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Simulation of Removal Functions for Abrasive Grinding Tool : Numerical Simulation Of Tool Influence FunctionMULLOTH SUDHAKARAN, SUDHILAL, JOHN, VIBI January 2016 (has links)
A relatively large set of complex data can be described using a simple mathematical Prestonequation. However the parameter choices are an essential facet that determines the efficiencyof grinding. The depth and volume of removal contributes to a significant part of the grindingoperation that accounts for the manufacturing time. These interacting factors in the equationare studied to create, infer and compare the performance of three sets of grinding tools: padtool, brush tool and radial tool. The tools are generated using MATLAB and is provided as aninput for tool path generation. The geometry profiled by the tool influence function is generatedusing Preston equation and the analysis from the simulation shows that the pad tool can bepreferred in instances where maximum removal is required. The comparison amongst the toolswas made keeping the parameters (pressure and relative velocity) constant in the equation forthe different tools.
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Exploring Dynamic Complexity in the Symbiosis of Operations and Maintenance Functions : A Simulation-Based Optimisation StudyKedbäck, Miranda January 2018 (has links)
Maintenance, the process of preserving the condition of the equipment and performance in a production facility, stands for a considerable large cost in the budget of manufacturing organisations and is strongly affected by short-term philosophy. Therefore, both the long-term and short-term consequences of maintenance strategies need to be examined and analysed. The aim with this research is to investigate the dynamic complexity between the requirements from operations on the performance of maintenance, to illustrate the challenge of trading long-term and short-term requirements and benefits. These aspects have been studied through system dynamics (SD) modelling, simulation-based optimisation (SBO) and multi-objective optimisation (MOO). In order to illustrate the analysed problems, a state-of-the-art literature review has been created and two different scenarios have been evaluated. The scenarios are to investigate both the effects of more or less planned maintenance and the implication of a stock-and-flow structure for hiring and retirements of maintenance resources. A conceptual base model, created in previous research, has been applied and developed in order to meet the objectives. From the performed experiments, it can be confirmed that with the use of SD simulation trends and consequences over longer periods of time are truly visualised. In the first scenario, the results indicate that a short-term maintenance management strategy is unprofitable over time. The simulation also reveals that improvement strategies and proactive work can revolutionise capability and profit over time, even if these strategies initially generate a higher cost. In the second scenario, where the effects of a major retirement are visualised, the results confirm that the company needs to act proactively in order to avoid great financial losses. Employee and average skill losses cause long-term negative effects on the capability and availability. The optimisation that has been performed, with the hiring rate as the main variable and the objectives of maximising availability, minimising the direct cost and minimising the indirect cost, has generated feasible solutions on the Pareto front. In conclusion, the results from the experiments identify the behaviours and causal relationships in a maintenance system in symbiosis with operations. With the long-term goal of generating less reactive workload on the maintenance function, there are many benefits to obtain. The charted delays and causal relationships in the system indicate multi-level consequences, where a management approach should benefit financially from emphasising the importance of acting proactively and directing resources to improvement strategy work.
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Yrkesroll och könsroller : En kvalitativ studie om vilka strategier hemtjänstpersonal använder för att uppnå bra bemötande / Professional role and gender rolesTusenstierna, Patricia, Wolf, Maria January 2017 (has links)
I dagens samhälle där servicesektorn är väl utbredd aktualiseras begreppet bra bemötande då ingen individ vill uppleva att de inte blir lyssnad på eller att de får ett dåligt bemötande. Vårdyrket är ett serviceyrke som innefattar känslomässigt arbete då personalen och brukaren skapar en relation med varandra. Inom hemtjänsten är det på ytterligare en intimare nivå då arbetet sker i brukarens privata hem. Genom att Socialstyrelsen har utformat Nationell värdegrund efter regeringens direktiv har målet med bra bemötande formaliserats för all vårdpersonal i Sverige. I denna studie har det undersökts hur personal inom hemtjänsten i två västsvenska kommuner förhåller sig till begreppet bra bemötande och vilka strategier de använder sig av för att uppnå detta mål. För att kunna genomföra studien har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod och med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer har vi samlat in empiri. Vi intervjuade sex respondenter, varav tre var män och tre var kvinnor. Resultatet visar att respondenterna använder sig av likartade strategier för att uppfylla målet om bra bemötande. Dock är det snarare förväntningarna från brukaren som påverkar respondenterna mest. För de manliga respondenterna anses det vara en fördel att manifestera maskulinitet genom att vara fysiskt stark eller lång. Alla respondenter upplever att de kvinnliga brukarna hellre vill ha manlig personal för att konversera med än att de ska utföra sina arbetsuppgifter. De kvinnliga respondenterna upplever att det ställs högre krav på att de utför sina arbetsuppgifter. / In today's society, where the service sector is well-widespread, the concept of good treatment becomes actualized, since no individual wants to experience that they are not listened to or receive a bad response. Health care includes emotional work where the staff and the user create a relationship with each other. With in-home care, it is at an even more intimate level when work is done in the private home of the elder. Because the National Board of Health has formulated National Value Based on the Government's Directive, the goal of good treatment has been formalized for all health care professionals in Sweden. In this study, it has been investigated how home service personnel in two Western Swedish municipalities relate to the concept of good treatment and what strategies they use to achieve this goal. In order to complete the study we have used a qualitative method with the aid of semi- structured interviews. We interviewed six respondents, three of whom were men and three were women. The result shows that respondents use the same strategies to fulfill the goal of good treatment. However, it is rather the expectations of the elder that affect the respondents the most. For the male respondents, it is considered an advantage to manifest masculinity by being physically strong or long. All respondents perceive that the female elders would rather have male staff to converse with than to perform their duties. The female respondents perceive that higher demands are made on the performance of their duties.
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Sjukvårdsrådgivningen i Karlshamn, Blekinge Län, : Från utredning till verklighet, om processen att införskaffa ett system / Sjukvårdsrådgivningen i Karlshamn, Blekinge Län, : From investigation to reality, about the process of implementing a systemÖhgren, Jonny Karlsson January 2002 (has links)
This Batchelor?s Thesis concerns 20 points at the MDA-program (People, Computers and Work) at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Ronneby, Sweden. 10 points concerns Computer Science and 10 points Human Work Science. The thesis is about the process of starting a new department of Blekingesjukhuset [Blekinge Hospital] in Karlshamn, Blekinge called Sjukvårdsrådgivningen [Health Care Advice Bureau]. The thesis starts with a description of the ethnographical methods used, followed by the process of establishing the department. In this new department, the nurses are using a computer based system called Teleråd, developed by TietoEnator. The thesis takes up the issues of how the department uses this system today and concerns what ?user-friendliness? is. The end of the thesis contains an evaluation of the visions of the founders of the new service and how/if the visions have become reality.
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Improvement of Automated Guided Vehicle's image recognition : Object detection and identificationXin, Zhu January 2017 (has links)
Automated Guided Vehicle(AGV) as a kind of material conveying equipment has been widely used in modern manufacturing systems. [1] It carries the goods between the workshop along the designated paths. The ability of localization and recognizing the environment around themselves is the essential technology. AGV navigation is developed from several technologies such as fuzzy theory, neural network and other intelligent technology. Among them, visual navigation is one of the newer navigations, because of its path laying is easy to maintain, can identify variety of road signs. Compared with traditional methods, this approach has a better flexibility and robustness, since it can recognition more than one path branch with high anti-jamming capability. Recognizing the environment from imagery can enhance safety and dependability of an AGV, make it move intelligently and brings broader prospect for it. University West has a Patrolbot which is an AGV robot with basic functions. The task is to enhance the ability of vision analysis, to make it become more practical and flexible. The project is going to add object detection, object recognition and object localization functions on the Patrolbot. This thesis project develops methods based on image recognition, deep learning, machine vision, Convolution Neural Network and related technologies. In this project Patrolbot is a platform to show the result, we can also use this kind of program on any other machines. This report generally describes methods of navigation, image segmentation and object recognition. After analyzing the different methods of image recognition, it is easy to find that Neural Network has more advantages for image recognition, it can reduce the parameters and shorting the training and analyzing time, therefore Convolution Neural Network was introduced detailly. After that, the way to achieve image recognition using convolution neural network was presented and in order to recognize several objects at the same time, an image segmentation was also presented here. On the other hand, to make this image recognition processes to be used widely, the ability of transfer learning becomes important. Therefore, the method of transfer learning is presented to achieve customized requirement.
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Taktningsutrustning till LjungbymaskinPersson, Philip, Andersson, Ludvig January 2017 (has links)
This bachelor thesis was made on behalf from the wheel load maker Ljungby Maskin AB. Ljungby Maskin is right now in an expansive stage with a development of the welding workshop and the paint shop. In relationship to this they are also changing from station assembly to production line. Because of the progress they have needs of some type of transport method. The first step of the project was to decide what method that should be used. Rune Andersson, one of the supervisors in the project was at first into using air caster/air bearings to transport the production. However after some research the result was that air caster wasn’t the best method to use. To make this conclusion a visit at Atlas Copco was made to see their production lines and a discussion with the production developer at AC was made. After the method was decided, the design of the fixtures could be made. The method to make the design was principle and primary design by Fredy Olsson. The output from this gave in total 12 different constructions. Pugh-matrix was made at the different constructions to be sure which one that should be used. Complete CAD-models were made for the constructions that got the highest mark. Through a product draft it was determined which details that should been bought and which should be self-designed. Complete detail constructions were made at these parts. To ensure the strength of the parts, FEM-analysis was made in CATIA V5. The conclusion was that the project will be a good support in the development of the new assembly workshop at Ljungby Maskin AB and that it will contribute to a smaller storage and increase the production. / Examensarbetet har gjorts på uppdrag av Hjullastartillverkaren Ljungby Maskin AB. Ljungby Maskin är just nu i en expansiv fas med utbyggnad av bland annat svetsverkstad och lackering. I samband med detta skall de även byta från stationsmontering till produktionslina. Det finns då behov av någon typ av transportmetod för att förflytta hjullastarna. Första steget i projektet var att bestämma vilken typ av flyttmetod som ska användas. Rune Andersson en av handledarna vid Ljungby Maskin, var från början inne på att använda luftkuddar som flyttmetod. Efter att bakrundstudien var gjord visade det sig att detta inte var den metod som lämpade sig bäst för detta projekt. För att komma fram till detta gjordes bland annat ett studiebesök på Atlas Copco där granskade deras produktionslinor och diskussion fördes med deras produktionsutvecklare. När transportmetoden var bestämd konstruerades fixturerna utifrån detta. Metoderna som då användes var framför allt Fredy Olssons Princip- och Primärkonstruktion. Detta resulterade i totalt 12 olika konstruktioner. Pugh-matriser gjordes på de olika konstruktionerna för att konstatera vilka konstruktioner som skulle användas. Fullständiga CAD-modeller togs fram på de konstruktioner som fått högst betyg. Via produktutkast bestämdes det vilka delar som skulle köpas in samt konstrueras själva. Kompletta detaljkonstruktioner gjordes på dessa delar. För att säkerställa detaljernas hållfasthet gjordes FEM-analyser i CATIA V5. Slutsaten blev att projektet kommer vara ett bra underlag i Ljungby Maskins utveckling av den nya monteringen och bidra till att kunna minska lagret samt öka produktionen.
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Product standardization to reduce lead time to meet customer demand in glulam manufacturing industry.Shine, Francis, Mohandas, Akhildas January 2018 (has links)
Standardization is Organizing and showcasing a manufacturing firm’s product or potentially benefits abroad are confronted with the choice of whether to institutionalize or adjust their product variants which simply means “one size fits all” method (Lundeteg, 2012). As industrial revolution was in peak many manufacturing industries around the world moved from mass production to mass customization. As per then, customers need was to gain a desirable product even if the lead time was higher than of buying a common product which everyone has.Main aim of the study is to re implement mass production in a firm where mass customization was adopted decades ago. As there are two categories of customers supporting both customized production and mass production, they need to adopt an innovative way without losing both types of customers. This report consist of the ways standardized production was done in the case company without affecting both types of customers and by decreasing lead time which was their main problem. The report consist detailed description of methods adopted for analyzing and how standardized production is effectively incorporated with customized production. Report also consist of quantitative data and qualitative literature support for analyzing and creating simulation model.Case study was also aiming at production systems in the company to understand the productions in deeper manner and how the new system could be effectively implemented in current situation. New proposal for standardized production was done based on the detailed study of factory layout and the products were proposed after detailed analysis of the quantitative data. Study was mainly concentrated on quantitative sales data analysis as the production is done base on make to stock and the customization is just done in cutting section. Analysis and simulation model creation was done in excel as the internal documents were done in excel and complex operations also is possible in excel.
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Systemutveckling med fokus på kreativa processer och lärandeAndersson, Elisabeth, Palo, Catarina January 2003 (has links)
Med denna uppsats vill vi (författarna) samla ihop 5 år av tankar, teorier och erfarenheter kring systemutveckling och lärande. Uppsatsen presenterar 8 projekt som är genomförda i Blekinge mellan 1995-1999. Med utgångspunkt i projekten behandlas en utvecklingsprocess för IT-system som är baserad på kreativitet och lärande miljöer. Särskilt lyfter uupsatsen fram behovet av att förändra processen för att möta slutanvändare av program och tjänster.
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Prototyping i systemdesignJohansson, Niklas January 2003 (has links)
Denna uppsats avser att belysa frågan varför prototyper är ett viktigt verktyg i en utvecklingsprocess av ett mobilt system. Fördelar och nackdelar som verktyget kan innebära behandlas och olika tillvägagångssätt beskrivs. Arbetet med detta baseras i ett praktiskt utvecklingsprojekt på IT-kunsultföretaget Citerus. Projektuppgiften var där att genom en informationflödesanalys definiera olika flaskhalsar i informationsflödet på olika hotell för att sedan föreslå ett effektiviserande system. Projektet koncentrerades vidare på städpersonalen och deras arbete. Utifrån fortsatta studier föreslogs ett mobilt system som ger städpersonalen information för att lättare och effektivare göra sitt jobb. I flera olika forskningsdiscipliner som berör design och systemutveckling förespråkas ett utvecklingssätt med hjälp av prototyper. Då utveckling för mobila tjänster på olika sätt upplevs som mer krävande konstateras att det här ställs högre krav på prototypingförfarandet. Att hämta ytterligare kunskaper om prototyping från området för industridesign föreslås.
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Communicating performance measures: Supporting continuous improvement in manufacturing companiesLarsson, Carina January 2017 (has links)
Manufacturing enterprises are a key driver of economic growth (Eurostat, 2016). Implementing continuous improvement (CI) is commonly used to increase competitiveness (Hyland et al., 2007), but despite the well-known theory of CI, many manufacturing companies fail in implementing it (Bhasin, 2012; Nordin et al., 2012; Tiwari et al., 2007). An identified critical success factor in CI implementation is the evaluation of performance, including the performance evaluation system itself, the linkage between targets at different company levels, and continual evaluation of performance (Bakås et al., 2011; Scherrer-Rathje et al., 2009; Ukko et al., 2009). Another critical success factor in CI implementation is the communication of performance measures (Bakås et al., 2011; Ukko et al., 2009). This research explores the communication of performance measures. The aim is to support CI by improving the communication of performance measures, and to this end, this thesis concentrates on identifying the main challenges in the communication of performance measures supporting CI. The research scope is manufacturing companies in general, and manufacturing SMEs in particular. The relevant literature concerning the communication of performance measures in manufacturing companies is identified and summarized. Also, current practice is explored, focusing on how performance measures are communicated in manufacturing companies, and whether and how the communication supports CI. This has been done to identify divergences between current practice and theory. Finally, theory and empirical findings are synthesized to identify some of the main challenges to be addressed in order to succeed in CI. The main task is to support CI efforts in manufacturing SMEs, eliminating the identified divergences in the communication of performance measures by adapting these measures to these manufacturing SMEs. These challenges can be summarized as follows: - using both financial performance measures as well as objective and subjective, non-financial performance measures - aligning performance measures with strategy and targets - integrating all performance measure communication, as related to both daily performance and CI, in the same communication loop. - forming two-way communication channels between managers and operators - aligning oral and written communication channels - exploring how information systems can facilitate the communication of performance measures - using and optimizing the visual communication of performance measures / <p>I avhandlingen ingår även följande publikationer:</p><p>Larsson, C., Strand, M., Persson, A., & Syberfeldt, A., 2017. Communicating continuous improvement in manufacturing SMEs: Divergences between current practice and theory. Published at PMAA 2017 Conference “New Approaches, Changed Understandings”. Dunedin, New Zeeland, 2017.</p><p>Larsson, C., 2017. How to visualize performance measures in a manufacturing SME. Accepted for publication in Measuring Business Excellence.</p><p>Larsson, C., & Syberfeldt, A., 2016. Communicating performance measures - current practice in manufacturing SMEs. Submitted to International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.</p>
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