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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation statistique et dynamique de la composition de la graine de tournesol (Helianthus annuus L.) sous l’influence de facteurs agronomiques et environnementaux / Statistical and dynamic modeling of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grain composition under agronomic and environmental factors effects

Andrianasolo, Fety Nambinina 14 November 2014 (has links)
Pour répondre à la demande mondiale croissante en huile et en protéines, le tournesol apparaît comme une culture très compétitive grâce à la diversification de ses débouchés et son attractivité environnementale et nutritionnelle. Pourtant, les teneurs en huile et protéines sont soumises à des effets génotypiques et environnementaux qui les rendent fluctuantes et difficilement prédictibles. Nous argumentons qu’une meilleure connaissance des effets les plus importants et leurs interactions devrait permettre de mieux prédire ces teneurs. Deux approches de modélisation ont été développées. Dans la première, trois modèles statistiques ont été construits puis comparés à un modèle simple existant. L’approche dynamique est basée sur l’analyse des relations source-puits au champ et en serre (2011 et 2012) pendant le remplissage. Les performances et domaines de validité des deux types de modélisation sont comparés. / Considering the growing global demand for oil and protein, sunflower appears as a highly competitive crop, thanks to the diversification of its markets and environmental attractiveness and health. Yet the protein and oil contents are submitted to genotypic and environmental effects that make them fluctuating and hardly predictable. We argue that a better knowledge of most important effects and their interactions should permit to improve prediction. Two modeling approaches are proposed: statistical one, where we compared three types of statistical models with a simple existing one. The dynamic approach is based on source-sink relationships analysis (field and greenhouse experiments in 2011 and 2012) during grain filling. Performances of both modeling types and their validity domain are compared.

Influence of soil water management on plant growth, essential oil yield and oil composition of rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium spp.)

Eiasu, B.K. (Bahlebi Kibreab) 17 October 2009 (has links)
Introducing effective irrigation management in arid and semi-arid regions, like most areas of South Africa, is an indispensable way of maximising crop yield and enhancing productivity of scarce freshwater resources. Holistic improvements in agricultural water management could be realised through integrating the knowledge of crop-specific water requirements. In order to develop effective irrigation schedules for rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium capitatum x P. radens), greenhouse and field experiments were conducted at the Hatfield Experimental Farm of the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, from 28 October 2004 to 2006. Results from 20, 40, 60 and 80% maximum allowable depletion (MAD) levels of the plant available soil water (ASW) indicated that plant roots extracted most of the soil water from the top 40 cm soil layer, independent of the treatment. Both essential oil yield and fresh herbage mass responded positively to high soil water content. Increasing the MAD level to 60% and higher resulted in a significant reduction in herbage mass and essential oil yields. An increase in the degree of water stress apparently increased the essential oil concentration (percentage oil on fresh herbage mass basis), but its contribution to total essential oil yield (kg/ha oil) was limited. There was no significant relationship between MAD level and essential oil composition. For water saving without a significant reduction in essential oil yield of rose-scented geranium, a MAD of 40% of ASW is proposed. Response of rose-scented geranium to a one-month irrigation withholding period in the second or third month of regrowth cycles showed that herbage mass and oil yield were positively related. Herbage yield was significantly reduced when the water stress period was imposed during the third or fourth month of regrowth. A remarkable essential oil yield loss was observed only when the plants were stressed during the fourth month of regrowth. Essential oil content (% oil on fresh herbage mass basis) was higher in stressed plants, especially when stressed late, but oil yield dropped due to lower herbage mass. The relationship between essential oil composition and irrigation treatments was not consistent. Water-use efficiency was not significantly affected by withholding irrigation in the second or in the third month of regrowth. With a marginal oil yield loss, about 330 to 460 m3 of water per hectare per regrowth cycle could be saved by withholding irrigation during the third month of regrowth. The overall results highlighted that in water-scarce regions withholding irrigation during either the second or the third month of regrowth in rose-scented geranium could save water that could be used by other sectors of society. In greenhouse pot experiments, rose-scented geranium was grown under different irrigation frequencies, in two growth media. Irrigation was withheld on 50% of the plants (in each plot) for the week prior to harvesting. Herbage and essential oil yields were better in the sandy clay soil than in silica sand. Essential oil content (% oil on fresh herbage mass basis) apparently increased with a decrease in irrigation frequency. Both herbage and total essential oil yields positively responded to frequent irrigation. A one-week stress period prior to harvesting significantly increased essential oil content and total essential oil yield. Hence, the highest essential oil yield was obtained from a combination of high irrigation frequency and a one-week irrigation-withholding period. In the irrigation frequency treatments, citronellol and citronellyl formate contents tended to increase with an increase in the stress level, but the reverse was true for geraniol and geranyl formate. Leaf physiological data were recorded during the terminal one-week water stress in the glasshouse pot trial. Upon rewatering, stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Rt) were significantly lower in the less often irrigated than in the more often irrigated treatments, while leaf water potential (yw) and relative water content (RWC) were the same for all plants, indicating that water stress had an after-effect on Gs and Rt. At the end of the stress period, Gs, Rt, yw and RWC were lower in the plants from the more often irrigated than from the less often irrigated treatments. Irrespective of irrigation treatment, one type of non-glandular and two types (different in shape and size) of glandular trichomes were observed. In water stressed-conditions, stomata and trichome densities increased, while the total number of stomata and trichomes per leaf appeared to remain more or less the same. Water stress conditions resulted in stomatal closure. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted

Processus écologiques et évolutifs influençant la colonisation de l'ambroisie à feuilles d'armoise (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) en France / Ecological and evolutionary processes influencing the colonization of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in France

Gard, Benjamin 20 December 2012 (has links)
La compréhension des mécanismes déterminant le succès des espèces invasives est une étape essentielle dans la gestion des invasions biologiques actuelles et la prédiction des futurs risques d’invasion. En adoptant un cadre d’étude conceptuel intégrant les processus écologiques et évolutifs, l’objectif de ce travail était d’analyser les déterminants de la colonisation de l’ambroisie à feuilles d’armoise en France. Tout d’abord, l’étude des interactions biotiques et abiotiques a permis de montrer la capacité de tolérance de l’ambroisie à l’herbivorie et au stress hydrique. L’ambroisie est capable de tolérer la défoliation grâce à une croissance compensatoire efficace, sans que sa reproduction en soit affectée. Cette forte tolérance à l’herbivorie est maintenue chez les populations introduites, malgré la faible pression des ennemis naturels dans la zone d’introduction. En condition de stress hydrique, l’ambroisie produit une biomasse racinaire supérieure aux espèces présentes dans les communautés qu’elle envahit. De plus, les différences dans les valeurs moyennes pour les traits mesurés suggèrent une occupation différente par l’ambroisie des niches écologiques disponibles. La comparaison en jardins communs de populations de l’aire d’origine avec des populations de l’aire d’introduction isolées et issues du foyer central d’invasion a montré que l’adaptation de l’ambroisie à son environnement reposait principalement sur la plasticité phénotypique plutôt que sur la différenciation des traits. Les études de génétiques quantitatives ont mis en évidence un potentiel évolutif élevé pour les traits liés à la germination. Les traits liés à la morphologie, à la phénologie et à la physiologie de la plante montrent une variance additive et une héritabilité plus faibles et donc un potentiel évolutif moindre. En revanche, la variation dans les normes de réaction indique un potentiel évolutif important de la plasticité phénotypique. La tolérance au stress hydrique et à l’herbivorie sont des facteurs qui potentiellement augmentent la capacité de l’ambroisie à coloniser une large gamme d’habitat. De plus, la plasticité phénotypique et le potentiel évolutif important peuvent favoriser une augmentation ou un déplacement de la niche écologique de l’espèce et ainsi favoriser l’expansion de son aire de répartition / Understanding of the mechanisms behind the success of the invasive species is essential to manage current biological invasions and to prevent the risks of the futures ones. Using a conceptual framework integrating ecological and evolutionary processes, this work aimed to analyse the factors of the common ragweed colonization in France. First of all, the study of biotic and abiotic interactions has shown the ability of common ragweed to tolerate herbivory and water stress. Common ragweed is able to buffer defoliation through an efficient compensatory growth with no consequence on the reproduction. Herbivory tolerance has been maintained in introduced populations even if herbivory pressure is low in the introduction area. Under water stress conditions, common ragweed displayed higher root biomass than the other species present in the communities it invades. In addition, differences in mean trait values suggest different niche occupation by common ragweed compared with its companion species. Common garden experiments comparing native populations vs. invasive isolated and invasive core populations have shown that adaptation ability is mainly due to phenotypic plasticity rather than trait differentiations. Quantitative genetic studies suggest a high evolutionary potential for germination traits. Morphological, phenological and physiological traits exhibit lower standard genetic variation and lower heritability and thus a lower evolutionary potential. However, variation in reaction norms suggests a high evolutionary potential for phenotypic plasticity. Herbivory and water stress tolerance are factors that potentially increase the ability to colonize à large range of habitats. Furthermore, phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary potential may also favour an increase or a shift in species ecological niche and hence may favour the distribution range expansion

Ontogenèse des déterminismes hydrauliques et métaboliques de la croissance foliaire chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Ontogeny of hydraulic and metabolic controls of leaf growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

Pantin, Florent 01 December 2011 (has links)
La performance d'une plante repose en partie sur sa capacité à capturer l'énergie lumineuse via la croissance foliaire. La littérature souligne deux limitations majeures de la croissance, de nature métabolique ou hydraulique. Nous testons ici l'hypothèse originale que l'importance relative de ces deux limitations est structurée par l'ontogenèse de la feuille chez Arabidopsis thaliana. Nous montrons que la disponibilité en carbone restreint la croissance des jeunes feuilles, tandis qu'une compétition hydraulique entre croissance et transpiration s'accroît au cours de l'ontogenèse. La mise en place de cette limitation hydraulique s'explique par une dégradation de la capacité du xylème et probablement des aquaporines à approvisionner la feuille en eau, malgré une diminution ontogénétique de la transpiration. Cette dernière est la conséquence de l'acquisition progressive de la sensibilité des stomates aux signaux de fermeture, notamment l'obscurité et l'acide abscissique (ABA), hormone induite par la sécheresse. Enfin, nous mettons en évidence une nouvelle composante de la sensibilité stomatique à l'ABA, conservée chez des mutants décrits comme insensibles à cette hormone : l'ABA induit une diminution de la conductance hydraulique foliaire qui abaisse le potentiel hydrique foliaire et in fine la conductance stomatique. Ce mécanisme chez les feuilles développées contribuerait sous stress hydrique à rediriger le flux d'eau vers les feuilles en croissance. Plus généralement, le contrôle des stomates par des mécanismes hydrauliques induits par l'ABA pourrait être une composante majeure de l'ajustement entre offre et demande en eau chez les plantes soumises à un stress hydrique. / In plants, leaf growth is the central process allowing energy capture and space colonization. The literature suggests that leaf growth is predominantly determined by metabolic and hydraulic limitations. Here, we test the original hypothesis that the relative importance of metabolics and hydraulics on the control of leaf growth is organized according to leaf ontogeny in Arabidopsis thaliana. We show that leaf carbon balance limits growth of the young leaves which therefore grow at a slower rate in the nighttime, while a hydraulic limitation gradually establishes in the daytime, when growth and transpiration competes for water. This gradual hydraulic limitation is underlain by a deterioration of leaf venation and probably aquaporins capacity to supply water to the leaf, despite an ontogenetic decrease in transpiration. This decline in transpiration occurs because stomata acquire throughout leaf ontogeny their sensitivity to the major closure signals, including darkness and abscisic acid (ABA), a hormone induced by drought. Finally, we discover a novel component of stomatal sensitivity to ABA, conserved in mutants described as insensitive to ABA in isolated epidermis: ABA induces a decrease in leaf hydraulic conductance which lowers leaf water potential and stomatal conductance according to a hydraulic cascade. Decreasing leaf hydraulic conductance through ABA action in fully expanded leaves would contribute to redirect water flow to the young leaves under water stress. More generally, controlling stomata by ABA-induced hydraulic mechanisms could be a crucial component of the coordination between water supply and water demand in plants under water challenging conditions.

Root restriction, under-trellis cover cropping, and rootstock modify vine size and berry composition of Cabernet Sauvignon

Hill, Brycen Thomas 02 March 2017 (has links)
Vineyards in the Mid-Atlantic often have large, vigorous vines that can be costly to manage and produce inadequate fruit for wine production. Dense canopies increase the incidence of fungal disease, require greater allocation of resources to manage, and inhibit fruit development. The primary objective of these studies was to determine effective vine-size modification treatments that would optimize fruit quality, while reducing labor and chemical control. Research factors included root manipulation, under-trellis ground cover, and rootstock. Treatment levels were root bag (RBG) or no root manipulation (NRM); under-trellis cover crop (CC) or herbicide strip (HERB); and one of three rootstocks: 101-14, Riparia Gloire, or 420-A. Effects of these treatments were measured in two experiments: Experiment I compared combinations of all three treatments, while Experiment II explored the individual effects of root restriction using root bags of varying volumes. Root restriction consistently demonstrated the ability to reduce vegetative growth and vine water status. In the first experiment fruit-zone photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was increased by 234% in RBG vines. Timed canopy management tasks indicated that RBG canopies required about half the labor time of NRM canopies. Anthocyanin concentration and total phenolic content were increased by 20% and 19% respectively in RBG fruit. CC increased fruit-zone PPFD by 62%, and increased soluble solids and color compounds. The 420-A rootstock reduced potassium uptake, resulting in lower must potassium concentration. Results demonstrated that these treatments significantly reduce vegetative growth in a humid climate, decrease management labor, and produce higher quality fruit. / Master of Science


Sylvia Park (19203892) 26 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Reflectance spectroscopy has been increasingly used in forestry due to its ability to rapidly, efficiently, and non-destructively detect tree stress, enabling timely and cost-effective forest management decisions. This dissertation synthesizes three studies and five experiments to understand and improve our ability to use spectral data to estimate a variety of foliar physiochemical traits and identify spectral responses in multi-stress environments, thus, advancing our understanding and application of hyperspectral data in forest management.</p><p dir="ltr">The first study seeks to refine the hyperspectral approach to monitoring tree stress by selecting optimal wavelength ranges to enhance the estimation of foliar traits, such as CO<sub>2</sub> assimilation rate, specific leaf area, leaf water content, and concentrations of foliar nitrogen, sugars, and gallic acid. The study revealed that model performance varied significantly across the different wavelength ranges tested and consistently, including longer wavelength regions improved trait estimation for all traits modeled. This research also established a framework for discovering novel or previously unknown absorption features associated with functional traits, thereby laying the groundwork for expanded spectral applications. This advancement enables the estimation of diverse foliar traits and facilitates detailed stress detection in trees.</p><p dir="ltr">The second study focuses on assessing the effectiveness of hyperspectral data in estimating foliar functional trait responses to various biotic and abiotic stressors and to differentiate those stressors in black walnut (<i>Juglans nigra </i>L.) and red oak (<i>Quercus rubra</i> L.) seedlings. We demonstrated that spectral data can reliably estimate a wide range of foliar traits, highlighting its potential as a surrogate for reference data in understanding plant responses to stress. This research revealed that spectral leaf predictions can effectively provide stress-specific insights into tree physiochemical responses to biotic and abiotic stressors.</p><p dir="ltr">The third study explores the application of hyperspectral reflectance to identify drought-induced foliar responses in black walnut seedlings during their initial field establishment. Chemometric models developed from greenhouse experiments were applied to spectral data collected in the field to assess their transferability and accuracy in predicting various leaf traits under drought stress. Using only spectral data, we demonstrated that seedlings show distinct spectral responses to past and ongoing drought stress, with varying degrees depending on seed provenances. This research aims to provide practical insights for utilizing spectral analysis in real-world conditions and understanding the challenges of using spectral tools in the field.</p><p dir="ltr">Collectively, this dissertation demonstrates the robust potential of hyperspectral reflectance technology in advancing the monitoring of tree health. By optimizing spectral range selection, reliably estimating tree foliar traits under stress conditions, differentiating various stressors in controlled environments, and effectively detecting current and past drought stress in field conditions, this research offers valuable insights for improving forest health monitoring and management strategies in response to environmental challenges.</p>

Respostas de lâminas de irrigação e tipos de adubação no crescimento e produção do Pinhão-manso em condições de campo. / Growth and production of the Jatropha Curcas fertilized and irrigated with saline water under field conditions

NÓBREGA, Jerônimo Andrade da. 30 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-30T20:26:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JERÔNIMO ANDRADE DA NÓBREGA 1.PDF: 26585385 bytes, checksum: 048ff214808b8d928b95ac6d27b1ca5f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-30T20:26:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JERÔNIMO ANDRADE DA NÓBREGA 1.PDF: 26585385 bytes, checksum: 048ff214808b8d928b95ac6d27b1ca5f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08 / O pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) é uma planta produtora de óleo atualmente considerada como alternativa para a produção de biodiesel. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de diferentes níveis de reposição da evapotranspiração, através da irrigação com água salina, e efeitos da adubação orgânica e mineral no cultivo do pinhão-manso em condições de campo. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Barra, no município de Santa Luzia, no semiarido paraibano. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Foram estudados cinco níveis de reposição de água (25; 50; 75; 100 e 125% da evapotranspiração de referência) e três tipos de adubação (orgânica, mineral e fertilidade natural do solo, isto é, sem aplicação de adubo). As variáveis avaliadas foram: altura das plantas; diâmetro do caule; número de folhas; peso das sementes, dos frutos e da casca, e no fim do experimento, foi realizada uma análise foliar objetivando-se observar o acúmulo de nutrientes nas folhas. As lâminas de irrigação e o tipo de adubação exerceram, em determinado período de avaliação ou em todos eles, efeitos significativos nos parâmetros de crescimento e no número de folhas. As lâminas de irrigação não afetaram o peso das sementes, dos frutos nem da casca, enquanto a adubação causou efeito altamente significativo. As lâminas de irrigação promoveram efeito significativo no teor de nutrientes das folhas no final do experimento, apenas nos elementos sódio e nitrogénio, enquanto o efeito das adubações não foi significativo em nenhum dos elementos. As diferenças no teor de nutrientes das folhas entre as lâminas de 25% e 75% da ETo foram significativas apenas para os elementos N e Na; já nas médias dos tratamentos das adubações orgânica e mineral e sem adubação, não ocorreram diferenças estatísticas. / The Jatropha curcas is a oil producer plant now considered as an alternative for biodiesel production. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of the application of different leveis of replacement of the evapotranspiration, through the irrigation with saline water, and effects of the organic and chemical manuring in the cultivation of the Jatropha curcas under field conditions. The experiment was developed in the Farm Barra, in the municipal district of Santa Luzia, in the Paraíba semi-arid. The used statistical design was in randomized blocks, in an scheme of subdivided plots, with four replications. Five leveis of replacement of water (25; 50; 75; 100 and 125% of the reference evapotranspiration) and three manuring types (organic, mineral and natural fertility of the soil, that is, without fertilizer application) were studied. The appraised variables were: plants height; stem diameter, number of leaves, the seeds, fruits and peei weight, and at the end of the experiment a leave analysis was accomplished, aiming to observe the accumulation of nutrients in the leaves. The irrigation water depths and the manuring type exercised, in a certain evaluation period or in ali of them, significant effects on the growth parameters and on the number of leaves. The irrigation water depths didn't affect the weight of the seeds, of the fruits and of the peei, while the manuring caused effect highly significant. The irrigation water depths promoted significant effect on the content of nutrients of the leaves by the end of the experiment, just in the elements sodium and nitrogen, while the effect of the manurings was not significant in none of the elements. The differences in the content of nutrients of the leaves among the water depths of 25% and 75% of ETo were significant just for the elements N and Na; already in the mean of the treatments of the organic and chemical manurings and without manuring, didn't happen statistical differences.

Physiological effects of drought on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)

Butler, Tony January 2008 (has links)
The Canterbury plains are frequently exposed to summer drought and climate predictions forecast that the severity and frequency of summer drought will increase. The most commonly used pasture grass, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), is drought sensitive. One possible method to maintain sward dry matter (DM) production under water stress is to use an alternative grass species such as tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). The objective of this research was to compare summer DM production of monoculture swards of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue under various seasonal drought regimes to study physiological and biochemical drought responses of each species. Data were collected over a period of two-summer seasons, Season One (2006-2007) and Season Two (2007-2008) in an automated rain shelter at Lincoln, Canterbury. Drought treatments included exposure of plants to a spring or autumn drought or a four-weekly "irrigated" drought regime. DM yields of the two species were similar under each watering regime. The control treatment, under non-limiting conditions, has the highest accumulated yield in both Season One and Two for ryegrass (17.1 and 15.7 t DM ha⁻¹) and tall fescue (18.8 and 16.0 t DM ⁻¹) respectively. Spring and autumn drought treatments were similar for the two species in accumulated yield in either season, however the exposure to drought stress returned yields lower than the control. Consistently, the lowest-yielding treatment was the four-weekly irrigated drought, which resulted in an average yield across species in Season One of 10.1 t DM ha⁻¹ and 8.35 t DM ha⁻¹ in Season Two. Growth rates of the swards were calculated using accumulated DM production against accumulated thermal time using a base temperature of 3°C for both species. The control treatments showed a strong linear relationship for both species in both seasons, though Season Two showed a period of approximately 390 °Cd of no growth. Spring growth was similar for all treatments until October when both the spring drought and four-weekly irrigated treatment deviated from the control as water stress commenced. Growth also ceased under autumn drought later in the season. The physiological drought responses between species and among treatments differed. Tall fescue under control conditions had the highest photosynthesis rates of 20.5 µmol CO₂ m⁻² s⁻¹,or 22% higher than ryegrass, whereas the four-weekly irrigated treatment showed no inter-species differences. Differences were also found for other gas exchange parameters. Physiological water use efficiency (phys WUE) in ryegrass was 15% greater than tall fescue in Season Two. Photosynthesis and gas exchange rates against leaf water potential showed declining gas flow in both species across all treatments in response to drying soil conditions and across all irrigation treatments. The osmo-protectant proline was 22% higher in concentration in ryegrass than in tall fescue in Season Two and increased in drought stressed treatments in both seasons. Water stress was found to reduce total chlorophyll concentrations in all treatments and in tall fescue, while little change occurred in the chlorophyll a:b ratio. In conclusion, the findings from this thesis suggest similar DM responses for the two species under drought. The findings suggests that tall fescue performs more as a "water user" under drought conditions, compared with perennial ryegrass, which is more a "water saver." Resonses to the changing environment to a point, before "shuttting up shop" through lower stomatal conductance.

Avaliação do metabolismo oxidativo em Pitcairnia encholirioides L. B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae) in vitro e ex vitro e sob desidratação

Resende, Cristiano Ferrara de 05 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-05-23T12:29:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 cristianoferraraderesende.pdf: 2182147 bytes, checksum: a1f62e02cb7c97296c57ea6461357835 (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: Primeira letra de cada palavra chave em maiúsculo, a não ser que seja nome próprio on 2016-07-02T11:34:23Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-04T10:21:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 cristianoferraraderesende.pdf: 2182147 bytes, checksum: a1f62e02cb7c97296c57ea6461357835 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-13T16:11:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 cristianoferraraderesende.pdf: 2182147 bytes, checksum: a1f62e02cb7c97296c57ea6461357835 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T16:11:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 cristianoferraraderesende.pdf: 2182147 bytes, checksum: a1f62e02cb7c97296c57ea6461357835 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-05 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Bromeliaceae é uma família essencialmente neotropical, cujos representantes são muito utilizados para fins paisagísticos. Uma das principais fontes de abastecimento do mercado consumidor de bromélias é o extrativismo o que, associado à destruição do ambiente natural, tem levado a perdas irreparáveis na biodiversidade da família, especialmente na Mata Atlântica, onde cerca de 40% das espécies encontram-se sob alguma categoria de ameaça. Pitcairnia encholirioides L. B. Sm. é uma espécie “criticamente em perigo” de extinção, sendo conhecida somente uma população dessa espécie, com cerca de 900 indivíduos, encontrada em 2004 em um afloramento rochoso muito degradado e sujeito ao fogo e ao pisoteio de animais, no município de Santa Maria Madalena, RJ. A utilização das técnicas de micropropagação pode reverter os riscos de extinção garantindo taxas elevadas de multiplicação, fornecendo material necessário ao mercado consumidor, evitando, dessa forma, o extrativismo das plantas nos seus locais de origem. A instalação e a conservação in vitro de bancos de germoplasma possuem especial importância, garantindo a sobrevivência de espécies raras e/ou endêmicas e fornecendo plantas para iniciativas de reintrodução. A etapa final da micropropagação é a aclimatização ex vitro, realizada após os procedimentos de multiplicação e enraizamento in vitro. A aclimatização é um período crítico para as plantas devido à perda de água, o que causa estresse hídrico e, como consequência, estresse oxidativo, podendo provocar problemas metabólicos e perdas elevadas. No presente trabalho, Pitcairnia encholirioides foi cultivada in vitro por 150 dias em meio de cultura adicionado de dois reguladores de crescimento (GA3 ou ANA), além de duas concentrações de sacarose (15 ou 30 g L-1) e sob dois tipos de vedação dos tubos de ensaio (vedação hermética com tampas e filme de PVC ou vedação com tampas que permitiam trocas gasosas), totalizando 8 tratamentos, período após o qual as plantas foram transferidas para condições ex vitro, em casa de vegetação, permanecendo por mais 180 dias. Dois desses tratamentos foram selecionados para as análises de desidratação, quando suas plantas foram submetidas a 30, 42 ou 54 dias sem irrigação, além do controle irrigado periodicamente, sendo posteriormente reidratadas durante 90 dias. Após os períodos de cultivo in vitro e permanência das plantas em casa de vegetação, foram realizadas análises dos conteúdos de prolina, proteínas totais, atividades das enzimas do metabolismo antioxidativo SOD, CAT, POD e PPO, além 2 dos teores de pigmentos fotossintetizantes. Além desses parâmetros, após desidratação e reidratação foram também avaliados os teores de carboidratos. De maneira geral, o cultivo in vitro em meio adicionado da menor concentração de sacarose e em tubos vedados hermeticamente se mostrou prejudicial, o que foi evidenciado pelo menor acúmulo de prolina, aumentos nas atividades das enzimas antioxidativas e menor acúmulo de pigmentos fotossintéticos. Após o período de aclimatização, não foram encontradas diferenças entre os tratamentos para a maioria dos parâmetros analisados, ou os dados oscilaram de maneira a não permitir uma generalização quanto aos efeitos residuais da sacarose, do tipo de tampa e dos reguladores de crescimento utilizados durante o cultivo in vitro. No período em que as plantas foram submetidas à desidratação progressiva, houve maior acúmulo de prolina e proteínas solúveis totais, além de aumento nos teores de pigmentos fotossintéticos nos tecidos provenientes de plantas cultivadas in vitro em meio contendo 30 g L-1 de sacarose e GA3. Houve também, em geral, queda mais acentuada nas atividades das enzimas em meio suplementado com a menor concentração de sacarose e ANA, além de oscilações nos teores de pigmentos. As relações entre os pigmentos sofreram leve redução em ambos os tratamentos, e os teores de carboidratos solúveis totais, sacarose, açúcares redutores e amido aumentaram com o prolongamento do estresse. Após a reidratação, todas as plantas demonstraram elevada capacidade de recuperação, apresentando em todas as análises realizadas valores muito similares aos das plantas do controle, não submetidas à desidratação. Os resultados obtidos no trabalho permitem concluir que o cultivo in vitro em meio adicionado de 30 g L-1 de sacarose e em tubos de ensaio que permitem trocas gasosas é o mais apropriado para plantas de P. encholirioides. Ademais, a concentração de sacarose adicionada ao meio de cultura também influencia o desenvolvimento das plantas após aclimatização, sendo encontrados melhores resultados em plantas cultivadas nos meios de cultura suplementados com a maior concentração desse carboidrato. Acredita-se que as plantas cultivadas nessas condições apresentariam maior capacidade de sobrevivência ao transplantio e maior resistência a períodos prolongados de estresse hídrico, aos quais, frequentemente, estão submetidas no ambiente natural. / Bromeliaceae is essentially a neotropical family, whose representatives are widely used for landscaping. One major source of supply for the consumer market is the extraction, which coupled with the destruction of the natural environment, has led to irreparable losses in biodiversity of the family, especially in the Atlantic Forest, where about 40% of bromeliad species are under some category of threat. Pitcairnia encholirioides L. B. Sm. is a critically endangered species. In 2004, a unique population of this species was found, with about 900 individuals in a very degraded rocky outcrop, subject to fire and trampling by animals, located in Santa Maria Madalena, RJ. The use of micropropagation can guarantee high multiplication rates, providing necessary material for the consumer market, effectively obviating the extraction of plants in their places of origin. In addition, installation and in vitro conservation of germplasm banks have special importance, ensuring the survival of rare species and/or endemic and providing micropropagated plants for reintroduction initiatives. Following the procedures of in vitro multiplication and rooting, the final stage of micropropagation is the ex vitro acclimatization, a critical period for the plants due to water loss, which causes water stress and, consequently, oxidative stress, which can cause metabolic problems and high losses. In this study, Pitcairnia encholirioides was grown for 150 days in vitro in a culture medium supplemented with two growth regulators (GA3 or NAA), and two concentrations of sucrose (15 or 30 g L-1) in two types of sealing of test tubes (hermetic seal with lids and PVC film and seal with lids that allowed gas exchange), totaling eight treatments, after which the plants were transferred to ex vitro conditions in a greenhouse, staying for more than 180 days. Two of these treatments were selected for analysis of dehydration when their plants were subjected to 30, 42 or 54 days without irrigation, apart from control irrigated periodically, being subsequently rehydrated for 90 days. After periods of in vitro cultivation and maintenance of the plants in the greenhouse, they were analyzed for proline content, total protein, activities of antioxidant metabolism enzymes SOD, CAT, POD and PPO, besides the content of photosynthetic pigments. Apart from these parameters, after dehydration and rehydration, levels of carbohydrates were also assessed. In general, the in vitro culture in medium containing the lowest concentration of sucrose and hermetically sealed tubes proved to be harmful, which was evidenced by lower levels of proline, increased 4 activity of antioxidant enzymes and lower accumulation of photosynthetic pigments. After the acclimatization period, no differences were found between treatments for most parameters, or data varied so as to not allow a generalization about the residual effects of sucrose, the type of cover and of the growth regulators used in the in vitro cultivation. During the period in which the plants were subjected to water stress, higher accumulation of proline and total soluble proteins occurred, and also increased levels of photosynthetic pigments in tissues from plants grown in vitro in medium containing 30 g L-1 sucrose and GA3. There was also, in general, sharper decrease in enzyme activity in medium with the lowest concentration of sucrose and NAA, as well as fluctuations in pigment. Relations between pigments suffered slight reduction in both treatments, and total soluble carbohydrates, sucrose, reducing sugars and starch increased with increasing stress. After rehydration, all plants showed high resilience, presenting for all analyzes values very similar to those of control plants not subjected to dehydration. The results indicate that the in vitro culture in medium supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose and tubes that allow gas exchange are the most appropriate. Moreover, the concentration of sucrose added to the culture medium also influences the development of plants after acclimatization, with best results found in plants grown in media supplemented with higher amount of this carbohydrate. It is believed that plants grown under these conditions would have higher capacity of resistance to transplanting and could survive for prolonged periods of water stress, which are often subjected in the natural environment.

Du paysage à la population : impacts des changements d’usages et de la restauration face à la colonisation d’une espèce envahissante (Rubus ulmifolius Schott.) dans un écosystème sub-steppique méditerranéen / From landscape to population : impacts of land-use changes and restoration in regards to the colonization of an encroaching species (Rubus ulmifolius Schott.) in a Mediterranean sub-steppic ecosystem

Masson, Solène 10 December 2014 (has links)
Etudier un phénomène écologique requiert de le considérer dans sa globalité afin d’appréhender l’ensemble de ses causes et ses conséquences. Dans la plaine de la Crau, écosystème pseudo-steppique du sud est de la France, la fragmentation des habitats, la perte de biodiversité et les changements d’usage ont favorisé l’envahissement de fragments relictuels de steppe par Rubus ulmifolius Schott. Par une approche multiscalaire, les objectifs de cette thèse sont de mettre en évidence les facteurs responsables de cet envahissement, d’appréhender ses conséquences sur la communauté végétale et de tester d’éventuelles techniques de restauration écologique en évaluant leurs effets à l’échelle de la communauté et de la population de ronces. La présence de fortes proportions de zones irriguées et de parcelles anciennement cultivées dans la matrice paysagère proche des zones envahies correspond à des taux de recouvrements parcellaires en ronciers plus élevés. A l’échelle de la communauté végétale, les infiltrations hydriques ont également des effets importants sur la végétation steppique en permettant le développement d’une espèce herbacée compétitrice : Brachypodium phoenicoïdes (L.) Roem. & Schult. Aucun des différents régimes de perturbation (débroussaillage et/ou pâturage) testés, croisés au drainage ou non du sol ne permet de restaurer à court terme (trois années) l’intégrité de la steppe de référence. Seule une augmentation significative de la richesse et de la diversité spécifique est mesurée dans le cas d’un débroussaillage et d’un pâturage annuel des placettes. A l’échelle des ronces, les effets des différents traitements varient selon l’année, la saison ou la période de la journée considérée. Les régimes de perturbation (débroussaillage et/ou pâturage) ont cependant plus d'influence sur les traits éco-physiologiques et morphologiques de la ronce que la limitation des ressources en eau. Nos résultats soulignent ainsi la difficulté de contrôler à court terme la dynamique d’une espèce envahissante. Ils ouvrent également le débat sur les objectifs de conservation et/ou de restauration des parcelles qui peuvent alors être considérées comme des écosystèmes dégradés ou comme de « nouveaux écosystèmes » dont les potentiels patrimoniaux sont encore inconnus. / Studying an ecological phenomenon require to consider it in its entirety in order to apprehend all the causes and consequences. In the Plain of La Crau, a sub-steppic ecosystem in southeastern France, habitat fragmentation, loss of biodiversity and land-uses changes have fostered the encroachment by a species of brambles Rubus ulmifolius Schott of the original steppic patches. Using a multiscale analysis, the aims of the thesis are to highlight the main drivers, to assess the consequences on the plant community and to test restoration techniques by evaluating their effects on plant community and on bramble population. The presence of high proportions of irrigated habitats and formely fallows around invaded plots correspond to the largest cover rates of brambles. At community scale, water infiltrations have also a great impact on the steppe plant community by favoring the dynamic of an herbaceous competitor species: Brachypodium phoenicoïdes (L.) Roem. & Schult. Among the different disturbance regimes tested (scrub-clearing and / or grazing), crossed with the presence or the absence of sol draining, none could restore in the short-term (3 years), the integrity of the steppe reference. A significant increase in species richness and diversity was only measured for drained, scrub-cleared and annually grazed plots. At bramble population scale, the effects of the different treatments change depending on the year, the season and the time of the day. However, disturbance regimes (clearing and / or grazing) have more impact on eco-physiological and morphological traits of the bramble than the water resources limitation. Our results highlight the difficulty controlling short-term dynamics of an invasive species. They question the objectives of conservation and / or restoration of plots which can then be considered as degraded ecosystems or as "novel ecosystems" whose potential patrimonial values are still unknown.

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