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Dítě jako spotřebitel a jeho vliv na rozhodovací procesy dospělých / Child as a consumer and his/her influence on decision-making processes of adults.Juřicová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
Children nowadays are exposed to a huge amount of advertisements wherever they go. It appears that children are a very attractive target group because of their ability to influence their parents to buy them preferred products and brands. This Thesis focuses on analysis of children's influence on their parents' purchase decisions. The Thesis consists of 5 chapters. First three parts are theoretical. The introductory chapter deals with the consumer's purchase decision-making process and factors that affect this process. The second part describes family as a special consumer unit which forms individual consumer behaviour. Final theoretical chapter focuses on the child as a specific consumer and customer. In the practical part the reserach is conducted to reveal into what extent children influence their parents about purchase. At the end the recommendations for successful children advertisement are set up.
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Vnímání reklamního vlivu influencerů z pohledu mladých online uživatelů / Advertising impact of influencers as perceived by the young online usersKadeřábková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This work titled Advertising impact of influencers as perceived by the young online users defines the term influencer in its theoretical part, offering several perspectives through which this phenomen can be viewed. For example, the number of followers on influencers' profiles, the interaction between these two sides, or the characteristic features of influential figures, such as their behaviour on the Internet. Furthermore, this work deals with influencer marketing, some types of collaboration between influencers and companies within social media, and the issue of tagging the sponsored commercial content. Also, one of the chapters summarizes some of the findings from several relevant studies, creating an initial insight into the topic. The research part of this work explores the issue as perceived by the young online users, using the research sample comprising 179 respondents in the range of 16-26 years old. The data collected through the electronic standardized questionnaire revealed, for example, that respondents require tagging sponsored posts on influencers' profiles, even though they trust these commercial posts less. Also, the pattern of behaviour hinting some verifying information before immediate tasting influencers' recommendations was indicated. The analyzed answers also point to the...
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Vliv zřizovatelů veřejných základních škol v malých obcích na pedagogické směřování školy / The influence of the founders of public primary schools in small municipalities on the educational direction of the schoolBílý, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The influence of the founders of public primary schools in small municipalities on the educational direction of the school Author: Bc. et Bc. Vojtěch Bílý ABSTRACT The thesis deals with the possible influence of founders of public primary school on the educational direction of the school. Although the law does not allow the direct influence of the founders on the management of the pedagogical process, there are a number of instruments by which the founders indirectly seek to apply their influence. In this work we first define the field of research, the state of the current knowledge of the subject and the basic concepts, and then we analyze the ways in which the founders use the influence, what pressure the school heads perceive and to what extent they are subject to it. In the practical part, we focus on primary schools in the Olomouc region in municipalities up to 5000 inhabitants where there is a prerequisite for the existence of only one school and there is usually a closer link between the school head and the mayor of the municipality. The practical part is based on questionnaires with the founders and the directors of the schools which are complemented with semi-structured interviews with the directors and the mayors of the municipalities. The results show that the majority of the founders do not...
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Dohody narušující soutěž v právu ESBrixiová, Tamara January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se specializuje na jednání ve vzájemné shodě.Poukazuje na odlišnosti ve vymezení základních pojmů v českém a evropském pojetí a snaží se tak osvětlit nutnost harmonizace české úpravy s úpravou komunitární.Problém nachází zejména ve vymezení pojmu podnik, jehož pojetí je v ZOHS naprosto odlišné od pojetí podniku jakožto single economic unit v právu evropském.I přes tyto odlišnosti však práce považuje základní znaky jednání ve shodě za v podstatě shodné v českém i evropském právu.Zabývá se rovněž odlišením nezákonné výměny informací, jež je podstatou jednání ve shodě, od situací, kdy takováto výměna může být žádoucí. Pozornost věnuje i kolektivní dominanci a dovolenému paralelnímu chování, které je v souladu se zákonem.V závěru volá po nutnosti harmonizace české úpravy s úpravou evropskou s ohledem na rozpor se zásadou rovného zacházení.
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Dítě jako spotřebitel a jeho vliv na rozhodovací procesy dospělých / The child as a consumer and its impact on decision-making process of adultsOtipka, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the subject of advertisement and its effect on children consumer behavior. Contrary to adults children are not able to differentiate between the reality and fiction, in this case to differentiate if they really need or just want promoted product. The theoretical part brings information about the marketing communication channels, effects on consumers, basis of consumers purchase decision making processes, which factors influence consumers behavior and how the advertisement is perceived by particular children age groups. It informs also about specific aspects of advertisements focused on children and about actual trends in children consumer behavior. The target of this work is to find out how TV advertisement influences children consumer behavior in context of amount of children in family, in dependence on how much time parents spend with their children, which way they are raised, etc. Research of these facts is subject of practical part of this thesis
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Rozhodčí doložka pro mezinárodní obchodní arbitráž a její vliv na případné rozhodčí řízení / An arbitration clause for international commercial arbitration and its impact upon presumed arbitration proceedingsPlánička, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
62 International arbitration clause for international commercial arbitration and its impact on the possible following arbitration proceedings The purpose of my thesis is to generally describe and analyze position of the arbitration clause in international business arbitration. Due to the significant prestige of the international arbitration as one of the methods of alternative dispute resolution I found interesting to inspect the impact of the arbitration clause on the possible following arbitration proceedings. Main goal of the thesis is to analyze possible modifications of wording of the arbitration clause in comparison to the alternations of the proceedings. Since the thesis is focused on the international arbitration as the keystone of the governing arbitration rules were considered corresponding parts of the Czech legislation as well as the rules issued by the leading institutions on the field of international arbitration, such as the International Chamber of Commerce or London Court of International Arbitration. Body of the thesis is divided into six chapters going from its very beginning to the end through the drafting process of the arbitration clause. At the beginning are elaborated main principles and essentials of the arbitration clause, such as types of clauses, necessary, recommended and...
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Vztahy mezi vývojovými úrovněmi žáků věku ZŠ a jejich / Relationships between developmental levels of elementaryTOPINKOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The present master?s thesis focuses on researching the influence TV commercials have on pupils of all age groups in elementary and middle schools and concerns itself with the pupils? TV watching habits. In the area of media it explores the question of media awareness education, in the area of developmental psychology it focuses on the cognitive development theory of Jean Piaget. Besides its theoretical part the thesis includes original qualitative and quantitative research. The applied part describes the results from focus groups (first and second grade pupils) and from a questionnaire study (from fourth grade in elementary school to the last grade in middle school) that was conducted in one of the public schools in České Budějovice. The questionnaire study included also group of the pupils? parents. The results of the qualitative research were evaluated in terms of gender, grade, and domicile of the respondents. The responses of the adult respondents were evaluated in terms of gender and age of their children, their educational level and their net monthly income. The results are discussed in wider context. The discussion attempts to offer an overview of advertising comprehension development among pupils of elementary and middle schools. The results indicate that the pupils are influenced by TV commercials and that their understanding of the commercials? purpose increases with their age. An important influence on the pupils and on their TV watching habits ? watching that includes exposure to TV commercials ? have especially their parents and to a lesser degree their teachers.
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Biodegradabilní materiály a jejich vliv na proces kompostováníKarhánková, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of diploma thesis is to evaluate the economic effect of undecomposed biodegradable plastic packaging to the composting process. The operational objective is to characterize of biodegradable plastics packaging. We will find here resolution of biodegradable packaging, what they are made of and what can be produced from them. The theoretical part of this work also outlines a normative environment associated with biodegradable plastics and waste and describes the composting process. Following the practical part which evaluates cost and revenue relationships of processing biodegradable plastics in the compost plant and summarizes the economic efficiency of composting and also the additional costs originated from composting incorrectly marked bioplastics. The last part of the work solves the socio-economic benefits of biodegradable plastics for production of packaging. The methodology of work is consists of a theoretical overview of the mentioned issues and practical results which consist of an experiment at a compost plant and calculation of the composting process including and excluding biodegradable plastics. The result of this work is to summarize benefits of biodegradable packaging plastics and their impact on composting.
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Vliv barvy na efektivitu Moerickeho pastí v kontextu rostlinné nabídky a environmentálních faktorů okolí pastíPERLÍK, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Community composition of floricolous insects, beetles (Coleoptera) and bees and wasps (aculeate Hymenoptera) at six sites in Podyjí National Park was studied using four different colours of Moericke (pan) traps. Effects of different trap colours, forest habitats, and environmental variables in traps vicinity on the number of species and species composition were analysed. Influence of different conditions on trap catch is discussed.
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Vliv antropogenní činnosti na znečištění vybraných vodních nádrží v povodí Jordánu.ŠÍMOVÁ, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis deals with influence of system of water reservois and farming on suface water quality in catchment Košín stream in the Tabor region. There were investigated effect on suface water quality of several watercourses flowing through farmland with markedly different land cover, farming, size of catchment area and different water reservoirs. The fundamental hydrochemical parameters such as content of nutrient, inorganic and organic carbon and undissolved substances were monitored. The water samples were collected from permanent sampling points during the growing season. The investigated compounds were determined in the laboratory by titration, gravimetry and spectrophotometry. Mean, median, interquartile range were determined within the basic descriptive statistics and the data were statistically processed by nonparametric tests. Results showed particularly significant influence of the littoral vegetation and wide strips of tree vegetation as an effective filter, which prevent pollution of surface water by nutrient runoff. In some cases, the land cover was reflected positive impact of vegetation on reducing contamination of the water above the level specified by legislation, therefore vegetation is great importance in the fight pollution of waterways. From the obtained data it is obvious that influence of anthropogenic pollution on surface water is very important, but appropriate land cover can minimalize this impact.
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