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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet de l'oxydation TEMPO des fibres de lin sur l'efficacité de greffage des agents de couplage silane / TEMPO oxidation effects of flax fibers on the efficiency of grafting of silane coupling agents

Harirforoush, Mohammad Javad January 2017 (has links)
Abstract : The applications of natural fibers as reinforcing materials have received lots of attentions and interests due to their unique advantages such as direct derivation from earth, sustainability, degradability and so on. In addition, the employment of plant fibers as raw materials in engineering and industries can promote sustainable agriculture. Cultivation of oilseed flax has grown recently from 600,000 to 800,000 hectares in past few years in Canada. This can also provide a great potential to use flax waste (straw), 2,000 kg/ha annually, as reinforcing materials in industry and promote sustainable agriculture. These huge amounts of flax residuals usually burned or thrown away which as result, leads to emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. In two past decades, the employment of natural fibers in bio-composites as an alternative for flax residuals disposal has received lots of interest and attention. The dramatic increase of publications during this period supports this fact. This attention and interest has been attributed to public awareness, Legal restrictions and environmental concerns associated to the synthetic fibers. Moreover, the significant advantages of natural fibers such as low resin consumption, low tools wear, cost effectivity; availability, environmentally friendly, degradability, low density and high specific properties have converted the application of them very favorable. However, the hydrophilic nature of cellulosic fibers as a main disadvantage makes them incompatible with hydrophobic polymeric matrices. This poor compatibility between cellulosic fibers and polymeric matrices mostly attributes to the presence of hydroxyl functional groups on the backbone of the flax fibers that causes to hydrophilic properties of cellulosic fibers and poor interfacial adhesion between cellulosic fibers and polymeric matrices. The main goal of this research thesis is to convert of primary alcoholic groups (OH) available on the surface of flax fiber to carboxyl groups by employment of TEMPO oxidation system in order to facilitate the silane treatment process. Subsequently, carboxyl groups can more easily interact with silane coupling agents. The surface functionality of as-received and treated fibers was characterized using Fourier transform infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Dynamic contact angle tensiometer was used to compare wettability of the oxidized and nonoxidized fibers after the silane treatment. The interaction between flax fiber and polymer was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that the TEMPO iii oxidation significantly improved the bonding efficiency of the silane coupling agents on the fiber surface. Thus, the compatibility between the flax fibers and the epoxy resin was improved. In addition, the water absorption of the modified fibers was remarkably reduced, while the contact angle of the flax fibers was increased. / Les demandes des fibres naturelles comme matériaux de renforcement ont reçu beaucoup d'attentions et d'intérêts en raison de leurs avantages uniques tels que la dérivation directe de la terre, la durabilité, la dérivabilité, etc. En outre, l'emploi des fibres végétales comme matières premières dans l'ingénierie et les industries peut favoriser l'agriculture durable. La culture du lin oléagineux est passée de 600 000 à 800 000 hectares au cours des dernières années au Canada. Cela peut également constituer un excellent potentiel d'utilisation des déchets de lin (paille), 2 000 kg par an par année, en tant que matériaux de renfort dans l'industrie et promouvoir l'agriculture durable. Ces énormes quantités de résidus de lin sont généralement brûlées ou jetées, ce qui entraîne l'émission de CO2 dans l'atmosphère. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, l'emploi de fibres naturelles dans les biocomposites comme possibilité à l'élimination des résidus de lin a suscité beaucoup d'intérêt et d'attention. L'augmentation spectaculaire des publications au cours de cette période prend en charge ce fait. Cette attention et cet intérêt ont été attribués à la sensibilisation du public, aux restrictions légales et aux préoccupations environnementales associées aux fibres synthétiques. En outre, les avantages importants des fibres naturelles, comme la faible consommation de résine, l'usure des outils, l'efficacité des coûts; la disponibilité, l'environnement, la dégradabilité, la faible densité et les propriétés spécifiques élevés ont transformé la demande des fibres naturelles très favorable. Cependant, la nature hydrophile des fibres cellulosiques comme inconvénient principal les rend incompatibles avec des matrices polymères hydrophobes. Cette mauvaise compatibilité entre les fibres cellulosiques et les matrices polymères attribue principalement à la présence de groupes fonctionnels hydroxyles sur l'ossature des fibres de lin qui provoque des propriétés hydrophiles des fibres cellulosiques et une faible adhérence interfaciale entre les fibres cellulosiques et les matrices polymères. L'objectif principal de cette thèse de recherche est de convertir des groupes alcooliques primaires (OH) disponibles à la surface de la fibre de lin en groupes carboxylés par l'emploi d'un système d'oxydation TEMPO afin de faciliter le traitement du silane. Par la suite, les groupes carboxylés peuvent interagir plus facilement avec des agents de couplage au silane. La fonctionnalité de surface des fibres reçues et traitées a été caractérisée en utilisant la spectroscopie à infrarouge à transformer de Fourier et à la Spectrométrie photo électronique X. Un tensiomètre à angle de contact dynamique a été utilisé pour comparer la mouillabilité des fibres oxydées et non oxydées après le traitement au silane. L'interaction entre les fibres de lin et le polymère a été caractérisée en utilisant une microscopie électronique à balayage (MÉB). Les résultats indiquent que l'oxydation TEMPO a considérablement amélioré l'efficacité de liaison des agents de couplage silane sur la surface de la fibre. Ainsi, la compatibilité entre les fibres de lin et la résine époxy a été améliorée. En outre, l'absorption d'eau des fibres modifiées a été considérablement réduite, tandis que l'angle de contact des fibres de lin a été augmenté.


MARTHA SALLES FRANCA 24 January 2018 (has links)
[pt] A compreensão dos mecanismos e fenômenos de transporte relacionados ao fluxo multifásico em meios porosos é de grande relevância para diversas aplicações práticas como captura e sequestro de dióxido de carbono, transporte em células de combustível e recuperação avançada de reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos. A geometria do espaço poroso e as interações dos fluidos com sua parte sólida determinam propriedades macroscópicas como porosidade, permeabilidades relativas e pressão capilar. Porém, a visão em escala microscópica fornece uma melhor descrição e entendimento dos processos físicos e químicos do escoamento de fluidos no espaço poroso. Neste trabalho desenvolvemos um simulador de rede de poros para análise do escoamento bifásico de fluidos imiscíveis tanto para o processo de drenagem quanto para o de embebição. O modelo de rede 240×40 tem capilares com raios médios na ordem de 52.35 micrometro com constrição. Os padrões de escoamento e eficiências de deslocamento foram obtidos para diferentes razões de viscosidade e números de capilaridade. Os resultados encontrados, considerando deslocamento pistão, foram similares a de experimentos realizados previamente, injetando água no meio saturado de óleo. Na drenagem, a saturação residual de óleo cai com o aumento do número de capilaridade. O padrão de escoamento observado é de fingerings viscosos e, a frente de deslocamento torna-se mais estável com o aumento da razão de viscosidade. Na embebição, para números de capilaridade mais baixos, o escoamento foi dominado por fingers capilares. Para números de capilaridade altos, fingers viscosos foram predominantes e, com o aumento da razão de viscosidade, a frente apresentou maior estabilidade. / [en] Understanding the mechanisms and transport phenomena of multiphase flow in porous media has great relevance in several practical applications, such as capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide, transport in fuel cells and enhancement hydrocarbon recovery. The geometry of pore space and the fluid interactions with the solid determine macroscopic properties such as porosity, relative permeabilities and capillary pressure. However, microscopic analysis provides a better description and comprehension of physical and chemical processes of fluid flow in the pore space. In this work, we developed a pore-network simulator to analyze immiscible two-phase flow for both drainage and imbibition processes. The 240×40 pore-network model has constricted capillary channels with radius on the order of 52.35 micrometer. Flow patterns and displacement efficiencies evaluation were obtained at different viscosity ratios and capillary numbers. The results, considering piston-like displacement, were similar to experiments realized previously, injecting water in an oil saturated medium. In the drainage process, the oil saturation reduces with increasing capillary number. The observed flow pattern is viscous fingerings and the front is stable with the higher viscosity ratio. In imbibition, the flow was dominated by capillary fingers at low capillary numbers. At high capillary numbers, viscous fingers were predominant and, with increasing viscosity ratio, the front presented higher stability.

Caractérisation polyphasique de la zone de transition dans un réservoir pétrolier carbonaté. / Multiphasic characterization of the transition zone of a carbonated petroleum reservoir.

Nono nguendjio, Franck Laurel 30 April 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la mesure et à la modélisation des propriétés d'écoulements diphasiques (perméabilités relatives) dans des milieux poreux carbonatés représentatifs de la zone de transition de réservoirs pétroliers carbonatés. Notre étude expérimentale a porté sur deux roches carbonatées de même minéralogie mais de propriétés pétrophysiques différentes (unimodale et bimodale). Les fluides utilisés sont une saumure, une huile minérale pour les expériences en mouillabilité franche à l'eau et une huile brute pour les expériences en mouillabilité altérée (obtenue par macération). Durant les expériences en « écoulements permanents », la perte de charge est mesurée continûment et le champ de saturation locale est mesuré en fin d'expérience par atténuation gamma. Les principaux résultats expérimentaux de cette étude sont les suivantes :- La mouillabilité dépend de la saturation initiale en huile et donc de la hauteur de la zone de transition. Elle a une influence sur les perméabilités relatives à l'huile ET à l'eau.- L'hystérésis des perméabilités relatives à l'eau est d'autant plus prononcée que la saturation initiale en huile augmente. Une observation similaire est faite sur la courbure des perméabilités relatives à l'huile.- Les évolutions des Sorw en fonction des Soi ne vérifient pas toutes, une loi monotone de type Land. Leur évolution dépend aussi de la structure poreuse.- Les deux types de roches carbonatés présentent une altération de mouillabilité différente, la structure vacuolaire favorisant l'altération de mouillabilité. Nos données expérimentales ont été interprétées en utilisant différents modèles d'hystérésis de la littérature. Il apparait clairement des différences entre les prédictions numériques et nos données expérimentales car ces modèles ne prennent pas en compte l'évolution de la mouillabilité. Nous avons proposé un modèle de calcul des perméabilités relatives qui décrit nos données expérimentales de manière satisfaisante. / In this work, we take an interest in measuring and modeling the multiphase flow properties (relative permeabilities) in different carbonate rock types that are representative of the transition zone of carbonate reservoirs. Our experimental study focused on two different carbonate rock types, with almost the same mineralogy, but different petrophysical properties (bimodal and unimodal). The system of fluids used is composed of brine, a mineral oil (for experiments at water-wet conditions), and a crude oil (for experiments including wettability alteration after an ageing process at high temperature). During the experiments performed by the steady-state core flooding method, the pressure drop is continuously measured along the core, and the saturation profiles are obtained at the end of the flooding, by gamma ray measurements. The main results of this study are as follows:- Wettability depends on the initial oil saturation and hence the heights above the oil-water contact. It affects the oil relative permeabilities AND water relative permeabilities- The hysteresis observed on water relative permeability is even more pronounced that the initial oil saturation increases. A similar observation is made on the curvatures of the oil relative permeability.- The evolution of Sorw as function of Soi does not always follow a classical Land correlation. Their evolution also depends on the pore structure.- The two rock types exhibit different responses to wettability alteration. The vuggy structure might promote oil-wetness.Our experimental data were interpreted using different hysteretic models of the literature. We observed significant differences between the results predicted by the models and our experimental observations which are attributed mainly to the failures to take into account the change in wettability. We proposed an improved hysteresis model, which described our experimental data satisfactorily.

Modélisation du processus de polissage : identification des effets et des phénoménologies induits par l'usinage abrasif / Modelling of the polishing process : identification of the induced effects and the phenomenology of the abrasive material removal

Goossens, François 30 November 2015 (has links)
Le polissage est un procédé d’usinage par abrasion qui vise à établir une micro-géométrieprécise sur les surfaces de solides. Pour introduire les spécificités de ce procédé, un tourd’horizon sur l’usinage par abrasion est proposé. Il en découle les paramètres pouvantcaractériser une opération de polissage. Les études scientifiques existantes sont synthétisées etanalysés au regard des objectifs poursuivis. De manière à faire émerger une méthodologiepour établir des modèles et des bases de données dédiées au polissage, un banc expérimental aété mis en place et des essais ont été menés sur une tôle en inox 316L avec un abrasifstructuré de forme pyramidale. Une méthode de mesure de l’usure des pyramides abrasives aété mise au point. Les premiers essais ont mis en évidence la nécessité pour les grains abrasifsd’exercer sur la matière une pression supérieure à une valeur minimale. Un modèle deconsommation matière issu de la loi de Preston a été présenté et validé par des essais. L’étudepar des plans d’expériences factoriels complets des efforts induits, de la rugosité au traversdes critères proposés par la norme ISO et de la mouillabilité a permis de mettre en évidencel’influence prépondérante de la taille des grains abrasifs. Par contre, la pression exercée parles grains, leur vitesse de défilement et le taux d’usure des pyramides abrasives n’ont qu’unrôle secondaire sur ces critères. Ces résultats constituent de précieuses indications pour lesbureaux des méthodes devant établir des gammes de polissage. / The polishing is a process of manufacturing by abrasion which aims at establishing a precisemicro-geometry on the surfaces of solids. To introduce the specificities of this process, anoverview on the manufacturing by abrasion is proposed. As a result, the parameters which cancharacterize an operation of polishing are identified. The existing scientific studies aresynthesized and analysed with regard to the pursued objectives. For the testing, an experimenttest bench was developed. The proposed methodology is applied on the polishing process ofthe AISI 316L using pyramidal abrasive belts. A measurement method of the abrasivepyramids wear is finalized. A method of measuring the abrasive pyramids wear is provided. Aremoving material rate model based on the Preston's law is presented and experimentallyvalidated. A study based on the design of experiment is conducted using as output the cuttingforces, the roughness and the wettability criteria. The results point out the dominatinginfluence of the size of the abrasive grains. On the other hand, the study indicates the fact thatthe applied pressure on the abrasive grains, the belt speed and the abrasive level do not playan important role on the previously cited characteristics. On the other hand, the studyhighlights that the applied pressure on the abrasive grains, the belt speed and the abrasivelevel do not have a significant effect on the previously cited characteristics. These resultsconstitute valuable indications for the industrial polishing process optimization.

Impact of particle-laden drops on substrates with various wettability

Grishaev, Viktor 19 May 2015 (has links)
Since decades, drop impact has been a popular topic of investigation for the importance that such a phenomenology has in many different application domains.<p><p>So far, the effect of micro-particles on the drop impact morphology has been studied for a limited number of configurations and often modelled as a change in the viscosity of the carrier fluid. However, this approach has been found sometimes questionable. The aim of the thesis is to better understand the phenomenology associated with particle-laden drop impact such as the distribution of particles in splats and to extend the number of experimental configurations for particle-laden drop impact to occur.<p><p>The impact of millimetre-size particle-laden drops was investigated for hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates. The drops were dispersions of water and round, spherical and nearly iso-dense hydrophobic particles with diameters around 200 µm and 500 µm. The substrates were transparent glass and polycarbonate plates. The impact was studied by side, bottom and angle view images in the range 148≤We≤744 and 7092≤Re≤16368.<p><p>The particles were found to suppress the appearance of singular jetting and drop partial rebound, and also cause early splashing, receding break-up and rupture. The occurrences of these phenomena depend on the impact velocity, particles’ diameter and volume fraction. The drops with 200 µm particles spread in two phases: fast and slow, caused by inertial and capillary forces, respectively. Also, the increase of volume fraction of 200 µm particle leads to a linear decrease of the maximum spreading factor caused by the inertia force on the hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates. The comparison of our data and the existing ones for splashing led to the formulation of а new splashing criterion for particle-laden drops. The novel criterion improves upon current models in predicting the splashing threshold by introducing effect of particle volume fraction and particle wettability. The analysis of particle distribution showed that 200 µm particles formed atypical distributions in splats after the impact in contrast to 500 µm particles with random pattern. The 200 µm particles formed rings/disks and a crown-like structure on hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates, respectively. These patterns were described by correlations.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Faisabilité des procédés LCM pour l'élaboration de composites renfort continu à matrice thermoplastique polyamide / Feasability of LCM processes in the elaboration of continuous fiber-reinforced composite with a thermoplastic polyamid matrix

Cazaux, Guillaume 16 June 2016 (has links)
ALes travaux présentés sont une contribution à l’élaboration de composites à matrices thermoplastiques (TP) par un procédé de type Liquid Composite Molding non réactif pour l’industrie automobile. La thèse a été effectuée dans le cadre du projet ANR TAPAS (ThermoplAstic Process for Automotive composite Structure) et s’est focalisée sur la mise en œuvre de plaques composites en renfort continu injectées avec des matrices polyamides 6,6 (PA 6,6) de hautes fluidités par Resin Transfer Molding. Le premier objectif est porté sur l’optimisation des cadences d’injection à travers l’étude de la perméabilité de préformes unidirectionnelles (UD) en fibres de verre et à hauts modules mécaniques. L’architecture de ces UD a ainsi été modifiée de manière à faciliter les écoulements. La perméabilité des différents tissus a pu être évaluée par un couplage entre des mesures expérimentales et une modélisation analytique basée sur un raisonnement à deux échelles de pores : l’écoulement intra et inter-torons. Le deuxième objectif sur lequel les travaux de thèse se sont concentrés s’est reposé sur la maitrise de l’état d’imprégnation par le bais d’une étude complète sur les phénomènes qui se déroulent à l’interface entre la fibre et la matrice à haute température. Plusieurs viscosités et formulations du PA 6,6 ainsi qu’un traitement appliqué sur le verre ont pu être caractérisés et discutés en termes de mouillabilité et d’adhésion. Enfin, la dernière partie du manuscrit présente les résultats obtenus sur les plaques mises en œuvre par RTM-TP en injection in-plane. Les conditions optimales de fonctionnement ainsi que les aspects de saturation, de santé matière et des propriétés mécaniques sont ensuite présentés et discutés. / The present work is a contribution to the thermoplastic composites manufacturing by a non-reactive Liquid Composite Molding process for the automotive industry. The thesis was carried out by the « ANR TAPAS » project (Thermoplastic Process for Automotive Composite Structure) and was focused on the elaboration of continious-fiber reinforced composites plates injected with a high-fluidity polyamide 6,6 (PA 6,6) by the Resin Transfer Molding process. The first goal was focused on increasing injection rates through the study of the in-plane permeability of unidirectional (UD) glass fiber fabrics with high mechanical modulus (HM). Experiments and modelling results showed that the permeability of these UD has been enhanced by modifying specific structural parameters of their architecture. The analytical model developped and used is based on a flow distribution according two differents scales of porosity : in and inter-yarns. The second part of the work was focused on the understanding of phenomenas that take place at the interface created between glass fiber and the matrix during the impregnation step. The wettability and adhesion of molten PA 6,6 dropped on a glass substrate is studied at different processing temperature. The last part introduce the thermoplastic composite plates elaborated by RTM-TP process. The optimum operating conditions as well as preforms saturation and mechanical properties are also studied and discussed.

Kvalita povrchových úprav DPS a optimalizace testovacího kupónu / Quality of PCB Surface Finishes and Test Coupon Optimization

Minář, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with measuring and evaluation of wetting for samples of different surface finishes, using a test coupon developed in cooperation with firm Gatema. It deals with surface finishes ENIG and immersion tin. For these samples deals with quality monitoring and periodic testing of these surface finishes. The solder using for tests is SAC305. Test methods are used for simulation of reflow soldering and wave soldering.

Odstraňování mikroplastů z vody / Microplastics removing from water

Ermis, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the occurrence of microplastics in water, the reasons for their potential elimination, and the possibilities leading to that. More specifically, it focuses on flotation as a process for removing microplastics from water. Flotation is further described from a theoretical point of view and its mathematical model is developed. The wettability of selected polymers is measured. The experiment performed to determine the efficiency of flotation as a process of treating water from microplastics is described. This efficiency is further compared to measured wettability.

Technicko-ekonomické řešení nožů odkorňovače / Technical and economic solving of barking knives

Novotný, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The target of the study is theoretical explaining the condition of creation of the soldered point with regard to basic and additional mat. Below, the detailed analysis of the existing technical problem and consecutive design of the solution method.Content of the study is also technological process of production of the barking knife and choice of the efficient producer.

Studium přírodního a vytvoření umělého nanostrukturovaného povrchu gekona / Study of gecko adhesion force and formation of a nanostructured gecko mimicking surface

Vyskočilová, Marta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the surface of a gecko in relation to its adhesion ability. Understanding the mechanism of movement and adhesion principle is important for the design and manufacture of nanostructured material. Likewise, knowledge of the origin of the self-cleaning ability allows the description of the influence of surface structure on movement and forces acting at the contact. The work describes the process of making nanostructured surface, which was modified in order to obtain maximum adhesion forces. The material properties were determined by the values of wettability and by force spectrum measurement. Their results were compared with the theoretical assumption of capillary forces and other possibilities to increase adhesion.

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