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Hilma af Klint - från en liten asketisk kvinna till geni : En feministisk textanalys av utställningskataloger och recensioner av Moderna Museets utställningar av Hilma af Klint 1989, 2013 och 2022Montelius, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats har undersökt hur Hilma af Klint har framställts i utställningskataloger och recensioner av Moderna Museet i Stockholms tre utställningar – 1989, 2013 och 2022. Uppsatsen har granskat ordval, fraser och åsikter gällande beskrivningar av henne, hennes konst och hennes plats i konsthistoriens skrivning. Undersökandet har utifrån ett feministiskt synsätt. Genom Linda Nochlins Varför har det inte funnits några stora kvinnliga konstnärer, Whitney Chadwicks Women, Art & Society samt Hélène Cixous dikotomier och text Laugh of the Medusa har uppsatsen kommit fram till att återkommande ordval som hänvisar på af Klint som kvinna har förekommit främst i samband med Moderna Museets första utställningen. Idag vid utställningen 2022 ifrågasätts Moderna Museets roll mer i deras återkommande synlighet av af Klint och hur vidare hon ska förklaras som ett geni som marknadsför museumet, mer än henne som en konstnär. / This essay has examined how Hilma af Klint has been described in exhibition catalogues and reviews of Moderna Museet in Stockholm’s three exhibitions - 1989, 2013 and 2022. The essay has examined word choices, phrases and opinions regarding descriptions of her, her art, and her place in the writing of art history. The examination has used a feminist approach. Through Linda Nochlin’s Varför har det inte funnits några stora kvinnliga konstnärer, Whitney Chadwick’s Women, Art & Society, as well as Hélène Cixous’ dichotomies and text Laugh of the Medusa the essay has reached the conclusion that recurring word choices that refer to and highlight to af Klint’s gender as a woman are most visible in the first exhibition from 1989. Today, at 2022’s exhibition, the role of Moderna Museet is challenged more in their repeated visualising of af Klint and also how she is now depicted as a genius to market the museum, more than her as an artist.
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Validité d'un modèle QuasiNURBS interpolant des données géométriques incertainesZidani-Boumedien, Malika January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Biomechanika šlapání jako předpoklad výkonu v cyklistické části triatlonu / Biomechanics of pedaling as a determinant for the performance in the cycling part in the triathlonSvatoš, Václav January 2012 (has links)
Tittle: Biomechanics of pedaling as a determinant for the performance in the cycling part in the triathlon Objective: Prove that mastering pedaling technique, means higher performance in triathlon. Method: For the analysis of measured data use software SPSS, in which we use the test for two independent (paired) files. Due to the characteristics of the file, we used the Mann- Whitney test, we set the significance level at 0.05. Then we set standards for the selected test using T-points. Results: On the basis of the hypotheses, we conclude that there satisticky significant difference between groups (selection, other) the test results in the men's category (sig. 0.019). The opposite results were observed in the women's category (sig. 0.683). Performance comparison groups of men and women were different and statistically highly significant (sig. 0.000). Another result of this work is to establish standards by T - points for members of the youth sports center (YSC) in the triathlon for the assessment test at maximum cadence bicycle ergometer test in Cyclus 2. Keywords: pedaling cadence, YSC, diagnostics, maximum pedaling cadence test, Mann- Whitney test
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Pokrývací věty / Covering theoremsJirůtková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
V této práci se zabýváme r·znými pokrývacími větami a jejich ap- likacemi. Kromě klasických pokrývacích vět (Vitaliova, Besicovitchova a Whitney- ova věta) zde uvádíme i některá jejich zobecnění a další pokrývací věty. Tyto věty pak používáme v d·kazech dalších vět, některé jsou typickými aplikacemi pokrý- vacích vět jako například Lebesgueova věta o derivování, slabý typ (1,1) maximál- ního operátoru nebo Calderónovo-Zygmundovo lemma, v jejichž d·kazech hrají pokrývací věty klíčovou roli. Dále se zabýváme nerovnostmi mezi operátory, po- mocí pokrývacích vět dokazujeme vztahy mezi Hardyovým-Littlewoodovým max- imálním operátorem, maximálním singulárním integrálním operátorem a ostrým maximálním operátorem. 1
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Modèle d'affaires et modèle d'entrepriseOuerghi, Nesrine January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La complexité croissante des applications technologiques et scientifiques, le cycle de vie plus court des produits et la mondialisation des marchés imposent aux entreprises oeuvrant dans des industries de haute technologie de nouvelles pratiques comme l'ouverture et la collaboration. Le changement des structures et des modes opératoires des entreprises exige une révision des modèles d'affaires. Depuis le début des années 90, le courant de la recherche sur le modèle d'affaires s'est attaché à analyser ses fonctions et ses logiques. Les éléments clés constituants le modèle d'affaires sont: l'envergure de produits et de marché, une stratégie axée sur la différenciation, la clientèle cible, le réseau de valeur, les sources de création de valeur, l'organisation de la chaîne de valeur, les ressources stratégiques, les compétences et les ressources distinctives.
Néanmoins, nous avons identifié peu d'études qui s'intéressent particulièrement au test du modèle de l'innovation ouverte au secteur aéronautique. L'objet de notre recherche consistera donc à répondre à la question suivante:
« Comment les concepts d'innovation ouverte influencent-ils les logiques des modèles d'affaires des firmes, oeuvrant dans l'industrie aéronautique au Québec? » La démarche méthodologique se base sur une approche qualitative de type exploratoire. La stratégie de recherche a favorisé la réalisation d'une étude de cas d'un des maîtres d'oeuvre de l'industrie aéronautique au Québec, soit Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC). Ce choix a visé à expérimenter le cadre théorique développé dans la revue de littérature, pour répondre à notre question de recherche. Le modèle d'affaires de la compagnie a été analysé dans le but d'identifier le degré d'influence des concepts du modèle d'innovation ouverte sur les logiques du modèle d'affaires de la compagnie (logique expertise, logique client, logique réseau et logique génération de revenu). Pour ce faire, nous avons d'abord procédé à une étude documentaire, puis nous avons réalisé trois entrevues exploratoires auprès de hauts cadres ayant des connaissances sur les stratégies de développement du secteur aéronautique au Québec et des défis que l'industrie a relevé. Ces entrevues ont eu lieu à la Commission des Partenaires de Marché de Travail (qualification de main d'oeuvre en aérospatial) et la Comité sectorielle de Main d'oeuvre en Aérospatiale Québec (CAMAQ). Ensuite, sept entrevues ont été réalisées auprès des directeurs et hauts cadres de P&WC ayant une expertise en lien avec l'objet de notre étude. Les résultats de l'analyse nous permettent d'identifier les fonctions du modèle d'affaires de P&WC qui s'avère traduire une approche systémique conforme au six principales fonctions du modèle d'affaires. Il s'agit de la proposition de valeur, le segment de marché, la structure de la chaîne de valeur, la structure des coûts et les marges cibles, la position de l'entreprise dans le réseau de valeur, la stratégie concurrentielle. La conception et la mise en oeuvre des modèles d'affaires de P&WC (par conséquent les fonctions de ces derniers) sont guidées par les enjeux stratégiques préoccupant actuellement la compagnie, soit: la productivité et la création d'avantages concurrentiels. En outre, nous constatons que l'approche systémique se traduit dans les choix stratégiques du modèle d'affaires de P&WC.
L'influence des concepts du modèle d'innovation ouverte sur les logiques du modèle d'affaires de P&WC est importante durant les premières phases de maturité de la technologie. À ce stade, la collaboration touche à la recherche fondamentale et favorise le partage des investissements, des risques et de la recherche avec des partenaires. Toutefois, cet impact est moins considérable à des phases plus avancées de la maturité de la technologie. Une fois que la production atteint un stade avancé, le risque technologique diminue et le coût de développement augmente. La maturité de la technologie conduit à une augmentation du risque, de perte du contrôle sur l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies développées et une baisse des opportunités de collaboration. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Fonctions du modèle d'affaires, Logiques du modèle d'affaires, Création de valeur, Processus d'innovation, Commercialisation de l'innovation, Modèle d'innovation ouverte, Chaîne de valeur, Transfert du savoir, Aéronautique.
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Stability of dual discretization methods for partial differential equationsGillette, Andrew Kruse 06 July 2011 (has links)
This thesis studies the approximation of solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs) over domains discretized by the dual of a simplicial mesh. While `primal' methods associate degrees of freedom (DoFs) of the solution with specific geometrical entities of a simplicial mesh (simplex vertices, edges, faces, etc.), a `dual discretization method' associates DoFs with the geometric duals of these objects. In a tetrahedral mesh, for instance, a primal method might assign DoFs to edges of tetrahedra while a dual method for the same problem would assign DoFs to edges connecting circumcenters of adjacent tetrahedra.
Dual discretization methods have been proposed for various specific PDE problems, especially in the context of electromagnetics, but have not been analyzed using the full toolkit of modern numerical analysis as is considered here. The recent and still-developing theories of finite element exterior calculus (FEEC) and discrete exterior calculus (DEC) are shown to be essential in understanding the feasibility of dual methods. These theories treat the solutions of continuous PDEs as differential forms which are then discretized as cochains (vectors of DoFs) over a mesh. While the language of DEC is ideal for describing dual methods in a straightforward fashion, the results of FEEC are required for proving convergence results.
Our results about dual methods are focused on two types of stability associated with PDE solvers: discretization and numerical. Discretization stability analyzes the convergence of the approximate solution from the discrete method to the continuous solution of the PDE as the maximum size of a mesh element goes to zero. Numerical stability analyzes the potential roundoff errors accrued when computing an approximate solution. We show that dual methods can attain the same approximation power with regard to discretization stability as primal methods and may, in some circumstances, offer improved numerical stability properties.
A lengthier exposition of the approach and a detailed description of our results is given in the first chapter of the thesis. / text
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An Analysis of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Data to Predict Herpes Simplex Virus 1 InfectionChampion, Patrick D 20 November 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the usefulness of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in the detection of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (hsv1) infection at an early stage. The raw absorption values were standardized to eliminate inter-sampling error. Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney (WMW) statistic's Z score was calculated to select significant spectral regions. Partial least squares modeling was performed because of multicollinearity. Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic showed models for healthy tissues from different time groups were not from same distribution. The additional 24 hour dataset was evaluated using the following methods. Variables were selected by WMW Z score. Difference of Composites statistic, DC, was created as a disease indicator and evaluated using area under the ROC curve, specificities, and confidence intervals using bootstrap algorithm. The specificity of DC was high, however the confidence intervals were large. Future studies are required with larger sample sizes to test this statistic's usefulness.
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Intresse för liv i rörelse : En studie av ungdomars motiv till att vara fysiskt aktiva och motiv att inte vara fysiskt aktivaDahlström, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Syfte och Frågeställning Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka gymnasieungdomars motiv i form av motivområden för att vara fysiskt aktiva respektive för att inte vara fysiskt aktiva. Frågeställningarna var: (1) Vilka motivområden har stark anknytning till att vara fysiskt aktiv respektive inte vara fysiskt aktiv och (2) Finns det någon signifikant könsskillnad i något av motivområdena? Metod 105 ungdomar (47 flickor och 58 pojkar) i åldern 16-22 år från en gymnasieskola i västra Stockholmsområdet besvarade två enkäter med påståenden om motiv till att vara fysiskt aktiv respektive inte vara fysiskt aktiv. Motiven delades in i 11 motivområden och därefter genomfördes en deskriptiv analys i samband med elimineringen av extremvärden där man undersökte hur stark anknytning varje motivområde hade till att vara fysiskt aktiv respektive inte vara fysiskt aktiv. Ett Mann Whitney U test genomfördes för att undersöka om det fanns någon signifikant könsskillnad (p=0,05). Resultat Motivområdena Välbefinnande kortsiktigt, Välbefinnande långsiktigt, och Lugnande motiv hade stark anknytning till att vara fysiskt aktiv. Även om det inte förekom någon stark anknytning i något av motivområdena till att inte vara fysiskt aktiv, så hade Tidsrelaterade motiv starkast anknytning för både flickor och pojkar. Resultatet visade även att Tävlingsmotiv var ett starkare motiv för pojkarna än flickorna för att vara fysiskt aktiv (p=0.003) samt att Hälsorisker som motiv var ett starkare motiv för flickorna än pojkarna (p=0,041) för att inte vara fysiskt aktiv. Slutsats Resultatet i den här undersökningen gav indikationer att vissa motiv kan påverka varför gymnasieungdomar är fysiskt aktiva samt varför de inte är fysiskt aktiva, men resultaten löper stor risk för att bero på slumpen på grund av massignifikansproblematiken. Motiv till att inte vara fysiskt aktiv hade i samtliga fall lägre medianvärden än motiv till att vara fysiskt aktiv.
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Despite the vast research on industrial innovation in the United States, little shows innovation as a process from the theoretical origins to its practical application. The image that emerges from the overall literature is one showing only the importance of applied innovation. This thesis argues that historians need to reevaluate how manufacturing advancements are studied in the United States. Using the creation of the American System of Manufacturing as a case study, this study focuses on innovation as a connected process from its theoretical origins to its applied state. This study focuses less on the individuals involved and more on the system itself. This accomplishes two points. First is that it shows that the idea is more important than the peoples. Second is that this thesis provides a greater understanding of how the American System of Manufacturing came to fruition. By examining these two points, this thesis demonstrates that historians need to look beyond the traditional application-only focus that has plagued the study of technological history. Instead historians must show industrial innovation as both the creation of the theoretical concept and the systems practical application. / History
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Developing a new transformatory cultural tourism experience model / Milena IvanovicIvanovic, Milena January 2014 (has links)
The research question addressed by this thesis is: To what degree the results of the statistical
analysis will corroborate the main theoretical assumptions of the proposed theoretical model of
new authentic transformatory cultural tourism experience as transmodern phenomenon of
equality of two Cartesian levels of reality, material (objective authenticity) and experiential
(constructive authenticity) in informing the intrapersonal existential authenticity as outcome
transformatory tourist experience.
The main reason for undertaking this study is to resolve the evident crisis of postmodern
authenticity discourse arising from a failure of postmodern theoretical framework to integrate
three social authenticity theories into a coherent authenticity discourse. The research design
adopted in the study is theory-testing theory-building paradigm which incorporates both
deductive and inductive logic and was applied in three successive phases. In the first phase the
new theoretical model of transformatory cultural tourism experience was proposed, underpinned
by transmodern flat ontology and philosophy of the Speculative Realism. In the second phase
the main theoretical assumptions of equal contribution of objective and constructive authenticity
as independent variables in informing the transformatory experience as dependent variable
were empirically tested by standard multiple regression analysis. In the last deductive phase the
results of all empirical tests were inferred onto initial theoretical assumptions of the original
model and new modified model of transformatory cultural tourism experience has been
proposed with an addition of two newly identified transmodern experiential constructs,
epistemological and ontological authenticity.
For a primary data collection the instrument was a self-administered questionnaire and the
sampling strategy was a non-probability sampling. The data was collected during the period 01st
and 18 April 2011 at two sites, Constitution Hill and Hector Peterson Memorial in Johannesburg.
The sample size from two sites was N=406. The scales of measurements were already
developed in the earlier questionnaire and the confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm
the variables contained in each factor, namely objective and constructive authenticity as
independent variables and transformatory experience as the dependent variable. The results of
a standard multiple regression analysis confirmed the importance of the model as independent
variables explained 30.7% of the variances (R2=.307) in the model. An unexpected result was
that objective authenticity explained 34.5% of the variance in the model (β = .345) which is
significantly higher than 30.5% of variance explained by constructive authenticity (β = .305). The
results of standard multiple regression analysis confirmed the main theoretical assumption of
the model of equality of material and experiential levels of Cartesian duality in informing the new
transformatory experience regarded as a transmodern phenomenon. The standard, stepwise
and hierarchical multiple regression tests were further conducted to establish if any moderating
variables should be added into the original model containing two independent variables. The
tests included five demographic variables (gender, place of residence, connection with culture,
and two items of education (pre-tertiary education and Bachelors degree) and none of the
variables explained a level of variability which warranted their inclusion into the model.
Consequently, the results of the retests of the model did not change its initial conceptualisation.
Finally, the t-test and Mann-Whitney U tests identified a significant difference between the two
groups in the level of authenticity of their experience derived from two sites. A group having
stronger inclination for authenticity is identified as Cultural Creatives, who are known as the
forerunners of transmodernism.
Based on the results of all statistical tests the final model was modified to reflect the important
theoretical findings pertaining to two new types of transmodern authenticity. Epistemological
authenticity denotes combined effects of objective and constructive authenticity in feeding the
ontological authenticity of transformatory experience. The ontological authenticity is further
identified as a confirmation of authentic-self which is required by Cultural Creatives. With
proposition of new modified model the theory-testing theory-building research design came to its
The importance of research findings presented in this study lies not only in resolving the current
crises of authenticity discourse in tourism but in the proposed New theoretical and conceptual
model of transformatory cultural tourism experience underpinned by objective ·and constructive
authenticity which will open a whole new field in tourism research arising from new transmodern
experiential paradigm. / PhD (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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