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Lichtinduzierte magnetische Defekte in ultradünnen Filmen / Light-induced Magnetic Defects in Ultra-Thin FilmsEggebrecht, Tim 22 January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Studies on instability and optimal forcing of incompressible flowsBrynjell-Rahkola, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
This thesis considers the hydrodynamic instability and optimal forcing of a number of incompressible flow cases. In the first part, the instabilities of three problems that are of great interest in energy and aerospace applications are studied, namely a Blasius boundary layer subject to localized wall-suction, a Falkner–Skan–Cooke boundary layer with a localized surface roughness, and a pair of helical vortices. The two boundary layer flows are studied through spectral element simulations and eigenvalue computations, which enable their long-term behavior as well as the mechanisms causing transition to be determined. The emergence of transition in these cases is found to originate from a linear flow instability, but whereas the onset of this instability in the Blasius flow can be associated with a localized region in the vicinity of the suction orifice, the instability in the Falkner–Skan–Cooke flow involves the entire flow field. Due to this difference, the results of the eigenvalue analysis in the former case are found to be robust with respect to numerical parameters and domain size, whereas the results in the latter case exhibit an extreme sensitivity that prevents domain independent critical parameters from being determined. The instability of the two helices is primarily addressed through experiments and analytic theory. It is shown that the well known pairing instability of neighboring vortex filaments is responsible for transition, and careful measurements enable growth rates of the instabilities to be obtained that are in close agreement with theoretical predictions. Using the experimental baseflow data, a successful attempt is subsequently also made to reproduce this experiment numerically. In the second part of the thesis, a novel method for computing the optimal forcing of a dynamical system is developed. The method is based on an application of the inverse power method preconditioned by the Laplace preconditioner to the direct and adjoint resolvent operators. The method is analyzed for the Ginzburg–Landau equation and afterwards the Navier–Stokes equations, where it is implemented in the spectral element method and validated on the two-dimensional lid-driven cavity flow and the flow around a cylinder. / <p>QC 20171124</p>
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Probing the modal characteristics of novel beam shapesMourka, Areti January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, an investigation into the modal characteristics of novel beam shapes is presented. Sculpting the phase profile of a Gaussian beam can result in the generation of a beam with unique properties. Described in this thesis are Laguerre-Gaussian (LG), Hermite-Gaussian (HG) and Bessel beams (BBs). The diffraction of LG beam modes from a triangular aperture is explored and this effect can be used for the efficient measurement of the azimuthal mode index l that indicates the number of multiples of 2π of phase changes that the field displays around one circumference of the optical axis. In this study, only LG beams with zero radial mode index p, with p + 1 denoting the number of bright high intensity concentric rings around the optical axis, were considered. Then, a powerful approach to simultaneously determine both mode indices of a pure LG beam using the principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm on the observed far-field diffraction patterns was demonstrated. Owing to PCA algorithm, the shape of the diffracting element used to measure the mode indices is in fact of little importance and the crucial step is ‘training' any diffracting optical system and transforming the observed far-field diffraction patterns into the uncorrelated variables (principal components). Our PCA method is generic and it was extended to other families of light fields such as HG, Bessel and superposed beams. This reinforces the widespread applicability of this method for various applications. Finally, both theoretically and experimentally investigations using interferometry show the definitive linkage between both the radial and azimuthal mode indices of a partially coherent LG beam and the dislocation rings in the far-field cross-correlation function (CCF).
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Statistical characteristics of two-dimensional and quasigeostrophic turbulenceVallgren, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p>Two codes have been developed and implemented for use on massively parallelsuper computers to simulate two-dimensional and quasigeostrophic turbulence.The codes have been found to scale well with increasing resolution and width ofthe simulations. This has allowed for the highest resolution simulations of two-dimensional and quasigeostrophic turbulence so far reported in the literature.The direct numerical simulations have focused on the statistical characteristicsof turbulent cascades of energy and enstrophy, the role of coherent vorticesand departures from universal scaling laws, theoretized more than 40 yearsago. In particular, the investigations have concerned the enstrophy and energycascade in forced and decaying two-dimensional turbulence. Furthermore, theapplicability of Charney’s hypotheses on quasigeostrophic turbulence has beentested. The results have shed light on the flow evolution at very large Reynoldsnumbers. The most important results are the robustness of the enstrophycascade in forced and decaying two-dimensional turbulence, the unexpecteddependency on an infrared Reynolds number in the spectral scaling of theenergy spectrum in the inverse energy cascade, and the validation of Charney’spredictions on the dynamics of quasigeostrophic turbulence. It has also beenshown that the scaling of the energy spectrum in the enstrophy cascade isinsensitive to intermittency in higher order statistics, but that corrections mightapply to the ”universal” Batchelor-Kraichnan constant.</p>
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Padrões de escoamento baroclínico de mesoescala ao largo do Embaiamento de Tubarão e do Banco de Abrolhos / Mesoscale baroclinic flow patterns off the Tubarão Bight and Abrolhos BankPassos, Leilane Gonçalves dos 08 February 2012 (has links)
A região oceânica adjacente ao Embaiamento de Tubarão (ET) e ao Banco de Abrolhos (BAb) talvez seja uma das menos investigadas da margem continental brasileira. Estudos acerca da circulação nesta porção da costa atualmente restringem-se a trabalhos realizados na década de 80 e 90. Recentemente, estudos focando a atividade de mesoescala e a variabilidade sazonal da circulação ao largo da costa leste brasileira, tem relatado padrões de escoamento complexos e despertado o interesse da comunidade científica na compreensão da dinâmica local. Buscando compreender o padrão de escoamento na região e dispondo de dados sinóticos dos anos de 2004 e 2005 provenientes do Projeto Abrolhos, este trabalho se propôs a estudar as principais feições encontradas na área em questão através de modelagem numérica. Com este intuito, o campo inicial foi construído através de dados hidrográficos sinóticos, interpolados objetivamente com campos climatológicos mensais do World Ocean Atlas 01. Para tal, os perfis dos dados sinóticos e climatológicos foram adimensionalizados e redimensionalizados, com imagens termais de satélite e campo sintético de salinidade. Após a construção do campo inicial, foi realizada simulação numérica com o Regional Ocean Modeling System - ROMS, para os cenários de inverno (2004) e verão (2005). No cenário de inverno foi identificado um anticiclone dentro do Embaiamento de Tubarão, aqui denominado Vórtice de Tubarão, entretanto o Vórtice de Vitória (VV) e o Vórtice de Abrolhos (VA) só foram encontrados no cenário de verão, estando o o VV associado a um anticiclone simétrico ao eixo da Corrente do Brasil. Os resultados refutam a hipótese de que os anticiclones ao largo do Banco de Abrolhos apresentariam a mesma estrutura dinâmica dos ciclones presentes no Embaiamento de Tubarão. Além disso, pode-se também, atestar a natureza não perene do VV. / The region adjacent to the Tubarão Embayment and Abrolhos Bank is maybe one of the less investigated of the Brazillian continental margin. Studies about the cirulation in this area are currently restricted to studies carried out during the 80\'s and 90\'s. Recently, studies focusing the mesoscale activity and the seazonal variability of the circulation off the Brazillian eastern coast have reported complex flow patterns and raised attention of the scientific community to the lack of knowledge of the local dynamics. In order to comprehend the flow pattern in the region, having synoptic data for 2004 and 2005 from the Abrolhos Project, this work aims to study the main features identified in the study area through numerical modelling. With this intent, the initial field was built through hydrographic synoptic data objectively interpolated with monthly climatological fields of the World Ocean Atlas 01. For that, the profiles of the synoptic and climatological data were non-dimensionalyzed and re-dimensionalyzed with thermal satellite images and synthetic salinity field. After the initial field was built, a numerical simulation with the Regional Ocean Modeling System - ROMS was carried out, for the winter (2004) and summer (2005) scenarios. In the winter scenario an anticyclone, here named Tubarão Eddy, was identified inside the Tubarão Embayment, while the Vitória Eddy (VE) and the Abrolhos Eddy (AE) were only identified in the summer scenario, being the VE associated with an anticyclone symetric to the Brazil Current axis. The results deny the hypothesis that the anticyclones offshore the Abrolhos Bank present the same dynamical structure as the cyclones present in the Tubarão Embayment. Besides, we state the non-permanent nature of the VE.
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A influência dos transportes advectivos na estimatitiva do balanço de CO2 do ecossistema: um estudo de caso para a mata atlântica com uso de técnicas micrometeorológicas / The influence of advective transports in the net ecosystem CO2 exchange: a case study for the Atlantic forest using micrometeorological techniquesFreitas, Helber Custódio de 14 February 2012 (has links)
Para este trabalho, foram realizadas observações de variáveis climáticas e medidas de fluxo de carbono, durante o período de 2008 a 2010, sobre uma floresta de mata atlântica, buscando estimar o balanço de carbono neste sítio experimental, com o objetivo de melhor compreender as trocas de CO2 entre esta floresta e a atmosfera. Para tanto, foram utilizadas técnicas micrometeorológicas de vórtices turbulentos associadas a medidas de transportes advectivos. Este estudo investigou uma área de características singulares, de intensos gradientes topográficos, na cidade de São Luiz do Paraitinga, estado de São Paulo, região sudeste do Brasil. Com vegetação de dossel irregular e circundada por encostas íngremes de até 30º (em distâncias de 50 metros), uma torre micrometeorológica com 60 m de altura foi instalada ao final de 2007. Em 2010, em uma segunda etapa do estudo, foi finalizado o sistema para medidas de fluxos advectivos composto por outras quatro torres de 27 m de modo a definir um volume de controle em uma das encostas próxima à torre micrometeorológica, assim como sugere a técnica utilizada ao considerar os transportes advectivos na equação da conservação de massa, o que caracteriza uma abordagem mais criteriosa em função do relevo. As análises mostraram que estes transportes 1. atuam na alteração da concentração de CO2, tanto na vertical como na horizontal; 2. apresentam ciclos diários e 3. estão bem correlacionados com o armazenamento vertical de CO2, elemento participante na determinação da produtividade primária líquida de uma vegetação monitorada com a técnica comumente utilizada. Considerados os erros inerentes nas estimativas, ao final de três anos de estudo, esta floresta de mata atlântica mostrou comportar-se como uma modesta fonte de CO2, podendo ainda atuar de forma neutra, mesmo tendo acumulados anuais estimados da forma tradicionalmente encontrada na literatura. Estes resultados concordam com outros obtidos em trabalhos independentes de igual teor científico realizados nesta mesma área investigada. Dessa forma, a exclusão dos transportes advectivos não penalizou o balanço de massa; considerá-los causaria maior incerteza nas somas anuais em função do período de dados disponível e da complexidade da sua determinação, como já discutido em outros trabalhos encontrados na literatura. / For this study, observations of climate variables and measurements of carbon fluxes have been done between the years 2008 and 2010 above a brazilian Atlantic forest, aiming to estimate the carbon balance in this experimental site, in order to better understand the exchanges of CO2 between this forest and the atmosphere. To carry it out, micrometeorological eddy covariance technique was associated with advective transport measurements. This study investigated an specific area with intense topographic gradients located in São Luiz do Paraitinga city, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Surrounded by vegetation with irregular canopy and steep slopes of up to 30° (at distances of 50 meters), a micrometeorological tower 60 m height was installed at the end of 2007. In 2010, the installation has been finished with four towers of 27 m height in order to define a control volume over one of the slopes near the micrometeorological tower, for measurements of advective flows as suggests the technique when advective transports are considered, from equation of mass conservation, which features a more careful approach regarding the relief conditions. The analysis showed that these transports 1. act on changes in CO2 concentration, both vertically and horizontally; 2. show daily cycles and 3. are well correlated with the vertical CO2 storage, a key participant element in determining the net primary productivity of vegetation when monitored by the technique as it is commonly applied. Considering the inherent estimated errors, at the end of three years of study, this forest was a modest source of CO2, and may also acts in a neutral way, even with annual estimated sums obtained as traditionally found in the literature. These results agree with those found through independent studies with considerable scientific content developed in the same investigated area. Thus, the exclusion of advective transport did not penalize the mass balance; consider them could cause greater uncertainty in annual amounts based on the available dataset and the complexity for its determination, as discussed in other works in the literature.
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Padrões de escoamento baroclínico de mesoescala ao largo do Embaiamento de Tubarão e do Banco de Abrolhos / Mesoscale baroclinic flow patterns off the Tubarão Bight and Abrolhos BankLeilane Gonçalves dos Passos 08 February 2012 (has links)
A região oceânica adjacente ao Embaiamento de Tubarão (ET) e ao Banco de Abrolhos (BAb) talvez seja uma das menos investigadas da margem continental brasileira. Estudos acerca da circulação nesta porção da costa atualmente restringem-se a trabalhos realizados na década de 80 e 90. Recentemente, estudos focando a atividade de mesoescala e a variabilidade sazonal da circulação ao largo da costa leste brasileira, tem relatado padrões de escoamento complexos e despertado o interesse da comunidade científica na compreensão da dinâmica local. Buscando compreender o padrão de escoamento na região e dispondo de dados sinóticos dos anos de 2004 e 2005 provenientes do Projeto Abrolhos, este trabalho se propôs a estudar as principais feições encontradas na área em questão através de modelagem numérica. Com este intuito, o campo inicial foi construído através de dados hidrográficos sinóticos, interpolados objetivamente com campos climatológicos mensais do World Ocean Atlas 01. Para tal, os perfis dos dados sinóticos e climatológicos foram adimensionalizados e redimensionalizados, com imagens termais de satélite e campo sintético de salinidade. Após a construção do campo inicial, foi realizada simulação numérica com o Regional Ocean Modeling System - ROMS, para os cenários de inverno (2004) e verão (2005). No cenário de inverno foi identificado um anticiclone dentro do Embaiamento de Tubarão, aqui denominado Vórtice de Tubarão, entretanto o Vórtice de Vitória (VV) e o Vórtice de Abrolhos (VA) só foram encontrados no cenário de verão, estando o o VV associado a um anticiclone simétrico ao eixo da Corrente do Brasil. Os resultados refutam a hipótese de que os anticiclones ao largo do Banco de Abrolhos apresentariam a mesma estrutura dinâmica dos ciclones presentes no Embaiamento de Tubarão. Além disso, pode-se também, atestar a natureza não perene do VV. / The region adjacent to the Tubarão Embayment and Abrolhos Bank is maybe one of the less investigated of the Brazillian continental margin. Studies about the cirulation in this area are currently restricted to studies carried out during the 80\'s and 90\'s. Recently, studies focusing the mesoscale activity and the seazonal variability of the circulation off the Brazillian eastern coast have reported complex flow patterns and raised attention of the scientific community to the lack of knowledge of the local dynamics. In order to comprehend the flow pattern in the region, having synoptic data for 2004 and 2005 from the Abrolhos Project, this work aims to study the main features identified in the study area through numerical modelling. With this intent, the initial field was built through hydrographic synoptic data objectively interpolated with monthly climatological fields of the World Ocean Atlas 01. For that, the profiles of the synoptic and climatological data were non-dimensionalyzed and re-dimensionalyzed with thermal satellite images and synthetic salinity field. After the initial field was built, a numerical simulation with the Regional Ocean Modeling System - ROMS was carried out, for the winter (2004) and summer (2005) scenarios. In the winter scenario an anticyclone, here named Tubarão Eddy, was identified inside the Tubarão Embayment, while the Vitória Eddy (VE) and the Abrolhos Eddy (AE) were only identified in the summer scenario, being the VE associated with an anticyclone symetric to the Brazil Current axis. The results deny the hypothesis that the anticyclones offshore the Abrolhos Bank present the same dynamical structure as the cyclones present in the Tubarão Embayment. Besides, we state the non-permanent nature of the VE.
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Dinâmica quase-geostrófica do sistema corrente do Brasil no embaiamento de São Paulo (23,5º - 27º S) / Quasi-geostrophic dynamics of Brazil current system in The São Paulo Bight (23.5º - 27ºS)Godoi, Sueli Susana de 02 September 2005 (has links)
Denomina-se Sistema Corrente do Brasil (CB) ao sistema de correntes de contorno oeste formados pela CB, fluindo para sul-sudoeste, e Corrente de Contorno Intermediária (CCI), fluindo para norte-nordeste, associado aos meandros e vórtices. O sistema bordeja a margem continental brasileira sudeste ao longo de 1200-1800 m. A investigação da dinâmica das ondas baroclínicas de vorticidade superpostas ao Sistema Corrente do Brasil é conduzida através exclusivamente de análise de dados hidrográficos de dois cruzeiros de meso-escala (verão e inverno de 1993) do projeto Circulação Oceânica da Região Oeste do Atlântico Sul - COROAS, a componente brasileira do World Ocean Circulation Experiment - WOCE. Estes cruzeiros foram realizados na porção central do Embaiamento de São Paulo (\'23,5 GRAUS\' - \'27 GRAUS\'S). Objetivando-se a aplicação do Método Dinâmico, estimativa quantitativa de um Nível de Referência (NR) é conduzida comparando-se duas metodologias diferentes e independentes. A primeira utiliza o fato de que a CB transporta Água Tropical (AT) e Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) e de que a CCI transporta dominantemente Água Intermediária Antártica (AIA). Aplica-se então um Critério Termodinâmico, no qual a interface que separa ACAS e AIA é estimada para os dois cruzeiros via aplicação dos Teoremas de Shtokman. A outra metodologia consiste na obtenção de padrões verticais de velocidade baroclínica absoluta a partir de simulações numéricas com a versão seccional do Princenton Ocean Model - POM inicializados com 14 campos termohalinos interpolados a partir dos dados - é o Critério Dinâmico. Os dois critérios apresentam resultado médio que difere apenas cerca de 7 dbar um do outro. Assim, adota-se valor de 480 dbar como NR para os cálculos geostróficos como nível isobárico que demarca a interface média entre CB e CCI. Mapas de função de corrente geostrófica são gerados através de mapeamento objetivo. Tais mapas apresentam evidências inequívocas de que os ciclones e anticiclones, observados nos experimentos de verão e inverno de 1993, são estruturas de vórtices associadas a meandros do Sistema CB. Este aparecem como estruturas vorticais postadas em lados diametralmente opostos ao eixo da CB: ciclones no lado costeiro, e anticiclones no lado oceânico. A variação vertical das estruturas dos meandros e a existência de uma única inversão de sentido permite comprovar e concluir que são ondas baroclínicas de primeiro modo, corroborando especulações presentes na literatura. A construção de um modelo quase-geostrófico de duas camadas para um oceano não-viscoso no plano \'beta\' e de fundo plano permite a realização de análise de vorticidade potencial. Tal análise permite concluir que o campo de vorticidade básico devido à CB suplanta o planetário e que estas ondas baroclínicas são ondas que devem sua existência ao cisalhamento vertical e horizontal da corrente. A variação frontal em vorticidade potencial baroclínica do Sistema CB é de \'1,7x10 POT.-5 s POT. -1\'. A dominãncia do termo da vorticidade de estiramento, que responde por 60% da variação de vorticidade na frente, permite estabelecer que as ondas capturadas na malha hidrográfica são ondas longas dentro da classe de meso-escala. O princípio de conservação de vorticidade potencial é invocado numa análise que envolve a superposição dos campos de vorticidade potencial e função de corrente para a primeira camada. Esta análise apresenta tanto evidências robustas de propagação das ondas baroclínicas quanto indícios de crescimento do meandro ciclônico, ou seja, de processo de instabilidade. Face aos achados das análises anteriores, teoria linear e método das perturbações são utilizados para obter uma relação de dispersão para as ondas baroclínicas da CB. Esta relação é dependente da velocidade da CB e do gradiente de vorticidade potencial através da corrente / The Brazil Current System is formed by two western boundary currents that flow along the Southeast Brazil continental margin from surface to 1200-1800 m deep. These two currents are the southward-flowing Brazil Current (BC) and the northward-flowing Intermediate Western Boundary Current (IWBC). The investigation of the dynamics of the barociinic vorticity waves superimposed to the BC system is conducted in this work solely from hydrographic data anaiysis and manipulation from two oceanographic meso-scale surveys that were part of the COROAS Project, the Brazilian arm of the Worid Ocean Circulation Experiment. These two cruises sampled the central portion of the São Paulo Bight (23,5°- 27°S) in the summer and winter seasons of 1993. As it was intended to appiy the classical Dynamic Method to the data, a quantitative estimate of the reference levei (RL) is conducted through the comparison of two different and independent methodoiogies. The first uses the previous knowiedge that the BC transports Tropical Water and South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) as well as that the IWBC transports mainly Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). This method, referred here as the Thermodynamic Criterion applies the Shtokman theorems to estimate the interface depth between SACW and AAIW. The second methodology, designated here as the Dynamic Criterion, consists of modeiing absolute baroclinic velocities for all 14 hydrographic transects using the sectional version of the Princeton Ocean Model. The results of the two methods differ oniy in 7 dbar and a RL of 480 dbar is adopted as to represent the average interface isobaric level between BC and IWBC in the following geostrophic calculations. Horizontal distributions of geostrophic stream function are generated using objective mapping. These distributions present unequivocal evidences of cyclonic and anticyclonic structures in both Summer and Winter 1993 cruises. These features are associated to meanders of the BC System. They are depicted in opposing sides of the current core. The cyclone is seen in the BC coastal side as the anticyclone is placed in its oceanic side. The vertical variation of these pattems with a single flow direction inversion confirms that these vortical features are part of a first baroclinic mode wave, which corroborates previous speculations found in the literature. In order to pursue a potential vorticity analysis, a data-derived two-layer quasi-geostrophic model is built assuming an invicid flat-bottomed ocean in the 3-plane. This analysis allowed to conclude that the basic vorticity field associated with both horizontal and vertical shear of the boundary currents are responsible for the baroclinic wave existence. The planetary vorticity gradient is one order of magnitude lower. The frontal variation in baroclinic potential vorticity is 1,7 x i0 s1. The dominance of the stretching vorticity, which accounts for 60% of the gradient variation, leads to classify these oscillatory motions as long meso-scale waves. The potential vorticity conservation principle is invoked on an analysis that consists of superimposing the first layer quasi-gesotrophic potential vorticity and geostrophic stream funtion maps. This analysis revealed that the baroclinic waves are propagating as well as evidences of meander growth, an indication of a possible geophysical instability mechanism, are seen. Given the findings of the previous analyses, linear theory and the perturbation method are used to derive a dispersion relation for the BC System first mode baroclinic waves. The wave frequency is function of the BC velocity as well as the potential vorticity cross-stream gradient.
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Receptivity of Boundary-Layer Flows over Flat and Curved WallsSchrader, Lars-Uve January 2010 (has links)
Direct numerical simulations of the receptivity and instability of boundary layers on flat and curved surfaces are herein reported. Various flow models are considered with the aim to capture aspects of flows over straight and swept wings such as wall curvature, pressure variations, leading-edge effects, streamline curvature and crossflow. The first model problem presented, the flow over a swept flat plate, features a crossflow inside the boundary layer. The layer is unstable to steady and traveling crossflow vortices which are nearly aligned with the free stream. Wall roughness and free-stream vortical modes efficiently excite these crossflow modes, and the associated receptivity mechanisms are linear in an environment of low-amplitude perturbations. Receptivity coefficients for roughness elements with various length scales and for free-stream vortical modes with different wavenumbers and frequencies are reported. Key to the receptivity to free-stream vorticity is the upstream excitation of streamwise streaks evolving into crossflow modes. This mechanism is also active in the presence of free-stream turbulence. The second flow model is that of a Görtler boundary layer. This flow type forms on surfaces with concave curvature, e.g. the lower side of a turbine blade. The dominant instability, driven by a vertically varying centrifugal force, appears as pairs of steady, streamwise counter-rotating vortical rolls and streamwise streaks. The Görtler boundary layer is in particular receptive to free-stream vortical modes with zero and low frequencies. The associated mechanism builds on the excitation of upstream disturbance streaks from which the Görtler modes emerge, similar to the mechanism in swept-plate flows. The receptivity to free-stream vorticity can both be linear and nonlinear. In the presence of free-stream turbulence, nonlinear receptivity is more likely to trigger steady Görtler vortices than linear receptivity unless the frequencies of the free-stream fluctuations are very low. The third set of simulations considers the boundary layer on a flat plate with an elliptic leading edge. This study aims to identify the effect of the leading edge on the boundary-layer receptivity to impinging free-stream vortical modes. Three types of modes with streamwise, vertical and spanwise vorticity are considered. The two former types trigger streamwise disturbance streaks while the latter type excites Tollmien-Schlichting wave packets in the shear layer. Simulations with two leading edges of different bluntness demonstrate that the leading-edge shape hardly influences the receptivity to streamwise vortices, whereas it significantly enhances the receptivity to vertical and spanwise vortices. It is shown that the receptivity mechanism to vertical free-stream vorticity involves vortex stretching and tilting - physical processes which are clearly enhanced by blunt leading edges. The last flow configuration studied models an infinite wing at 45 degrees sweep. This model is the least idealized with respect to applications in aerospace engineering. The set-up mimics the wind-tunnel experiments carried out by Saric and coworkers at the Arizona State University in the 1990s. The numerical method is verified by simulating the excitation of steady crossflow vortices through micron-sized roughness as realized in the experiments. Moreover, the receptivity to free-stream vortical disturbances is investigated and it is shown that the boundary layer is most receptive, if the free-stream modes are closely aligned with the most unstable crossflow mode / QC 20101025
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UV Disinfection between Concentric CylindersYe, Zhengcai 10 January 2007 (has links)
Outbreaks of food-born illness associated with the consumption of unpasteurized juice and apple cider have resulted in a rule published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to improve the safety of juice products. The rule (21 CFR120) requires manufacturers of juice products to develop a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan and to achieve a 5-log reduction in the number of the most resistant pathogens. Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection is one of the promising methods to reach this 5-log reduction of pathogens. The absorption coefficients of juices typically vary from 10 to 40 1/cm and can be even higher depending on brand and processing conditions. Thin film reactors consisting of two concentric cylinders are suitable for inactivating pathogens in juices. When the two concentric cylinders are fixed, the flow pattern in the gap can be laminar Poiseuille flow or turbulent flow depending on flow rates. If the inner cylinder is rotating, and the rotating speed of the inner cylinder exceeds a certain value, the flow pattern can be either laminar or turbulent Taylor-Couette flow. UV disinfection between concentric cylinders in laminar Poiseuille flow, turbulent flow and both laminar and turbulent Taylor-Couette flow was investigated experimentally and numerically. This is the first systematic study done on UV disinfection between concentric cylinders in all three flow patterns. The present work provides new experimental data for pathogen inactivation in each of the three flow patterns. In addition, the present study constitutes the first systematic numerical CFD predictions of expected inactivation levels. Proper operating parameters and optimum gap widths for different flow patterns are suggested. It is concluded that laminar Poiseuille flow provides inferior (small) inactivation levels while laminar Taylor-Couette flow provides superior (large) inactivation levels. The relative inactivation levels are: laminar Poiseuille flow < turbulent flow < laminar Taylor-Couette flow.
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