Spelling suggestions: "subject:"liv""
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Podpora motivace žáka střední školy ke studiu / Support for student's motivation for learning at secondary schoolŠulková, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation is dealt with student's motivation for learning at secondary school and teacher's possibilities to influence this motivation. In the desk study the author defines psychological resources and analyses teacher's possibilities to support student's motivation. Attention has been paid to communication between teachers and students, educational methods and forms and evaluation. In the empirical part the author describes investigation, which took place at secondary school. The investigation inspected influence of some motivation factors to student's motivation for learning. The next topic of investigation was students' motivation structure. The valid of investigation is limited - it is valid only for students, who took part in the investigation. Results of the investigation can be useful not only for teachers teaching in those classrooms but for other teachers too.
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Firemní kultura a její vliv na zaměstnance / Corporate culture and its influence on employeesNováková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the corporate culture and its influence on employees. The theoretical chapter presents an overview of the current concept of corporate culture, its elements and structure. It pays attention to context, which has aroused the interest in this topic. It deals with issues relating to the creation, formation and change of corporate culture. It denotes some of the existing typology of corporate culture and research that are already implemented in the Czech and Slovak work environment. In line with the focus of this work, we are discussing extensively the influence of corporate culture on employees. The practical part proposes a follow-up research design and deals with results of a conducted case study that tried to map the influence of corporate culture on employees, their thinking, behaviour and feelings.
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Jak nová média ovlivňují řeč dětí a mladistvých / How the new media affect speech of children and adolescentsLokvencová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
In my thesis named How the new media affect speech of children and adolescents I focus on the changes trends in the speech of the young generation. Nowadays children and adolescents very often use abbreviations in their speech, they prefer the foreign origin words to the Czech equivalents and they use media tools for communication more then they use interpersonal communication. According to my hypothesis the changes are caused by the influence of the media world that accompany the new generation throughout whole childhood. According to many experts the medias form the children as well as the family and the kid's surroundings. Using a questionnaire survey in the specific groups of 11 to 15 years old children I try to find out if the changes in the children speech are real and how much are the media involved, no matter if it regards media "tradicional" or "new" ones. The questionnaire focuses on the all aspects of the language; vocabulary, words meaning, using foreign equivalents and the proces of communication. If I find out the changes I also try to find out the reason of their formation and whether they are connected to the (new) media.
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Srovnání struktury témat v časopise Mateřídouška v době normalizace a v 90. letech / Structure and comparasion of topics in magazine Mateřídouška in the normalization era and in the mineteen-ninetiesBudská, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
Thesis "Comparison of the structure of topics in magazine Mateřídouška in the normalization era and in nineteen-nineties " deals with a comparison of the thematic structure of the children's magazine Mateřídouška published during the period of normalization and then after the major political change in 1989 (transition to democracy) in nineteen-nineties. It contains analysis of the content of the magazine focused on topics in four selected years. For the purpose of this thesis two years from the normalization era and two years from the democratic era were chosen: year 1971/1972 (volume 28), year 1988/1989 (volume 45), year 1991/1992 (volume 48) and year 1999 (volume 55). The aim of this thesis is to find differences between those volumes, describe them and evaluate them. Introductory part of the thesis gives information about the purpose of the research and about the methodology used in it. Theoretical part explains main media and psychological terms connected to the topic of the thesis - child reader, socialization process, agenda setting and social construction of the reality. Information concerning the historic context of every selected year, the portfolio of magazines for children published in those years and the status of the magazine Mateřídouška among them are also provided within this part. It also...
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Vliv značek na módní a lifestyle blogy / The impact of brands on fashion and lifestyle blogsCirhanová, Jiřina January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis' main topic is fashion and lifestyle blogs and the impact of the brands and the ideal of beauty that is widely promoted in the media on them. The aim of this thesis is to find out which type of the brands can be mostly found in the blog posts with personal style of the successful bloggers and if there is a type of physical appearance that prevails among them. I am using the quantitative image analysis of Gillian Rose to test these hypotheses on photographs of bloggers. I was inspired by the work of Catherine Lutz and Jane Collins. My hypotheses are tested on photographs from three websites (Lookbook, Chictopia, Bloglovin') where bloggers are hierarchized. Bloggers are opinion leaders. This means it is advantageous for the marketing departments of brands to collaborate with them because bloggers can effectively influence their readers. Brands play an important role in life of people that believe brands can non-verbally tell the character of the brand consumer. In these days the Eurocentric ideal of beauty and the ideal of thin bodies are forced especially on women by media. The thinness is in the advertisements connected with attractiveness and successfulness, which is transferred also in the real life of people. The conclusion of this thesis indicates that there are most often...
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Syndrom zavrženého rodiče u bývalých uživatelů služeb Ambulantně terénního centra Domu tří přání / Parental Alienation Syndrome by former users of services from the Outreach Outpatient Centre of the House of Three WishesKrejčová, Michala January 2016 (has links)
The work deals with Parental Alienation Syndrome and connects it to the separation of parents or in their process of a breakup. It also deals with selected work options, specifically work with parents in the conflict and the actual work with the family in the presence of this syndrome. The theoretical part is a chapter of parents'separation and a chapter of Parental Alienation Syndrome. The practical part includes a description of the research, evaluation and conclusions. The main objective of the research is to analyze the situation of the family, giving rise to the syndrome from the perspective of the alienated parents. Parental Alienation Syndrome is a high risk for society and its occurrence or consequences are not negligible. Topicality is given to the large number of separations and divorces in our society.
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Didaktický potenciál časopisu Mateřídouška při realizaci mediální výchovy na prvním stupni základní školy / Didactic potential of the magazine Mateřídouška in the implementation of media education at primary schoolValná, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the didactic potential of the magazine Mateřídouška, especially its possible application in the implementation of media education at primary school. The first part of the Thesis focuses on the theoretical knowledge of the psychological development of the child, reader literacy and media literacy and media education as one of the Curricula program for primary education. The second part is a brief analysis of magazine for primary school children. Subsequently, the work focuses longest stemming magazine for primary school children - Mateřídouška magazine. In the analysis are used knowledge presented in the theoretical part of the Thesis. Emphasis is placed upon the analysis primarily on the didactic potential Mateřídouška. The aim of the Thesis is finding if Mateřídouška magazine could be used in the implementation of media education at primary school.
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Školní hodnocení a jeho vliv na dítě / School assessment and its influence on the childBoldišová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA v PRAZE Pedagogická fakulta katedra primární pedagogiky ŠKOLNÍ HODNOCENÍ A JEHO VLIV NA DÍTĚ SCHOOL ASSESSMENT AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE CHILD Vedoucí diplomové práce: PhDr. Jana Stará, Ph.D. Autor diplomové práce: Lenka Boldišová Studijní obor: učitelství pro 1. stupeň ZŠ Forma studia: kombinovaná Diplomová práce dokončena: březen, 2012 ABSTRAKT: In the theoretical part the problems of evaluation in contemporary education will be analyzed. The attention will be particularly focused on the collection of information based on influences of the evaluation and its individual forms and types on the child. In the empirical part the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods will be utilized. In the quantitative part of the research, questionnaires for elementary schools teachers, for pupils of the primary school grade 2 to 5 and the parents of those pupils will be used. The questions will be focused on their attitude to the different forms of the school evaluation - what they are mainly afraid of, what they prefer, what attitude they have to self-evaluation, how they are influenced by the different forms of evaluation. In some detailed dialogues with pupils, their parents and their teacher I will examine the way of evaluation of pupils in the elementary school and to what degree their...
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Výchova dětí v ústavní výchově / Upbringing of children in the facilities for providing institutional educationHalama, Josef January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyse the influence of the concept of the institutional care in children's homes on clients. The introduction chapter provides the description of the psychological condition of the clients and how it is influenced by the institutional upbringing. The following chapters deal with the realization of the state education in children's homes and with the description of the system of the intitutional care and its development. The research has found out how a group of clients evaluates the changes in the concept of the institutional care and how this changes come into operation in their own life. The research was based on the immediate observation, analysis of the records and conversations with clients. The final evaluation of the research presents recommendations for further development of the improvement of the children care in the institutional care.
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Globalizace: společensko-politické důsledky činnosti nadnárodních korporací / Globalization: social-political effects of activities of multinational corpotationsKoryntová, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
This thesis entitled "Globalization: the sociopolitical consequences of the activities of supranational corporations" examines the effects of actions of supranational organizations in the process of globalization, on the basis of contemporary sociological literature. In the first two chapters I assess the process of globalization itself and its most important aspects. The third chapter inspects the supranational corporations, their development, functioning and characteristic attributes and then presents the consequences of these actions. The final chapter focuses on socially responsible behavior.
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