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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between job satisfaction and organisational commitment amongst high school teachers in disadvantaged areas in the Western Cape.

Bull, Ian Howard Frederick January 2005 (has links)
Job satisfaction and organisational commitment have been found to both be inversely related to such withdrawal behaviours as tardiness, absenteeism and turnover (Yousef, 2000). Moreover, they have also been linked to increased productivity and organisational effectiveness (Buitendach &amp / de Witte, 2005). This is furthermore postulated to have an influence on whether employees will have a propensity to remain with the organisation and to perform at higher levels.<br /> <br /> According to Bishay (1996), the teaching profession ranks high on the success list of a society. In conjunction with this, &ldquo / teachers' organisational commitment and general job satisfaction&rdquo / (Howell &amp / Dorfman, 1986, p. 37) have been identified as important to understanding the work behaviour of employees in organisations.<br /> <br /> Job satisfaction amongst teachers is a multifaceted construct that is critical to teacher retention and has been shown to be a significant determinant of teacher commitment, and in turn, a contributor to school effectiveness. Research, however, reveals wide&ndash / ranging differences in what contributes to job satisfaction and group differences according to demographic factors (Shan, 1998).

Teaching for democratic citizenship: a case study of one primary school in the Western Cape.

Absolom, Matilda Johanna January 2005 (has links)
This study highlighted the educators understanding of their role, the priorities that they deemed important and the practices they employed to promote in their learners the values and virtues fit for citizens of a democratic society.

Narratives of assessment: the newsletter as case study.

Scheepers, Jacqueline Norma January 2005 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate success of an integrated newsletter assignment for first year Human Resource Management students as an authentic and meaningful form of assessment by tracing and deciphering the narratives of the role-players. The study also examined the role that the newsletter can play regarding experiential learning, which is an essential component of teaching and learning at technikons in South Africa.</p>

Impacts of the invasive reed Arundo donax on biodiversity at the community-ecosystem level.

Guthrie, Gené January 2007 (has links)
<p>Arundo donax is an invasive species that mostly impacts on sensitive riparian ecosystems. Arundo is also invasive in South Africa, though less is known about its ecology, biology, and impacts. Since California and the Western Cape of South AFrica have similar Mediterranean-type climates, we could assume that the impacts of Arundo on ecosystems in California are likely to be similar in the Western Cape, and that control methods used could be extrapolated for use in South Africa. This thesis attempted to determine what impact Arundo has on biodiversity at the community-ecosystem level.</p>

Die voorsiening van alkoholiese drank aan die Bantoe met spesiale verwysing na Wes-Kaapland

Jeppe, W. J. O. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1962. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

The effect of tree windbreaks on the microclimate and crop yields in the Western Cape Region of South Africa

Hamlet, Andrew Gordon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The windbreak species near Wolseley (WoSl and WoS3) was Casuarina cunninghamiana. The windbreak species near Saron (SaSl) and Villiersdorp (ViSl) was Eucalyptus cladocalyx and Pinus radiata respectively. A shelter effect was indicated at ViSI (from northerly winds in winter/early spring 1999), and WoS3 (from southerly winds in late spring 1999). Wind speeds were consistently reduced in the leeward sheltered zone ofViSl and WoS3. To improve the correlation of the shelter effect, mild contaminating winds (comprising approximately 28% of the total data recorded at each site) were excluded for the prediction equations of the shelter effect at each site. Compared to the more exposed wind speeds at 1.0 H to the windward side, wind speeds at ViS] were reduced by 32% at 3.0 H. Compared to 11.0 H, wind speeds at ViSl were reduced by 49 and 46% at 3.0 and 1.0 H respectively. With r2 values above 93%, accurate linear prediction equations were produced. The early barley damage assessments indicated that damage was absent or negligible at 11.1 H to the lee, and significantly highest (X < 0.05) at 13.7 H to the lee and beyond. The crop shelter effect significantly increased (p < 0.05) barley head number, transformed proportion of total barley head mass from above-ground mass, potato tuber mass, potato above-ground mass total potato tuber number, small tuber number, and disproportionate tissue damage to the windward section of each plant. For WoS3, the shelter effect became pronounced with severe south-easterly winds. The average hourly wind speeds at 3.0 H dropped from 0.9 m / s (in the previous and less windy sampling period) to 0.8 m / s, despite the sharp increase in exposed wind speeds. Compared to 13.0 H, wind speeds were reduced by 73 and 32% at 3.0 and 7.0 H respectively. With r2 values above 94%, accurate linear prediction equations were produced. The crop shelter effect significantly increased (p < 0.05) sub-sample mass of lOO grains. At WoS3, strong and sustained wind speeds caused leeward soil temperature increases of up to 4°C at 3.0 H, compared to 11.0 H. Brief strong winds (characteristic of winds at ViSl) had little effect on the soil temperature differences. At ViSl, a deviation of soil moisture content between 3.0 and 11.0 H, following periods of recharge, indicated a potential soil-moisture conservation effect in the sheltered zone. This did not occur at WoS3, due partly to a very low soil moisture content that had little scope for variation; From the crop variations and the microclimate variations at both ViS 1 and WoS3, the maximum shelter effect extended to approximately 4.0 H, followed by an intermediate zone of diminishing shelter that extended to approximately 9.0 H. For ViSl, WoS3 and SaSl, a shading effect significantly reduced yields (p<0.05) at 1.0 H from the respective northern windbreak, compared to yields at 2.0 H. At ViS 1 and WoS3, soil probes did not indicate a depletion of soil moisture resulting from the respective windbreaks. Soil moisture competition was indicated on the northern side of the WoSl windbreak with drier conditions; where soil moisture levels at 1.0 and 3.0 H diverged from a negligible level to a 22% lower level (p > 0.05) at 1.0 H, compared to 3.0H. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die boomsoorte wat as windbreke gedien het was Casuarina cunninghamiana naby Wolseley (WoS 1 en WoS3), en Eucalyptus cladocalyx en Pinus radiata by Saron (SaS 1) en Villiersdorp (ViS 1) respektiewelik. Beskutting is aangetoon by ViS 1 (teen noordelike winde in winter/vroee lente 1999) en WoS3 (teen suidelike winde in laat lente 1999). Windspoed is konsekwent aan die lykant sones van ViS 1 en WoS3 verminder. Ten dien einde die korrelasie van die beskuttings effek te verbeter, is matige kontaminerende winde (ongeveer 28% van die totale waargenome data by elke plek) buite berekening gelaat vir die voorspellingsvergelykings van die beskuttingseffek. In vergelyking met die meer blootgestelde windspoede by 1.0 H aan die windkant, is windspoede by ViSl met 32% verminder by 3.0 H. In vergelyking met 11.0 H is windspoede by ViSl met 49 en 46% by 3.0 en 1.0 H respektiewelik verminder. Met r2 waardes hoer as 93%, is akkurate lineere voorspellingsvergelykings verkry. Die vroee gars skade opnames het aangetoon dat geen of minimale skade by 11.1 H aan die lykant aangerig is, en beduidend die hoogste (x< 0.05) by 13.7 Hen verder aan die lykant was. Die gewas beskuttins effek het beduidende toenames (p< 0.05) in garsare, getransformeerde verhouding van totale gars-are massa van bo-grondse massa, aartappelknol massa, aartappel bo-grondse massa, totale aantal aartappeiknolle, en oneweredige weefsel beskadiging aan die windkant van elke plant tot gevolg gehad. Vir WoS3 het die beskuttingseffek beduidend geword met baie sterk suidoostelike winde. Die gemiddelde uurlike windsnelhede by 3.0 H het van 0.9/ (in die vorige en minder winderige toetstydperk) tot 0.8 m/" verminder, ten spyte van die skerp toename in blootgestelde windsnelhede. In vergelyking met 13.0 H is windsnelhede met 73 en 32% by 3.0 en 7.0 H respektiewelik verrninder. Met r2 waardes hoer as 94% 15 akkurate lineere voorspellingsvergelykings verkry. Die gewas beskuttingseffek het sub-monster massa van 100 graankorrels beduidend (p< 0.05) verbeter. By WoS3 het sterk en volgehoue windsnelhede grondtemperature aan die lykant met tot 4°C by 3.0 H verhoog in vergelyking met 11.0 H. Kortstondige sterk winde (tipiese winde by ViS1) het weinig uitwerking op grondtemperatuursverskille gehad. By ViS1 het 'n afwyking van grondwaterinhoud tussen 3.0 en 11.0 H na tydperke van aanvulling, 'n potensiele grondwaterbewaringseffek in die beskutte gebied getoon. Soortgelyke tendense het nie by WoS3 voorgekom nie, gedeeltelik as gevolg van 'n baie lae grondwater inhoud wat nie veel kon varieer nie. Van die variasies wat in gewasse en mikroklimaat voorgekom het, by beide ViSl en WoS3, kan afgelei word dat maksimum beskutting tot by ongeveer 4.0 H verleen is, gevolg deur 'n intermediere sone van verminderende beskutting tot ongeveer 9.0 H. Vir ViS1, WoS3 en SaSl het 'n skadu-effek gewasopbrengs beduidend (p< 0.05) by 1.0 H verminder in vergelyking met opbrengste by 2.0 H. By ViS 1 en WoS3 het grondwater strooiingspeilers nie 'n uitputting van grondwater as gevolg van die windbreke getoon nie. Kompetisie vir grondwater is getoon aan die noordelike kant van die WoS1 windbreek met droer toestande. Grondwatervlakke by 3.0 H het minimaal maar by 1.0 H met 22% beduidend (p> 0.05) teenoor 3.0 H gedaal.

Opname van opinie van regslui ten opsigte van doeltreffendheid van geregtelike post mortems in die Wes-Kaap

Pienaar, J. P. January 2001 (has links)
Study project (M.Med.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main purpose in doing forensic post mortems is to supply information to the judicial system. Medical personnel involved in doing post mortems seldom get feedback regarding efficiency. Numerous allegations have been made regarding the work of district surgeons in terms of forensic post mortems, often suggesting that the work is substandard. In South Africa district surgeons do post mortems mostly in the rural areas, and training centre personnel do forensic post mortems in urban areas. Training centre personnel include specialized forensic pathologists, registrars and medical officers working in the Departments of Forensic Medicine, affiliated to universities. The South African Police Service mostly manages government mortuaries. The South African forensic medico-legal system is unique, and does not correspond in with the four main systems used worldwide. Research was done by sending 200 questionnaires to a representative group from the legal fraternity of the Western Cape (including judges / magistrates, state prosecutors, private lawyers) and also the South African Police Service investigating officers. The judiciary, as the users of the information generated through forensic post mortems, are therefore in a suitable position to determine the efficacy of forensic post mortem. The questionnaire was structured to determine the general perception, as well as comments, regarding 9 different aspects involved with doing forensic post mortems. These include the thoroughness and completeness of reports, standard of academic knowledge, efficacy of verbal testimony in court, length of time in releasing the report, general attitude, efficacy of sketches and diagrams, efficacy of photography, sufficient taking of toxicology samples and sufficient utilization of special laboratory investigations. The last question was an open question to allow for general comments and anecdotes. For each aspect it was also determined whether there was a difference in efficacy noted between the two groups. The effect of this, if any, on the judicial criminal justice system was also assessed. A different questionnaire was sent out to all forensic pathologists in the Western Cape. The standard of work of the district surgeons was hereby assessed. General comment regarding academic knowledge, and findings at post mortem made by district surgeons was assessed. The pathologists were also questioned regarding the general attitude of district surgeons, and imput were asked regarding continued medical education programs. An area for general comment was also supplied. The main findings were as follows: a. The legal fraternity in the Western Cape is generally satisfied with the efficiency of forensic post mortems, except the use of laboratory investigations and also the length of time to release reports. b. The legal fraternity could determine a difference in the efficiency of post mortems done by district surgeons and training centre personnel. Training centre personnel were generally regarded as more effective. c. The difference between the two groups, due to ineffective district surgeon post mortems, had a negative effect on the criminal justice system. The following recommendations were made: a. Training centre personnel: Serious consideration should be given to appointing qualified forensic pathologists in the rural areas. Training centre personnel should also be more involved in training the district surgeons. b. District surgeons: The training, re-training and continued medical education of district surgeons in the Western Cape should be prioritized. The service conditions should also be reviewed. c. Administrative: Audit of post mortem reports. The efficiency regarding court appearances should be audited through the Department of Justice. Administrative power will be necessary to oversee the above-mentioned recommendations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel met die doen van geregtelike post mortems is om inligting te verskaf aan die regsproses. Medici gemoeid met geregtelike post mortems kry baie seide terugvoer oor die effektiwiteit van werk gelewer in die hof. Daar is ook herhaaldelik suggesties gemaak dat die werk van die distriksgeneeshere met betrekking tot geregtelike post mortems soms suboptimaal is. Regsmediese post mortemdienste in Suid Afrika word verskaf deur distriksgeneeshere in die platteland, en deur personeel verbonde aan opleidingshospitale in die stede. Die opleidingssentra-personeel sluit in gespesialiseerde forensiese patoloe, kliniese assistente en mediese beamptes werksaam in 'n Departement van Geregtelike Geneeskunde verbonde aan 'n universiteit. Staats- Iykshuise word bestuur en beheer deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens. Daar bestaan geen soortgelyke model vir die voorsiening van regsmediese dienste in die res van die wereld nie. Navorsing is gedoen deur vraelyste uit te stuur aan 200 verteenwoordigende regslui (wat insluit regters/landdroste, staatsaanklaers, privaat regslui) en aan Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens-ondersoekbeamptes in die Wes Kaap. Die reg, as verbruikers van regsmediese dienste is gekies om 'n opinie uit te spreek oor die doeltreffendheid van forensiese post mortems. Die vraelyste is gestruktureer om die algemene tevredenheid en opinies en kommentaar te bekom oor nege verskillende aangeleenthede rakend die forensiese post mortem, nl. deeglikheid en volledigheid van verslae, standaard van akademiese kennis, effektiwiteit van verbale getuienisaflegging in die hof, tydsverloop vir lewering van verslae, houding en gesindheid van medici, doeltreffendheid van sketse en diagram me, effektiewe gebruik van fotografie, effektiewe gebruik van toksikologiese ondersoeke, effektiewe gebruik van spesiale ondersoeke, asook 'n algemene oop vraag vir kommentaar oor probleemareas. Daar word vervolgens vir elke aangeleentheid bepaal of daar 'n verskil in effektiwiteit opgelet word tussen twee mediese subgroepe, en indien wei watter groep meer effektief funksioneer. Verder sal nagegaan word of die regsproses geaffekteer word deur enige van bogenoemde bevindinge. 'n Verskillende vraelys is uitgestuur aan aile geregtelike patoloe in die Wes-Kaap. Hiermee word die standaard van die werk van distriksgeneeshere beoordeel. Kommentaar is gevra oor akademiese kennis met betrekking tot geregtelike post mortems en oor bevindinge gemaak deur distriksgeneeshere by post mortems. Daar word ook gevra oor die algemene houding van distriksgeneeshere, asook vir voorstelle vir voortgesette onderrigsprogramme. 'n Oop vraag is gestel vir kommentaar oor probleemareas. Uit die response is die volgende gevolgtrekkings gemaak: a. Die regslui in die Wes-Kaap is oor die algemeen tevrede met die diens gelewer met betrekking tot geregtelike post mortems, met uitsondering van die effektiwiteit van laboratoriumondersoeke, en ook oor die tydsverloop tussen die doen van post mortem en die vrystel van die verslae. b. Die regslui kon 'n verskil bepaal in die graad van effektiwiteit van post mortems gedoen deur distriksgeneeshere en opleidingssentra-personeel. Opleidingssentra-personeel is deur die meerderheid van respondente identifiseer as meer effektief. c. Die verskil tussen die twee groepe, a.g.v. oneffektiewe distriksgeneesheer post mortems, het 'n negatiewe effek op die regsproses. Aanbevelings is gemaak om die sisteem te verbeter: a. Opleidingssentra-personeel: Die uitplasing van gekwalifiseerde forensiese patoloe in die platteland moet oorweeg word. Opleidingssentrapersoneel kan ook meer betrokke wees by opleiding van distriksgeneeshere. b. Distriksgeneeshere: Aandag moet gegee word aan die opleiding, heropleiding en voortgesette geneeskundige onderrig van distriksgeneeshere in die Wes-Kaap. Die werksomstandighede waaronder hulle diens lewer moet ook aangespreek word. C. Administratief: Ouditering van post mortem verslae. Ouditering van effektiwiteit van hofverskynings, in assosiasie met die Departement van Justisie. Admininistratiewe wilskrag sal ook essensieel wees by implementering van bogenoemde voorstelle.

Agritourism : market segmentation profile of potential and practising agritourists

Speirs, Lindsay Justine 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Rural tourism and agritourism are in their infant stages in South Africa. It benefits the farmer, the local community, the rural area, the tourist and the country. It is therefore a viable option but requires more research, management, planning and control for it to be successful. Many agritourism ventures are not as successful as they should be. The problem is that farmers/landowners do not research the demand for tourist products before they deliver them and do not know whom they are catering for. To stay competitive, the tourists' characteristics ought to be understood. This would provide insight into what facilities and services to supply, what resources to utilise and how to promote the agritourism destination. The aim of this study was to segment the potential and practising agritourists into different clusters, according to their preferences, and to investigate the clusters' characteristics and behaviours. The objectives were to: 1. Investigate the potential and practising agritourists' socio-economic, demographic and travel characteristics. 2. Rate all the attractions, activities and services according to their popularity. 3. Clarify the preferences of these tourists, concerning attractions and activities, by combining similar ones. 4. Divide the tourists into clusters of similar preferences. 5. Compare the socio-economic, demographic and travel characteristics of the different clusters of tourists. 6. Produce a set of guidelines for entrepreneurs/farmers/landowners, as to what tourist products they should supply or develop, and for whom, and how they should market them. This study entailed distributing questionnaires to potential and practising agritourists at shopping centres and farms involved in agritouri'swimming', 'picnicking', 'scenic drives', 'dams/lakes/pans' and 'small game' were the most popular agritourism attractions and activities. Factor analysis was used to reduce the number of variables by combining like variables (attractions) and cluster analysis was utilised to segment the respondents into five clusters of tourists with similar preferences for agritourism attractions and activities. Cross tabulation, frequencies and descriptive statistics were used to describe these different clusters. These groups of tourists were described according to their demographic, socio-economic and travel characteristics. Segmenting tourism markets and compiling profiles of the tourists within each sub-market has proved to be advantageous. Once the demands of the tourists are known, the appropriate facilities and number of facilities can be developed. Knowing who the tourists are and where to target them, will lead to better marketing, planning and promotion of the destination. Customer satisfaction will be increased, as it is known exactly who must be catered for, thereby resulting in repeat visits. The five clusters of tourists were: 'general nature tourists'; 'urban tourists'; 'hard outdoor adventure tourists'; 'visual or soft outdoor adventure tourists'; and 'agritourists'. All these tourists, except 'urban tourists', are excellent potential agritourists. The results of this study were used to compile guidelines for entrepreneurs. These guidelines could help them in deciding who to target (which clusters), what agritourism products to develop (attractions, activities and services) and how to market them (means of advertising). Appropriate accommodation types and the availability of equipment and facilities for activities also act as attractions. This study demonstrates an inexpensive method of gathering information about tourists, thereby improving marketing and planning approaches. It illustrates how the potential and practising agritourists can be divided into sub-markets. The agritourism market is a heterogeneous market and must therefore be segmented. Any entrepreneur can use the results of this market segmentation. Any future studies, similar to this one, could consist of a sample much larger. As this study was primarily based in the Western Cape, similar research should be executed in other distinct regions. It would be illuminating to see how the groups of agritourists vary according to geographical areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Landelike en agritoerisme is in hulontluikende fase in Suid-Afrika. Dit bevoordeel die boer, die plaaslike gemeenskap, die landelike streek, die toeris en die land. Dit is 'n lewensvatbare opsie maar benodig meer navorsing, bestuur, beplanning en beheer om suksesvol te wees. Baie agritoerisme ondernemings is nie so geslaagd as wat dit kan wees nie. Die probleem is dat die boere/grondeienaars nie die nodige navorsing doen omtrent die aanvraag na 'n produk voordat hul dit aanbied nie, en weet ook nie watter toerismesegment hul wil bevredig nie. Om mededingend te bly moet die toeris se eienskappe verstaan word. Dit sal insae gee in watter fasiliteite en dienste om te voorsien, asook watter bronne om te benut om die agritoerismedestinasie te promoveer. Die doel van hierdie studie was om potensiële en praktiserende agritoeriste te groepeer in verskillende segmente volgens hulle voorkeure en groeps gedrag. Die doelwitte was om: 1. Potensiële en praktiserende agritoeriste se sosio-ekonomiese, demografiese en reiseienskappe te ondersoek. 2. Die rangorde van attraksies, aktiwiteite en dienste volgens gewildheid te bepaal. 3. Voorkeure van toeriste aangaande attraksies en aktiwiteite te bepaal deur gelyksoortige groeperings te kombineer. 4. Toeriste in trosgroepe met gelyksoortige voorkeure te verdeel. 5. Die sosio-ekonomiese, demografiese en reiseienskappe van verskillende toeristetrosgroepe te vergelyk. 6. Riglyne vir ondernemers/boere/grondeienaars te formuleer vir watter toeristeprodukte hul behoort te verskaf of ontwikkel en aan wie en hoe hul dit behoort te bemark. Hierdie studie het die verspreiding van vraelyste aan potensiële en praktiserende agritoeriste in winkelsentrums en plase, betrokke by agritoerisme, behels. Die vraelyste het informasie oor potensiële en praktiserende agritoeriste verskaf Een-honderd en agt vraelyste was voltooi. Die respondente het aangedui dat 'berge', 'watervalle', 'riviere', 'grootwild', 'swem', 'pieknieks', 'natuurskoonplesierritte' , 'damme/mere/panne' en 'kleinwild' die gewildste agritoerisme attraksies en aktiwiteite is. Faktoranalise is gebruik om die getal verandelikes te verminder deur soortgelyke verandelikes (attraksies) te kombineer en trosanalise te gebruik om die respondente te segmenteer in vyf trosgroepe toeriste met gelyksoortige voorkeure vir agritoerisme attraksies en aktiwiteite. Kruistabulering, frekwensies en beskrywende statistiek was gebruik om hierdie verskillende trosse te beskryf volgens hul demografiese, sosio-ekonomiese en reiseienskappe. Segmentering van die toerismemark en die saamstel van profiele van die toeriste binne elke sub-mark is voordelig bevind. As die vereistes van die toeriste bekend is, kan die gepaste fasiliteite en aantal fasiliteite ontwikkel word. Om te weet wie die toeriste is en waar om hulle te teiken sal tot beter bemarking, beplanning en promosie van die destinasie lei. Kliëntbevrediging sal toeneem, omdat ondernemers presies weet wie om te bevredig en dit sal herhaalde besoeke tot gevolg hê. Die vyf trosgroepe toeriste was: 'algemene natuurtoeriste'; 'stedelike toeriste'; 'ekstreme buitelug avontuurtoeriste' ; 'visuele of nie-ekstreme buitelug avontuurtoeriste' ; en 'agritoeriste'. Al die toeriste behalwe stedelike toeriste is uitstekende potensiële agritoeriste. Die resultate van hierdie studie is gebruik om riglyne vir ondernemers te kompileer. Hierdie riglyne kan hul help om te besluit wie om te teiken (watter trosse), watter agritoerisme produkte om te ontwikkel (attraksies, aktiwiteite en dienste) en hoe om dit te bemark (wyse van advertensie). Toepaslike akkommodasie en die beskikbaarheid van toerusting en fasiliteite vir aktiwiteite dien ook as attraksies. Hierdie studie demonstreer 'n ekonomiese manier om informasie omtrent toeriste in te win, om bemarking en beplanning te verbeter. Dit illustreer hoe die potensiële en praktiserende agritoeris ook in sub-markte ingedeel kan word. Die agritoerisme mark is 'n heterogenemark en moet dus gesegmenteer word. Enige ontwikkelaar kan die resultate van hierdie marksegmentasie gebruik. Soortgelyke navorsing behoort in die toekoms op 'n groter steekproef gedoen word. Omdat hierdie studie hoofsaaklik in die Wes-Kaap gebaseer was, behoort soortgelyke navorsing in ander bepaalde streke uitgevoer te word. Dit sal insiggewend wees om te sien hoe die groepe agritoeriste volgens geografiese streke varieer.

Developing a human resource profile for the nutrition workforce in the public health sector in the Western Cape province, South Africa

Goeiman, Hilary 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Human Nutrition))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Background: The crisis and study of health workforce has become more important in developed and developing countries. The relationship between human resource issues and health system effectiveness has been acknowledged. Human resources are seen to be one of the main constraints in achieving the millennium development goals. A number of changes have taken place within health services since 2003, including the promulgation of the new health Act 63 of 2003, restructuring processes in the Western Cape province and the development of a Comprehensive Service Plan (CSP) to implement Health Care 2010. Nationally and provincially nutrition is declared a priority, due to the documented beneficial impact of nutrition support on preventable diseases, disease of life-style, as well as the treatment of high priority disease groups, namely TB and HIV/AIDS. For appropriate planning of nutrition services, the Integrated Nutrition Programme (INP) in the Western Cape needed to review the status of the nutrition workforce in the province, towards developing a human resource plan to meet the nutrition service needs, in the provincial context, its service platforms and approved service implementation plan for public health sector. Objectives The study aimed to describe the current status of the nutrition workforce (staffing profile) in the Western Cape province in terms of staffing levels, personnel categories, location, placement, qualifications, skills, and personnel expenditure at all levels of the public health sector. Provincial maps were developed to indicate the density of personnel per category pictorially. Methods In this descriptive observational study, a targeted sampling approach was applied by developing master lists of the respective nutrition/dietetic/food service units and personnel within the geographical districts and hospitals at all levels of care. All nutrition personnel employed by the Western Cape Department of Health were included in the study. Quantitative data collection methods including coding sheets (per facility), self administered questionnaires and the official personnel database (Persal) of the Department of Health was used. Questionnaires were constructed according to the variability of services, settings, and job outputs. The respective personnel were grouped into 5 categories. Descriptive statistical methods were used to analyse data. Comparisons in terms of urban and rural distributions were also completed. Results A response rate of 86% was achieved (N = 647) with food service workers being the largest proportion of staff (N = 509), followed by dietitians (N = 64), managers (N = 31), auxiliary workers (N = 28) and administrative personnel (N= 15). Significant differences (p=0.0001- 0.05) were found amongst the respective personnel categories in terms of demographics, qualifications, training, experience, skills, competencies, time spent on the INP, and general human resource management areas. Training needs and areas of low skills were identified for the respective categories and key challenges and solutions in the nutrition workforce were highlighted. Conclusion The study indicates that the processes used to develop the workforce need to receive the same intensity as all other interventions. The results can be applied in providing evidence based information for the development of the Department of Health, Western Cape human resource plan and the integration of nutrition therein.

An evaluation of the specific apple replant problem in Western Cape orchard soils

Rabie, Louise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Apple replant disease (ARD) is one of the major impediments to the establishment of an economically viable apple orchard on sites previously planted to apple. In spite of extensive research on ARD, the etiology remains to be fully elucidated. A possible biological origin of ARD etiology in South Africa was investigated by the dilution of replant field soil with sterilised soil. Commercial orchards with ARD were selected for use in pot trials and disease severity evaluated after three months, by measuring shoot length, dry mass of plants as well as root discolouration. Although diluting replant soil to 25 and 50% (v/v) significantly reduced the effects of ARD, symptoms were only absent in 0% replant soil. It was clear that seedlings planted in any mixture containing replant soil, even only 25% replant soil, consistently exhibited symptoms of stunted growth and root discolouration similar to those seedlings grown in 100% replant soil. This indicates that ARD in South Africa is primarily of a biological nature. As an initial step in formulating sustainable disease control alternatives to replace methyl bromide, pot trials were conducted to assess the impact of compost treatments as well as biological control products on ARD. Compost as well as sterilised and unsterilised compost teas (compost extract) significantly increased seedling growth even under optimum nutrient conditions when compared to the control, suggesting that they negate the effects of ARD. Results also indicated that applying high concentrations of compost does not necessarily provide additional growth benefits compared to lower concentrations. Results with biocontrol formulations were less favourable. Only one of the biocontrol formulations, a combination of Bacillus spp. (Biostart®) improved growth significantly compared to the control. There was, however, some inconsistency with results for the different trials conducted using this product. Fungal as well as nematode populations associated with ARD soils were characterised to the generic level to get a clearer understanding of the etiology of ARD in South Africa. Pythium and Cylindrocarpon spp. were consistently isolated from all six replant soils in all trials that formed part of this study, indicating that these fungi may have a role in ARD etiology in South Africa. Nematodes implicated in ARD development were inconsistently associated with ARD soils used in these studies. This suggests that nematodes do not have a primary causal role in ARD etiology in South Africa. Field trials were conducted in commercial orchards to assess the impact of organic amendments and promising biological control products, as indicated by the pot trials, on ARO severity under field conditions. These biological soil amendments were also compared with the standard chemical control methods for ARO, methyl bromide and chloropicrin. In all three trials established, compost and mulch as well as manure and mulch, consistently increased growth to the same extent as the standard chemical treatments and by combining these chemical treatments with organic amendments a significant, additional growth increase could be attained. Biocontrol formulations evaluated in field studies gave variable results. Biostart® improved growth when applied on its own, but not in combination with the chemical Herbifume (metham-sodium). Inoculating soil with effective microorganisms (EM), consisting primarily of photosynthetic bacteria, had no significant effect on growth. Results from this study indicate that application of organic amendments could possibly substitute for soil fumigation in replanted apple orchards. However, compost quality standards need to be implemented and because few types of compost are universally effective, different types of composts should be compared in specific soil environments before recommendations can be made. Oue to variable results with biocontrol products, ARO management with these biological soil amendments cannot be guaranteed at this stage and further studies are recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: EVALUERING VAN DIE SPESIFIEKE APPELHERVESTIGING-PROBLEEM IN BOORDE IN DIE WES-KAAP Appelhervestiging-siekte (AHS) skep 'n groot probleem in die vestiging van jong appelbome op grond waar daar reeds voorheen appels verbou is. Ten spyte van omvangryke navorsing is die oorsaak van die probleem nog hoofsaaklik onbekend. 'n Moontlike biologiese oorsaakleer is in Suid-Afrika ondersoek deur die hervestigings-effek te probeer verminder deur die vermenging van hervestigingsgrond met gesteriliseerde grond. Kommersiële boorde met 'n appelhervestigingsprobleem is geselekteer en gebruik in potproewe. Die ernstigheidsgraad van die siekte is na drie maande se groei geevalueer deur lootlengte, droë massa en wortelverkleuring te meet. Alhoewel verdunning van die hervestigingsgrond tot 50 en 25% (vlv) die effek van AHS op groei betekenisvol verminder het, kon die skadelike effek van die veroorsakende faktor slegs uitgeskakel word deur saailinge in 100% gesteriliseerde grond te plant. Dit was duidelik dat saailinge wat in enige grondmengsel geplant is waarin hervestigingsgrond voorgekom het, selfs al was dit net 25%, konsekwent simptome van vertraagde groei en wortelverkleuring getoon het. Dit is 'n aanduiding dat AHS in Suid-Afrika hoofsaaklik biologies van aard is. Potproewe is uitgevoer as 'n eerste stap in die formulering van volhoubare siektebeheer-strategieë, om die impak van kompos-behandelings en biologiese beheer produkte op AHS te ondersoek. Kompos sowel as gesteriliseerde en ongesteriliseerde kompos-tee (kompos-water) het, selfs onder optimale voedingsomstandighede, die groei van saailinge betekenisvol verbeter. Dit dui aan dat hierdie behandelings die effek van AHS kan teenwerk. Resultate het ook daarop gedui dat hoër kompos konsentrasies nie noodwendig enige addisionele voordele vir groei inhou in vergelyking met laer konsentrasies nie. Resultate met biologiese beheer produkte was minder gunstig. Slegs een van die produkte wat geëvalueer is, 'n kombinasie van Bacillus spp. (Biostart®), het groei betekenisvol verbeter in vergelyking met die kontrole. Resultate was egter inkonsekwent vir die verskillende proewe waarin hierdie produk gebruik is. Swampopulasies sowel as aalwurmpopulasies wat met hervestigingsgrond geassosieer word, is geïdentifiseer tot op generiese vlak om vas te stel waardeur AHS in Suid-Afrika veroorsaak word. Pythium en Cylindrocarpon spp. is konsekwent van al ses hervestigingsgronde geïsoleer wat daarop dui dat hierdie twee swamgenera 'n beduidende rol in AHS ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika mag hê. Aalwurms wat aangedui is in die literatuur om 'n moontlike rol in AHS te hê, was slegs in enkele gevalle geassosieer met hervestigingsgronde waarvan in hierdie studie gebruik gemaak is. Die gevolg-trekking is dus gemaak dat aalwurms nie 'n betekenisvolle rol speel as hoof-veroorsakende organisme onder Suid-Afrikaanse toestande nie. Veldproewe is uitgevoer in kommersiële appelboorde om vas te stel wat die effek van organiese materiaal, asook belowende biologiese beheermiddels, soos aangedui deur potproewe, op AHS onder veldtoestande is. Die biologiese grondtoedienings is ook vergelyk met die standaard chemiese beheermiddels (metielbromied en chloorpikrien). In al drie proewe wat gevestig is, het kompos met 'n deklaag, sowel as kraalmis met 'n deklaag, groei betekenisvol verbeter tot dieselfde mate as chemiese middels. Daar kon ook 'n beduidende, addisionele groeitoename gemeet word in gevalle waar chemiese middels met organiese materiaal gekombineer is. Resultate met biologiese beheer formulasies wat onder veldtoestande geëvalueer is, het gevarieer. Biostart® het groei verbeter wanneer dit alleen toegedien is, maar in kombinasie met die chemiese middel Herbifume (metham-sodium) het dit geen effek gehad nie. Die inokulering van grond met 'n oplossing van effektiewe mikroorganismes (EM) wat hoofsaaklik uit fotosinterende baterieë bestaan, het ook geen betekenisvolle effek op groei gehad nie. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat toediening van organiese materiaal moonlik as plaasvervanger vir metielbromied-beroking kan dien in die beheer van AHS. Die nodige komposkwaliteit-standaarde moet egter eers geïmplimenteer word. Omdat feitlik geen kompos universeel effektief kan wees nie, is dit ook nodig dat verskillende tipes kompos met mekaar vergelyk moet word in spesifieke grondtoestande voordat verdere aanbevelings gemaak kan word. As gevolg van variërende resultate met biologiese beheer produkte kan AHS beheer met hierdie middels nie gewaarborg word op hierdie stadium nie en verdere studies word aanbeveel.

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