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A influência dos transportes advectivos na estimatitiva do balanço de CO2 do ecossistema: um estudo de caso para a mata atlântica com uso de técnicas micrometeorológicas / The influence of advective transports in the net ecosystem CO2 exchange: a case study for the Atlantic forest using micrometeorological techniquesHelber Custódio de Freitas 14 February 2012 (has links)
Para este trabalho, foram realizadas observações de variáveis climáticas e medidas de fluxo de carbono, durante o período de 2008 a 2010, sobre uma floresta de mata atlântica, buscando estimar o balanço de carbono neste sítio experimental, com o objetivo de melhor compreender as trocas de CO2 entre esta floresta e a atmosfera. Para tanto, foram utilizadas técnicas micrometeorológicas de vórtices turbulentos associadas a medidas de transportes advectivos. Este estudo investigou uma área de características singulares, de intensos gradientes topográficos, na cidade de São Luiz do Paraitinga, estado de São Paulo, região sudeste do Brasil. Com vegetação de dossel irregular e circundada por encostas íngremes de até 30º (em distâncias de 50 metros), uma torre micrometeorológica com 60 m de altura foi instalada ao final de 2007. Em 2010, em uma segunda etapa do estudo, foi finalizado o sistema para medidas de fluxos advectivos composto por outras quatro torres de 27 m de modo a definir um volume de controle em uma das encostas próxima à torre micrometeorológica, assim como sugere a técnica utilizada ao considerar os transportes advectivos na equação da conservação de massa, o que caracteriza uma abordagem mais criteriosa em função do relevo. As análises mostraram que estes transportes 1. atuam na alteração da concentração de CO2, tanto na vertical como na horizontal; 2. apresentam ciclos diários e 3. estão bem correlacionados com o armazenamento vertical de CO2, elemento participante na determinação da produtividade primária líquida de uma vegetação monitorada com a técnica comumente utilizada. Considerados os erros inerentes nas estimativas, ao final de três anos de estudo, esta floresta de mata atlântica mostrou comportar-se como uma modesta fonte de CO2, podendo ainda atuar de forma neutra, mesmo tendo acumulados anuais estimados da forma tradicionalmente encontrada na literatura. Estes resultados concordam com outros obtidos em trabalhos independentes de igual teor científico realizados nesta mesma área investigada. Dessa forma, a exclusão dos transportes advectivos não penalizou o balanço de massa; considerá-los causaria maior incerteza nas somas anuais em função do período de dados disponível e da complexidade da sua determinação, como já discutido em outros trabalhos encontrados na literatura. / For this study, observations of climate variables and measurements of carbon fluxes have been done between the years 2008 and 2010 above a brazilian Atlantic forest, aiming to estimate the carbon balance in this experimental site, in order to better understand the exchanges of CO2 between this forest and the atmosphere. To carry it out, micrometeorological eddy covariance technique was associated with advective transport measurements. This study investigated an specific area with intense topographic gradients located in São Luiz do Paraitinga city, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Surrounded by vegetation with irregular canopy and steep slopes of up to 30° (at distances of 50 meters), a micrometeorological tower 60 m height was installed at the end of 2007. In 2010, the installation has been finished with four towers of 27 m height in order to define a control volume over one of the slopes near the micrometeorological tower, for measurements of advective flows as suggests the technique when advective transports are considered, from equation of mass conservation, which features a more careful approach regarding the relief conditions. The analysis showed that these transports 1. act on changes in CO2 concentration, both vertically and horizontally; 2. show daily cycles and 3. are well correlated with the vertical CO2 storage, a key participant element in determining the net primary productivity of vegetation when monitored by the technique as it is commonly applied. Considering the inherent estimated errors, at the end of three years of study, this forest was a modest source of CO2, and may also acts in a neutral way, even with annual estimated sums obtained as traditionally found in the literature. These results agree with those found through independent studies with considerable scientific content developed in the same investigated area. Thus, the exclusion of advective transport did not penalize the mass balance; consider them could cause greater uncertainty in annual amounts based on the available dataset and the complexity for its determination, as discussed in other works in the literature.
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Spin-orbit optomechanics of space-variant birefringent media / Optomécanique des milieux biréfringents inhomogènes pilotée par l'interaction spinorbite de la lumièreHakobyan, Davit 15 June 2016 (has links)
Ce travail consiste en l'étude de phénomènes optomécaniques en d'interaction spin-orbite de la lumière, en utilisant des milieux inhomogènes et anisotropes comme systèmes modèles, différents types de systèmes matériels étant considérés en pratique. En particulier,nous avons utilisé des défauts de cristaux liquides nématiques pour lesquels nous avons identifié expérimentalement d'un couple optique de nature spin-orbite conduisant à des modifications de champ d'orientation moléculaire du cristal liquide. Aussi, grâce à l'utilisation de verres nanostructurés artificiellement permettant un contrôle de l'interaction spin-orbite à la demande,nous mettons en évidence un phénomène de couple optique inverse qui est l'analogue angulaire des forces optiques dites négatives. Cet effet optomécanique contre-intuitif est démontré expérimentalement, d'une manière indirecte, grâce à la mise en place de diverses expériences de décalage en fréquence Doppler associées aux degrés de liberté de rotation. Enfin, nous présentons nos tentatives en vue de réaliser expérimentalement l'observation directe d'un couple optique inverse. Plusieurs options sont envisagées, qui comprennent à la fois des approches à base de matériaux métalliques ou diélectriques. De manière générale, cela implique la miniaturisation des systèmes considérés, ce qui est effectué à la fois à l'échelle millimétrique et micrométrique. / This work focuses on angular optomechanics driven by the spin-orbit interaction of light, using inhomogeneous and anisotropic media as model systems and different kinds of such material systems are considered in practice. In particular, we use nematic liquid crystal defects and report on the direct experimental observation of spin-orbit optical radiation torque that leads to distortion of molecular orientation pattern of the defects. Then, by using solid-state spin-orbit couplers of arbitrary order made of artificially nanostructured glasses, we unveil an optical torque reversal phenomenon that is the angular counterpart of so-called optical negative forces. This counterintuitive optomechanical effect is experimentally retrieved, in an indirect manner, via rotational Doppler frequency shift experiments. Finally, we report on our attempts to build up an experimental framework allowing the direct observation of optical torque reversal. Several options are considered, which include both metallic and dielectric approaches and involve sample miniaturization that has been explored at the millimeter and micrometer scale.
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Experimental and Analytical Methodologies for Predicting Peak Loads on Building Envelopes and Roofing SystemsAsghari Mooneghi, Maryam 09 December 2014 (has links)
The performance of building envelopes and roofing systems significantly depends on accurate knowledge of wind loads and the response of envelope components under realistic wind conditions. Wind tunnel testing is a well-established practice to determine wind loads on structures. For small structures much larger model scales are needed than for large structures, to maintain modeling accuracy and minimize Reynolds number effects. In these circumstances the ability to obtain a large enough turbulence integral scale is usually compromised by the limited dimensions of the wind tunnel meaning that it is not possible to simulate the low frequency end of the turbulence spectrum. Such flows are called flows with Partial Turbulence Simulation.
In this dissertation, the test procedure and scaling requirements for tests in partial turbulence simulation are discussed. A theoretical method is proposed for including the effects of low-frequency turbulences in the post-test analysis. In this theory the turbulence spectrum is divided into two distinct statistical processes, one at high frequencies which can be simulated in the wind tunnel, and one at low frequencies which can be treated in a quasi-steady manner. The joint probability of load resulting from the two processes is derived from which full-scale equivalent peak pressure coefficients can be obtained. The efficacy of the method is proved by comparing predicted data derived from tests on large-scale models of the Silsoe Cube and Texas-Tech University buildings in Wall of Wind facility at Florida International University with the available full-scale data.
For multi-layer building envelopes such as rain-screen walls, roof pavers, and vented energy efficient walls not only peak wind loads but also their spatial gradients are important. Wind permeable roof claddings like roof pavers are not well dealt with in many existing building codes and standards. Large-scale experiments were carried out to investigate the wind loading on concrete pavers including wind blow-off tests and pressure measurements. Simplified guidelines were developed for design of loose-laid roof pavers against wind uplift. The guidelines are formatted so that use can be made of the existing information in codes and standards such as ASCE 7-10 on pressure coefficients on components and cladding.
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Solitons spatiaux et vortex optiques dans les cristaux liquides nématiques / Spatial solitons and optical vortices in nematic liquid crystalsBarboza, Raouf 17 June 2013 (has links)
Les cristaux liquides ont été tout le long un terrain fertile pour la recherche scientifique, des mathématiques à la science des matériaux, à l'optique. Leur utilisation ne se limite pas seulement à l'optique d'afficheurs mais s'étend à l'optique non linéaire, par exemple, à la commutation et au routage de faisceaux optiques. En raison de leur extrême sensibilité aux champs électriques, et ce sur une plage de fréquences allant du continu aux fréquences optiques, ils sont aussi utilises comme milieu non linéaires aptes à générer des faisceaux optiques auto-confinés, appelés solitons spatiaux optiques, à de très faibles puissances. Ces faisceaux ont la propriété de se propager sans diffraction, du fait que cette dernière est compensée par l’auto-focalisation non linéaire du milieu, avec formation de guides d'onde auto-induites. Dans les cristaux liquides nématiques, ces guides d'ondes peuvent à leur tours confiner et guider d’autres signaux optiques et peuvent être reconfigurés, soit optiquement, soit électriquement, du fait que la trajectoire des solitons peut être contrôlée par d'autres champs, ouvrant ainsi la voie à la manipulation tout-optique. Récemment, les cristaux liquides nématiques ont été également utilisés avec succès dans l'optique dite singulière, dans laquelle le paramètre clef est la singularité topologique portée par la phase de l'onde électromagnétique. Dans cette thèse, je rendrai compte de mon travail sur les solitons optiques spatiaux et les singularités optiques dans les cristaux liquides nématiques. / Liquid crystals have been all along a fertile background for scientific research, from mathematics to material science and optics; their use is not limited to displays but extends to nonlinear optics, for instance, to switching and routing of optical beams. Due to their extreme sensitivity to electric fields, and this at frequencies ranging from continuous to optical ones, they are also nonlinear media supporting the generation and propagation of self confined beams, called spatial optical solitons, at very low powers. Spatial optical solitons have the property to propagate without diffraction, since this is compensated by nonlinear self-focusing in the medium, resulting in self-induced waveguides. In nematic liquid crystals, these waveguides can in turn confine and route other optical signals and can be reconfigured, either optically or electrically, as soliton trajectories can be controlled by other fields, paving the way to all-optical manipulation. Nematic liquid crystals have also been recently employed with success in the so-called singular optics, in which the key parameter is the topologic singularity carried by the phase of an electromagnetic wave. In this thesis I will report on my work on spatial optical solitons and optical singularities in nematic liquid crystals.
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Atomes et vortex optiques : conversion de moments orbitaux de lumière en utilisant la transition à deux photons 5S-5D du rubidium / Atom-vortex interplay : conversion of orbital momenta of light through the 5S-5D two-photon transition of rubidiumChopinaud, Aurélien 08 June 2018 (has links)
Le moment orbital angulaire (OAM) de la lumière est une grandeur quantifiée associée à la phase d’un vortex optique et est actuellement une des variables explorées pour les technologies quantiques.Dans ce contexte, cette thèse étudie expérimentalement la conversion de vortex optiques par une vapeur de rubidium, via la transition Raman stimulée à deux photons 5S₁/₂ − 5D₅/₂. Quand les atomes sont soumis à deux lasers respectivement à 780 nm et 776 nm, ils génèrent des rayonnements cohérents, infrarouge à 5,23 μm et bleu à 420 nm. On examine le rayonnement bleu lorsque l’un des lasers ou les deux sont des vortex, en particulier des modes de Laguerre-Gauss. Dans une première partie nous montrons que si l’OAM est porté par le laser à 776 nm, alors le rayonnement bleu émis porte un OAM qui respecte l’accord de phase azimutale et de phase de Gouy. Nous montrons aussi que la conversion est efficace sur une grande plage d’OAM allant de -50 à +50, que l’efficacité est gouvernée par le produit des intensités des lasers incidents et que le rayonnement bleu se comporte comme un mode de Laguerre-Gauss pur. Dans une deuxième partie nous montrons qu’il est possible de convertir une superposition de vortex ou une paire de vortex coaxiaux et que l’OAM du rayonnement bleu émis obéit à la règle de somme des OAM incidents. Pour les cas étudiés, nous proposons un modèle de mélange à quatre ondes qui établit les règles de sélection du processus de conversion d’OAM. Ce travail ouvre la voie vers la conversion d’OAM utilisant des transitions vers des niveaux atomiques plus élevés. / The orbital angular momentum of light (OAM) is a quantized quantity arising from the azimuthal phase carried by optical vortices and is well-known for quantum technology applications. Its set of values is theoretically infinite.In this context this thesis experimentally study the conversion of optical vortices in a rubidium vapor through the 5S₁/₂ − 5D₅/₂ stimulated Raman transition. When the atoms are illuminated with laser beams at 780 nm and 776 nm they generate two coherent light beams at 5,23 μm and 420 nm. We investigate the blue light when one laser or both are optical vortices, in particular Laguerre-Gaussian modes. In a first part we show that if the laser at 776 nm carries an OAM the blue light is an optical vortex with an OAM which respects azimutal and Gouy phase matchings. We further show that the conversion is efficient on a large set of OAM from -50 to +50, that the efficiency is governed by the product of the input laser intensities and that the blue light behaves like a pure Laguerre-Gaussian mode. In a second part we demonstrate the conversion of a vortex superposition or a pair of coaxial vortices and that the OAM of the emitted light obeys the conservation rule of total OAM. For each studied case we propose a four wave mixing model establishing selection rules for the conversion process. This work opens possibilities towards OAM conversion using higher atomic levels.
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Digitální metody zpracování trojrozměrného zobrazení v rentgenové tomografii a holografické mikroskopii / The Three-Dimensional Digital Imaging Methods for X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Holographic MicroscopyKvasnica, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with the methods for processing image data in X-ray microtomography and digital holographic microscopy. The work aims to achieve significant acceleration of algorithms for tomographic reconstruction and image reconstruction in holographic microscopy by means of optimization and the use of massively parallel GPU. In the field of microtomography, the new GPU (graphic processing unit) accelerated implementations of filtered back projection and back projection filtration of derived data are presented. Another presented algorithm is the orientation normalization technique and evaluation of 3D tomographic data. In the part related to holographic microscopy, the individual steps of the complete image processing procedure are described. This part introduces the new orignal technique of phase unwrapping and correction of image phase damaged by the occurrence of optical vortices in the wrapped image phase. The implementation of the methods for the compensation of the phase deformation and for tracking of cells is then described. In conclusion, there is briefly introduced the Q-PHASE software, which is the complete bundle of all the algorithms necessary for the holographic microscope control, and holographic image processing.
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Design and Implementation of Periodic Unsteadiness Generator for Turbine Secondary Flow StudiesFletcher, Nathan James 18 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Global stability analysis of three-dimensional boundary layer flowsBrynjell-Rahkola, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
This thesis considers the stability and transition of incompressible boundary layers. In particular, the Falkner–Skan–Cooke boundary layer subject to a cylindrical surface roughness, and the Blasius boundary layer with applied localized suction are investigated. These flows are of great importance within the aviation industry, feature complex transition scenarios, and are strongly three-dimensional in nature. Consequently, no assumptions regarding homogeneity in any of the spatial directions are possible, and the stability of the flow is governed by an extensive three-dimensional eigenvalue problem. The stability of these flows is addressed by high-order direct numerical simulations using the spectral element method, in combination with a Krylov subspace projection method. Such techniques target the long-term behavior of the flow and can provide lower limits beyond which transition is unavoidable. The origin of the instabilities, as well as the mechanisms leading to transition in the aforementioned cases are studied and the findings are reported. Additionally, a novel method for computing the optimal forcing of a dynamical system is developed. This type of analysis provides valuable information about the frequencies and structures that cause the largest energy amplification in the system. The method is based on the inverse power method, and is discussed in the context of the one-dimensional Ginzburg–Landau equation and a two-dimensional flow case governed by the Navier–Stokes equations. / <p>QC 20151015</p>
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Numerical Investigation of Thermal Performance for Rotating High Aspect Ratio Serpentine PassagesHaugen, Christina G. M. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Wingtip Vortices and Free Shear Layer Interaction in the Vicinity of Maximum Lift to Drag Ratio Lift ConditionMemon, Muhammad Omar 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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