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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projekt jako vyučovací metoda při výuce fyziky / Project as an education method in teaching of physics

ŽAHOUREK, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis ?Project as an educational method for teaching physics ?deals with the possibilities of using project-based method for teaching physics at primary schools. Not only does it contain the theoretical background of project-based teaching, but also deals with practical issues in the form of an implementation of a chosen project ?Physics and physical education?. The aim of said project was to evaluate the efficiency of project-based teaching as far as the knowledge of pupils and didactical and organisation issues are concerned. The first part of this work deals with the possibilities of project-based teaching in Czech Republic, its historical development and pedagogical-psychological analysis. The second part states the topics of my own projects (including my own implementation of one of these projects) and also contains some secondary didactical materials.

Možnosti odborného vzdělávání učitelů v oboru čeština jako cizí/druhý jazyk / Options for professional education for Czech as a foreign/second language teachers

Machačová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
v AJ The thesis is dedicated to the situation of professional training for teachers of Czech as a second language. The topic was chosen due to its topical nature as teaching Czech as a second language is a topic growing in importance. Another reason for the choice of this topic is the thoroughly discussed issue of tertiary education at universities in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the thesis provides a description of current situation and current options for gaining professional expertise in the field of Czech as a second language. Various university programmes will be compared with respect to the sequence of individual subjects and the perceived purpose of individual subjects for teaching practice. The general availability of the programmes will be compared as well as the opportunities provided to students with respect to further improving their didactic skills The outside university options to gain and develop expertise in teaching Czech to foreigners (including the specialized courses and methodology trainings. The theoretical part aims to provide an overall review of all options for gaining the expertise and practical skills necessary to teach Czech to foreigners effectively. The findings of the theoretical part will help current and future teachers The empirical part will be...

Aromatické látky v koření / Aromatic substances in spices

SVOBODOVÁ, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to create a teaching programme on the principles of research oriented teaching on the topic called ?Aromatic compounds substances in spices?. This programme could be used in the lessons and examine the level of students' knowledge gained after passing such training. The educational program was applied in two groups of respondents, one of which attended lessons where a research oriented teaching approach was used, working with a specially created worksheet. On the contrary, the second group attended lessons of frontal teaching. Then a comparative survey for these groups was conducted in a didactic test. A statistically significant difference of observed results was tested in Student t-test at the significance level of 0.05. In terms of statistical evaluation of the results of both tested groups was obvious the influence of research-oriented teaching on student's knowledge level.

Jednoduché experimenty s přírodninami v tématickém celku Rozmanitost přírody. / Simple experiments with products of nature as a part of the thematic unit Variety of nature

HUBENÁ, Marie January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis ? Simple Experiments with Products of Nature as a Part of the Thematic Unit Variety of Nature ? deals with the integration of experiment into primary school teaching. The aim of the thesis is to record the range of experiments which are used in didactic materials and other literary sources where teachers can find various experiments. The thesis also focuses on selecting and verifying the set of experiments which might be relevant when teaching natural sciences at primary schools. These selected experiments have been provided with methodological notes and commentaries, which teachers may use as instructions on how to carry out each experiment. For selected experiments worksheets have been made, where pupils can enter their observations. This diploma thesis was solid within the scope of the projects GA JU no. 065/2010/S and 078/2013/S

Výukový program s prvky badatelsky orientovaného přírodovědného vyučování na 1. stupni ZŠ. / Educational programme with elements of inquiry based earth science teaching at the 1.st grade primary school

SOUKUPOVÁ, Valerie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to prepare an educational program with the elements of inquiry teaching (BOV) and at the same time to make sure whether the suggested activities from the point of view of the aims of teaching natural science at the 1 grade of the basic school are effective. This thesis shows some possibilities how to work out with this method and how to incorporate it to the process of teaching. As a purpose - built example there were used topics connected with the physiology of plants. Different teaching methods appropriate for the realization of BOV in the frame of the Educational program with respect to the relevant content of the textbooks of natural science are applied here. The thesis was dealt within the bounds of the project GA JU č. 065/2010/S a GA JU č. 078/2013/S

Technické památky na Českokrumlovsku a jejich uplatnění ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ / The Technical Monuments in Český Krumlov Region And How to Use Them in Primary School Education

ČARKOVÁ, Věra January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on using the technical monuments in Český Krumlov region in primary school education. The main principles of project teaching method in primary school are mentioned in the theoretical part. The practical part is based on these principles. This thesis also deals with the technical education which is used in the projects themselves and which result is gaining the principal technical literacy of students in primary schools. The last chapter of the theoretical part deals with ten technical monumets in Český Krumlov region which were used in the projects. The practical part of this thesis contains ten projects which were realized during the education process in the primary school. These projects were carried out in various classes according to the students´ ages and skills. The important part of this thesis is also the evaluation of the research carried out among the teachers who realized the projects in all classes in the primary school.

Možnosti uplatnění metod dramatické výchovy v projektovém vyučování / Application of dramatics education to project based instruction

Cihelková, Magdaléna January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the topic "Application of dramatics education to project based education" is dedicated to various strategies towards interconnection of dramatics education and project based education, which are assessed in scope of benefits of these strategies for pupils. The methods are shown on three practical examples. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the term dramatics education; it defines its principles and goals and classifies the methods it uses. Furthermore it describes possibilities of the methods and their use in individual education fields and in cross-sectional topics of the Framework Education Program for the First Section of Elementary Education. Then the diploma thesis discusses basic characteristics of project education and defines different possibilities how to interconnect dramatics education and project education. The practical part is based on the principles of teachers' action research. It comes with a comprehensive description of three projects which were integrated into a low-class schools' education. Various methods of dramatics education were included in all different ways. The results of the research are summarized in the reflection of realized projects and they are further analysed and evaluated with respect to the beneficial aspects for pupils...

Proces výuky pacientů jako součást ošetřovatelského procesu / The process of education of patients as a part of a nursing process

ŠEFČÍKOVÁ, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
Education is an integral part of the nursing process. It is a proposeful activity, systematic training, which leads to gain knowledge and skills by means of a special process of learning. The aim of this work was to find out, whether nurses provide patients with education within the nursing process and whether patients feel that this education is sufficient enough to keep an optimal level of their health. All hypotheses I have set were confirmed. Apparently, from the results of the survey, health-educational activity, which is in plenary powers of nurses, is done by nurses themselves for the most part, but in some cases also the doctor took part in this activity. Although most of the asked expressed satisfaction with the information provided, there were still clients who were not satisfied with the number of information both theoretical and practical. In most cases, clients said that the instructions, which had been given to them by the nurse within the educational activity, were very significant for improving their health. Cooperation between a nurse and a client is based on a good communication between both parts. The result of this understanding is a situation when a client obeys the instructions given. From results it is obvious that all clients tried hard to keep professional recommendation provided by the nurse and reach the goal this way.Nowadays, the nurse, who is thanks to her learning within the area of education highly professional, puts an emphasis on mutual cooperation not only with the client but also with his family. The nurse respects client´s individual needs and tries to make him participace actively in his health care.

Strom: funkce v krajině a význam pro člověka (Výukové téma pro ZŠ) / Tree: its landscape function and importance for human beings (A theme for teaching at primary schools)

REHÁKOVÁ, Jarmila January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with a creating educational programmes for interactive boards usable in Science lessons at higher level of primary schools. Programme presentation was made in the seventh form of three primary school, where also a comparative research in the form of didactic test was placed. The aim of this test was to compare a knowledge level of pupils who were taught by the interactive programme, and those pupils who were taught by the traditional form of frontal teaching. The thesis is supplemented by a DVD with educational presentation for interactive boards and a printed manual necessary for the control of the programme.

Alternativní pedagogika a její principy využitelné v pedagogice volného času / Alternative Methods of Pedagogic and their Usage in Free Time Education

KOVÁŘOVÁ, Magdaléna January 2009 (has links)
My work deals with the alternative pedagogy and its principles, which can be used at the free-time pedagogy. The work intents on the montessori pedagogy and waldorf pedagogy, because these two pedagogy systems are the most common in Czech Republic. It introduces the founders of both systems and the origin of the systems together with the characteristics needed for the understanding of the theme. Main goals of my work are the basic principles of both trends and their usage for free-time pedagogy, especially for the upbringing outside education. It rises up the relation between the teacher and the learner, stressing out the respect for the child.

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