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Emotionally Smart Makes You More Motivated: Associations between Emotional Intelligence, Motivation, and Work Outcomes in Police Source HandlersSaad, Karene 19 July 2011 (has links)
Emotional intelligence and self-determined motivation have been independently identified as important personal variables that are liable to foster optimal work functioning. However, the relationship between these two variables has never been assessed. Furthermore, research has also provided evidence that supervisor support, a social variable, is considered to be a significant source of influence on self-determined behaviour regulation. Thus the primary objective of the project was to jointly assess emotional intelligence and supervisor support as antecedents of self-determined work motivation; secondly, to assess the associations of self-determined work motivation on work outcome variables and psychological welfare; and thirdly, to examine the association between emotional intelligence and psychological well-being on 512 police source handlers. Specifically, it was proposed that emotional intelligence would be positively associated to self-determined work motivation and would display a unique association with work motivation, once the variance from supervisor support has been controlled for. It was further proposed that self-determined work motivation would, in turn, be positively associated with positive work outcomes; specifically, job satisfaction, job performance, future work intentions, and psychological well-being. Lastly, it was hypothesized that emotional intelligence would be positively associated to psychological well-being. Data was analyzed using structural equations modeling. Results revealed that emotional intelligence and supervisor support were both uniquely associated with work motivation. Together, these two variables explained a high proportion of the variance of work motivation. Work motivation, in turn, was positively associated with job satisfaction, job performance, future work intention, and psychological well-being. Emotional intelligence and psychological well-being were also positively associated. Overall, the findings of this thesis provide a basis for future research aimed at determining the causal relationship between emotional intelligence and self-determined motivation. It is further suggested that findings gleaned from this study can provide a better understanding of how certain interpersonal behaviours can impact specific work outcomes, which can provide researchers and practitioners with information to improve individual and organizational outcomes of interest.
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Emotionally Smart Makes You More Motivated: Associations between Emotional Intelligence, Motivation, and Work Outcomes in Police Source HandlersSaad, Karene 19 July 2011 (has links)
Emotional intelligence and self-determined motivation have been independently identified as important personal variables that are liable to foster optimal work functioning. However, the relationship between these two variables has never been assessed. Furthermore, research has also provided evidence that supervisor support, a social variable, is considered to be a significant source of influence on self-determined behaviour regulation. Thus the primary objective of the project was to jointly assess emotional intelligence and supervisor support as antecedents of self-determined work motivation; secondly, to assess the associations of self-determined work motivation on work outcome variables and psychological welfare; and thirdly, to examine the association between emotional intelligence and psychological well-being on 512 police source handlers. Specifically, it was proposed that emotional intelligence would be positively associated to self-determined work motivation and would display a unique association with work motivation, once the variance from supervisor support has been controlled for. It was further proposed that self-determined work motivation would, in turn, be positively associated with positive work outcomes; specifically, job satisfaction, job performance, future work intentions, and psychological well-being. Lastly, it was hypothesized that emotional intelligence would be positively associated to psychological well-being. Data was analyzed using structural equations modeling. Results revealed that emotional intelligence and supervisor support were both uniquely associated with work motivation. Together, these two variables explained a high proportion of the variance of work motivation. Work motivation, in turn, was positively associated with job satisfaction, job performance, future work intention, and psychological well-being. Emotional intelligence and psychological well-being were also positively associated. Overall, the findings of this thesis provide a basis for future research aimed at determining the causal relationship between emotional intelligence and self-determined motivation. It is further suggested that findings gleaned from this study can provide a better understanding of how certain interpersonal behaviours can impact specific work outcomes, which can provide researchers and practitioners with information to improve individual and organizational outcomes of interest.
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Emotionally Smart Makes You More Motivated: Associations between Emotional Intelligence, Motivation, and Work Outcomes in Police Source HandlersSaad, Karene 19 July 2011 (has links)
Emotional intelligence and self-determined motivation have been independently identified as important personal variables that are liable to foster optimal work functioning. However, the relationship between these two variables has never been assessed. Furthermore, research has also provided evidence that supervisor support, a social variable, is considered to be a significant source of influence on self-determined behaviour regulation. Thus the primary objective of the project was to jointly assess emotional intelligence and supervisor support as antecedents of self-determined work motivation; secondly, to assess the associations of self-determined work motivation on work outcome variables and psychological welfare; and thirdly, to examine the association between emotional intelligence and psychological well-being on 512 police source handlers. Specifically, it was proposed that emotional intelligence would be positively associated to self-determined work motivation and would display a unique association with work motivation, once the variance from supervisor support has been controlled for. It was further proposed that self-determined work motivation would, in turn, be positively associated with positive work outcomes; specifically, job satisfaction, job performance, future work intentions, and psychological well-being. Lastly, it was hypothesized that emotional intelligence would be positively associated to psychological well-being. Data was analyzed using structural equations modeling. Results revealed that emotional intelligence and supervisor support were both uniquely associated with work motivation. Together, these two variables explained a high proportion of the variance of work motivation. Work motivation, in turn, was positively associated with job satisfaction, job performance, future work intention, and psychological well-being. Emotional intelligence and psychological well-being were also positively associated. Overall, the findings of this thesis provide a basis for future research aimed at determining the causal relationship between emotional intelligence and self-determined motivation. It is further suggested that findings gleaned from this study can provide a better understanding of how certain interpersonal behaviours can impact specific work outcomes, which can provide researchers and practitioners with information to improve individual and organizational outcomes of interest.
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Emotionally Smart Makes You More Motivated: Associations between Emotional Intelligence, Motivation, and Work Outcomes in Police Source HandlersSaad, Karene January 2011 (has links)
Emotional intelligence and self-determined motivation have been independently identified as important personal variables that are liable to foster optimal work functioning. However, the relationship between these two variables has never been assessed. Furthermore, research has also provided evidence that supervisor support, a social variable, is considered to be a significant source of influence on self-determined behaviour regulation. Thus the primary objective of the project was to jointly assess emotional intelligence and supervisor support as antecedents of self-determined work motivation; secondly, to assess the associations of self-determined work motivation on work outcome variables and psychological welfare; and thirdly, to examine the association between emotional intelligence and psychological well-being on 512 police source handlers. Specifically, it was proposed that emotional intelligence would be positively associated to self-determined work motivation and would display a unique association with work motivation, once the variance from supervisor support has been controlled for. It was further proposed that self-determined work motivation would, in turn, be positively associated with positive work outcomes; specifically, job satisfaction, job performance, future work intentions, and psychological well-being. Lastly, it was hypothesized that emotional intelligence would be positively associated to psychological well-being. Data was analyzed using structural equations modeling. Results revealed that emotional intelligence and supervisor support were both uniquely associated with work motivation. Together, these two variables explained a high proportion of the variance of work motivation. Work motivation, in turn, was positively associated with job satisfaction, job performance, future work intention, and psychological well-being. Emotional intelligence and psychological well-being were also positively associated. Overall, the findings of this thesis provide a basis for future research aimed at determining the causal relationship between emotional intelligence and self-determined motivation. It is further suggested that findings gleaned from this study can provide a better understanding of how certain interpersonal behaviours can impact specific work outcomes, which can provide researchers and practitioners with information to improve individual and organizational outcomes of interest.
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Berufstätigkeit und psychische Komorbidität nach OrgantransplantationWinkler geb. Herrmann, Teresa Johanna 23 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Wiederaufnahme einer produktiven Beschäftigung ist ein wesentliches Ziel der Rehabilitation nach Organtransplantation. In Deutschland ist jedoch die Mehrheit der organtransplantierten Patienten im erwerbsfähigen Alter frühberentet. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel, die Beschäftigungssituation Organtransplantierter und mögliche Einflussfaktoren am Universitätsklinikum Leipzig zu untersuchen. Dabei interessiert insbesondere der Einfluss der psychischen Komorbidität auf die berufliche Reintegration. Im Rahmen einer katamnestischen Querschnittsstudie wurden insgesamt 82 Patienten ein bis acht Jahre nach Leber-, Nieren- oder Pankreastransplantation befragt. Neben der Beschäftigungssituation und der psychischen Komorbidität (SKID-I, HADS), wurden soziodemografische, medizinische und arbeitsbezogene Merkmale sowie die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-C30) als potenzielle Einflussfaktoren auf die Arbeitswiederaufnahme und die psychische Komorbidität erhoben. Die Auswertung der Daten zeigt, dass berufstätige Organtransplantierte eine signifikant bessere gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität haben und signifikant seltener unter psychischer Komorbidität leiden als frühberentete Organtransplantierte. Dieser Zusammenhang sollte Beachtung finden bei der Rehabilitation und Nachsorge transplantierter Patienten. Ziel muss es sein, die berufliche Reintegration zu fördern und gleichzeitig psychische Komorbidität auch im Langzeitverlauf nach Transplantation frühzeitig zu erkennen und adäquat zu behandeln, um das Risiko für Frühberentung zu senken und eine verbesserte Lebensqualität und damit auch den Gesamterfolg der Transplantation langfristig zu sichern.
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Berufstätigkeit und psychische Komorbidität nach OrgantransplantationWinkler geb. Herrmann, Teresa Johanna 23 July 2014 (has links)
Die Wiederaufnahme einer produktiven Beschäftigung ist ein wesentliches Ziel der Rehabilitation nach Organtransplantation. In Deutschland ist jedoch die Mehrheit der organtransplantierten Patienten im erwerbsfähigen Alter frühberentet. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel, die Beschäftigungssituation Organtransplantierter und mögliche Einflussfaktoren am Universitätsklinikum Leipzig zu untersuchen. Dabei interessiert insbesondere der Einfluss der psychischen Komorbidität auf die berufliche Reintegration. Im Rahmen einer katamnestischen Querschnittsstudie wurden insgesamt 82 Patienten ein bis acht Jahre nach Leber-, Nieren- oder Pankreastransplantation befragt. Neben der Beschäftigungssituation und der psychischen Komorbidität (SKID-I, HADS), wurden soziodemografische, medizinische und arbeitsbezogene Merkmale sowie die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-C30) als potenzielle Einflussfaktoren auf die Arbeitswiederaufnahme und die psychische Komorbidität erhoben. Die Auswertung der Daten zeigt, dass berufstätige Organtransplantierte eine signifikant bessere gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität haben und signifikant seltener unter psychischer Komorbidität leiden als frühberentete Organtransplantierte. Dieser Zusammenhang sollte Beachtung finden bei der Rehabilitation und Nachsorge transplantierter Patienten. Ziel muss es sein, die berufliche Reintegration zu fördern und gleichzeitig psychische Komorbidität auch im Langzeitverlauf nach Transplantation frühzeitig zu erkennen und adäquat zu behandeln, um das Risiko für Frühberentung zu senken und eine verbesserte Lebensqualität und damit auch den Gesamterfolg der Transplantation langfristig zu sichern.
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Les déterminants biopsychosociaux de la réadaptation de travailleurs accidentés du travailLaisné, François 05 1900 (has links)
Malgré des années de recherches sur la douleur et les incapacités chroniques, peu de conclusions claires émergent quant aux facteurs de risque les plus pertinents. La majorité des auteurs s’entendent toutefois sur un fait, les troubles musculo-squelettiques et l’adaptation à leurs nombreuses conséquences est un processus complexe, multidimensionnel et déterminé par l’interaction de facteurs biopsychosociaux. Deux articles sont présentés avec comme objectifs généraux d’identifier les déterminants importants de l’ajustement à un trouble musculo-squelettique. Le premier article consiste en une recension des écrits systématique visant à résumer tous les facteurs pronostiques biopsychosociaux de l’ajustement multidimensionnel aux troubles musculo-squelettiques et examinant leur pertinence à déterminer ces divers indicateurs d’ajustement, principalement la participation au travail, les limitations fonctionnelles, la douleur, la qualité de la vie, la détresse psychologique et la rechute. Les 105 études prospectives recensées et correspondant aux critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion ont été analysés et chaque association significative a été résumée. Par la suite, 68 études qui ont inclus des facteurs sociodémographiques, biologiques, psychologiques et sociaux ont été analysées séparément. Leur qualité méthodologique a été évaluée, un niveau d’évidence a par la suite été établi pour chaque association entre les facteurs de risque et les diverses variables de résultats. Les divergences dans ces associations entre les différentes phases de chronicité ont également été identifiées. Un niveau d’évidence élevée a été découvert concernant le rôle des attentes de rétablissement, certaines pratiques de gestion intégrées de l’incapacité, les stratégies d’adaptation (coping), la somatisation, la comorbidité, la durée de l’épisode symptomatique et un niveau modéré d’évidence a été découvert pour les comportements de douleur. Lorsque vient le temps de prédire les divers indicateurs d’ajustement de sujets souffrant de troubles musculo-squelettiques, chacun tend à être associé à des facteurs de risque différents. Peu de différences ont été relevées lorsque les phases de chronicité ont été prises en compte. Ces résultats confirment la nature biopsychosociale de l’ajustement aux troubles musculo-squelettiques bien que les facteurs psychosociaux semblent être prédominants.
Le second article est une étude prospective avec un suivi de 2 et 8 mois. Elle a été menée auprès de 62 travailleurs accidentés, principalement en phase de chronicité et prestataires d’indemnités de revenu de la CSST (Commission en Santé et Sécurité du Travail du Québec). L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les déterminants de l’engagement actif dans un processus de retour a travail par opposition à l’incapacité chronique, tout en adoptant une approche biopsychosociale. Cet objectif a été poursuivi en faisant l’étude, d’une part, de la pertinence de facteurs de risque ayant déjà fait l’objet d’études mais pour lesquelles aucun consensus n’est atteint quant à leur utilité prédictive et d’autre part, de certains facteurs de risque négligés, voire, même omis de ce domaine de recherche. Suite à des analyses multivariées, le genre, les attentes de rétablissement en terme de capacité à retourner au travail et l’importance du travail ont été identifiés comme des déterminants de l’incapacité chronique liée au travail. Après 8 mois, l’âge, la consolidation médicale, les symptômes traumatiques, le support au travail et l’importance du travail ont été également identifiés comme des déterminants d’incapacité chronique liée au travail. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance d’aborder l’étude de l’incapacité chronique et de la réinsertion professionnelle selon une perspective multidimensionnelle. Ces résultats corroborent également les conclusions de notre recension des écrits, puisque les facteurs psychosociaux ont été identifiés comme étant des déterminants importants dans cette étude. / Despite years of research on chronic pain and disability, there is yet little consensus on a core set of risk factors. One thing that most agree on, is the fact that musculoskeletal disorders and the adjustment to its consequences is a complex, multidimensional process determined by biopsychosocial factors interacting with one another. Two articles are presented with the overall goal of identifying significant determinants of adjustment to musculoskeletal disorders. The first article is a systematic literature review that aimed at reviewing all pertinent biopsychosocial prognostic factors of adjustment to musculoskeletal disorders and assessed their relevance in predicting multidimensional outcomes, namely work participation, functional disability, pain, quality of life, psychological distress and recurrence. The 105 prospective studies identified and fitting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were analyzed and all significant associations were summarized. Then, 68 studies that included sociodemoraphic and biopsychosocial risk factors were separately analysed for their methodological quality, level of evidence (LOE) was established for each association between risk factors and outcome variables and existing differences were highlighted between phases of chronicity. Strong evidence was found for recovery expectations, coping, somatization, comorbidity, duration of episode, disability management and moderate evidence was found for pain behaviours. When it comes to predicting different outcomes reflecting the adjustment process of subjects with musculoskeletal disorders, each tends to have a different set of predictors. Few significant differences were found according to phases of chronicity. These results support the biopsychosocial nature of the adjustment to musculoskeletal disorders with a predominance of psychosocial determinants.
The second article is a prospective study with follow-ups at 2 and 8 months and was conducted on a sample of 62 mostly chronic occupationally injured workers receiving compensation benefits from the CSST (Quebec Workers’ Compensation Board). The study aimed to identify determinants of active involvement in a return to work process while adopting a biopsychosocial approach. It did so by investigating the pertinence of previously studied risk factors but for which no consensus yet exists, but also by investigating the pertinence of previously neglected or even omitted risk factors. After multivariate analysis, gender, work recovery expectations and importance of work were predictive of work outcomes at 2 months. After 8 months, age, medical consolidation, trauma symptoms, work support and importance of work predicted work outcomes. The results show the importance of approaching chronic work disability from a multidimensional perspective, although corroborating our literature review’s findings that psychosocial variables appear to be more significant predictors in this study.
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Les déterminants biopsychosociaux de la réadaptation de travailleurs accidentés du travailLaisné, François 05 1900 (has links)
Malgré des années de recherches sur la douleur et les incapacités chroniques, peu de conclusions claires émergent quant aux facteurs de risque les plus pertinents. La majorité des auteurs s’entendent toutefois sur un fait, les troubles musculo-squelettiques et l’adaptation à leurs nombreuses conséquences est un processus complexe, multidimensionnel et déterminé par l’interaction de facteurs biopsychosociaux. Deux articles sont présentés avec comme objectifs généraux d’identifier les déterminants importants de l’ajustement à un trouble musculo-squelettique. Le premier article consiste en une recension des écrits systématique visant à résumer tous les facteurs pronostiques biopsychosociaux de l’ajustement multidimensionnel aux troubles musculo-squelettiques et examinant leur pertinence à déterminer ces divers indicateurs d’ajustement, principalement la participation au travail, les limitations fonctionnelles, la douleur, la qualité de la vie, la détresse psychologique et la rechute. Les 105 études prospectives recensées et correspondant aux critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion ont été analysés et chaque association significative a été résumée. Par la suite, 68 études qui ont inclus des facteurs sociodémographiques, biologiques, psychologiques et sociaux ont été analysées séparément. Leur qualité méthodologique a été évaluée, un niveau d’évidence a par la suite été établi pour chaque association entre les facteurs de risque et les diverses variables de résultats. Les divergences dans ces associations entre les différentes phases de chronicité ont également été identifiées. Un niveau d’évidence élevée a été découvert concernant le rôle des attentes de rétablissement, certaines pratiques de gestion intégrées de l’incapacité, les stratégies d’adaptation (coping), la somatisation, la comorbidité, la durée de l’épisode symptomatique et un niveau modéré d’évidence a été découvert pour les comportements de douleur. Lorsque vient le temps de prédire les divers indicateurs d’ajustement de sujets souffrant de troubles musculo-squelettiques, chacun tend à être associé à des facteurs de risque différents. Peu de différences ont été relevées lorsque les phases de chronicité ont été prises en compte. Ces résultats confirment la nature biopsychosociale de l’ajustement aux troubles musculo-squelettiques bien que les facteurs psychosociaux semblent être prédominants.
Le second article est une étude prospective avec un suivi de 2 et 8 mois. Elle a été menée auprès de 62 travailleurs accidentés, principalement en phase de chronicité et prestataires d’indemnités de revenu de la CSST (Commission en Santé et Sécurité du Travail du Québec). L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les déterminants de l’engagement actif dans un processus de retour a travail par opposition à l’incapacité chronique, tout en adoptant une approche biopsychosociale. Cet objectif a été poursuivi en faisant l’étude, d’une part, de la pertinence de facteurs de risque ayant déjà fait l’objet d’études mais pour lesquelles aucun consensus n’est atteint quant à leur utilité prédictive et d’autre part, de certains facteurs de risque négligés, voire, même omis de ce domaine de recherche. Suite à des analyses multivariées, le genre, les attentes de rétablissement en terme de capacité à retourner au travail et l’importance du travail ont été identifiés comme des déterminants de l’incapacité chronique liée au travail. Après 8 mois, l’âge, la consolidation médicale, les symptômes traumatiques, le support au travail et l’importance du travail ont été également identifiés comme des déterminants d’incapacité chronique liée au travail. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance d’aborder l’étude de l’incapacité chronique et de la réinsertion professionnelle selon une perspective multidimensionnelle. Ces résultats corroborent également les conclusions de notre recension des écrits, puisque les facteurs psychosociaux ont été identifiés comme étant des déterminants importants dans cette étude. / Despite years of research on chronic pain and disability, there is yet little consensus on a core set of risk factors. One thing that most agree on, is the fact that musculoskeletal disorders and the adjustment to its consequences is a complex, multidimensional process determined by biopsychosocial factors interacting with one another. Two articles are presented with the overall goal of identifying significant determinants of adjustment to musculoskeletal disorders. The first article is a systematic literature review that aimed at reviewing all pertinent biopsychosocial prognostic factors of adjustment to musculoskeletal disorders and assessed their relevance in predicting multidimensional outcomes, namely work participation, functional disability, pain, quality of life, psychological distress and recurrence. The 105 prospective studies identified and fitting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were analyzed and all significant associations were summarized. Then, 68 studies that included sociodemoraphic and biopsychosocial risk factors were separately analysed for their methodological quality, level of evidence (LOE) was established for each association between risk factors and outcome variables and existing differences were highlighted between phases of chronicity. Strong evidence was found for recovery expectations, coping, somatization, comorbidity, duration of episode, disability management and moderate evidence was found for pain behaviours. When it comes to predicting different outcomes reflecting the adjustment process of subjects with musculoskeletal disorders, each tends to have a different set of predictors. Few significant differences were found according to phases of chronicity. These results support the biopsychosocial nature of the adjustment to musculoskeletal disorders with a predominance of psychosocial determinants.
The second article is a prospective study with follow-ups at 2 and 8 months and was conducted on a sample of 62 mostly chronic occupationally injured workers receiving compensation benefits from the CSST (Quebec Workers’ Compensation Board). The study aimed to identify determinants of active involvement in a return to work process while adopting a biopsychosocial approach. It did so by investigating the pertinence of previously studied risk factors but for which no consensus yet exists, but also by investigating the pertinence of previously neglected or even omitted risk factors. After multivariate analysis, gender, work recovery expectations and importance of work were predictive of work outcomes at 2 months. After 8 months, age, medical consolidation, trauma symptoms, work support and importance of work predicted work outcomes. The results show the importance of approaching chronic work disability from a multidimensional perspective, although corroborating our literature review’s findings that psychosocial variables appear to be more significant predictors in this study.
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