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Modelagem de um sistema para auralização musical utilizando Wave Field Synthesis / Modeling a system for musical auralization using Wave Field SynthesisSilva, Marcio José da 31 October 2014 (has links)
Buscando-se a aplicação prática da teoria de Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) na música, foi feita uma pesquisa visando à modelagem de um sistema de sonorização capaz de criar imagens sonoras espaciais com a utilização desta técnica. Diferentemente da maioria das outras técnicas de sonorização, que trabalham com uma região de escuta pequena e localizada, WFS permite projetar os sons de cada fonte sonora - como instrumentos musicais e vozes - em diferentes pontos do espaço de audição, em uma região de escuta que pode abranger quase toda a área compreendida por este espaço, dependendo da quantidade de alto-falantes instalados. O desenvolvimento de um código de estrutura modular para WFS foi baseado na plataforma orientada a patches Pure Data (Pd), e no sistema de auralização AUDIENCE, desenvolvido na USP, sendo integrável como ferramenta para espacialização sonora interativa. A solução emprega patches dinâmicos e uma arquitetura modular, permitindo flexibilidade e manutenabilidade do código, com vantagens frente a outros software existentes, particularmente na instalação, operação e para lidar com um número elevado de fontes sonoras e alto-falantes. Para este sistema também foram desenvolvidos alto-falantes especiais com características que facilitam seu uso em aplicações musicais. / Seeking the practical application of the theory of Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) in music, a research aimed at modeling a sound system capable of creating spatial sound images with the use of this technique was made. Unlike most other techniques for sound projection that work with a small, localized listening area, WFS allows projecting the sounds of each sound source - such as musical instruments and voices - at different points within the hearing space, in a region that can cover almost the entire area comprised by this space, depending on the amount of installed speakers. The development of a modular structured code for WFS was based on the patch-oriented platform Pure Data (Pd), and on the AUDIENCE auralization system developed at USP, and it is integrable as a tool for interactive sound spatialization. The solution employs dynamic patches and a modular architecture, allowing code flexibility and maintainability, with advantages compared to other existing software, particularly in the installation, operation and to handle a large number of sound sources and speakers. For this system special speakers with features that facilitate its use in musical applications were also developed.
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Modelagem de um sistema para auralização musical utilizando Wave Field Synthesis / Modeling a system for musical auralization using Wave Field SynthesisMarcio José da Silva 31 October 2014 (has links)
Buscando-se a aplicação prática da teoria de Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) na música, foi feita uma pesquisa visando à modelagem de um sistema de sonorização capaz de criar imagens sonoras espaciais com a utilização desta técnica. Diferentemente da maioria das outras técnicas de sonorização, que trabalham com uma região de escuta pequena e localizada, WFS permite projetar os sons de cada fonte sonora - como instrumentos musicais e vozes - em diferentes pontos do espaço de audição, em uma região de escuta que pode abranger quase toda a área compreendida por este espaço, dependendo da quantidade de alto-falantes instalados. O desenvolvimento de um código de estrutura modular para WFS foi baseado na plataforma orientada a patches Pure Data (Pd), e no sistema de auralização AUDIENCE, desenvolvido na USP, sendo integrável como ferramenta para espacialização sonora interativa. A solução emprega patches dinâmicos e uma arquitetura modular, permitindo flexibilidade e manutenabilidade do código, com vantagens frente a outros software existentes, particularmente na instalação, operação e para lidar com um número elevado de fontes sonoras e alto-falantes. Para este sistema também foram desenvolvidos alto-falantes especiais com características que facilitam seu uso em aplicações musicais. / Seeking the practical application of the theory of Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) in music, a research aimed at modeling a sound system capable of creating spatial sound images with the use of this technique was made. Unlike most other techniques for sound projection that work with a small, localized listening area, WFS allows projecting the sounds of each sound source - such as musical instruments and voices - at different points within the hearing space, in a region that can cover almost the entire area comprised by this space, depending on the amount of installed speakers. The development of a modular structured code for WFS was based on the patch-oriented platform Pure Data (Pd), and on the AUDIENCE auralization system developed at USP, and it is integrable as a tool for interactive sound spatialization. The solution employs dynamic patches and a modular architecture, allowing code flexibility and maintainability, with advantages compared to other existing software, particularly in the installation, operation and to handle a large number of sound sources and speakers. For this system special speakers with features that facilitate its use in musical applications were also developed.
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Synthèse de champ sonore par Wave Field Synthesis à partir d'enregistrements captés par une antenne microphoniqueRamanana, Telina January 2015 (has links)
Ce projet traite de la restitution par Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) d’un champ sonore
mesuré par une antenne microphonique. L’importance de la reproduction de champ sonore
de milieux industriels ou d’intérieurs de véhicule a pris son essor depuis ces dernières
années. Ainsi la capacité de pouvoir synthétiser fidèlement un champ mesuré dans une
salle dédiée à l’écoute faciliterait son analyse dans le cadre de mesures objectives (études
suivant des métriques prédéfinis) et subjectives (études de perception). La WFS s’impose
comme une technologie de reproduction de champ capable d’assurer une grande résolution
spatiale, une restitution étendue du champ d’écoute ainsi qu’une bonne précision physique
du champ sonore. L’objectif principal est de reproduire un champ fidèle en terme de : 1)
réponses en fréquences de la chaîne complète de reproduction, 2) d’erreurs de spectre
réduites, 3) bonne restitution du champ d’un point de vue des caractéristiques spatiales.
Des simulations appuyées par une campagne expérimentale ont été menées pour valider les
algorithmes de restitution proposés et définir l’approche type problème inverse régularisé
par formation de voies comme étant le plus performant.
Cette recherche est le fruit de deux ans de travaux effectués au Groupe d’Acoustique de
l’Université de Sherbrooke (GAUS).
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Applications of Continuous Spatial Models in Multiple Antenna Signal ProcessingGlenn, Dickins, glenn.dickins@dolby.com January 2008 (has links)
This thesis covers the investigation and application of continuous spatial models for multiple antenna signal processing. The use of antenna arrays for advanced sensing and communications systems has been facilitated by the rapid increase in the capabilities of digital signal processing systems. The wireless communications channel will vary across space as different signal paths from the same source combine and interfere. This creates a level of spatial diversity that can be exploited to improve the robustness and overall capacity of the wireless channel. Conventional approaches to using spatial diversity have centered on smart, adaptive antennas and spatial beam forming. Recently, the more general theory of multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) systems has been developed to utilise the independent spatial communication modes offered in a scattering environment.¶
Underlying any multiple antenna system is the basic physics of electromagnetic wave propagation. Whilst a MIMO system may present a set of discrete inputs and outputs, each antenna element must interact with the underlying continuous spatial field. Since an electromagnetic disturbance will propagate through space, the field at different positions in the space will be interrelated. In this way, each position in the field cannot assume an arbitrary independent value and the nature of wave propagation places a constraint on the allowable complexity of a wave-field over space. To take advantage of this underlying physical constraint, it is necessary to have a model that incorporates the continuous nature of the spatial wave-field. ¶This thesis investigates continuous spatial models for the wave-field. The wave equation constraint is introduced by considering a natural basis expansion for the space of physically valid wave-fields. This approach demonstrates that a wave-field over a finite spatial region has an effective finite dimensionality. The optimal basis for representing such a field is dependent on the shape of the region of interest and the angular power distribution of the incident field. By applying the continuous spatial model to the problem of direction of arrival estimation, it is shown that the spatial region occupied by the receiver places a fundamental limit on the number and accuracy with which sources can be resolved. Continuous spatial models also provide a parsimonious representation for modelling the spatial communications channel independent of specific antenna array configurations. The continuous spatial model is also applied to consider limits to the problem of wireless source direction and range localisation.
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Wave field patterns generated by wave energy convertersMcNatt, J. Cameron 01 August 2012 (has links)
The eventual deployment of wave energy converters (WECs) on a commercial scale will necessitate the grouping of devices into arrays or "wave farms," in order to minimize overhead costs of mooring, maintenance, installation, and electrical cabling for shoreward power delivery. Closely spaced WECs will interact hydrodynamically through diffracted and radiated waves. Recent research has focused on the WEC wave field and used its structures to design constructive WEC arrays as well as to describe the means of WEC energy absorption. In this study, the WEC wave field is investigated for a single WEC and a five WEC array with linear wave theory and experimental results. Both regular waves and spectral seas are considered. Computational results are produced with the linear boundary-element-method (BEM) hydrodynamic software WAMIT for a simple WEC geometry. Experimental data comes from WEC array tests that took place at Oregon State University over the winter of 2010-11 [1]. The experimental measurements help validate the computational modeling, and the computational models serve as an aid to interpreting the experimental data.
Results reveal two universal WEC wave field features - partially standing waves and a wave shadow, both of which are the result of the coherent interaction of the planar incident wave with the circular generated wave, composed of
the diffracted and radiated waves. The partial standing waves in the offshore are seen qualitatively in experimental data but could not be exactly reproduced computationally, because the computational model is only a simple representation of the physical model. In the lee of the WEC, the measured longshore structure of the wave shadow is in good agreement with theoretical expectations as well as computational results. It is believed that the agreement is
because the formation of the wave shadow is dominated by energy extraction, which was approximately the same for both the computational and physical models.
A study of the linear WEC wave field in regular waves and spectral seas reveals patterns such as the wave shadow that have also been found in experimental data. The positions and magnitudes of the offshore partially standing
waves are very sensitive to wavelength, and WEC geometry, motions and location, and in spectral seas, they are smoothed when considering significant wave height. All of which suggest that it may be difficult to use them advantageously in the design of WEC arrays. The wave shadow is a dominant feature of the WEC wave field for both regular waves and spectral seas. It appears to be fairly generic and to be based on power absorption. In the
design of WEC arrays, rather than attempting constructive interference by using standing wave crests, perhaps the best one can do is to avoid destructive interference of the wave shadow. / Graduation date: 2013
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Directional Decomposition in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Media for Acoustic and Electromagnetic FieldsJonsson, B. Lars G. January 2001 (has links)
Directional wave-field decomposition for heterogeneousanisotropic media with in-stantaneous response is establishedfor both the acoustic and the electromagnetic equations. We derive a sufficient condition for ellipticity of thesystem's matrix in the Laplace domain and show that theconstruction of the splitting matrix via a Dunford-Taylorintegral over the resolvent of the non-compact, non-normalsystem's matrix is well de ned. The splitting matrix also hasproperties that make it possible to construct the decompositionwith a generalized eigenvector procedure. The classical way ofobtaining the decomposition is equivalent to solving analgebraic Riccati operator equation. Hence the proceduredescribed above also provides a solution to the algebraicRiccati operator equation. The solution to the wave-field decomposition for theisotropic wave equation is expressed in terms of theDirichlet-to-Neumann map for a plane. The equivalence of thisDirichlet-to-Neumann map is the acoustic admittance, i.e. themapping between the pressure and the particle velocity. Theacoustic admittance, as well as the related impedance aresolutions to algebraic Riccati operator equations and are keyelements in the decomposition. In the electromagnetic case thecorresponding impedance and admittance mappings solve therespective algebraic Riccati operator equations and henceprovide solutions to the decomposition problem. The present research shows that it is advantageous toutilize the freedom implied by the generalized eigenvectorprocedure to obtain the solution to the decomposition problemin more general terms than the admittance/impedancemappings. The time-reversal approach to steer an acoustic wave eld inthe cavity and half space geometries are analyzed from aboundary control perspective. For the cavity it is shown thatwe can steer the field to a desired final configuration, withthe assumption of local energy decay. It is also shown that thetime-reversal algorithm minimizes a least square error forfinite times when the data are obtained by measurements. Forthe half space geometry, the boundary condition is expressedwith help of the wave-field decomposition. In the homogeneousmaterial case, the response of the time-reversal algorithm iscalculated analytically. This procedure uses the one-wayequations together with the decomposition operator.
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Directional Decomposition in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Media for Acoustic and Electromagnetic FieldsJonsson, B. Lars G. January 2001 (has links)
<p>Directional wave-field decomposition for heterogeneousanisotropic media with in-stantaneous response is establishedfor both the acoustic and the electromagnetic equations.</p><p>We derive a sufficient condition for ellipticity of thesystem's matrix in the Laplace domain and show that theconstruction of the splitting matrix via a Dunford-Taylorintegral over the resolvent of the non-compact, non-normalsystem's matrix is well de ned. The splitting matrix also hasproperties that make it possible to construct the decompositionwith a generalized eigenvector procedure. The classical way ofobtaining the decomposition is equivalent to solving analgebraic Riccati operator equation. Hence the proceduredescribed above also provides a solution to the algebraicRiccati operator equation.</p><p>The solution to the wave-field decomposition for theisotropic wave equation is expressed in terms of theDirichlet-to-Neumann map for a plane. The equivalence of thisDirichlet-to-Neumann map is the acoustic admittance, i.e. themapping between the pressure and the particle velocity. Theacoustic admittance, as well as the related impedance aresolutions to algebraic Riccati operator equations and are keyelements in the decomposition. In the electromagnetic case thecorresponding impedance and admittance mappings solve therespective algebraic Riccati operator equations and henceprovide solutions to the decomposition problem.</p><p>The present research shows that it is advantageous toutilize the freedom implied by the generalized eigenvectorprocedure to obtain the solution to the decomposition problemin more general terms than the admittance/impedancemappings.</p><p>The time-reversal approach to steer an acoustic wave eld inthe cavity and half space geometries are analyzed from aboundary control perspective. For the cavity it is shown thatwe can steer the field to a desired final configuration, withthe assumption of local energy decay. It is also shown that thetime-reversal algorithm minimizes a least square error forfinite times when the data are obtained by measurements. Forthe half space geometry, the boundary condition is expressedwith help of the wave-field decomposition. In the homogeneousmaterial case, the response of the time-reversal algorithm iscalculated analytically. This procedure uses the one-wayequations together with the decomposition operator.</p>
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Design and characterization of a MEMS-based rotation sensor for seismic exploration / Conception et caractérisation d'un capteur de rotation MEMS pour l'exploration sismiqueProjetti, Maxime 24 March 2014 (has links)
Lors de la prospection sismique, un réseau de capteurs, utilisant principalement des géophones, est déployé à la surface libre afin d'enregistrer les ondes sismiques provenant du sous-sol. Cependant, l'énergie captée par ces géophones est largement dominée par les ondes de surface ou ondes de Rayleigh produites par la source. Étant donné leur nature, ces ondes de surface ne contiennent aucune information sur la composition des couches géologiques profondes. De ce fait, il est nécessaire d'employer un réseau très fin de capteurs dans le but de caractériser précisément ces composantes puis de les filtrer par des techniques de traitement du signal. Toutefois, les coûts engendrés nécessitent de nouvelles méthodes d'acquisition des ondes sismiques, employant moins de capteurs et permettant d'élargir le pas du réseau. Une telle technique a été mise en évidence, moyennant une mesure précise des rotations de la surface libre. La piste explorée dans ce manuscrit est l'utilisation d'un capteur MEMS haute performance pour mesurer les rotations de la surface libre, avec un coût, un poids et une consommation électrique minimaux. Plus particulièrement, le choix s'est porté sur la réalisation d'un accéléromètre angulaire, mesurant la rotation d'entrainement de son référentiel. La conception du capteur MEMS proposé utilise une technique de mesure différentielle de capacités et un contrôle en boucle fermée reposant sur la modulation ΣΔ. Un important travail de modélisation et de simulation a permis la fabrication de plusieurs prototypes qui ont ensuite été caractérisés. Une résolution fondamentale de 3 mrad.s-2 RMS dans une bande de fréquences comprises entre 60 Hz et 200 Hz a ainsi été obtenue. Les performances mesurées surpassent de loin celles d'autres accéléromètres angulaires de la littérature. Finalement, des analyses comparatives avec d'autres instruments de mesure ont permis de conclure sur la faisabilité de notre solution pour la prospection sismique. / In seismic exploration, most of the signal acquired by point-receiver geophones is dominated by surface waves or ground rolls. Because they propagate in the near surface, ground rolls do not contain any information on deeper targets. Thus, short spacing between receivers is required so that this noise component can be accurately characterized and removed by digital filtering. However, considering the cost of seismic exploration ventures, new acquisition techniques using fewer point receivers and larger spacing have to be developed. Such a technique is briefly introduced in this dissertation, requiring accurate measurements of ground rotations at the free surface with minimum cost, weight and power consumption. To address this need, the thesis proposes a high-performance rotation sensor based on MEMS technology. Unlike vibrating gyroscopes, sensitive to rotation rates through Coriolis effect, the solution developed is an angular accelerometer designed for differential capacitance measurements. A feedback controller is also implemented utilizing an oversampled ΣΔ -modulator to increase dynamic performances of the system. Thorough analytical designs along with simulations are challenged by fabricated prototypes measurements to achieve a high-sensitivity, high-resolution device. An experimental resolution of 3 mrad.s-2 RMS in the frequency band 60 Hz - 200 Hz is then obtained, which is far better than other micromachined angular accelerometers from literature. Moreover, comparison analyses are performed with specific instruments used for rotational seismology to conclude on the feasibility of a MEMS-based rotation sensor for seismic exploration.
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Microphone and Loudspeaker Array Signal Processing Steps towards a “Radiation Keyboard” for Authentic SamplersZiemer, Tim, Plath, Nico 24 April 2020 (has links)
To date electric pianos and samplers tend to concentrate on authenticity in terms of temporal and spectral aspects of sound. However, they barely recreate the original sound radiation characteristics, which contribute to the perception of width and depth, vividness and voice separation, especially for instrumentalists, who are located near the instrument. To achieve this, a number of sound field measurement and synthesis techniques need to be applied and adequately combined. In this paper we present the theoretic foundation to combine so far isolated and fragmented sound field analysis and synthesis methods to realize a radiation keyboard, an electric harpsichord that approximates the sound of a real harpsichord precisely in time, frequency, and space domain. Potential applications for such a radiation keyboard are conservation of historic musical instruments, music performance, and psychoacoustic measurements for instrument and synthesizer building and for studies of music perception, cognition, and embodiment.
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Application of sound source separation methods to advanced spatial audio systemsCobos Serrano, Máximo 03 December 2010 (has links)
This thesis is related to the field of Sound Source Separation (SSS). It addresses the development
and evaluation of these techniques for their application in the resynthesis of high-realism sound scenes by
means of Wave Field Synthesis (WFS). Because the vast majority of audio recordings are preserved in twochannel
stereo format, special up-converters are required to use advanced spatial audio reproduction formats,
such as WFS. This is due to the fact that WFS needs the original source signals to be available, in order to
accurately synthesize the acoustic field inside an extended listening area. Thus, an object-based mixing is
Source separation problems in digital signal processing are those in which several signals have been mixed
together and the objective is to find out what the original signals were. Therefore, SSS algorithms can be applied
to existing two-channel mixtures to extract the different objects that compose the stereo scene. Unfortunately,
most stereo mixtures are underdetermined, i.e., there are more sound sources than audio channels. This
condition makes the SSS problem especially difficult and stronger assumptions have to be taken, often related to
the sparsity of the sources under some signal transformation.
This thesis is focused on the application of SSS techniques to the spatial sound reproduction field. As a result,
its contributions can be categorized within these two areas. First, two underdetermined SSS methods are
proposed to deal efficiently with the separation of stereo sound mixtures. These techniques are based on a
multi-level thresholding segmentation approach, which enables to perform a fast and unsupervised separation of
sound sources in the time-frequency domain. Although both techniques rely on the same clustering type, the
features considered by each of them are related to different localization cues that enable to perform separation
of either instantaneous or real mixtures.Additionally, two post-processing techniques aimed at
improving the isolation of the separated sources are proposed. The performance achieved by
several SSS methods in the resynthesis of WFS sound scenes is afterwards evaluated by means of
listening tests, paying special attention to the change observed in the perceived spatial attributes.
Although the estimated sources are distorted versions of the original ones, the masking effects
involved in their spatial remixing make artifacts less perceptible, which improves the overall
assessed quality. Finally, some novel developments related to the application of time-frequency
processing to source localization and enhanced sound reproduction are presented. / Cobos Serrano, M. (2009). Application of sound source separation methods to advanced spatial audio systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8969
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