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Prototyputveckling – Isotimber väggblockSvenn Larsson, Grund Erik, Norberg, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Träbyggande har stark historisk förankring i Sverige. För drygt ett sekel sedan sattes ett förbud in mot att bygga hus i fler än två våningar i trä på grund av den ansedda brandrisken materialet medförde. Vid Sveriges inträdande i EU år 1994 togs det gamla beslutet bort och utvecklingen inom träbyggandet för flerbostadshus har därefter fått en rejäl uppgång. Utvecklingen har medfört ett modernare sätt att bygga, från att tidigare ha byggt allt på byggarbetsplatsen till montage av prefabricerade väggmoduler. Med detta tillvägagångssätt har byggandet både kunnat säkra en högre kvalitet samt effektiviserats. Ett företag som arbetar med prefabricerade väggblock är Isotimber. Deras väggblock är unik på det sätt att de endast innehåller trä, för att uppnå ett högre isolervärde har råvaran trä kombinerats med urfrästa luftspalter. Isotimber har haft en önskan att utveckla sin produkt eftersom de fastskruvade kassetterna som bildar ett enhetligt väggblock separerar vid lyft. Lyftpunkterna har placerats genom borrade hål i väggblocken med genomförda lyftstroppar, ett tillvägagångssätt som Isotimber önskat förändra. Tvärkrafterna som uppstått vid lyften har verkat diagonalt mot väggblocken och antal lyftpunkter har varierat. Studien har riktat sig mot att utveckla det befintliga väggblocket samt studera om lyft har gått att utföra på ett annat sätt än i dagsläget. Lyftpunkternas placering har även granskats. Resultatet av produktutvecklingen har lett till att en limträbalk har placerats i överkant av blocken. Det har medfört att lyftpunkter har förflyttats till limträbalken där håltagning för stroppbanden kommer att utföras. Antal lyftpunkter har blivit beroende av väggblockens spännvidd och de tvärkrafter som uppstår vid lyft skall inverka vertikalt mot väggblocken. Resultatet av den nya väggblocksprototypen har krävt dimensionering av limträbalk vid lyftpunkter samt infästningarna mellan väggblock och limträbalk. Väggblockets förändringar har bidragit till ett smidigare montagesystem. Den monterade limträbalken kan även anses ge en mindre nedböjning i väggblocket. Lyftpunkterna har blivit fler med bestämda avståndsintervall för att motverka separationer mellan de ihopskruvade kassetterna i väggblocken. / Building with wood has a strong historical anchorage in Sweden. Just over a century ago, a ban was imposed on building houses on more than two floors of wood due to the perceived fire risk caused by the material. At Sweden's accession to the EU in 1994, the old decision was removed and the trend in the construction of wooden houses for multi-family houses has subsequently increased dramatically. The development has resulted in a more modern way of building, from building everything on the construction site to the assembly of prefabricated wall modules. With this approach, construction has been able to ensure a higher quality and efficiency. A company that works with prefabricated wall blocks is Isotimber. Their wall blocks are unique in that they contain only wood, in order to achieve a higher insulation value, the raw material wood has been combined with milled gaps of air. Isotimber has had the desire to develop its product because the screwed cassettes that forms a uniform wall block, separates during the lifts. The lifting points have been placed through drilled holes in the wall blocks with inserted lifting straps, an approach that Isotimber wishes to change. The transverse forces that have occurred during the lift have acted diagonally against the wall blocks and the number of lifting points has varied. The study has been aimed at developing the existing wall block and to study whether lifting could be done in a different way than today. The position of the lifting points has also been examined. The result of product development has led to a laminated wooden beam being placed above the blocks. This has meant that lifting points have been moved to the laminated wooden beam where perforation for the straps will be executed. The number of lifting points has become dependent on the width of the wall blocks, and the transverse forces that arise during lifting must be vertical to the wall blocks. The result of the new wall-block prototype has led to dimensioning of the laminated wooden beam at the lifting points, as well as the connections between the wall block and the laminated wooden beam. The wall block changes have contributed to a smoother mounting system. The laminated wooden beam can also be considered to give a smaller deflection in the wall block. The lifting points have become more at fixed range intervals to counter the separations between the screwed cassettes in the wall blocks. / <p>Betyg 170707, H14.</p>
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Interaction entre la douleur viscérale et la douleur pariétale chez le rat et effet des anesthésiques locaux sur chacune de ces deux composantes / Interactions Between Visceral And Parietal Pain In Rats And Local Anesthetics Effects On Each Of These Two Pain ComponentsKfoury, Toni 23 November 2015 (has links)
La douleur abdominale post chirurgicale reste une douleur difficile à gérer. Cette douleur présente 2 composantes : (1) une composante pariétale liée à l’agression des muscles de la paroi abdominale et du péritoine pariétal et (2) une composante viscérale liée à l’agression du péritoine viscérale et des viscères. La douleur pariétale est bien systématisée, elle correspond à des métamères bien identifiés. Par contre la douleur viscérale est souvent mal localisée, irradiée ou transférée à un site cutané. Les AL administrés par l’intermédiaire d’un cathéter d’infiltration pariétal, d’un bloc de la paroi abdominale ou par voie systémique montrent une efficacité clinique dans l’analgésie post opératoire d’une chirurgie abdominale. Cependant le mécanisme d’action des AL en fonction de leurs voies d’administration n’est pas bien élucidé. Le but de nos études est d’explorer l’effet des AL sur les deux composantes de la douleur abdominale dans un modèle animal en fonction de leur voie d’administration. Nous avons réalisé 3 études expérimentales :1-Dans l’étude 1 nous avons comparé l’effet de la ropivacaïne administrée par voie systémique ou par un cathéter pré péritonéal sur la douleur pariétale et viscérale dans un modèle de laparotomie chirurgicale chez le rat.. 2-Dans l’étude 2 nous avons validé un bloc de la paroi abdominale chez le rat.. 3-Dans l’étude 3 nous avons comparé l’effet de la bupivacaïne par voie systémique à l’effet obtenu par l’administration de la bupivacaïne par un bloc de la paroi abdominale. Nous avons également comparé l’effet des Al par voie systémique à une vagotomie chimique préventive. L’ensemble de ces travaux montrent que lors d’une laparotomie, les AL sont efficaces dans le traitement de la nociception aussi bien par voie systémique que par voie locorégionale. Nous avons démontré qu’un bloc de la paroi abdominale, ainsi qu’une infiltration pré péritonéale diminuaient la transmission de la nociception viscérale vers le SNC par action directe sur les terminaisons nerveuses pariétales. De plus, lors d’une laparotomie, l’administration systémique d’AL montre une efficacité dans l’inhibition de la transmission de la nociception viscérale vers le SNC associée à un effet anti inflammatoire local et systémique supérieure à celui d’une administration locorégionale. / The abdominal post surgical pain has two components : (1) a parietal component due toaggression of the abdominal wall muscles and the parietal peritoneum and (2) a visceralcomponent due to aggression of the visceral peritoneum and viscera. Parietal pain is welllocalized; it corresponds to identified dermatomes. Otherwhise, visceral pain is often badlylocalized. Local anesthetics injected through a parietal catheter of infiltration, an abdominal wall blockor by a systemic administration show clinical efficiency in post operative analgesia afterabdominal surgery. However, the action mechanisms of local anesthetics according to theiradministration route are not well clarified. The purpose of our studies is to explore localanesthetics effect on both components of the abdominal pain in an animal model according totheir administration route.In this purpose we realized three experimental studies :1- In the first study, we compared the effect of systemic administration or through a preperitoneal catheter of ropivacaïne on parietal and visceral pain in a model of surgicallaparotomy in the rat. 2- In the second study, we established a block of the abdominal wall in the rat. 3- In the third study, parietal and peritoneal inflammation were induced by carrageenaninjection in the abdominal wall or in the peritoneal cavity in the rat according to theexperimental group. Then, we compared the effect of a systemic administration of bupivacaïneto its administration by an abdominal wall block. Furthermore, the systemic effect of localanesthetics was compared to a preventive chemical vagotomy. These works showed that during laparotomy, local anesthetics are effective in thetreatment of the nociception as well as by systemic or locoregional administration. We showedthat an abdominal wall block as well as a pre peritoneal administration decreased thetransmission of the visceral nociception towards the central nervous system by direct action onthe parietal nerve endings. Furthermore, during a laparotomy, systemic administration of localanesthetics inhibited the transmission of visceral nociception towards the central nervoussystem associated with a local and systemic anti inflammatory effects. This anti inflammatoryeffect was higher than that what we showed by locoregional administration of bupivacaïne.
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Проект завода по производству стеновых блоков на основе безобжигового гравия производительностью 50 000 м3 изделий в год : магистерская диссертация / The project of a plant for the production of wall blocks based on non-burnt gravel with a capacity of 50,000 m3 of products per yearТянь, С., Tyan, S. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена проектированию завода по производству стеновых блоков из легкого бетона на основе безобжигового зольного гравия. Проведен эксперимент по получению безобжигового зольного гравия из золы-унос Рефтинской ГРЭС (Свердловская область, РФ). Получен БЗГ, обладающий маркой по плотности М900 для гранул после нормального твердения и маркой М1000 для гранул после пропаривания. Марка по прочности – П250. Полученный БЗГ соответствует требованиям ГОСТ 32496–2013. Получен облегченный бетон на БЗГ класса В12,5. Разработана технологическая схема и подобрано основное оборудование для производства БЗГ. Для производства стеновых блоков выбран агрегатно-поточный способ производства. Составлена технологическая схема, определено количество постов. Рассчитано и подобрано основное и вспомогательное оборудование: для обеспечения работы каждой из четырех линии нужно 65 форм, ямная камера размерами 8,0х4,7х2,9 м, бетоноукладчик СМЖ-859, вибротумба СМЖ-200, рельсовая механизированная тележка СМЖ-151 и мостовой кран грузоподъёмностью 10 т. Рассчитан склад готовой продукции: 30 х 36 м. Определен список и численность работников формовочного цеха. Выполнена графическая часть. / The master's thesis is devoted to the design of a plant for the production of wall blocks made of lightweight concrete based on non-burnt fly ash gravel. An experiment was conducted to obtain non-burnt fly ash gravel from fly ash from Reftinskaya GRES (Sverdlovsk region, Russian Federation). NBFAG was obtained, which has a density mark M900 for granules after normal hardening and a mark M1000 for granules after steaming. The strength grade is P250. The resulting NBFAG complies with the requirements of GOST 32496-2013. Lightweight concrete was obtained for NBFAG of class B12.5. A technological scheme has been developed and the main equipment for the production of NBFAG has been selected. An equipment-flow production method has been selected for the production of wall blocks. A technological scheme has been drawn up, the number of posts has been determined. The main and auxiliary equipment was calculated and selected: to ensure the operation of each of the four lines, 65 forms are needed, a pit chamber with dimensions of 8.0x4.7x2.9 m, a concrete paver SMJ-859, a vibrating column SMJ-200, a rail mechanized trolley SMJ-151 and an overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 10 tons. The warehouse of finished products is designed: 30 x 36 m. The list and number of employees of the molding shop have been determined. The graphic part is completed.
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