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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smart Sound Control in Acoustic Sensor Networks: a Perceptual Perspective

Estreder Campos, Juan 28 March 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los sistemas de audio han experimentado un gran desarrollo en los últimos años gracias al aumento de dispositivos con procesadores de alto rendimiento capaces de realizar un procesamiento cada vez más eficiente. Además, las comunicaciones inalámbricas permiten a los dispositivos de una red estar ubicados en diferentes lugares sin limitaciones físicas. La combinación de estas tecnologías ha dado lugar a la aparición de las redes de sensores acústicos (ASN). Una ASN está compuesta por nodos equipados con transductores de audio, como micrófonos o altavoces. En el caso de la monitorización acústica del campo, sólo es necesario incorporar sensores acústicos a los nodos ASN. Sin embargo, en el caso de las aplicaciones de control, los nodos deben interactuar con el campo acústico a través de altavoces. La ASN puede implementarse mediante dispositivos de bajo coste, como Raspberry Pi o dispositivos móviles, capaces de gestionar varios micrófonos y altavoces y de ofrecer una buena capacidad de cálculo. Además, estos dispositivos pueden comunicarse mediante conexiones inalámbricas, como Wi-Fi o Bluetooth. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis, se propone una ASN compuesta por dispositivos móviles conectados a altavoces inalámbricos mediante un enlace Bluetooth. Además, el problema de la sincronización entre los dispositivos de una ASN es uno de los principales retos a abordar, ya que el rendimiento del procesamiento de audio es muy sensible a la falta de sincronismo. Por lo tanto, también se lleva a cabo un análisis del problema de sincronización entre dispositivos conectados a altavoces inalámbricos en una ASN. En este sentido, una de las principales aportaciones es el análisis de la latencia de audio cuando los nodos acústicos de la ASN están formados por dispositivos móviles que se comunican altavoces mediante enlaces Bluetooth. Una segunda contribución significativa de esta tesis es la implementación de un método para sincronizar los diferentes dispositivos de una ASN, junto con un estudio de sus limitaciones. Por último, se ha introducido el método propuesto para implementar aplicaciones de zonas sonoras personales (PSZ). Por lo tanto, la implementación y el análisis del rendimiento de diferentes aplicaciones de audio sobre una ASN compuesta por dispositivos móviles y altavoces inalámbricos es también una contribución significativa en el área de las ASN. Cuando el entorno acústico afecta negativamente a la percepción de la señal de audio emitida por los altavoces de la ASN, se uti­lizan técnicas de ecualización para mejorar la percepción de la señal de audio. Para ello, en esta tesis se implementa un sistema de ecualización inteligente. Para ello, se emplean algoritmos psicoacústicos para implementar un procesamiento inteligente basado en el sis­tema auditivo humano capaz de adaptarse a los cambios del entorno. Por ello, otra contribución importante de esta tesis es el análisis del enmas­caramiento espectral entre dos sonidos complejos. Este análisis permitirá calcular el umbral de enmascaramiento de un sonido con más precisión que los métodos utilizados actualmente. Este método se utiliza para implementar una aplicación de ecualización perceptiva que pretende mejorar la percepción de la señal de audio en presencia de un ruido ambien­tal. Para ello, esta tesis propone dos algoritmos de ecualización diferentes: 1) la pre-ecualización de la señal de audio para que se perciba por encima del umbral de enmascaramiento del ruido ambiental y 2) diseñar un con­trol de ruido ambiental perceptivo en los sistemas de ecualización activa de ruido (ANE), para que el nivel de ruido ambiental percibido esté por debajo del umbral de enmascaramiento de la señal de audio. Por lo tanto, la ultima aportación de esta tesis es la implementación de una aplicación de ecualización perceptiva con los dos diferentes algorit­mos de ecualización embebidos y el análisis de su rendimiento a través del banco de pruebas realizado en el laboratorio GTAC-iTEAM. / [CA] El sistemes de so han experimentat un gran desenvolupament en els últims anys gràcies a l'augment de dispositius amb processadors d'alt rendiment capaços de realitzar un processament d'àudio cada vegada més eficient. D'altra banda, l'expansió de les comunicacions inalàmbriques ha permès implementar xarxes en les quals els dispositius poden estar situats a difer­ents llocs sense limitacions físiques. La combinació d'aquestes tecnologies ha donat lloc a l'aparició de les xarxes de sensors acústics (ASN). Una ASN està composta per nodes equipats amb transductors d'àudio, com micr`ofons o altaveus. En el cas del monitoratge del camp acústic, només cal incorporar sensors acústics als nodes de l'ASN. No obstant això, en el cas de les aplicacions de control, els nodes han d'interactuar amb el camp acústic a través d'altaveus. Una ASN pot implementar-se mitjant¿cant dispositius de baix cost, com ara Raspberry Pi o dispositius mòbils, capaços de gestionar di­versos micròfons i altaveus i d'oferir una bona capacitat computacional. A més, aquests dispositius poden comunicar-se a través de connexions inalàmbriques, com Wi-Fi o Bluetooth. Per això, en aquesta tesi es proposa una ASN composta per dispositius mòbils connectats a altaveus inalàmbrics a través d'un enllaç Bluetooth. El problema de la sincronització entre els dispositius d'una ASN és un dels principals reptes a abordar ja que el rendiment del processament d'àudio és molt sensible a la falta de sincronisme. Per tant, també es duu a terme una anàlisi profunda del problema de la sincronització entre els dispositius comercials connectats als altaveus inalàmbrics en una ASN. En aquest sentit, una de les principals contribucions és l'anàlisi de la latència d'àudio quan els nodes acústics en l'ASN estan compostos per dispositius mòbils que es comuniquen amb els altaveus corresponents mitjançant enllaços Bluetooth. Una segona contribuciò sig­nificativa d'aquesta tesi és la implementació d'un mètode per sincronitzar els diferents dispositius d'una ASN, juntament amb un estudi de les seves limitacions. Finalment, s'ha introduït el mètode proposat per implemen­tar aplicacions de zones de so personal. Per tant, la implementació i l'anàlisi del rendiment de diferents aplicacions d'àudio sobre una ASN composta per dispositius mòbils i al­taveus inalàmbrics és també una contribució significativa a l'àrea de les ASN. Quan l'entorn acústic afecta negativament a la percepció del senyal d'àudio emesa pels altaveus de l'ASN, es fan servir tècniques d'equalització per a millorar la percepció del senyal d'àudio. En consequència, en aquesta tesi s'implementa un sistema d'equalització intel·ligent. Per això, s'utilitzen algoritmes psicoacústics per implementar un processament intel·ligent basat en el sistema audi­tiu humà capaç d'adaptar-se als canvis de l'entorn. Per aquest motiu, una altra contribució important d'aquesta tesi és l'anàlisi de l'emmascarament espectral entre dos sons complexos. Aquesta anàlisi permetrà calcular el llindar d'emmascarament d'un so sobre amb més precisió que els mètodes utilitzats actualment. Aquest mètode s'utilitza per a imple­mentar una aplicació d'equalització perceptual que pretén millorar la per­cepció del senyal d'àudio en presència d'un soroll ambiental. Per això, aquesta tesi proposa dos algoritmes d'equalització diferents: 1) la pree­qualització del senyal d'àudio perquè es percebi per damunt del llindar d'emmascarament del soroll ambiental i 2) dissenyar un control de soroll ambiental perceptiu en els sistemes d'equalització activa de soroll (ANE) de manera que el nivell de soroll ambiental percebut estiga per davall del llindar d'emmascarament del senyal d'àudio. Per tant, l'última aportació d'aquesta tesi és la implementació d'una aplicació d'equalització perceptiva amb els dos algoritmes d'equalització embeguts i l'anàlisi del seu rendiment a través del banc de proves realitzat al laboratori GTAC-iTEAM. / [EN] Audio systems have been extensively developed in recent years thanks to the increase of devices with high-performance processors able to per­form more efficient processing. In addition, wireless communications allow devices in a network to be located in different places without physical limitations. The combination of these technologies has led to the emergence of Acoustic Sensor Networks (ASN). An ASN is com­posed of nodes equipped with audio transducers, such as microphones or speakers. In the case of acoustic field monitoring, only acoustic sensors need to be incorporated into the ASN nodes. However, in the case of control applications, the nodes must interact with the acoustic field through loudspeakers. ASN can be implemented through low-cost devices, such as Rasp­berry Pi or mobile devices, capable of managing multiple mi­crophones and loudspeakers and offering good computational capacity. In addition, these devices can communicate through wireless connections, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Therefore, in this dissertation, an ASN composed of mobile devices connected to wireless speak­ers through a Bluetooth link is proposed. Additionally, the problem of syn­chronization between the devices in an ASN is one of the main challenges to be addressed since the audio processing performance is very sensitive to the lack of synchronism. Therefore, an analysis of the synchroniza­tion problem between devices connected to wireless speakers in an ASN is also carried out. In this regard, one of the main contributions is the analysis of the audio latency of mobile devices when the acoustic nodes in the ASN are comprised of mobile devices communicating with the corresponding loudspeakers through Bluetooth links. A second significant contribution of this dissertation is the implementation of a method to synchronize the different devices of an ASN, together with a study of its limitations. Finally, the proposed method has been introduced in order to implement personal sound zones (PSZ) applications. Therefore, the imple­mentation and analysis of the performance of different audio applications over an ASN composed of mobile devices and wireless speakers is also a significant contribution in the area of ASN. In cases where the acoustic environment negatively affects the percep­tion of the audio signal emitted by the ASN loudspeakers, equalization techniques are used with the objective of enhancing the perception thresh­old of the audio signal. For this purpose, a smart equalization system is implemented in this dissertation. In this regard, psychoacous­tic algorithms are employed to implement a smart processing based on the human hearing system capable of adapting to changes in the envi­ronment. Therefore, another important contribution of this thesis focuses on the analysis of the spectral masking between two complex sounds. This analysis will allow to calculate the masking threshold of one sound over the other in a more accurate way than the currently used methods. This method is used to implement a perceptual equalization application that aims to improve the perception threshold of the audio signal in presence of ambient noise. To this end, this thesis proposes two different equalization algorithms: 1) pre-equalizing the audio signal so that it is perceived above the ambient noise masking threshold and 2) designing a perceptual control of ambient noise in active noise equalization (ANE) systems, so that the perceived ambient noise level is below the masking threshold of the audio signal. Therefore, the last contribution of this dissertation is the imple­mentation of a perceptual equalization application with the two different embedded equalization algorithms and the analysis of their performance through the testbed carried out in the GTAC-iTEAM laboratory. / This work has received financial support of the following projects: • SSPRESING: Smart Sound Processing for the Digital Living (Reference: TEC2015-67387-C4-1-R. Entity: Ministerio de Economia y Empresa. Spain). • FPI: Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores (Reference: BES-2016-077899. Entity: Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Spain). DANCE: Dynamic Acoustic Networks for Changing Environments (Reference: RTI2018-098085-B-C41-AR. Entity: Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Spain). • DNOISE: Distributed Network of Active Noise Equalizers for Multi-User Sound Control (Reference: H2020-FETOPEN-4-2016-2017. Entity: I+D Colaborativa competitiva. Comisión de las comunidades europea). / Estreder Campos, J. (2022). Smart Sound Control in Acoustic Sensor Networks: a Perceptual Perspective [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181597

Deterministic model of the radio channel applied to the optimization of the UAV trajectory for optimum air-to-ground communication in the environment of future urban scenarios

Expósito García, Adrián 27 March 2023 (has links)
[ES] Las ciudades modernas están al límite de su capacidad en el plano horizontal. Muchas de ellas tienen un problema de tráfico muy complejo de paliar o resolver. La movilidad aérea urbana promete ser la revolución que puede resolver la saturación del tráfico en los futuros escenarios urbanos. Se espera que el crecimiento del mercado de la movilidad aérea urbana muestre una tendencia positiva constante, pero la tecnología asociada necesita aumentar su madurez. La gestión de múltiples vehículos aéreos, que dependen de tecnologías en auge como la inteligencia artificial y las estaciones de control en tierra automatizadas, requerirá una conexión tierra-aire-tierra sólida e ininterrumpida para completar sus trayectorias. La exigencia de una conexión ininterrumpida está naturalmente relacionada con una comprensión completa de los fenómenos que afectan al canal aire-tierra. La primera contribución es proponer un modelo de canal que pueda capturar las consecuencias de dichos fenómenos. Normalmente, un modelo de este tipo puede emitir el estado del canal en un punto determinado, prediciendo el estado del canal a lo largo de la trayectoria de la aeronave. Un modelo muy detallado exige herramientas y datos que proporcionen la información necesaria. La descripción y enumeración de cada pieza de información necesaria para una simulación de canal satisfactoria componen la segunda contribución. Una vez conocido el estado del canal, se pueden optimizar los puntos recorridos por la aeronave para cubrir aquellos con mejor rendimiento del canal. La tercera y última contribución es la propuesta de un conjunto de algoritmos de optimización para encontrar la ruta más adecuada. El algoritmo de optimización constituye el planificador de trayectorias, del que se espera que explore eficazmente el espacio de búsqueda y proponga una trayectoria que cumpla con los objetivos predefinidos: máxima calidad aire-tierra, disponibilidad y tiempo de vuelo. Cada método propuesto se pone a prueba en varios escenarios. Estos escenarios incluyen diversas situaciones que pueden estresar a los métodos y favorecer la elección de uno de ellos. Las situaciones incluidas son diferentes condiciones del terreno y zonas de exclusión aérea. / [CA] Les ciutats modernes estan al límit de la seua capacitat al pla horitzontal. Moltes tenen un problema de trànsit molt complex de pal·liar o resoldre. La mobilitat aèria urbana promet ser la revolució que pot resoldre la saturació del trànsit als futurs escenaris urbans. S'espera que el creixement del mercat de la mobilitat aèria urbana mostre una tendència positiva constant, però la tecnologia associada necessita augmentar-ne la maduresa. La gestió de múltiples vehicles aeris, que depenen de tecnologies en auge com la intel·ligència artificial i les estacions de control a terra automatitzades, requerirà una connexió terra-aire-terra sòlida i ininterrompuda per completar les seues trajectòries. L'exigència d'una connexió ininterrompuda està relacionada naturalment amb una comprensió completa dels fenòmens que afecten el canal aire-terra. La primera contribució és proposar un model de canal que puga capturar les conseqüències dels fenòmens esmentats. Normalment, un model d'aquest tipus pot emetre l'estat del canal en un punt determinat, predient l'estat del canal al llarg de la trajectòria de l'aeronau. Un model molt detallat exigeix eines i dades que proporcionen la informació necessària. La descripció i l'enumeració de cada peça d'informació necessària per a una simulació de canal satisfactòria componen la segona contribució. Una vegada conegut l'estat del canal, es poden optimitzar els punts recorreguts per l'aeronau per tal de cobrir aquells amb el millor rendiment del canal. La tercera i última contribució és la proposta d'un conjunt d'algorismes d'optimització per trobar la ruta més adequada. L'algorisme d'optimització constitueix el planificador de trajectòries, del qual s'espera que explore eficaçment l'espai de cerca i propose una trajectòria que complisca els objectius predefinits: màxima qualitat aire-terra, disponibilitat i temps de vol. Cada mètode proposat es posa a prova a diversos escenaris. Aquests escenaris inclouen diverses situacions que poden estressar els mètodes i afavorir-ne l'elecció. Les situacions incloses són diferents condicions del terreny i les zones d'exclusió aèria. / [EN] Modern cities are at the limit of their capacity in the horizontal plane. Many of them have a traffic problem that is highly complex to alleviate or solve. Urban air mobility promises to be the revolution that can solve traffic saturation in future urban scenarios. The growth of the urban air mobility market is expected to show a constant positive tendency, but the associated technology needs to raise its readiness levels. Managing aerial vehicle fleets, dependent on rising technologies such as artificial intelligence and automated ground control stations, will require a solid and uninterrupted connection to complete their trajectories. The requirement for an uninterrupted connection is naturally connected to a complete understanding of phenomena affecting the air-to-ground channel. The first contribution to the field is to propose a channel model that can capture the consequences of said phenomena. Typically, such a model can output the channel state at a given point, predicting the channel state throughout the aircraft's trajectory. A highly detailed model demands tools and data to deliver the necessary information. The description and enumeration of each piece of information required for a successful channel simulation compose the second contribution to the field. Once the channel state is known, the travelled points by the aircraft can be optimised to cover those with better channel performance. The third and last contribution to the field is proposing a set of optimisation algorithms to find the most suitable route. The optimisation algorithm forms the path planner, expected to efficiently explore the search space and propose a trajectory compliant with predefined objectives: maximum air-to-ground quality, availability, and flight time. Each proposed method is tested in various scenarios. These scenarios include various situations that can stress the methods and favour the choice of one. Included situations are different terrain conditions and no-fly zones. / Expósito García, A. (2023). Deterministic model of the radio channel applied to the optimization of the UAV trajectory for optimum air-to-ground communication in the environment of future urban scenarios [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192614

Design, Implementation and Validation of Resource-Aware and Resilient Wireless Networked Control Systems

Araújo, José January 2014 (has links)
Networked control over wireless networks is of growing importance in many application domains such as industrial control, building automation and transportation systems. Wide deployment however, requires systematic design tools to enable efficient resource usage while guaranteeing close-loop control performance. The control system may be greatly affected by the inherent imperfections and limitations of the wireless medium and malfunction of system components. In this thesis, we make five important contributions that address these issues.  In the first contribution, we consider event- and self-triggered control and investigate how to efficiently tune and execute these paradigms for appropriate control performance. Communication strategies for aperiodic control are devised, where we jointly address the selection of medium-access control and scheduling policies. Experimental results show that the best trade-off is obtained by a hybrid scheme, combining event- and self-triggered control together with contention-based and contention-free medium access control. The second contribution proposes an event-based method to select between fast and slow periodic sampling rates. The approach is based on linear quadratic control and the event condition is a quadratic function of the system state. Numerical and experimental results show that this hybrid controller is able to reduce the average sampling rate in comparison to a traditional periodic controller, while achieving the same closed-loop control performance. In the third contribution, we develop compensation methods for out-of-order communications and time-varying delays using a game-theoretic minimax control framework. We devise a linear temporal coding strategy where the sensor combines the current and previous measurements into a single packet to be transmitted. An experimental evaluation is performed in a multi-hop networked control scenario with a routing layer vulnerability exploited by a malicious application. The experimental and numerical results show the advantages of the proposed compensation schemes. The fourth contribution proposes a distributed reconfiguration method for sensor and actuator networks. We consider systems where sensors and actuators cooperate to recover from faults. Reconfiguration is performed to achieve model-matching, while minimizing the steady-state estimation error covariance and a linear quadratic control cost. The reconfiguration scheme is implemented in a room heating testbed, and experimental results demonstrate the method's ability to automatically reconfigure the faulty system in a distributed and fast manner. The final contribution is a co-simulator, which combines the control system simulator Simulink with the wireless network simulator COOJA. The co-simulator integrates physical plant dynamics with realistic wireless network models and the actual embedded software running on the networked devices. Hence, it allows for the validation of the complete wireless networked control system, including the study of the interactions between software and hardware components. / <p>QC 20140929</p>

Radio over Fiber (RoF) for the future home area networks / Radio sur fibre pour la future génération de réseau locaux domestiques

Guillory, Joffray 30 October 2012 (has links)
L'évolution des Réseaux Locaux Domestiques (RLD) est influencée par l'augmentation irréfrénée du nombre de terminaux connectés dans nos domiciles et par le déploiement de réseaux d'accès optiques haut débit qui délivrent désormais des services dépassant le Gigabit/s. Pour continuer à échanger efficacement les données, les RLD doivent évoluer vers le multi-Gigabit/s, et plus particulièrement la très appréciée connectivité sans fil. Les systèmes radio actuels ont des capacités limitées, néanmoins de nouveaux standards dont le débit excède 7Gbit/s voient le jour. Mais comme ces derniers exploitent la bande millimétrique, entre 57 et 66 GHz, leur couverture radio est limitée à la taille d'une pièce. En effet, à de telles fréquences, les pertes en espace libre sont très élevées et les ondes ne traversent pas les murs. Cette thèse propose de résoudre cette limitation au moyen de solutions Radio sur Fibre (RoF pour Radio over Fiber). Cette technique consiste à capturer les signaux radio émis dans une première pièce, puis à les convertir en signaux optiques pour les transmettre par fibre optique jusqu'à une seconde pièce où ils seront réémis. Plusieurs transducteurs RoF seront donc installés dans le domicile et interconnectés entre eux au moyen d'une infrastructure optique adaptée, créant ainsi des systèmes se comportant à la fois comme répéteurs and comme système de distribution. Pour le marché du RLD, de telles solutions sont compétitives que si elles sont bas coût. Par conséquent, ce travail se focalise sur la modulation directe avec détection directe (IM-DD) en Fréquence Intermédiaire (FI). En d'autres termes, le signal radio à 60GHz est translaté à une plus faible fréquence, autour de 5GHz, pour moduler directement un laser, puis il est restitué à 60GHz après la détection directe. Concernant la fibre optique, la multimode silice (MMF) est privilégiée puisqu'elle permet l'utilisation de composants optoélectroniques bas coût et largement disponible. Cette thèse propose différentes architectures RoF, de la point-à-point reliant deux pièces à la multipoint-à-multipoint agissant comme un bus logique. Après une caractérisation analogique des composants optoélectroniques, du lien RoF et du câble domestique, ces architectures sont construites et caractérisées étape par étape sur la base d'une modulation OFDM conforme aux standards radio 60GHz. Des transmissions temps réel entre terminaux commerciaux sont également réalisées afin de valider ces architectures. Pour finir, des infrastructures RoF avancées sont proposées. Premièrement, les systèmes RoF peuvent être améliorés si l'accès à leur couche optique est contrôlé par la couche MAC radio. Cette approche est donc étudiée, démontrant ainsi sa faisabilité. Deuxièmement, les systèmes optiques, perçus par les utilisateurs comme des produits premium, doivent supporter aussi bien les services de base du RLD que ceux qui vont émerger dans les années à venir. Ainsi, des infrastructures multiservice and multiformat innovantes transportant sur un unique câble optique des données IP, la télévision hertzienne et satellite, les signaux radio 60GHz et d'autres formats spécifiques tels que l'HDMI sont proposées puis testées / The evolution of the Home Area Network (HAN) is lead by the proliferation of connected devices inside the home and the deployment of high broadband access network which now allows the delivery of services that can exceed 1Gbit/s. To ensure efficient in-house exchanges, the HAN has to move rapidly toward multi-Gigabit/s connections, in particular the wireless connectivity generally preferred by the customers. Current wireless systems have limited capacities, but new radio standards delivering data-rates up to 7Gbit/s are emerging. Nevertheless, as they address the unlicensed millimeter-wave band, from 57 to 66 GHz, their radio coverage is limited to a single room. Indeed, at such frequencies, the free-space losses are high and the waves do not cross the walls. This thesis proposes to solve this problem by means of the Radio over Fiber (RoF) technology. This consists in capturing the 60GHz radio signals emitted in one room, converting them into optical signals for transmission through optical fibers, and reemitting them in another room. Thus, several RoF transducers will be installed in the home and interconnected by a suitable optical infrastructure to create systems acting at the same time as repeaters and as distribution systems. From the viewpoint of the HAN market, such systems will be competitive only if they are low cost. As a consequence, this work focuses on direct modulation with direct detection (IM-DD) at Intermediate Frequency (IF). In other words, the 60GHz signal is down-converted at a lower frequency around 5GHz before the laser modulation and up-converted to 60GHz after the photodetection. Concerning the optical fiber, silica multimode fiber (MMF) is privileged as it allows the use of low cost and largely available optoelectronic devices working at 850nm.The thesis proposes different RoF architectures, from point-to-point interconnecting two rooms to multipoint-to-multipoint acting as logical buses. After an analog characterization of the optoelectronic components, the RoF link and the domestic cable, these architectures are designed, built and characterized step by step using OFDM modulation according to existing wireless 60GHz standards. Real-time transmissions between commercial devices have also been performed to validate these architectures. Moreover, advanced RoF infrastructures are proposed. First, the RoF systems can be easily improved if the access to their optical media is managed by the radio MAC layer. This approach is therefore studied showing its feasibility. Secondly, an optical system, seen by users as a premium product, has to support the legacy home services commonly used as well as the new ones that could emerge in the future. Thus, innovative multiservice and multiformat infrastructures conveying on a unique optical cable wired IP data, broadcast terrestrial or satellite television, the 60GHz wireless connectivity, and specific formats as HDMI signals are proposed and tested

Stratégies de coopération dans les réseaux radio cognitif / Cooperation strategies in radio cognitive networks

Kouassi, Boris Rodrigue 25 October 2013 (has links)
Les réseaux radio actuelles utilisent le spectre inefficacement, car une bande de fréquence est allouée de façon permanente à une technologie spécifique. Vu que le spectre est une ressource limitée, cette attribution statique ne pourra bientôt plus combler les besoins des systèmes de transmission qui ne cessent de croître. On peut toutefois optimiser l'utilisation du spectre en permettant des transmissions secondaires (SU) dans les espaces libres du primaire (PU). Cette vision constitue l'objectif principal de la radio cognitive. Nous proposons d'évaluer les stratégies de transmission pour la coexistence des systèmes primaires (PU) et SU dans les mêmes réseaux. Plus concrètement, nous nous focalisons sur un scénario spatial interweave en émettant les signaux SU dans les espaces vides du PU à l'aide d'un précodeur linéaire. Néanmoins, ce précodage nécessite une connaissance a priori des canaux interférents. L'échange d'informations entre le PU et le SU étant proscrit, nous exploitons l'hypothèse de la réciprocité du canal. Cette hypothèse compense l'absence de coopération, mais elle n'est pas si évidente à exploiter en pratique à cause des perturbations des circuits radio fréquence. Nous suggérons de compenser ces perturbations par des méthodes de calibration relative. Nous proposons ensuite une implémentation temps-réel des solutions sur une plateforme LTE. Pour finir, nous généralisons l'approche RC à un système de transmission multi-utilisateurs, à travers une combinaison des techniques RC et massive MIMO, cette approche constitue s’établit comme une solution à la progression exponentielle du trafic. / The accelerated evolution of wireless transmission in recent years has dramatically increased the spectrum overcrowding. Indeed, the spectrum is inefficiently used in the conventional networks, since a frequency band is statically allocated to a specific technology called primary (PU). Whereas the radio spectrum is limited, this static frequency allocation will no longer be able to meet the increasing needs of bandwidth. However, the spectrum can be optimally used in enabling secondary (SU) transmissions, provided the latters do not harm the PU. This opportunistic vision of wireless transmissions is the main aim of Cognitive Radio (CR). CR enables smart use of wireless resources and is a key ingredient to perform high spectral efficiency. We focus on a spatial interweave (SIW) CR scenario which exploits the spatial white spaces to enable SU transmissions. The latter forms spatial beams using precoders, so that there is no interference towards the primary. Nevertheless, this precoding requires acquisition of the crosslink channel. However, due to the lack of cooperation between PU and SU, we acquire the channel thanks to channel reciprocity. Furthermore, the practical use of the reciprocity is not as straightforward as in theory, because it is is jeopardized by the nonreciprocal radio frequency front-ends. These perturbations are compensated in our study by relative calibration algorithms. Subsequently, we propose an implementation of our solutions in a real-time LTE platform. Eventually, we extend the CR model to a MU system in suggesting a combination of SIW and massive MIMO techniques. This scheme is an interesting candidate to overcome the exponential traffic growth.

Applications of Adaptive Antennas in Third-Generation Mobile Communications Systems

Lau, Buon Kiong January 2002 (has links)
Adaptive antenna systems (AAS's) are traditionally of interest only in radar and sonar applications. However, since the onset of the explosive growth in demand for wireless communications during the 1990's, researchers are giving increasing attention to the use of AAS technology to overcome practical challenges in providing the service. The main benefit of the technology lies in its ability to exploit the spatial domain, on top of the temporal and frequency domains, to improve on transceiver performance. This thesis presents a unified study on two classes of preprocessing techniques for uniform circular arrays (UCA's). UCA's are of interest because of their natural ability to provide a full azimuth (i.e. 360') coverage found in typical scenarios for sensor array applications, such as radar, sonar and wireless communications. The two classes of preprocessing techniques studied are the Davies transformation and the interpolated array transformations. These techniques yield a mathematically more convenient form - the Vandermonde form - for the array steering vector via a linear transformation. The Vandermonde form is useful for different applications such as direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation and optimum or minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming in correlated signal environment and beampattem synthesis. A novel interpolated array transformation is proposed to overcome limitations in the existing interpolated array transformations. A disadvantage of the two classes of preprocessing techniques for UCA's with omnidirectional elements is the lack of robustness in the transformed array steering vector to array imperfections under certain conditions. In order to mitigate the robustness problem, optimisation problems are formulated to modify the transformation matrices. / Suitable optimisation techniques are then applied to obtain more robust transformations. The improved transformations are shown to improve robustness but at the cost of larger transformation errors. The benefits of the robustification procedure are most apparent in DOA estimation. In addition to the algorithm level studies, the thesis also investigates the use of AAS technology with respect to two different third generation (3G) mobile communications systems: Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution (EDGE) and Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). EDGE, or more generally GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network (GERAN), is the evolution of the widely successful GSM system to provide 3G mobile services in the existing radio spectrum. It builds on the TDMA technology of GSM and relies on improved coding and higher order modulation schemes to provide packet-based services at high data rates. WCDMA, on the other hand, is based on CDMA technology and is specially designed and streamlined for 3G mobile services. For WCDMA, a single-user approach to DOA estimation which utilises the user spreading code and the pulse-shaped chip waveform is proposed. It is shown that the proposed approach produces promising performance improvements. The studies with EDGE are concerned with the evaluation of a simple AAS at the system and link levels. / Results from, the system and link level simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of AAS technology in the new mobile communications system. Finally, it is noted that the WCDMA and EDGE link level simulations employ the newly developed COST259 directional channel model, which is capable of producing accurate channel realisations of macrocell environments for the evaluation of AAS's.

Genetic algorithms for scheduling in multiuser MIMO wireless communication systems

Elliott, Robert C. 06 1900 (has links)
Multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) techniques have been proposed to meet the needs for higher data rates and lower delays in future wireless communication systems. The downlink capacity of multiuser MIMO systems is achieved when the system transmits to several users simultaneously. Frequently, many more users request service than the transmitter can simultaneously support. Thus, the transmitter requires a scheduling algorithm for the users, which must balance the goals of increasing throughput, reducing multiuser interference, lowering delays, ensuring fairness and quality of service (QoS), etc. In this thesis, we investigate the application of genetic algorithms (GAs) to perform scheduling in multiuser MIMO systems. GAs are a fast, suboptimal, low-complexity method of solving optimization problems, such as the maximization of a scheduling metric, and can handle arbitrary functions and QoS constraints. We first examine a system that transmits using capacity-achieving dirty paper coding (DPC). Our proposed GA structure both selects users and determines their encoding order for DPC, which affects the rates they receive. Our GA can also schedule users independently on different carriers of a multi-carrier system. We demonstrate that the GA performance is close to that of an optimal exhaustive search, but at a greatly reduced complexity. We further show that the GA convergence time can be significantly reduced by tuning the values of its parameters. While DPC is capacity-achieving, it is also very complex. Thus, we also investigate GA scheduling with two linear precoding schemes, block diagonalization and successive zero-forcing. We compare the complexity and performance of the GA with "greedy" scheduling algorithms, and find the GA is more complex, but performs better at higher signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and smaller user pool sizes. Both algorithms are near-optimal, yet much less complex than an exhaustive search. We also propose hybrid greedy-genetic algorithms to gain benefits from both types of algorithms. Lastly, we propose an improved method of optimizing the transmit covariance matrices for successive zero-forcing. Our algorithm significantly improves upon the performance of the existing method at medium to high SNRs, and, unlike the existing method, can maximize a weighted sum rate, which is important for fairness and QoS considerations. / Communications

Genetic algorithms for scheduling in multiuser MIMO wireless communication systems

Elliott, Robert C. Unknown Date
No description available.

Differential modulation and non-coherent detection in wireless relay networks

2014 January 1900 (has links)
The technique of cooperative communications is finding its way in the next generations of many wireless communication applications. Due to the distributed nature of cooperative networks, acquiring fading channels information for coherent detection is more challenging than in the traditional point-to-point communications. To bypass the requirement of channel information, differential modulation together with non-coherent detection can be deployed. This thesis is concerned with various issues related to differential modulation and non-coherent detection in cooperative networks. Specifically, the thesis examines the behavior and robustness of non-coherent detection in mobile environments (i.e., time-varying channels). The amount of channel variation is related to the normalized Doppler shift which is a function of user’s mobility. The Doppler shift is used to distinguish between slow time-varying (slow-fading) and rapid time-varying (fast-fading) channels. The performance of several important relay topologies, including single-branch and multi-branch dual-hop relaying with/without a direct link that employ amplify-and-forward relaying and two-symbol non-coherent detection, is analyzed. For this purpose, a time-series model is developed for characterizing the time-varying nature of the cascaded channel encountered in amplify-and-forward relaying. Also, for single-branch and multi-branch dual-hop relaying without a direct link, multiple-symbol differential detection is developed. First, for a single-branch dual-hop relaying without a direct link, the performance of two-symbol differential detection in time-varying Rayleigh fading channels is evaluated. It is seen that the performance degrades in rapid time-varying channels. Then, a multiple-symbol differential detection is developed and analyzed to improve the system performance in fast-fading channels. Next, a multi-branch dual-hop relaying with a direct link is considered. The performance of this relay topology using a linear combining method and two-symbol differential detection is examined in time-varying Rayleigh fading channels. New combining weights are proposed and shown to improve the system performance in fast-fading channels. The performance of the simpler selection combining at the destination is also investigated in general time-varying channels. It is illustrated that the selection combining method performs very close to that of the linear combining method. Finally, differential distributed space-time coding is studied for a multi-branch dual-hop relaying network without a direct link. The performance of this network using two-symbol differential detection in terms of diversity over time-varying channels is evaluated. It is seen that the achieved diversity is severely affected by the channel variation. Moreover, a multiple-symbol differential detection is designed to improve the performance of the differential distributed space-time coding in fast-fading channels.

Transceiver optimization for energy-efficient multiantenna cellular networks

Tervo, O. (Oskari) 15 May 2018 (has links)
Abstract This thesis focuses on the timely problem of energy-efficient transmission for wireless multiantenna cellular systems. The emphasis is on transmit beamforming (BF) and active antenna set optimization to maximize the network-wide energy efficiency (EE) metric, i.e., the number of transmitted bits per energy unit. The fundamental novelty of EE optimization is that it incorporates the transceivers' processing power in addition to the actual transmit power in the BF design. The key features of the thesis are that it focuses on sophisticated power consumption models (PCMs), giving useful insights into the EE of current cellular systems in particular, and provides mathematical tools for EE optimization in future wireless networks generally. The BF problem is first studied in a multiuser multiple-input single-output system by using a PCM scaling with transmit power and the number of active radio frequency (RF) chains. To find the best performance, a globally optimal solution based on a branch-reduce-and-bound (BRB) method is proposed, and two efficient designs based on zero-forcing and successive convex approximation (SCA) are derived for practical applications. Next, joint BF and antenna selection (JBAS) is studied, which can switch off some RF chains for further EE improvements. An optimal BRB method and efficient SCA-based algorithms exploiting continuous relaxation (CR) or sparse BF are proposed to solve the resulting mixed-Boolean nonconvex problem (MBNP). In a multi-cell system, energy-efficient coordinated BF is explored under two optimization targets: 1) the network EE maximization and 2) the weighted sum EEmax (WsumEEmax). A more sophisticated PCM scaling also with the data rate and the associated computational complexity is assumed. The SCA-based methods are derived to solve these problems in a centralized manner, and distributed algorithms relying only on the local channel state information and limited backhaul signaling are then proposed. The WsumEEmax problem is solved using SCA combined with an alternating direction method of multipliers, and iterative closed-form algorithms having easily derivable computational complexity are developed to solve both problems. The work is subsequently extended to a multi-cell multigroup multicasting system, where user groups request multicasting data. For the MBNP, a modeling method to improve the performance of the SCA for solving the CR is proposed, aiming at encouraging the relaxed Boolean variables to converge at the binary values. A second approach based on sparse BF, which introduces no Boolean variables, is also derived. The methods are then modified to solve the EE and sum rate trade-off problem. Finally, the BF design with multiantenna receivers is considered, where the users can receive both unicasting and multicasting data simultaneously. The performances of the developed algorithms are assessed via thorough computer simulations. The results show that the proposed algorithms provide 30-300% EE improvements over various conventional methods in the BF optimization, and that JBAS techniques can offer further gains of more than 100%. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy ajankohtaiseen energiatehokkaaseen lähetinsuunnitteluun langattomissa solukkoverkoissa, joissa suorituskykymittarina käytetään energiatehokkuuden (energy efficiency (EE)) maksimointia, eli kuinka monta bittiä pystytään lähettämään yhtä energiayksikköä kohti. Työn painopiste on lähettimien keilanmuodostuksen (beamforming (BF)) ja aktiivisten lähetinantennien optimoinnissa. EE-optimoinnin uutuusarvo on ottaa lähettimien prosessoinnin tehonkulutus huomioon keilanmuodostuksen suunnittelussa, varsinaisen lähetystehon lisäksi. Työ antaa hyvän käsityksen erityisesti tämänhetkisten solukkoverkkojen energiatehokkuudesta, ja luo työkaluja EE-optimointiin tulevaisuuden järjestelmissä. Ensin suunnitellaan keilanmuodostus yksisolumallissa, jossa tehonkulutus kasvaa lähetystehon ja aktiivisten radiotaajuusketjujen lukumäärän mukana. Ongelmaan johdetaan optimaalinen ratkaisu, ja kaksi käytännöllistä menetelmää perustuen nollaanpakotukseen tai peräkkäinen konveksi approksimaatio (successive convex approximation (SCA)) -ideaan. Seuraavaksi keskitytään keilanmuodostuksen ja antenninvalinnan yhteisoptimointiin (joint beamforming and antenna selection (JBAS)), jossa radiotaajuusketjuja voidaan sulkea EE:n parantamiseksi. Tähän ehdotetaan optimaalinen menetelmä ja kaksi käytännöllistä SCA-menetelmää perustuen binääristen ja jatkuvien muuttujien yhteisoptimointiongelman relaksaatioon, tai harvan vektorin optimointiin. Monisoluverkon EE-optimoinnissa käytetään yksityiskohtaisempaa tehonkulutusmallia, joka skaalautuu myös datanopeuden ja prosessoinnin monimutkaisuuden mukaan. Työssä käytetään kahta suorituskyvyn mittaria: 1) koko verkon energiatehokkuuden, ja 2) painotettujen energiatehokkuuksien summien maksimointia (weighted sum EEmax (WsumEEmax)). Ensin johdetaan keskitetyt ratkaisut SCA-ideaa käyttäen. Tämän jälkeen keskitytään hajautettuun optimointiin, joka pystytään toteuttamaan paikallisen kanavatiedon avulla, kun matalanopeuksinen skalaariarvojen jako on käytettävissä tukiasemien välillä. Ensin WsumEEmax-ongelma ratkaistaan yhdistämällä SCA ja kerrointen vaihtelevan suunnan menetelmä, ja lisäksi ehdotetaan iteratiivinen suljetun muodon ratkaisu molempiin ongelmiin, joka mahdollistaa tarkan laskennallisen monimutkaisuuden määrityksen. Lopussa työ laajennetaan monisoluverkkoon, jossa tukiasemat palvelevat käyttäjäryhmiä ryhmälähetyksenä. Keskittymällä JBAS-ongelmaan, ensin ehdotetaan lähestymistapa parantaa SCA-menetelmän suorituskykyä yhteisoptimointiongelman relaksaation ratkaisemisessa. Toinen yksinkertaisempi lähestymistapa perustuu harvan vektorin optimointiin, joka ei vaadi binäärisiä muuttujia. Lisäksi menetelmiä muunnellaan myös energiatehokkuuden ja summadatanopeuden kompromissin optimointiin. Lopussa työ ottaa huomioon vielä moniantennivastaanottimet, joka mahdollistaa sekä täsmälähetyksen että ryhmälähetyksen samanaikaisesti. Menetelmien suorituskykyä arvioidaan laajamittaisilla tietokonesimulaatioilla. Tulokset näyttävät väitöskirjan menetelmien lisäävän energiatehokkuutta 30-300% verrattuna lukuisiin perinteisiin menetelmiin BF-optimoinnissa, ja JBAS-menetelmät antavat vielä yli 100% lisää suorituskykyä.

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