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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Study of the Physiological, Metabolomic and Transcriptional Changes Mediated by Rootstocks to Explain the Water Stress Tolerance of Grafted Pepper Plants

Padilla Herrero, Yaiza Gara 20 November 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Anteriormente, investigadores del Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA) y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) evaluaron la respuesta a estrés hídrico en pimiento injertado para obtener patrones de pimiento que confieran tolerancia a la variedad injertada en estrés hídrico. Los mejores patrones se estudian en campo en condiciones de estrés hídrico a largo plazo. Se patentó el patrón híbrido de pimiento NIBER® tolerante a estrés hídrico, las plantas injertadas sobre NIBER® mostraron menor impacto en la biomasa y el rendimiento en déficit hídrico a largo plazo. La tolerancia de NIBER® se atribuyó al mantenimiento de la actividad fotosintética y una mejor distribución de la biomasa radicular en estrés hídrico. Además, la respuesta sostenida de tolerancia observada en las plantas injertadas sobre NIBER® podría relacionarse con una respuesta rápida en la fase inicial en estrés hídrico, que no se conoce a corto plazo. Así, estudiar la contribución de la respuesta a corto plazo de NIBER® sobre la tolerancia de la variedad injertada en estrés hídrico arrojaría luz en las estrategias de tolerancia en plantas injertadas de pimiento. Además, estudiar la modulación génica, el balance hormonal y el perfil metabólico ampliará el conocimiento sobre los mecanismos moleculares en la respuesta a estrés hídrico. En esta tesis doctoral, observamos que los mecanismos constitutivos en ausencia de estrés hídrico influyen en la respuesta a estrés hídrico en plantas injertadas de pimiento, y que las estrategias constitutivas de NIBER® incluyen la estimulación del sistema antioxidante y la inducción sostenida de ABA. En estrés hídrico, las raíces de NIBER® muestran un menor impacto que las raíces de A10, dado su menor contenido de GSSG por menor daño oxidativo. NIBER® promueve la síntesis de osmolitos en la raíz y vitamina B6 en las hojas de la variedad injertada protegiendo al aparato fotosintético del daño oxidativo producido por el estrés hídrico. Además, la prolina, implicada en la protección del aparato fotosintético, se acumula en las plantas injertadas sobre el híbrido de pimiento H92, capaces de mantener la actividad fotosintética a largo plazo en estrés hídrico. Este rol de la prolina en la tolerancia a estrés hídrico a largo plazo no se observó a corto plazo y podría ser una estrategia tardía. La respuesta al estrés hídrico a corto plazo incluye la regulación del movimiento estomático en NIBER® en la fase inicial de estrés (5 h), evitando el cierre estomático hasta las 48 h mediante cambios en la expresión génica de reguladores negativos de ABA y acuaporinas, seguido del cierre estomático a las 48 h asociado a una síntesis previa de ABA en las raíces y transporte a las hojas. El JA también aumentó en las hojas de la variedad injertada sobre NIBER® (48 h) en estrés hídrico, y se regula por señales a larga distancia desde la raíz, que promueven la síntesis en hoja y el transporte a la raíz, y su resíntesis. El JA está implicado en el cierre estomático y la señalización en estrés, causando la activación de factores de transcripción de respuesta a la deshidratación. En las raíces de NIBER® el ratio auxinas/citoquininas se regula en la respuesta inicial al estrés hídrico, favoreciendo el crecimiento de la raíz respecto al tallo a las 5 h, después aumentando las citoquininas y disminuyendo las auxinas a 24 h y finalmente aumentando las auxinas y reduciendo las citoquininas para una mayor biomasa radicular y capacidad exploratoria. En las hojas de la variedad injertada, NIBER® aumenta los metabolitos protectores clorofila a, ácido esteárico, antocianinas y metabolitos implicados en la síntesis de suberina y cutina. Estos últimos también aumentan en la raíz y tienen un papel antioxidante o bien como constituyentes de barreras celulares controlando los flujos de agua, gases y solutos. Finalmente, el contenido en sirohemo aumenta en la raíz y posiblemente está relacionado con una asimilación del nitrógeno más eficiente. / [CA] Prèviament, investigadors de l'Institut Valencià d'Investigacions Agràries (IVIA) i de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) avaluaren la resposta a estrés hídric en pebrera empeltada per obtenir patrons de pebrera que conferisquen tolerància a la varietat empeltada en estrés hídric. Els millors patrons s'estudien al camp en condicions d'estrés hídric a llarg termini. Es va patentar el patró híbrid de pebrera NIBER® com a patró tolerant, les plants empeltades sobre NIBER® mostraren menor impacte en la biomassa i el rendiment en condicions de dèficit hídric. La tolerància de NIBER® es va atribuir al manteniment de l'activitat fotosintètica i a una millor distribució de la biomassa radicular en estrés hídric. A més, la resposta sostinguda de tolerància observada a les plantes empeltades sobre NIBER® podria relacionar-se amb una resposta ràpida a la fase inicial en estrés hídric, que no s'ha estudiat a curt termini. Així, estudiar la contribució de la resposta a curt termini de NIBER® sobre la tolerància de la varietat empeltada en estrés hídric aclariria els mecanismes de tolerància en plantes empeltades de pebrera. A més, estudiar la modulació gènica, el balanç hormonal i el perfil metabòlic ampliaria el coneixement sobre els mecanismes moleculars en la resposta a estrés hídric. En aquesta tesi doctoral comprovarem que els mecanismes constitutius en absència d'estrés hídric influeixen en la resposta a estrés hídric en plantes empeltades de pebrera i que les estratègies constitutives de NIBER® inclouen l'estimulació del sistema antioxidant i la inducció sostinguda d'ABA. En estrés hídric, les arrels de NIBER® mostraren menor impacte en comparació amb A10, amb un menor contingut de GSSG per menor dany oxidatiu. NIBER® promou la síntesis d'osmòlits a les arrels i de vitamina B6 a les fulles de la varietat empeltada per a protegir a l'aparell fotosintètic del dany oxidatiu per l'estrés hídric. A més, la prolina, implicada en la protecció de l'aparell fotosintètic, s'acumula a les plantes empeltades sobre l'híbrid de pebrera H92, que mantenen l'activitat fotosintètica en condicions d'estrés hídric a llarg termini. Aquest paper de la prolina no es va observar en condicions d'estrés hídric a curt termini i podria ser una estratègia tardana. Les respostes a l'estrés hídric a curt termini inclouen la regulació del moviment estomàtic en NIBER® a la fase inicial d'estrés hídric (5 h), evitant el tancament estomàtic fins a les 48 h mitjançant canvis a l'expressió gènica de reguladors negatius d'ABA i acuaporines, seguit d'un tancament estomàtic a les 48 h associat a una síntesis prèvia d'ABA a les arrels i transport a les fulles. L'JA també va augmentar a les fulles de la varietat empeltada sobre NIBER® a les 48 h en estrés hídric i està regulat per senyals a llarga distància des de les arrels que promouen la síntesis a les fulles i el transport a les arrels i resíntesi. L'JA està implicat al tancament estomàtic i la senyalització en condicions d'estrés, promovent l'activació de factors de transcripció de resposta a la deshidratació. El rati auxines/citoquinines es regula a les arrels de NIBER® a la resposta inicial a l'estrés hídric, primer afavorint el creixement de l'arrel sobre el creixement de la part aèria a les 5 h, després augmentant les citoquinines i disminuint les auxines a les 24 h i finalment augmentant les auxines i reduint les citoquinines per obtenir major biomassa radicular i capacitat exploratòria. A les fulles de la varietat empeltada, NIBER® augmenta el contingut dels metabòlits protectors clorofil·la a, àcid esteàric, antocianines i metabòlits relacionats amb la síntesi de suberina i cutina. Aquests últims també augmenten a les arrels i tenen un paper antioxidant o actuen com a constituents de barreres cel·lulars controlant els fluxos d'aigua, gasos i soluts. Finalment, el contingut en siroheme augmenta a les arrels i possiblement està relacionat amb una assimilació de nitrogen més eficient. / [EN] Previously, research groups at the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) evaluated the water stress responses in grafted pepper plants to obtain tolerant pepper rootstocks that make the grafted variety able to overcome water stress. The best rootstocks are studied in the field under long-term water stress conditions. In this way, the NIBER® pepper hybrid rootstock was obtained and patented as water stress-tolerant rootstock, because plants grafted onto NIBER® had a lower impact on biomass and yield under long-term deficit irrigation conditions. NIBER® tolerance response was attributed to sustained photosynthetic activity and improved root biomass distribution under long-term water stress. However, the sustained tolerance response observed in plants grafted onto NIBER® may be linked to prompt responses in the early phase of water stress conditions, but the short-term modulation and behavior of NIBER® water stress response has not been studied. Hence, studying the contribution of the NIBER® short-term water stress responses to tolerance in the grafted variety would shed light into tolerance mechanisms in grafted pepper plants. Moreover, understanding the modulation of the gene expression, phytohormones balance and metabolic profile will also broad the knowledge on the molecular mechanisms implicated in water stress response. In the present doctoral thesis, we stated that the constitutive mechanisms taking place under non-water stress conditions dispose the response to water stress in grafted pepper plants, and NIBER® constitutive strategies include an enhanced ROS detoxification system and maintained ABA induction. When the water stress comes into play, its impact was minor in NIBER® roots in relation to A10 roots, which is reflected in lesser GSSG content from lower oxidative damage. NIBER® promotes the synthesis of osmolytes in roots and vitamin B6 in the grafted variety leaves to protect the plants from the oxidative damage resulting from water stress. Moreover, proline has a role in photosynthetic apparatus protection, because it is accumulated in plants grafted onto pepper hybrid H92, which showed sustained photosynthetic activity under long-term water stress conditions. The proline role in water stress tolerance is not observed under short-term water stress and may constitute a late strategy in grafted pepper plants. Short-term responses to water stress include stomatal movements in NIBER® during early phases (5h) of water stress, starting with the avoidance of stomatal closure up to 48 h by gene expression changes in ABA negative regulators and aquaporins, and followed by stomatal closure at 48 h associated with previous ABA synthesis in roots and transport to leaves. JA is also increased in the leaves of the variety grafted onto NIBER® at 48 h under water stress, and is regulated by long-distance signals from roots that promote its synthesis on leaves and transport to roots and resynthesis. JA is involved in stomatal closure and stress signaling, which leads to dehydration-responsive transcription factors activation. The auxins/cytokinins ratio is also fine-tuned by NIBER® roots during the early water stress response, beginning with promotion of root over shoot growth at 5 h, then increases the cytokinins and reduces the auxins content at 24 h, and finally increases the auxins and reduces the cytokinins content to obtain higher root biomass and greater water exploring ability. In the leaves of the grafted variety, NIBER® increases protective metabolites as chlorophyll a, stearic acid, anthocyanins and suberin and cutin biosynthesis-related metabolites, being the latter also increased in the roots. The mentioned metabolites have an antioxidant role or act as cellular barrier constituents that can control fluxes of water, gases and solutes. Lastly, siroheme increases in roots and it is possibly linked to a more effective nitrogen assimilation. / Padilla Herrero, YG. (2023). Study of the Physiological, Metabolomic and Transcriptional Changes Mediated by Rootstocks to Explain the Water Stress Tolerance of Grafted Pepper Plants [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199992 / Compendio

Efecto del sulfato de amonio, ácido acetilsalicílico y biosólidos en parámetros edáficos, fisiológicos, bioquímicos y productivos en Stipa caudata en una condición de escasez hídrica.

Molina Khouzam, Julio Andrés 05 March 2025 (has links)
[ES] La escasez hídrica afecta gran parte Chile desde hace aproximadamente 15 años. Stipa caudata es una especie nativa adaptada a condiciones de aridez. Por su parte, el ácido acetil salicílico y sulfato de amonio alivian el estrés hídrico en plantas, mientras que los biosólidos mejoran las características fisicoquímicas del suelo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS), sulfato de amonio (SA) y biosólidos (BS) en parámetros edáficos, fisiológicos, bioquímicos y productivos en Stipa caudata tratada bajo una condición de escasez hídrica. Se realizaron cuatro experimentos, dos durante la temporada 2018-2019 y dos durante la temporada 2019-2020. Se emplearon diseños experimentales de Parcelas Divididas en Bloques al Azar (PDBA). En la temporada 2018-2019, en el primer experimento se determinó el efecto de AAS y SA en macetas de 10 L al aire libre durante el mes de septiembre, como ensayo preliminar, instaurando un segundo y similar experimento en noviembre. En la temporada 2019-2020, se determinó el efecto de ácido acetil salicílico y de biosólidos provenientes de plantas de aguas residuales en macetas de 1 L en invernadero durante julio. En los tres experimentos se evaluaron los tratamientos en condiciones de riego y escases hídrica. Se evaluaron parámetros edáficos como: pH, CE, contenido volumétrico del agua en el suelo contenido de carbonatos y materia orgánica; referentes a la producción de biomasa: altura y grosor de tallos, número de hojas, peso fresco y seco de la parte aérea y radical. Por otra parte, se evaluaron parámetros vinculados a la resistencia a la escases hídrica, como lo es, a nivel fisiológico, la producción de clorofilas, mientras que a nivel bioquímico la actividad de enzimas antioxidantes como la catalasa (CAT), superóxido dismutasa (SOD), ascorbato peroxidasa (APX) y glutatión peroxidasa (GR) junto a antioxidantes no enzimáticos como fenoles totales (TPC), flavonoides totales (TF) y osmoprotectantes como prolina (Pro) y contenido de iones en el material vegetal. La escasez hídrica aumentó la actividad APX y malondialdehído (MDA), mientras que la presencia de AAS o SA incrementó el contenido de prolina, flavonoides y clorofilas. Los resultados sugieren que la presencia de AAS o SA podrían ser una estrategia efectiva para aliviar los efectos negativos de la escasez hídrica en el crecimiento de Stipa caudata. / [CA] L'escassetat hídrica afecta gran part Xile des de fa aproximadament 15 anys. *Stipa *caudata és una espècie nativa adaptada a condicions d'aridesa. Per part seua, l'àcid acetil salicílic i sulfat d'amoni alleugen l'estrés hídric en plantes, mentre que els *biosólidos milloren les característiques fisicoquímiques del sòl. L'objectiu d'este treball va ser avaluar l'efecte de l'àcid acetilsalicílic (*AAS), sulfat d'amoni (SA) i *biosólidos (*BS) en paràmetres edàfics, fisiològics, bioquímics i productius en *Stipa *caudata tractada sota una condició d'escassetat hídrica. Es van realitzar quatre experiments, dos durant la temporada 2018-2019 i dues durant la temporada 2019-2020. Es van emprar dissenys experimentals de Parcel·les Dividides en Blocs a l'Atzar (*PDBA). En la temporada 2018-2019, en el primer experiment es va determinar l'efecte de *AAS i SA en tests de 10 L a l'aire lliure durant el mes de setembre, com a assaig preliminar, instaurant un segon i similar experiment al novembre. En la temporada 2019-2020, es va determinar l'efecte d'àcid acetil salicílic i de *biosólidos provinents de plantes d'aigües residuals en tests d'1 L en hivernacle durant juliol. En els tres experiments es van avaluar els tractaments en condicions de reg i *escases hídrica. Es van avaluar paràmetres edàfics com: pH, CE, contingut volumètric de l'aigua en el sòl contingut de carbonats i matèria orgànica; referents a la producció de biomassa: altura i gruix de tiges, nombre de fulles, pes fresc i sec de la part aèria i radical. D'altra banda, es van avaluar paràmetres vinculats a la resistència a la *escases hídrica, com ho és, a nivell fisiològic, la producció de clorofil·les, mentre que a nivell bioquímic l'activitat d'enzims antioxidants com la catalasa (*CAT), *superóxido *dismutasa (SOD), *ascorbato peroxidasa (*APX) i glutatió peroxidasa (*GR) al costat d'antioxidants no enzimàtics com a fenols totals (*TPC), flavonoides totals (*TF) i *osmoprotectantes com *prolina (Pro) i contingut d'ions en el material vegetal. L'escassetat hídrica va augmentar l'activitat *APX i *malondialdehído (*MDA), mentre que la presència de *AAS o SA va incrementar el contingut de *prolina, flavonoides i clorofil·les. Els resultats suggerixen que la presència de *AAS o SA podrien ser una estratègia efectiva per a alleujar els efectes negatius de l'escassetat hídrica en el creixement de *Stipa *caudata. / [EN] Water scarcity has affected a large part of Chile for about 15 years. Stipa caudata is a native species adapted to arid conditions. Acetylsalicylic acid and ammonium sulphate alleviate water stress in plants, while biosolids improve the physicochemical characteristics of the soil. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of acetylsalicylic acid (AAS), ammonium sulphate (SA) and biosolids (BS) on edaphic, physiological, biochemical and productive parameters in Stipa caudata treated under water stress conditions. Four experiments were conducted, two during the 2018-2019 season and two during the 2019-2020 season. Experimental Randomised Block Divided Plot (RBDP) designs were used. In the 2018-2019 season, the first experiment determined the effect of AAS and SA in 10 L pots outdoors during the month of September, as a preliminary trial, with a second and similar experiment set up in November. In the 2019-2020 season, the effect of acetylsalicylic acid and ton-ha-1 of sewage sludge was evaluated in 1 L pots in a greenhouse during July. In all three experiments, treatments were evaluated under irrigated and water deficit conditions. Soil parameters such as pH, EC, volumetric water content in the soil, carbonate and organic matter content, biomass production: height and thickness of stems, number of leaves, fresh and dry weight of the aerial and root parts were evaluated. On the other hand, parameters linked to resistance to water scarcity were evaluated, such as, at the physiological level, chlorophyll production, while at the biochemical level the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione peroxidase (GR) along with non-enzymatic antioxidants such as total phenols (TPC), total flavonoids (TF) and osmoprotectants such as proline (Pro) and ion content in the plant material. Water scarcity increased APX and malondialdehyde (MDA) activity, while the presence of AAS or SA increased proline, flavonoids and chlorophyll content. The results suggest that the presence of AAS or SA could be an effective strategy to alleviate the negative effects of water scarcity on Stipa caudata growth. / Molina Khouzam, JA. (2024). Efecto del sulfato de amonio, ácido acetilsalicílico y biosólidos en parámetros edáficos, fisiológicos, bioquímicos y productivos en Stipa caudata en una condición de escasez hídrica [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203612

Water Situation In China - Crisis Or Business As Usual?

Leong, Elaine January 2013 (has links)
Several studies indicates China is experiencing a water crisis, were several regions are suffering of severe water scarcity and rivers are heavily polluted. On the other hand, water is used inefficiently and wastefully: water use efficiency in the agriculture sector is only 40% and within industry, only 40% of the industrial wastewater is recycled. However, based on statistical data, China’s total water resources is ranked sixth in the world, based on its water resources and yet, Yellow River and Hai River dries up in its estuary every year. In some regions, the water situation is exacerbated by the fact that rivers’ water is heavily polluted with a large amount of untreated wastewater, discharged into the rivers and deteriorating the water quality. Several regions’ groundwater is overexploited due to human activities demand, which is not met by local. Some provinces have over withdrawn groundwater, which has caused ground subsidence and increased soil salinity. So what is the situation in China? Is there a water crisis, and if so, what are the causes?This report is a review of several global water scarcity assessment methods and summarizes the findings of the results of China’s water resources to get a better understanding about the water situation. All of the methods indicated that water scarcity is mainly concentrated to north China due to rapid growth, overexploitation from rivers and reduced precipitation. Whereas, South China is indicated as abundant in water resources, however, parts of the region are experiencing water scarcity due to massive dam constructions for water storage and power production. Too many dam constructions in a river disrupts flow of the river water and pollutants are then accumulated within floodgates.Many Chinese officials and scholars believe that with economic growth comes improved environmental quality when the economy has reached to a certain of per-capita level. However, with the present water situation it is not sustainable or possible for China to keep consuming and polluting its water resources. Improvement of environmental quality does not come automatically with increased income, and policies, laws and regulations are needed in order to stop further deterioration of the environment.China’s water situation is not any news and the key factor is human activities, but the question is how to solve it. China’s water crisis is much more complex than over exploitation of groundwater and surface water. There are three water issues in China: “too much water – floods, too little water – droughts, and too dirty water – water pollution” (Jun & Chen, 2001). Thus, solving China’s water crisis is a huge challenge to solve without negatively affecting the economic growth.


MERLI, MARIA CLARA 17 March 2016 (has links)
A seguito degli scenari imposti dal cambio climatico il miglioramento dell’efficienza di uso dell’acqua (WUE) delle colture sono divenuti obiettivi fondamentali da perseguire. Il seguente studio pone al centro la WUE come parametro fisiologico cardine nella definizione del comportamento della vite in caso di riduzione della disponibilità idrica e si pone come obiettivo di valutarne le diverse forme di espressione, per individuare quale di queste sia meglio correlata alle performance delle varietà considerate, al fine di ottenere dati oggettivi che consentano di derivare consigli per la messa a punto di una più idonea tecnica irrigua. Nel triennio è stata valutata la risposta fisiologica di Sangiovese e Montepulciano, sottoposti a stress idrico di differente intensità in fasi fenologiche diverse. Inoltre, sono state saggiate le potenzialità genetiche della vite in condizioni di limitata disponibilità idrica attraverso il confronto delle performance di viti di Sangiovese innestate su due diversi portinnesti, ovvero confrontando un genotipo tradizionalmente sensibile, SO4, con uno selezionato in funzione della resistenza allo stress idrico, ovvero M4. Tutte le ricerche sono state condotte implementando apparati di misura innovativi che hanno permesso di ottenere la stima dell’efficienza di uso dell’acqua dell’intera chioma per la durata complessiva di ciascuna prova, poi confrontata con le forme più usuali di espressione di questo parametro fisiologico. Il lavoro rimette in discussione la metodologia e le deduzioni che si possono trarre da determinazioni di WUE condotte su singola foglia che, nella grande maggioranza dei casi, non hanno trovato corrispondenza nelle misure che hanno interessato l’intera chioma. / Within the current climate change scenario, the optimization of irrigation water use in vineyards by improving its water use efficiency (WUE) is a core subject of interest to assure sustainability in viticulture. The following research focuses on the physiological parameter WUE as pivotal in defining the behavior of grapevine under water stress. The aim is to assess the various forms of expression of the parameter, to identify which of these better correlates to the performance of the considered varieties, in order to obtain objective data and to derive recommendations for a more suitable irrigation technique. Over three years we evaluated physiological responses of Sangiovese and Montepulciano vines subjected to progressive water deficit either pre and post-veraison. Moreover, the genetic potential of grapevine under conditions of limited water availability was tested through the comparison of the performance of Sangiovese vines grafted on two different rootstocks; SO4, a traditional susceptible genotype and M4, a recently selected scion supposed to be tolerant to water stress. During the research we also designed, implemented and tested an innovative apparatus able to run automated water deficit experiments and to concurrently monitor whole canopy even for a season long time frame. These measurements were compared to traditional single leaf readings and a general conclusion was that, in most cases, single leaf WUE assessment did not match with the measures obtained from the whole canopy enclosure system.

Impact du stress hydrique sur les émissions d'isoprène de Quercus pubescens Willd / Water stress impact on isoprene emission from Quercus pubescens Willd.

Genard-Zielinski, Anne-Cyrielle 23 June 2014 (has links)
Les Composés Organiques Volatils biogènes (COVB) sont des molécules issues du métabolisme secondaire des végétaux, dont l'émission peut être modulée par les conditions environnementales. Parmi ces composés, l'isoprène a été très étudié du fait des flux d'émission important et de son implication dans la photochimie troposphérique. Cependant, les mécanismes d'action des facteurs environnementaux sont encore mal connus, et notamment celui de l'impact du stress hydrique. Dans le contexte de changements climatiques, ce type de stress va particulièrement impacter la région méditerranéenne.Nous avons étudié l'impact du stress hydrique sur les émissions d'isoprène de Quercus pubescens Willd. Cette espèce, très présente dans cette région, serait la seconde source d'isoprène en Europe.Deux étude ont été menées.La première, effectuée en pépinière, a consisté à appliquer un stress hydrique modéré et sévère d'avril à octobre. Une augmentation des émissions d'isoprène des arbres modérément stressés a été observée alors qu'il n'y a eu aucune modification des émissions pour les arbres très stressés.La seconde a consisté à faire un suivi saisonnier du stress hydrique au sein d'une chênaie pubescente. Un stress hydrique amplifié a été appliqué par un système d'exclusion de pluie, permettant de diminuer la quantité de pluie de 30%. Nous avons observé que le stress hydrique amplifié augmentait les facteurs d'émission d'isoprène des arbres.Cette base de données a permis le développement, par Réseau de Neurones Artificiels (RNA), d'un algorithme d'émission d'isoprène. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence l'impact prédominant du contenu en eau du sol sur les émissions d'isoprène. / Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) are plants secondary-metabolism-molecules. Their emissions are modulated by environmental conditions. Among these compounds, isoprene has been particularly studied due to its intense emission fluxes as well as its major contribution to tropospheric photochemistry. However, the impacts of environmental constraints on isoprene emission are still not yet well known. In particular, water stress impact is still a contradictory issue. In a world facing multiple climatic changes, models expect this kind of stress to hit Mediterranean area.This work focused on the impact of water stress on Quercus pubescens Willd. isoprene emissions. This species, widely spread in this area, is the second isoprene emitter in Europe.Two types of study were used.First, during an experimental carried out in a nursery, Q. pubescens saplings were grown under a moderate and severe water stress from April to October. This experimentation highlighted an increase of isoprene emissions for mid-stressed trees, while no emission changes were observed for the highly stressed trees.Secondly, an experimentation was conducted on a pubescent oak forest with trees acclimated to long lasting stress periods. We followed, during a whole season, the impact, on isoprene emissions, of a water stress created by artificially reducing 30% of the rains by means of a specific deploying roof. Isoprene emission factors were observed to increase under water stress.The database thus obtained was used in an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to develop an appropriate isoprene emission algorithm. We underlined the predominant impact of soil water content on isoprene emissions.

Vivre dans des conditions difficiles en falaise : potentialités et longévité du genévrier de Phénicie (Juniperus Phoenicea L) / Living in harsh cliff conditions : potentialities and longevity of the Juniperus Phoenicea L

Mathaux, Coralie 30 March 2017 (has links)
Les falaises sont les derniers écosystèmes vierges de la zone tempérée. Elles représentent un réservoir de biodiversité et un refuge pour de nombreuses espèces végétales et peuvent abriter des espèces longévives. Dans le bassin méditerranéen, la rareté des populations anciennes et naturelles et même celle d’arbres isolés qui atteignent des âges importants s’explique par l’existence d’une pression anthropique forte depuis environ 10 000 ans. Pourtant, dans les gorges de l’Ardèche (sud de la France), des populations de Juniperus phoenicea en falaise présentent toutes les classes d’âges y compris des individus millénaires. Les falaises abritent de façon régulière des vieux arbres qui peuvent être identifiés à l’aide de critères morphologiques visuels. Néanmoins, les parois rocheuses imposent aux arbres qui s’y développent des contraintes importantes liées à la verticalité et à la compacité du substrat. Le sol y est absent ou très réduit et cela entraîne un apport en eau et en nutriments qui peut également être limité. De plus, la verticalité du milieu entraîne de nombreuses chutes de pierres qui blessent ou tuent les arbres. Les genévriers de Phénicie qui colonisent ces milieux très contraignants, répondent à cette pression par un très faible taux de croissance, une mortalité partielle de l’appareil aérien et du cambium, des caractéristiques morphologiques foliaires adaptées à la sécheresse, une capacité à utiliser l’eau des brouillards et des petites pluies qui mouillent uniquement le feuillage et ils possèdent également des communautés de champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules adaptées à ce milieu et ce tout en pouvant atteindre des longévités exceptionnelles. / The cliffs are the last virgin ecosystems of the temperate zone. They represent a reservoir of biodiversity and a refuge for many plant and animal species and can harbor long-lived species. In the Mediterranean basin, the scarcity of old and natural forest populations and even that of isolated trees reaching great ages is explained by the existence of a strong anthropogenic pressure for about 10 000 years. However, in the gorges of the Ardèche (southern France), populations of Juniperus phoenicea in cliffs present all age classes including millennial individuals. Beyond this, the cliffs regularly shelter old trees that can be identified using visual morphological criteria. Nevertheless, the rock walls impose important stresses on the trees which develop therein due to the verticality and the compactness of the substrate. The soil is absent or very reduced and this leads to a supply of water and nutrients which can also be limited. Moreover, the verticality of the environment causes many rockfalls that injure or kill the trees. Juniperus phoenicea which colonize these very restrictive habitat respond to the pressure of such a medium by a very low growth rate, a partial mortality of the aerial system and the cambium, the leaf morphological characteristics adapted to the drought, the ability to use water from mists and small rains that only wet the foliage, and they also have arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community adapted to this environment, while at the same time achieving exceptional longevity.

Réponse de la forêt à des scénarios de sécheresse appliqués à moyen et long terme en milieu naturel : étude des COVB du chêne pubescent, principal émetteur d’isoprène en région méditerranéenne / Response of mediterranean forest to applied drought scenarios in natural area : study of BVOC emitted by Quercus Pubescens, main emitter of isoprene in mediterranean region

Saunier, Amélie 16 May 2017 (has links)
Les Composés Organiques Volatils d’origine Biogénique (COVB) émis par la végétation représentent 1PgC.an-1 à l’échelle globale. Ces COVB, une fois émis dans l’atmosphère, peuvent participer à la formation d’ozone troposphérique ainsi qu’à la formation d’aérosols organiques secondaires et donc à la pollution atmosphérique. C’est pourquoi, il est important de quantifier le plus précisément possible les taux d’émissions de COVB et de mieux comprendre quels sont les facteurs environnementaux qui contrôlent ces émissions. Il est bien connu que les émissions de COVB sont contrôlées par la lumière et/ou la température mais elles peuvent également être influencées par d’autres facteurs comme le stress hydrique, bien que son impact soit encore mal compris. En effet, il a été montré que le déficit hydrique pouvait augmenter ou diminuer les émissions de COVB selon son intensité, sa durée et l’espèce étudiée. Dans le cadre du changement climatique, une intensification de la sécheresse est attendue en région Méditerranéenne avec une augmentation de la température, une diminution des pluies ainsi qu’une prolongation de la période de sécheresse. Ce changement climatique pourrait donc modifier les émissions de COVB. De plus, les effets d’une sécheresse appliquée sur plusieurs années sont encore mal connus. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à la réponse des émissions de COVB du chêne pubescent (Quercus pubcescens Willd.)face au stress hydrique attendu en région méditerrannéenne avec le changement climatique. / Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) emitted by vegetation represent 1PgC.yr-1 at the global scale. These BVOC, once emitted into the atmosphere, can participate in the troposheric ozone formation as well as secondary oragnic aerosols and, consequently, on the atmospheric pollution. That’s why, it is very important to quantify, as accurately as possible, the BVOC emissions and to improbe the knowledge about the environmental factors which drive these emissions. It is well known that BVOC emissions are controlled by the light and the temperature but they can be impacted by other factors such as water stress. Nevertheless, these mechanisms are not well understood yet, since it has been shown that water stress can increase or decrease BVOC emissions according to the intensity and the duration of stress. In a context of climate change, we can expected an intensification of summer drought in Mediteranean area with an incerase of temperature, a decrease of rainfall as well as an elongation of stress period. This climate change could modify BVOC emissions. Moreover, the effects of a water stress applied during several years are not known. In this study, we wanted to evaluate the impact of water stress, expected with climate change, on BVOC emitted by Downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.), main isoprene emitter of Mediterranean region.

Avaliação da cinética populacional de Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli em resposta a fatores do hospedeiro e do ambiente / The analysis of population kinetics of leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli in response to factors of host and environment

Ramos, Adalgisa Thayne Munhoz 29 January 2013 (has links)
O raquitismo das soqueiras (RSD), causado pela bactéria Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx) é uma das principais doenças na cana-de-açúcar, contudo, as informações sobre a biologia do patógeno, bem como sobre sua interação com cana são limitadas. Desta forma, três estudos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de verificar a interferência de fatores do hospedeiro e do ambiente na cinética populacional da Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx) in planta e in vitro. Num primeiro, foi quantificada, através de PCR em tempo real (qPCR), a colonização da bactéria de plantas de duas variedades submetidas a estresse por restrição hídrica e por injúria mecânica infligida através de corte da planta. Num segundo, o desenvolvimento in vitro da bactéria foi avaliado, por 10 dias, em resposta à adição ao meio de cultivo de fluido vascular de plantas de cana. Já o terceiro estudo avaliou o efeito do hormônio ácido abscísico (ABA) na cinética populacional de Lxx em cana. No primeiro estudo, os resultados apontaram efeito positivo tanto do estresse hídrico como da injúria no título bacteriano em plantas da variedade CB 49-260. Já na variedade RB83 5486, não houve efeito significativo destes agentes de estresse no título bacteriano. No segundo estudo, o maior desenvolvimento da população de Lxx ocorreu em meio de cultivo sem adição de fluido vascular, ao passo que o desenvolvimento da população em presença de fluido da variedade resistente não inoculada com Lxx foi maior, quando em presença de fluido de plantas da mesma variedade inoculadas com a bactéria. A adição de fluido vascular da variedade suscetível, por outro lado, inibiu substancialmente o desenvolvimento das culturas bacterianas. A análise cromatográfica do fluido vascular indicou diferenças na concentração de compostos do fluido das duas variedades, bem como entre plantas da mesma variedade inoculadas ou não com a bactéria. No terceiro estudo, apesar das variações nos títulos da Lxx detectados ao longo do tempo, tanto nas plantas testemunhas como nas plantas tratadas com ABA, não houve diferenças significativas (p>0,05) entre os tratamentos dentro de um período de avaliação de 4 meses. Em seu conjunto, os resultados, além de fornecerem informações inéditas sobre a interação entre Lxx e cana, ainda permitiram direcionar futuros estudos a fim de aprimorar o conhecimento sobre os mecanismos de colonização do hospedeiro desta bactéria. / Ratoon Stunting Disease (RSD) caused by the bacterium Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx) is a major disease in sugarcane; however, information on the biology of this pathogen and on its interaction with sugarcane is limited. Three studies were conducted to analyze effects of the host and environment on the population kinetics of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx) in plant and in vitro. In the first treatment, we used real time PCR (qPCR) to quantify bacterial colonization in two sugarcane varieties subjected to water stress and mechanical injury. In the second treatment, we evaluated the in vitro growth of the bacteria for 10 days after the addition of 15% of sugarcane vascular fluid to the culture medium. The third treatment evaluated the effect of the application of abscisic acid (ABA) on Lxx colonization in sugarcane. In the first treatment, the results showed an increase in Lxx colonization in the variety CB 49-260 exposed to water stress and mechanical injury. For the variety RB83 5486, there was no significant effect of these stresses on the bacterial colonization. In the second treatment, the greatest development of Lxx population occurred in the culture medium without the addition of vascular fluid (control), while bacterial population in the presence of fluid from resistant variety non-inoculated with Lxx was greater, compared to the growth in the presence of plant fluids of the same variety inoculated with the bacteria. The addition of vascular fluid of the susceptible variety, on the other hand, significantly inhibited bacterial growth. The chromatographic analysis of the vascular fluid indicated differences in the compounds concentration in the fluid of the two varieties, as well as in plants of the same variety inoculated or not with the bacteria. In the third study, despite variations in Lxx colonization detected over time, the control plants and plants treated with ABA showed no significant differences (p> 0.05) among treatments during the trial period of four months. The results, in addition to providing new information about the interaction between Lxx and sugarcane, allowed to direct further studies on mechanisms of host colonization of this bacterium.

Biohemijski mehanizmi otpornosti klonova topole (Populus spp.) na vodni stres / Biochemical aspects of resistence of poplar (Populus spp) clones on water streess

Ždero Pavlović Ružica 09 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije predstavljalo je ispitivanje uticaja vodnog stresa izazvanog&nbsp; sa polietilen glikolom (PEG)&nbsp; 6000 na biohemijske osobine klonova topole. Reznice tri klona topole (M-1, B-229 i PE19/66) su hidroponski gajene i izložene 100 mOsm i 200 mOsm PEG 6000&nbsp; tokom &scaron;est dana. Nakon tretmana u kontrolnim i stresiranim<br />biljkama su&nbsp; ispitane promene aktivnosti antioksidantnih enzima,&nbsp; aktivnost dva<br />enzimska markera polifenolnog metabolizma, fenolni profil, antioksidantna aktivnost, kao i sadržaj prolina i glicin betaina&nbsp; (GB). Takođe, ispitan je biohemijski odgovor kulture tkiva klona M-1 na vodni stres izazvan sa PEG 6000.</p><p>U oba eksperimenta uočeno je da je akumulacija prolina i GB u uslovima vodnog stresa izazvanog sa PEG 6000&nbsp;najvažnija strategija u otpornosti na stres i prevazilaženju vodnog deficita, tako da se&nbsp;ovi parametri mogu definisati kao najbolji indikatori otpornosti topole na su&scaron;u.</p><p>Rezultati ovog istraživanjaupotpunjavaju saznanja o povezanosti oksidativnog stresa uzrokovanog vodnim stresom sa antioksidantnim odgovorom, nivoom o&scaron;tećenja lipida i proteina, uključivanjem osmolita kao i promenama u polifenolnom profilu. Takođe, dobijeni rezultati su značajni za odabir klonova topola tolerantnih na vodni stres&nbsp; i&nbsp; za<br />po&scaron;umljavanje su&scaron;nih stani&scaron;ta, kojih će biti sve vi&scaron;e usled negativnog uticaja klimatskih promena.</p> / <p>The aim of presented doctoral thesis was investigation of the impact of water deficit caused by polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 on biochemical features of poplar clones.&nbsp; During six days, cuttings of three poplar clones (M-1, B-229 and PE 19/66) were grown in hydroponics and subjected to 100 and 200 mOsm PEG 6000. Changes in the activity of antioxidant enzymes, polyphenol characterization, two enzymatic markers of polyphenol metabolism, antioxidant capacity, as well as proline and glycine betaine content were investigated in stressed plants. Furthermore,&nbsp; assessment of&nbsp; biochemical response of poplar clone M-1 tissue culture to water stress induced by PEG 6000 was performed.</p><p>In both experiments, the most important strategy for stress resistance and overcoming water deficiency was accumulation of proline and glycine betaine so these parameters can be defined as the best indicators of poplar resistance to drought.</p><p>The results of this study complete&nbsp; the findings on the oxidative stress caused by water stress&nbsp; and their relationship with the antioxidant response, the level of lipid andprotein damage, accumulation of the osmolites and changes in the polyphenol profile. Also, the obtained results may be important for the selection of poplar clones resistant to water stress and for afforestation in arid sites, which appeared to be more numerous due to the effects of&nbsp; global climate change.</p>

Understanding constraints to cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) based pasture production

Mills, Annamaria January 2007 (has links)
This research examined the mechanisms by which temperature, water availability and nitrogen (N) affect the dry matter (DM) yield potential of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) dominant pastures. The experiment was a split plot design with main plots of fully irrigated (I) or dryland (D), sub-plots of N fertiliser at 800 kg N/ha in 2003/04; and 1600 kg N/ha in 2004/05 (+N) or 0 kg N/ha (-N). The potential environmental yield of an established 8 year old cocksfoot dominant pasture was 21.9 t DM/ha/y from I+N pastures compared with 9.8 t DM/ha by I-N pastures and 15.1 t DM/ha/y by D+N pastures. The lowest yields were from dryland pastures with no N which produced 7.5 t DM/ha/y in 2003/03 and 5.0 t DM/ha/y in 2004/05. The effect of seasonal temperatures on the DM production, when periods of water stress were excluded, was quantified using thermal time accumulated above a base temperature of 3°C as 7.0 kg DM/°Cd/ha for N fertilised pastures and 3.3 kg DM/°Cd/ha for pastures with no N. The 2.5 t DM/ha difference in yields of D-N pastures in 2003/04 and 2004/05 was the result of the duration, extent and timing of the water stress period. In both years the critical limiting deficit (DL) was calculated as 78 mm from the soil moisture deficit in the 0-0.8 m soil layers. Beyond DL yield decreased at a rate of 1.45%/mm in +N and –N pastures, relative to fully irrigated control pastures. Yields of D+N and D-N pastures were similar during periods of water stress with 0.4±0.1 t/DM/ha produced during the rotation ending 30/12/2003. This was less than from either the I-N (1.2 t DM/ha) or I+N (3.5 t DM/ha) pastures due to the reduction in the amount of photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by the canopies of the dryland pastures. However, in the rotation ending 2/5/2004, after autumn rain alleviated drought conditions, yield of the D+N pasture was 2.1 t DM/ha compared with 1.7 t DM/ha by I+N pastures. The effect of N on yield was described using a nutrition index which showed that as DM yield increased N% in the herbage declined. This is a function of the ratio between metabolic and structural N requirements rather than caused by ontogeny alone. Specific leaf N was determined at two harvests and appeared constant at a given point in time (1.0-1.6 g N/m² leaf). In contrast, specific pseudostem N increased from 0.8-1.0 g N/m² pseudostem at an NNI of 0.4 in –N pastures to 2.6-3.0 g N/m² pseudostem at an NNI of 1.2 in the +N pastures. Differences between the yields of +N and –N pastures were caused by differences in radiation use efficiency (RUE) as determined by the linear relationship (R²=0.76) between RUE and the nitrogen nutrition index (NNI). In this thesis, empirical relationships for the effects of temperature, water availability and N were derived and the physiological mechanisms which underlie these descriptions were identified. These relationships provide clear and simple explanations of the effects of environmental variables on the productivity of cocksfoot based pastures which will enhance understanding of the benefits and limitations of cocksfoot, particularly in dryland farming systems.

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