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Tvorba učebních úloh s problémovými prvky ze vzdělávacího oboru Chemie / Elaboration of Learning Problem-Tasks from the Field of ChemistryVojíř, Karel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the elaboration of learning problem-tasks related to the Standards for elementary education in the field of Chemistry. The author of this thesis worked on this topic within a project under National Institute for Education. The starting point for creating the tasks, illustrating and concretely expounding the Standards is the concept of science literacy. In this principle in chemistry instruction a broader context and a transfer to everyday life are applied. Learning tasks were created on the base of: science literacy and the results of Czech pupils in its testing, context of standards in Czech curricular system, elements of problem-based learning, types of learning tasks and cognitive parameters. During the elaboration of the tasks a pilot testing of selected learning tasks was realized. The results of the pilot testing were used in further designing more problem-tasks to cover one expected outcome in every topic of Chemistry within the elementary school curriculum. According to the methodology described in this thesis, a material named Methodical comments and tasks to the standards for primary education - Chemistry was created. This material contains a coherent set of learning problem-tasks illustrating two- thirds of the indicators from the standards for elementary education...
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Sociokulturní kompetence a jazykové vyučování studentů programu Erasmus / Sociocultural competences and language teaching of Erasmus studentsKamenová, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis examines the influence of language teaching on the acquisition of socio- cultural competence through the medium of a questionnaire survey. Based on the interpretation of the data obtained, it provides information about respondents and their relationship to and opinions about the Czech Republic and its inhabitants. The statistical evaluation of this data provides an overview of the level of success in developing socio-cultural competence in selected socio-cultural areas. These are defined with reference to criteria specified at level A1 for Czech as a foreign language in relation to language teaching. The research element is based on theoretical hypotheses that we have presented in the theoretical section of the thesis. The aim of the thesis is to objectively map the development of selected socio-cultural competences by students in the context of language teaching.
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Didaktická analýza učiva o mzdách v předmětu účetnictví na obchodních akademiích / Didactic analysis of curriculum of wages in the subject Accounting on Business AcademiesČižinská, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with didactic analysis of payroll in the second concentric circle in the subject accounting at Business Academies. The thesis is divided into three parts: theoretical, research and my own draft of curriculum. The theoretical part deals with the specifics of the subject accounting, educational programs, and especially the didactic aspects of teaching about wages. In the second part, using questionnaires, I find out what methodology is used in teaching about wages by teachers in Prague and Central Bohemian Region, if they use teaching through problem solving or whether they work with real forms. I also focused on the student's opinion about their teacher's methods, how they would improve the quality of teaching or what didactic methods they consider to be the most effective. The last part contains my own draft of curriculum on wages in the second concentric circle, which is accompanied by explanatory examples, illustrative diagrams, examples of forms and it is completed by a summary example with the elements of teaching through problem solving.
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Příroda jako výtvarná dílna / Nature as art workshopPlecitá, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of linking art with nature. The theoretical part is based on the General educational program follows the role of arts and educational resources to achieve specific goals. Particular attention is paid to project issues in connection with teaching environmental education, interdisciplinary relations and development directions of arts working with nature, with a focus on natural art. The practical part contains three methodical series of art activities with students of the first degree. The thesis has a picture documentation of the activities carried out on the enclosed CD.
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Čeština v L-balíčku / Czech Language in the L-PackLuhanová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
( Abstract(( This diploma thesis pursues an analysis of a language component in a didactical material called L-pack which is dedicated to A2 level migrants according to Common European Framework of Reference. This document projects an inner differentiation of the Czech language as well as communication needs of a focus group. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the importance of a situation in communication for didactical purposes considering the factual usage. In three chapters is focussed on pragmatic aspects of language behavior, to the choice of language and stylistic tools according to a character of a situation and monitors different approaches to communication situations to achieve optimal development of student' s communication competence. The methodological part presents the target and the work order and describes the didactical materials that have been analyzed. The analytical part of this thesis follows implementation manners of the L-pack in several dimensions. Selected cases are reviewed not only with respect to second language educational specialists but also with regard to the linguistic awareness of the Czech native speakers. In the end of this diploma thesis are suggested possibilities how to improve the implementation of the L-pack in relation to needs of the focus group of...
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Filosofie výchovy a otázka možnosti výuky etiky / Philosophy of education and the question of teaching ethicsRandová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The Thesis deals with possibility of teaching ethics. It explores philosophy of education and ethics. Basic question is whether it is even reasonable to teach ethics. Thesis also reflects the essence and nature of upbringing and education. In final chapter the thesis comes to synthesis of philosophy of education and ethics. Points of focus from previous chapters are merged together and author tries to show a path with elementary starting points. Author concludes that ethics can be taught by philosophical discussion, thinking and by combined discovery of theoretical philosophy. Ethics that grows from philosophical thinking and thinking process itself may develop the ability of students to pose important questions and deeply reflect ethical issues. They establish ethical outlook and inner understanding. They aim for uplifting the listeners, to shake their human psyche, to stir unrest in their souls. Goal of teachers of this subject is to challenge current certanties. Teachers have the possiblity to teach their students to think philosophically by introducing them to philosophical thinking, where thinking is defined as "Thinking in bigger picture". Keywords Ethics, Ethical Education, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy, Education, Philosophical Reflection, Ethical Dimension of Teaching
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Problémové vyučování a možnosti jeho realizace ve výuce na prvním stupni základní školy. / Problem - based learning and the possible uses in primary school.Jahoda, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
This Master's thesis discusses the Problem - based learning as one of the constructive teaching concept methods, it's position in the system of teaching methods and the possible uses in primary school regard to the key competencies of solving the problems. This theme is very actual because of the influence in the real life. The objectives of the Master's thesis is to define the basic concept of the Problem-based learning (problem, problematic situations, types of the problematic tasks and the way of their solving), key competencies and appropriate organizational forms of the teaching. The objective of the practical level is to define the principles of the effective use of this method in teaching, to verify the possibilities of uses of the Problem-based learning and focus on the way of fulfilling of the key competencies of solving the problems using various organizational forms of teaching. The thesis contains the empirical and theoretical part. The empirical part comes from the analysis and the comparation of the study of the vocational literature. This part focuses on the research as the method of achieving the goals. The research uses two basic methods; the method of the observation of the pupils during their work and method of the collection and analysis of the outcome of the pupils work. The...
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Zavádění formativního hodnocení na 2. stupni základní školy v přírodovědných předmětech / Embedding formative assessment in ISCED 2 in ScienceNavrátilová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with possible ways to implement formative assessment into education at the second stage of primary school at science subjects, particularly at natural history and chemistry. The assumption for successful implementation of formative assessment is healthy climate in the class and the support of mutual help between pupils meaning their awareness of synergic effects of work of the whole class such as collectiveness, full of mutual respect and awareness of the desire to achieve a common and successful goal. Related to this is the strengthening of cooperative learning, group work and also the way pupils' self-assessment to strengthen their growth thinking, create and strengthen their ability to think about their learning, thus metacognition. Formative assessment enriches not only the students but also the teacher himself. Based on the information obtained, he thinks better about his teaching. However, this presupposes the professionalism of the teacher, his openness to the feedback of the pupils. If the teacher accepts this as a chance to improve, then he is a person in the right place who has more prerequisites for serving students and their education. Demonstrations of formative assessment procedures in the practical part give a chance to a larger number of students to feel the joy of...
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Projektová výuka v současném pojetí vyučování němčiny jako cizího jazyka / Project-based Learning in the Current Conception of Teaching German as a Foreign LanguageHrůzová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with trends in German language teaching, focusing on project-based learning. The theoretical part deals with the description of German language in the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education and with theoretical background of project-based learning. The thesis then focuses on four main parts of a project: planning, realisation, presentation and evaluation. The main aim of the practical part is to prepare a draft of a project for a German language class, which is to be put into practice at elementary school. Based on two surveys filled in by the participants of the project, the practical part compares the opinions of pupils on the project-based learning compared to the traditional way of teaching. It also focuses on the motivational aspect which should be brought about by projects. Keywords Project, Project-based Learning, Teaching Method, German Language Teaching, Cooperation of the Pupils, Elementary School
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Didaktika Filmové a audiovizuální výchovy / Didactics of Film and Audiovisual EducationHolubová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The presented dissertation addresses main issues of film education. It deals with the fact, that film has become a subject of education in the Czech Republic and other European countries in the last years. Thus, it has also had its place in the Czech Framework Education Programme for elementary and grammar schools (gymnasia) since 2010, as Film and Audiovisual Education, a complementary subject of the Art and Culture educational area. This dissertation inserts this actuality into the historical context and reflects on the situation, that calls for a reconsideration of curricular matters of both artistic and media area: the importance of film as an artistic form, that has been an irreplaceable component of human culture for more than hundred years, as well as the omnipresence of the audiovisual medium in the society. The dissertation treats complex educational goals of Film and Audiovisual Education: it approaches the film education as an opportunity to develop so called film literacy and illuminates its meaning; it pursues the development of important personal traits of the pupils that the film teaching can bring. It maps out the main educational content, which can be divided into several categories, narrowly tied and reflecting the most important aspects of film art: film language, film narration...
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