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Impact of Peer Praise Notes Issued During Recess: Effects on Office Disciplinary ReferralsTeerlink, Elise Ann 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
School recess can be a problematic setting due to inadequate safety, supervision, and structure. Peer praise notes (PPNs) is a school-wide positive behavior support strategy that was implemented during recess to address these concerns at a Title I elementary school. An ABAB reversal design across all students was employed to evaluate the effectiveness of PPNs. Overall changes in office disciplinary referrals (ODRs) in each phase of the design, an effect size that reflects a highly effective treatment, and a moderately strong and statistically significant negative correlation suggest that PPNs decreased ODRs. Results from social validity surveys completed by eight recess aides and 88 students indicated that participants had positive perceptions of PPNs improving student behavior and peer relations, communicating playground rules, extending supervision responsibilities, and offering structured activity to peer praisers. Students' perceptions were overall more positive than the recess aides' perceptions. Limitations, future research, and implications are addressed.
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"Med stora vackra guldbokstäver" : En motivstudie av människan och döden i Anna Greta Wides Nattmusik / "In big beautiful golden letters" : A study of the motifs man and death in Anna Greta Wide's NattmusikLindström, Isa January 2024 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen gör jag en motivstudie av människan och döden i Anna Greta Wides debutsamling Nattmusik (1942). Jag lyfter dikter som tar upp dessa motiv och undersöker såväl motiven för sig som hur de samspelar med varandra. Avstampet sker i kritikernas samtida mottagande av samlingen. I analysen diskuterar jag sedan hur människan beskrivs med negativa egenskaper, men att de också har positiva drag i samband med konst och i rollen som moder. Vad gäller döden visar jag på en dödslängtan i dikterna och kommer fram till att motiv som rör ursprunget är viktiga (framför allt havet och modern). Jag diskuterar huruvida man kan göra en kristen tolkning och om dikterna implicerar ett liv efter detta. Även om döden är framträdande så finns det också en livsglädje i flera dikter. Till sist analyserar jag samlingen som helhet; dess struktur samt hur de två motiven tillsammans kan tolkas utifrån till exempel en krigsbakgrund eller kristendomen. Slutsatsen jag drar är att det är en komplex diktsamling med rika dubbelheter såsom dödslängtan och livsglädje, varm och kall människosyn, samt en ständig växling mellan hopp och förtvivlan. / In this essay I conduct a study of the motifs man and death in Anna Greta Wide’s debut collection Nattmusik (1942). I present poems that use these motifs and investigate both the motifs seperately as well as how they interact together. My starting point is the contemporary critics’ reviews of the collection. In the analysis I then discuss how the humans are described with negative characteristics, although they also have positive traits in relation to art and in their role as mothers. Regarding death I give examples of a death wish present in the poems and conclude that motifs related to origins are important (especially the ocean and the mother). I discuss whether or not a Christian interpretation can be made and if the poems indicate an afterlife. Even though death is prominent, there is also a joy of life in multiple poems. Lastly, I analyze the collection as a whole; its structure as well as how the two motifs together can be interpreted with for example the background of the Second World War or Christianity in mind. The conclusion I reach is that it is a complex poetry collection with rich duplicity which includes both death wish and joy of life, a warm and a cold view on humankind, as well as a constant shift between hope and despair.
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Komparativ analys av HTTP och AMQP i System Wide Information Management / Comparative analysis of HTTP and AMQP in System Wide Information ManagementHåkansson, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Med en ökande tillväxt inom flygtrafikbranschen behöver de bakomliggande flygtrafikledningssystemen uppgraderas för att möta den växande komplexiteten i syfte att säkerställa en ordnad flygtrafik. Här anses det arkitekturella konceptet System Wide Information Management (SWIM) för distribuerade flygledningssystem vara lösningen för att bygga system som är lättare att underhålla och enklare kan kan samverka med varandra. År 2021 fastslog Europeiska unionen att samtliga operativa intressenter inom det aeronautiska informationsutbytet i EU skall tillhandahålla och kunna konsumera SWIM-tjänster och erbjöd då en uppsättning tjänstegränssnittsbindningar för intressenter att hävda foglighet med för att efterfölja de nya regleringarna. Bland dessa finner vi AMQP Messaging och WS Light som utiliserar AMQP respektive HTTP som meddelandeprotokoll. Tidigare forskning har visat att AMQP presterar bättre än HTTP inom de flesta områden, men denna studie undersöker om någon av de två lämpar sig bättre som meddelandeprotokoll för en europabaserad SWIM-implementation genom att analysera resultatet i en SWIM-kontext. Med hjälp av en komparativ analys och kvantitativ dataanalys jämförs de två meddelandeprotokollen i denna studie för att identifiera liknande och åtskiljande karaktärsdrag samt för att svara på om någon av de två lämpar sig bättre för ändamålet. De punkter protokollen jämförs på är struktur, overhead och effektivitet, interoperabilitet och kompabilitet, tillförlitlighet och feltolerans samt förekomster i Eurocontrols SWIM Registry. Studiens resultat visar att AMQP är den lämpligaste kandidaten av de två sett till implementationstrender och prestanda, men att det är bör göras en avvägning innan en intressent väljer vilket gränssnitt denne skall implementera. / With an increasing growth within the aviation industry, the underlying air traffic control systems needs to be upgraded to meet the growing complexity for ensuring an organized air traffic. This is where the architectural concept System Wide Information Management (SWIM) for distributed air traffic control systems is believed to be the solution for building systems that are easier to maintain and can cooperate with ease. In the year 2021, the European Union decided that all operative stakeholders within the aeronautical information exchange in EU shall provide and be able to consume SWIM services, and provided a set of service interface bindings for stakeholders to claim conformance to in order to follow the new regulations. Among these we find AMQP Messaging and WS Light that utilizes AMQP and HTTP, respectively, as messaging protocols. Previous research has shown that AMQP performs better than HTTP in most areas, but this study analyses the result in a SWIM context to see if any of the two is a more suitable messaging protocol in a Europe based SWIM implementation. Through a comparative analysis and a quantitative data analysis the two messaging protocols are compared in this study to identify similar and distinctive characteristics to answer whether one of the two is a better candidate for the purpose. The protocols are compared on their structure, overhead and efficiency, interoperability and fault tolerance, and their occurances in Eurocontrol's SWIM Registry. The result of the study shows that AMQP is the more suitable candidate of the two, in regards to trends in current implementations as well as performance metrics, but a stakeholder should make a trade-off before choosing what service interface binding to implement.
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Single molecule tracking studies of the nanoscale properties of sol-gel-derived silica thin film gradients.Cui, Chenchen January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Chemistry / Daniel A. Higgins / Single molecule tracking (SMT) measurements have been applied to the study of molecular mobility in sol-gel-derived silica gradient films in this thesis. Such gradient films have broad potential applications in controlled adhesion and transport of cells, vesicles and polymers; separation of complex chemical mixtures and in the development of new catalysts. Silica films were prepared by “infusion-withdrawal dip-coating”. In this method, a suitable substrate is slowly withdrawn from a silica sol of time varying composition. The deposition reservoir is initially filled with a sol derived from one silica precursor (tetramethoxysilane). A second sol, prepared from a different precursor (methyltrimethoxysilane), is then infused into the deposition reservoir, as the mixed sol is withdrawn. Films thus prepared were initially characterized by bulk fluorescence spectroscopy, infrared (IR) microscopy, contact angle goniometry, spectroscopic ellipsometry and surface profilometry. The fluorescence, IR and contact angle data all demonstrate the presence of a gradient in the methyl content of the silica film. The primary objective of the work performed under this thesis was to investigate the diffusion of Nile Red molecules in and on these films, as a function of position along the gradient, by SMT methods. Histograms of the mean-square displacement of the molecules depict the presence of at least two distinct populations: one incorporating fixed (entrapped or adsorbed) molecules and the other clearly reflecting the presence of mobile molecules. The latter population was observed to vary along the gradient dimension and also changed as the films aged over the course of five days. Molecular mobility is attributed to the presence of liquid-like silica oligomers in the films. Spatial variations in the observed mobility are tentatively assigned to variations in oligomer viscosity along the gradient. Film viscosity also changes as the polymerization of the oligomers continues during film aging.
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A parallel transformations framework for cluster environmentsBartels, Peer January 2011 (has links)
In recent years program transformation technology has matured into a practical solution for many software reengineering and migration tasks. FermaT, an industrial strength program transformation system, has demonstrated that legacy systems can be successfully transformed into efficient and maintainable structured C or COBOL code. Its core, a transformation engine, is based on mathematically proven program transformations and ensures that transformed programs are semantically equivalent to its original state. Its engine facilitates a Wide Spectrum Language (WSL), with low-level as well as high-level constructs, to capture as much information as possible during transformation steps. FermaT’s methodology and technique lack in provision of concurrent migration and analysis. This provision is crucial if the transformation process is to be further automated. As the constraint based program migration theory has demonstrated, it is inefficient and time consuming, trying to satisfy the enormous computation of the generated transformation sequence search-space and its constraints. With the objective to solve the above problems and to extend the operating range of the FermaT transformation system, this thesis proposes a Parallel Transformations Framework which makes parallel transformations processing within the FermaT environment not only possible but also beneficial for its migration process. During a migration process, many thousands of program transformations have to be applied. For example a 1 million line of assembler to C migration takes over 21 hours to be processed on a single PC. Various approaches of search, prediction techniques and a constraint-based approach to address the presented issues already exist but they solve them unsatisfactorily. To remedy this situation, this dissertation proposes a framework to extend transformation processing systems with parallel processing capabilities. The parallel system can analyse specified parallel transformation tasks and produce appropriate parallel transformations processing outlines. To underpin an automated objective, a formal language is introduced. This language can be utilised to describe and outline parallel transformation tasks whereas parallel processing constraints underpin the parallel objective. This thesis addresses and explains how transformation processing steps can be automatically parallelised within a reengineering domain. It presents search and prediction tactics within this field. The decomposition and parallelisation of transformation sequence search-spaces is outlined. At the end, the presented work is evaluated on practical case studies, to demonstrate different parallel transformations processing techniques and conclusions are drawn.
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Novel chiral wide bite angle ligands for asymmetric catalysisCzauderna, Christine F. January 2013 (has links)
Achiral wide bite angle ligands have been shown to be highly active and to induce excellent chemo- and regioselectivities in many homogeneously catalyzed reactions. However, only a few examples of chiral wide bite angle ligands are known so far. A diphenyl ether backbone was selected to allow maximum synthetic versatility and potential for a modular approach to design and synthesize such chiral diphosphorus ligands. Three synthetic strategies have been explored in this thesis: i) introduction of chiral substituents in the ligand backbone, ii) the use of P-stereogenic donor atoms and iii) the synthesis of chiral mixed-donor ligands bearing chiral auxiliary groups on the phosphorus atoms. Functionalization of the 3,3'-positions of 2,2'-bis(diphenylphosphino)diphenyl ether by carboxylic acid or ether auxiliaries was achieved via straightforward four-step routes to generate a library of ligands that were tested in various catalytic reactions. In the Pd-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation of l,3-diphenyl-2-propenyl acetate and cyclohexyl-2-enyl acetate with dimethyl malonate the enantioselectivity was found to depend on the size of the chiral auxiliary introduced within the diphenyl ether backbone and its proximity to the phosphorus donor groups and hence to the active metal centre. Two types of mixed donor bidentate diphosphorus ligands based on the diphenylether backbone have been established, i.e. phosphine-phosphite and phosphine-phosphonite derivatives. A small ligand library bearing different chiral auxiliaries was accomplished via straightforward syntheses that enable derivatization of the respective phosphite and phosphonite moieties in the final step. In the Rh-catalysed hydrogenation of several benchmark substrates high conversion and moderate to high enantioselectivities (up to 97% for dimethyl itaconate) were obtained. The enantioselectivity was influenced by the size of the ortho-substituent on the chiral auxiliary group of the phosphite or phosphonite fragment. Two modular synthetic approaches for the preparation of novel wide bite angle diphosphine ligands containing stereogenic P-atoms have been developed. Both protocols involved diphenylether as backbone and the chiral ephedrine based precursor (2R[subscript(P)],4S[subscript(C)],5R[subscript(C)])-oxazaphospholidine borane as initial auxiliary to induce chirality at phosphorus. Various novel diphosphines were isolated as highly enantioenriched compounds with dr-ratios up to 95:5.
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New Statistical Methods and Computational Tools for Mining Big Data, with Applications in Plant SciencesMichels, Kurt Andrew January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to develop new statistical tools for mining big data in plant sciences. In particular, the dissertation consists of four inter-related projects to address various methodological and computational challenges in phylogenetic methods. Project 1 aims to systematically test different optimization tools and provide useful strategies to improve optimization in practice. Project 2 develops a new R package rPlant, which provides a friendly and convenient toolbox for users of iPlant. Project 3 presents a fast and effective group-screening method to identify important genetic factors in GWAS, with theoretical justifications and nice asymptotic properties. Project 4 develops a new statistical tool to identify gene-gene interactions, with the ability of handling the interactions between groups of covariates.
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The impact of modes of mediation on the web retrieval processPannu, M. January 2011 (has links)
This research is an integral part of the effort aimed at overcoming the limitations of the classic search engines. This thesis is concerned with the investigation of the impact of different modes of mediation on the web search process. Conceptually, it is divided into three main parts. The first part details the investigation of methods and mechanisms in user profile generation and in filtering search results. The second part deals with the presentation of an approach and its application in the development of a mediation framework between the user and the classic Web Search engines. This involved the integration of the explicit, implicit and hybrid modes of mediation within a content-based method, and was facilitated by the adoption of the Vector Space Model. The third part presents an extensive comparative evaluation of the impact of the different types of mediation systems on web search, in terms of precision, recall and F-measure. The thesis concludes by identifying the contribution of the research programme and the satisfaction of the stated objectives.
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The Silenced Love Story : The Complexity of Colonialism in Wide Sargasso SeaStenman, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to look into how Jean Rhys describes the complexity of colonialism in the Caribbean and how it affected the colonized people and the European colonizers. Her novel Wide Sargasso Sea is considered to be a re-writing of Jane Eyre, but it also demonstrates social rankings and racial groupings in the colonial society. She does not only describe Mr. Rochester’s first wife, she also depicts the forbidden love story between Antoinette and her “coloured” cousin Sandi. The analysis will have a postcolonial approach by using postcolonial theory and concepts, for example, Said’s concept about the Other, Fanon’s ideas about the psychological effects on the oppressed and Bhabha’s theory about colonial mimicry.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / As testing requirements on the ranges require ever more sophisticated cross correlation of data from multiple data acquisition sources, it becomes increasingly advantageous to collect and disseminate this information in a more network oriented fashion. This allows any of the data collected at physically separated sites to be used simultaneously at multiple mission control or data reduction centers. This paper presents an approach that maximizes the use of legacy communication paths and data reduction systems to support an evolutionary migration toward the day when testing can take full advantage of commercial communication protocols and equipment such as OC-3, ATM, etc. One key element of this approach is the packetizing of data at each reception point to provide virtual circuit switching using packet routing. Based on the newly adopted IRIG/RCC 107-98 standard, the system may even be expanded all the way back to the actual sensors. The second key element is the use of the readily available time and timing pulses based on GPS to establish a uniform sampling interval that will allow the cross correlation of data received at different points spread over a wide area.
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