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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Occurrence, biology, damage potential and management of Heterodera Schachtii (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) in small-scale farming in the Western Cape Province, South Africa

Van Zyl, J. (Jacques) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Agric))--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During a survey in the greater Cape Flats Heterodera schachtii was found to be widespread on cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, beetroot and cabbage. The numbers present were above two eggs and juveniles per gram of soil, generally regarded as the economic threshhold level of infestation and requiring control. The damage potential of H schachtii on vegetables, as well as the ability of certain weeds to serve as a source of infection on subsequent crop plantings was studied under greenhouse conditions and resulted in a reduction of yield and root weight of crops. Population densities of H schachtii increased significantly under favourable hosts like cabbage where densities of 198 eggs and juveniles per gram of soil were reached. The most commonly occurring weeds maintained nematode development and increased their population densities. They can thus serve as alternative hosts in the absence of susceptible hosts and should be routinely controlled. The life cycle and biology of H schachtii was also studied. Penetration of plant tissue and subsequent development on vegetables, weeds and trap crops were observed. Penetration was successful on all crops tested reaching 37% and 52% at inoculum levels of 22 and 11 juveniles per gram of soil, respectively. Subsequent development of H schachtii on weeds and vegetables was similar, but in the case of cauliflower and black nightshade as hosts, their life cycle was shorter in comparison to other crops. The possible existence of varying susceptibility of crops to different populations of H schachtii was examined by comparing the rates of penetration in crops and reproduction of geographically isolated populations of H schachtii in the greater Cape Flats. When root penetration, virulence and juvenile emergence were examined, populations from Lynedoch and Philippi were distinct from the other populations. Subsequently, representative individuals of these populations were subjected to PCR-RFLP, but with these techniques real differences between the various populations could not be adequately detected. The environmental parameters such as soil texture, temperature and pH on H schachtii were investigated as to their influence on the root weight and yield of crops. Reductions in the yield of beetroot and cabbage were observed with soil temperatures ranging between 15 to 30°C. Migration and penetration of H schachtii juveniles declined with an increase in clay and silt content of the soil. Above a 34% silt and clay content of soil, no migration and penetration took place. Root penetration levels of 30% and higher were reached with pH varying between 4.5 and 7.4. This resulted in a significant reduction in yield of crops. Crop rotation is an essential component of non-chemical control. In the case of H schachtii, it required one host crop in four non-host rotational cycles to maintain the population of the nematode in the soilless than three eggs and juveniles per gram of soil. The inclusion of a trap crop reduced the population densities to below two eggs and juveniles per gram of soil. It therefore also forms an integral part of a control strategy. Solarization proved successful as a physical control method. Best results were obtained in summer with clear polyethylene which led to a 97% reduction of infective juveniles. This method can be applied during the late summer in the greater Cape Flats, just before the onset of winter. This may safeguard future spring plantings. The need for effective control strategies in order to reduce the numbers of H schachtii is of the utmost importance to ensure vegetable production in the future. Small-scale farmers should therefore be educated in this respect. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Heterodera schachtii het wydverspreid in 'n opname in die groter Kaapse Vlakte voorgekom op beet, blomkool, Brusselse spruite en kopkool. Die nematode getalle by alle lokaliteite was bo die algemeen aanvaarbare ekonomiese drempelwaarde van twee eiers en larwes per gram grond wat beheer regverdig. Die skadepotensiaal van H schachtii op groente, sowel as die vermoë van sekere onkruide om as infeksie bronne te dien vir opvolgende gewasse, is in glashuise ondersoek en het tot 'n verlaging in opbrengs en wortelmassa by gashere gelei. Die populasie digthede van H schachtii het met die aanplant van geskikte gashere tot vlakke van 198 eiers en larvae per gram grond gestyg. Die mees algemeen voorkomende gasheeronkruide het nematode ontwikkeling in stand gehou en selfs tot 'n populasie verhoging gelei. Hierdie onkruide is 'n beperkende faktor vir die verbouing van groente aangesien die onkruide as alternatiewe gasheer kan dien in die afwesigheid van gashere en onkruidbeheer moet dus op 'n gereelde basis toegepas word. Die lewenssiklus en biologie van H schachtii is ondersoek deurdat die penetrasie van gasheer wortels en die daaropvolgende ontwikkeling op groente, onkruide en vanggewasse vergelyk is. Penetrasie, vyf dae na inokulasie, is met alle gashere verkry met 37% en 52% penetrasie met inokulum vlakke van 22 en 11 larwes per gram grond onderskeidelik. Daaropvolgende ontwikkeling van H schachtii was soortgelyk op groente en onkruide, maar blomkool en nastergal het as gashere 'n verkorte lewenssiklus tot gevolg gehad. Die moontlikheid van verskille in die virulensie van H schachtii is ondersoek deur die penetrasie van gewasse en reproduksie vlakke van nematodes van nege verskillende geografies geskeide populasies in the groter Kaapse Vlakte te vergelyk. Die Lynedoch en Philippi populasies het onderskeibare resultate gelewer ten opsigte van die populasies uit die ander lokaliteite, maar geen verskille kon met PKR-RFLP aangetoon word nie. Die invloed van omgewings parameters, grondtekstuur, temperatuur en pH, is op H schachtii ondersoek ten opsigte van opbrengste en wortelmassa van gewasse. Grondtemperature tussen 15°C - 30°C het tot die grootste daling in opbrengs gelei op kopkool en beet. Migrasie en penetrasie het afgeneem met 'n toename in klei en slik inhoud tot en met 'n klei en slik inhoud van 34%, waarna geen penetrasie en migrasie voorgekom het nie. Wortelpenetrasie van 30% en hoër het voorgekom by pH vlakke van tussen 4.5 - 7.4 met die gepaardgaande verlaging in opbrengs van gewasse. Afwisseling van gewasse is 'n essensiële metode van nie-chemiese beheer van nematode getalle in die grond. Die mees optimale rotasie ten opsigte van H schachtii beheer is met die aanplanting van een gasheer gewas in vier gewas aanplantings verkry. Die insluiting van 'n vanggewas in die gewas rotasie siklus het die nematode populasievlakke tot onder twee per gram grond laat daal. Solarisasie is suksesvol uitgevoer met deurskynende poli-etileen in die groter Kaapse Vlakte gedurende die somer met gevolglik 'n 97% vermindering van die getalle infektiewe nematodes. Effektiewe beheermaatreëls ten opsigte van H schachtii moet in die groter Kaapse Vlakte ingestel word om groente-produksie in hierdie gebied te verseker. Kleinboere moet in hierdie tegnieke opgelei word.

An assessment of climate change science literacy and climate change pedagogical literacy of geography teachers in the Western Cape

Anyanwu, Raymond Ndubisi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This survey research employed a criterion-referenced multiple-choice questionnaire to collect data from 194 FET Geography teachers in the Western Cape province to assess their level of literacy in both climate change science and climate change pedagogy, and to determine the influence of gender, age, qualification, specialisation, experience, grade mostly taught, their experience in providing instruction on climate change and the location of their school. Aspects of climate change science assessed include: climate processes and probable causes of climate change; climate change impacts; and climate change responses. Aspects of climate change pedagogy assessed include: the aims and significance of climate change education; and constructivist teaching principles and practice. The collected data was analysed using percentage frequencies to determine the teachers‟ level of literacy in climate change science and climate change pedagogy; the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to determine the influence of the mediating variables on climate change science literacy and climate change pedagogical literacy, respectively. The results indicate that Geography teachers in the Western Cape Province demonstrated „High‟ literacy in climate change science and „Low‟ literacy in climate change pedagogy. Factors such as school location, gender, age and teaching experience were found to have a significant influence on climate change science literacy; whereas qualification, specialisation, grade mostly taught and experience in providing instruction on climate change did not. Conversely, teaching experience and grade mostly taught had a significant influence on climate change pedagogical literacy; whereas school location, gender, age, qualification, specialisation and experience in providing instruction on climate change did not. Based on these findings, it is recommended that professional development interventions in climate change pedagogy are required in order to expose Geography teachers to the aims and significance of climate change education and methods of facilitating problem-based, learner-centred instruction on climate change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie opnamenavorsing het gebruik gemaak van ‟n kriteriumverwysing- meerkeusige vraelys om data by 194 VOO Aardrykskunde onderwysers in die Wes-Kaap provinsie te versamel om hulle vlak van geletterdheid in beide die wetenskap en pedagogie van klimaatsverandering te bepaal en om die invloed van geslag, ouderdom, kwalifikasie, spesialisasie, ervaring, graad wat die meeste onderrig is, hulle ervaring van onderrig oor klimaatsverandering en die ligging van hulle skool te bepaal. Aspekte van klimaatsverandering wat geassesseer is, het klimaatsprosesse en moontlike oorsake van klimaatsverandering, impakte van klimaatsverandering en reaksies op klimaatsverandering ingesluit. Aspekte van die pedagogie van klimaatsverandering wat geassesseer is, het die doelwitte en betekenisvolheid van opvoeding oor klimaatsverandering en konstruktivistiese onderrigbeginsels en -praktyk ingesluit. Die versamelde data is met persentasiefrekwensie geanaliseer om die onderwysers se vlak van geletterdheid in die wetenskap en pedagogie van klimaatsverandering te bepaal; die Mann-Whitney en Kruskal-Wallis toetse is gebruik om die invloed van bemiddelende veranderlikes op geletterdheid met betrekking tot die wetenskap en pedagogie van klimaatsverandering onderskeidelik te bepaal. Die resultate dui aan dat Aardrykskunde-onderwysers in die Wes-Kaap „Hoë‟ geletterdheid in die wetenskap van klimaatsverandering en „Lae‟ geletterdheid in die pedagogie van klimaatsverandering getoon het. Faktore soos ligging van die skool, geslag, ouderdom en onderrigervaring het ‟n betekenisvolle invloed op geletterdheid in klimaatsverandering gehad, terwyl kwalifikasie, spesialisasie, graad wat die meeste onderrig is en ervaring van onderrig oor klimaatsverandering nie so ‟n invloed gehad het nie. In teenstelling het onderrigervaring en graad wat die meeste onderrig is, ‟n betekenisvolle invloed op geletterdheid in klimaatsverandering gehad, terwyl ligging van die skool, geslag, ouderdom, kwalifikasie, spesialisasie en ervaring van onderrig oor klimaatsverandering nie so ‟n invloed gehad het nie. Op grond van hierdie resultate kan gesê word dat professionele ontwikkelingsingrypings in die pedagogie van klimaatsverandering nodig is om Aardrykskunde-onderwysers bloot te stel aan die doelwitte en belangrikheid van onderwys oor klimaatsverandering en metodes om probleemgebaseerde, leerdergesentreerde onderrig oor klimaatsverandering te fasiliteer.

Invasive perennial species in an agricultural area of the Western Cape Province : distribution and relationship with various land-use types

Midgley, John Claude 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This project consists of two botanical investigations in an agricultural area of the Western Cape Province. A farm known as De Rust, in the Elgin Valley, was used to sample the geographic location, density, height and life stage of six prominent invasive plant species in various land-use categories. In the first investigation, the density, height and age structures of the six invasive species populations were analyzed. The density distribution of the six species was also displayed cartographically. Species were then ranked according to the potential threat that they pose to the conservation of the remaining natural areas on the farm. Results indicated that Acacia mearnsii and Acacia saligna are the major invaders at De Rust and that Hakea sericea can be considered as an emerging invader. The second investigation explores the statistical relationship between the various land-use categories and density, height and age of the six prominent invaders identified in the first investigation. The loglikelihood ratio analysis of observed frequencies resulted in statistically significant (P<0.01; P-values range between 1.35 x 10-3 and 2.7 x 10-224) relationships between certain land-use types and certain invasive species. A conclusion was reached that it could be useful to include land-use categories in simulation models of invasive plant species distribution and spread. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie projek behels twee botaniese ondersoeke in ‘n landbou gebied van die Weskaap. Die plaas bekend as De Rust, in die Elgin Vallei, was gebruik vir die versameling van data te doen met die geografiese ligging, plant digtheid, lengte en lewens stadium van ses prominente indringer plant spesies in verskeie landgebruik kategorieë. Die digtheid, lengte en ouderdomstruktuur van ses indringerspesies was in die eerste ondersoek geanaliseer. Die verspreiding van digtheid was ook in kaarte uitgelê. Spesies was daarna volgens hulle potentiële dreiging teen die bewaring van oorblywende natuurlike dele van die plaas in ‘n rangorde geplaas. Resiltate dui aan dat Acacia mearnsii en Acacia saligna die belangrikste indringer plante op De Rust is en dat Hakea sericea as ‘n opkomende indringer beskou kan word. Die tweede ondersoek kyk na die verhouding tussen verskeie grondgebruik kategorië en die digtheid, lengte en ouderdom van die ses prominente indringer spesies wat in die eerste ondersoek identifiseër is. ‘n Log tipe ratios ontleding van bewaarde frekwensies het ‘n statisties belangrike uitkoms gehad (P<0.01; P-waardes tussen 1.35 x 10-3 en 2.7 x 10-224) vir die verhoudings tussen sekere grondgebruik tipes en sekere indringer spesies. Die gevolgtrekking was dat dit handig mag wees om grondgebruik kategorieë in simulasies van indringer plant verspreiding te gebruik.

Mite communities within Protea infructescences in South Africa

Theron, Natalie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The role of mites as primary vectors of various fungi within Protea infructescences was recently confirmed and raised questions about their general diversity and their role within this unique niche. Although mites evidently form an integral part of Fynbos ecosystems and probably play a significant role in Protea population dynamics, there is a general void in our knowledge of mite diversity within the Cape Floristic Region. These organisms do not only affect ecological processes within the CFR, but also the economic value of Protea exports. This study sets out to describe mite communities within the infructescences of a variety Protea species. In the process, the role of various environmental variables and differences in host characteristics affecting these communities are also explored. A total of 24281 mite individuals, comprising of 36 morphospecies in 23 families, were collected from 16 surveyed Protea spp. Mite community structure and composition were significantly influenced by plant taxonomy, phenology and infructescence architecture in different Protea spp. At a temporal scale, infructescence age and season were influential factors on mite community structure. Collection locality significantly influenced mite communities within the infructescences of a single Protea sp. Host architecture had no influence on mite communities within a single host species. Geographic distance had no significant influence on mite community structure within Protea infructescences. This implies that factors particular to particular host species determine mite communities. These include factors such as the mode of pollination of the host plant, level of serotiny and plant life form. Numerous newly recorded mite species collected from Protea infructescences are also described in this study. An identification key to the Tydeidoidae of South Africa is provided here for the first time. This study forms a baseline dataset for future studies on the biodiversity of mites in this extremely diverse eco-region. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die rol van myte as primêre vektore van verskeie funguses binne Protea vrugtekoppe is onlangs bevestig, en het vrae laat ontstaan oor hulle algemene diversiteit en rol binne hierdie unieke nis. Alhoewel myte duidelik ‘n integrale deel vorm van Fynbos ekosisteme en waarskynlik ‘n belangrike rol speel in Protea populasie-dinamika, is daar ‘n algemene leemte in ons kennis van mytdiversiteit binne die Kaapse Floristiese Ryk (KFR). Hierdie organismes affekteer nie slegs ekologiese prosesse binne die KFR nie, maar ook die ekonomiese waarde van Protea-uitvoere. Hierdie studie mik as vertrekpunt om die verkillende myt-gemeenskappe binne die vrugtekoppe van verskeie Protea spesies te beskryf. In die proses is die rol van verskillende omgewingsveranderlikes en verskille in gasheer kenmerke wat hierdie gemeenskappe affekteer, ook ondersoek. ‘n Totaal van 24281 myt individue, saamgestel uit 36 morfspesies in 23 families, mytgemeenskappe is beduidende beinvloed deur die taksonomie van die plant, die fenologie en die vrugtekop-argitektuur van verskillende Protea spesies. Op ‘n temporale skaal is gevind dat vrugtekop-ouderdom en seisoen beduidende faktore is in die samestelling van mytgemeenskapstruktuur. Versamel-lokaliteit het verder mytgemeenskappe binne die vrugtekoppe mytgemeenskappe binne ‘n enkele gasheerspesie getoon nie. Geografiese afstand het geen beduidende invloed op mytgemeenskapstruktuur binne Protea vrugtekoppe getoon nie. Dit faktore in soos die metode van bestuiwing van die gasheer plant, die vlak van saadhoudendheid van die Protea koppe en plant-lewensvorm. Verskeie nuwe myt spesies wat uit Protea vrugtekoppe versamel is, word ook in hierdie studie beskryf. ‘n Identifikasie-sleutel vir die Tydeidoidae van Suid-Afrika word verder vir die eerste keer hier verskaf. Hierdie studie vorm die basis datastel vir toekomstige studies van die biodiversiteit van myte in hierdie besonder diverse eko-omgewing.

Funksionele bemagtiging van die opvoeder van volwassenes in die Wes-Kaap

Jansen, Edward Henry 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / According to the latest available statistics, 9 million people in South Africa are illiterate. A large number of these people did not attend school. This can be attributed to a number of factors, amongst others no entry to any form of schooling, economic realities and a expectation of low quality of life It is especially after 1994 that Adult Basic Education and Training was scrutinized in order to address the backlogs. A more closer investigation has shown that the adult education centres at a convenient sample of 3 secondary schools in the Western Cape (N = 18) are merely an extension of mainstream education, without taking into account the notion of the Andragogy (The Teaching of Adults). This study aims to determine guidelines to assist the educator of adults on the path to empowerment, in order to help to ensure the above scientific accountability

The geology and geochemistry of the Bridgetown Formation of the Malmesbury Group, Western Cape Province

Slabber, Nina 06 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University , 1995. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A number of small greenstone bodies of the Bridgetown Formation are exposed as elongated lenses and dykes within metasediments of the Malmesbury Group in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. The Malmesbury Group is part of the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian (Namibian) Saldania Subprovince which is the southern continuation of a Pan-African mobile belt system. A detailed geological and geochemical study was conducted on the largest outcrop of the Bridgetown Formation, situated 20km east of the town Moorreesburg. The Bridgetown Formation consists of a meta-volcano-sedimentary sequence that experienced polyphase deformation and metamorphism up to the lower greenschist facies. Tectonically, the Bridgetown Formation is included in the Boland tectonic domain, east of the Piketberg-Wel lington fault zone that is suggested to run Skm west of Heuningberg and subparallel to the Berg River. This agrees with Rabie's (1974) original subdivision of the tectonic domains. The Bridgetown Formation consists of: i) A basal unit of poorly differentiated alkaline metabasalt with a within-plate tectonomagmatic fingerprint. ii) An intermediate unit of poorly differentiated tholeiitic metabasalt, intruded by a younger tholeiitic metabasite with a low degree of differentiation. Both members of the intermediate unit have ocean-floor basalt (P-type MORB) and island arc basalt fingerprints. iii) An upper unit of poorly differentiated as well as more evolved alkaline metabasalts, interlayered with metatuff with an alkaline basaltic composition, metasedimentary rocks with a marine origin, and graphitic schists and muscovitequartz schists, both with a continental crust provenance. iv) An overlying metasedimentary sequence including dolomite, massive and oolitic chert, jasper and jaspilite. The Bridgetown Formation probably also comprises a lower metamorphosed ultramafic unit, indicated by the association of Ni- and Cr-rich talc bodies, Ni-and errich banded chert, chlorite schist and small dolomite-talc-chlorite bodies at Spitskop, situated directly northwest of the main greenstone body. The sequence of eruptive stages and the geochemistry of the metavolcanics resemble Hawaiian volcanism , indicated by an initial deep water stage of alkaline magmatism, followed by main tholeiitic edifice and post-caldera alkaline magmatism. Post-caldera alkaline magmatism occurred contemporaneously with deposition . of sediments and chemical precipitates (carbonates and cherts). The Bridgetown metavolcanics have no magmatic association with either the Bloubergstrand volcanics or mafic and intermediate plutonic rocks in the Malmesbury Group. However, some physical and geochemical similarities exist between the Bridgetown Formation and the age related Grootderm Formation of the Marmora Terrane (Gariep Supergroup) which is considered to represent ophiolitic material. The Bridgetown Formation probably represents segments of oceanic crust, including seamounts of oceanic islands, which were tectonically emplaced in an accretionary prism zone during subduction of oceanic crust underneath the Kalahari Craton, 600 to 700 Ma ago. This resulted in the present spatial configuration of various small greenstone bodies in the Malmesbury Group. To date no exploitable mineral deposits have been found 1n the Bridgetown Formation. However, Au and As anomalies in stream sediment and soil samples, taken in the Spitskop area, require further attention. lt is suggested that the gold and arsenic is hosted in brittle deformed clear to milky quartz veins which developed at zones of competency contrasts in all the li tholog ies in the Spitskop area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Aantal klein groenskisliggame van die Bridgetown Formasie is blootgestel as verlengde lense en gange binne metasedimente van die Malmesbury Groep in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie, Suid-Afrika. Die Malmesbury Groep is deel van die Neoproterozo·iese tot Kambriese (Namibiese) Saldania Subprovinsie wat die suidelike voortsetting is van 'n Pan-Afrikaanse mobiele gordel sisteem. 'n Gedetaileerde geologiese en geochemiese studie is gedoen op die grootste dagsoom van die Bridgetown Formasie, gelee 20km oos van die dorp Moorreesburg. Die Bridgetown Formasie bestaan uit 'n metavulkanies-sedimentere opeenvolging wat pol ifase vervorming en metamorfisme tot en met die laer groenskis fasies ondergaan het. Die Bridgetown Formasie word hier in die Boland tektoniese domein ingedeel deur die Piketberg-Wellington verskuiwingsone 5km wes van Heuningberg, subparallel a an die Bergrivier, te plaas. Dit stem ooreen met Rabie ( 197 4) se oorspronkl ike verdeling van die tektoniese domeine. Die Bridgetown Formasie bestaan uit: i) 'n Basale eenheid wat hoofsaaklik bestaan uit min gedifferens ieerde alkali-metabasalte met binneplaat tektonomagmatiese eienskappe. ii) 'n lntermediere eenheid wat bestaan uit min gedifferensieerde tholeiitiese metabasalt en 'n jonger intrusiewe tholeiitiese metabasiet wat 'n lae graad van differensias ie ondergaan het. Beide intermediere eenhede het oseaanvloer-basalt (P-t ipe MORB) en eilandboog basaltiese eienskappe. iii) 'n Boonste eenheid wat bestaan uit min gedifferensieerde asook meer gedifferensieerde alkal i-metabasalte, tussengelaagd met metatuf met 'n alka libasaltiese samestelling; metasedimentere gesteentes met 'n mariene oorsprong, en grafitiese ski ste en kwarts-muskoviet skiste, beide met 'n kontinentale kors oorsprong . iv) 'n Oorliggende metasedimentere opeenvolging wat dolomiet, massiewe en ooli tiese chert, jaspis en jaspiliet insluit. Die Bridgetown Formasie slu it moontlik ook 'n onderliggende gemetamorfiseerde ultramafiese eenheid in; aangedui deur die assosiasie van Ni- en Cr-ryke ta lkl iggame, Ni- en Cr-ryke gebande chert, chlorietskis en klein dolomiet-talk-chloriet liggame by Spitskop, gelee direk noordwes van die hoof groensteenliggaam. Die opeenvolg ing van magmatisme en die geochemie van die metavulkaniese gesteentes stem ooreen met Hawaiiese vulkanisme, naamlik 'n diepwater stadium, gekarakteriseer deur alkaliese magmatisme, gevolg deur 'n hoof tholeiitiese opbouing en post-kaldera alkaliese magmatisme. Die post-kaldera alkaliese magmatisme het gelyktydig plaasgevind met afsetting van sedimente en chemiese presipitate (karbonate en cherte ). Die Bridgetown metavulkaniese gesteentes het geen magmatiese assosiasie met 6f die Bloubergstrand vulkaniese gesteentes 6f mafiese en intermediere plutoniese gesteentes in die Malmesbury Groep nie. Fisiese en geochemiese ooreenkomste bestaan egter tussen die Bridgetown Formasie en die Grootderm Formasie van die Marmora Terrein (Gariep Supergroep) wat beskou word as ofiolitiese materiaal. Die Bridgetown Formasie verteenwoordig moontlik segmente van oseaankors, insluitende oseaan-eilande, wat tektonies in 'n melange sone ingeplaas is tydens subduksie van oseaankors onder die Kalahari Kraton in (600 tot 700 Mj gelede). Dit verklaar die huidige ruimte like verspreiding van verske ie klein groensteenliggame in die Malmesbury Groep. Tot en met hede is geen ontginbare mineraalafsettings in die Bridgetown Formasie ontdek nie. Au en As anomalie in stroomsediment- en grondmonsters, geneem in die Spitskop area, behoort egter verdere aandag te geniet. Daar is voorgestel dat die goud en arseen voorkom in brosvervormde helder tot melkerige kwartsare wat ontwikkel het in swak sones in al die litologie in die Spitskop area.

n Ondersoek na die arbeidsprobleme vir wynboere in Wes-Kaapland

Louw, P. G. (Pieter Gerhardus) January 1969 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 1969. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Insect macroecological patterns along an altitudinal gradient : the Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor

Botes, Antoinette 04 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central goal in macroecology is to determine species diversity patterns across ecological gradients. Altitudinal and latitudinal patterns in species richness are often assumed to be analogous. Furthermore, the primary mechanisms underlying richness patterns along these two gradients might be similar. To date, few studies have tested whether the hypotheses proposed to explain latitudinal richness variation apply to patterns across altitude. This study therefore tests several hypotheses proposed to explain patterns in species diversity (i.e. ambient energy, productivity, area and geometric constraints) and their underlying mechanisms using altitudinal gradients in epigaeic ant and beetle species richness in the Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor (GCBC) (Western Cape, South Africa). The study was conducted across an altitudinal gradient that was laid out from sea level to the top of a mountain (approximately 2000 m above sea level) and down the other side thereof. First, it was determined how the ant and beetle assemblages differ between the main vegetation types included in the transect and which environmental variables might underlie these differences. Thereafter, the variation in species richness and range size patterns of the two groups was investigated across the full altitudinal gradient. This is the first study that tests the applicability of two mid-domain models across such an altitudinal gradient using both complete and partial assessments. The models explained large proportions of the variance in range sizes across three domains but the ranges could have been constrained to show peaks in the middle of the domains due to the way in which the boundaries of the domains were selected. By contrast, the mid-domain models were not important in explaining species richness patterns, which suggests that they cannot explain diversity across the gradient. The species richness patterns of the two groups did not show the predicted mid-altitudinal peak. Moreover, it was demonstrated that different processes structure ant and tenebrionid assemblages across the same altitudinal transect. Ant species diversity was highly correlated to contemporary climatic variables, while historical factors appear to play a more important role in structuring tenebrionid beetle assemblages. Furthermore, support was found for the species energy theory in the ant assemblages, as well as for two of its underlying mechanisms, namely the more individuals hypothesis and the niche position mechanism. These results suggest that there are likely to be substantial and complex changes to ant assemblages under the predicted climate change scenarios for the region. Given the crucial role played by this group in ecosystem functioning (e.g. myrmecochory) it is suggested that these responses are not likely to be a response solely to vegetation changes, but might also precipitate vegetation changes. This study also forms the basis of a long-term monitoring programme to establish baseline data for the epigaeic ants and tenebrionids and to monitor changes in these communities due to climate change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die sentrale idees in makro-ekologie is om die patrone in spesies diversiteit oor ekologiese gradiënte te ondersoek. Verder word daar aangeneem dat spesie rykheidspatrone oor hoogte- en breedtegradiënte analoog is aan mekaar en dat die primêre onderliggende meganismes van die patrone dieselfde kan wees oor hierdie twee gradiënte. Tot dusver het min studies getoets of die voorgestelde hipoteses wat breedtegradiënte in spesie rykheid verduidelik van toepassing is op hoogtegradiënte. Hierdie studie toets dus verskeie van hierdie hipoteses (aanvoelbare temperatuur, produktiwiteit, area en geometriese beperkinge) en hulle onderliggende meganismes in mier en kewer spesie rykheid in die Groter Cederberg Biodiversiteits Korridor (GCBK) (Wes Kaap, Suid Afrika). Die studie is uitgevoer oor ‘n hoogtegradiënt wat vanaf see vlak tot ongeveer 2000 meter bo seevlak en weer aan die ander kant van die berg af uitgelê is. Eerstens is daar bepaal hoe die mier en kewer diversiteit verskil tussen die hoof planttipes wat oor die hoogtegradiënt voorgekom het en watter omgewingsveranderlikes daarvoor verantwoordelik is. Daarna is die variasie in spesie rykheid en area van verspreiding van die twee groepe ondersoek oor die hele hoogtegradiënt. Hierdie is die eerste studie wat die toepaslikheid van twee mid-domein modelle oor so ‘n hoogtegradiënt toets met behulp van volledige en gedeeltelike ondersoeke. Die modelle het baie van die variasie in area van verspreiding verduidelik oor drie domeine maar die areas van verspreiding kon beperk gewees het om pieke in die middel van die domeine te vorm as gevolg van die manier waarop die grense van die domeine gekies is. In teenstelling, het die modelle nie spesie rykheid verduidelik nie en dus kan hulle nie spesie diversiteit oor hierdie gradiënt verduidelik nie. Die spesie rykheidspatrone van die twee groepe het nie die verwagte piek by midhoogte gewys nie. Verder het verskillende prosesse mier en kewer groeperings oor die hoogtegradiënt gestruktureer. Mier diversiteit was hoogs gekorroleer met kontemporêre klimaatsveranderlikes, terwyl historiese faktore belangriker was vir die kewers. Die spesie-energie teorie was ondersteun deur die data, asook die meer individue hipotese en die nis posisie meganisme. Hierdie resultaat dui daarop dat daar moontlik komplekse veranderinge in mier groeperings gaan plaasvind soos die klimaat verander. Miere vervul belangrike ekologiese prosesse in ekosisteme, wat beteken dat die laasgenoemde verandering nie bloot net gaan plaasvind as gevolg van veranderinge in die plantegroei nie, maar dat hulle self ook veranderinge kan veroorsaak. Hierdie studie vorm ook die basis van ‘n langtermyn moniteringsprogram om basislyn data vir hierdie twee ekologies belangrike groepe vas te stel en om veranderinge wat in hierdie gemeenskappe plaasvind, as gevolg van klimaatsverandering, te monitor.

Institutional overlaps in water management in the Eerste River Catchment.

Nleya, Ndodana January 2005 (has links)
In this minithesis I have investigated overlapping mandates as a source of management failure in water management in South Africa in general and Eerste River Catchment in particular. I analysed major legislation which deals with water management to find out how duties and responsibilities are apportioned in the various pieces of legislation. I also undertook an exercise of evaluating roles and responsibilities played by various organs of state in water management from national government, Provincial Government of the Western Cape through to local government, in this case the Municipality of Stellenbosch and the City of Cape Town. It emerged that there were a number of areas of overlap, ambiguously defined mandates, conflict and that these were impeding on decision making in water management. In order to test the framework built above, I then applied it in the Plankenbrug River, a tributary of the Eerste River. Through analysis of newspaper clippings over a period of 4 years I was able to reconstruct conflict over ill-defined mandates in the various aspects of the management of the catchment which showed that<br /> there were differences in roles of the different state organs operating in the catchment. Water management conflict emanated from lack of congruence in the various legislation and differences in the interpretation of legislation. The various state organs seem to be aware of the constitutional duty of cooperative government that engenders state organs to work co-operatively in order to meet their developmental mandates. It seems however that the state organs were merely interested to be seen to be in conformity with this duty more than actually solving the issue as this was seen as something to be tackled at a higher level.

A pilot emperical investigation into student perceptions of service quality at the Department of Management of the University of the Western Cape.

Combrinck, Theodore Peter January 2006 (has links)
This pilot research survey was undertaken as a result of the need to assess the service quality within Higher Education in general and the Department of Management at UWC in particular. This report focuses on the complexities of measuring service quality in higher education. The quality of service delivery within education is becoming more important as the competition for students increases.<br /> The literature was searched to find a suitable measure with a sound theoretical structure. This measure was then adapted for the department.<br /> <br /> In a preliminary way this instrument was then applied to students in the department and initial results are reported on.<br /> The results revealed that undergraduates overall were uncertain in their attitude to the service quality in the department. On the other hand, postgraduate students tended to rate the service quality rather more negatively (p &lt / 0.004). Furthermore there were no gender differences except for tangibles (p = 000.5).<br /> <br /> This pilot study could serve as a pilot study of the service quality in an academic environment. It is the main contention of this report that students themselves should be part of defining quality.

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