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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projektové vyučování v matematice na 1. stupni základní školy zaměřené na environmentální výchovu / Projects in teaching mathematics at primary schools

PAVLOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
Dissertation "Project teaching in mathematics in primary schools focused on environmental education" describes the possible uses of the project method for teaching mathematics in primary schools including environmental focus. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on educational area of mathematics and its applications in the core curriculum, possible teaching methods, characteristics of project teaching and its historical development. The second part contains proposals on own projects including practical realization of some of them.

Náměty na badatelsky orientované vyučování biogeografie ve vzdělávacích programech pro ZOO Ohrada v Hluboké nad Vltavou / Subject matters on inquiry based teaching/ learning in educational programme for Zoo Ohrada Hluboká nad Vltavou

VONDRUŠKOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the topic of Subject Matters for Inquiry Based Education of Biogeography in Educational Programmes for ZOO Ohrada in Hluboká nad Vltavou consists of two parts theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is formed by research of literature, in which the author of the thesis discusses literature which was used as a source of information for further processing. The diploma thesis also describes methods used in the theoretical part and for creation of own teaching materials. The author describes importance of extracurricular teaching in ZOO Ohrada Hluboká nad Vltavou and characterizes Inquiry Based Education. The practical part focuses on description and realization of the educational programme as such. Three subject matters of educational programme were made in total. Topics of the programmes are based on the concept of Educational programme in ZOO Ohrada in Hluboká nad Vltavou and characterize representatives of animal groups of snakes, birds and predators. Concept of all the programmes is the same. Each programme includes four parts presentation, practical activity of pupils, competition and working sheets for home.

Proměny života v šumavském pohraničí: případová studie a možnost aplikace tématu ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ

DAŇHOVÁ, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to show to pupils in primary education, on the base of an example study of Šumava region, a topic from the didactic point of view. A paThe aim of this diploma thesis is to show to pupils in primary education, on the base of an example study of Šumava region, a topic from the didactic point of view. A part of the example study is a time-space comparison of chosen villages in the region, from the demographic point of view, form the point of view of landscape changes, way of life and other aspects. The problematics is set into a wider context. The result of the didactic topic application in the second part is creating of materials for project teaching and for concrete topics for primary education. rt of the example study is a time-space comparison of chosen villages in the region, from the demographic point of view, form the point of view of landscape changes, way of life and other aspects. The problematics is set into a wider context. The result of the didactic topic application in the second part is creating of materials for project teaching and for concrete topics for primary education.

Akordická hra na kytaru / Guitar chord playing

VÁVRA, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to summarize my knowledge of the guitar chord playing during working in the institution Dům dětí a mládeže in České Budějovice where I have been teaching for four years. It is focused on readers who teach guitar chord playing as an after-school activity or who learn how to play on their own. In the first part of the thesis there is a concept about the lector's theoretical knowledge. The second part (containing particular lessons) deals with the methodology of teaching the very beginners with no musical education.

Zkoumání kompoziční struktury ve vybraných žákovských pracích / The style composition - The research of the structure of composition in the selected works of pupils

JECH, František January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the structure of the composition which we can find in stylistic expression of pupils of the basic school. The fact that the attempts of pupils are in the initial stage is taken into the account. We will talk about the history of stylistic lessons, its goals and requirements. There will be mentioned stylistic forms which are typical for the basic school. We will find how teachers can prepare and correct the stylistic expressions of pupils, about typical mistakes in the expressions of pupils and how teachers can prevent them. We will briefly look at the history of naratology and we will mention a few aspects which are connected with the narrative analysis. A few selected expressions will be analyzed in the practical part.

Pojmové mapy a jejich využití při výuce fyziky na ZŠ / The Concept Maps and their use in physics teaching in basic schools

NEPOMUCKÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possible benefits of using conceptual diagrams in teaching physics at elementary school level. It describes specific methodologies for incorporating conceptual diagrams into the individual phases of the teaching process. The author formulates the benefits and disadvantages of this activating method from the perspective of students as well as teachers. The thesis draws on theoretical knowledge acquired from literature and also from the author´s own pedagogical experience.

Využití biotopu zahradního jezírka ve výuce na 2. stupni základních škol (Komplexní vzdělávací program se zvýšeným důrazem na aplikaci badatelsky orientovaných prvků) / Utilization of the garden-pond biotope in secondary education (Comprehensive inquiry-based education program)

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Marie January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive educational program involving student activities related to the biotope of the garden pond. The theoretical part deals with general issues of inquiry-based education and the utilization of school gardens. The main contribution of the thesis is the creation of a concrete educational program, comprising seven activities which employ the environment of a garden pond. It is designated for biology and geography classes at middle/secondary schools. Each activity portfolio consists of a methodological sheet for teachers and a work sheet for students. Most activities can be carried in the environment of any water tank; some activities can be also done in the school building. The training program was pilot tested with elementary school teachers and subsequently with sixth and seventh grade students. Concurrently, an evaluation of the program's effectiveness was implemented in the form of written tests. The thesis discusses the findings from this evaluation as well as the practical verification of the suggested program that was carried out on teachers and on students.

Rozhovor mezi žáky jako metoda vrstevnického hodnocení při badatelských úlohách z biologie člověka v hodinách přírodopisu / The dialogue among students as a method of a peer assessment within inquiry tasks regarding human biology in biology lessons

LIŠKOVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
VOMÁČKOVÁ, J. (2017). The dialogue among students as a method of a peer assessment within inquiry tasks regarding human biology in biology lessons. MSc. Thesis. Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice. 50 pg. The aim of this thesis was to design the inquiry-based task that was focused on the human physiology and that enabled to use the formative assessment, more concretely the peer dialogue. Given task is focused on the blood groups issues and pupils tried to suggest their own advancement how to perform the simplified blood test with the aid of the given working aids. At the same time pupils evaluated work of their peers after the dialogue in group. They gave them the written feedback. On the grounds of this feedback the second group could correct their working procedure before they started to realize the experiment. During the research, there were worked with the audio recording, which were acquired during the peer dialogue, with the written feedback, and with the pupils' protocols. The inquiry based task including the formative assessment was implemented to the three lessons in two chosen schools in the South Bohemian Region. There was found out that the experience with inquiry based education has significant impact on the ability of pupils to provide the feedback for their peers. Pupils, who encountered the inquiry process for the first time, had got problems with particular steps and it lead to the uncertainty during the formulation of feedback for the peers. Nevertheless, mainly thanks to the peer dialogue and thanks to the providing of feedback, most of the pupils were able to become involved to the experiment and also were able to understand given problem. Dialogue between pupils proved to be the proper method of formative assessment because pupils completely openly debated about the classmates' protocols and at the same time they proved to learned more from their mistakes and also from the mistakes of their classmates and subsequently they were able to correct their protocols.

Mezipředmětové vztahy na úrovni plánovaného kurikula ve vzdělávacích oblastech Matematika a její aplikace a Člověk a jeho svět (Fyzika). / Interdisciplinary relationships at the level of the planned curriculum in the educational areas of Mathematics and its Applications, and Physics.

ČERNÁ, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Master's thesis "Cross-curricular relations at the level of curriculum planning for the educational areas of Mathematics and Its Application and Man and His World (Physics)" discusses the cross-curricular relations between Mathematics and Physics. Thesis is complete with an analysis of textbooks along with additional examples of cross-curricular relations according to the topics of FEP EE for the area of Mathematics and Its Application. Finally, the thesis compiles complex exercises that make use of cross-curricular relations of various subjects, foremostly mathematics and physics, complete with the research of their practical usability.

Využití klíčivosti v badatelsky orientovaném vyučování na ZŠ a nižším stupni gymnázia / Use of seed germination test in the inquiry-based science education at primary and lower secondary schools

LANDOVÁ, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the possibilities of diversifying the teaching on the issue of germination in the form of worksheets as well as possibility of using germination tests in the inquiry-based teaching of biology at elementary schools and lower secondary schools. The readers are introduced into the general issues regarding seed development, construction and germination. It then deals with iquiry-based teaching, which is one of the most used methods in biology education in recent years. Worksheets created for this purpose are therefore validated through teaching practice and subsequently processed and evaluated. The paper discusses whether germination is a suitable biological material for inquiry-based teaching and also whether these worksheets can be recommended as a didactic teaching material for the development of skills and theoretical knowledge of germination.

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