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Response surface methodology for predicting the dimethylphenol removal from wastewater via reverse osmosis processAl-Obaidi, Mudhar A.A.R., Al-Nedawe, B., Mohammad, A., Mujtaba, Iqbal 31 March 2022 (has links)
Yes / Reverse Osmosis (RO) process can be considered as one of the intensively used pioneering equipment for reusing wastewater of several applications. The recent study presented the development of an accurate model for predicting the dimethylphenol removal from wastewater via RO process. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied to carry out this challenge based on actual experimental data collected from the literature. The independent variables considered are the inlet pressure (5.83-13.58) atm, inlet temperature (29.5-32) ° C, inlet feed flow rate (2.166-2.583) × 10-4 m3/s, and inlet concentration (0.854-8.049) × 10-3 kmol/m3 and the dimethylphenol removal is considered as the response variable. The analysis of variance showed that the inlet temperature and feed flow rate have a negative influence on dimethylphenol removal from wastewater while the inlet pressure and concentration show a positive influence. In this regard, F-value of 240.38 indicates a considerable contribution of the predicted variables of pressure and concentration against the process dimethylphenol rejection. Also, the predicted R2 value of 0.9772 shows the high accuracy of the model. An overall assessment of simulating the performance of RO process against the operating parameters has been systematically demonstrated using the proposed RSM model.
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Effective Technique and Mechanism for Simultaneous Adsorption of As(III/V) from Wastewater by Fe-ZIF-8@MXeneZang, Shuyan, Zhang, Q., Hu, B., Zhang, Y., Pu, Jaan H., Lv, M. 28 May 2024 (has links)
Yes / Arsenic (As) contamination of surface water has become a global concern, especially for the third world countries, and it is imperative to develop advanced materials and an effective treatment method to address the issue. In this paper, iron doped ZIF-8@MXene (Fe-ZIF-8@MXene) was prepared as a potential adsorbent to effectively and simultaneously remove As(III/V) from wastewater. To investigate this, Fe-ZIF-8@MXene was characterized before and after the removal of mixed As(III/V). The results of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), specific surface area (BET) and point of zero charge (pHpzc) showed that Fe-ZIF-8@MXene was prepared successfully and kept a stable structure after As(III) and As(V) adsorption. The particle size of Fe-ZIF-8@MXene was in the range of 0.5 μm to 2.5 μm, where its BET was 531.7 m2/g. For both contaminants, adsorption was found to follow pseudo-second-order kinetics and was best-fitted by the Langmuir adsorption model with correlation coefficients (R2) of 0.998 and 0.997, for As(III) and As(V), respectively. The adsorbent was then applied to remove As from two actual water samples, giving maximum removal rates of 91.07% and 98.96% for As(III) and As(V), respectively. Finally, removal mechanisms for As(III/V) by Fe-ZIF-8@MXene were also explored. During the adsorption, multiple complexes were formed under the effect of its abundant surface functional groups involving multiple mechanisms, which included Van der Waals force, surface adsorption, chemical complexation and electrostatic interactions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that Fe-ZIF-8@MXene was an advanced and reusable material for simultaneous removal of As(III/V) in wastewater.
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Advancing Microbial Desalination Cell towards Practical ApplicationsPing, Qingyun 03 November 2016 (has links)
Conventional desalination plant, municipal water supply and wastewater treatment system are among the most electricity-intensive facilities. Microbial Desalination Cell (MDC) has emerged as a promising technique to capture the chemical energy stored in wastewater directly for desalination, which has the potential to solve the high energy consumption issue in desalination industry as well as wastewater treatment system. The MDC is composed of two critical components, the electrodes (anode and cathode), and the ion-exchange membranes separating the two electrodes which drive anions migrate towards the anode, and cations migrate towards the cathode. The multiple components allow us to manipulate the configuration to achieve most efficient desalination performance. By coupling with Donnan Dialysis or Microbial Fuel Cell, the device can effectively achieve boron removal which has been a critical issue in desalination plants. The uncertainty of water quality of the final desalinated water caused by contaminant back diffusion from the wastewater side can be theoretically explained by two mechanisms, Donnan exchange and molecule transport which are controlled by bioelectricity and concentration gradient. Scaling and fouling is also a factor needs to be taken into consideration when operating the MDC system in real world. With mathematical modeling, we can provide insight to bridge the gap between lab-scale experiments and industrial applications. This study is expected to provide guidance to enhance the efficiency as well as the reliability and controllability of MDC for desalination. / Ph. D. / Water and energy are the world’s most valuable resources. The recent emerging technology, Microbial Desalination Cell (MDC), however, can achieve wastewater treatment, desalination for fresh water production, and energy generation simultaneously. Owing to the anodophilic microorganisms working as organic matter consumer and electron generator, the wastewater can be cleaned and the device can generate electricity through electron flow to drive ion separation for salt removal in the solution. The MDC can be constructed in versatile configurations. Decoupled configuration of anode and cathode allows flexibility of operation and maintenance. Although the MDC has wastewater adjacent to seawater which are separated by a piece of anion exchange membrane, the microorganisms and viruses are effectively blocked by the membrane which has tiny pore size around 1 nm. Back diffusion of contaminants in wastewater into the desalinated water is minimal under bioelectricity generation condition. The MDC has proved to successfully remove various inorganic ions by itself as well as remove non-dissociable boron when coupled to other devices, such as Donnan Dialysis or Microbial Fuel Cell. The water product quality can meet irrigation guideline. Through mathematical modeling tools, we can better understand the MDC process, analyze it, and make informative predictions.
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Effect of Organic Amendments on Heavy Metal Distribution and Uptake in Vegetable Gardens in SenegalDiouf, Aissatou 23 September 2016 (has links)
The major constraints to food production in West Africa are related to the lack of suitable lands. Consequently, farmers incorporate organic amendments and wastewater to improve their yields. Within some limits, such wastes enhance soil fertility and can improve its physical properties. However, the advantages of using organic waste as fertilizer and soil amendment should be assessed with possible environmental and toxicological impacts due to the potential presence of heavy metals. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of organic amendments on heavy metal distribution in soils and vegetables in market gardens in Senegal. Organic amendments and soils samples were collected from four sites in eastern and southern Senegal. Samples were analyzed for physicochemical properties including particle size, total heavy metals, carbon content, nutrients, and pH. A sequential extraction procedure was conducted to determine heavy metal sinks. Results showed that sites were sandy in nature, low to medium in organic carbon content (8300 to 36600 mg kg-1), and had pH ranging from 5 to 7.9. The sequential extraction procedure showed that metals were distributed in the more stable soil fractions: Fe-Mn oxide, organic and residual. The highest soil metal concentrations in soils were found in Pikine and Rufisque sites. Plant samples were collected from these two sites and analyzed for total metal content. Results showed that all metal concentrations in soils, organic amendments, and vegetables were within the safe limits proposed by the World Health Organization, with the exception of Cd, Pb and Zn levels in vegetables. / Master of Science / Application of composted organic wastes and untreated wastewater to urban vegetable garden soils is raising serious concerns about possible health risks associated with the consumption of these vegetables particularly with regard to the concentrations of heavy metals in their edible portions. Therefore, this study focused on the evaluation of heavy metal concentrations in soils, organic amendments and vegetables from local gardens of Senegal and also, the determination of metal sinks in soil phases via a sequential extraction procedure (SEP). Soils, organic matter and vegetable concentrations of cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc were analyzed for total metals. Results from the SEP showed that metals in soils were located on the stable soil phases and would not be easily released unless environmental conditions changed (e.g. more acidic pH or anoxic conditions). Data from total metal analyses revealed that all metal concentrations in soil, organic amendments, and vegetables were within the safe limits proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) with the exception of Cd, Pb and Zn levels in vegetables.
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<p dir="ltr">This study investigates the optimization of nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment through a comparative analysis of conventional nitrification-denitrification (N/D) and partial nitritation-anammox (PN/A) processes integrated with anaerobic digestion (AD). Using Bio-Win 6.0 simulations, the research examined system performance across various operational conditions, including temperature ranges (15-35°C), dissolved oxygen levels (0.1-2.0 mg/L), and total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations (40-1000 mg/L). Results demonstrated that the PN/A-AD system achieved superior nitrogen removal efficiency (up to 97.5% at 100 mg/L TKN) compared to conventional N/D processes, particularly in treating high-strength nitrogen wastewater. The PN/A system maintained 54.3% removal efficiency even at 1000 mg/L TKN, while requiring less energy (4,614 kW versus 4,682 kW) and producing significantly less sludge (0.57 kg/kg versus 8.07 kg/kg nitrogen removed). Temperature significantly influenced system performance, with optimal conditions observed at 35°C and DO levels between 1-1.5 mg/L. Sensitivity analysis revealed system stability across multiple operational parameters, suggesting robust performance in realworld applications. This research provides valuable insights for designing and optimizing nitrogen removal processes in wastewater treatment plants, particularly for facilities targeting energy efficiency and reduced operational cost.</p>
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Kemisk karaktärisering samt nedbrytning av process- och avloppsvatten vid SCA Ortvikens pappersbruk / Chemical characterization and degradation of oxygen demanding compounds in process- and wastewater at SCA Ortviken's paper millBlixt, Ann January 2006 (has links)
<p>During pulp and papermaking process a huge amount of water is used. The wastewater contains a large amount of pollutants and has to be treated before it reaches the recipient. In March 2004 a new bleaching plant was started up at SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortviken’s paper mill using peroxide. The production of bleached thermo mechanical pulp and thus the load to the wastewater plant increased. During bleaching substances dissolve from the pulp and the amount of COD in the wastewater increase. To keep the efficiency of chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD, BOD) removal, the aerated lagoon is supplied by liquid oxygen. In November the same year a new pre-step including a pre-aeration, carrier and selector step was added to the existing wastewater plant. The COD-loading to the lagoon decreased and the supply of liquid oxygen was reduced.</p><p>This master thesis has been carried out at SCA Graphic Research AB, Sundsvall. The aim was to chemically characterize the wastewater with focus on the composition of carbohydrates, lignin and extractives and its influence on the biodegradability. Measurements have been carried out on total samples, suspended solids, colloidal and dissolved substances using GF/A and ultra filtration. Measurements were performed on process water from the bleaching plant and on water during the wastewater treatment process. The results show that the chemical composition of dissolved substances has a larger impact on the biodegradability than the total amount of COD. A large amount of lignin will make the wastewater harder to degrade. Suspended solids have lower biodegradability compared to the dissolved fraction. Analyzes of suspended material from the bleaching plant show a relative composition of around 41 % lignin. Analyzes done before on the dissolved fraction show a composition of 29 %. It seems that a larger amount of lignin is represented in suspended solids compared to the dissolved fraction. This can explain the low biodegradability, combined with the theory that the suspended solids are less accessible for the microorganisms. To reduce the outgoing COD the incoming flow of dissolved lignin and suspended solids to the active sludge plant has to decrease. COD in the outgoing wastewater to the recipient consists of around 90 % lignin. Extractives as saturated fatty acids, palmitic and stearic acid plus lignans (which is interpreted as a byproduct from lignin degradation) do not degrade remarkable during wastewater treatment. Flocculation of COD is one way to reduce the discharge to the recipient. Addition of 2,6 g/l PAX-18 (a high charged aluminum complex) to the wastewater from the bleaching plant gives a reduction of 40 % COD and 50 % lignin in laboratory scale and it is recommended to study further. Time related studies of BOD show that the microorganisms need five days to degrade organic material and the hydraulic retention time in the aerated lagoon has to be guaranteed.</p> / <p>Vid massa- och pappersframställning åtgår stora mängder vatten. Det processberörda avloppsvattnet innehåller mycket föroreningar varför det måste renas innan det släpps ut till recipienten. I mars 2004 startades ett nytt väteperoxidblekeri vid SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortvikens pappersbruk varvid produktionen av blekt termomekanisk massa ökade och den biologiska reningen belastades hårdare. Blekning löser ut vedämnen från massan och bidrar således till ökad mängd syreförbrukande ämnen i avloppet. För att upprätthålla reduktionen av syreförbrukande ämnen (COD, BOD) tillförs ren syrgas till den luftade dammen. I november samma år utökades den externa reningsanläggningen med ett biologiskt försteg, en s.k. multibioanläggning bestående av ett frisimmarsteg, ett bärarsteg samt ett selektorsteg. COD-belastningen in till den luftade dammen minskade och tillförseln av ren syrgas kunde reduceras.</p><p>Examensarbetet har utförts vid SCA Graphic Research AB, Sundsvall med syftet att kemiskt karaktärisera avloppsvattnets sammansättning av kolhydrater, lignin och extraktivämnen och dess inverkan på vattnets grad av biologisk nedbrytbarhet. Analyser har gjorts på totalprov, suspenderande ämnen samt kolloidalt och löst material via fraktionering med hjälp av GF/A- och ultrafiltrering. Analyser gjordes dels på processvatten från blekerierna och dels på avloppsvatten under reningsprocessen. Resultaten visar att den kemiska sammansättningen hos löst material har större inverkan på avloppsvattnets grad av nedbrytbarhet än den absoluta halten av syreförbrukande ämnen. En hög andel lignin ger ett mer svårnedbrytbart vatten. Suspenderat material är vidare mer svårnedbrytbart än de lösta fraktionerna. Analys av suspenderande substans hos blekpressat visar att andelen lignin är omkring 41 % medan arkiverade analysresultat på den lösta fasen visar ett innehåll på omkring 29 %. Det tyder alltså på en betydligt högre andel lignin i den partikulära fasen jämfört med den lösta, vilket i kombination med att materialet inte är lika lättillgängligt för mikroorganismerna kan förklara den låga bionedbrytbarheten. Om COD-utsläppet ska minskas bör inkommande flöde av löst lignin och suspenderande substans till den biologiska reningen reduceras. COD-halten i utgående avloppsvatten till recipienten utgörs av omkring 90 % lignin. De extraktivämnen som inte bryts ned är mättade fettsyror, exempelvis palmitin- och stearinsyra samt lignan, vilket antas bildas som restprodukt vid degradering av lignin. Flockning av syreförbrukande ämnen är ett sätt att gå till väga för att minska utsläppet av dessa till recipienten. Genom tillsats av 2,6 g/l PAX-18 (ett högladdat aluminiumkomplex) till blekeriavloppet kunde 40 % COD och 50 % lignin reduceras. Flockningsförsöket är gjort i laboratorieskala vid rumstemperatur och ytterligare utvärdering rekommenderas. Tidsstudier av BOD visar att mikroorganismerna behöver fem dagars uppehållstid för att hinna bryta ned organiskt material i avloppsvattnet, varför omloppstiden i den luftade lagunen inte bör understiga denna tidsrymd.</p>
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Närsaltsdosering till luftad damm : en åtgärd för ökad TOC-reduktion hos Skoghalls Bruk luftade damm / Dosage of nutrient to an aerated lagoon : a measure to a higher TOC-reducation to the aerated lagoon of Skoghall MillBonde, Carl January 2006 (has links)
<p>In the process of making carton boards into Skoghall Mill, are great quantities of water being contaminated. This water has to be treated before it is possible to release into the recipient, Kattfjorden. One of the contaminations that is important to extract from the wastewater, is organic carbon (measured as TOC-total organic carbon) because microbiological breakdown can lead to the bottom becomig free of oxygen.</p><p>The wastewater treatment at Skoghall Mill is done through an external wastewater treatment that is located at the factory. The biological treatment (aerated lagoon) is a 140 000 m3 water pool with surface aerator, which is give oxygen to the water. In the lagoon live microorganisms who performs the biggest part of the TOC-reduction.</p><p>One problem with the lagoon is that the treatment of TOC is considerably worse during wintertime than during summertime. The reduction is during wintertime only 40 %, while during summertime it is about 70-80 %. This seasonal variation can to a large extent be explained by, that the water temperature in the lagoon decreases wintertime. The low water temperature does that the biological activity in the lagoon is reduced, which reduces the TOC-reduction. A second reason can also be that the microorganisms do not have enough bioavailable nutrients that is needed for growth of a new biomass.</p><p>In this thesis the need of nutrient has been examined. In two test pools, addings of nutrient were being done, to come to the conclusion of a good dosage of nutrient which would lead to a larger reduction of TOC, without enlarged quantities of nitrogen/phosphorus in the outgoing water. One of the test pools hold a summer temperature (30°C), and the other test pool hold a winter temperature (10°C). The test was performed this way to see if there would be any difference in the need of nutrient between summertime and wintertime.</p><p>The most important conclusion was that a nutrient dosage to the Skoghall aerated lagoon, rise the TOC-reduction wintertime. It was also concluded that it was foremost the nitrogen that contributed to the raised TOC-reduction, and nitrogen is thereby considered to be the growth restraining element wintertime. It seemed like phosphorus had been overdosed during the tests, while enlarged halts of the substance could be seen in the outgoing water, and an optimal dosage of phosphorus could not be done. The recommendation that came as a results from the tests, was that during wintertime add nitrogen and phosphorus according to TOC:N:P-quota 100:0,75:0,10. To the summer pool was no considerable improvement of the TOC-reduction seen, as a result of the nutrient addings. It is also no reason to dosage nutrients in summertime.</p> / <p>Vid tillverkning av kartong och pappersmassa på Skoghalls Bruk förorenas stora mängder vatten, som därmed måste renas före utsläpp till recipienten, Kattfjorden, en vik i Vänern. En av de föroreningar som är viktig att avlägsna ur avloppsvattnet är organiska kolföreningar (TOC-total organic carbon) eftersom det vid mikrobiologisk nedbrytning av TOC åtgår syre vilket kan leda till att sjöbotten blir syrefri.</p><p>Rening av avloppsvatten på Skoghall Bruk sker genom en extern reningsanläggning som är placerad på bruket. Det biologiska reningssteget i reningsanläggningen är en s.k. luftad damm. Detta är en 140 000 m3 stor vattenbassäng med ytluftare som syresätter vattnet. I dammen lever mikroorganismer vilka utför den största delen av TOC-reduktionen i brukets reningsanläggning.</p><p>Ett problem med dammen är att reningen av TOC är betydligt sämre vintertid än sommartid. Reduktionen av det till dammen inkommande TOC, är vintertid endast ca 40 % medan den sommartid ligger kring 70-80 %. Denna årstidsvariation kan till stor del förklaras av att vattentemperaturen i dammen sjunker vintertid. Den låga temperaturen medför att den biologiska aktiviteten i dammen sjunker, vilket hämmar TOC-reduktionen. En annan orsak till en låg TOC-reduktion kan vara att det för mikroorganismerna råder brist på biotillgängliga närsalter (kväve och fosfor) som behövs för tillväxt av ny biomassa.</p><p>I detta examensarbete har det undersökts behovet av närsalter för att höja TOC-reduktionen. I två laborationsdammar (ca 20 l) skedde doseringar av närsalter i syfte att finna en bra doseringskvot som innebar en ökad reduktion av TOC, utan att det blev förhöjda kväve-/fosforhalter i utgående vatten. En av laborationsdammarna höll sommartemperatur (ca 30°C) och en höll vintertemperatur (ca 10°C) vilket gjordes för att undersöka om det var skillnad av närsaltsbehovet mellan sommar och vintertid.</p><p>Den viktigaste slutsatsen av försöken var att en närsaltsdosering till Skoghalls luftade damm höjer TOC-reduktion vintertid. Det konstaterades att det var kvävet som främst bidrog till den ökade TOC-reduktionen och kväve anses därmed vara det tillväxtbegränsande ämnet vintertid. Fosfor tycktes ha överdoserats under försöken, då det sågs förhöjda halter i utgående vatten, och en optimal dosering av fosfor kunde inte avgöras. Den rekommendation som föll ut av de laborativa försöken var att vintertid dosera kväve och fosfor enligt TOC:N:P-kvot 100:0,75:0,10. Till sommardammen sågs inte någon förbättring av TOC-reduktionen till följd av närsaltstillsatserna, vilket innebär att närsaltsdoseringar sommartid är obefogat. Vidare sågs tendenser till att slammets sedimentationsegenskaper, hos framförallt vinterdammen, blev bättre till följd av närsaltsdosering, men brist på mätdata medför att det är svårt att dra slutsatser om det verkligen varit så.</p>
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A study of the performance of biochar as adsorbing agent in o‐DGT devices / En studie av egenskaperna hos biokol som adsorberande agent i o‐DGT anordningarEliasson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
A new complex aspect in the matter of water quality is the occurrence of emerging organic pollutants and contaminants in waste water. The currently low extent to which treatment of waste water is performed in Brazil, and in the world as a whole, there is a considerable need for development of cheap and accurate in-situ sampling methods for far-reaching studies of surface water quality. The lack of such methods today makes the maintenance and establishing of sanitary safety difficult. This diploma work gives a brief introduction to the basic principles of the passive sampling method known as Diffusive Gradient in Thin-films (DGT). A method that could be useful for such monitoring of quality in water bodies world wide. The aim of this study is to develop a method, for the detection of organic emerging pollutants and contaminants – i.e. compounds, which usually are present at very low concentrations when found in the environment as a result of human activity. More specifically, this work investigates the potential and usefulness of the application of DGT devices in detection of organic compounds that can affect human health and ecosystems, even at low concentrations, however, their effects still are in need of further investigations. This study focuses on both purely technical as well as practical points of views. The efficiency of organic DGT (o-DGT) with biochar as the adsorbing agent is examined targeting the detection of organic pollutants and contaminants in surface water. In this sense, the specific aim of the work is to evaluate the performance of biochar as adsorbing agent. This work showed that the performance of biochar as the adsorbing agent in binding layers in o-DGT sample devices can be considered as satisfactory since all compounds of interest in this study was successfully detected, quantified an identified. Further investigations in the future are needed to determine the effects of varying pH, temperature and ion concentration in the deployment media, as well as the properties of the binding layer in relation to concentration of biochar and the thickness of the layer. These in order to optimize the method for in-situ water sampling, aiming conventional use of biochar as the adsorbing agent in the future.
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Ozone Treatment Targeting Pharmaceutical Residues : Validation and Process Control in a Wastewater Treatment PlantFornander, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Major studies conducted in Europe and North America has concluded that the current processes in wastewater treatment plants insufficiently degrade micropollutants e.g. pharmaceutical residues. Several sorption and oxidation methods has therefore been investigated with the purpose of removing or degrading micropollutants in wastewater. The main purpose of this project was, firstly, to validate the results from a pilot study conducted by Tekniska verken i Linköping AB (2014) which investigated the use of ozone to degrade pharmaceutical residues. Secondly, to investigate and design a suitable process control strategy for the ozonation process. Four different tests were conducted during the project, a dose-response test, step-response tests, a trace test, and a performance test. A poorer average reduction of pharmaceutical residues was observed in this project compared to the pilot study. An average reduction of approximately 80% was observed at the highest tested dose, 0.67 mg O3/mg DOC, N corr. Whilst an average reduction of 90% was observed at approximately 0.46 mg O3/mg DOC, N corr, in the pilot study. However, the quality of the wastewater was worse during this project compared to the pilot study. ΔUVA254 and offgas concentration of ozone were found to be suitable control parameters for process control. A control strategy based on a combination of these parameters was designed, where ΔUVA254 was used as the main control parameter and the off-gas concentration of ozone was used as a limiting controller to ensure a sufficient mass transfer in the system. In conclusion, a suitable flow proportional base ozone dose valid for current water conditions has been identified, 10 mg/L. Differences in wastewater quality which heavily influence the ozonation process have been identified. Lastly, a control strategy for process control of the ozonation have been identified, designed and is ready for implementation.
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Tratamento biológico termofílico de efluente sintético de polpa celulósica através do processo combinado anaeróbio-aeróbio / Thermophilic treatment biologic of synthetic effluent from unbleached cellulose pulp through combined system anaerobic-aerobicCarmo, Dirlane de Fátima do 25 June 2004 (has links)
A viabilidade técnica de um sistema termofílico combinado de reatores anaeróbio-aeróbio foi avaliada para tratamento de efluente sintético da indústria de pasta de celulose não branqueada. Estas indústrias apresentam efluente com temperatura superior a 40ºC e o tratamento termofílico pode eliminar a necessidade do resfriamento, necessário para a faixa mesofílica de tratamento, reduzindo custos. Os reatores foram inoculados com lodo mesofílico com gradual adaptação para a condição termofílica. Na faixa mesofílica (37,5 a 42,5ºC) a eficiência do sistema foi de (69±3)%, com maior eficiência do reator anaeróbio (56±7)%. Depois que os reatores apresentaram equilíbrio dinâmico aparente, a temperatura foi gradualmente aumentada de 45,0 para 52ºC. As eficiências de remoção de DQO do sistema variaram de 57% a 88%. A porcentagem de metano no biogás foi decrescendo com o aumento de temperatura, de 77% para valores abaixo do limite de detecção do método cromatográfico utilizado. A eficiência do reator anaeróbio foi baixa e houve acúmulo de ácidos, principalmente acético. O reator aeróbio apresentou maior eficiência de remoção de DQO porém a concentração no licor misto foi baixa. Após a alteração no tempo de detenção hidráulica dos reatores UASB e de lodos ativados para 24 horas e 8 horas, respectivamente, os reatores operaram em faixa de temperatura de 52 a 57ºC por 85 dias. As eficiências de remoção de DQO do sistema variaram de 54% a 70%. A eficiência do reator UASB continuou baixa enquanto o reator aeróbio apresentou bom desempenho, com eficiências variando de 3% a 35% e de 43% a 75%, respectivamente. As concentrações de SSV no licor misto aumentaram, variando de 122 mg/L a 2940 mg/L. Em faixa de temperatura termofílica houve predomínio de Methanosaetas sp e bacilos no reator anaeróbio, não havendo diferenciação significativa de morfologias comparando com a fase mesofílica. No reator aeróbio houve diferenciação a partir da temperatura de 42,5ºC e predominaram bacilos, cocos e filamentos em temperatura termofílica. Os resultados demonstram a viabilidade do tratamento termofílico, mas outros experimentos são necessários antes da aplicação industrial do processo. / The technical feasibility of a combined thermophilic anaerobic-aerobic biological reactors configuration was evaluated in this work using a synthetic unbleached pulp mill effluent. These industries introduce effluent with temperature greater 40ºC and the treatment would eliminate the need of cooling that is required for the mesophilic range, reducing the costs. The reactors were inoculated with mesophilic sludge with gradual adaptation to the termophilic condition. In the mesophilic range (37.5 to 42.5ºC) the efficiency of the combined system was (69±3)%, with the higher efficiency in the anaerobic reactor (56±7)%. After the reactors reached apparent steady state regime the temperature was gradually increased from 42.5 to 52ºC. The system efficiency ranged from 57% to 88%. The percentage of methane in the biogas decreased with the increase in temperature, from 77% to values below the detection limit of the chromatographic measurement used in this work. The anaerobic efficiency was low and the reactor accumulated fatty acid, mostly acetic. The aerobic reactor presented higher efficiency removal of COD but the mixed liquor concentration was lower. After adjustment in the hydraulic retention time of both reactors, with the UASB operating with 24 hours HRT and the aerobic with 8 hours HRT, the reactors operated in the temperature range of 52 to 57ºC during 85 days. The overall removal efficiency ranged from 54% to 70%. The efficiency of the UASB reactor remained lower while the aerobic reactor presented good performance, with COD removal efficiency in the range of 3% to 35%, respectively. The mixed liquor VSS concentration increased with the increase in temperature from 122 mg/L to 2940 mg/L. In thermophilic temperature there was predominance of Methanosaetas sp and baccilus in the anaerobic reactor, without significant differentiation of morphology in comparison with the mesophilic temperature. In the aerobic reactor there was differentiation in temperature of 42.5ºC and baccilus, cocus and filamentous predominated in the thermophilic temperature. These results indicated the feasibility of the thermophilic treatment but other experiments are needed before industrial application of this process.
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