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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise comparativa de winglets em uma aeronave regional de última geração

Sergio Luiz Lousada Junior 07 April 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa determinar, via análises de dados de túnel de vento, o impacto aerodinâmico em arrasto da instalação de dispositivos de ponta de asa em uma aeronave transônica de transporte moderna, para averiguar o ganho atingido com os atuais métodos de projeto de winglets. São comparados 3 dispositivos de ponta de asa, em uma campanha de ensaios em túnel. Os ensaios foram realizados à pressão total constante, fazendo o uso dos mesmos suportes, e realizando as mesmas variações no escoamento. Os dados colhidos em diversas rodadas de túnel foram então analisados procurando estabelecer qual a influência de cada dispositivo sob o arrasto da aeronave, em regimes subsônicos e transônicos. As comparações puderam estabelecer que o atual estado da arte oferece reduções significativas de arrasto em cruzeiro, proporcionando melhorias no alcance e outras características de desempenho da aeronave, vindo a comprovar a teoria e os dados históricos de desempenho destes dispositivos.

Influência do gradiente de pressão na transição em escoamentos sobre superfícies côncavas / Influence of the pressure gradient in transition flow over concave surfaces

Rogenski, Josuel Kruppa 20 October 2015 (has links)
Escoamentos sobre superfícies côncavas, como os que ocorrem no intradorso de uma pá de turbina, estão sujeitos à instabilidade centrífuga. A esse tipo de configuração atribui-se possibilidade de transição à turbulência devido a formação dos vórtices de Görtler. Estudos são propostos no sentido de identificar possível influência do gradiente de pressão nos mecanismos de desenvolvimento desses vórtices e sua interação com outras perturbações na transição. O processo de investigação dá-se numericamente por meio do desenvolvimento e uso de um código numérico paralelizado e de alta ordem de precisão. Resultados obtidos caracterizam o gradiente de pressão adverso como mais instável se comparado ao caso neutro ou favorável. Variações no gradiente de pressão não se mostram eficientes no processo de controle da instabilidade. Ao gradiente adverso atribui-se antecipação da região de saturação dos vórtices. Ressalta-se ainda a natureza desestabilizadora do gradiente adverso quanto aos mecanismos de amplificação dos modos varicoso e sinuoso associados à instabilidade secundária. / Flows over concave surfaces are subjected to centrifugal instability and may transition to turbulence. Studies are conducted to identify the role of the external pressure gradient on the development of the Görtler vortices and their interaction with other flow disturbances. Numerical simulations are carried out by the development and use of an in-house parallel code with highorder of accuracy. Adverse pressure gradient configurations are observed to be more unstable than the neutral and favourable ones. Pressure gradient variations do not prove to be an efficient way to control the centrifugal instability. The destabilizing behaviour that is observed by the adverse pressure gradient justifies its influence on the anticipation of the saturation of the primary vortices and growth of the sinuous and varicose secondary modes.

Dynamics of perturbation modes in protoplanetary discs : new effects of self-gravity and velocity shear

Mamatsashvili, George January 2011 (has links)
Protoplanetary discs, composed of gas and dust, usually surround young stellar objects and serve two main purposes: they determine the accretion of matter onto the central object and also represent sites of planet formation. The accretion proceeds through the transport of angular momentum outwards allowing the disc matter to fall towards the centre. A mechanism responsible for the transport can be turbulence, waves or other coherent structures originating from various instabilities in discs that could, in addition, play a role in the planet formation process. For an understanding of these instabilities, it is necessary to study perturbation dynamics in differentially rotating, or sheared media. Thus, this thesis focuses on new aspects in the perturbation dynamics in non-magnetised protoplanetary discs that arise due to their self-gravity and velocity shear associated with the disc’s differential rotation. The analysis is carried out in the framework of the widely employed local shearing box approximation. We start with 2D discs and then move on to 3D ones. In 2D discs, there are two basic perturbation types/modes – spiral density waves and vortices – that are responsible for angular momentum transport and that can also contribute to accelerating planet formation. First, in the linear regime, we demonstrate that the vortical mode undergoes large growth due to self-gravity and in this process generates density waves via shear-induced linear mode coupling phenomenon. This is noteworthy, because commonly only density waves are considered in self-gravitating discs. Then we investigate vortex dynamics in the non-linear regime under the influence of self-gravity by means of numerical simulations. It is shown that vortices are no longer well-organised and long-lived structures, unlike those occurring in non-self-gravitating discs. They undergo recurring phases (lasting for a few disc rotation periods) of formation, growth and eventual destruction. We also discuss the dust trapping capability of such transient vortices. Perturbation dynamics in 3D vertically stratified discs is richer, as there are more mode types. We first consider non-axisymmetric modes in non-self-gravitating discs and then only axisymmetric modes in the more complicated case when self-gravity is present. Specifically, in non-self-gravitating discs with superadiabatic vertical stratification, motivated by the recent results on the transport properties of incompressible convection, we show that when compressibility is taken into account, the non-axisymmetric convective mode excites density waves via the same shear-induced linear mode coupling mechanism mentioned above. These generated density waves transport angular momentum outwards in the trailing phase, and we suggest that they may aid and enhance the transport due solely to convection in the non-linear regime, where the latter becomes outward. In the final part of the thesis, we carry out a linear analysis of axisymmetric vertical normal modes in stratified self-gravitating discs. Although axisymmetric modes do not display shear-induced couplings, their analysis provides insight into how gravitational instabilities develop in the 3D case and their onset criterion. We examine how the structure of dispersion curves and eigenfunctions of 3D modes are influenced by self-gravity, which mode first becomes gravitationally unstable and thus determines the onset criterion and nature of the gravitational instability in stratified discs. We also contrast the more exact instability criterion obtained with our 3D model with that of density waves in 2D discs. Based on these findings, we discuss the origin of 3D behaviour of perturbations involving noticeable disc surface distortions, as seen in some numerical simulations of self-gravitating discs.

Interação de espirais em 2D : redução da dinâmica à interação de defeitos e exploração de novas estruturas espaço-temporais

Brito, Carolina January 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um anova proposta de tratamento de estruturas espirais em meios contínuos oscilatórios na vizinhança de bifurcações de Hopf supercríticas. Tais estruturas são normalmente descritas pela Equação de Cinzburg-Landau Complexa a qual usa um campo complexo associado a essas oscilações. A proposta apresentada reduz a dinâmica de espirais à interação entre os centros das mesmas. Inicialmente, comparamos numericamente as duas descrições e com os ganhos computacionais decorrentes da abordagem reduzida caracterizamos finamente as estruturas espaço-temporais formadas nesses sistemas: em vez dos estados congelados mencionados anteriormente na literatura encontrou-se uma dinâmica espaço-temporal intermitente. Esse regime ocorre em duas fases distintas: Líquido de Vórtices e Vidros de Vórtices. Esta última evolui em escalas de tempo ultralentas como fenômenos semelhantes encontrados na Mecânica Estatística, apesar de sua origem puramente determinista.

The Influence of Debris Cages on Critical Submergence of Vertical Intakes in Reservoirs

Allen, Skyler D 01 December 2008 (has links)
This study quantifies the influence of debris cages on critical submergence at vertical intakes in reservoir configurations. Four model debris cages were constructed of light panel material. A vertical intake protruding one pipe diameter above the floor of a model reservoir was tested in six configurations: open intake pipe, a debris grate placed directly over the intake pipe, and debris cages representing widths of 1.5*d and 2*d and heights of 1.5*c and 2*c, where d is diameter of the intake and c is height of intake above reservoir floor. A selection of top grating configurations and a submerged raft configuration were also tested for comparison. Testing of the model debris cages indicates that the roof or top grate of a debris cage dominates the influence a debris cage has on the reduction of critical submergence of air-core vortices. The side grates of a debris cage have some influence on the formation of vortices. The spacing of bars in the top grate has an influence on air-core vortex development. The presence of a debris cage at vertical intakes in still-water reservoirs reduces the critical submergence required to avoid air-core vortices and completely eliminates the air-core vortex for cases where the water surface elevation remains above the top grate of the debris cage. The potential exists for designing debris cages to fulfill a secondary function of air-core vortex suppression.

Mise en forme topologique : lumière et cristaux liquides / Topological shaping of light and liquid crystals

Loussert, Charles 08 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse consiste en l’étude de la mise en forme topologique de la lumière et de la matière et s’articule autour de deux axes de recherche. Le premier concerne la mise en forme topologique de la lumière à partir d’interfaces spin-orbite à base de cristaux liquides. En l’occurrence, nous montrons dans ce manuscrit que différents systèmes de défauts topologiques naturels permettent de générer des vortex optiques par interaction spin-orbite de la lumière, de manière efficace, accordable en longueur d’onde et reconfigurable en temps réel et donnant accès à des charges topologiques diverses. Tout ceci nous a permis de travailler à des échelles microscopiques et de manière spatialement contrôlée. Ces avancées ouvrent la voie au contrôle de l’état orbital de la lumière sur une large bande spectrale.Le second axe concerne la mise en forme topologique d’un film de cristal liquide cholestérique dans le cadre du stockage de l’information de nature topologique. Nous avons démontré la possibilité de générer une grande diversité de défauts topologiques métastables, de manière contrôlée et reconfigurable, à la fois dans le temps et dans l’espace. Nous avons développé une approche permettant de réduire drastiquement le coût énergétique d’écriture de ces défauts. Nous avons également montré qu’il était possible d’obtenir un nouveau type de mémoire réinscriptible contrôlé par le degré de liberté «spin» du photon. / The enclosed work deals with the study of the topological shaping of light and matter and will bedivided into two categories of research. The first focuses on the topological shaping of light from liquid-crystal based spin-orbit interfaces. In particular, we show in this manuscript, that different systems based on the use of natural topological defects behave as highly efficient natural optical spin-orbit encoders, for distinct topological charges, at the micron scale and with spatial control.The operating wave length and operation mode of such interfaces can be tuned in real-time using low voltage electric fields. This breakthrough opens the path to the ultra-broadband control of the light’sorbital state. The second category concerns the topological shaping of a cholesteric liquid crystal film in context of mass data storage. We show the potential to generate metastable topological mi-crostructures in a controlled and reconfigurable way, both in time and space and with a low energy cost. We also demonstrated a new, unique type of rewritable memory, controlled by the«spin»ofthe laser-generated incident photon

On the Evolution of Cyclonic Eddies along the Florida Keys

Bulhoes de Morais, Cesar Reinert 01 January 2010 (has links)
Cyclonic oceanic vortices (eddies) ranging from ~10 to 150km in diameter that travel along the Florida Keys are investigated. This study employs hydrodynamic parameters from simulations in a high-resolution (~900m horizontally), three-dimensional (26 vertical levels) HYbrid Coordinates Ocean Model regional application to study coastal to offshore interactions along the Florida Keys. These parameters are compared qualitatively to observations from Chlorophyll-a Satellite (SEAWiFs) and HF Radar (WERA). Further, eddy characteristics along the Florida Keys are determined using the Okubo-Weiss parameter combined with Sea-Surface Height fields for the period 2004- 2008. Additionally, their temporal scales are assessed using spectral time-series analysis via Welch?s Fast Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transforms. Some processes that influence eddy evolution along the Florida Keys are presented in the form of case studies. And finally, the relative contribution of mesoscale and submesoscale eddies to the upwelling along the Florida Keys is assessed, supporting the argument that these features contribute to produce water exchanges between the offshore flow and the coastal areas.

An Airborne Investigation of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure in the Hurricane Force Wind Regime

Zhang, Jun 20 December 2007 (has links)
As part of the ONR sponsored Coupled Boundary Layer/Air-Sea Transfer (CBLAST) experiment, data from the NOAA WP-3D research aircraft measurements into major Hurricanes in the 2002-2004 seasons are analyzed to investigate the structure of the boundary layer. The turbulent fluxes of momentum and enthalpy are derived using the eddy correlation method. For the first time, the momentum and enthalpy fluxes were directly measured in the boundary layer of a hurricane with wind speeds up to 30 m/s. A new bulk parameterization of the momentum and enthalpy flux is developed. The vertical structure of turbulence and fluxes are presented for the entire boundary layer in the rain free region between the outer rainbands. The turbulent kinetic energy budget was estimated for the hurricane boundary layer between the outer rainbands. The universal spectra and cospectra of the wind velocity, temperature and humidity are also derived. A case study on the effects of roll vortices on the turbulent fluxes is conducted, which confirmed the existence of the boundary layer rolls and gave the first estimate of their modulation of the momentum and sensible heat flux. The CBLAST data provided an invaluable perspective on the evaluation and development of the boundary layer parameterization suited for the hurricane models. Studies on entrainment processes above of the mixed layer and turbulent transport processes induced by the inflow are recommended in the future.

Phase transitions in high-temperature superconductors

Lidmar, Jack January 1998 (has links)
Thermal fluctuations and disorder strongly influence the behaviour of hightemperature superconductors. In particular the vortices play a key role in determining their properties. In this thesis the main focus lies on phase transitions, both in ultra-thin films and in three-dimensional systems, which are driven by vortex fluctuations. The last paper concerns the influence of antiferromagnetism on superconductivity in a simple model. A brief review of these topics is given in the introductory part. The main results are: The phase transition in ultra-thin superconducting/superfluid films is studied within the two-dimensional Coulomb gas model, which is known to have a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition at low vortex densities. We construct the phase diagram from grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations on a continuum, without any restrictions on the vortex density. The dynamical universality classes for vortices in superconductors in zero magnetic field are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations, with particular attention to the role of screening of the vortex interaction. We construct a formula for the k = 0 helicity modulus directly in terms of the vortex line fluctuations, which can serve as a useful way to detect superconducting coherence in model calculations. A method for simulating vortex lines on a continuum is developed, and used to study the melting of the Abrikosov vortex lattice. We study the critical dynamics for vortices in the presence of columnar defects. The linear resistivity and current-voltage characteristics are calculated in Monte Carlo simulations, and the critical behaviour extracted using finite size scaling. We reconsider the scaling properties as the magnetic field is tilted away from the direction of the columns. The influence of antiferromagnetic correlations on the superconducting properties is studied in a simplified lattice fermion model for superconductivity in the presence of an antiferromagnetic background. We find that the superconducting critical temperature is enhanced by antiferromagnetic order, and that a gap with dx2-y2-wave symmetry is the most stable. / QC 20100512

Electrically Charged Vortex Solutions In Born-infeld Theory With A Chern-simons Term

Cimsit, Mustafa 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we considered electrically charged vortex solutions of Born- Infeld Chern-Simons gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions, with a sixth order charged scalar eld potential. For this purpose, rst Nielsen-Olesen vortex solutions are extensively reviewed. Then, Born-Infeld and Chern-Simons theories are summarized. Finally, vortex solutions are obtained for the Born-Infeld-Higgs system with a Chern-Simons term. These solutions are analyzed numerically, comparing their properties with Nielsen-Olesen vortices.

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