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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traffic Flow on Escalators and Moving Walkways: Quantifying and Modeling Pedestrian Behavior in a Continuously Moving System

Kauffmann, Peter David 28 February 2011 (has links)
Because of perceived deficiencies in the state of the practice of designing escalators and moving walkways, a microsimulation-based model of pedestrian behavior in these moving belt systems was created. In addition to implementing walking and stair climbing capabilities from existing pedestrian flow literature, the model utilized following behavior and lane change decision logic taken form studies performed in the field of automotive traffic flow theory. By combining research from these two normally independent fields with moving belt operational characteristics, a solid framework for the simulation was created. The model was then validated by comparing its operation to real world behaviors and performance metrics found in the literature in order to verify that the simulation matched the choices made by actual pedestrians. Once this crucial function had been completed, the model could finally be used in its original purpose of determining the capacity of a belt under region-specific input parameters. This paper also discusses other applications for which the model is suitable, including performing sensitivity analysis of both existing and proposed belt systems, analyzing the impacts of operational rule sets on the performance of escalators and moving walkways, and analyzing the effect of queue growth on the storage area needed for pedestrians in an ambulatory facility. Through the use of this model and the logic contained within it, engineers and planners will be able to gain a more accurate understanding of pedestrian flow on moving belts. The result of this increased understanding will be more effective and more efficient transportation systems. / Master of Science

Connecting the Disconnected:Designing a Walkway in Arlington, Virginia

Brown, Deana Marie 11 July 2011 (has links)
This thesis is a study of rhythm, generated by a pattern, and how it can be used to address the urban disconnect of 12th Street in Arlington, Virginia. Rhythm is a tool that can be used to connect a space. The repetition and consistency of the pattern throughout the site structures and connects the four blocks. Light and material quality are additional tools that, used consistently, create and emphasize the rhythm that connects the walkway with points, or destinations, to pause. This book is organized as a series of perspectives that walks through the four blocks, from west to east, of 12th Street. Sited in Arlington, Virginia, 12th Street extends four blocks from the Pentagon City Metro Station to Crystal Drive. Currently the four blocks are comprised of commercial, residential, and green space. The three types of use have been constructed, developed and even left abandoned at various points throughout their histories. As such, this has created a lack of a natural flow for area residents and visitors. The underlying goal of the walkway is to create a connection between the four disconnected blocks of 12th Street, from the Pentagon City Metro Station and Crystal Drive. / Master of Architecture

Análise da locomoção de cães portadores de displasia coxofemoral com o sistema de baropodometria / Gait analysis with pressure walkway measurement systems in dogs affected with hip dysplasia

Oliveira, Renata Moris Domenico 19 March 2008 (has links)
A displasia coxofemoral é uma desordem do desenvolvimento da articulação coxofemoral canina, é uma das afecções ortopédicas mais usuais e acomete mais freqüentemente raças de grande porte. A análise objetiva da locomoção do cão através do sistema de baropodometria (Tekscan®) propicia informações sobre as forças de reação do solo que podem ser usadas para estudar membros com função normal e anormal. O objetivo deste presente estudo foi avaliar objetivamente a locomoção de cães displásicos e compará-la com a locomoção de cães normais. Para tanto foram formados 2 grupos, o grupo I composto por 10 cães hígidos das raças Rottweiler e Golden Retriever, após avaliação clínica e radiográfica, e o grupo II, formado por 20 animais adultos com evidência clínica e radiográfica de displasia coxofemoral, encaminhados ao Serviço de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais do HOVET FMVZ/USP. Os animais foram conduzidos sobre a plataforma de baropodometria, ao passo, do lado esquerdo do condutor a uma velocidade constante, semelhante entre os 2 grupos. Foram registradas 20 passagens para a formação do banco de dados das forças máximas verticais, impulsos verticais, e tempo de apoio dos membros torácicos e pélvicos dos cães com DCF e o mesmo para cães hígidos. Cinco passagens válidas foram utilizadas para análise estatística. Entre os cães as forças foram normalizadas de acordo como o peso corpóreo e expressas em porcentagem (%) de peso corpóreo (%PC). A média de tempo de apoio para membros torácicos e pélvicos do grupo I foi de 0,442 segundos ±0,09, e de 0,437 segundos ± 0,088, respectivamente. Nos animais do grupo II os valores foram 0,482 segundos ±0,002 para membros torácicos e 0,451 segundos ±0,006 para membros pélvicos. No grupo I a força pico vertical (FPV) e Impulso Vertical (IV) para membros torácicos foram de 44,03%PC ± 4,7 e 12,52 %PC/s ± 4,04, respectivamente e de 27,87%PC ± 4,5 e 7,88 %PC/s ± 2,9 para membros pélvicos. No grupo II os valores da FPV e IV para membros torácicos foram de 44,04%PC ± 6,7 e 13,08%PC/s ± 4,5, respectivamente. Para membros pélvicos o valor da média da FPV foi de 21,75%PC ± 5,7 e o valor da média do IV foi de 6,3%PC/s ± 2,7. Quando foi realizada a comparação estatísitca entre os valores de tempo de apoio para membros torácicos e pélvicos, FPV e IV de membros torácicos e pélvicos entre o grupo I e o grupo II houve diferença significante (P=0.062) apenas nos valores da FPV de membros pélvicos, sendo menor em cães displásicos. Isso indica uma menor força de apoio nos membros pélvicos dos animais portadores de DCF, durante a locomoção. Com esses resultados formou-se um banco de dados de valores de cães displásicos conduzidos ao passo que poderá servir em futuras avaliações de vários modelos de tratamento para displasia coxofemoral. / Hip dysplasia is a developmental disorder of the coxofemoral joint. The disease is one of most common orthopedics diseases and it is more common in large breed dogs. The objective gait analysis of the dog with pressure walkway measurement systems provided information about ground reaction forces that is used to study limbs with normal and abnormal function. The purpose of this study was to evaluate objective gait analysis of the dog with hip dysplasia and to compare with healthy dogs locomotion. Prior to study the dogs were put in 2 groups. Group I - composed for 10 healthy dogs after clinical and radiographic evaluation. Group II -formed for 20 dogs with hip dysplasia determined on the basis of results of complete physical and radiographic evaluation of the hip joints. The dogs were examined at the Small Animal Surgery Service - HOVET - FMVZ/USP. The animals were handled across force platform, at the walk, on the left side of the handler, at a constant speed. Twenty trials were recorded to database formation of peak vertical forces (PVF), vertical impulses (VI) and stance phase of forelimbs and hind limbs of the dogs with hip dysplasia and the same to healthy dogs. Five valid trials were obtained for statistical analysis. Among dogs, ground reaction forces were normalized and expressed as percentage of body weight (%BW). The average of stance phase for forelimbs and hind limbs of group I was 0,442 s ± 0,09, e 0,437s ± 0,088, respectively. In group II the values were 0,482 s ± 0,002 for forelimbs and 0,450 s ± 0,006 for hind limbs. In group I, the peak vertical force (PVF) and vertical impulse (VI) for forelimbs were 44,03%BW ± 4,7 and 12,52 %BW/s ± 4,04, respectively, and 27,87%BW ± 4,5 and 7,88 %BW/s ± 2,9 for hind limbs. In group II, the values of PVF and VI for forelimbs were 44,04%BW ± 6,7 e 13,08%BW/s ± 4,5,respectively. For hind limbs the average value of PVF 21,75%BW ± 5,7 and the average of VI was 6,3%BW/s ± 2,7. Peak vertical force was significantly decreased in hind limbs of group II when compared with group I (p=0.062). The other values of stance phase, PVF e VI for fore and hind limbs had no statistical difference. These values indicated decreased loading function in hind limbs of dogs with hip dysplasia, during the locomotion. The database of dogs with hip dysplasia, at the walk, was formed with these results and can be used in futures evaluations of various models of treatment for hip dysplasia.

Paisagem fluvial urbana: percursos e percepções na cidade de São Paulo / Urban river landscape: paths and perceptions in São Paulo

Mendonça, Rebeca Goldstein de 01 October 2015 (has links)
Os rios paulistanos foram, ao longo dos anos, acumulando funções que muitas vezes eram contraditórias, o que transformou as várzeas em áreas de conflitos econômicos, ambientais e sociais. Paralelamente, teve lugar um processo de apagamento da rede hídrica da superfície da cidade, o que resultou em sua ocultação da paisagem, privando a população de um convívio mais próximo e casual. Esta perda do contato com os rios - e com a própria cidade - foi sentida por uma parcela da sociedade que busca, atualmente, retomar uma relação perdida por meio de iniciativas de seus vários setores. Neste caminho, encontra-se esta pesquisa que busca através dos percursos urbanos, refletir sobre as possibilidades de resgate da rede hídrica, identificando no ambiente urbano uma série de oportunidades e formas de requalificação daquela - desde ações mais radicais até a sutileza do redesenho de caminhos que poderão registrar a sua memória e voltar a fazer parte do imaginário da população. Buscando entender a relação que as pessoas estabelecem ou poderiam estabelecer com os cursos d\'água do seu cotidiano, a metodologia utilizada foi a da pesquisa qualitativa, com a técnica da entrevista em profundidade. Pudemos identificar, com a pesquisa, que o sentido positivo atribuído anteriormente aos rios paulistanos, alterou-se na medida em que estes se descaracterizavam - na atualidade, são identificados, muitas vezes, como esgoto. Entretanto, identificamos, igualmente, o afeto latente na relação da população com os cursos d\'água e o desejo forte de reversão desses nocivos processos, o que nos conduz a uma otimista perspectiva de reconfiguração da paisagem urbana na perspectiva de uma expressiva requalificação de sua rede hídrica, com a anuência e a participação da sociedade nesse caminho. / Over the years, the rivers of São Paulo ,accumulated functions that were often contradictory, which transformed its floodplains in areas of economic, environmental and social conflicts. Simutaneously, the water base suffered an erasing process on the surface of the city, which resulted in its occultation that deprived the population of a closer and casual relationship. This loss of contact with the rivers - and the city itself - was felt by a portion of society that seeks currently to restore that lost relationship through initiatives from its various sectors. This research seeks, through the urban pathways, reflect on the water base rescue possibilities, identifying in the urban environment a lot of opportunities and ways of requalifying it - from more radical actions to subtly redesign paths that can register its memory and be part of the popular imaginary. Seeking to understand the relationship that people establish or could establish with streams of their daily life, the methodology used was the qualitative research, with in-depth interview technique. We could identify, through research, that the positive meaning previously assigned to São Paulo rivers, has changed to the extent that these are deteriorated ; nowadays, they are often identified as sewage. Nevertheless, we also identified the latent affection in the relationship of the population with the waterways and a strong desire to reverse these harmful processes, which leads us to an optimistic outlook reconfiguration of the urban landscape from the perspective of a significant upgrading of their water base, with the consent and participation of society in this way.

Modelling passenger mode choice behaviour using computer aided stated preference data

Khan, Omer Ahmed January 2007 (has links)
Redland Shire Council (RSC) has recently completed the preparation of Integrated Local Transport Plan (ILTP) and started its implementation and monitoring program. One of the major thrusts of the ILTP is to reduce the car dependency in the Shire and increase the shares of sustainable environmental-friendly travelling modes, such as walking, cycling and public transport. To achieve these objectives, a mathematical model is needed that is capable of modelling and forecasting the travelling mode choice behaviour in the multi modal environment of Redland Shire. Further, the model can be employed in testing the elasticity of various level-of-service attributes, under a virtual travel environment, as proposed in the ILTP, and estimating the demand for the new travelling alternatives to private car, namely the bus on busway, walking on walkway and cycling on cycleway. The research estimated various nested logit models for different trip lengths and trip purposes, using the data from a stated preference (SP) survey conducted in the Shire. A unique computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) instrument was designed, using both the motorised (bus on busway) and non-motorised travelling modes (walking on walkway and cycling on cycleway) in the SP choice set. Additionally, a unique set of access modes for bus on busway was also generated, containing hypothetical modes, such as secure park and ride facilities and kiss and ride drop-off zones at the busway stations, walkway and cycleway facilities to access the busway stations and a frequent and integrated feeder bus network within the Shire. Hence, this study created a totally new virtual travel environment for the population of Redland Shire, in order to record their perceived observations under these scenarios and develop the mode choice models. From the final model estimation results, it was found that the travel behaviour forecasted for regional trip-makers is considerably different from that of local trip-makers. The regional travellers for work, for instance, were found not to perceive the non-motorised modes as valid alternatives to car, possibly due to longer trip lengths. The value of time (VoT) determined for local work trip-makers (16.50 A$/hr) was also found to be higher than that of regional work trip-makers (11.70 A$/hr). From the survey analysis, a big part of the targeted population was found to be car captives, who are not likely to switch from cars to public transport; even if a more efficient transit infrastructure is implemented. In the past, the models have been generally calibrated using the mode choice survey data only, while that of the captive users were ignored. This yields a knowledge gap in capturing the complete travel behaviour of a region, since the question of what particular biases can be involved with each model estimation parameter by the captives remain unresolved. In this research, various statistical analyses were performed on the car captive users' data by categorising them into various trip characteristics and household parameters, in order to infer the relative influence of the car captive population on the travel behaviour of the study area. The outcomes of the research can assist the policy makers in solving the strategic issues of transit planning, including the future development of a busway corridor, with an efficient transit access mode network. The research findings can also be utilised in evaluating the feasibility of developing walkways and cycleways in the Shire, along with appraising the relative influence of car captive users on the travel behaviour forecasts for the study area.

Análise da locomoção de cães portadores de displasia coxofemoral com o sistema de baropodometria / Gait analysis with pressure walkway measurement systems in dogs affected with hip dysplasia

Renata Moris Domenico Oliveira 19 March 2008 (has links)
A displasia coxofemoral é uma desordem do desenvolvimento da articulação coxofemoral canina, é uma das afecções ortopédicas mais usuais e acomete mais freqüentemente raças de grande porte. A análise objetiva da locomoção do cão através do sistema de baropodometria (Tekscan®) propicia informações sobre as forças de reação do solo que podem ser usadas para estudar membros com função normal e anormal. O objetivo deste presente estudo foi avaliar objetivamente a locomoção de cães displásicos e compará-la com a locomoção de cães normais. Para tanto foram formados 2 grupos, o grupo I composto por 10 cães hígidos das raças Rottweiler e Golden Retriever, após avaliação clínica e radiográfica, e o grupo II, formado por 20 animais adultos com evidência clínica e radiográfica de displasia coxofemoral, encaminhados ao Serviço de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais do HOVET FMVZ/USP. Os animais foram conduzidos sobre a plataforma de baropodometria, ao passo, do lado esquerdo do condutor a uma velocidade constante, semelhante entre os 2 grupos. Foram registradas 20 passagens para a formação do banco de dados das forças máximas verticais, impulsos verticais, e tempo de apoio dos membros torácicos e pélvicos dos cães com DCF e o mesmo para cães hígidos. Cinco passagens válidas foram utilizadas para análise estatística. Entre os cães as forças foram normalizadas de acordo como o peso corpóreo e expressas em porcentagem (%) de peso corpóreo (%PC). A média de tempo de apoio para membros torácicos e pélvicos do grupo I foi de 0,442 segundos ±0,09, e de 0,437 segundos ± 0,088, respectivamente. Nos animais do grupo II os valores foram 0,482 segundos ±0,002 para membros torácicos e 0,451 segundos ±0,006 para membros pélvicos. No grupo I a força pico vertical (FPV) e Impulso Vertical (IV) para membros torácicos foram de 44,03%PC ± 4,7 e 12,52 %PC/s ± 4,04, respectivamente e de 27,87%PC ± 4,5 e 7,88 %PC/s ± 2,9 para membros pélvicos. No grupo II os valores da FPV e IV para membros torácicos foram de 44,04%PC ± 6,7 e 13,08%PC/s ± 4,5, respectivamente. Para membros pélvicos o valor da média da FPV foi de 21,75%PC ± 5,7 e o valor da média do IV foi de 6,3%PC/s ± 2,7. Quando foi realizada a comparação estatísitca entre os valores de tempo de apoio para membros torácicos e pélvicos, FPV e IV de membros torácicos e pélvicos entre o grupo I e o grupo II houve diferença significante (P=0.062) apenas nos valores da FPV de membros pélvicos, sendo menor em cães displásicos. Isso indica uma menor força de apoio nos membros pélvicos dos animais portadores de DCF, durante a locomoção. Com esses resultados formou-se um banco de dados de valores de cães displásicos conduzidos ao passo que poderá servir em futuras avaliações de vários modelos de tratamento para displasia coxofemoral. / Hip dysplasia is a developmental disorder of the coxofemoral joint. The disease is one of most common orthopedics diseases and it is more common in large breed dogs. The objective gait analysis of the dog with pressure walkway measurement systems provided information about ground reaction forces that is used to study limbs with normal and abnormal function. The purpose of this study was to evaluate objective gait analysis of the dog with hip dysplasia and to compare with healthy dogs locomotion. Prior to study the dogs were put in 2 groups. Group I - composed for 10 healthy dogs after clinical and radiographic evaluation. Group II -formed for 20 dogs with hip dysplasia determined on the basis of results of complete physical and radiographic evaluation of the hip joints. The dogs were examined at the Small Animal Surgery Service - HOVET - FMVZ/USP. The animals were handled across force platform, at the walk, on the left side of the handler, at a constant speed. Twenty trials were recorded to database formation of peak vertical forces (PVF), vertical impulses (VI) and stance phase of forelimbs and hind limbs of the dogs with hip dysplasia and the same to healthy dogs. Five valid trials were obtained for statistical analysis. Among dogs, ground reaction forces were normalized and expressed as percentage of body weight (%BW). The average of stance phase for forelimbs and hind limbs of group I was 0,442 s ± 0,09, e 0,437s ± 0,088, respectively. In group II the values were 0,482 s ± 0,002 for forelimbs and 0,450 s ± 0,006 for hind limbs. In group I, the peak vertical force (PVF) and vertical impulse (VI) for forelimbs were 44,03%BW ± 4,7 and 12,52 %BW/s ± 4,04, respectively, and 27,87%BW ± 4,5 and 7,88 %BW/s ± 2,9 for hind limbs. In group II, the values of PVF and VI for forelimbs were 44,04%BW ± 6,7 e 13,08%BW/s ± 4,5,respectively. For hind limbs the average value of PVF 21,75%BW ± 5,7 and the average of VI was 6,3%BW/s ± 2,7. Peak vertical force was significantly decreased in hind limbs of group II when compared with group I (p=0.062). The other values of stance phase, PVF e VI for fore and hind limbs had no statistical difference. These values indicated decreased loading function in hind limbs of dogs with hip dysplasia, during the locomotion. The database of dogs with hip dysplasia, at the walk, was formed with these results and can be used in futures evaluations of various models of treatment for hip dysplasia.

Paisagem fluvial urbana: percursos e percepções na cidade de São Paulo / Urban river landscape: paths and perceptions in São Paulo

Rebeca Goldstein de Mendonça 01 October 2015 (has links)
Os rios paulistanos foram, ao longo dos anos, acumulando funções que muitas vezes eram contraditórias, o que transformou as várzeas em áreas de conflitos econômicos, ambientais e sociais. Paralelamente, teve lugar um processo de apagamento da rede hídrica da superfície da cidade, o que resultou em sua ocultação da paisagem, privando a população de um convívio mais próximo e casual. Esta perda do contato com os rios - e com a própria cidade - foi sentida por uma parcela da sociedade que busca, atualmente, retomar uma relação perdida por meio de iniciativas de seus vários setores. Neste caminho, encontra-se esta pesquisa que busca através dos percursos urbanos, refletir sobre as possibilidades de resgate da rede hídrica, identificando no ambiente urbano uma série de oportunidades e formas de requalificação daquela - desde ações mais radicais até a sutileza do redesenho de caminhos que poderão registrar a sua memória e voltar a fazer parte do imaginário da população. Buscando entender a relação que as pessoas estabelecem ou poderiam estabelecer com os cursos d\'água do seu cotidiano, a metodologia utilizada foi a da pesquisa qualitativa, com a técnica da entrevista em profundidade. Pudemos identificar, com a pesquisa, que o sentido positivo atribuído anteriormente aos rios paulistanos, alterou-se na medida em que estes se descaracterizavam - na atualidade, são identificados, muitas vezes, como esgoto. Entretanto, identificamos, igualmente, o afeto latente na relação da população com os cursos d\'água e o desejo forte de reversão desses nocivos processos, o que nos conduz a uma otimista perspectiva de reconfiguração da paisagem urbana na perspectiva de uma expressiva requalificação de sua rede hídrica, com a anuência e a participação da sociedade nesse caminho. / Over the years, the rivers of São Paulo ,accumulated functions that were often contradictory, which transformed its floodplains in areas of economic, environmental and social conflicts. Simutaneously, the water base suffered an erasing process on the surface of the city, which resulted in its occultation that deprived the population of a closer and casual relationship. This loss of contact with the rivers - and the city itself - was felt by a portion of society that seeks currently to restore that lost relationship through initiatives from its various sectors. This research seeks, through the urban pathways, reflect on the water base rescue possibilities, identifying in the urban environment a lot of opportunities and ways of requalifying it - from more radical actions to subtly redesign paths that can register its memory and be part of the popular imaginary. Seeking to understand the relationship that people establish or could establish with streams of their daily life, the methodology used was the qualitative research, with in-depth interview technique. We could identify, through research, that the positive meaning previously assigned to São Paulo rivers, has changed to the extent that these are deteriorated ; nowadays, they are often identified as sewage. Nevertheless, we also identified the latent affection in the relationship of the population with the waterways and a strong desire to reverse these harmful processes, which leads us to an optimistic outlook reconfiguration of the urban landscape from the perspective of a significant upgrading of their water base, with the consent and participation of society in this way.

Analyse spatio-temporelle de la locomotion chez les chiens sains et pathologiques / Spatio-temporal analysis of locomotion in healthy and pathological dogs

Le, Quang Thong 22 July 2009 (has links)
Le tapis de pression est utilisé depuis 2000 pour analyser la marche chez l’homme mais seulement depuis 2004 chez le chien. Objectif : la codifier l’utilisation du système GAITRite® pour analyser la marche chez les chiens sains et pathologiques ; l’obtenir des bases de données concernant les paramètres spatio-temporels ainsi que cinétique lors de la marche de chiens sains de taille différente ; déterminer des modifications de ces paramètres selon les affections spontanées ou induites ; aider au diagnostic lors de consultation des animaux boiteux et évaluer le suivi de traitements médicaux ou chirurgicaux. Les résultats obtenus montrent que ce système est capable de fournir efficacement les paramètres spatio-temporels, ainsi que la qualification de l’appui des quatre membres en un même cycle, sur plusieurs foulées consécutives. Les conditions expérimentales de l’utilisation du tapis de pression sont les mêmes pour les appuis des quatre membres lors d’un même test, ainsi des comparaisons entre membres peuvent être raisonnablement réalisées alors que les systèmes à un plateau de force ne le permettent pas. Les calculs de ratio antérieur/postérieur et de symétrie gauche/droite facilitent l’interprétation des valeurs des différents paramètres de la marche du chien et permettent de faire rapidement une distinction entre un chien sain et un chien boiteux. Nous avons montré qu’il était possible d’effectuer le suivi de traitements chirurgicaux et d'évaluer l’efficacité de biomatériaux implantables pour la réparation du nerf péronier chez le chien. De ce travail, une approche particulière et unique de l’analyse de la marche chez les quadrupèdes est proposée. Elle offre la possibilité d’obtenir efficacement les paramètres spatio-temporels de l’appui des 4 membres de la marche aussi bien chez le chien sain que chez ceux présentant des affections locomotrices précoces, discrètes ou provoquées / Pressure walkway was used for gait analysis in human since 2000 but only for a few years in dog. This thesis was proposed with the intension: to codify its utilization for walking analysis in healthy and pathological dogs; to obtain databases concerning spatial and temporal parameters as well as pressure parameter for 4 feet during walking in healthy dog of size difference; to define the variations according to the affections; to verify the assistance with the diagnosis during consultation orthopedic and to determine the performances of this material were also used to evaluate the follow-up of medical or surgical treatment.The advantages of this system were to be able to obtain the spatio-temporal parameters as well as qualification the support of 4 feet in the same cycle, on several consecutive strides. Contrary to a force platform, the experimental conditions during the use of the pressure walkway was the same for the supports of 4 feet during the same test, moreover the comparisons between foots can be reasonably realized. Calculations of the ratio fore/hind and the symmetry left/right helped more easily to walking analysis in dog and make it possible to quickly discriminate a healthy or a lame dog. This particular approach of walking analysis in the quadrupeds is unique, it was validated during this work by showing its power for the spatial, temporal characterization of the support of the 4 feet during walking in the large and small healthy dog as well as the dog presenting of the locomotors affections spontaneous or models induced for experimental

Accessibility and Usability in the City of Malmö : Assessing the Implementation of Universal Design on Pedestrian Walkways for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Zheng, Xiaotong January 2023 (has links)
This paper presents a case study conducted in Malmö, Sweden, with the aim of examining and improving the accessibility and usability of pedestrian walkways for blind and visually impaired people (BVIP). The study focuses on identifying the obstacles faced by BVIPs in using pedestrian walkways in Malmö and proposes strategies to enhance their accessibility. A mixed methods approach, including observations, walk-along interviews, and photography, was employed to collect data. The study observed several pedestrian walkways in Malmö and interviewed four informants to gain a diversity of perspectives. The findings identified five types of obstacles faced by BVIPs: barriers issues, building issues, Tactile Walking Surface Indicator (TWSI) issues, aids issues, and natural issues. Consistency in the guidance line with contrasting brightness and tactile features was found to be a crucial requirement for BVIPs. The study also explores the factors that impact the implementation of universal design (UD) principles on pedestrian walkways, including old buildings, city decision-makers, street designers, and a lack of a feedback system. To improve accessibility and usability, the study proposes five key principles: maintaining consistent lead lines, maximizing the effectiveness of TWSIs, separating areas with different functions, designing streets based on user needs and daily habits, and promoting UD for all as a long-term strategy. In conclusion, this study identifies obstacles faced by BVIPs on pedestrian walkways in Malmö and proposes strategies to enhance their accessibility and usability. It argues that implementing these strategies can implement UD principles and create more accessible and usable pedestrian walkways for BVIPs and contribute to inclusivity

Utrymning i spårtunnel på upphöjd gångbana : Svaga ljusförhållandens effekt på förflyttningen

Tingestedt, Mikaela, Danielsson, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Evacuation of trains in tunnels is currently taking place in diverse ways. One of the methods implies that passengers leave the train along the railways on elevated walkways. The knowledge about the impact of elevated walkways on the safety level is today very limited. As more and more elevated walkways are designed in rail tunnels, it is important that studies and evacuation trials are made to investigate how those affect the safety level of the evacuation. This master thesis’ project aims to investigate the relationship between low light conditions, people's behaviour and ability to evacuate a train on an elevated walkway. To investigate this, the core in the work consisted a practical evacuation trial which purpose was to study people’s movement on a raised walkway under different illumination levels: 200 lux, 5 lux and 1 lux. A total of 16 escape trials were performed as controlled evacuations on a simulated elevated walkway with the measures 1.2x20 meters with a level difference down to the ground plane of 1.24 meters. The result of the evacuation trial showed that the intensity of illumination played a significant role in both the movement speed, the person flow and the peoples distance to the edge. The peoples flow and speed did generally decrease during the partial trials performed during the weaker light intensities, 5 lux and 1 lux, compared to partial trials performed during 200 lux. A general result regarding the effect of light intensity on the people’s distance to the edge is that during the partial trials performed with the weaker light intensities, 5 lux and 1 lux, more people chose to go further from the edge. The conclusion of these results is that a minimum brightness in tunnels should be 1 lux, but a stronger illumination should be sought to increase the safety of the passengers in case of evacuation. Regarding the learning effect on the trial procedure, it can be seen from the results that the more trials carried out, the closer the edge the people went combined with an increased speed and flow. The people became comfortable in the environment and hesitated less, which generated a source of error in the result. A conclusion of the practical evacuation trial is that by conducting a trial in this type of environment, we were given the opportunity to study the problems as well as the complexity that an evacuation may imply. The experiment further provided valuable information and knowledge about the problems that may arise in an evacuation, both from a technical and behavioural perspective.

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