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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estetik och biologi : Hur fungerar integreringen i grunskolans tidigare år / Aesthetics and biology : How does the integration function in the earlier years of school?

Didriksson, Sandra January 2007 (has links)
Sammanfattning Jag har i min studie undersökt om lärarna i grundskolans tidigare år använder sig av integrering av de estetiska ämnena bild och musik i sin naturorienterade undervisning och i sin biologiundervisning. Avgränsningen till bild och musik bottnade i att dessa ämnen inte kändes så komplicerade i integreringen. Litteraturstudier inom det valda ämnesområdet bidrog till en fördjupad kunskap om estetik i kombination med skolvärlden. Jag har intervjuat sex stycken klasslärare som arbetar på låg och mellanstadiet. Där framkom att pedagogernas kompetens och personliga åsikter om bild och musik påverkade om läraren valde att integrera dessa eller inte. Pedagogernas inställning till bild och musik varierade, men undersökningen gav ett tydligt svar då nästan ingen av lärarna integrerade de estetiska ämnena i sin undervisning. Pedagogernas bristande intresse och/eller kompetens visar sig vara en av anledningarna till detta. Detta kan medföra att barnen inte får möjlighet att utveckla olika sätt att uttrycka sig på och därmed inte få möjlighet att förmedla sina tankar på det sätt som lämpar sig bäst för individen. / Abstract I have in my study investigated if teachers in the earlier years of school use integration of the aesthetics subjects picture and music in their sciences- and biology tutoring. The delimitation to picture and music predicate in the non-complication with the integration. Litterateur studies in the chosen subject have contributed to a deeper knowledge about the aesthetic subjects in combination with the school. I have interviewed six teachers that are working in lower school and in intermediary school. There has been shone that the teachers competence and personal views about picture and music influenced the choice of integration ore not. The pedagogues attitude to picture and music vary, but the investigation gave a lucidly answer as almost none of the teachers integrated the aesthetic subjects in there tutoring. The pedagogues’ lack of interest and/ore competence appears to be the reason to this. This can cause that the children not gets the opportunity to envelop different ways to express theme serfs and consequently not gets the opportunity to put across there thoughts in the way that are most adapt for the individual.

Factors associated with late presentation of children under five and pregnant women with malaria for treatment at health units in Bungokho Health Sub District

Kamaranzi, Bakunda Kaakaabaale January 2010 (has links)
<p>Background: Malaria is the leading cause of death of Uganda&rsquo / s children under 5 years of age and the number-one cause of illness in adults in Uganda. The success of malaria treatment strategies is closely linked to the behavior of patients and caretakers of young children. In the case of malaria this includes accessing appropriate treatment for&nbsp / suspected malaria in time. In Bungokho Sub County, in spite of the efforts by district health workers and the Ministry of Health to implement the malaria control, prevention and treatment strategies, pregnant women and caretakers of children under 5 years of age continue to present late for treatment in the health units resulting in possible avoidable&nbsp / death or disability. Aim and objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the factors that lead to late presentation of children and pregnant women with malaria for treatment at health units. This was done by exploring the perceptions of caregivers of children under five years and pregnant women on the community&rsquo / s knowledge and understanding of the&nbsp / symptoms and treatment of malaria / and describing perceptions of caregivers and pregnant women on health care provision at the health units and alternative treatment for malaria. Methods :The study was conducted in Bungokho Health sub-district, in Mbale district, Eastern Uganda over a two month period in 2009. It was a descriptive exploratory study using qualitative research methods. Four focus groups were carried out, two with caregivers of children under 5 years and two with pregnant women, with each focus group consisting of eight participants. Two caregivers and two pregnant women were identified from the focus groups for further indepth interviews. Four in-depth interviews were conducted with health unit staff from Bungokho HCVI. Notes were taken and observations made during the focus groups and interviews. The proceedings were audio-taped and recordings used to expand and clarify notes. Thematic content analysis was used to analyze the data and identify recurrent themes from the focus group discussions and&nbsp / interviews of the reasons for late presentation for malaria treatment. Results: All caregivers were women, a significant majority of whom were peasants who had not gone beyond the primary education. Caregivers were aware of the general symptoms of malaria but associated more serious or dangerous symptoms with other causes including&nbsp / witchcraft. Pregnant women, on the other hand, seemed to have sound knowledge of both the general and dangerous symptoms of malaria and were likely to attend the health&nbsp / units timeously for reatment. Religious beliefs and practices, particularly belief in the healing ability of prayers prevented early reporting of malaria cases to health units leading&nbsp / to late presentation. Alternative treatment of malaria from traditional herbalists was also sought by the communities particularly when the intensity of malaria was at its peak during the rainy season. Poverty in the community seemed to play a big role in shaping community preference for treatment sources, as well as early presentation to the health&nbsp / units. It was found that the anticipated cost of laboratory tests and sundries at the health units deterred caregivers from taking children under five to health units. There was therefore a strong reliance (and preference for) community medicine distributor&rsquo / s (CMDs) because of free services and easy access. Lack of support from spouses (in particular husbands) coupled with the rude behavior of health workers towards caregivers and pregnant women discouraged visits to health units. The long waiting time and intermittent drug stock-outs also created a negative perception of service at the health units. Conclusions and recommendations: There is need for further sensitization of communities on the need to seek prompt treatment for children under five years of age at the health units (that is, within 24 hours of the onset of fever). Training and supervision of CMDs should be strengthened to ensure consistent supply of drugs, correct dosage of anti-malarial medication and improvements in the referrals to the health units. In order to improve&nbsp / service delivery at the health units, there is need to review and strengthen human resource management of the health units, including staffing requirements and management&nbsp / practices, such as support and supervision, patient care standards and client feedback mechanisms. It is also important that there are adequate stocks of anti-malarial drugs&nbsp / and laboratory supplies at health units.</p>

A risk-based decision policy to aid the prioritization of unsafe sidewalk locations for maintenance and rehabilitation

Sirota, Luanne D. 01 April 2008 (has links)
<p>Air pollution and a general concern for lack of physical activity in North America have motivated governments to encourage non-motorized modes of transportation. A key infrastructure component for these forms of transportation is sidewalks. The City of Saskatoon has identified the need to formalize sidewalk management policies to demonstrate diligence for community protection regarding sidewalk safety. Prioritization of sidewalk maintenance and rehabilitation actions must be objective and minimize risk to the community. Most research on prioritization of pedestrian facilities involved new construction projects. This research proposes a decision model that prioritizes a given list of existing unsafe sidewalk locations needing maintenance or rehabilitation using a direct measure of pedestrian safety, namely, quality-adjusted life years lost per year. </p><p>A decision model was developed for prioritizing a given list of unsafe sidewalk locations, aiding maintenance and rehabilitation decisions by providing the associated risk to pedestrian safety. The model used data mostly from high quality sources that had already been collected and validated. Probabilities and estimations were used to produce value-added decision policy.</p> <p>The decision analysis framework applied probability and multi-attribute utility theories. This study differed from other research due to the inclusion of age and gender groups. Total average daily population of the city was estimated. This population was distributed to sidewalk locations using probabilities for trip purposes and a locations ability to attract people relative to the city total. Then trip injury events were predicted. Age and gender distribution and trip injury type estimations were used to determine the impact of those injuries on quality of life.</p><p>There exist much observable high quality data that can be used as indicators of unknown or unobserved events. A decision policy was developed that prioritizes unsafe sidewalk locations based on the direct safety impact on pedestrians. Results showed that quality-adjusted life years lost per year sufficiently prioritized a given list of unsafe sidewalk locations. It was demonstrated that the use of conditional probabilities (n=594) allowed for the ability to abstract data representing a different source population to another. Average daily population confined and distributed within the city boundary minimized problems of accuracy. Gender-age distribution was important for differentiating the risk at unsafe sidewalk locations. Concepts from this research provide for possible extension to the development of sidewalk service levels and sidewalk priority maps and for risk assessment of other public services.</p>

A Case Study On Transdisciplinary Approach Of Integrated Curriculum Perspectives Of Early Childhood Teachers

Ozer, Ozden 01 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to examine teachers&rsquo / beliefs and perspectives about an applied transdisciplinary approach of integrated early childhood curriculum. While developing an integrated curriculum for early childhood education, one of the challenges for educators is delivering the themes into different disciplines. For this reason, researchers have developed different models to integrate disciplines in different ways. Transdisciplinary approach is one of the models developed for integrated curriculum. Transdisciplinary approach, in which activities are complementary, provides different disciplines to be connected through a real life context. That is, the themes or units do not arouse from disciplines, there is a globally significant theme for the thematic teaching units. Furthermore, collaborative planning is another crucial part of transdisciplinary approach for an effective curriculum teachers working together. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program is the first and foremost a transdisciplinary curriculum developed for international primary education. To examine teachers&rsquo / beliefs and perspectives about transdisciplinary approach, collaborative planning, integration of disciplines in a transdisciplinary curriculum and benefits of this curriculum to children and parents in a private kindergarten which is implementing Primary Years Program is chosen. This study is conducted in a private kindergarten in Ankara with eighteen teachers who teach six-year-old children. In accordance with this thesis, the structure of a transdisciplinary approach of integrated early childhood education curriculum and teachers&rsquo / beliefs and perceptions about transdisciplinary curriculum are qualitatively determined by the case study approach. The results reveal that teachers have positive point of view towards transdisciplinary curriculum in early childhood education. They believe that there are positive effects of transdisciplinary curriculum on students and parents. Moreover they point out the importance of collaborative planning.

Self-efficacy Levels Of Prep-school Instructors And Its Predictors

Solar Sekerci, Aysegul 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The present study aimed to investigate teaching self efficacy beliefs of instructors working at university prep-schools and to examine whether years of teaching experience, English competency, self reported proficiency and graduate department predicted instructors&rsquo / self efficacy beliefs and their efficacy beliefs in student engagement, instructional strategies and classroom management. Two-hundred-fifty-seven prep-school instructors from universities in Ankara participated in the study. The data were collected through Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale, Self Reported English Proficiency Scale and Language Teaching Methods Scale. Both descriptive and inferential statistics, correlation and hierarchical regression analysis, were utilized by PASW 18. The results of the study indicated that the instructors have quite higher overall self efficacy beliefs. The instructors feel more efficacious in classroom management than using instructional strategies while they feel least efficacious in student engagement. Moreover, instructors&rsquo / overall self efficacy beliefs were significantly predicted by experience, English competency and self reported proficiency. Student engagement efficacy was not predicted by experience while it was significantly predicted by English competency and self reported proficiency. Instructional strategy efficacy beliefs were significantly predicted by experience, English competency and self reported proficiency. Classroom management efficacy was predicted by experience and self reported proficiency while English competency was not a significant predictor. Being a graduate of Faculties of Education was not a significant predictor in any regression models. Lastly, there was a significant relationship between the instructors&rsquo / use of communicative method and their overall self efficacy beliefs and its three sub-scales.

The power of language in the making of international law the word sovereignty in Bodin and Vattel and the myth of Westphalia /

Beaulac, Stéphane. Allott, Philip. January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de : Thèse de doctorat : Droit international : Cambridge (Angleterre) : 2002. / Texte en anglais. Notes en français et en anglais. Contient des références bibliogr. Index.

Köln im Dreissigjährigen Krieg

Bartz, Christian January 2005 (has links)
Texte remanié de : Dissertation : Staats-und Sozialwissenschaft : Munich, Universität der Bundeswehr : 2004. / Bibliogr. p. 357-375.

"Cousins in Arms" : experience and the formation of a British-American identity among regular and provincial soldiers during the Seven Years' War /

Agostini, Thomas, January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Lehigh University, 2002. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 338-395).

Äldre personers relationer och erfarenheter av sin ursprungsfamilj / Older persons' relatonships and experiences of their family of origin

Granath Nerell, Karin January 2015 (has links)
Inledning: Det är viktigt att öka kunskapen om den växande samhällsgruppen individer som är 65 år och äldre enligt Stockholms läns landsting (2013). Studien har undersökt hur denna samhällsgrupp beskriver sina relationer till sin ursprungsfamilj. Frågeställningar: Hur beskriver äldre individer sina relationer till sin ursprungsfamilj retrospektivt? Vilka relationella erfarenheter framstår som signifikanta i deras berättelser? Metod: Studiens metodval är kvalitativ och datainsamlingen utgjordes av en ostrukturerad intervjuform. Totalt intervjuades 5 personer. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas utifrån olika tidsperioder samt tre teman som framkom i analysen: Barndom och uppväxttid, ung vuxen och identitetskap samt vuxenliv och autonomi. Diskussion: Relationen idag bygger på minnen när respondenterna blickar tillbaka på sina liv. Mamma beskrivs ha haft ett alltför stort inflytande under uppväxten och pappa beskrivs som viktig - framför allt längre upp i åldrarna. Banden till syskonen har oftast stärkts under vuxenlivet. Respondenterna beskriver också att de har hittat strategier att acceptera, förlåta och försonas med det liv de hittills har levt, i takt med ju äldre de har blivit, vilket överensstämmer väl med teorin om gerotrancendens (Tornstam, 2010) / Introduction: It is important to increase awareness of the growing social group of individuals who are 65 years and older according to the Stockholm County Council (2013). This study has investigated how this social group describes their relationships with their family of origin. Research question: How to describe older individuals their relationships with their family of origin retrospectively? Which relational experience emerges as significant in their stories? Method: The study's methodological choices are qualitative and data collection was made up of unstructured interview form. Total interviewed 5 people. Results: The results reported from different time periods and three themes that emerged from the analysis: Childhood and adolescence , young adult and identity munity and adulthood and autonomy. Discussion: The relationship today is based on memories when respondents look back on their lives. Mom described having had too much influence during childhood and father is described as important - especially later age. Bands siblings usually have strengthened during adulthood. Respondents also describe that they have found strategies to accept, forgive and reconcile with the life they have lived so far - as the older they become, which agrees well with the theory of gerotrancendens ( Tornstam, 2010).

Zwischen Kriegswirren und Wiederaufbau - südniedersächsische Dörfer im Kontext des Dreißigjährigen Krieges und seiner Folgen / Sozial- und wirtschaftsstrukturelle Untersuchungen anhand der Kopfsteuerbeschreibung 1689 und weiterer archivalischer Quellen / Between chaos of war and reconstruction - villages from southern Lower Saxony in the context of the Thirty Years' War and its implications / Socio- and economic-structural research based on poll tax description from 1689 and other archival resources

Geisler, Julian 21 December 2011 (has links)
Ausgehend von der Kopfsteuerbeschreibung der Fürstentümer Calenberg-Göttingen und Grubenhagen aus dem Jahr 1689 untersucht die Dissertation für die Region des heutigen Südniedersachsens die Entwicklung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Verhältnisse einer lokalen Gesellschaft im Kontext des Dreißigjährigen Krieges.

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