth chapter finally summarises the foregoing chapters with the accent on formalizing a value orientation in pubescence in a relationship with internet use.
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Média a jejich vliv na delikventní chování dětí a mladistvých / Media and their influence on delinquent behavior of children and adolescentsJANOUCHOVÁ, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The Thesis "Media and their impact on delinquent behaviour of children and youth" studies possible effects of media on children and youth who have committed an offence. The influence of media on modern societies is substantial and still increasing, which is why its affect on a human is being more and more discussed. The influence of media on children and youth seems to be particularly important. High degree of influence by external factors, including that of media belongs to the basic factors of delinquent behaviour among children and youth. This is why the Thesis tries to link these two specific areas laying in the focus of professionals as well as general public. The theoretical part first deals with the basic terms related to the influence of media on delinquent behaviour among children and youth. It also describes development and functions of media, the basic attributes of media content and media influence. There is also an insight into the legislation and authorities dealing with media activity as well as the media educational conception. The author then analyses delinquency of children and youth including the activities of a custodian. The aim of the work was to gain more detailed information on the possible impact of media on delinquent behaviour of children and youth, which is why qualitative research was chosen. Questioning methods implemented by the technique of semi-standardized interviews was used for data collection in May and June 2010. The research sample consisted of two groups of respondents. The first group consisted of seven children and young people registered by a social office and the other one of five professionals working with young people who committed offences. A case report supporting the issues in question was moreover prepared from documents conducted by a custodian. The qualitative research showed that the direct influence of media on delinquent behaviour of youth seems to be questionable, but the image shown in media might support delinquent behaviour in persons with higher risk of such behaviour. The Thesis should particularly contribute to accessibility or also extension of the information on the possible influence of media on individuals or the society as a whole in relation to young people who have committed an offence. The research results may also serve as a base for further wider research.
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Rehabilitační pobyty na letním táboře pro děti trpící enurézou a enkoprézou / Rehabilitative stays at the summer camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresisBOCKSCHNEIDEROVÁ, Alena January 2009 (has links)
Enuresis (bed-wetting) and encopresis (fecal soiling) mean elimination disorder and the children suffering from these disorders are often isolated from their contemporaries. The summer camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis held by Faculty of Health and Social Studies at University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice provides the children with i. a. the only possibility of experiencing life without worries and shame, which is the way of life that the majority of children take for granted. In the theoretical part of the dissertation work the author deals with the issue of enuresis and encopresis from various angles. The main goal of the dissertation work is to analyse and describe the impact of the rehabilitative stay at the summer camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis on the disorder of the children. The research question aims to answer: ``In what way and in which fields the rehabilitative stay at the summer camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis contributes to the improvement or the total reduction of the problems linked to the disorder``. The qualitative research was carried out both at the summer camp and home background in years 2006 {--} 2008. The following methods of data collection have been used: interrogation method, observation, document review and the methods within the psychological examination. The research emerged from findings that the camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis improves psychosocial state of the children predominantly due to their self-confidence building, self-identity and self-evaluating. The camp helps the children with their problems in the field of setting boundaries, rules and regime, in the field of experience and hygiene. The camp is also meaningful regarding the field of children`s contacts with other affected children and adults and the field of psychic and physical resistance. Due to the above mentioned aspects the camp contributes not only to problem reduction linked to emptying disorders but also to the children{\crq}s total reduction of enuresis and encopresis. The research results demonstrate two hypotheses: The first is based on the notion that the camp contributes to the improvement of psychosocial state of the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis. The second hypothesis proves that the camp positively influences the frequency of bed-wetting and fecal soiling.
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