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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Access to Water: Advancement of Multidimensional, Multiscalar, and Participatory Methods of Measurement in the Global South

Prince, Breeanna Carroll 29 June 2018 (has links)
This project deploys a modified Water Poverty Index (WPI) in villages reconstructed after the 2004 tsunami in southeastern India. While previous measurements of access to water have advanced understandings of waterscape complexities, this modified WPI improves past efforts and deconstructs some of the previous misunderstandings and notions regarding access to water. The traditional WPI is multidimensional and seeks to measure water access in a holistic fashion; the WPI presented here employs this approach, but is adapted to include new place-based indicators (e.g., Secondary Sources). Furthermore, unlike previous iterations of the WPI, our modified index incorporates water quality testing, three weight schemes, and operates at several scales. Ultimately, the construction and arrangement of our modified WPI enables statistical analyses, geospatial analyses, and water poverty mapping -- which are absent in most prior studies-- while still remaining easy to populate and descriptively analyze among non-academicians. Statistical tests of original household level data from a total of 24 villages in Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu, and Karaikal District, Puducherry, indicate significant differences between the two districts in indicator scores as well as total WPI score. Additionally, the urban and rural areas within each district were found to be significantly different in level of water poverty, and trends were similar across the three weight schemes. Multiple linear regressions show correlation of independent socioeconomic variables (i.e., Income, Education, and Assets-Networks) with the dependent indicator of Capacity, but not with the other indicators or total WPI score. Global Moran's I tests indicate positive spatial autocorrelation, demonstrating that indicator and WPI scores tend to cluster in space. Overall, the results match what was anticipated, yet serve to challenge commonly held assumptions on urban-rural hierarchies and the role of socioeconomic variables in determining water poverty. The construction, deployment, and analytical potential of this modified WPI can be used by scholars to improve existing conceptualizations and measurements of access to water, while the results can be used by local governments and nonprofits to improve resource allocation and inform spatially-targeted interventions. / Master of Science / This study uses a modified, participant-based Water Poverty Index (WPI) to measure access to water among 24 reconstructed villages in Karaikal and Nagapattinam Districts in South India. While following the traditional WPI framework, this WPI modifies previous indicators and includes new indicators such as Secondary Sources, Quality, and Quantity. The modified WPI also supports statistical analyses as well as geospatial analyses and water poverty mapping. Further differentiation of this WPI is that it applies three separate weight schemes to interpret findings. The first weight scheme is the traditional application of equal weights; the second uses best management practices, the engineering and public health literatures, and grounded observations and fieldwork to develop an ‘expert’ weight scheme; and the third ‘survey’ weight scheme adheres to participants’ rankings in terms of which WPI indicators they perceive as most important when dealing with water issues. After indicator and WPI scores were calculated, independent sample t-tests, Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests, and stepwise multiple linear regressions were conducted on all scores. The tests were also conducted at several scales and across the three weight schemes. Results show that Karaikal District significantly outperformed Nagapattinam District, urban Karaikal significantly outperformed rural Karaikal, and rural Nagapattinam significantly outperformed urban Nagapattinam (which defies previous notions of urban-rural hierarchies). The regressions failed to return high R 2 values, indicating that factors such as income and education are not correlated with WPI scores. The results from this tool can be used to aid in interventions by local governments and nonprofits to improve overall resource management.

Hydro-social permutations of water commodification in Blantyre City, Malawi

Tchuwa, Isaac January 2015 (has links)
Despite years of investment in urban water infrastructure, and the state-a supposedly benign public entity-being the major actor in governing water, many poor residents in global south cities such as Blantyre experience unprecedented water-related problems. The neoliberal narrative unequivocally advocates privatising water; it frames the water problem as symptomatic of the unravelling of non-economic means of distributing this basic necessity of life while revering the free market as a panacea to this long-standing challenge. This thesis draws from the production/urbanisation of nature/space literature to contribute towards framing an alternative and more just political ecological water narrative. Through a radical critique of capitalist urbanisation, it argues that the contemporary urban water condition is the outcome and symptomatic of the unjust historical geographical legacies of modernist/capitalist means of producing water. It problematises the neo-liberal "tragedy of the commons" discourse that attributes these problems to the non-commodity nature of water. Through a case study of Blantyre City, the thesis frames this critique through two claims (1) that there is no such a thing as non-commodified produced water in contemporary Blantyre; (2) that the commodification of water is nothing new, it is a histo-geographical process deeply rooted in logics and contradictions of capitalist production of nature and space. It traces a critical moment in the capitalist remaking of hydro-social relations to colonial modernisation. British colonisation (late 1850s-early 1960s) inserted money and modern techniques at the heart of human-water interactions thereby significantly transforming traditional modes of accessing water. During this period, water began to change from being a common good to an economic resource that could privately be enclosed and harnessed as a means to economic/private ends through modern techniques. Institutions created to mediate this emergent modernist water architecture were dominated by vested private settler interests, depended heavily on external financing and revenue generated from exchanging water through money. British colonisations then sow first seeds in inserting monetary exchange, class and social power as mediators of the human-water interchange thereby entrenching social inequalities in Blantyre's waterscape. The post-colonial political transition in 1964 did little to radically reconfigure these colonial logics and their contradictions; in fact, albeit in qualitatively different ways, these dynamics intensified. The thesis establishes that these historical geographical dynamics continue to reproduce conditions through which underprivileged residents are alienated from water, and this basic need is commodified in contemporary Blantyre. In locating alienation and commodification within the wider historical geographical context of capitalist urbanisation, this thesis aims to critically engage with debates on neo-liberalisation of water. It takes issue with a particular ahistorical manner commodification of water is read and the failure of these debates to engage critically with the historical/colonial genesis of the present urban water condition in global south cities. The thesis hopes to contribute to academic and practical projects concerned with generating alternative understandings and finding just solutions to persistent water problems in the global south.

Versorgungsgerechtigkeit in einer nachhaltigen Trinkwasserwirtschaft. Ein institutionenökonomischer Ansatz zur Berücksichtigung des sozialen Anliegens im Zielfächer der Wasserpolitik: Versorgungsgerechtigkeit in einer nachhaltigen Trinkwasserwirtschaft. Ein institutionenökonomischer Ansatz zur Berücksichtigung des sozialen Anliegens im Zielfächer der Wasserpolitik

Bretschneider, Wolfgang 05 July 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht einen Begriff der Versorgungsgerechtigkeit im Kontext der Trinkwasserversorgung zu konturieren, der auf Nachhaltigkeit hin programmiert ist. Das bedeutet im Sinne des Drei-Säulen-Modells der Nachhaltigkeit, dass beim Verfolg dieses sozialen Zieles, sogleich die ökologischen und ökonomischen Bedingungen mit-gedacht werden sollen. Zugrunde liegt die Annahme, dass so auch das soziale Ziel bes-ser erreicht werden kann. Grundkonzept ist vor diesem Hintergrund, einen Begriff der Versorgungsgerechtigkeit zu entwickeln, der das Spannungsfeld der aristotelischen Unterscheidung von iustitia distributiva und iustitia commutativa umgreift. Erstere richtet ihren Blick auf den ein-zelnen privaten Haushalt mit seinen Bedarfen und Möglichkeiten. Hier stellt sich für diese Arbeit besonders und in erster Linie die Frage, welche Bedingungen seiner Was-sernachfrage jeweils für den Haushalt zumutbar sind. Letztere sorgt hingegen für einen (Interessen-) Ausgleich zwischen dem jeweiligen Wasserkonsumenten und all jenen Teilen der Gesellschaft (inkl. ökologischer Umwelt), die von dieser Wassernutzung be-troffen sind (stakeholder). Sie schlägt den Bogen zu den ökologischen und ökonomischen Nachhaltigkeitsbelangen. Dieses Spannungsfeld wird übertragen auf den Begriff des „Zugangs“, der in der Recht-auf-Wasser-Debatte Grundlage für eine Debatte zur Umsetzung ist. Richtet man den Blick – auf „Zugang“ – auf die Zugangshürden (z. B. der Wasserpreis), dann wird deutlich, dass diese Hürden (potenziell) Nachhaltigkeitsfunktionen erfüllen (z. B. Refinanzierung von Dienstleistungen, Schutz aquatischer Ökosysteme). Das zentrale Ergebnis lautet: Versorgungsgerechtigkeit, mithin ein „angemessener Zugang“, ist gegeben, wenn die Zugangshürden, denen sich der Nutzer gegenübersieht (nachhaltigkeits-)funktional, zumutbar und außerdem nicht-diskriminierend sind. Im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit wird u. a. das Verhältnis von Funktionalität und Zumut-barkeit definiert, werden Messkonzepte zur Zumutbarkeit (affordability) betrachtet und werden Ansatzpunkte einer Politik der Versorgungsgerechtigkeit diskutiert.:Kapitel 1: Einleitung Kapitel 2: Die Versorgung mit Wasserdienstleistungen als ökonomisches Allokationsproblem Kapitel 3: Versorgungsgerechtigkeit und Wasserpreis Kapitel 4: Versorgungsgerechtigkeit und Güterzugang: Zur Umsetzung eines Rechts auf Wasser Kapitel 5: Die Zumutbarkeit der pekuniären Hürde „Preis“: Zur Messung von affordability Kapitel 6: Instrumente der Versorgungsgerechtigkeit Kapitel 7: Zusammenfassung, Fazit und Ausblick

Business Models for Decentralized Drinking Water Services in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas

Duran Romero, Daniela Adalia January 2024 (has links)
Access to clean drinking water is a fundamental human right, yet many urban and peri-urban areas struggle to provide this service. While rural water access has improved, urban areas face stagnation or declining access to safe water services due to rapid urbanization, environmental changes, and social disparities. With urban populations in the global South expected to double and concerns about water quality from centralized systems in high-income countries, adaptable and resilient water service solutions are urgently needed. Decentralized systems are gaining attention for their adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and resilience, offering flexible alternatives to large treatment plants and aiming to provide safe, clean water at the household or community level. These systems improve local responsiveness, reduce inequalities, and enhance resilience by utilizing alternative water sources like rainwater harvesting. Innovative service delivery models are essential to bridge gaps, increase local responsiveness, and benefit vulnerable groups. Business model innovation is crucial for adopting and sustaining decentralized water technologies, especially in urban and developing contexts. Private companies are increasingly stepping in to provide decentralized drinking water services, often in partnership with government-led projects or community-managed initiatives, filling gaps where public institutions fall short. This thesis investigates private entities as viable alternatives for decentralized drinking water service provision, considering the complex landscape of urban water provision and the challenges centralized systems face. Using a mixed-methods approach, including a systematic literature review and interviews with eight organizations, the study explores how private companies operate and engage with communities to improve water services. Findings show that private companies use innovative business models, such as Social Enterprise and Product-Service System Models, to balance profitability with social and environmental responsibilities, though this raises concerns about the commodification of water. The thesis emphasizes the importance of subsidies, innovative financing, and government support to ensure affordable and accessible water services, especially in low-income and water-stressed regions. It stresses the need for supportive policy frameworks to promote decentralized services in different income-level countries. The adaptability of private companies to diverse customer bases and their ability to secure funding from various sources are crucial for the scalability and sustainability of their services. The thesis concludes that private companies play a vital role in bridging the service provision gap, but their success depends on innovation, stakeholder engagement, and supportive policies. It highlights the importance of balancing centralized and decentralized systems to ensure sustainable and resilient water services and uphold the human right to clean drinking water. The thesis contributes to the discourse on sustainable urban water management, underlining the potential of private companies to improve the accessibility and sustainability of drinking water services while emphasizing the need for ethical considerations in commodifying essential resources.

Water Governance in Bolivia: Policy Options for Pro-Poor Infrastructure Reform

Maxwell, Daniel M 01 January 2013 (has links)
As the case with most countries across Latin America, unprecedented migration to urban areas has strained city infrastructure systems. More particularly, the region faces a pressing crisis of water security, where rapid urbanization has outpaced water sector development. This thesis addresses the water infrastructure reform in El Alto and La Paz, Bolivia, focusing on strategies to better promote water access for the peri-urban poor. The research investigates the level of progressivity of water service expansion and pricing regimes: in other words, does the present model of water distribution positively improve the lives of the poorest groups? By investigating these social dimensions of water management, this study brings perspectives on the broader dialogue on Bolivia’s economic development, along with issues of participatory governance. Resumen: Como es el caso en muchos países latinoamericanos, la migración a áreas urbanas a niveles sin precedentes ha superado la capacidad de infraestructura. Concretamente, la región se enfrenta a una urgente crisis en la seguridad de agua potable dado que la rápida urbanización ha sobrepasado el desarrollo de este sector. Esta tesis aborda la reforma de la infraestructura de agua potable en El Alto y La Paz, Bolivia, enfocando en las estrategias para mejorar el acceso a agua por parte de los residentes periurbanos pobres. La investigación averigua el nivel de progresividad de los regímenes de precios y expansión de servicios de agua potable. En otras palabras, ¿contribuye el actual modelo de distribución de agua al mejoramiento de la vida de los grupos más desfavorecidos? Al investigar estas dimensiones sociales en el manejo de agua potable, este estudio ofrece perspectivas en cuanto al diálogo amplio del desarrollo económico de Bolivia, así como asuntos de gobernanza participativa.

Development of monitoring program for water safety in small-scale water treatment plants in rural areas of Ecuador

Sigrell, Tone January 2018 (has links)
Globally a major health concern according to the World health organization (WHO, 2011) is gastro-intestinal infections caused by fecally contaminated water. The access to drinking water has increased due to international efforts, however the long-term sustainability and safety of the water accessed have gained criticism, and many water sources have proven to be both contaminated (UN, 2016) and badly managed (WHO, 2016a).  This thesis aims to design a monitoring program for small-scale water treatment in order to make the water supply sustainable in terms of providing safe water in a long-term perspective. A case-study was conducted for three treatment systems under constructed in rural Ecuador. The monitoring program design was based on a literature review and conducting a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA). QMRA is a tool for estimating microbial risks, by using quantitative data on microbial contamination and estimating health risks. Data for the QMRA was gathered from literature and in field, and the reference pathogens used in the QMRA were E.coli O157:H7, Rotavirus and Giardia. In order to estimate infection risk from drinking water consumption for the community a QMRA-model called MRA, developed by Abrahamsson et al. (2009) was used.  Observations of the catchment areas and measurement of water quality regarding aspects other than microbial contamination indicated that the main risk was microbial contamination from fecal contaminations in the catchment area. The results from the QMRA indicated that the treatment using chlorination reduces E.coli O157:H7 under the acceptable risk level of 1/1000 infections per person and year, while the systems using biosand filters (BSF) are more effective in reducing rotavirus and Giardia. If the BSF are combined with chlorination the annual probability of infection caused by consumption of the treated water per year and person was 0.42/1000 for E.coli O157:H7, 570/1000 for Rotavirus and 25/1000 for Giardia.  The resulting monitoring program was divided into two parts: one part aimed to prevent contamination and one part designed to measure pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity on a weekly basis and microbial indicator tests using a presence/absence method monthly. Additional testing is to be done in case of events of such character that the water quality could be effected, for example an extreme weather event.  It was concluded that the designed monitoring program could help improve the water quality in a long-term perspective, but it is dependent on the possibilities to get the necessary support, especially in the implementation phase. Recommended further studies includes collection of more site-specific data to make the QMRA results more representative, and evaluation of the monitoring program design by implementing it and optimizing it in the communities. / Runt om i världen skapar en otillräcklig tillgång på rent vatten och sanitet mycket lidande. Enlig världshälsoorganisationen WHO (2011) är ett av de ledande världshälsoproblem mag- och tarminfektioner som orsakats av vattenburna fekala patogener. Trots att antalet människor med tillgång till en dricksvattenkälla har ökat till följd av internationella ansträngningar, är hållbarheten och säkerheten för vattenkvalitén problematisk. Många dricksvattenkällor har visat sig vara både förorenade (UN, 2016) och undermåligt skötta (WHO, 2016a). Målet med denna studie är att ta fram ett vattenkvalitetsövervakningsprogram för tre småskaliga vattenreningsverk, för att dessa ska producera säkert vatten i ett långsiktigt perspektiv.  En fallstudie utfördes i byar på landsbygden i Ecuador där systemen planerats. Metoden för att ta fram ett kvalitetsövervakningsprogram var litteraturstudie och mikrobiell riskanalys. Den mikrobiella riskanalysen genomfördes med en metod som kallas Kvantitativ Mikrobiell Risk Analys (QMRA). I QMRA kan hälsorisker från mikrobiell kontamination estimeras med kvantitativdata på mikrobiell förorening. Data för att genomföra QMRA samlades från litteraturen och fältbesök. För att estimera hälsorisker i byarna i fallstudien användes en QMRA-modell som heter MRA framtaget av Abrahamsson et.al. (2009).  Observationer i fält och data på ingående vatten tydde på att de största riskerna för vattenkvalitén var fekal kontamination från djur och människor. Resultaten från QMRA:n visade att reningsverket med klorering reducerade E.coli O157:H7 till en nivå under den accepterade risknivå, satt till 1/1000 infekterade per år och person. Reningsverken med biosandfilter (BSF) var mer effektiva i reduktionen av rotavirus och Giardia. Då klor kombinerades med BSF i modellen blev den årliga infektionsnivån per person 570/1000 för Rotavirus och 25/1000 för Giardia.  Vattenkvalitetsövervakningsprogrammet delades in två delar: en kontaminationsförebyggande och en för att mäta pH, temperatur, konduktivitet och turbiditet veckovis, samt mikrobiella indikatortest med en metod som noterar förekomst av bakteriekolonier (presence/absence metod) månadsvis. Extra tester ska även göras vid sådan händelse som kan komma att påverka vattenkvalitén avsevärt, exempelvis en kraftig storm.  Slutsatsen är att det framtagna vattenkvalitetsövervakningsprogrammet kan göra att vatten-källan blir mer säker och hållbar i ett långsiktigt perspektiv, men att framgången är beroende av att rätt hjälp finns tillhanda speciellt i implementeringsfasen. Fortsatta studier behövs för att göra resultaten från QMRA:n mer representativa, exempelvis genom att samla mer områdesspecifikdata. Vidare skulle det vara intressant att implementera kvalitetsövervakningsprogrammet för att utvärdera och optimera det.

Thirsting for access? Public access to water for personal use in urban centres: A case study of Victoria, British Columbia

Gelb, Karen 08 December 2007 (has links)
The World Health Organization and the United Nations state that people normally access water through their place of residence. However, in North America people regularly need access to water services, such as toilets, fountains, or bathing facilities, when not in a private residence. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the current situation of access to water for personal uses for people outside a place of residence as an emergent research topic. To accomplish this, I conducted a literature review and a thematic analysis of nine key-informant interviews with stakeholders in Victoria. Findings from the research reveal that access to water for personal uses is limited in Victoria when outside a place of residence. Furthermore, the consequences and implications of this limitation directly and indirectly influence both individuals and the broader community. Finally, policy recommendations, action responses, and future research directions inform possible responses to address this issue.

Thirsting for access? Public access to water for personal use in urban centres: A case study of Victoria, British Columbia

Gelb, Karen 08 December 2007 (has links)
The World Health Organization and the United Nations state that people normally access water through their place of residence. However, in North America people regularly need access to water services, such as toilets, fountains, or bathing facilities, when not in a private residence. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the current situation of access to water for personal uses for people outside a place of residence as an emergent research topic. To accomplish this, I conducted a literature review and a thematic analysis of nine key-informant interviews with stakeholders in Victoria. Findings from the research reveal that access to water for personal uses is limited in Victoria when outside a place of residence. Furthermore, the consequences and implications of this limitation directly and indirectly influence both individuals and the broader community. Finally, policy recommendations, action responses, and future research directions inform possible responses to address this issue.


Eshun, Enoch Caswell 17 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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