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Redovisningspraxis och Redovisningsrådets AkutgruppCarlberg, Catrine, Karlsson, Annika January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification and Analysis of Contextual Factors Impacting Polytobacco Use Among Young Adult South AsiansDaryani, Poonam 01 April 2013 (has links)
This study examines the contextual factors influencing polytobacco use behavior, or the concurrent use of two or more forms of tobacco, among young adult South Asians. Fifteen in-depth and qualitative case studies of South Asian college students were conducted in order to illuminate and understand the intrapersonal, social, cultural, and environmental determinants of polytobacco use. Results from the study highlight the dynamic and diverse nature of tobacco use, as patterns of consumption were found to be profoundly influenced and differentially distributed across lines of gender, socioeconomic status, age, nationality, situational context, and ethnic identity. Participants used two to five forms of tobacco, with 60% using more than two. In addition to cigarettes, several alternative tobacco forms, predominantly hookah, spliffs, and dokha, emerged as popular modes of tobacco consumption among this population. South Asian college students use multiple products intermittently in community settings, where use is normalized as a component of a social activity. The current cigarette-centered model for tobacco control must be adjusted to account for the variety of tobacco forms now accessible to and utilized by young adult South Asians, whose choice of product and frequency of usage is guided by the contextual factors identified in the case studies. Tobacco intervention efforts and cessation programs must develop cultural sensitivity that is attuned and responsive to unique patterns of polytobacco use in order to effectively combat the current tobacco epidemic.
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The Development of an Employer Brand for a Growing IT Company : Using organizational culture to understand retention and attraction as aspects of Employer BrandingPersson, Anna-Greta, Pearson-Nelson, Rebekah January 2013 (has links)
As the market for talent becomes more competitive it is important to create a comprehensive employer brand (EB). A comprehensive EB ensures that organizations will get the most out of the resources they spend. EB can be seen in many aspects and context. Organizational culture provides an important framework as it includes the collective thoughts, ideas and assumptions within a group and was therefore chosen as the analytical context. Two important aspects within EB that is highlighted in this study is; retention and attraction. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how a company that is about to create a strategy for employer branding reasons around the usage of an EB as well as which opportunities and challenges both managers, employees and thesis students face within the areas of attraction and retention. The authors chose a case study to gain a deeper understanding from both an employee and an employer perspective. The case study company is in IT and is rapidly growing which created a need for an employer brand. The data is from managers, employees and students. The students refer to a group of thesis students at the company. This group was added to increase understanding for attraction. The method section provides combined data sets including interviews, a survey, a previous study of organizational values, a review of formal company documents and informal meetings with field notes. The data was then analyzed within the analytical context culture and the two aspects retention and attraction. The data is then discussed and compared with the literature, explaining similarities and differences from the results. The first two research questions were answered by describing the organization from different points of view; management, employees and students. The third research question investigated what opportunities and challenges existed to develop an EB from the two perspectives with regard to the three areas; culture, retention and attraction. The different office locations had different cultures with a mutual customer focus. The thesis found that the unclear vision, mission and goals created different directions and messages for potential employees. The compensation and benefits package is appreciated but the most important factor for case company employees are “inspiring coworkers”. The employees also appreciate varied and challenging work tasks together with flexibility and work life balance. The authors found that the talent managers were not held accountable for company guidelines regarding career plans as most employees had little or no career plan.
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En vardag med allergi : Unga vuxna om allergins innebörd och konsekvenserSvensson, Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
En allergisk person påverkas på fysisk, psykisk och social nivå. Unga vuxna allergiska personers erfarenheter och upplevelser av allergi är relativt outforskat. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur unga vuxna personer med allergi upplever att allergin påverkar deras vardag och hur de förhåller sig till ett liv anpassat efter allergin. En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med 10 deltagare i åldrarna 18-22 år som hade olika former av allergier. Resultatet visade att allergi har en betydande roll för allergiska personers identitetsskapande och många beskriver en strävan efter att passa in socialt trots sina besvär. I denna strävan görs en avvägning mellan de risker som det innebär och värdet av den aktuella situationen. Intervjupersonerna upplevde att förståelsen av allergiers konsekvenser är bristfällig vilket kan försvåra för en allergisk person i dess vardag. Resultatet visade att deltagarnas livskvalitet påverkades negativt på grund av allergin, samtidigt beskrevs livskvaliteten på ett motsägelsefullt sätt av deltagarna.
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Unemployment among Young People in Sweden : A study on relevant public servicesFang, Yi, Yu, Jiapeng January 2012 (has links)
Our aim is to gain knowledge of some areas of public services available to unemployed youngpeople in Sweden and to study how these services are implemented in practical social work. It was toview that what services are conducted for unemployed young people, why these services conductedand the outcome. The mainly causes of unemployment, effects on unemployment and needs ofunemployed young people were also examined in this research. A qualitative research method waschosen in this study. Through four semi-structured interviews with social workers and intervieweesfrom Social Services and Swedish Public Employment Office, their experience and own optionsupon the subject were shared. The results of the study are presented in three themes and analysedfrom the perspective of empowerment theory and welfare theory. The main result of our study is thatservices conducted for unemployed young people as the implementation of public policy comprisesmulti-dimensions and social work professions played an important role to help with improvement oftheir situation by meeting their needs and solving the problems they have in various ways during theprocess of intervention. Outcome of the services showed both positive influence and negativelimitations need to be improved in future work.
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The Modern Representation Theory of the Symmetric GroupsCioppa, Timothy 14 December 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to first give an overview of the modern approach, using the paper of A. Vershik and A. Okounkov, to inductively parametrizing all irreducible representations of the symmetric groups. This theory is then used to answer questions concerning to central projections in the group algebra. We index units first by partitions, and then by so called standard tableaux. We also present a new result and discuss future research exploring the connections between this theory and Quantum Information.
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Living with Cosmopolitan : An Empirical News Audience Study of Transnational Young Professionals and Their Multiple MobilitiesDai, Xin January 2012 (has links)
With a general concern for the role played by media and communication in individuals’ mobility in a world where national borders are dissolving and people’s lives are becoming increasingly mediated, this empirical study sought to investigate a group of transnational young professionals’ daily news consumption and their mobile life experiences by conducting face-to-face interviews with target individuals in both Thailand and Sweden, and combining the results with an analysis from a theoretical perspective enlightened by cosmopolitanism and cultural capital. The study identified a set of distinctive news consumption tastes and multiple mobilities possessed by the interviewees. It demonstrates that news consumption can: 1) directly affect the mobile young professionals’ corporeal mobility by providing information about potential movement opportunities; 2) increase their social mobility by enabling them to accumulate cultural capital; and 3) expand their imaginative mobility by increasing their visuality of the multiple communities to which they belong. Conversely, any change in their multiple mobilities is reflected in a corresponding change in their choices of news consumption.
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The education of true believers? Soviet youth in the 1920sRedlick, Teresa L 01 May 2008
After the October Revolution of 1917, one of the primary aims of the Bolshevik Party was the creation of the New Soviet Man and Woman. In the view of the Party, young people, who were presumably more malleable and less influenced by the countrys tsarist past, were the most logical group to become this new Soviet person. This thesis examines the relationship between the Bolshevik Party and young people in the 1920s. It discusses the methods the Party took to influence young people, including the restructuring of the countrys school system, the creation of a national youth organization, the Communist League of Youth (Komsomol), and the development of recreational and leisure activities intended to teach youth the values and behaviours appropriate to Communists. It also examines the experiences of youth under the regime, with attention paid to the different experiences had by urban youth as opposed to rural youth, and young men as distinct from young women. Finally, the thesis attempts to assess the degree to which the Bolshevik Party was successful in creating believers among young people.
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Reading Racism: Race and Privilege in Young Adult FictionRiley, Krista Melanie 11 December 2009 (has links)
The novel Bifocal, a fictional young adult novel that examines the racist backlash that occurs at a high school after a male Muslim student is arrested on terrorism charges, was published in 2007 and has received wide critical acclaim for its portrayal of issues of racism. Working from an anti-racist framework, this research interviews two teachers who have used the novel in their classrooms, and considers the value and limitations of the book as an anti-racist teaching tool. Through discussions about specific themes in the novel and its overall presentation of racism, I argue that, while Bifocal presents some useful interventions, it also reflects a simplistic and individualistic perspective on racism and how racism can be addressed. I also examine the ways that Bifocal – and young adult literature in general – can be read in order to encourage more critical discussions about systems of racism and privilege.
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Identity Reformulation among Young Women with Breast CancerTrachtenberg, Lianne 29 November 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was threefold; to examine the unique challenges faced among young breast cancer survivors’ self-concepts; to explore the identity reformulation process as they adjust to a new lifestyle after completing medical treatment; and to identify women’s creative problem solving solution used to mitigate any long-term distress and discontinuity between past, current and ideal selves. In-person semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 young breast cancer survivors (aged 32-45). The results indicated that exploring women’s narratives through the identity reformulation process created an alternative approach to the four prescribed quality of life domains used to understand survivors’ overall wellbeing. The results also identified three shared domains of social location (gender, youth and health status) that intersected in women’s identity reformulation process. These findings have implications for psychosocial oncology literature, as well as clinical practice for mental health practitioners. Limitations and recommendations for areas of future research were discussed.
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