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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Συγκριτική μελέτη θορυβικής συμπεριφοράς σε VCOs για συχνότητες 5+ GHz

Ανδρικόπουλος, Δημήτριος 19 October 2012 (has links)
Ο σχεδιασμός αναλογικών κυκλωμάτων σε υψηλές συχνότητες είναι αδιαμφισβήτητα μία από τις σημαντικότερες εφαρμογές στον τομέα των ηλεκτρονικών. Οι προκλήσεις που καλείται να αντιμετωπίσει ο σχεδιαστής είναι πολλές και σημαντικές, καθώς τα κυκλώματα μικραίνουν σε μέγεθος και είναι απαραίτητο να δημιουργηθούν νέα μοντέλα περιγραφής των στοιχείων ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων. Παράλληλα, τα παρασιτικά φαινόμενα που επεισέρχονται στον σχεδιασμό των αναλογικών κυκλωμάτων δημιουργούν πολλές φορές trade – off μεταξύ των διαφόρων σχεδιαστικών απαιτήσεων που πρέπει να ικανοποιηθούν. Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διπλωματικής, επικεντρώνομαι στη μελέτη και στο σχεδιασμό ταλαντωτών ελέγχομενων από τάση (VCOs). Πιο συγκεκριμένα, μελετώ τα χαρακτηριστικά δύο κατηγοριών των ταλαντωτών αυτών : των ταλαντωτών L-C και των ταλαντωτών δακτυλίου (ring). Αρχικά δίνω μία γενική περιγραφή των ταλαντωτών και των μοντέλων περιγραφής τους. Στη συνέχεια αναλύω τις πηγές θορύβου στα ολοκληρωμένα κυκλώματα και δίνω έμφαση στη θεωρία θορύβου φάσης, παρουσιάζοντας μοντέλα περιγραφής του. Στη συνέχεια, παρουσιάζω τη σχεδίαση ταλαντωτών L – C και ring, δίνοντας και τα αποτελέσματα εξομοιώσεων. Τέλος, εκτός από τα συμπεράσματα που βγαίνουν μέσω των εξομοιώσεων, γίνεται και σύγκριση μεταξύ των δύο κατηγοριών ταλαντωτών. / The design of analog circuits operating at high frequencies is undoubtedly one of the most important applications in the field of electronics. The challenges that the designer needs to face are many and important, as the circuits become smaller and smaller and is imperative that new models need to be made that describe the operation of the transistors. Furthermore, the parasitics that are inherent in any analog design create a trade – off between several design specifications that need to be satisfied. In this work I emphasize on the study and design of voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs). More specifically, I study the characteristics of two major categories of such oscillators: L-C oscillators and ring oscillators. At start, I present a general description of oscillators and the models that describe their operation. Next, I analyze the various noise sources in analog integrated circuits and I emphasize on phase noise theory, by presenting its models. In the fourth and fifth chapter, I show the design of L – C and ring oscillators, while I give the results of the simulations. Finally, apart from the conclusion drawn from the simulations, I make a comparison between the two oscillators’ categories.

Digital control of line-interactive UPS

Van Papendorp, J. F. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The digital control of UPS systems has been difficult in the past due to a lack of DSP technology. It was for this reason not possible to establishing the necessary control to regulate the voltages and currents of the UPS systems. Recent advances in DSP technology have however provided the means of establishing central control of the UPS system as well as incorporating more complex closed-loop control algorithms by utilising a single floating-point DSP. Closed-loop control strategies are investigated and the central control of a line-interactive UPS is established in this study. Both the status of the physical system as well as various system parameters are controlled. The system both regulates and charges the storage batteries when the main utility supply is maintained. In the event that the utility fails, the converter instantaneously changes power flow towards the load with the aim of maintaining an uninterrupted voltage supply. Several closed-loop deadbeat based control strategies are investigated for the regulation of the inductor current. A solution for the regulation of the DC-link is also developed and implemented. Furthermore, an intensive study is done on the regulation of the voltage supplied to the load in the event that the utility supply fails. The investigation is initially approached by considering classical control theory. Although these control strategies provided sufficient results, a predictive strategy that is based on the physical conditions of the switching converter is finally investigated to establish closed loop control of the output voltage. This resulted in a high-bandwidth voltage controller capable of maintaining control under a wide-array of load conditions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die digitale beheer van UPS stelsels was moeilik in the verlede as gevolg van 'n gebrek aan DSP tegnologie. Dit was vir hierdie rede nie moontlik om beheer te kon bewerkstelling ten einde die spannings and strome in the UPS stelsels te kon reguleer nie. Onlangse vordering in DSP tegnologie het egter dit moontlik gemaak om sentrale beheer van die UPS stelsel te bewerkstellig sowel as om meer komplekse geslote lus beheer algoritmes te inkorporeer met behulp van 'n enkele DSP. Geslote lus beheer strategiëe word ondersoek en die sentrale beheer van die line-interaktiewe UPS word bewerkstellig in hierdie studie. Beide die huidige toestand van die fisiese stelsel sowel as die verskeie parameters word beheer. Die stelsel beide laai en reguleer die batterye terwyl die hooftoevoer onderhou word. In die geval dat die hooftoevoer faal, word die omsetter se rigting van drywingsvloei verander om die las te voorsien van 'n ononderbroke spannings toevoer. Verskeie geslote-lus “deadbeat” beheer strategiëe word ondersoek vir die regulasie van die induktor stroom. 'n Oplossing vir die regulasie van die GS-koppervlak word ook ontwikkel en geïmplementeer. Verder word 'n intensiewe studie gedoen op regulasie van die spanning wat aan die las gevoer word in die geval dat die hooftoevoer faal. Hierdie ondersoek word aanvanklik benader deur klassieke beheer teorie te bestudeer. Alhoewel hierdie beheer strategiëe voldoene resultate gebied het, was 'n voorspel beheerstrategie gebaseer op die fisiese toestand van die omsetter finaal ondersoek. Die resultaat is 'n hoë-bandwydte spannings beheerder wat daartoe instaat is om beheer te handhaaf onder 'n verskeidenheid van lastoestande.

Desenvolvimento de abordagem inteligente para controle de tensão na rede de baixa tensão de sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica / Development of intelligent approach to control voltage in low voltage distribution systems

Michele Akemi Haro 19 November 2015 (has links)
Os métodos convencionais para o controle de tensão concentram-se na média tensão. Em alguns casos não são suficientes para a correção da tensão na rede secundária. Este trabalho apresenta os problemas relacionados à regulação de tensão na baixa tensão, os métodos convencionais para correção da tensão e uma estratégia para o controle de tensão na rede secundária de sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica. A solução final proposta é um conjunto de transformador com taps no lado de baixa tensão, hardware e software que promovem a comutação das derivações do transformador de forma automática. Para o desenvolvimento dessa estratégia será abordada a aplicação de sistemas inteligentes, o sistema fuzzy, e a estimação de modelos elétricos dos transformadores de distribuição. O objetivo desse produto é ser uma solução prática, viável técnica e economicamente para a regulação da tensão em cenários onde os métodos convencionais não o são. Os protótipos dessa solução foram montados e testados em laboratório e em campo e os resultados atenderam ao objetivo proposto. / The conventional methods for voltage control concentrated in medium voltage. In some case, they are not enough to correct the voltage on secondary grid of distribuition. This paper presents a strategy to control the voltage on the low voltage of the distribution grid. As proposed for dealing of this problem is made the presentation of an architecture for the intelligent automatic control, that is composed of distribuition transformer with tap on the low side, hardware and software. For the development of this strategy will be approached the application the intelligent systems, Fuzzy Systems, and the estimation of electrical model of distribuition transformers. The goal with this design is to provide grants to set up a system for regulating the voltage on the low side which is technically and economically feasible to be deployed where conventional solutions, with the inclusion of line regulators, are not.

Controle de tensão em redes de baixa tensão com alta penetração de geração fotovoltaica /

Leon Colqui, Jaimis Sajid January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Padilha Feltrin / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de estratégia global de controle de tensão que emprega programação não linear e duas extensões de estratégias de controle de tensão, encontrados na literatura. O principal objetivo destas estratégias é solucionar o problema de aumento de tensão nas redes de distribuição de baixa tensão, causado pela injeção de potência do gerador fotovoltaico distribuído. Estas estratégias de controle de tensão foram implementadas e analisadas a fim de verificar a sua eficácia e comparar os seus comportamentos. Para os testes, foram considerados a operação de geradores fotovoltaicos monofásicos e trifásicos distribuídos em um sistema teste de distribuição em baixa tensão. Os resultados mostraram que depois da aplicação das estratégias de controle, os perfis de tensão em regime permanente ficaram dentro da faixa de tensão permitida, obtendo-se uma mínima redução de potência ativa injetada dos geradores fotovoltaicos com os seus correspondentes fatores de potência. / Abstract: This work presents a proposal of a global voltage control strategy that use nonlinear programming and two extensions of voltage control strategies that are found in the literature. The main objective of these strategies is to solve the problem of voltage increase in low voltage distribution networks, caused by the power injection of the distributed photovoltaic generator. These voltage control strategies have been implemented and analyzed in order to verify their effectiveness and compare their behaviors. For the test, the operation of single-phase and three-phase photovoltaic generators distributed in a low voltage distribution test system were considered. The results showed that after the application of the control strategies, the steady-state voltage profiles were whihin the allowed voltage range, obtaining a minimum reduction of the active power injection of the photovoltaic generators with their corresponding powe factors. / Mestre

Previsão de tensão em sistemas de distribuição considerando as possibilidades das redes inteligentes / Prevision of voltage in distribuction system considering the possibilities of smart grids

Garcia, Enoque Dutra 09 November 2012 (has links)
With the deployment of Smart Grids, the voltage quality has a new focus, and the ANEEL (National Agency of Electric Energy), Brazilian regulator organ, is able to improve its supervision activity. The electric energy customer has access to the value of voltage in real time and the utility needs to identify alternatives to attend the rigor of the regulatory acts and the intense expectative of its customers. Nowadays, in the conventional networks, the voltage setting is performed from the reference voltage set point of itself or of center of load. In the scenario of Smart Grids, beyond these values, it is also possible to use the online measures at any point of the feeder. In this new scenario it is possible to indentify alternatives related to advances in distribution networks power quality, in this way, the present work shows a methodology to be used as tools of operational support in the control of voltage profile in primary networks. Through application of computational intelligent techniques it is suggested a system of steady state voltage prediction for the monitored points along the feeder. The loading system and meteorological informations are used for the method application. From the result obtained for the very-short time forecasting, it is introduced the concept of Smart Grids, which considers proactive actions to optimize the process of maintenance of voltage level. / Diante da implantação das redes inteligentes, a qualidade da tensão passa a ter um novo enfoque, e a Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), órgão regulador brasileiro, tem possibilidade de aprimorar sua atividade fiscalizatória. O usuário de energia elétrica tem acesso ao valor da tensão em tempo real e a distribuidora por sua vez, necessita identificar alternativas para atender ao rigor dos atos regulatórios e a expectativa intensa de seus clientes. Atualmente, nas redes convencionais o ajuste de tensão é realizado a partir da tensão de referência do próprio ponto ou do centro de carga. Já no cenário das redes inteligentes, além destes, também é possível utilizar os registros online das grandezas de outros trechos do alimentador, inclusive pontos a jusante. Neste novo cenário é oportuno identificar alternativas relacionadas ao avanço da qualidade da energia nas redes de distribuição, neste sentido, o presente trabalho apresenta uma metodologia a ser utilizada como ferramenta de apoio operacional no controle do perfil de tensão nas redes primárias. Através da aplicação de técnicas de inteligência computacional é proposto um sistema de previsão de tensão em regime permanente para pontos de monitoramento localizados ao longo do alimentador. Para tanto são utilizados dados do carregamento do sistema e informações meteorológicas. A partir dos resultados obtidos para a previsão no curtíssimo prazo é introduzido o conceito de controle de tensão inteligente, o qual considera a tomada de ações proativas para otimizar o processo de manutenção dos níveis de tensão.

Controle de tensão em redes de baixa tensão com alta penetração de geração fotovoltaica / Volatge control in low voltage distribution networks with high penetration photovoltaic system

Leon Colqui, Jaimis Sajid [UNESP] 30 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JAIMIS SAJID LEON COLQUI null (jeimis.leon@gmail.com) on 2017-06-30T12:04:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Jaimis Leon_Eng_Eletrica.pdf: 1870541 bytes, checksum: cb3fb21a21d28fea6773b5e6d6b213bd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-06-30T14:27:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 leoncolqui_js_me_ilha.pdf: 1870541 bytes, checksum: cb3fb21a21d28fea6773b5e6d6b213bd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-30T14:27:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 leoncolqui_js_me_ilha.pdf: 1870541 bytes, checksum: cb3fb21a21d28fea6773b5e6d6b213bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de estratégia global de controle de tensão que emprega programação não linear e duas extensões de estratégias de controle de tensão, encontrados na literatura. O principal objetivo destas estratégias é solucionar o problema de aumento de tensão nas redes de distribuição de baixa tensão, causado pela injeção de potência do gerador fotovoltaico distribuído. Estas estratégias de controle de tensão foram implementadas e analisadas a fim de verificar a sua eficácia e comparar os seus comportamentos. Para os testes, foram considerados a operação de geradores fotovoltaicos monofásicos e trifásicos distribuídos em um sistema teste de distribuição em baixa tensão. Os resultados mostraram que depois da aplicação das estratégias de controle, os perfis de tensão em regime permanente ficaram dentro da faixa de tensão permitida, obtendo-se uma mínima redução de potência ativa injetada dos geradores fotovoltaicos com os seus correspondentes fatores de potência. / This work presents a proposal of a global voltage control strategy that use nonlinear programming and two extensions of voltage control strategies that are found in the literature. The main objective of these strategies is to solve the problem of voltage increase in low voltage distribution networks, caused by the power injection of the distributed photovoltaic generator. These voltage control strategies have been implemented and analyzed in order to verify their effectiveness and compare their behaviors. For the test, the operation of single-phase and three-phase photovoltaic generators distributed in a low voltage distribution test system were considered. The results showed that after the application of the control strategies, the steady-state voltage profiles were whihin the allowed voltage range, obtaining a minimum reduction of the active power injection of the photovoltaic generators with their corresponding powe factors.

Aplicação de métodos estáticos para estudo do colapso de tensão em Sistemas Elétricos de Potência / not available

Renato Braga de Lima Guedes 18 August 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve os métodos e os resultados encontrados a partir da implementação de métodos estáticos para análise da estabilidade de tensão em sistemas elétricos de potência. A determinação da margem de estabilidade de tensão foi feita através do cálculo do menor valor singular da matriz jacobiana associada às equações de fluxo de carga, comumente utilizado como índice estático de colapso de tensão. As não linearidades e descontinuidades relatadas nas referências estudadas e encontradas nos testes realizados, levaram-nos a propor o uso da razão entre o menor e o maior valores singulares da mesma matriz jacobiana, na expectativa de que este índice tivesse um comportamento menos instável do que o menor valor singular, o que não foi confirmado nos testes realizados. Identifica-se também as regiões do sistema elétrico mais afetadas pela instabilidade, o que é feito através da determinação da barra crítica do sistema e da classificação das barras de carga em ilhas de controle de tensão. A barra crítica é identificada através do cálculo do vetor tangente do sistema, conforme proposto nas referências citadas no trabalho. Como alternativa ao vetor tangente para a identificação da barra crítica, propôs-se usar o vetor singular à direita associado ao menor valor singular da matriz jacobiana. A comparação da capacidade de identificação da barra crítica por esses dois vetores mostrou uma clara vantagem do uso do vetor tangente. A rotina para identificação das ilhas de controle de tensão foi adaptada a partir de um método desenvolvido para a análise de coerência em barras de carga, e os resultados encontrados foram bastante satisfatórios. Os métodos implementados foram testados em diversas situações, com o objetivo de se analisar os efeitos dos modelos de carga ZIP com elevadas parcelas de impedância constante, dos limitadores de potência reativa dos geradores e da repartição do incremento da carga de potência ativa entre os geradores. / This work describes the methods and results got from the implementation of static methods for power systems voltage stability analisys. The power system voltage stability margin was predicted by the smallest load flow jacobian\'s singular value, commonly used as a prediction index to voltage stability. lt is investigated the use of ratio of the smallest single value by the biggest one as voltage colapse index, assuming that it\'s less unstable than the singular value itself, specialy near the collapse point. The results presented shown a clear advantage of using the smallest singular value instead of this singular value rate. The identification of the system\'s regions affected by the voltage drop is made by the tangent vector and by the voltage island identification method proposed on this work. Is compared the ability to identify system\'s critical bus by the tangent vector and right singular vetor of the smallest jacobian\'s singular value. In this case, tests results show the superiority of tangent vector. All the simulations presented are compared to allow the analysis of the voltage dependents load models (with high percentual of constant impedances), reactive limiters and generators load sharing efects over the smallest singular value, the rate of the smallest single value by the biggest one, voltage island classification and the critical bus identification.


[pt] As curvas de capacidade de geração de potência reativa fornecidas pelos fabricantes são elaboradas em função dos parâmetros de projeto do gerador, e geralmente não consideram as condições de operação da planta e do sistema como fatores limitantes. É sabido que as condições de operação da planta, tais como tensões nominais do terminal do gerador e das barras auxiliares, valores limites dos reguladores de tensão, potência máxima da turbina e dispositivos de limitação e proteção de sub e sobreexcitação podem ser fatores limitantes da capacidade de geração e absorção de potência reativa. Neste trabalho foi elaborado um método e desenvolvida uma ferramenta computacional para identificar a curva de capacidade real de geração de potência reativa para qualquer ponto de operação. Este trabalho pode ser estendido para qualquer gerador, conhecidas as características da usina. Nos estudos de caso apresentados pôde-se verificar que é possível ampliar a capacidade de geração reativa da usina apenas conhecendo seus reais limites, não necessitando portanto, de grandes investimentos para o aumento dessa capacidade. / [en] They show that different generator loads produce greater heating in different parts of generator. A method is described and a software is presented to evaluate the actual reactive power capability curve considering the operating condition.This paper shows that it is possible to enlarge the reactive power capability only by knowing the actual capability limitations, without raising costs and keeping operation safe.It is important to the generator agent to know its capabilities if it is desidered to provide reactive support as an ancillary service in the new competitive environment.

Cost-effective Communication and Control Architectures for Active Low Voltage Grids

Armendáriz, Mikel January 2017 (has links)
The monitoring and control of low voltage distribution grids has historically been disregarded due to the unidirectional flow of power. However, nowadays the massive integration of distributed energy resources into distribution grids, such as solar photovoltaics, distributed storage, electric vehicles and demand response programs, presents some challenges. For instance, the unidirectional top-down power flow is being replaced by power flows in any direction: top-down and bottom-up. This paradigm shift adds extra regulatory, economic, and technical complexity for the Distribution System Operators (DSO). Thus to overcome the possible operational constraints, thermal limits, or voltage problems in the grid, an update of the existing electricity infrastructures is required. In response to this new situation, this thesis investigates the cost-effective communication and control architectures that are required for active low voltage grid monitoring and control applications, considering the regulatory constraints and the efficient utilization of the assets from a DSO’s perspective. The solutions include: i) optimal sensor placement configuration to perform low voltage state estimation, ii) optimal metering infrastructure designs for active low voltage monitoring applications, iii) coordinated control strategies to allow the integration of microgrid-like structures into the distribution grids, iv) optimal placement of actuators for operating the control strategies, v) a multiagent-based control solution for self-healing and feeder reconfiguration applications, and vi) a framework model and simulations to assess the reliability of the ICT infrastructure that enables the monitoring and control applications. As concluding remark, since the deployment of technology at low voltage grids is restricted to assets owned by the DSO, the operability of the grid is limited. This condition makes it so that the required communication and control enhancement solutions shall prioritize cost-effectiveness over comprehensiveness and complexity. Thus, the results from the presented studies show that it is essential to perform thorough cost-benefit analyses of the potential improvement solutions for each grid, because this will allow deploying the right technology only at the necessary locations. / <p>QC 20171106</p><p></p>

Contribution à la commande des systèmes photovoltaiques : application aux systèmes de pompages. / Contribution to the control of photovoltaic systems : application to pumping systems.

Abouda, Salim 14 April 2015 (has links)
L'objectif des travaux présentés dans cette thèse est d'apporter une contribution à l'étude d'un système photovoltaïque fonctionnant à sa puissance maximale et énergétiquement autonome. Le cas étudié, dans cette thèse, concerne la commande d'une chaine de pompage photovoltaïque dans un site isolé. Dans ce sens, et pour que le système photovoltaïque fonctionne à sa puissance maximale, il doit comporter un étage d'adaptation associé à un algorithme MPPT. Dans notre étude, nous avons utilisé deux algorithmes MPPT, l'algorithme “Perturb and Observe” (P&O) puis l'algorithme “ Increment of Conductance” (IncCond). Dans quelques applications industrielles, il est parfois nécessaire de maintenir la tension délivrée par le système photovoltaïque constante. Pour cela, un système de contrôle de cette tension est présenté. Les méthodes utilisées pour la simulation de ce système sont basées sur l'utilisation d'un régulateur PID, puis sur le contrôle par mode glissant, et enfin sur un contrôleur par logique floue. Ce système est testé pour une charge résistive puis pour le cas d'une pompe centrifuge entrainée par un moteur à courant continu à aimant permanent. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le cas d'une chaine de pompage utilisant un moteur asynchrone triphasé comme moteur d'entrainement. Dans le but d'avoir la possibilité de régler le débit d'eau, et en se basant sur la caractéristique de proportionnalité entre la vitesse et le débit, la méthode de contrôle direct du couple, Direct Torque Control - DTC est utilisée pour la commande de la vitesse du moteur asynchrone. / The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to contribute to the study of a photovoltaic system operating at its maximum power and energetically autonomous. The case studied in this thesis relates to the control of a chain of photovoltaic pumping in an isolated site. In this sense and for the PV system operates at its maximum power, it must include a converter associated with a MPPT algorithm. In our study, we used two MPPT algorithms, the algorithm “Perturb and Observe” (P & O), then the algorithm “Increment of Conductance” (IncCond). In some industrial applications, it is sometimes necessary to maintain the voltage delivered by the PV system constant. For this, a control system of this voltage is presented. The methods used for the simulation of this system are based on the use of a PID controller and the sliding mode control, and finally a fuzzy logic controller. This system was tested for a resistive load then for the case of a centrifugal pump driven by a permanent magnetic DC motor. Then we studied the case of a pumping chain using a three-phase induction motor as a drive motor. In order to be able to regulate the flow of water, the Direct Torque Control method “DTC” is used to control the speed of the induction motor because it is proportional with the water flow.

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