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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réalisation en guides d'ondes numériques stables d'un modèle acoustique réaliste pour la simulation en temps-réel d'instruments à vent

Mignot, Rémi 03 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail porte sur la modélisation physique des tubes acoustiques pour la simulation numérique en temps-réel. Le but principal est la synthèse sonore d'instruments à vent, avec un modèle réaliste, une méthode modulaire et une implémentation numérique faible coût. Le modèle acoustique de "Webster-Lokshin", utilisé ici, est un modèle à 1 dimension prenant en compte à la fois la "courbure" du profil et les "pertes visco-thermiques" à la paroi. Pour ce modèle acoustique, une structure de simulation compatible avec l'approche des "Guides d'Ondes" est obtenue : un tube y est représenté par un système bouclé, avec retards, faisant intervenir plusieurs sous-systèmes sans retard interne. Une difficulté est la présence de sous-systèmes de dimension infinie qui se comportent comme des sommes infinies de systèmes du premier ou du second ordre. Dans un premier temps, ils sont approximés par des systèmes de dimension finie, puis leur "représentation d'état" à temps discret est obtenue. Enfin, en utilisant des outils standard de l'automatique, ces représentations nous permettent de faciliter la connexion d'éléments acoustiques et de réduire les coûts de calcul de la simulation numérique. Dans ce travail, l'étude de la stabilité et de la passivité est faite. Pour des cas paticuliers de tubes, un problème survient : même si les relations entrées/sorties du tube sont stables, certains sous-systèmes internes possèdent une infinité de singularités à l'origine d'instabilités internes. Nous présentons une explication de ce phénomène et ceci nous amène à proposer une nouvelle décomposition en sous-systèmes pour lever ce problème.

Performing Women’s Speech in Early Modern Drama: Troubling Silence, Complicating Voice

Van Note, Beverly Marshall 2010 August 1900 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to fill a void in early modern English drama studies by offering an in-depth, cross-gendered comparative study emphasizing representations of women’s discursive agency. Such an examination contributes to the continuing critical discussion regarding the nature and extent of women’s potential agency as speakers and writers in the period and also to recent attempts to integrate the few surviving dramas by women into the larger, male-dominated dramatic tradition. Because statements about the nature of women’s speech in the period were overwhelmingly male, I begin by establishing the richness and variety of women’s attitudes toward marriage and toward their speech relative to marriage through an examination of their first-person writings. A reassessment of the dominant paradigms of the shrew and the silent woman as presented in male-authored popular drama—including The Taming of the Shrew and Epicene—follows. Although these stereotypes are not without ambiguity, they nevertheless considerably flatten the contours of the historical patterns discernable in women’s lifewriting. As a result, female spectators may have experienced greater cognitive dissonance in reaction to the portrayals of women by boy actors. In spite of this, however, they may have borrowed freely from the occasional glimpses of newly emergent views of women readily available in the theater for their own everyday performances, as I argue in a discussion of The Shoemaker’s Holiday and The Roaring Girl. Close, cross-gendered comparison of two sets of similarly-themed plays follows: The Duchess of Malfi and The Tragedy of Mariam, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Love’s Victory. Here my examination reveals that the female writers’ critique of prevailing gender norms is more thorough than the male writers’ and that the emphasis on female characters’ material bodies, particularly their voices, registers the female dramatists’ dissatisfaction with the disfiguring representations of women on the maledominated professional stage. I end with a discussion of several plays by women—The Concealed Fancies, The Convent of Pleasure, and Bell in Campo—to illustrate the various revisions of marriage offered by each through their emphasis on gendered performance and, further, to suggest the importance of the woman writer’s contribution to the continuing dialectic about the nature of women and their speech.

Demise of Classic Maya Civilization : a theoretical approach

Hannikainen, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Kollapsen av den klassiska Mayakulturen under sen 700- till sen 900-tal e.Kr. har förbluffat forskare ända sedan studier av Mayakulturen påbörjades på 1840-talet. Både arkeologer och antropologer som epigrafiker eller klimatforskare har arbetat med att lösa gåtan av hur ett kulturellt vidsträckt samhälle kunde kollapsa utan någon klar förklaring. Civilisationen som än idag talar till oss genom sina kolossala pyramider och tempel, inskriptioner och den vetenskapliga kunskapen som ansetts outförbara utan moderna instrument. Dock har inte kollapsen varit ett direkt fokus i Mayastudier sedan forskningen påbörjades. Det var inte förrän på 1960-talet som systematiska undersökningar utfördes för att hitta rimliga teorier till kollapsen. Ända sedan dess har hypoteser och teorier haglat in och forskarna idag hittar sig själva i en sjö av oförklarlig information. Kunskapen av Mayakulturen är enorm men det har inte hjälpt att hitta någon bestämd teori om kollapsen av klassiska Maya. Det finns forskare som fokuserar på stora katastrofala händelser såsom drastiska klimatförändringar, sjukdomar eller jordbävningar så svåra att återhämtning var omöjligt. Sedan finns den andra skaran av forskare som förkastar enskilda händelser och fokuserar mer på mångfaldiga katastrofer som kunnat utlösa ödesdigra mönster i samhället som till slut utmynnat i en kollaps. Trots oklarheter kring kollapsen har framsteg gjorts inom fältet. Många teorier har mycket tack vare avancerade metoder kunnat förkastas medan andra blivit mer debatterade. Vad som än Mayakulturen kan berätta för oss, står ändå kollapsen som den stora nöten att knäcka och ju längre forskningen av ämnet fortgår desto närmare kommer även forskare till svaret. Frågor dyker dock fortfarande upp om det är möjligt att lösa en av arkeologins stora gåtor.

The clergy and print in eighteenth-century England, c. 1714-1750

Latham, Jamie Marc January 2018 (has links)
In much of the historiography surrounding print culture and the book trade, the worldliness of print remains a point of common emphasis. Indeed, many influential studies either assume or actively present the history of print as part of a broader ‘secularization thesis’. Recently, however, historians have challenged these narratives, recognizing the central role of religious print as a driver of growth within the book trade and discussion within the nascent ‘public sphere’. Yet the scholarship into ‘religion and the book’ remains fragmentary, focused on individual genres or persons, with no unified monograph or standard reference work yet to emerge. This dissertation addresses some of the barriers to synopsis by investigating the long-term print output of the largest social and professional group engaged in evangelizing Christianity to the public: the clergy of the Church of England. By focusing on the clergy, this dissertation evades the usual narrow focus on genre. In the past, book-historical and bibliographic studies have relied heavily on a priori classification schemes to study the market for print. While sufficient in the context of relatively well-defined genre categories, such as printed sermons, the validity of these classification schemes breaks down at the wider level, for example, under the conceptual burden of defining the highly fluid and wide-ranging category of ‘religious works’. This dissertation begins to remedy such problems by modelling the print output of a large population of authors who had the strongest stake in evangelizing Christianity to the public through print. It utilizes the latest techniques in the field of digital humanities and bibliometrics to create a representative sample of the print output of the Anglican clergy over the ‘long’ eighteenth-century (here 1660-1800). Based on statistical trends, the thesis identifies a crucial period in the history of clerical print culture, the first four decades of the Hanoverian regime. The period is explored in detail through three subsequent case studies. By combining both traditional and digital methods, therefore, the dissertation explores clerical publishing as a phenomenon subject to evolution and change at both the macro and micro level. The first chapter provides an overarching statistical study of clerical publishing between 1660 and 1800. By combining data from two bibliographical datasets, The English Short-Title Catalogue (ESTC), and the prosopographical resource, The Clergy of the Church of England Database (CCED), I extract and analyse a dataset of clerical works consisting of almost 35,000 bibliographic records. The remaining chapters approach the thesis topic through primary research-based case studies using both print and manuscript sources. The case studies were selected from the period identified in the preceding statistical analysis as a crucial transitional moment in the history of clerical publishing culture, c.1714 to 1750. These case studies form chapters 2, 3, and 4, each of which explore a different aspect of a network of authors who worked under the direction of the bishop of London, Edmund Gibson (1723-1748), during the era of Whig hegemony under Sir Robert Walpole. Finally, an appendix outlines the methodology used in chapter 1 to extract the sample of clerical printed works from the ESTC. Overall, the thesis demonstrates the profound influence of the clergy on the development of English print in the hand-press period. It thus forms both a historiographic intervention against the secularization thesis still implicit in discussions of print culture and the book trade, as well as providing a cautionary critique of the revisionism which has shaped recent investigations into the Church of England.

Le spectre du sous-laplacien sur les variétés CR strictement pseudoconvexes / Spectrum of sublaplacians on strictly pseudoconvex CR manifolds

Aribi, Amine 29 November 2012 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d’étudier le spectre du sous-laplacien sur les variétés CR strictement pseudoconvexe. Nous prouvons que le spectre du sous-laplacien $\Delta_b$ est discret sur un domaine borné $\Omega \subset M$ d’une variété CR strictement pseudoconvexe qui satisfait l’inégalité de Poincaré, sous les conditions de Dirichlet au bord. Nous étudions le comportement des valeurs propres du sous-laplacien $\Delta_b$ sur une variété C] strictement pseudoconvexe compacte $M$, en tait que fonctionnelle sur l’espace ${\mathcal P)_+$ de formes de contact positivement orientées sur $M$ en dotant $(\matheal P}_+$ d’une topologie métrique naturelle. Nous établissons des inégalités pour les valeurs propres de $\Delta_b$ sur des variétés CR strictement pseudoconvexes (éventuellement à bord non vide). Nos estimations prolongent les résultats d,tenus par P-C. Niu \& H. Zhang \cite{NiZh) pour les valeurs propres du sous-laplacien avec conditions de Dirichlet au bord sur un domaine borné du groupe de Heisenberg, et sont dans l’esprit des inégalités de Payne-PV(o)lya-Weinberger et Yang. Nous obtenons une nouvelle borne inférieure sur la première valeur propre non nulle $\lambda_l theta )$ du sous-laplacien $\Delta_b$ sur une variété CR strictement pseudoconvexe compacte $M$ munie d’une forme de contact S\theta$ dont la connexion de Tanaka-Webster est à courbure de Ricci minorée. / The purpose of this thesis is to study the spectrum of sublaplacians on compact strictly pseudoconvex CR manifolds. We prove the discreteness of the Dirichiet spectrum of the sublaplacian $\Delta_b$ on a smoothly bounded domain $\Omega \subset M$ in a strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold M satisfying Poincaré inequality. We study the behavior of the eigenvalues of a sublaplacian $\Delta_b$ on a compact strictly pseudoconvex CR manifol as functions on the set ${\mathcal P}_+$ of positively oriented contact forms on $M$ by endowing ${\mathcal P)_+$ with a natural metric topology. We establish inequalities for the eigenvalues of $Delta_b$ on compact strictly pseudoconvex CR manifolds (possibly with nonempty boundary) %$C^2$ semi-isometric maps into a Euclidean space or a Heisenberg group. Our estimates extend those obtained by P-C. Niu \& H. Zhang \cite{NiZh} for the Dirichlet eigenvalues 0f the sublaplacian on a bounded domain in the Heisenberg group, in the spirit of Payne-P\’{o)lya -Weinberger and Yang inequalities. We establish a new lower bound on the first nonzero eigenvalue$\lambda_t (\theta )$ of the sublaplacian $\Delta_b$ on a compact strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold $M$ carrying a contact form $\theta$ whose Tanaka-Webster connection has Ricci curvature bounded from below.

The dangerous edge of things : John Webster's Bosola in context & performance

Buckingham, John F. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis argues that there is an enigma at the heart of Webster's The Duchess of Malfi; a disjunction between the critical history of the play and its reception in performance. Historical disquiet about the status of the play among academics and cultural commentators has not prevented its popularity with audiences. It has, however, affected some of the staging decisions made by theatre companies mounting productions. Allied to other practical factors, these have impacted significantly – and occasionally disastrously – upon performances. It is argued that Webster conceived the play as a meditation on degree and, in aiming to draw out the maximum relevance from the social satire, deliberately created the multi-faceted performative role of Bosola to work his audience in a complex and subversive manner. The role's purpose was determined in response to the structural discontinuity imposed upon the play by the physical realities of staging within the Blackfriars' auditorium. But Webster also needed an agent to serve the plot's development and, in creating the role he also invented a character, developed way beyond the material of his sources. This character proved as trapped as any other in the play by the consequences of his own moral choices. Hovering between role and character, Webster's creation remains liminally poised on ‘the dangerous edge of things.' Part One explores the contexts in which Webster created one of the most ambiguous figures in early modern drama - subverting stock malcontent, villain and revenger - and speculates on the importance of the actor, John Lowin in its genesis. It includes a subsequent performance history of the role. Part Two presents the detailed analysis of a range of professional performances from the past four decades, attempting to demonstrate how the meaning of the play has been altered by decisions made regarding the part of Bosola.

Religious directives of health, sickness and death : Church teachings on how to be well, how to be ill, and how to die in early modern England

Elkins, Mark January 2018 (has links)
In broad terms, this thesis is a study of what Protestant theologians in early modern England taught regarding the interdependence between physical health and spirituality. More precisely, it examines the specific and complex doctrines taught regarding health-related issues in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and evaluates the consistency of these messages over time. A component of the controversial Protestant-science hypothesis introduced in the early twentieth century is that advancements in science were driven by the Protestant ethic of needing to control nature and every aspect therein. This thesis challenges this notion. Within the context of health, sickness and death, the doctrine of providence evident in Protestant soteriology emphasised complete submission to God's sovereign will. Rather, this overriding doctrine negated the need to assume any control. Moreover, this thesis affirms that the directives theologians delivered governing physical health remained consistent across this span, despite radical changes taking place in medicine during the same period. This consistency shows the stability and strength of this message. Each chapter offers a comprehensive analysis on what Protestant theologians taught regarding the health of the body as well as the soul. The inclusion of more than one hundred seventy sermons and religious treatises by as many as one hundred twenty different authors spanning more than two hundred years laid a fertile groundwork for this study. The result of this work provides an extensive survey of theological teachings from these religious writers over a large span of time.

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